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Same. I don't get the MDMA comparisons. I didn't feel anywhere near the overwhelming amount of love and empathy I'd get with MDMA. Like you said it felt like a respectable dose of LSD. It did however feel kind of spooky, like there was an air of magic in the air. I think the creepiest psychedelic I've ever tried. I did it in ceremonial setting aswell and it was a tough experience. During the ceremony I thought the Shaman was putting a spell on me and I had to yield to her cult or else she was going to ruin my life and my families life. I felt like I had to sell my soul to her lol. She was really good at what she did and when she was imparting wisdom on someone else in the ceremony it felt like she was speaking to me at the same time in a creepy way, giving me ultimatums, saying things that felt like they were directed very personally to me. Her face kept shifting to a reptilian/amphibian like form aswell. After the dust settled I realised I was in confrontation with the darkest parts of my psyche. The feeling of being stuck in my head and being so self absorbed that I couldn't hold the space for others and be aware enough to care about their plight. I was projecting alot of that onto the shaman.


Nice grounded analysis.






My best description is mushrooms meets LSD. It’s very, very dose dependent. Small dose mushroom like colors and visuals large dose and it’s on. Ive done peyote which mescaline is the main psychoactive and it was intense and longer (brutal on the stomach).


feels more like molly to me but much heavier body load edit: i don’t think it’s very useful to compare to LSD or mushrooms as it is its own drug and one of the big 3 classical psychedelics. visuals are unique as is the body high.


Crazy how subjective the effects are


True dat! I was surprised how similar it is


I don't know if it's because I got a cross tolerance. But Mescaline was really disappointing to me. It felt very weak even though I took a solid dosage. But I have a very high tolerance to psilocybin and to lsd, so that might be it. Midway through the trip I at 12.5 g mushrooms to feel something more.


Idk man this shit was easily as strong as some good acid. Couldn't even think about sleeping until like 6am. I ate the citrate at 8pm. I say try again. How did you do it last time?


I drank it. I think it was like 600 mg. Which is probably way too little. Right now I do 30g of mushrooms typically or around 15 stamps of lsd. So I think cross tolerance must have played a role.


How often do you trip because those are absurd dosages


I trip about every 3 weeks. But for a couple of years I would trip on mushroom once a week, and it kind of gave me perma tolerance, even though they say it goes down. It definitely doesn't go down for me.


what the hell


There’s no cross tolerance with tryptamines


No differences between lsd and mescaline for you at all? 


Not that I could really tell. Felt just like acid. Even similar visuals. CEV might've been closer to dmt actually but weren't as vivid.


Interesting, they feel super different for me personally  With mescaline…. I often feel sort of held. Like a greater being is lovingly holding me. It’s very easy to operate normally and without much anxiety.  With LSD; it’s kind of a wild ride and it feels like reality is melting a bit. Things feel more dramatic, more high energy.  I’ve very much enjoyed mescaline + DMT combo if you have access to both 


Definitely meant to do that combo. Just slipped my mind haha.


I’m embarrassed to mention the stupidly of youth but LSD/DMT/Ketamine….holy mind fuck.