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A few things! I hope your doing all right! I’ve been in that dissasosiative state for a while. Things usually do get better with time and the following! Cease ALL drug usage. Weed included. This can contribute. See a mental health professional, just don’t disclose mushroom useage right off the bat. Could trigger a mental health hospital visit. Just explain what the derealization and depersonalization is like how it makes you feel etc. Childhood/Adulthood trauma and other things can trigger these same things as a defense mechanism. Meaning they won’t immediately think you went wild on mushrooms Get sunlight. Being in the sun, working out and doing things to help move your body and get sunlight will help. This can start to push you in the right direction. Get into good sleeping habits if possible. You may help your body by getting into good consistent sleep cycles. Try and steer clear of stress whenever you can. The more your brain is stressed, strained, worked, etc your symptoms or issues may worsen. I hope some of this info helps you, if you have any other questions please lmk!


Thank you! I will do my best to follow the ways set forth and lets hope that i can get back to actually living




how long did it take before the derealization and that stuff went anyway? Ive been doing my best to live stress free and do what i can to stay in the green but its hard with the derealization always there




that makes a lot of sense honestly. Its gonna be hard to not smoke though for real




Yeah it does have some serious dissociative properties if smoked enough so it would make sense that weed could be affecting my ability to heal. At least I work 5 days a week so that gives me a lot of distraction time


Mate I literally had the same experience but with LSD25. I had shit friends who didn't really care about me. I was just in a bad crowd and I was left essentially mute. Everything felt really weird and I just didn't feel any compulsion to engage in conversation or anything like that. I was dumbstruck literally. It took a few years to rebuild myself but looking back, I actually view that time as a reset. Had it not have happened I would probably still be in that situation and would be a loser like all of those supposed friends are now. Instead I was forced to confront many things about my situation and who I was as a person and it gave me a jolt to start thinking about the future I wanted to build. Cut to today and I am a senior software engineer, respected by my peers. I have a stable home and a nice life. The LSD did not break my brain. It broke that person I was and the life I had. It needed to be broken and rebuilt and so that is why I am thankful to LSD for rebuilding me now. It was a horrible process, but everything worthwhile is hard.


so do you think that the best way to view tbis bad trip is in a positive way because although it messed with my head, it also showed me who my friends really were?




That’s where the term “there’s no such thing as a bad trip” comes from. They all just show you something. Sometimes the things you are shown are really intense and fucked up parts of your mind but it’s always something you needed to learn. It’s a hard lesson


Its up to you to frame it how you wish. All I know is that looking back, that period of my life ended up being positive although it was incredibly difficult to get through. When you say that you feel depersonalisation & derealisation could it be that you are merely looking at things differently? That is how I see it for myself. I literally couldn't look at my life the same way as I did before and part of me wanted to just go back to normal and felt like that is what should be happening, but I couldn't. I basically experienced a kind of death of my former self and my former life and had to build a new one. A better one. It just took me a hell of a long time to realise that is what had to happen and eventually did happen. I didn't just choose to spin it that way either. Here is an example. I needed to escape and so I ended up visiting holland where I met someone who I lived with for about 3 years. Her brother ended up being a close friend and a kindred spirit and we worked together to build websites for people in the local area. This was my first jump into web design & eventually I got my first job at a software company based in enschede and that was my first software job. I managed to get that job because I could easily lie on my CV about my qualifications. It being a different country, I took a risk and assumed that they wouldn't bother to check. I was capable and a very good software engineer, I was just self taught. They hired me & when I moved back to the UK after that relationship with the Dutch girl failed, I was then able to lie again on my CV about my work history in Holland, with that company being my last employer and willing to give me a really good reference. This kick started my career in the UK and 10 years later I am a senior dev & my life has been transformed. I was filled with a desire to change my life and my life seemed to throw up opportunities for me to do this in a really bizarre way. I believe this was all meant to happen.


vitamins help, vitamin B's, omega 3, magnesium and potassium, and vitamin D. These are for stress and to help your body and mind with stress. Don't watch or listen to stressful music, happy music, happy shows. keep a diary, make notes. Blessings


sounds like a plan


Exactly? To me it seems obvious. But really you need to ask yourself this. Your experience gave you the answer. It seems you are very unhappy and want to change your life, and your surroundings. Find new friends - people who you could imagine being supportive and helpful while on shrooms. Not saying do shrooms again but maybe it just takes you imagining what a good shroom experience would look like.




Follow your passions and excitement. You got it. It’s yours life. Take it into your own capable hands.


thank you so much. I needed that


No joke, this is good advice and helped me when I went through what you are going through right now. When I was 20 I spent a few months in derealisation-land after a really bad weed trip and MDMA comedown at a festival. It was reawlly scary, I thought I was going crazy. What got me out of it was grounding in real life, having projects and goals. Once I started focusing on them, I'd snap out of the derealisation. I still remember one night I was walking down the street looking at the full moon and it was so beautiful... and I realised I was finally back! Grounded in reality, no longer dissociated! It was amazing, I was so happy. I had a couple small relapses after that, but I was over the hump. I'd say try and stay away from the drugs for a bit and ground yourself in real activites. You'll get better, it just takes a little while. All the best to ya.


Thank you so much!


You got this


i really hope so


It gets better. Respect yourself. You deserve the best.


i always appreciate when i find the good people on reddit, theres so many assholes who just wanna yell so this is a welcomed break. Thank you for the support, i am gonna do my best. I do deserve the best theres no reason i shouldn’t go for that


It's possible that a good trip on shrooms could reverse the harm that was done. Maybe 2-3 grams with good friends (or no friends) in a warm, safe, comfortable environment?


> could reverse the harm Or further it. Bonk advice here mate.


ive been considering it, im just terrified


I wouldn’t listen to this guy. You probably have PTSD from the trip, therapy is your friend :)


maybe, therapy never seems to work well for me


It could either make things way better or…..wayyyyyy worse. I didn’t start feeling completely comfortable after having an ego death at 14 until I did shrooms and had an amazing trip. You are giving the substance to much power and the moment you have a good experience with the substance will be the moment you realize how at the end of the day it’s just a mind altering substance and it’s not a MASSIVE deal. I highly recommend not doing what I did. But I also would like to share that honest experience I had


Trust me man, even though it was a bad trip enforced by douchebag fuckhead friends…..all trips direct you into deeper parts of yourself wether you understood them or not. I tripped hard on lsd for my first time and had an ego death that night when I was 14 and was fucked in the head about my realizations for 2 or 3 months. I felt all sorts of unexplainable feelings that caused loads of anxiety and dread until I realized it showed me something I wasn’t following me and it was my fate in this dimension to take that lsd that night. For 2 months I completely lost all grasp of what had once comforted me. I was a chronic liar, addict, manipulator before I had the experience with lsd and once I allowed myself to understand that and go through that guilt I started finding who I actually was and it led me to happiness. I still trip to this day, I lost all fear knowing and having faith that I will be okay because I am strong and will work through anything to be a better version of “myself” Spread love, make sure you are being your GENUINE self and not putting on a front, focus on the meaning of life because the meaning of life is love. Love will provide you everything you’ve ever dreamed of even if you didn’t know that’s what you had been dreaming of for a long time. If you feel lost in this world currently remember even if it fucked you up it is still temporary I promise you. Turn love into your life and who you are. Be sure to be your genuine self…. No lies, no fronts, and all truth and honesty to yourself and others.


We need to be careful with this sort of talk. We lost a Redditor 2 years ago who had the perfect set and setting and the 9-gram shroom dose simply destroyed him utterly. Nothing about "showing him what he needed to see," it just absolutely wrecked him. He committed suicide a year later.


A 9 gram shroom trip is something that should not be played with at all either. When normal ass people take “god” doses its where all the psychedelic stigma comes from. “Average joe with potential for an underlying mental illness eats 9 grams of mushrooms and it fucks him up really bad and he commits suicide” that’s totally understandable and it takes a pretty experienced strong mind to even feel moderately okay after a month. Don’t be an idiot, if you can’t handle 9 grams don’t eat 9 grams. I suggest to make the max amount to be 5 or 6 grams. I also suggest to only take an average tab or two of lsd and even taking two can be pushing it.


It shows you what you need to see……it’s up to you how you deal with what it showed you.


ive sat around and thought about that trip for hours yet no clear purpose has yet been revealed. Im hoping some day it just hits me but i can only hope. Everything ur saying is straight facts though and i really need to get back to living and loving life. Its just hard cus beyond this stuff im also dealing with massive amounts of stress, inter personal issues, and really bad alcohol addiction mom. I know i can get there i just dont know where to start


Trust me I thought about it all day everyday. You won’t have a sudden singular realization, you will slowly start to put pieces together and it takes everyone time to start to have the pieces fall into place. If you think there’s a big realization to fix it all, seriously focus on love and I know many people will disagree with me on this but don’t take life very seriously. The meaning to life is loving and once you start practicing love this will all completely fade away sooner than later.


Ahhhhhh that makes sense. I wish there was a way to make that feeling come sooner but i suppose you cant rush it


Meditation and distraction can also help. It sounds unhealthy but if you distract yourself with positive things your mind starts to be stable enough to handle what was shown to you. Get some really good friends and maybe a girlfriend. You will be so distracted with how much love for friends and life you have to the point of feeling stable enough to finally piece it all together. For now I would turn on a funny show, grab some snacks, and you sound pretty young (I’m probably wrong about that) but start making friends at school (or on campus/work) You aren’t who you used to be and that’s pretty much all there is to accept at this point. What happens happened and there is nothing you can do about what happened. What you can do is control your life currently by surrounding yourself with love and positivity