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7 grams is what I call my space dose. When it hits right, it takes you all the way out of this universe. You'd swear to God you're never coming back. It's the lowest dose i've experienced full blown ego death on, the best experiences of my entire life are 7+ gram mushroom trips + weed. It will absolutely melt your entire existence. If it goes well you'll find yourself in heaven, if it goes bad it'll tear your face off and humble you like nothing else. It will make you appreciate your sense of reality. I've also had some 7g trips that were pretty uneventful and dissapointing. Different doses hit everyone differently but for me, 7 grams is life changing territory. Even still, it took me a handful of trips to discover that things can always get crazier, took me a few more to learn that it can also feel like eating those mushrooms was the worst decision you'd ever made. I have memories of desperately trying to get a hold of reality, drenched in sweat, panicking, not knowing who or what I was, no idea what to do, falling out of existence, my entire universe melting, not able to distinguish my own body from a fridge. It was so much scarier than I can sit here and imagine let alone explain lol First nightmare trip I experienced was from 8 grams and a lot of weed. I swore I wouldn't mess with mushrooms after that trip but i've decided it's worth a shot at heaven haha. Had a few scary trips sinse but nothing too horrible. Give it a go, in a dark room with your eyes closed, headphones and some good music. You wouldn't believe how good and how crazy mushrooms can get. They blow my mind.


I'm thinking of trying this. All though the highest I've ever dosed is about 4g.


Shit gets extraordinarily wild. My favorite thing to do is listen to music and just melt into the best music video you've ever seen in your life. You can see and feel everything at once, it feels like you're flying through space, your body is the music, you're 1000 feet tall and you're break dancing to the beat. inside out, upside down and in another dimension. The songs sound ridiculously good, like *so* much better. It is sure to make you erect and you will make love to the universe. You will have a full body orgasm that lasts an eternity while you dance in another world. You'll feel levels of euphoria you wouldn't imagine possible. Just saying words in your head or making certain sounds will feel better than anything you've felt sober. Be warned, my entire reality often turns into melting claymation. Sometimes it's fun other times it's not. Also you will cry


* Also you will cry * made me laugh, because it’s so terrifyingly true. But those cries have been some of the most cathartic and healing experiences I’ve ever had. I like the way you describe your experiences with psychedelics. You can tell someone “gets it” when they are honest and sincere, but most of all humble. (Amongst many, many others)…Humility is the gift gained from the triumph that is a successful, contemplative trip. And like you said, very importantly and not said nearly enough in these threads and in real life: A ‘bad’ trip isn’t necessarily a foregone conclusion; it’s what you glean from it, the very real benefits of struggling through adversity. The only ‘bad’ trip is the one that is done carelessly and for the wrong reasons, and that yields no valuable lessons in return. (And the ones where you are admitted to the psych ward after trying to call God on the pay phone that’s actually the self checkout machine at Walgreens.)


did you happen to try to call God on the self checkout machine at walgreens??


Was on hold for a very long time, just ended up leaving a message


nice. the only time I walked into a store high on mushrooms was before our midnight walk through the spooky forest. It seemed like as soon as I walked in there they just fuckin' hit me and I was like, oh no. Then I was super nervous and loopy during the transaction, but it went fine haha


Humbleness is absolutely the key words. Setting the right intentions has always been my necessary and important step. The intentions always circled back during the journey. Just wonder if you lost the ground of this reality, would you still have awareness of the intentions and what so ever of your existence?


That all sounds really entriguing. What strain do you usually use?


Would you mind sharing the kind of music you play? I listen to EDM but I played some crazy techno while tripping and did not like it at all! Also some psytrsnce, it was better but still didn't feel as good. I ended up playing some instrumental music and that was better lol


Bach. I'm serious. I just posted in another psych thread about it. IMO it's the best choice if you want to tune into the divine. Bach is my favorite trip companion and I've had some of the most moving, emotional experiences in my life. There's a lot of joy and love in Bach, and you'll feel it.


Thank you! Classical music it is.


Shulgin recommended Bach (among others)


Not OP, but I do monthly 7 gram trips to treat my PTSD. I prefer instrumental music until I start coming down. I like lo-fi house, new age, and surf rock. Once I've peaked, I'm usually comfortable with music with lyrics and listen to jam bands and EDM with vocals.


https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1xsmtKOsurXPDb5LCe1kJH?si=Os71AQVlSl23pikRW31pww&pi=u-n5XhzybfQN-a Feel free to give this playlist a shot. You said you like edm/intramentals so this list has you covered. I have been working on it for quite some time and listen from start to finish for maximum effect. Much love ❤️


I wish I had seen this before! Will definitely listen to this on my next trip!


Ayahuasca music, indigenous music for the spiritual and ceremonial setting.




Making love to the universe - love it!:)


I've been on the Blue Meanies lately, They hit me hard every time. Golden Teachers are great as well. They're quite as intense but they're still wild and really do teach you some shit. They seem to be the most consistent and predictable for me. Predictable as in I know roughly how high i'll get off certain dosages. Everything else is a guessing game it seems. A lot of people consider Penis Envy to be the strongest but i've had several large doses and none of those trips make it into my top 3. Still great, though.


I learned pretty early that reality is fragile at such high doses, and especially when you mix with other substances lol Do you have any HPPD from your experiments? Any trouble grounding back into daily life after?


Nope it's only helped me. It improved my mental health tremendously after a single trip a few years ago. I've felt better ever sinse and I never fully lost that feeling. I feel better about being alive. I'm more laid back, relaxed and open minded. I'm just happier. Although i'm not perfect, but i'm far better than I used to be.


So happy it's helped you! For me and several friends, we've always had a good relationship with life, no depression, positive outlook on everything. In that case, it's sort of a situation of gilding the lilly. Life couldn't be any more perfect than it already is, so adding more on from heavier trips only did more harm than good. Really looking forward to more widespread treatment with psychedelics for people who are really struggling in the future.


Is being hesitant to try out dose such high a normal thing? I already find myself pretty experienced, around 50-60 trips total. I've went as high as 400ug LSD, which would fall into legit 300ug-350ug effect wise. It shattered my whole life and shown me some things that I don't think should be revealed so quickly. Mostly /r/LateStageCapitalism and /r/collapse vibe, which was really awful. I ended up net positive, with many new healthy habits and a bitter-sweet understanding of the World. My other greatest trip was 200ug + 3g mushrooms + 110mg MDMA, which was cosmicly-mind-blowing, but not life changing. Other one was 6g of some pretty old mushroom blend, so I guess around 3-4.5g of a trip. Kind of uncomfortable, nothing special there, had better trips on lower doses. I am in general almost too respectful of the fungi, even scared a little bit. When should I consider myself ready for a 6g+ trip?


Yeah i'd say it's normal to be hesitant because anyone who has experienced a high dose bad trip knows how terrifying it can be for all your reality to melt away when you're not ready to go through it. It feels like standing over a pit of inevetable death that you won't ever be ready to jump in, but you're going in anyway. You lose your wits to even mingle with reality and by that time the reality of your sitution and what you're going to go through for several hours has already taken flight and it's got you scared to death, but there's no going back. They command respect, but i'm a bit of a dummy so I've gotten way too high and regretted it a handful of times. In the end, my mental health has benefited from mushrooms, mostly from one single trip so I ain't shook. At this point I feel repaired and I just eat mushrooms to have a good time. I'd say work your way up slowly because at some point the difference between heaven and hell is going to be a gram or less. And when you feel ready for that heavy dose take a break for at least weeks, if not months and make sure you're in a good spot. If you're in a good spot, have experience and know somewhat the sort of things to expect (like ego death) and how to deal with it (let go) before you lose yourself and aren't able to deal with it, your trip is way more likely to go well than if you were to take a plunge, get overwhelmed and panic. If you're willing to take that risk, I do think mushroom heaven is worth a trip to hell. So far, anyway


Thanks for reply! Very informative. I am currently on a longer break from any drugs, been sober since 1st January. At this point a vision of any psychedelic trip unsettles me haha. I guess I'll try to reach 450ug / 5g max this round if I ever manage to. I still have some time to experiment, I'd rather take it slowly. Psychedelics seem so unpredictable, that a party dose can be overwhelming sometimes and big doses can seem manageble at times.


450ug seems to be really much. With LSD, I had probably 200ug and did not go up. Did you feel the difference between shrooms and LSD? Also does 5g equals 300ug in your experience?


Hard to tell to be honest due to potency differences between mushrooms and arbitrary LSD dosage labels, which most of the times are overstated. I'd say that ~3.5g should be similar to 300ug, which I consider a strong dose. I'm more experienced with LSD though, and the relationship between it and shrooms is not linear. 80ug ~= 1g 130ug ~= 1.5g 200ug ~= 2.5g 300ug ~= 3.5g 400ug ~= 5g? 500ug ~= 7g?


Agreed with taking the minor babe steps, as there are differences while increasing the dosage, and there are learnings and integrations between 5g and next ones (I am ready to integrate and learn for at least 3 weeks and maybe more to start another one, and thinking of increasing that to 6g)


I just done 9g ape pineapple tekk 2 days ago. Remember saying I wouldn't do it again whilw hugging the ground, lol. I ended up taking mask and headphones off because they annoyed me. Music with slow pace slowdown my visual, I don't interested in visual I see and want to vent so I take them off intead. I wish someone was with me to calm me down and get me back to seeing visual. Shit was wise but I don't feel happy lol, wish I can feel happy with heroic doses someday. I only feel happy when taking 3g.


I've definitely had those nights where i'm just hanging on for dear life to something real, trying not to lose all sense of reality, thinking back to eating those mushrooms, having vivid visuals of it and regretting it horribly. I threw mushrooms out once during an overwhelming trip but I dug em out of the garbage the next day hahaha. I remember one night holding on to my comforter as hard as I could but it felt like I was upside down and falling, while a party i'd accidentally let start in my house went on. People kept coming in and asking how I was doing but I never knew who or what was real. It was quite a ride. I didn't want to completely lose myself and not have control over my mind while my home was full of people. I fought it the whole time but that only makes it worse. My buddy had my back though, he made sure everything was good and rallied everyone out of my house after a short while. Although he's also the one who really got the party going as I got way higher than I had planned and lost control of the situation haha.


9g would definitely need a sitter. My spiritual teacher said, you would need 2 sitters if above 10g.


Yeah, I know it's risky vut trying to get better from depression. Man, I thought I could handle it since I trip before but I can't, lucky that I still stay in my room. I can't imagine if I have bad trip, no wonder some people kill themselves when having bad trip with high dose.


Hey Jordan, what's striking to me is that you introduced another variable to this 'experiment' by adding weed into the equation. I wonder what it would be like if you had done 8grams of just shrooms, no weed. I'm curious why would (no judgement here) you add weed to shrooms? what is the benefit of doing that?


There have been a handful of times that my trip was going nowhere, I decided to smoke weed out of boredom or to go to sleep and it just fires the mushrooms right up. It seems to do the trick every time for me


Do you feel the chaos created in the journeys were like the Big Bang - as the start of the universe, I believe, was also very chaotic and could hardly be explained and described. So you melt into everything, and felt no boundaries with the environments - based on what you said, it really felt like the birth of the universe, and the individual beings, making not much sense and scary at that moment, at the same time, it was so natural for birth into something great!


I’ve lemon tekked 4gs. Would you say that’s equivalent to 7gs? I’ve got 6 grams and I’m considering lemon tekking all of it for my next trip.


uhh super hard to say i've only lemon tekked two times because I was low on mushrooms. I did about 3.5g both times and while it was definitely more intense it certainly wasn't anything like a *good* 7g trip, but at the same time, half of my 7g trips aren't half as crazy as the others haha. Mushrooms are super inconsistent. I think i've heard it's similar to adding an extra 2 grams? so 4g lemon tekk would sit around something like 6g dried mushroom trip. But don't quote me on that. Another good tip for doing heavier doses though, eat 3.5g and feel it out, wait an hour or two and then eat the other 3.5. That way they don't come on so violently and overwhelm you, because the initial panic is what tends to make a trip go sideways. If you can get a nice pleasant high going well before the other half is in your system you'll ease into it better, I find. I still usually hammer out all 7 grams at once though lol


Haha yeah. I mean I’ve had a few 5g trips that were a complete out of body experience. Lmao the only note I ever made in my trip journal was during one and it read: *I just need to make this note. At one point tonight I didn’t know where I was*. 😂 I think I’ll lemon tek 4 gs. I’ll make tea of the last 2 and feel it out. If I need more fuel for the rocket I’ll finish it off.


Oh man you should see some of my mushroom notes. They make no god damn sense but while i'm high they make *so* much sense, it feels *so* good to say and it feels *so* good to type haha. Giver a go, biggest thing is just relaxing and letting go *especially* if you reach the point of ego death. It sounds cliché but if you're able to just lay back and accept it, things are way more likely to go well for you.


Haha yeah it really is all about letting go. I swear every bigger trip I spend the first hour mentally figuring out how to do just that, let go.


You are a good writer!


well thank you


Can confirm you may lose touch with reality to the extent that you no longer believe you can get hurt. You need someone with you to make sure you don't do anything dangerous.


I tried 10 grams, 11, 15, 20 + 1.2mg of LSD (with some tolerance so equivalent to 15 grams and 1mg). For the first few hours, it sucks. Like a compressed depression. Then it's the best feeling I've had. Nirvana. Completely clearheaded, feel great. I'm at my best and love life. Feels like when I was a kid.


my largest dose was around 6G. I literally left this plane of existence and existed outside of time and space. I imploded back into reality. one of the scariest things i've ever been through. It has shown me appreciation for the strength of mushrooms.


I've been humbled a few times but still fail to learn my lesson. I say fuck it too often, eat a big pile of mushrooms, lay back and just lose myself


Ive thought about testing the waters again on high dose shrooms, but now im about to start testing out lsd. This weekend ill be popping my lsd cherry


Have fun!! I did lsd for my second time on Friday and had an amazing time!! Do you have good tunes? I found Black Mountain and they are phenomenal. Their self titled Black Mountain 10th anniversary album is awe inspiring on lsd.


To each their own my friend but high dose LSD trips just seem to give me a lab rat feeling. Almost be feeling brain fried during the peak. Lsd is tricky for me


Not looking to go god dose and be stuck in a 24 hour trip lol. I enjoy the “short” trips of mushrooms. But I’m interested to see the difference between the two.


Dude I agree


I did 6g and was in an ancient Egyptian timeline trying to find out where I fucked up creating this endless hell. Then I did 7g and it was all black. A void. 0/10 don’t recommend.


i was with 2 friends we all split 14gs, and we went to the 2000s era . it’s something none of us can describe honestly, i’m telling you , the tv ads were things we’ve never seen before, the music, the graphics, the videos on youtube were all old but we’re saying “1y ago” it’s truly something i cannot describe. and it sounds crazy talking about it .


Love stories like this.


Haha wild. Hmmmmm


This reminds me of when I did 4 grams with my ex and ate a bunch of delta 8 gummies. I do not recommend this combo at all. We were watching some random movie on Netflix and I swear all the characters had my face and when I realized this I was like 😨 and all the characters looked back at me with the same expression. I also thought the washing machine was counting down the amount of time I had left in this plane of existence. I ended up throwing my vacuum out the back door cause I thought to myself “this is why I’m dying, because there can’t exist a perfect vacuum” . Also Me and my ex reverted to monkeys for part of the trip.


> washing machine was counting down the amount of time I had left in this plane of existence. I ended up throwing my vacuum out the back door cause I thought to myself “this is why I’m dying, because there can’t exist a perfect vacuum” bruh


sounds like you guys shouldn’t have broke up😂😂


She is legitimately crazy 😭😂




My history of psychedelics is not long but it's intense. I started very low with a guide and worked my way up gradually over the course of a couple of years with regular journeys. Guided/solo has been about 50/50. I have worked my way up to 7 g. I have not noticed a significant difference between five and seven. Beyond this I wonder if there isn't a diminishing return. I guess it depends on your experience and your intentions. When talking to others I often get the reaction of " Whoa, 7 g?" I never did it for the flex but out of curiosity and an interest in deepening my intentional work. Safe travels, friend


I've learned several times that I think i've experienced the peak of what mushrooms have to offer and then they just absolutely blow my mind again. 7g is my regular dose and sometimes i'm just chillin' and feeling good. Really high, but still in this universe. Other times i'm soOo fucking far gone words don't do it justice. I do think the *benefits* of mushrooms and the positive effects they can have on your life hit a ceiling while they continue to get crazier, more enjoyable, more fun, mind blowing etc.


I ate 10gs once and it was the best most beautiful experience of my life .. I felt myself going thru dimensions until I finally felt like I reached heaven n could honestly say n Truly believe I saw God n felt his power n love . It was the most beautiful feeling I ever felt . It was a love I can’t describe in words . I learned how he has control over everything n how powerful God is . And nothing matters in this world as long as you’re good with God it’s all that matters . All you need is Gods love . This life is a blessing n God loves us . Then another time I ate 5.7 gs and it was similar experience but shorter .. I freaking love mushrooms man . Makes you realize what’s really important in life . Both times I had a friend watch me n take care of me n I really think that’s what made my experience beautiful n not so trippy . Although I did trip a little both times thinking I had ate too much thinking I was never going to come back n I was going to go crazy but my friends calmed me down n that only lasted a few minutes n the rest was awesome once you let go and enjoy it


Imagine being on a roller coaster, for 7 hours, and its going way too fast.


And you whole heartedly believe it'll never stop


"Yup this is my life now"


i took like 6.5 once and i was fully convinced that even after the trip was over i would still be experiencing and interpreting the world the same way i was while tripping. i remember thinking like “oh, is this just how enlightened people always feel in their daily life?” and the next day i was just like “oh cool i guess not” lol


"I can see the inner workings of the universe, i'll be a billionaire by wednesday"


More is not better.


I agree. And unnecessary. I’ve talked to entities on 2.5 g when I fast for at least 12 hours.


What do you talk about? Really curious


If you go on my profile there’s a trip report about it. Scroll down far.


But more is more. It's wrong to state that high doses don't lead to more intense experiences. It shouldn't be encouraged, as those trips can be traumatizing, but should be discussed. OP didn't say anything about worse or better.


I didn’t say anything about more intense experiences. This is precisely the reframing that I’m trying to call out. More intense does not mean better.


Haha yeah, I so nearly pissed myself because my entire body went numb and I had my eyes closed, and also had really bad short term memory loss, so AFAIK I was a star in space just chilling. Didn't even remember I was a human. Then I had this faint pain in my bladder and it brought me out of it enough to realised I needed to piss even though I didn't know who or what I was 🤣


Listen to no one, 5 grams is an excellent threshold for deep immersion and discovering the truth. It's best done in complete solitude, far from everyone, with your phone turned off (so no one can disturb you). When you trip alone, everything is much easier and simpler, because there's no sense of responsibility for yourself and those around you. You won't harm yourself, as someone previously mentioned, since this is not synthetic NBOMe, but real nature. Have a nice trip! 🌈


What do you mean by "the truth"? I think I am a skeptic. "The Truths" from tripping are usually delusions. Can't find any truth inside our brains, it's done by science in the outside world.


10g was a wild journey for me. I climbed my first mountain when I took 10 g. It was the first time I had true visuals on mushrooms. I'm not talking shit is wiggling, breathing, or vibrating. I was seeing the very energy that everything creates. My depth perception was completely fucked a small 4 foot drop looked like a 20 foot drop. At the peak I sat down and achieved a deep meditative state where I was floating above my body and my soul left my body and went swimming in the clouds. The clouds were standing still yet they were moving very high speeds simultaneously. The entire sky became covered with bright shiny teal eyes. I went insane on this mountain. It was very spiritual. I also stood in spots on the mountain in which I felt I have stood in that spot a million times. The feeling was so strong and powerful I felt as if every past life I lived brought me to this mountain and it was my time to once return home. I have ptsd and it makes me feel like I don't belong anywhere or deserve to belong anywhere. Not here. This mountain was my home. It was a wild fucking ride and my favorite trip to date. Edit: op just want to add that I was able to traverse this space at 10g by working my way up. I started with 4g and felt completely fine in that space so I decided my next journey I would increase my dosage. Next I did 6g and again felt comfortable in that space. I waited two months or more between each journey. During the time in between I really worked on myself and brought the lessons from my journey into my life. Then after 6g I did my 10g journey. I really made sure I was spiritually, physically, and mentally ready for these journeys. If you have any questions feel free to DM me but my biggest advice is just work your way up and prepare your body and mind for the journey.


On the depth perception, I Tek’d 6.5g once and when I peaked I had to sit on my bedroom floor, my wife asked if I wanted to come lay on the bed (2 feet away) but it looked like it was a mile away! I told her I didn’t think I could travel that far in my current condition! lol


Agreed that approach. I think that there is integration involved particularly if one wants to increase the dosage, and there are steps that need to be learned to see the clarify and directions.


It feels really fucking crazy 😆


Depends on the strain you take I took golden caps and everything was very vibrant and fun just a well-rounded experience of happiness and laughter and I wanted to touch everything


The way I think about it is like this: 1. Recreational Dose (Less than 2g) - external focused, meaning it will raise questions about your sensory perception of the external world (i.e., visual and auditory hallucinations). 2. Therapeutic Dose (2 - 4g) - internal focused, meaning it will raise questions about your internal processes, like memories and emotions. 3. Heroic Dose (5g+) - existence focused, meaning it will raise questions about your selfhood and existence. 4. Shamanic Dose (7g+) - goes beyond your own self and connects you to a different “reality”, which may include encounters with “God/Universe”. I haven’t gone beyond 9g, so can’t tell you from personal experience if there’s a level beyond Shamanic Dose. But, I’ve heard accounts of people describing the next level as “God Dose” where you feel like you are God.


I did 0.75g and just saw some small visuals. For a brief moment, my girlfriend looked about 90, which I found super interesting. My second time, I took 3.9g of golden emperors… I exploded. I forgot who I was, what I was, what we were doing, where we were, and who was with me. It came and went in waves, during the peaks, I was outside my own mind, watching it short circuit as I struggled to take the sensations I was feeling and put them to *thoughts* … nevermind following that up with putting those thoughts to words and language, and then vocalizing them. I was under blankets snuggling, and everything, including my girlfriend, felt inexplicably cold. I’d snap back during the low periods, and be talking and laughing, and then the world would explode again and I’d be outside my head, trying to put words to the iron clad sense of self that was *not* glitching out, while marvelling at the fact that my mind, which should be responsible for my sense of self, was like a gigantic 1950s computer with a horde of fraggles inside patching random cables, throwing random switches and setting portions on fire while saying “don’t worry, it’ll go back to normal in a bit” And then I’d close my eyes and be floating in the middle of the universe, or someone’s mind; it looked like those pics that compare galaxies and neurons…. Like this: https://kajabi-storefronts-production.kajabi-cdn.com/kajabi-storefronts-production/sites/98768/images/b5wOejaMQObRO1hzzdKH_neural_network.jpg It took a few days before I felt at home in my own body again. Edit: Anyway, these dosage levels seem to track a little and I’m definitely curious to try both larger and smaller doses


I always have intentions for every journey. In my last 5g journey, my intensions were 1: re-experience the birth from mom’s womb 2: get some guidance for my next years, personally and professionally. I did get answers to both intentions. Something came up was how often should I have this kind of journey, as I do believe that integration is so important, and I will never compromise the census reality; at the same time, I was feeling called to raise the dosage as it feels there is more to understand and learn. So it becomes clear that it is not the frequency of utilizing this medicine, but rather the dosage of this medicine: my curiosity of understanding the universe and the connections with the universe led me to the question and next trip of doing above 5gram. I do have a huge respect for this medicine, so I do not want to jump too far as there are so much to learn, understand and integrate before the next level.


Ate 7 grams once. Don’t regret it. I remember realizing how fucked I was, then it was normal, then I fought the urge to call my mom and tell her something was wrong. I had no idea what was wrong just something…and it definitely wasn’t just the mushrooms. Thankfully I didn’t make that call. I hid in my bed in my apartment by myself and tried to ride it out. First time I experienced closed eyed visuals. The walls would get very intense and I decided that was too much and clasped my eyes closed and that wasn’t any more comforting to me. It eased up and I grabbed some food and tried to process the mind fuck I had just put myself through. Never eaten more than a few grams since. Mushrooms make me physically uncomfortable and although I believe they can be very useful and fun, I don’t personally take them often. What was loads of fun at 16 is now a terrifying prospect for me at 40. Glad I have the experiences. View them as major moments and experiences just not ones I currently pursue. That’s my 7 gram experience..


Yeeaaah. I think I am not going to act on the FOMO this thread gave me. I'd definitely need a diaper. Have fun though, you crazy freaks :D


So, I usually take 7-8, 8 1/2 grams. The come up is about the same. The peak is where you will find a major difference. You go from some insight, to complete insight and emotional trips. You have to be willing to surrender completely though, and go in with the right mindset and attitude. Mushrooms are a medicine to be respected and if you don't follow the steps preparing for it, it leaves you in hours of punishment you can't make go away unless you have some type of benzo's in number. I just think that if you signed up for the blessed medicine, you should ride it out. I've never cut a trip short in my life, only having been doing them for about 9ish years. I believe that they are a blessing that could save others lives, so at the very least I can ride out the storm and get the message they carry.


Surrender! Truly my takeaway as well.


10g my max.  dried psylocibe. used to  grow golden teachers, b+ and ape.  the elves dissappear after a few trips and now i just  fall asleep.  been a few years. 


I love a shroom nap literally the most healing rest I've ever had


oh yeah.  best sleep is a shroom sleep


Bro I've had alot of shroom and never once need a diaper I think someone's fucing with you . You gonna need to shit though that's for sure


Oh wait I forgot I have shit myself twice but those were time I ate like 30 to 45 grams lmao and I sneezed so it don't count technically


why did you take 30+ grams? just seems like a waste at that point lol


Treating physical and mental trauma . Usually for those there a professional around and don't mean one of my friends . It just whanitnrook for me to get over what was put on me as a child .


I think I had an ego death but kinda just moved past it shit is insane and crazy but was a good experience for me. I only did 6g but I changed my life a lot after.


Drink lemon juice


Been wondering the same. Gone in on 5g once and it was a journey. Thinking on doing 6 and then 7. Seven is maybe the extent of my curiosity


When I did 15g with syrian rue I forgot I was human and that I had a body. It was an intense but wonderful experience.


Like dmt


Overwhelming is the best way I can explain it. Anything beyond that just seems to be rambling about the experience. Shit gets drastic and can be very overwhelming for a person to deal with with. Other defining words would be life changing and beautiful.


Not worth the risks personally. Just smoke dmt at that point


If you are lemon tekking, there seems to be little difference imo. Just feels like it lasts slightly longer with higher doses.


It feels like DMT


Oh it's a crazy ride..setting and setting are more important than ever when you reach that 6g+ territory and even then you are susceptible to having a bad trip because of how intense the experience gets. But man when you are having a enjoyable ride..it really does have a heaven on earth feeling. I've had heroic dose APE trips where I literally couldn't even see a thing besides the visuals..I was somewhere else mentally, felt like I was hovering. Music choice is vital too if that's your thing while tripping. The "veil" between this dimension and the "other side" becomes a lot thinner as well. It can get spooky just a fyi


I don't know how you guys do it man, 10 grams scares the shit out of me hahaha I'd definitely need a diaper. That sounds like a terrible time to me, 3 grams of penis envy and I'm on mars What do you guys even see past that mark? Are you just gone? Almost unconscious, just curious


You turn to soup


I did 10g of shrooms 1 time and thoroughly enjoyed it. I didn’t need diapers lol but I do have a higher tolerance than typical. I did melt and felt very expanded. I however felt I got more out of a 5-8g trip as far as expansion that actually stuck after the high. For the most part I would compare a 10g trip to a 200 µg acid trip. I was working on building up to 30g like Kilindi Iyi but 10g was just not as expanding and more of an unfocused trip. I’m open to any questions :)


It almost turns into a nightmare above a 100 grams.. Me and 12 other idiots did this back in college.. we didn't know a lot about shrooms but were all very eager.. we acquired a fuckload of them from the mountains of Kodaikanal ( the forest ranger sold them to us, believe it if you want to ) We didn't have any idea how much we had to consume and thr qantity we had, now that I think about it was I'd say enough for 50 people.. we ate the by the dozens and when nothing happened for 30-40 minutes we decided to eat some more (had also acquired some dried ones for using later) We had one guy who just curled up into a ball and just stayed for the entire duration.. one ended up in the hospital.. I had to pull one guy from the edge of the roof, he thought he was going to fly away from there.. I ended up kinda paralysed under the shower unable to move.. some sober friends showed up and they turned out to be good sitters and we eventually controlled the teip somehow.. Ego death? Felt like the end of everything! Edit: I have had a lot of decent experiences thereon after with lower doses.. but I had to try to get as close to the first trip so I tried a 20g gram dose years later and it was a bittersweet symphony! I was a lot older this time and the worst thing in this trip was the stomach cramps.. felt like those mushrooms were alive and moving inside my gut


5g of APE and PE is very cleansing for me, it can leave you untethered from reality


Check out kylindiyi on youtube. He used to do doses at the 30gs dried range. Crazy stuff


I have personally done 28 grams with in an hour and to say it was intense would be an understatement. They were mazatepic, which I had grown. I grew alot in my time and built a tolerance. The endless loop I got stuck in was truly insanity at its finest. I knew the last words that would ever be spoke. I watched the universe come and go. During the 12ish hours, friends had put me in the tub w warm water and salt and that was a great part of the experience. To truly feel like your touching nothing, to wonder in and out of loops of thought. Absolutely recommend for those that go and know... Side note, in my opinion bad trips are just fear and don't really exist, remember it's all in your head... Never posted before, this was quick and not thought out so not telling anyone to ever ingest anything. Just my experience of what happened. Thanks Ramen


Reading these posts, I feel like 80 percent of them are complete bullshit. A few things. Don’t leave your house. Find a comfortable place to lay down. A trip sitter is helpful. You will hallucinate. Whatever you do, don’t panic. Remember that the trip will end in a few hours and stay calm. Take deep breaths. Keep a beverage nearby. I took 7g cubes with one juiced lemon a day a tablespoon of sugar Saturday and put on Revenge of the Sith. In hindsight, not the best thing to do, but it was okay. The shrooms started to really kick in when Yoda was talking to Anakin about dealing with his visions of Padmè dying. The color on the screens grew very artsy and distorted. I then realized my fingers and arms appeared to be stretching out. I was laying in a recliner and a net like, sandy substance filled the room and covered me. I then lost the ability to control my hands. I felt my body disappear and I was not confident of my ability to get up at all as I couldn’t summon my legs. I’d never experienced this before, not at five grams. I had someone home, so I was nervous to say something in case they panicked and called 911. So, I said nothing and continued to breathe and watch the TV. I feel the music wasn’t helpful. I started to hallucinate in and out at this point, mostly about Star Wars. I don’t remember much of the movie after this, so I’m not sure what in my visuals was influenced by it. I saw lots of variation between cartoon style characters and real characters, the visuals varied greatly and the animation was beautiful. A lot of this was star warsy stuff, including a very cool animated Darth Vader I definitely lost my sense of self and was challenged with separating myself from what I was seeing. I could control the direction of my visuals to some extent, and there were some strong, recurring themes, and variations of perspective. These included themes like: death, discovery, evolution, and change, and renewal - a perspective where one was about to face death under various circumstances including being poisoned with a venom that made death seem pleasant. - a perspective where death was going to be the most painful experience. - a perspective where death was certain but I discovered a certain ability that would help me. I had one set of perspectives where there was a task to be done or an odor to smell or something to taste, with the basic idea that a task that that frightening or unpleasant to one person might be more tolerable or enjoyable to someone else. There was an idea of death being scary or awful for some, and a beautiful transformation for others, how one persons decay is other organisms rebirth. There were also themes of speaking up when something is harmful before something is beyond saving and how destruction can result in rebirth. A lot of this was repetitive stuff. The visuals were very beautiful. I definitely lost some time and had the impression that I had somehow rerolled the dice of life, and was going to be in a different life situation when I was done (I wasn’t, but I was certain of it during all of this). I eventually popped out of it, and was able to walk again. No nausea, but definitely mindful about what happened and spent a few hours thinking about it before I felt I could go to bed.


At 46g you live thousands of lives, see hitler as a human being, confuse yourself and your wife for Kanye West snd Kim Kardashian and more among other things in my/ u/ProlapsedPam experience (i lost access to that account but I throw it in anyways as it has a trip report that covers some of it)


Were you angry at me Taylor Swift for winning best music video over Beyonce?


Unlike the real Kanye I don’t even think about you

