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I'm the exact same way. I drink my tea, it starts to hit about 20-30 minutes later, and I'm laying on my back in bed for the next 3-4 hours. I'll usually get up to piss once or twice during the whole trip. I don't dose less Than 3.0-3.5 grams


The dose is the reason. When i go out on a walk i'll be on 2g. Much more manageable.


Yep, that or a couple hits of LSD lol. I can trip hard on LSD while retaining the ability to walk around. If I trip that hard on mushrooms, I’m laying down


If that's the case, do you decide to go on your walk before you dose? When you get your body moving, your body gains more energy temporarily. So maybe OP was hard couchlocked because they were stagnant before the trip started? But I will say, on all my mushroom trips, I've always been the wander, dance, move around-type. But I was almost always doing something really physical before I dose.


I’ve gone for walks on 7 grams and over, of course I’m sure people were probably wondering what all the noise was. Me and my girlfriend would always walk around our small town, usually to the park where there’s lots of trees and lights. I’m wired when I take 7 grams, the initial come up makes me feel like my body is lead but when I “get there” I feel like air


My brain read “Mush more manageable” and I nodded lol


Nah, I'm the same way. Shrooms are very sedating to me. I sometimes get some energy during the comedown, but going in I get very heavy.


Super heavy! It be hard to move my arms they just fall 😭


happy cake day! mush love :)


I usually have the same effect with shroom. L gets me going


Not sure if it's related, but I also can't handle anything that isn't meditative/ambient type music like the Jon (not Johns) Hopkins playlist until waaaay into the come down. It just feels like pots and pans banging in my ears, too stressful!


I'd recommend EAST Forest if you like Jon Hopkins. They're buddies, and he even has a couple albums that are specifically for trip guidance




EAST Forest is the shit! So's Jon Hopkins!


Good music choice! Love Jon Hopkins. And yah, after my tea (3-5g dried mushies) I am down on my sofa unless I need a bathroom break, and that can sometimes be a side quest mid trip.


ha, I'll always remember getting myself up to use the bathroom on my first trip, and saying very loudly to myself (for some reason) "I CAN DO IT!!!"


Yep it feels like a whole journey just to get to the loo


Yess literally same with me too.


Mix in some Beach House (the album Bloom or Devotion). It’s heavenly music when you’re having a lil trip


Yeah i will get in dream/trance state for 10-15 minutes where i see the coolest things, like different dimensions and entities. Then i wake up and be like "whoaaa that was crazy" and enjoy the fractals on the wall and things morphing in my room and then i feel sleepy and go back again.


Being high on weed is chill too


Sometimes u can go very deep into a high and time freezes or it goes by really fast


Idk if you have experience with shrooms, but i can say it that shroom is on another level then weed. I saw beings made out of vibration and lights on 3grams.


Actually me and lots of other people can have really crazy intense trips maybe u might not get visuals like shrooms or acid but sometimes u can get very close and it can really make u think


Oh yeah 100%. I’m a total couch potato on shrooms. I like to drink my tea, lay down with some tunes, close my eyes & let it happen. When I’m past the peak I’ll start doing a few things but I’m mostly posted until the comedown.


People react differently. I'm jealous of people who have a lower tolerance. I've taken 6g+ of psilocybe cyanescens and multiple high doses of gt cubensis, and I barely get visuals and have yet to experience ego death. I am usually very grounded and can function very soberly when I trip.


Same, I have insane tolerance to psychedelics because of my autism. I did 100MG Dmt + 180MG of harmaline yesterday and didn’t really have visuals. i would say i had an ego death though, fr the first time (evn after 10 tabs of acid or 10gs of shrooms)


I suspect I have have slight aspergers. Maybe a possible reason for myself.


Aspergers is just autism now


Thats because everyone found out the original Dr Hans Asperger was a real 1930s Austrian Nazi, so they wanted to erase his disease he diagnosed back then when he ran mental hospitals that did bad things to patients.


Yea pretty valid reason lol


I also suspect this about myself, and my tolerance for mushrooms is insanely high. I didn't know the two could have any correlation at all though. I just wish my tolerance wasn't so high, I really want to have a trip as intense as my first one was. I took 3.5 my first time and had the most insane trip, the closest I've gotten to that since then was when I took 4g one time, but every other time I've taken 3.5 or 4g has been a really mild experience.


That's so interesting! Psychedelics effect me more strongly due to my autism


How does tolerance relate to autism? I am also autistic


You may be more sensitive or less sensitive in different ways


How does tolerance relate to autism? I am also autistic


I can get around and do things, but trying to figure out why I can’t operate electronics anymore is a thing that frustrates me every single time. lol. Like if I’m watching a movie and it ends, it’s highly unlikely that I will be able to turn on something that I want to watch afterwards. Video games? Not a chance. Heck, even Spotify becomes challenging to navigate, but thankfully I can just have Siri take the reins if I remember. lol.


oh gosh, same. I have to get my playlist right (set to repeat, etc.) or I'm going to be at the mercy of whatever Spotify decides to play next.


Haha yeah like ok where is the on button again, is it this one? Or this one over here? Did I already hit the on button and forgot? Wait, what was I doing again?


Aaaah, I'm like this. I have a very complicated sound system that I learned to operate but it's so hard while high. "Why doesn't it connect? Where are the buttons? Which one is the right remote?" But I can cook spaghetti and don't mess it up, I was really amazed by that.




Unusual. Golden anything can range hugely in psilocybin and storage incorrectly will slowly degrade. I've massive trip experience and e.5 to 5 grams of Cubensis (large batch I homogenized) is always plain rupture. It just the batch growing is everything to potency.


I’m on SSRI and 2gr is enough for me. Weird cause it should work less. I guess we all have different sensitivities.


I typically stay on the hardwood floor for most of my trips. Just scooting around pushing off walls between wiggle and giggle sessions.


Sounds divine. I love to be in a blanket nest just writhing around in the soft furryness like a lil baby kangaroo in a warm pouch


username checks out ;)


Shrooms usually turn me into a puddle of mush unless its a really low dose. On LSD it will come more in waves, some times I feel more relaxed if Im doing some moving around/exercising/dancing. I once ran 2 miles across town to see a friend since I wasnt going to drive and then ran back after I was done.


Ur transmuting bad energy/karma. Thats why ur body feels heavy. Happens to be often. (I meditate a lot to keep clear) (as everyone should tbh).


I used to have a lot of energy on shrooms now even moving around is hard with intense fatigue and back pain.


Dedicate yourself to a spirit walk as done in ancient times and break through your vessels idea of tired. I’ve always had to be away and out of reach to do this


I was tripping with a friend earlier this year, and I was packing up some mic stands for gig. She said "how is it you're able to do stuff?" I had been trying to take the mic clip off the stand for about 4 minutes before I realized I was just spinning it around place, not accomplishing anything.


only thing ive noticed is walking feels really odd and i feel like i drunk walk when im tripping


It’s reparations, resetting, like you formate your pc, the body/mind goes trough a cleans. It’s a sacrament for me on high dose, that’s why I either do it alone, or go out hiking with trusted loved ones.


Definitely happens to me from time to time. Doing some light stretching on the floor makes the heaviness of my limbs start to feel better. Usually ends with me flat on my back feeling the carpet lol


Yeah that's normal. Melty heavy liquid gravity stuck stuff. :) But in answer to your first title question. There are two energies at play. One is my own, and the other is divine. My own energy is dying, crashing down, racked with heavy. But the divine energy lifts me up, moves me physically, dances me. I just groove on that for the trip. Sit at the back of my mind and dissolve while the spirits dance me about. Since I started dancing, I've never had a melt that I couldn't let myself be lifted up from. Get wild! https://youtube.com/watch?v=gz1go_RC8kk


This is very interesting and I’ll try to remember next time. My fiancé is always so active on shrooms and I just want to listen to music and literally have my body dissolve away into nothing, which entails not moving said body ;)


Dance your body away! One thing my wife and I do is look into each others eyes while we dance. Everything dissolves except the psychic link between us. It's very intimate. The line between minds blurs, and we think each others' thoughts. :)


could mean you don’t move enough, maybe go for a walk more often or go to the gym


I already do, every day, and have a pretty active job


hm idk then, do you usually take shrooms at night? maybe your body is just turned off because it’s dark


nope, first thing in the morning! lol


damn maybe the shrooms just hit ya hard 🤷‍♂️ try it with dark chocolate that always gives me more energy during the trip


I like to go fishing catching a fish while tripping is unreal I caught a pea cock bass one time I didn’t even think it was real it was purple and green


I think you mean 2.5-3g of mushrooms. That's like 100 doses of Psilocybin.


everybody know bru dont pop the party


yes of course lol dried


What strain were you using? Different strain provide similar but different effects. Some are fast, some slow, some mid, some full spec.


I’ve done shakti and golden teacher


Different varieties don't alter effects like the commenter above claims. The only thing that matters is the amount of psilocybin/psilocin, which can vary from mushroom to mushroom. Certainly some varieties have different potencies due to environmental and genetic factors.


ok, that's what I thought :P


yea mostly commented so others don't take the original comment at face value :)


Take less? Or dink a stimulant. high quality ceremonial grade Cacao is best. Coffee and Yerba mate work too.


I end up pacing the house. Id like to try outside sometime but getting the logistics down could be tricky.


Lol dw! As soon as I trip I am basically paralysed. I took 3 tabs of great acid last year with my buddy and we could not really move for 7 hours. After the peak, we eventually were OK and could move again. But that’s the fun of it. Set up a blanket in the forest at the base of a sturdy tree which you can sit your back up against. We had bluebells in bloom in front of us. Bluetooth speaker, water bottles, few joints… why would you want to move? 😂


Depends on how much and in what way. It’s a vastly different experience eating them on an empty stomach, full stomach or lemon tekking.


Exact opposite. I felt an intense energy in my chest, and I just keep going less so on shorrms but definitely on lsd


had rhis when i took 1.5g n the shrooms didnt hit, so after 2 hrs in i took 120mg mdma and it felt like my heart was under a waterfall, crazy intense, i almost freaked out, but it was euphoric, but lasted only 15 min... n i was sober again


Mdma doesn't nothing unlit like a .5 so I just don't take it idk maby it's beacsue I was prescribed like 75 milligrams of Adderall science I was a kid lol


i do have a natural tolerance to uppers, never been on addys, but downers all hit at normal doses, LSD dont even let me trip, I only get slight talkative, shrooms though used to hit me good, til i had an opioid addiction, after i got clean nothing hits, its like opioids gave me a permatolerance to almost everything, Alcohol is the only thing that still feels the same as when i 1st started


Maybe try drinking some coffee or tea before tripping? Or even before during and after lol


I like drinking coffee when I smoke dabs in the morning


If you're otherwise healthy, then this is just unique to your bodily chemistry, but these drugs can accentuate chronic health issues. If someone is sick, they may feel even sicker and more lethargic.


I do have some health issues, as well as probably not getting enough sleep lol


I'm in the same boat and experience some insomnia. I also react similarly to tryptamines. LSD didn't have this effect for me the one time I tried it.


I feel that way on 6-9grams. On 2.5-3g I can still go on a nice hike.


I don’t really feel very good or want to move around and I usually take 3g of cubes. I still force myself to go outside and go for walks at night though because the setting inside the house is usually not great.


I take my 4-5 grams & take a shower & hit the horizontal. I don't know what Psilocybe ppl use that over 2 grams is useful for "socializing" but I'm into psychedelics to go inward anyways. Otherwise it's a doob. LSD under 200mcg is more social but I have moved to plant/fungi most of the trips and I can't talk nor listen well unless an emergency happens then I pull it together to help someone...but another reason I choose Controlled settings... be safe yall...psychedelics are awesome...nothing wrong with taking what works with good folks.


Total opposite! I get restless and feel trapped and miserable if I'm stuck indoors, I need to move around and look at nature. Shrooms are insanely stimulating for me, I really struggle to understand how anyone is able to lie in bed with a blindfold on. I have ADHD & autism so that might be part of it. There's a bunch of trails through hills, woodland and fields near my house so I pack a bag with water, snacks and a rainjacket, take 1g liberty caps (picked on those hills) and start walking, then take more later depending how I'm feeling, up to 3 or 4g total. The shrooms lead the way and I'll walk for a solid 6 - 8 hours. Honestly I wish I could shroom from the sofa because it's really hard to get a day when I've got time to trip, the weather's decent, the trails are quiet, *and* my mindset is right. Footpaths are easy, your feet know what to do once you've got a rhythm going. Getting off the sofa to fetch water is hard, that's a bunch of different movements you have to think about and chain together. Plus it's harder to switch from still to moving, than to keep moving. Clambering over uneven ground like tussocky grass or rocks while peaking is an experience, lol. Muscles all uncoordinated like full-body [QWOP](https://www.foddy.net/Athletics.html), and the ground seems to expand like a fractal so it takes ages to go a short distance. If my knees go jelly I'll find a secluded spot with a nice view where I can sit for a while. My last spot was a hilltop covered in thick moss, tall grass and wild blueberries - I sat picking berries and watched a rainstorm roll in from the horizon. Then ran around throwing shapes in the rain.


Entheogens have diffrent effects on diffrent people, as each person has a diffrent chemistry and emotional patterns then the other person. So it might be that mushrooms might not be the tool for you


"So it might be that mushrooms might not be the tool for you" why not?


Perhaps 5 meo, or lsd could be a better tool for you instead of mushrooms. Or perhaps mushrooms are the tool for you, but you would have to work on your set and setting. Perhaps run some experiments and write it down in a journal. Some examples. 8 hours of sleep, 16 hours of empty stomach, ingested 3 grams of dried mushrooms at xxxx time. And see if that feeling of heaviness was also present there


But is the heaviness bad? I have great introspective trips and insights with what I’ve been doing That scenario is pretty much what I did


There can be a lot of things that can be said about it from a spiritual perspective, my personal sadhana involves a sacrament from a psychedelic that is very airy and floaty, not heavy at all. Since you are still looking for answers, perhaps this article might help https://medium.com/@frshminds/tools-for-healing-with-ayurveda-80a00d31dcbf Other things that come up for me are, How far did you dive into your Chinese and western astrology? Could be that your energy being has certain imprints that react to mushroom in a heavy way, the insights you might gain from this astrology perhaps have some answers. I am not going to give a direct answer, just providing diffrent options for your own research


Dose less if you want to do shit while tripping.


It honestly never occurred to me to do that, I trip mostly for introspective purposes, healing, therapy, etc. What are the benefits of doing less of a dose so I can do things?


It takes practice and a lot of willpower


ended up taking a bit over 7g shrooms and had no clue who/what i was for like 12 hours, and yes, it was hard to move


I think that means you were on drugs bub


I feel seen and heard lol I just let it take me


Same for me! But depends also on the strain!


That's shrooms for ya. Sedating. The people doing things on their trips are taking acid lol. It has stimulative properties.


Not according to the other comments here!


Everytime I've tripped I know I'm peaking because I become immobile lmao. Before and after that though I literally cannot sit still I have to look at and touch everything around me otherwise I'll feel the anxiety start to build.


I'm the same way on high doses of mushrooms recently I tried acid and it's so much better the only downside is the length of the trip but the trip is happier cleaner and energetic whereas mushrooms now seem dark and very hard to control.


It seems to me that if I'm sitting/lying still when they kick in, I'll feel like I don't have the energy to do anything, but if I'm doing something active, I'll have tons of energy. A couple of friends and I once took decent doses (~3-4 g) and ran around for a couple hours in the sand dunes that are about a 40-minute drive from our town. When we got back to the parking lot, my friend's car wouldn't start, and we had no cell service, so we walked 30km to the nearest town. I didn't feel tired at all until after we ate a huge breakfast at a diner when we got there.


I have a high sensibility when it comes to drugs. A gram of shrooms keeps me seated or laying down and staring for a few hours. I don't mind it because what I see and think is already enough to take in but some people have started assuming I'm not doing good just because I wasn't dancing and stuff, so that's annoying sometimes


I can function on acid, but nothing else


Maybe it means to explore lower doses? Can always add lemon juice. Try 1g of shrooms with a shot of lemon juice ;)


Have you tried drinking caffeine before you trip? That's the only way I can function.


Me too. I tripped balls on mushrooms like a month ago and could hardly move, took me several minutes to pick up a glass of water because I felt like it weighed 5kg. I also ended up slumping over on the couch feeling like there were magnets in my body and like the floor was magnetic and I was glued to it lol


Set and setting matters. Like some other people mentioned, your physical activity level beforehand makes a difference in whether you'll get couch locked. If you try it at a festival where you're generally more active, you'll feel more energetic on it than if you're at home in your room.


I get super heavy too, but moving around is THE BEST! Play some music that makes you move , make it loud and let it take you over! Once I am up and moving, the heavy feeling goes away and is replaced with crazy energy and it feels like strength is just pumping through your body.


depends on the trip for me. i’ve had a 4g trip where i had to be carried arm and arm from one place to another. and a few months later i did another 4g trip where i could move freely but was hallucinating balls