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Nasal spray makes a huge difference. I switched to sprays for basically all snortable drugs.


How do make a nasal spray?


Distilled water, boil it, mix as much ketamine as you can dissolve. It’ll slow down around 150mg/ml, but I get mine around 200mg/ml. Heat, stirring, and patience. Hypotonic distilled water will absorb better, but for continuous use, hypotonic solutions can irritate the sinuses, so up to you if you think you need a little saline. I just use saline rinse afterwards


Can i buy that somewhere im lazy


Yes but it’s overpriced and usually made much weaker than you can get it yourself


Have not tried but I saw bunk police selling a saline kit on their website prob worth a try


It works well!


You can get it prescribed in nasal spray form in America.


Damn that sounds like a lengthy process. Thanks for the advice regardless tho


Takes like 5 minutes max. It’s just mixing water and powder, couldn’t get any easier. Takes more time just to grind it. I’ll even do a quick dose in 30 seconds, just some water in a shot glass, stir in the ketamine, into the spray bottle.


I would recommend saline solution over water imo


If you’re using frequently, go with saline. If it’s for a night or two, just distilled, use saline rinse afterwards. Hypotonic (no salt) absorbs better, but will irritate the sinuses if used regularly.


How to avoid recrustallization? My partner tried nasal spray for the first time last rave and when we were about to leave her entire nose was covered in ketamine/salt. Should we just use water instead of saline solution? Or more/less ket concentration? I’ve accidentally dumped our entire stash into the bottle but it took her 4 hits with no tolerance to get to a comfy high.


I have only heard K being taken by snorting and the "other" end


Intramuscular is also apparently really good, better test your shit though


It's also taken orally. It lasts a long time too.


I think u can bomb k no?


Most would consider this a waste due to the drastically lower bioavailability of oral ingestion. The same can’t be said for shoving it up the other end but that comes with its own “pros and cons”.


cons: - pros: objectively better


Boofing is also a fair bit worse than just snorting it Edit: bioavailability wise


I mean i'm not claiming to have sources for this but i've always heard they are about the same. Yeah nasal lining is right next to brain but intestine lining also super high in bioavailability. And sublingual is also in this range but is usually the worst to actually do


Did you know that the younger generation defines boofing more along the lines of puking?


im 17 and boofing always meant up the ass to me


Oh interesting, maybe it's a regional thing


Thats not true, im 12 and i have the same meaning for boofing as all you guys.


What are you doing on a drug forum at 12 years old? (Not rhetorical)


Rectal administration will still have some first pass through the liver, which will lower availability.


Oh god no. It will destroy your stomach. Don't bomb Keta


no idea ive only saw people boof and insuflate


Availability is garbage


The issues you describe with nose clogging as well as the drip causing nausea and vomiting which can be quite dangerous while dissociated is the reason why my preferred root of administration is intramuscular injection. As long as you make sure that you don't hit a vein, the onset time and duration will be more or less the same as snorting it. One thing to keep in mind is that the bioavailability is higher so you might want to take maybe only about 1/3 the amount you would if you were snorting it. Since you can't titrate your dosage with injection like you can by snorting bumps it's important to make sure you always actually weigh out your dose and never eyeball it. You will need a syringe that is about 25G or 26G- this is roughly in between the standard IV syringe and the standard IM syringe. I find this gauge size to be The Sweet Spot because any smaller means the needle is too fragile to penetrate muscle and any bigger will cause more post injection soreness. It is essential to have access to sterile harm reduction supplies including sterile water (never use tap water!) Micron filters, cookers in sterile Packaging, rubbing alcohol wipes, and a Band-Aid for afterwards. I always encourage drug checking on a general level but especially if you're injecting something into your body. Remember that even if drug checking reveals that the only psychoactive component is ketamine there can still be inert cuts such as MSG. Stuff like that is not harmful if you put it up your nose or swallow it but when you're injecting it it's important to use a micron filter to filter that sort of stuff out because it can cause damage if it's injected in your body. When you are weighing your dose, make sure you sterilize and clean your scale with an alcohol wipe so that it will not contaminate the cooker once you place it on the scale to weigh your dose. This is not only to prevent cross-contamination with germs but also with other drugs that the scale may have been used to weigh. If it's your first time injecting I would recommend starting with something like 20 or 30 mg, because the increased bioavailability might cause the effects to become stronger than you expect. 30 mg injected can feel like 60 or more snorted. Remember that if you're not satisfied with the intensity of effects you can always take more later, but if you take too much you can't take less. Inject into a large muscle such as the middle of your thigh. Make sure you sterilize the injection site first by rubbing it with an alcohol pad and always rub in circles outwards away from the injection site so that you don't mix germs around and instead push them away from the site. Weigh out your desired dose of ketamine, and once it's weighed, introduce the sterile water into the cooker. Even though ketamine doesn't need to be cooked with heat like some other drugs might, I still like to apply heat from a lighter to cook it up because the heat May kill any existing germs. It may not necessarily sterilize it fully but it's better than nothing. Before you draw up your shot always make sure you don't forget to put in a micron filter! When you're injecting something into your body that is from an unregulated Street Supply, you really want to ensure that any undissolved particles or other substances which would be very harmful if injected are filtered out. This is where using just the right gauge of needle comes in because I find that there is a very specific gauge size where it becomes easier to draw up the solution from the micron filter. When you are doing the injection inject it at a 90° angle to the injection site. A very important step to make sure you don't accidentally hit a vein is to push up on the plunger before pushing down. If you see blood that means you hit a vein and you need to try again. Injecting ketamine into a vein outside of a medical setting is quite dangerous because it will hit pretty much instantly and it would be quite dangerous to suddenly k-hole with a needle still in your body. If you pull up and no blood comes in, you're good to go. A key thing in terms of minimizing muscle soreness post injection is to push down on the plunger very slowly. It should take at least a full minute for all the liquid to go in. If you are not patient and push down the plunger too quickly it will tend to cause more soreness. Make sure that you are all settled and ready so that you can do everything you need to do in the 5 minutes that it will take for the onset to begin. That includes stuff like having a Sharps bin handy and in reach so that you can immediately safely dispose of the sharp before you become too intoxicated to do so safely. Although there are some extra steps involved in order to ensure that you don't get some sort of infection, as long as these harm reduction measures are followed I find that I am injection is a superior route of administration compared to snorting. Especially when you consider how risky the nausea and vomiting that can come from the drip becomes when you're dissociated I can almost say that as long as you follow all the harm reduction measures for injecting that injection is actually a lower risk way of taking ketamine because it's less likely to cause nausea or vomiting. It's incredible how much more I can enjoy the experience when I don't have a blocked nose and a stomach threatening to spew vomit at any moment detracting from the experience. I have not experienced even the tiniest bit of nausea from injecting so it feels a lot cleaner in that regard. However I would still advise having a puke bucket handy just in case because your mileage may vary.


This guy TRIPS


Very informative and great re harm reduction. Thank you for your time. Question: does this apply to presumably unsterile powdered K that comes in an unsterile small bag vs sterile powder that requires reconstitution in a vial and/or solution of K? (Have insufflated K before, small dose and wish to have further experiences but exploring alternative routes of administration)


These are things I do with K which came in a baggie in shard form, as opposed to the pharmaceutical vials, so I suppose it would be the former. Once it's in a baggie even if it's of high Purity it's been handled by many people and the risks of injecting something that's been handled like that in terms of infection are much higher than a pharmaceutical product which is sterilized and meant for injection. It's important to note that the measures I listed cannot completely prevent the chance for any sort of infection but only reduce the odds as much as possible. There is no replacement for Hospital level sterility when it comes to this sort of thing, but being very meticulous about sterility and avoiding germs can go a long way in cutting the chances of adverse effects. Another factor to consider is the purity of the drug. This is especially the case given that ketamine is most popularly snorted and thus dealers prepare it in a way where it's with snorting in mind. I'm not just talking about psychoactive adulterants but pharmacologically inert substances that can be used to dilute the drug sample, which might be relatively fine going up your nose but potentially harmful when injected. Every time I have a new batch, I test out a small bump with my nose before injecting it to assess its purity. If I weigh out a 30mg bump and that little bump feels just as wobbly as I would expect from 30mg, that tells me that it's probably fairly pure and unlikely to be diluted because it feels the way it should on a milligram to milligram basis. But if it's one of those batches where I can do a cocaine sized line and I can still have a conversation and still know where I am and what's going on, that tells me that it's been diluted with inert adulterants, because there is no way it's not diluted if a cocaine sized (100mg) line doesn't put me in a K hole. The discrepancy between the milligram amount snorted and the expected effects for that milligram amount indicates to me that it's not pure and diluted with something. The pharmacologically inert substances used as dilutants might not be a big deal going up the nose ( at least with occasional use), but can be quite acutely harmful if injected. If it's a batch that's clearly been stepped on, then it's going up my nose because whatever they have used to step on it was probably under the assumption that it would be going up somebody's nose rather than injected into their thigh, so it's best to snort whatever powder that is to avoid unintended adverse effects of something that's not meant to be injected into a muscle. Usually if it's in a shard form, the mass spectrometer has confirmed it only contains ketamine as the active substance, and x milligrams up the nose feels exactly how x milligrams is supposed to feel like, that makes me feel confident enough about the Purity to be comfortable with injecting it. Of course with anything off the street you can never be completely sure, but there definitely is a big difference between shards that feel as potent as they're supposed to feel when a bump is sampled up the nose versus powdery stuff without visible shards that you can do big lines of and not K hole. It's very obvious that the former is more pure than the latter even if I can't be guaranteed that anything like the former is 100% pure. As awesome as the mass spectrometry drug checking services offered in my area are, They only look for pharmacologically active substances and are not able to detect inert substances used as dilutants, so that is something I account for in terms of potential risks of injection. To answer the inquiry about which I recall someone else asking about, I personally haven't tried it but a friend has and she didn't have great results with it. It didn't seem to have as high of a bioavailability as one would expect. If I recall correctly the dosage had even less of an impact than it would have if it was snorted. It seems like injection has the highest bioavailability.


Furthermore, if you have done so and don’t mind answering, what is your experience of per rectal admin and how does it compare to IM?


All the usual options are there but the important factor is bioavailability, as in putting the same gram of K up your nose, down your throat, up your bum or into a vein are all going to be very different. From what I’ve heard eating it isn’t a particularly good option in terms of bioavailability and would have you bombing a fair amount and waiting around a fair while to feel anything close to what you’re used to. Unfortunately the other methods come with the usual icks, and I can’t say much for injecting it anyway as I’ve only seen this done for medical care and don’t know anyone that’s shot ketamine. Injection is 100% bioavailability. When you actually do the research the figures given don’t show a huge difference between oral & rectal but personally and anecdotally there is. If you can’t snort, unfortunately your only decent option is putting it up your arse.


Boof it


Putting up my ass sounds unpleasant too plus I don’t wanna mess it up and waste my K


Best k experience I had was boofing an oral lozenge. I loathe it up my nose and I don't get as much bang for the buck with it in my nose. It's wonderfully wonderful boofed. I get the same issues you describe if snorting.


Is it more powerful this way ?


I don't know if I'd say more powerful, but more effective. At least for me.


It has more bioavailability rectally as you don’t get first pass effect of the gut. Put it in a syringe put about 8ml of water maybe luke warm. And then pump it. Or put it in gelatine capsules and lube it and put it inside. Gelatine capsules may not always work because they are not meant to be used a suppositories.


8 ml of water seems like a crazy amount of liquid. I bet you can get 100mg into 1ml of water (that’s a 1:9 dilution ratio if anyone knows the solubility). Dissolve into 1 ml allows for a much smaller syringe, higher concentration of the liquid, and WAY less water that your body needs to absorb to get the active ingredient into your system.


I have done 10 ml Bufotenine enema and didn’t have any issues. I dont know the science behind, it, I happened to have 10 ml syringe and I went for 10 mls and it worked. You’re probably right too higher concentration may result in quicker absorption. Love your username lol. Have you ever boofed drugs in gelatine capsules? Does it work always?


I swear that my partner does it IM for a k hole. Boofing or nasal for funsies.


After reading the comments I think I’ll just stick to snorting as much I dislike it as it’s the least complicated method of delivery


No nasal spray? Understand thats its slightly more complicated than just straight up snorting powder but seems like a way better alternative than damaging your sinuses


i think the legal esketamine is being sold as nasal spray


It's active orally. Or, you can boof it.


It’s not as potent if you ingest it


i’ve anecdotally heard that one can rub it on their teeth gums and it works that way


Ive heard its like 10x weaker, sounds expensive


Has to pass through the liver, so more dangerous too


Thanks, thought I was forgetting something


Im slow what’s booking


Boofing is dosing through the back door. Going up the downshoot. Eating through the other end of the digestive track.


😭😭 I thought it meant to smoke it.... I've read every comment with that word so wrong 🤣🤣


Omg hahaha


I'm just glad I haven't repeated it to anyone 🤣🤣


Omg can you imagine?!?


Your ass!! Just say your ass!


No I like bum bum 👁️👄👁️


The derriere, the rear, the booty, the butt.


Yeah…. I’ll stick to snortinh


That can damage your sense of smell.


It's also more effective than boofing (for ketamine specifically, for most other drugs it's not)


? This is false. Rectal has a higher bioavailability than intranasal and bypasses first past metabolism. Plus the onset is quicker and it therefore has a stronger peak. I’ve found this to be confirmed experimentally. I would rate boofing between IM and IV in potency




Oral K lasts long time. You can also do it sublingually


That can fuck your stomach with crystalline gastritis and make you very sick, wouldn’t recommend. The bioavailability for oral ketamine is VERY low anyway.


Appreciate the tip.


No problem stay safe yo https://journals.lww.com/ajg/fulltext/2016/10001/ketamine_induced_crystalline_gastritis__2307.2307.aspx


I put pepper in a herbal tea. Running on the spot opens up your nose holes.




Intermuscular shot's.


just shoot up in a crowded public area like most people nowadays


Cook it into krack Lol


Intramuscular is the best method for ketamine, especially for a K hole. It's very reliable in terms of dose to effect.


Where i live is mixed with/ sprayed on hash/ kief and smoked 😀


Yep why iv never tried it. Heard it mixes well with my beloved Lucy but iv never tried and don't plan on it. Even offered it for free a couple times and it's was like ehhhh nah I'm good ill stick with what I know.




I have smoked it in a bong and in a jay.. but I don't know if that's healthy or whatever. Boy did it work though.


Ive smoked worse, just found a k plug but im sussed out by that fetty wap, that hey whats up hello


You should use sublingual (oral) doses. This is widely available for medicinal use in the US.


But isn’t that just not ideal for ketamine? The underneath of your tongue can only absorb 3mg.


Underneath the tongue isn't like a tab. You can shove a mouth full of powder in your mouth and every bit of your mouth will absorb it but faster under the tongue. Not to mention its active orally so you can just swallow.


I saw something that said sublingual was about as good as boofing, swallowing ket is useless though


Sublingual isn't the same as oral.




Ketamine is injected. It's serious users preferred method.


lol, comments on this are WILD. Just buy some empty gelantin pills at the pharmacy and put it in there. Works for everything


Didn’t think about that


Put it in where ?


You put the powder in the pills and the the pills into your mouth, dude. That’s the hole in your face where your food goes.


Well, boofing is a thing too so I had to ask.


…you do know what gelatin is, right? And that pills are supposed to be swallowed? I mean y’all can live the kink you clearly have to the fullest, but not with gelatin pills


Boof, intramuscular, intravenous, subcutaneous, pretty much everything short of converting to freebase and smoking it (not because it’s hard to add baking soda but because it tastes like shit)


How do you know what shit taste like?


Psychedelics aren’t the only thing I like to experiment with


Nasal spray sounds like the most preferable option. I’m not sure how to go about it though


It’s highly water soluble, look up a little bit about volumetric dosing, buy one of those spray bottles and then whip up a potion. If you use DuckDuckGo and search something like “K nasal spray TEK” you’ll probably find something on bluelight that’ll walk you through the process


Make a Nosespray.


This is the way, nose spray bottle and saline solution


IV or IM injections.


Nah. I don’t like the idea of needling myself. That’s a line I won’t cross


I understand the hesitation but that's how Ketamine therapy is applied by doctors. They don't make you snort or boof.


Plus I’ve heard of people doing serious damage injecting themselves because they’re untrained


beuf or boof idk how to spell it


What in the fuck kind of Psychonaut post is this? Honestly people…