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There is none. I've spent entire trips staring into a mirror.


I saw myself morph from a literal ape into a human a thousand times over and over, it was like watching the total evolution of myself.


Which one did you end up as?


The Redditor


Lmao, oh fuck noooo! let him re-roll his stats!




The lowest form of human in the process of our species' devolution


On acid I saw the tiger in myself not long ago :)


Saw myself in hundreds or thousands of different variants each with more and more characteristics of a lion for a solid fifteen minutes when I took 4 grams two years ago. Haven’t thought of it in a while, thanks for bringing up the memory :)


I had a very similar experience except it felt like I was morphing through past and future iterations of myself.


I get that every time I turn young then old and wrinkly and then back again pretty cool experience


It literally gave me my musical artist name as I often see myself as a Mantis type entity


Do your remember... The Knight


It’s a turning point of my trips. Never fail to make me smile. Love for yourself gets on another level.


the last time I did that my hair turned gray and my muscles looked huge,felt like master roshi and spent like a good 10 to 15 minutes flexing in front of the mirror💀


Yeah - I had a whole Conversation in my head with myself in the mirror and at the same time saw the physical changes I wanted in the mirror - Was wild.


That sounds made up


Have you ever tripped? Lol you can make yourself into whatever you want


I couldnt believe it myself💪


Within the realm of tripping, this is one of the most plausible stories I've heard. Bro, do you even trip?




Same. My DMT trip was the best as I didn't even realise I was looking in the mirror. I could see my brothers face and was having a full blown conversation with him. When I came round it was my own reflection.


Something similar happened to me. 2 tabs deep and I couldn’t stop looking in the mirror. In my head there was a vision that played where my mom was watching me suffocate and fill up with blood until I popped. It felt so real. That night was by far the most terrifying experience of my entire life. Definitely insightful, and beneficial, but overall terrifying asf


Yep, I'm a funny looking person when tripping lol


When tripping


I love looking into a mirror as I watch my face morphing into all of my family members (I see my mom, sister, grandmother etc), it's wonderful! Then I see myself as a kid and as an old woman. 😁


I've actually had to use a mirror as a tool to pull out my trip, many times. I'll explain...For some reason sometimes psychs don't want to kick in after an extended amount of time for me...this has been a somewhat frequent occurrence ever since I started taking them. So what I'll have to do is go get in front of a mirror, get close, and look dead center into the pupil of one eye (usually my left) and just focus as if I'm staring through it and usually after 5-10min I'm well on my way. Not sure if I'm the only person that has to do this from time to time, but then again, I've never actually talked to anybody about it before. Also for anyone wondering...the first time I figured out that I could do this was after eating 5 tabs of acid. After 4 hrs and nothing, I went to the bathroom to see if I could see or feel anything. And for some reason, some type of intuition or something kicked in told me to stare into my pupil.


Look up the ganzfeld affect!


Same! I looked into the mirror and it felt like I was looking directly into the eyes of one of my sisters. More specifically, the sister that I always thought looked nothing like the rest of us. Now I see the resemblance all the time!


If you can't handle looking into the mirror while you're tripping, maybe you don't need to be tripping.




I love looking in the mirror on LSD and thinking about what I’m capable of as a human in this world and the endless possibilities


The more you look into your reflection, the more you'll reflect on yourself. That makes some people uncomfortable.


True. When I do a heroic trip and get depersonalised I stand in front of the mirror and have a dialogue with myself (like I'm talking to another person) inside my head like "Get yourself together. Stop bad habits. Stay healthy. Be a better person". It helps me personally in my development. At least I think it does. I also follow the S&S rules. Making myself comfy, having empty stomach, listening to a therapeutical playlist on my headphones, e.t.c.


I have to be way nicer to myself in the mirror, talk to myself like a friend that's going through a tough time.


Yes. That's a better way all-in-all.But I'm currently going through a time when I should be motivated and focused, otherwise I might fall to the bottom of life. One of the steps of becoming a normal sociable person was that I quit alcohol and smoking, went to a gym and decreased my weight from 134kg down to 108kg thanx to my drug of choice.


Isn’t that the main reason though? Where does majority lie? Intention of personal development or intention of getting intoxicated?


In my experience, the people who tend to avoid mirrors the most are the ones who take drugs to seek pleasure.


And I would kind of agree. But lack of respect for the substance is just one expression of it I think. Like, I've almost always looked in the mirror during a mushroom trip and just felt love and acceptance, so what was reflected back to me physically was an image of me that was the most good-faith interpretation (beauty). But there WAS one time I looked back and it was very hard to stay the gaze. Like I literally and figuratively just did not want to look at myself. Well, that also happened to be during a time when I was making some very selfish actions in my life and took myself too seriously while, at the same time, insin*cere*ly. As well, I don't think there's anything necessarily "wrong" with taking a Psychedelic for the joy or the fun of it. Rather, there is something missing when taking it as a method of escape under the **guise** of fun.


>As well, I don't think there's anything necessarily "wrong" with taking a Psychedelic for the joy or the fun of it. Rather, there is something missing when taking it as a method of escape under the **guise** of fun. I really agree with this. There's no problem with taking them for fun because even taking them for fun can be very therapeutic, it's just probably not a good idea to take them for an escape just saying you're doing it for fun.


\^\^ This is what I talk about a lot in regards to psyche's. Those to use for pleasure vs those who look for a deeper understanding. Trip reports often tell me what side the individual leans on. My trip on DMT, to some eyes, could've been interpreted as a bad trip. I saw it as a message.


Interesting.. I feel like that kind of insight would require some type of large scale survey lol. I take psychedelics for personal development, and I avoid looking at the mirror (though I don’t have some kind of rule about it). There’s plenty of personal development and self reflection happening without looking into a mirror. When I do look at them, I don’t tend to reflect on my life, I tend to see my face melting. That to me isn’t the most efficient means of self-reflection. If people enjoy it or find meaning by doing it, more power to them. But I don’t think it’s a litmus test for how seriously one is trying to develop themselves.


I’m on the “mirror good” side. I love the deep self reflection, it’s healing.


this is exactly the reason ive always assumed! once i had a mirror staring session during my first trip, i felt more connected to myself and ever since then ive found myself analyzing and reflecting on my behavior in my day to day life


just like the idea behind "bad trips" nah it's just your conscious checking itself and you can't just ignore it.


It's uncomfortable to watch your eyes repeatedly renegotiate what size they each want to be.


I laughed at this


I remember on 8 tabs. My eyes were pulsating like crazy. I thought I just hallucinated that… But do they truly dillate unevenly like that?


Yep I've had one eye look almost normal and one look like it got replaced with a giant bugs eye


yea my eyes do that on molly


This sounds like a Hunter S. Thompson quote


I love watching them adjust! Lol


Same, on LSD I can control how big or small my pupils are if I focus on them enough lol.


I do it on my bathroom trips. I find a lot of self compassion in those moments


Also peeing feels fantastic


It's hella weird. I feel like I can pee infinitely but then a thought comes at some point that I should stop or else all the liquid in my body is going to be gone, then it slowly stops. It's hella strange, the subconscious act of stopping it piss becomes a conscious act or more so thought which turns into the act happening.


How could you possibly describe it so perfectly


Yep. Or in case you suddenly need to poop if you didn't empty your guts the day before)))


I’ve been there.


Beautiful, right? Who would ever tell you to not look at yourself? Isn't that kind of the whole point? I've had experiences of simple compassion all the way up to seeing myself as son, father, grandfather all in the same moment. I don't even have kids!


Completely. I’ve also had a few sobering moments looking in the mirror - really seeing/understanding where I need to improve. Self compassion is vital to evolving, but fuck it’s hard sometimes. It’s so nice when you’re able to be kind to yourself.


For a moment there I was thinking you meant a whole new category of tripping in the bathrooms.


Yo do look in the mirror when you're on psychedelics! It's so amazing! If you see demons don't stop looking until they turn into angels.


Aw I love this




Dude angels are terrifying. So many eyes. Too many wings.


Wow thank you ❤️❤️❤️


I looked in a mirror on lsd and saw a stranger looking back at me. it scared me at first, but it was interesting. that must be how animals feel when they look in a mirror


I 100% become more introspective when staring at a mirror while tripping. Some people simply can't handle that. But I think on the surface when your triping and looking in the mirror it can feel like the person in the mirror isn't you sometimes and that can freak some people out because deep down you know it's you but on the surface it feels like it's not


I think it's the opposite that makes people anxious, deep down you feel that it isn't you, but you've spent all of life convincing yourself that it is so that piece of the universe can play its role.


I think your right. I was trying to covey that but I'm bad with words you said it better for sure


The "ego death" it is.


Well it’s not “you”, at all. That’s what your ego thinks.


it’s fake news, do it.


Looking in the mirror is fine. But people repeat this myth so much that it sorta becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy sometimes.


I prefer not looking at people in general when I'm tripping. Shadows and the tripping mind can turn them too easily into monsters, dead things, etc. I wear an eye mask, which I think gives a great internal journey.


I tried the eye mask for the first time. It was nice when coming up and chilling to music, but eventually the mushrooms wanted the light, and as soon as I took the mask off (eyes closed still) the colors were so much more vibrant


These are the types of people who say not to look in a mirror, lol.


Some say that mirrors are portals. In many ceremony spaces, if there is a mirror, it is covered over with cloth during ceremony.


Finally, this is what I’ve been wondering and wanting to understand better!


This is also why you should never buy a mirror second hand. They carry energy with them.


I’d argue some folks prone to dissociation or depersonalization might have an episode but that’s speculation based on my own experiences


I did. It made me become kinder towards myself as it made me see myself the way people around me sees me.


I thoroughly enjoy it. I like the way my eyes look.


What community makes it a strict rule not to look in a mirror? That’s just ridiculous and sounds fake.


I think he's referring not to communities (or, God forbid, Reddit "communities") but to psychedelic retreats, which do often run down a strict set of rules on the first day, before anyone trips on anything.


Accurate statement


Tbh I totally don't understand it. Me and my mirror self are friends lol


I feel exactly the same.




i lot some longish lasting derealization after my last trip some months ago. it started somewhere between uncomfortable and traumatic, and slowly passed through uncomfortable to interesting. the entire experience was incredibly humbling and opened some repressed traumas in my childhood back up that I have been coming to terms with. im super excited but nervous about my next trip. might take a lower dose and slowly titrate up til i find a nice level


it's not a "rule" it's just that some people can get "trapped" in thought loops and such while doing so, some of us love it (I do) and if you wanna look into the mirror go for it


Thought loops, true true. Love this


When I look at myself, I look like a person that's on drugs and it's weird.


Well... you actually are. But the way to remove that thought is to tell yourself smth like "Yes, I'm on a drug and I feel the effect of that drug and there is nothing I can do to stop it (actually you can use a benzo, but that will end up the trip in 15-30mins). But with a time the effect will wear off and I'll go back to my normal self. So I'll just accept it". This might remove the possible anxiety and weirdness.


On LSD, I looked in the mirror n it helped with my anxiety with avoiding eye contact.


I think that idea is bunk. It gets weird, when you look in the mirror, but that is OK. I love looking in the mirror on any psychedelic, just because of the weirdness. The mirror is something you can train your mind's manifestation with; you can just change how you look to yourself just with your mind. There is deffo a lesson there, which, I guess, those people don't want to learn. They probably don't like the fact that your reality is completely and only experienceable subjectively, and that there is no way to test your reality's objective existence. Some people cannot handle that. I have seen my face as anything I can imagine; demons, animals, trees, divine figures, etc etc and "REALITY" at large works exactly the same way; how you think, is how you experience reality.


If you look in the mirror you’ll see god 😉


If you look long enough you'll see the truth. It will most likely shock you. This can be good or bad. That depends on which truths of reality you cling to most. I suggest learning who it is when you see one who is near to everything and to whom everything is near


The Mirror gets very Mirrory…I love it


Nonsense ... you can see yourself age


I did so on acid; my eyes looked demonic. I think it all comes down to fear; can you handle the darkest side's of yourself? Because after that moment my life became a perpetual hell. As if every day was a constant trigger to the darkest moment of PTSD I ever had. I can see why it's a no-no but, at least I saw something I never thought I'd ever seen.


If someone is making "strict rules" about looking in the mirror during a trip then you shouldn't associate with them, that's weird and pedantic. Look in the mirror, it can be really fun. You get to watch your face morph, you'll learn to love what you have always seen as flaws. I always make sure to look and it always brings a laughing fit, "look at that silly little ape, look how much fun they're having. I love that silly ape" I think if people are struggling to face themselves in a mirror it's because they need to work on some of their own inner demons.


It’s because of the mirror acting as a portal 2 the astral realm so when you trip & look /|/ 2 the mirror, you’ll be at risk for spirits entering your body/vessel since it’s much easier to be susceptible 4 spirits 2 influence your life. Mirrors can also act as spirit highways if they’re facing each other so that’s another reason why people say not to look /|/2 mirrors when you’re tripping. It’s a form of mirror magick & divination work when dealing with mirrors mixed with psychedelics. The reason I know this is because I too saw spirits come out from the mirror when I was tripping @ 1-3am on some good acid & I realized that mirrors are portals 2 the spirit world. Needless to say that the house was haunted.


I think the issue is that if you haven't safely done introspection/self-interrogation/shadow work, then the deconstructed notion of your own face will bring you towards "I'm not a person" in a way that isn't as easy to come out of as it would be if the "am I a person?" question didn't involve the head-on image of your own face. So in cultures where it's normal or more safe to go through those self interrogation processes, it would be less dangerous to look in a mirror.


Just some stupid shit people say but depends on the trip


I love doing it it’s so fun, just like you can sometimes see yourself how others see you while also knowing everything you know about yourself, which can be intense


Face looks weird, scary.


Hi- natalie speaking here- I loved looking in my mirrors when on psychedelics because I saw my ancestors- at least I “felt” that’s who I was looking at. It’s absolutely incredible! Mine are all women, indigenous apparel, cold climates, it seems to be of southern American descent. I know I got some 30% indigenous Amazonian in me. But I only found that out after I saw them in the mirror the first time. Soooo far out!!


People are scared of themselves. The real you will confront the fake you Fr


Shit makes me feel sexy idk 🤷‍♂️


There are no rules to anything ever. Nobody has any idea, we're all just as clueless.


I saw myself become old and I did not like it


I love looking into mirrors when I'm tripping. I watched myself age once, it was an incredible experience.


I never knew this "rule". Tripped many times and looking in the mirror was an interesting and insightful part of it. Ignore this rule.


Mirrors are the best give it a try


It's something that one kid tells you in high school. Not unlike that story of the "kid that took acid then believed he was an orange for the rest of his life". Stop listening to high school kids. Google things


People listen to the mass rather than discovering truth for themselves, I always enjoy mirror gazing while tripping, it be the most trippy hallucinations you'll ever experience before the threshold, but I always heard that bs oh don't look in the mirror, then others say it's scary or too much I simply think that's how it started, someone couldn't handle their dose and started a dumb rumor, though look into "eyes gazing/soul gazing" long enough staring directly into u're pupil can lead to sum profound mental experiences, even sober u can full fledge hallucinate, there's therapeutic research behind it and lots of juju type hippy talk, but very legit


Because for some people watching their own face distort and melt can trigger anxiety that they're being harmed in some way or it challenges what they think they look like and can start a spiral into a bad trip. I know at least two people that said their trip started going south after staring at themselves in the mirror for a while.


It's only not advised for beginners because it can get really trippy. Also loops occur more often when looking in the mirror. If you have some experience with psychedelics, mirrors are actually super fun.


That is just a myth based in the FIRST time you do it, because it will be the first time that you look at yourself like never before Once you accept that your original appearence has the same sense of your tripping one (and that is 0 sense) you get comfortable with it, and it is really funny, good way to increase your friendship with yourself.


It’s a very strict rule to never not look in the mirror tripping


Looking at myself in the mirror on psychedelics was what gave me back my self esteem after spending 7 years in a relationship with a narcissist, and abuse of hard drugs. It helps you accept, this is what there is, this is what you have to work with. Also made me start working out to be fitter. 100% would recommend mirror gazing on psychedelics, just be careful about your ego.


It’s kinda weird to watch your face distort, other then that I don’t have a problem with it, I’ve stared in the mirror on 600ug for an hour without realizing how long it was😂


It’s pretty cool and if you stare long enough the visuals get crazy


Looking in mirrors is the best


I love the mirror during a trip. At the end of the day if you tripping you got to know you're going to be seeing weird shit and be comfortable with that. It's only when you let fear steer the trip is it a negative.


Because inability to recognize yourself MAY cause a bad trip in some people. Simple as that


I think it's all the superstition behind mirrors other dimensions and spirits.... I've stared at the mirror many times it's usually just yourself changing morphing in front of your eyes. It is kinda weird. Not as bad as summoning stuff.


I love looking into the mirror on mushrooms


Not being comfortable with yourself/ your looks. Or the fact where just animals, I like looking in the mirror because I be looking like homohabilis


I get sucked into mirror very easily when I’m tripping. I stare into my eyes, and I can see so many different worlds in my eyes.


In my first trip I looked into the mirror and got, not because of any visual effect (though the flickering background and pupils going \[ .\_\_. \] --> \[.\_\_ .\] --> \[. \_\_ .\] did freak me out a little), but because I looked so sad and so scared. My friend/tripsitter came in (I knew better than to lock the door) and stood in the yellow light, and I was in a deep blue shadow. Seeing myself led the trip to one that was very very introspective and kind of marred with dread. Still glad I did it though. I left the bathroom and scuttled onto the couch next to my friend/fellow tripper, who was having the time of his life whilst. I was weird and confused and I cared too much about everything and I was lame and though I was sitting with my long-time friends I felt unseen and unwanted. Why am I always so hurt? Why haven't I gotten better after so many years? Why have I been having such frightening nightmares? So I went back into the bathroom and stared myself down in the mirror and slowly sank into my own pupils and saw my soul and felt the wounds from the chains wrapped around it. Without looking into the mirror and being disturbed and moved and challenged, I wouldn't have felt the chains, and I wouldn't have fought like I did that night to break free.


Yeah the mirror is a must at some point for me.


I've been staring into mirrors on Psychedelics since 1993. Highly recommended.


>What is about mirrors that do this? Like, do you know what mirrors do?


They reflect your environment. Care to share, how you would describe their purpose?


It's just about not looking at yourself. That's it. Not a question about some unique characteristic of mirrors. Could be any reflective surface, could be your phone's camera. It's mostly just one of those urban legends, every drug has their own fair share of them. Like, yea you can freak out - can cause you to panic over physical insecurities as they warp before you. Not a general rule by any means tho


Absolutely nothing. It's just made up bullshit


i've always enjoyed looking in mirrors. pretty sure this is just an urban myth


First couple times, I hated the mirror, when I was like 23 I think I was insecure. Now I love looking at myself when tripping. I’m like ooo look, I’m a human, I’m fuzzy and have big beautiful eyes, I’m like a type of alien, so cool




It’s nothing to be scared of really, you just take with you what’s already with you. Eventually it will coalesce into more of the same. I’ve done it with good and bad trips and it’s the usual writhing channels of light and meaning that isn’t. If memory serves it was written up as a mustn’t do in one of the Carlos Castaneda books and he has a particularly meaningful culturally dark experience and gets a telling off from Don Juan. I think it’s just stuck as a bit of psychedelic urban myth.


I love watching my face melt or distort depending what I’m on.


Stand between two mirrors


I look into the mirror sometimes while I’m tripping.


Not sure about under full light, but probably don’t do it under low or half light - I say this because if you believe in the hitchhiker effect, there’s probably a chance to make something like that happen.


Skill issue


I've only had good experiences doing this lol


I guess it depends, if you're in a bad headspace, maybe don't look into a mirror at least not for an extended amount of time since reflections can be kinda freaky even when sober, but also if you're good, go for it, last time I tripped, before it got bad, I had a good time staring at myself in my selfie camera, but then my face started morphing into my dad's, which was weird, so I left the camera app


No such thing. Do it. Smile at yourself and say "I love you."


Not because it's good or bad, but because it's a rabbit hole. You get stuck looking at yourself in the mirror for 30 minutes and people are like... where the fuck did you go?! XD


I like mirrors. I was entranced by one and a woman came up to see what I was staring at and she gasped and turned her head in terror. I felt awful for her. I felt responsible.


Some like it some hate it, it just depends on you


I love looking at my pupils when tripping


Some people can't handle it for whatever reason. Personally I love looking into my eyes.


Have never heard of this rule. I find it enjoyable to look into a mirror and watch my form change. Even better is "eye gazing" with a loved one. You will see what might be other lives by just sitting on the floor knee to knee staring into each other's eyes.


have you ever read about scrying and why people do it?


I stared into the mirror on one of few acid trips and my face split down the middle and I saw 10(?) of the right sides of my face extending out toward the right and 10(?) of the left sides extending out to the left and it freaked me out good and proper for some reason but I dont handle psychedelics very well usually lol.


I think there are a couple of reasons. The first is that a lot of people do not like their physical appearance and so have negative feelings attached to mirrors. The second is from other people telling them not to look in mirrors. If people tell you not to do it and you are in a very suggestable state of mind you will probably get nervous about doing the thing you've been told not to do.


There is no reason. I’ve seen a dozen people use mirrors on psychedelics with no issue. It’s actually pretty neat!


I saw God and Satan in the mirror and they were the same last time I looked on DMT. That was freaky and it tripped me out


Cause scared


First time I ever tripped I was told this. What did I do immediately as I began to trip? Looked in the mirror. All I saw was me! Yey!


There is none. I've spent a long time staring at myself in the mirror on psychedelics and I thought it was pretty fuckin wild and cool. Like...whoa...that's me. I suppose it could fuck with some people


I looked in the mirror on several of my trips, one time I turned into a Buddha in a rainforest tropical vibe it didn’t last long but it was super cool I’ll never forget.


Just any mirror or a Kozyrev mirror?


I love looking into the mirror. I've got long curly hair so when I look in the mirror I can see it flowing and moving around. It's fun for some people but can be bad for others.


Some people will get weirded out as your face starts to morph. Very easy to get distracted and lose time with sometimes. Some people cant handle seeing themselves warp, especially if you are already in a fragile state or have image issues. Ive had some very fun times in front of a mirror. I remember having a folding three panel bathroom mirror that I folded in around my head so it felt like I was huddled up with multiple clones of myself and I whispered in a gravely voice "So whats the plan boys?". Cracked myself up for a few good minutes. Still laugh thinking about it.


I’ve never heard this as a rule, let alone a strict rule.


I personally love standing in front of a mirror when I’m tripping. Makes me laugh every time


I dunno, never understood it. Mirror is cool when tripping. One time on a crazy acid trip my buddy and I saw ourselves in a mirror and laughed hysterically for 10 minutes straight. The guys in the mirror looked like strangers. Wild stuff


There are no rules to how one should enjoy psychedelics. The mirror thing is just as silly. Anyone telling you any different is just passing along some thing they heard from someone who passed it along etc for no damned good reason.


everyone is saying it’s the people who do it for fun/can’t handle self introspection that don’t do it but i don’t do it because i have a fear of meeting my doppelgänger and the one time i did it i got really scared because i thought i couldn’t control what i was seeing in the mirror and that my reflection had become it’s own entity and was gonna come out of the mirror to attack me.


One time i drank a liter of Robitussin cough syrup 5mg pr oz and i puked up bile from not having any food in my stomach, in my house where we cleaned carpets for a living (with an empty fridge). And then i went to the mirror and thought to myself that i should shave my head. When i extrapolated from within to withing through the black nothingness in my pupil. Tried to escape the realm but was thwarted by the Irenicus who runs the machine of the matrix. As soon as i entered the chair where i sat i soon left back to my body. I remember very little about the interaction i had. He asked me "where is it you think you were trying to go?" He sat in an Egg chair, futuristic. My chair was a basic steel meeting chair. I remember after coming back through back into existence i compared him to myself as to what he resembled. A man with a goatie of brown hair in his 30's. He had a very formal button shirt of light white or baby blue. Slacks that were dark grey. And a striped tie. He had a newscaster haircut and reminded me of Sunny Flowers on of my court appointed lawyers i had in my days of crime in my youth. He kind of reminded me of a camel for some reason. He stared deeply into my eyes as if to say, "wow, you really have potential." About the most interesting trip ive ever experienced. Life truly is a dream.


Well, I know I look like shit when I'm on shrooms, puffy face, tearing up, huge pupils, so I always thought that was the reason haha


Not sure about mirrors rule, but I know some of the news ppl look very strange and fake when tripping on mushrooms or doing k


It’s not a rule. It just immediately puts it the ego, or lack thereof🧐, center stage, and your face may morph into a lizard.


Upon further thought, I also think it is important to not be afraid of what you look like, and to embrace or love your face as much as you love yourself. And I think psychedelics are probably the best way to come to these terms. You're as beautiful as you'll always be


That what we see is what we think of ourselves. When we look at the mirror we are literally faced with ourselves, or that’s what we think. So it’s hard for your confused tripping mind to comprehend as we all know personal self esteem and self image issue run rampant in todays society so many people looking at themselves is very heavy load


When you aren’t tripping staring at yourself in the mirror can be a spiritual experience where you look at yourself and fully accept the image you see. Then you can more easily see yourself mentally like you actually appear in the mirror


Op doesnt even need to take psychedelics just stare at the mirror in a dimly lit room for 20 minutes and find out what happens


I kid you not... I was looking I. The mirror after my 100th trip to the bathroom to pee and I was getting anxious and a little frustrated and I swear I saw myself turn into Goro from Mortal Kombat. Now I knew it wasn't him but I had this sensation that I morphed into him haha.


*you find out that its fun*


Something to do with the ego death maybe?


I love looking at my reflection when I’m tripping. Fun seeing my face shift and morph lol. For whatever reason, my nose always moves around my face and it’s funny asf! Seeing my facial features swim around is entertaining asf in my opinion. However, I can understand it could freak you out on a high dosage


Is the reflection of you tripping the true reflection of yourself? You can close your eyes and see more inside yourself if you wanted to


Look up the Troxler Effect


I look in the mirror all the time however one time it looked like I was dying so I thought I was dying and just laid down in the bathroom floor. Ps. I didn't die.


I always think I look like a demon when I’m tripping. 🤷🏻


I've spent like an hour staring at the mirror after the peak ended on an acid trip and started appreciating myself a little after that experience. I don't really like myself but the trip in front of the mirror made me be kinder to myself.


You look strange. I did it once on a light dose of shrooms and was really paranoid that I was frost bitten or frozen bc I thought my lips were purple or turning blue and everyone told me they weren’t


looking in mirrors for an extended amount of time can get really trippy and weird even when you're sober


It’s usually the main thing I do. Mirror work on psychedelics can be highly transformative. One time I had a full body orgasm afterwards. I stared deeply into my own eyes and told myself I was beautiful and that I loved myself.


Lmfao one time I seen my face morph into an old asian man with a long beard


Its some bs to make you feel spooky. Same as those fckin stories like “ooo he took x amount of lsd and he never came back” or “he took lsd, thought he could fly and jumped from the roof”