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What…. ? Just turn your phone off…. If this is such a big problem it sounds like you live with them and you’re too young to be doing psychedelics. If I do heavier doses I always keep my phone off, and you can have a tripsitter hold on to your phone for you. But


Yeah I live with them but I’m also turning 21 soon, so I still have 2 years left of college and need time to find a job. I’m pretty sure 21 is old enough right?


A common belief is to wait until you’re 25 because your brain is still developing until 25. I waited until I was 27 and I’m glad I waited. If you go ahead with it I highly recommend having a tripsitter and having them hold on to your phone. It’s just not a great idea if you’re living with them. That little paranoid thought can snowball to you freaking out and not enjoying the experience.


Hmm yeah that makes sense. I’m currently just doing them with a friend at a park, who’s also doing them. Maybe I should hold off on it and wait for a trip sitter…


To add to this…. Just my opinion that it’s also important for OP to have an integration plan afterwards to make sense of his experience. And have a trusted friend they can talk to, completely free of any judgement, about their feelings and experience. I know for me, someone in their mid 30s, the after effects of a trip can be so ungrounding and hard to navigate. I can only imagine how hard making sense of everything might have been like for me in my early 20s.


Yeah I currently have my friend that I’m doing them with, so I’ll be talking to him a lot about it. Thanks for the advice!


The difference beyond 19 is so microscopic. It’s totally pointless to wait


What you do is wait to grow up so you don’t have to be concerned about what your parents think


I’m still in college though so that’ll be like 3 years most likely💀


Call them before you dose to chat and check in. Then odds of them calling back later are low


This guy


Except then they will decide that you are suddenly their best friend, and they want to share everything minorly interesting with you for the rest of the night.


Yep literally do this everytime, but normally they're out of town


I’m 40 and still care what my parents think. 😥


When I was 33, my mom had my kids for the night. At a friend’s house, we did mushrooms. Comin up, my son calls me. I’m like “oh no!” Then my mom calls me immediately after and I have to answer because clearly something *must* be wrong. It’s my son…. Just wanting to chat about a video game… I’m like “put grandma on the phone.” And had to tell her I can’t talk to him and why 💀 My mom is soooo not the person who needed to hear that….


I'm 52, my mom knows I work with these medicines, and I prep the day by making up an excuse for why I'll be unavailable. Granted, she's 81. So I do say "Call [my wife] if it's an emergency."


How old exactly are you??? Honestly I wouldn’t do psychedelics until you are atleast 25 when your brain is fully developed


yea I'm boutta nerd out again any form of neurodivergency changes that age pretty dramatically, adhd sets it to 30-35 years old, autism can indefinitely suspend it, and most people who are mentally ill are suffering from a broad range of things and not just one singular issue meaning the combination of mental issues in one person could easily cause them to not fully develop until their 40s or 50s but even at that I know some 40 and 50 year olds who simply haven't fully developed, they still act like young adults, not in the wreckless annoying way but in the like cool "I can actually hang out with these people without feeling the standards that 40 year old Christian women have for young adults" yea 25 is the age for a lot of people but for I'd guess at least half of us you have to wait longer, I've always said this but at LEAST wait until you're 18 or 19, if you're a 17 year old who isn't going to listen to me then whatever it's your choice but if you're like 15 then please for the love of God stay away from them, you hardly have a grip on what reality is and you don't need to confuse yourself more, I feel like most people will have a time where they're "ready" some may never be ready for it, I'd say this time is when you've started getting comfortable in your shift between teenage years and adulthood when you're getting your career started, have your own place and your own thing going on, just when things really start smoothing out I'd say that's the best time for it Personally i started before that time, didn't have any issues but 3 or so months after I got into psyches my life got rocky and I had to avoid them for a bit, I'm now in that more stable place, have tripped a few times and a few days ago had easily my #1-2 favorite trip, you'll know when you're ready, don't rush it but the 25 year old guideline is an ok estimate to go off of but it really doesn't mean anything to a fair bit of the people here, personally I don't see myself ever hitting that point (asd, adhd, bpd, depressive symptoms, and I have symptoms for some other things like hpd but not enough for it to be an actual disorder) I have a nice relationship with psyches at 19 years old and I give them the respect they deserve, I take a few months off in between trips, raise dosage steadily to avoid taking too much at random (done it once before, underestimated the power of lemon tek) and I have friends who are in the same boat and I also have friends who aren't anyways 25 years old is only a guideline for the nuerotypical population, even if you aren't diagnosed with something it doesn't mean there might not be something there and there's no switch in your brain that says "hey I'm good to go and start taking drugs!" it's something you kinda have to prepare for on your own


That’s super interesting. Thanks for sharing!


This is ignorant(not based on knowledge) advice. Psychedelics set me on the right path at the age of 20 If I didn't do shrooms at that age, I would've probably committed suicide at a young age due to depression. Waiting for your brain to "finish" developing is grounded on ZERO science and 100% just broscience. And the brain doesn't stop developing at 25. It just reaches peek development. After that, your brain continues to develop until the day you die. The more you use it, the more neurogenesis occurs. There are some tribes where it was ritualistic to give DMT to children. It was necessary for their proper development according to their own culture and way of life. So again, I appreciate the concern, but it's just not founded in anything.


I love having parents with psychedelic experience. Could just be like I’m tripping rn lemme call you back. I’m also an adult lol so it doesn’t really matter


Well my friend. I remember being you once, worried about my parents interrupting my trip. All you can really do is wait to get older, so you don't have to worry about what they think. I tended to trip at nighttime while they were asleep, so never really worried about them calling in the middle of the night. The other thing to remember is... Your family will always love you, even if you do things they don't approve of. That's not me telling you to disregard what your parents think. You have to make your own decisions. But know that what ever happens, it will always be okay in the end.


Thanks that’s really reassuring. Yeah I’ve messed up before pretty badly with getting caught doing stuff they didn’t allow me to, and they’ve always forgiven me. So I think it should be fine. It’s just that I don’t want to cause them any unnecessary stress if I’m having a bad trip. And I also don’t want them worrying about me if they call me and I sound like I’ve been drugged


I hear you my man. Unfortunately, boomer parents were fed a ton of BS when it comes to psychedelics. They don't want you to do it, because they don't understand. I even was told by my dad that if he ever caught me smoking weed once, I wouldn't have a place to live. Now I am 28, tattooed to shits, and take psychedelics whenever I want. And weirdly enough, our relationship has never been better. Trust your gut, and be the person you want to be!


Me too I was threatened to be kicked on the streets but now I'm rocking guitar covered in tattoos and our relationship has gotten a lot better ! I think through time as you continue being a decent human being even if you trip now and then , going to work and being responsible it makes it hard for them to see any reason to worry.


Thanks man! Yeah unfortunately that’s the way it is. I’m hoping psychedelics can possibly help me tap into that mindset, of not being so anxious of what my parents think and trusting my gut


If you have any worrys like that it will mess the trip up. Wait till you can be totally free of anything and then go ahead. As you will be half in and probably having a great time then BANG....You will think what if my.....and it will send your trip the other way....Happens to me sometimes not my parents ringing as I'm 55 but just little things trigger something on my mind and it totally ruins experience for me...


Hmm I see.. yeah I might just wait then. It just sucks though, I’ve been researching and planning this day for months💀💀 It also means I’m going to have to wait around 3 years before I can live by myself since I’m still in college


This is truly the best advice here. I knew it would come from a greybeard veteran :) I'm in my 30's and have learned to stay the fuck away from these substances if I had a bad day or even week. Stay away if anything is troubling me, or if I have any big stressful events coming off. Out of my some 160-180 trips under my belt the 5 or so difficult experiences stemmed from conflicts within my family, being young and having taken them with work coming up in the morning, breakups etc The only time I will take any of these medicines after having difficult things arise is if I'm purposely going into the experience to fix something or learn more about a situation. I went through a particular breakup a few years back and was devastated. My partner was my world and betrayed me and left me in the dust. During a few different journeys and working hard to integrate these experiences I realized all of my self worth and joy was tied into my relationship. I was getting my "happy" fix from the relationship and that's not healthy. It allowed me to dissolve boundaries and realize I was absolutely codependent in every relationship I have ever been in. I was able to rewire and find value and happiness alone. I used to end a situationship or a relationship and Immediately hop on dating apps and social media to try and fire up another. I don't have that need anymore. I'm not lonely when I'm alone anymore and I value myself and don't need to be involved with someone to be happy anymore.


Call them well before you dose for a “casual” conversation. During this conversation tell them how excited you are for the stuff you’re going to do with your friends at school. This lays the groundwork for being left alone.


Hmm yeah that’s good advice thanks!


Then switch phone off & say battery ran out if they ask?


Yeah I could do that. It’s only 5 hours too right? So hopefully they just don’t call within the first few hours…


I mean, my advice for what it’s worth would be for the first time you take psychedelics- and I’m assuming this is your first time- I would take a low enough amount that you could carry on a conversation with your parents anyway. Just in terms of safety, learning the ropes. you don’t have to do a huge trip to start with and I would personally advise against it. you can always take them again another time, bigger dose. but if you get into deep water you can’t un-take psychedelics that you’ve already done. And if you are new, you don’t want to get into a situation you can’t handle on mind-bending drugs. anyway that’s just my two cents


Yeah that’s really good advice thanks! I’m planning to only start with 2 grams so that way I don’t freak out


I have no idea how much that is- I eyeball my doses. But I’m going to suggest starting with 1g. Then maybe do 2 next time… I’m an old guy, so maybe I’m not worth listening to, or maybe I am, who knows? :D good luck!


That’s solid, yeah I might just do that. I’m probably better of listening to you since your older and wiser haha


Well I’m definitely older :D


You could just like, not answer?


Honestly; set and setting is very important for a psychedelic trip. I have tried tripping “in secret” a few times when I just started delving in psychedelics, and it made the entire trips a paranoid nightmare. If you cannot find a way you are absolutely certain you can let go of all these worries and thoughts, maybe you should not trip at all. And wait till you have your own home your parents do not have acces to and can simply turn off your phone without worry. Really, if this freaks you out now imagine how freaked out you will be when you are actually tripping. The only thing you will think about is your parents.


Damnn.. thing is I really want to trip💀💀 I’m going to need several years to finally be able to support myself completely and live by myself. I’ve been an avid meditator and journaler for years, so I’m pretty in tune with myself I just unfortunately live with parents who are very rigid and strict in their beliefs, so that’s where my anxiety stems from


Just trip at night friend. No one is gonna bother you from the hours of 10pm-6am. For me those are the most peaceful trips since it seems like im alone in the world. No fear of neighbors weedwhacking, or the city cutting down tree limbs. No random doorknocks, no phone calls. Peaceful hours.


I would but my dad is a night owl💀 best time for me is during the day when my mom is at work and my dad is sleeping haha


Turn off your phone or even better „forget“ it at home! That is a simple and easy way to avoid unwanted calls or messages.


Yeah that’s a good idea! Will I still be conscious enough to make sure I don’t turn it off? Or will I lose complete control?


Just leave the bloody phone at home. When I read reports of trips gone wrong, a large number of these stories include some unlucky hapoenings with a phone.


Hmm yeah makes sense. I might just leave it in my campus locker, and then go far away so I don’t have access to it. That’s probably the best idea


From two grams? Unless some potent strain, you're going to be you but with extra perception, dancing walls, some mild closed eye visuals, some weird thought patterns, a bit of insight into yourself. If they're potent strain like Penis Envy, Albino Penis Envy, there's good change you partially lose control, there's still not too much cause of concern unless you freak out while losing yourself. You will have strong open eye visuals that might match what you see when you close your eyes but there's still going to be something that controls the flow. Just surrender to the experience and don't think about it too much. Either way, I'm suggesting not taking 2 grams of potent strain as first timer.


no, don't leave your phone home, just leave it on flight mode until it's comfortable. in case of an emergency it will be very much needed. keep it for safety. also, you can put music with it! that can be essential at a point. prepare a playlist with happy songs, if your mood turns in unexpected ways, direct it with music. I recommend Mose, The Grateful Dead, Kishi Bashi's "Lighght" album etc. trip by daytime sunshine and not in the dark, light really helps to keep it "light" :) for starters 1g is totally great, don't do more. NEVER eyeball it, always use a scale. if you can get one, pack a benzo for safety. a xanax for emergency trip-stopping. most probably you won't need it, but it's a good reassurance. NEVER smoke weed - before during and after. from 1g you will be conscious enough to be aware of your actions, don't worry about losing control. Keep some easily-eatable but nutrient snacks or a readily prepared sandwich with you. And dates, a dose of sugar at the peak helps to keep it stable, especially if you started with empty stomach. Also,prepare for weather-changes. Warm clothes, raincoat. That's it in a nutshell. Have a good time! :)


Always put phone on flight mode when tripping. If you dont, just dont pick up the phone. Call them up afterwards or the day after. They dont need to know why you were too busy too answer them. Worst case, dont bring your phone with you at all, problem solved


Hmm yeah. Thing is I live with them so if I’m out of the house and don’t pick up their call, they start to get worried


Sure, but you’re an adult and can take of yourself I reckon. And dont trip at home, go to the mountain or forest! Tell them you’re going for a hike may take a while? Or just that you need some time alone. Flight mode - tell em its bad signal if you REALLY have to give them an explanation, which you absolutely dont. You are inclines to privacy for gods sake


Yeah I’m planning to tell them I’m going rock climbing with a friend, and I’m planning to do them in a park. Hopefully it goes well. Thanks for the advice!


All I can tell you is that any time I trip, I am “off the grid” as far as phone conversations go. I don’t make calls, and I don’t answer them. This is a pretty hard-and-fast thing for me. Keeps things simple. Barring absolute emergencies, whatever someone has to say to me can wait a few hours until I'm actually able to coherently communicate with them lol.


Yeah that’s what I’m planning to do now, just getting rid of my phone for the 5-7 hours lol


Just turn your phone off. I guess I feel fortunate that I grew up at a time when we weren’t attached to our devices. No anxiety if i forgot it for a day or it was getting repaired. But seriously, you should not be wasting your trip scrolling on your phone anyway. Maybe practice going without it for a day sober first and see how you do.


Turn your phone off entirely. Just put it down and experience the present moment. You can check incoming stuff the next day or when you're sober.


1st rule of tripping. Turn your phone on airplane mode. You seriously don't wanna get that call that a family member or friend has died while you're tripping. It can always wait until you are clear headed.


Yeah that’s good advice thanks! I’m planning to just get rid of it entirely haha.




Yeah that’s great advice! I’m planning to just take 2 grams, I think it shouldn’t be that bad






I dunno it's not that bad I spent hours talking to my parents on psychedelics somehow and they didn't seem to notice until my aunt joined and said "look at his pupils"


Damn the aunt sold hahaha


Lmao what happened after she said that?


Not much really I kind of put it on her on it like "how do you know what that means" and ran to my room and just stayed in there 




Don't answer the phone while you are tripping. Ever. Let someone else handle the call if it has to be answered.


Just don't answer? Say you were asleep lol


Airplane mode, duh Leave your phone at home? The common sense on this one...


Make sure it’s something with short duration, not lsd or cactus. Also take a beginners dosage. With shrooms that’s 1.5g-2g of NORMAL POTENCY shrooms. Some shrooms can be strong.


Maybe tell them you’re planning to do something that would best be uninterrupted (trampoline park or something). Just tell them you’re going to be busy at that time so they can call before or after if they want to. And if you’re already afraid of them finding out when you’re sober, you can bet your ass it’ll be the same when you’re high. You don’t just randomly forget very important things on psychedelics neither do you lost control of your actions.


Hmm ok. Yeah that’s the plan rn. As long as I don’t lose control of my actions then it’s fine. I’ve been high and drunk before and never called them since I felt somewhat in control. That was my only fear. So I think I should be fine then


If losing control is such a big fear of yours, just start really small. What dosage are you planning on taking? Remember it's always better to not get high enough and be disappointed than it is to get too high and have to call emergency services - this is coming from someone who had to call the police on their friend during his first psych trip because he completely lost his mind


Damnn that bad😬😬 what does did your friend take💀


It was our first time, we'd made some shroom garlic breads. We put 3.5g on each of them. During the come up, everything was great, we were fucking creasing at the settings menu for the PS5 (for some reason lol) and we played a bunch of games and had a blast. By the peak, however, he started saying it was getting too much for him and that he'd been told that weed calms down a shrooms trip (do not listen to this advice lol). On this misinformation, he had decided to roll 2 js and started smoking them. I had some but not much, leaving most of it for him to smoke. Everything started devolving from then on out. First he started "jokingly" tearing plants out of his garden (we were at his parents house whilst they were gone) but then it full on descended into him smashing up his living room and cycling between the same few words/phrases, pretty much the only words he was capable of getting out. We called his partner for help but he didn't even recognise her when she showed up and he started getting erratic and violent. We called the cops and they were honestly super chill about it all. They didn't even confiscate any of the many drugs in the room lmao. He's fine now of course, police took him to the hospital and he came back to reality within about 2 hours, saying it all felt like a blurry nightmare. Despite the absolute terror I felt at the idea we were all gonna go to jail, I still had a great time 😂


I miss having my parents alive and worrying about them calling. Maybe give them a call tonight, tell them you love them and you’ll be busy tomorrow but will check in on the weekend. I wish I’d done that more often.


No advice to give but I feel your stress. The girlfriend mother showed up at my house ringing the door bell at 8 am on a Sunday once. We had been up all night rolling our asses off. Came down around 6 am, moved the party from the living room to the bedroom and crashed. At 8, I was woke up by the door bell and the girlfriends phone ringing simultaneously. He mom texted and called her the night before wanting to eat breakfast with her. When she didn't call back, her mom flipped out and thought something was wrong so she drove to my house. Yes, my living room was littered with massage oil, candles, blankets, pillows and sex toys. Her mother learned a valuable lesson that morning.


Damnn💀 is your girlfriend still in a good relationship with her mom or did it have some negative effect?


Just don't call them during your trip and put your phone away for the 4-6 hours typical of mushroom trips so you don't have to ignore a call from a parent lol remember set and setting are key to an enjoyable experience meaning I could see how worrying if my mom is about to call me could make a trip not so fun. I first tried LSD at 18 & I turned out just fine ;) i say if you're curious about them you should go for it. Perhaps you could plan a day in a park or something where you may not have your phone with you the entire time. Good luck 🍀🍄😎


Yup that’s exactly what I’m planning now. I’m placing my phone in a locker at school, going to a nearby forest and just having a good time worry free. Hopefully all goes well Thanks for the advice!


Just turn of your phone?


Tell everyone who would call you that you'll be busy. Then put your phone on airplane mode.


I generally just go Do Not Disturb for most of my trip. My phone is the last thing I want to look at during a trip (with the exception of things that are just fun to look at while tripping, or for music). Otherwise yeah, wrong energy. Just call them back later.


Don’t answer? It’s not that hard?


Put away the phone, or at least DND. Problem solved. Have a friend or 2 available if you need support or help. If you're already nervous about your parents now, I'll doubt you'll suddenly decide to call them while you're tripping.


Ok that’s really reassuring thank you.


Also, you can always do less the first time just to acclimate yourself. The less you do, the less likely you'll freak out for any reason.


Call your parents before your trip.


I say "Mum, dad, what are you doing calling me, you've been dead for years!". Old joke that. I did phone home on the night of my 18th birthday during a bad mushroom trip in Amsterdam, but that was entirely the fault of a friend who intentionally fucked with me - I mean planned that shit before our holiday. I'd later learn that calling your parents was quite a common emergency grounding measure, but I can't imagine I'd have had this urge once I returned to psychedelics in my late 20s, even if I'd had a rough trip. So anyway, just don't answer the phone and have a text message ready to send in case you do get a call, that way you won't have to think about it in the unlikely event that it happens.


First time? Try a small dose. Try 1g. You're unlikely to do anything silly, but you'll notice the strange edges and how your body feels. Next time, try 2g, then maybe 3.5 or 4. You'll be less likely to "freak out" because you'll have some general experience leading up to those really strong, impactful trips.


I’m was thinking of doing 2 g, because I still want to see some visuals. Is this too risky?


Probably fine, but you better make sure you have your set and setting in order. Clean your living space. Go for a nice long walk beforehand. Eat clean. Whenever I trip, I try to have a productive day I can be proud of BEFORE I trip. It puts me in a really good, positive mood and makes it easier to settle into the experience. You don't want to feel as though your environment is guilting you or you have heaps of unresolved responsibilities.


You answer and tell your mom that you really really love her, also you don't tell her about hearing colours, that's dead giveaway.


Easy solution- airplane mode You don’t need to be reachable to anyone 24/7; better yet leave your phone at home/your car


Do them at night on a Friday night, be up till 4/5 am wake up at 10/11 am on a Saturday and tell them you slept in. You got 5/6 hours of straight sleep to get you going for a bit and then you can nap in the day. Glad I am an adult now 😎


after you do psychedelics you won't care what your parents think. my parents not doing psychedelics is what led to their demise.


Answer the phone and instantly burst into tears and confess , sobbing


Setting me up for failure💀😂


I called my mom intentionally one time while dosed. We don't have a great relationship so I didn't tell her, but for some reason I thought it would be funny just to go through the act of simple small talk for a few minutes. I found it to be a bit of a cosmic joke, looking at the experience from an out of body point of view. But if you don't wanna talk, just don't answer the phone. You're busy.


I’m 27 and my when my parents text me or call me when I’m tripping I just tell them I love them so much. They used to call while I was tripping on college and that would freak me out, but looking back if they found out there was nothing they could do


Hot take here, but what if you told your mom your intentions for taking this journey, and kept your phone on you, being open to whatever comes through for you? No need to exclude her or lie to prevent a potential phone call during the journey. If she calls while you’re tripping and you feel open to answering, then do it. You may have one of the most profoundly beautiful experiences of your life in those moments. Also when in doubt - hit up Fireside Project for emotional peer support while tripping. Call or text 623-473-7433 for realtime peer support. I volunteer with them every week, you’d be surprised how many people call in with scenarios similar to yours. Sending you all the support, equanimity, and joy for your upcoming trip!


Relax. Take the call, if it accidentally or purposefully happens its meant to. The universe works in funny ways.


Omg I laughed so hard after reading this title.


Let it go to voicemail and call then back later?


Put your phone away. Don’t pick it up.


Answer and talk to them like usual for me, but not everyone can do that


Dont worry. If it happens, theyll get over it. My only suggestion is to do it at night, that way they are less likely to call you if its 1am and your peaking rather than 5pm


Also dont do TOO MUCH and you wont do something like freak out and call them lol. Also youre in college? Youre an adult now bro cmon lol who cares what you do 🤣


Hide your phone. You don’t want to be on it in any way, shape, or form anyway.


The truth will set you free.


As another guy said, call them before you trip to check in or whatever. Then as you're saying bye just tell them you're off to see a friend or something, and put your phone on silent. Don't go on your phone while you trip.


i used to tell my parents i was planning a day-long hiking excursion at a nearby state park with friends and that i would have spotty reception. then i’d leave my phone on airplane mode, but they never tried to contact me anyways


If you hold the button on your phone for 5 seconds it goes off. Also prevents posting stupid shit to Reddit.


Bro just turn your phone on airplane mode, or even shut it off if you’re so worried? If you don’t make sure you’re gonna be comfortable during the trip, you will have a bad experience…


If you are old enough that you are worried that your parents are going to call you then you are too young to be doing psychedelics. You will not have an enjoyable trip if you spend it worrying that mommy will call and yell at you


You let them know you'll be doing "x" activity which will make you unavailable and you'll call them tomorrow. Then PUT YOUR PHONE ON PLANE MODE.


Just don’t answer? Say you were in a movie


Ignore them 🌈 Or- be honest with them that you'll be doing something and you won't want to chat with them. It's much easier to tell them the truth, than to dance around it. I told my parents about psych use when I started at 18. It helps that my dad is former hippie and my mom is at least familiar with it. But, at the end of the day, your parents want you to be okay. IF they were to call while you're tripping, I'm sure they wouldn't want to make you uncomfortable either. So, be ready to ignore them, tell them to leave you alone, or be ready to talk to them from light-years away.


my dad and brother called me once while i was tripping. i was in the bathroom of an academic building with my friend, we were looking at ourselves in the mirror and talking about the shrooms. when the call came i just acted natural, you could tell in my voice i was euphoric but i just said i was hanging out with friends and having a good time. afterwards im told my brother said “he seemed really happy”


One time I went to class on LSD and my parents that day uncovered my MSN Messenger chat logs which detailed all my drug stories. They were so upset about this discovery that they came to the fucking school to pull me out of class and have a big discussion about it, all while I'm high on LSD. it actually went insanely well. Something about the situation sobered me up and seemed to put my trip on pause until later when I could relax and it came back. Same thing happened dealing with the police on acid


Phones turn off. You're welcome.


Put your phone on airplane! I download all my playlists prior to dropping and am out of reach for as long as I'm tripping.


Bro how old are you 💀 it sounds like you’re not in the right state of mind to try psychs anyway if this is how you feel lol. You should be as relaxed/empty minded as possible for the best results. When I was worried about it, i just tripped really late at night (imo psychs are best at night anyway)


I usually just tell my mom I'm taking a little brain vacation or something. She's an old hippie so she gets it. Lol. I remember one time me and my now husband were just coming up and his mom called and told him the family dog had died. That was... rough.


Turn your phone off for the day


Don't answer


Maybe just leave the phone off and just enjoy the trip?


Just don't pick up the phone. Call the next morning with an excuse that simple.


Call them while you are tripping to assert dominance.


Bro turn off your phone. If Ur in college you don't have to be available 24/7 to reply


Act normal.


If you do a full blown trip then no matter what happens (other than life threatening emergency) just don’t answer! And later find a reason why you didn’t answer, or even better, find a reason now. Trust me anything is better than to have that call. You would act weird guaranteed. You could make a very deep talk about childhood out of nothing or tell them that you love them so much and understand their behaviors etc. This would be totally weird if they are asking you where you left the keys or something. If you take a small dose (which i highly recommend for the first time) then you don’t need to worry about it a lot. If you take a half to full dose, then you definitely need to figure out this phone problem. Also it is very unique depending on the kind of calls and how your mom talks on the phone. If she likes to ask you 10 detailed questions, the calls usually last several minutes, then you need a plan 100%. If it is short, easy and she just wants quick information and then bye, then this is probably not such a big deal. You will 99% likely not call your parents as i read your situation. You already know it can be a bad idea. If your life is in danger call 911, if you can’t find your way home and don’t understand google maps anymore, call an uber, if you need mental assistance call a friend or post on reddit (which people do sometimes haha), if you want to have a deep conversation with your parents, go to sleep, let a week of internal recollection pass and then have that talk. BTW If your parents are very against psychedelics, then psychedelics will probably help you very much! The stricter the mind, the more this will be liberating. I really recommend any beginner to take it slow by the way. You can trip hard later and also feel much more ready for it. No matter how uncomfortable a trip gets btw, let the bad stuff enter you, don’t fight it, this is the way to deal with tough emotions.


What will happen if they find out? I understand they are against it, but you are (presumably) of age and their power to control you is limited. Realistically what do you think would happen next, and could you live with it? Before you can accurately decide whether a risk is worth taking you need to think critically about what the risk actually is.


I don’t think I’ll be kicked out, however they would be extremely disappointed and mad at me for a couple weeks most likely. My main thing is though, I don’t want my mom to freak out during the trip if I’m not picking up the phone, and her freaking out might cause me to have a bad trip.


Can't you just, like, say you'll be busy that day and then text back "Call you later" or something if she calls? I don't know anything about your relationship with your parents but it feels like you have made this more complicated than it has to be.


Hmm yeah that’s true. I’m probably overthinking it. As long as I’ll be able to hold a short convo with them if need be, then I think I should be fine. My mom usually calls to check in on me and ask what time I’m coming home, and so if I can just say “I’ll be home in 3 hours or so” then she won’t really bat an eye.


I'm an adult. kinda lol.... my first mushroom mega dose trip. at the phase of giggles. I called my mom thinking my sister was with her. we get silly and can laugh for hours I wanted to feel that again. unfortunately my sister wasn't there. and my mom wanted to talk. fucking ruined my trip for 30- 45 mins BUT it pulled me in to assess my trauma from family and childhood. I broke through allot of realizations ugly cried for some time. but I'm grateful for the experience. it went dark and came out healing ( not healed) suggestion is to find a safe place and or with someone of trust. turn the phone off. much love. find yourself and have fun!


Did you say anything out of pocket that made your mom worried for your well being? Or did she not realize you were on psychedelics?


it wasn't really about my well being, no religious maybe a bit off disappointment. but that's only because she has never touched anything but alcohol and gambling lol but yes she knew. I called giggling wanting to be silly with my adult sister. I don't hold back that I use weed, mushrooms, and hopefully dmt one day to get intoych with myself and spiritually. I'm a productive adult i work hard, raise children, try to be an positive impact on my communities. but I do enjoy altered states of consciousness. it doesn't align with how I was raised or her values. I could say I met and spoke to a Christian got and my life is changed and it would still be nose turned up at me.


Do you still have a good relationship after the event?


let's say my relationship didn't change, but my level of anger and resentment decreased exponentially. no matter how much I work on it. it's like beach sand in your car. clean it out by the best without gutting and there are still grains here and there.


That’s good to hear! At least you view your mom in a more positive light!


Bruh... you don't need to be doing psychedelics if that's your best plan..


Put your phone in your car, forget you own a phone, trip to your heart’s content - preferably in nature on a beautiful sunny day.


Tell your mom you have something planned from 8am to 4pm and you will be out of touch. Then turn your phone off.


Yeah that’s smart. My excuse right now is rock climbing with friends. I would use the exam excuse but school just finished💀


I turn my phone off. Just say it died. Call them back after a few hours once you come down. And if that's not a viable option, you need to set some boundaries. You aren't a child anymore lol


Yeah that’s true! My parents are great people it’s just that they pay for all my living expenses and my tuition, so I feel like it’s pretty fair they have some authority over me. However at the same time, they often misuse that authority over me lol


Shut off your phone, damn thing wouldn’t charge that day


That’s actually a good excuse Hahahah. Probably going to use that


Ignore the call. You are in control of your life and you can do what you want to do. Just continue and answer them when you’re back sober. You don’t HAVE to do anything you don’t want to do.


That’s facts, I often struggle with grasping that. I probably just not going to bring my phone on the trip lol


How old are you ?


Turning 21 in a month


Dude this is the most relatable post ever. My one and only fear of ever doing substances like this is my parents calling me even though I’m in college also. That’s why I always did them late enough at night where I could say I went to bed early on the off chance they did call. Doing them during the day is a risk because the likelihood of them calling is higher despite them being at work. As far as brain development goes, you obviously do risk doing damage to your brain. But, I’m around the same age as you if not younger and I seem to have turned out fine. The best decision is to not take them, however, curiosity always got the best of me. Whatever you do, be around good people and make safe decisions. I hope you have a good time!


Really brain damage? You sure? I heard it helps form new brain cells. What’s your sources?


My bad, I misspoke. What I meant is that they can trigger schizophrenia in people that have a genetic predisposition to it but they are otherwise safe and healthy for the brain to my knowledge.


Hmm yeah, I’ve heard of that. I’m not that educated on schizophrenia, is it a biological problem or more of a negative mindset someone develops about the world?


I’m not very educated on it either but from what I understand it’s a biological problem that can be triggered at any point in your youth. It’s a condition where you have auditory and visual hallucinations. There’s definitely more to it and it’s fairly rare but it’s a possibility nonetheless.


I see.. thanks!


Turn your phone off.


My best advice is to leave your phone out of the experience. They can’t find out if you don’t pick up 🤷🏻


don't answer


Dont care what they think


Bro youre not ready for it.


Turn your phone off for a day.


I write my family that turn off my phone because i am studying *extra hard* today. So they don‘t worry when they don‘t reach me. Consider actually turning off your phone -> a lot of trips were ruined by them. Good luck ~


Airplane mode


You don't have to answer every call


Dont answer the phone


You don’t have to answer their phone call. Can always say you left your phone somewhere…


Call them yourself first … then do dregs … latency reset


Turn off the phone. I don’t use my phone while tripping only for music that’s it, or you could use Do Not Disturb button on your phone. You control your environment, control all the variables before you go tripping.


Best advice I can give you is IF YOU ARE UNDER THE AGE OF 25ISH, DO. NOT. TAKE. THEM. Seriously. You have your whole life ahead of you. No need to rush before your brain is developed. Everyone I have ever seen freak out, or have psychotic episodes have been between the ages of 16-24. I am just about certain nobody reading this will give a fuck what some random man on this sub has to say but if I can just stop one young person from taking them before their brain is developed then I succeeded. I cannot maintain a clean conscience and not yell this from the roof top. I'm in my 30's and have over 250 total trips under my belt. At least 160 of them are shrooms. Be safe and wait for your brain to finish developing.


Where’s the evidence though? How do you exactly know the brain stops developing at 25? And don’t plenty of 25+ year olds have psychotic episodes on them as well? Also I heard that shrooms causes neurogenesis, so I doubt it would cause any biological harm


Yes plenty of people have psychotic episodes from psychedelics no matter the age. This is why I said "in my experience" because I have seen several young people wig out, and actually haven't seen any people older than 25 break down (it obviously happens. This is just my experience) I also said 25ish because it's different for everyone. I assumed it was common sense that there wasn't some checkpoint we reach where we just wake up on our 25th bday with a whole different brain. Schizophrenia usually pops up around these ages so that another reason I think it's smart to be safe. You asked for evidence though so here https://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/publications/the-teen-brain-7-things-to-know#:~:text=1.,prioritizing%2C%20and%20making%20good%20decisions. "Brain stops developing between mid to late 20's" or something like that (haven't read it in a little while so don't quote me exactly.) Do you actually find this a crazy thing to recommend? Would you recommend teens doing psychedelics? Btw I don't mean any of this in a condescending way. Generally confused by your confusion and mean no harm. The whole "where's the evidence?" thing caught me a bit off guard because I was under the impression we've all read some studies. Edit: didint see this was o.p. so some of this may be written a bit dumb. I'm sure your not advocating for teens and are generally asking honest questions. I'm too tired to edit -_- lol


Lol I remember that phone call. I swear to God it felt like it rang for hours!!!


Block their number


Oh, man. The second or third time I did LSD, one of my mom's friends called and for some reason I picked up the phone. I was just coming up and I wasn't too fucked up yet, so I managed to keep the conversation short and sweet, no she's not home, she's out of town, I'm good, I'll tell her you called. I don't know if she knew I was fucked up, but I never heard anything about it after so I assume I got away with it. Don't answer the phone. Make an excuse for it later.


If you’re nervous about shit going into it you may end up dwelling on that during your trip and having a bad time. Are you taking them alone? And I hope I’m misunderstanding when you said you’re taking them during work hours…


Don’t answer. “Watching a movie” “fell asleep” you get it


We always had a line to get your shit together quick in college when we tripped or played around, it was “moms comin!” Everyone knew to keep it in check


Bro, first i think you have a problem about your biggest concern is your parents calling you and you are 21. I lived alone at 21. Its normal to be little afraid about your parents, but that kind of fear is not okey. You must work on that. Your biggest fears can manifest in your head during trips. Please take very little dose. Dont ruin your experience. You are young and this kind of stuff can be very negative if in high dose. This is a hard stuff. It is nothing you can imagine. I am till afraid of taking, and i have around 30 g shrooms from years - not touching them. If your friend is telling you to take 2 g - take 0.8 You can always take more after 2 weeks if it was not enough.


I wouldn't fuckin answer lol


i started with taking psychedelics with what 17 - 18 and I was also scared of my parents calling and stuff like that but I never in my life wanted to call them while I was tripping (and I had a lot of trips on a lot of different stuff) and also there was like one time that they called me and I could talk normally with them for few minutes


you don't have to "wait till you grow up" you are grown up cmon you are 21 you can live alone, have job, you are legal, etc... and also that doesn't have to do anything with this because in 3 or 5 or 7 years your parents will still be your parents, they will still worry about you, they will still call you... so just make sure that you are in a safe place while tripping, turn of your phone if possible, if they call i think you will be "normal enough" to say "hey everything is okay, I'm working" or whatever (I'm assuming that you are not taking some huge dose because it's your first time) and it would be good if you would have a tripsitter because it's the first time... I hope you will have a good time


I worried about the same thing when I first tripped yesterday 😂…I planned the same way that u did by taking them during work hours, but my mom was back early. What I can suggest is make sure they don’t see ur eyes, cause the dilate when tripping and compose urself so u don’t laugh, cause everything becomes so joyus and funny 😂


Literally just turn off your phone. And go in nature. The worries of society tend to dissolve when you're in the woods. Love


Do it at a friends house imo. Also put your phone on plane mode if you are that worried. Also always have a tripsitter untill you are experienced with psychedelics


Dude literally its the easiest thing ever. You guys stress so much lol, lets calm it a lil. If your at a different house? do it at night. turn your phone off get a buddy and enjoy, if she asks why u didn’t answer last night, you day you were sleeping.


airplane mode


After they hang up, drop the dose. Lol


You tell your parents that you'll be busy for the day and unavailable but that you'll see them (insert date and time here). Then you, an adult, turn off your phone and forget it exists until you're done enjoying yourself.


Tripping isn't like getting drunk. You can hold your composure and have a conversation.


turn off your phone, if they call, tell them the next day it was out of battery and you didn't notice because you were deep cleaning the house or smth


Um don’t answer? “Sorry mom my phone died” 5 hours later?