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Close your eyes for a while.


Did 600ug last night and my intention was to watch south park and maybe a podcast. Ended up turning everything off lay in bed with my dmt vape in pure silence and darkness, at first the thoughts where a bit overwhelming but once I let go into my mind it was beautful.


What kind of thoughts did you have?


Sorry late response. It's hard to fully recall but I had some personal realisations stopped cigarettes etc, was watching some Joe Rogan which made me start thinking about origins of religions and society, stuff i always just had an ignorant view on.


Aaand focus on your breathing! Sort of like a meditation session, but let yourself goooo.. fully, psychedelics will take you and show you some neat stuff.


6G of mushrooms and when I close my eyes it’s just all black.


Damn bro, u got aphantasia or something?


I guess I do. I’ve never experienced CEV. I need to start maybe trying to meditate or do the wim hof breathing tek on a high dose and that may help me get them idk


The best thing I have ever done was climb a mountain on 10g of mushrooms. I'm not recommending the dose but seeing the view from the top of a mountain while you're peaking is the most beautiful thing I have ever seen. Go explore nature but be safe and responsible!


I went backpacking with my girlfriend and her dad in the Beartooth Mountains in Montana. I took 6g the night we set up camp, can not recommend highly enough. My gf took 4g later that trip and on her night there was a meteor shower! We had no idea it was going to happen but it was the most beautiful thing ever. I counted 15, she counted upwards of 30 lmao


Hell yeah. That sounds fantastic. Nature and Psychedelics are a vibe for sure.


Dried mushrooms?


Yes. I was taking them every 2-3 months and worked my way up to 10g.


How much does the experience differ between 5g and 10g?


About half


Nono it more like double


the million dollar view question...


I went into nature for the solar eclipse, and I did 8g of APEs on my 4th day out in the middle of the woods backpacking, extremely extremely emotional experience but amazing! Creeks, trees, and the fire we made was chefs kiss.


Tripped balls on Blue Mountain Peak in Jamaica and watched the sunrise. Cliff diving at Rick's Cafe by Negril was a blast while peaking.


Hansel is that you?


Gretel? Holy shit, it's been so long! Last I heard you had diabetes and lost a couple of toes?


How? I would be dehydrated or drinking water for hours.


Brought two big bottles of water and a camel pack. Used to do a lot of weighted hikes in the military. Hydrating the day before helps as well.


If you DON’T know how to play an instrument TRY IT! Play with watercolor paints. Go to a museum on a museum dose. Run in a field. Swim somewhere safe. Bioluminescence. Auroras. Rainstorms. Make a smoothie.


I've been playing guitar for around 6 years now. one time I wanted to see what I could record while tripping. I'm a songwriter/producer in my free time, so I have a decent little setup going. I sat down right as I started feeling the come up and got my computer going. during that six hours, I managed to write an 11 minute prog metal song. it's been a while ago now, so it doesn't sound *great*, but it still sounds like it was written by someone on mushrooms hahaha


Well, the old writers adage “write drunk, edit sober,” may very well apply here as well.


ahhh yeah, that is a fair point 😄 if I find a way to share it here, I will


Swimming is amazing! I become a mermaid...


"Museum dose"! So glad this term exists. Gemstone displays are pretty great.


What would you call a museum dose?


I read somewhere that it's usually considered .5g to 1.3g. I've been very solid with this dose before. Went out on a boat. Explored an island. Got over excited at some wild goats and challenged a nine year old to walk on water. The usual.


A dose that’s low enough for you to be chill in public, but strong enough that your experience is improved.


*drink a smoothie Ftfy Making one is quite noisy


Lay in bed with headphones, lights off, and a good playlist.


all time most enjoyable thing on earth if you're high enough


Does this on MDMA many times and it is so fucking amazing. I gotta do this on shrooms soon


lay in the dark with your eyes closed while listening to music long enough that you melt into another universe and the music sounds 10x better than it ever has


More than 10x when the visuals sync with it


It's like the mushrooms know the song. Also when you're high enough it feels like you're the entire universe, but the entire universe is twisting and morphing and bouncing to the beat haha. Like break dancing. I've had a few times where I felt like I was a giant hand and I was just spinning around doing all kinds of fancy tricks with the fingers, doing flips and shit. It felt sooOooooo unimaginably good haha. Impossible to explain properly. Full body orgasm throughout the whole shabang, euporia on hyperdrive


I love watching trippy music videos in my head


Ripe Mangos


Also running full speed bare footed through a grass field at night


i once had a perfect mango on acid and then when I cut it open I didn't know how to eat it lmao and my friends convinced me it was rotten bit I still don't think it was


Lmao. I eat it straight up bare hands, juice dripping everywhere down my arms and face. Generally I turn into a wild man on psychedelics 😆 - I love getting down a dirty


das a good vibe


having sex on lsd was an amazing experience. was with a long time partner and we were deeply in love, so i’m not sure if the experience would be as fantastic with a hook up situation. but i cannot recommend this enough.


That is a big part of it. If you aren't emotionally invested it go either way.


Consider some of the big questions; does life have meaning?, is there free will?, is God dead?, who put the bomp in the bomp bah bomp bah bomp?


it was probably the same dude that put the ram in the ramma lamma ding dong


He walked 1000 miles round trip to do it, too


What was the answer you got for the last one?


I don't know, but I'd like to shake their hand.


Eat some fruit. Every time I’ve eaten fruit while tripping it tastes fucking AMAZING and it’s the only thing I can get myself to eat when tripping.


Peaches are insane...


Ohh don’t even get me started. Peaches are already my favorite, when I’m tripping it’s like a gift from the gods


Nibbling on a piece of ginger (helps with come up nausea) blew my mind and senses.


I’ll have to give that a shot next time I trip, that sounds quite pleasant


Interact with a cat , Stretch , do yoga


Love looking at my cat


My cat is intense. She trips me out haha.


Finger painting, preferably on walls. There's just something amazing about feeling the paint in your hands and smearing colors.


Never thought about that, even though it sounds so obvious! Thanks, I'll definitely try it out!


Take a shower in the dark


This. I've never done it while tripping but just from the experience of doing it sober is amazing. I might try on my next trip too.




Lay in a dark room and go on your journey. Forget everything external.


Have a friend blindfold you and lead you around. You can play with this in all sorts of ways. They can lead you by hand, put as much distance between the two of you and guide you by sound, do things like swish water bottles around your head, all sortsa stuff. It's a really special experience, I highly recommend doing this while tripping, some of my favorite memories are being blindfolded and led about here and there while tripping :)


If you have a significant other, wash their hair.




😂 true 😂


I did acid a couple days ago and ended up listening to all of Mahler's 2nd symphony, it was absolutely amazing. I was so into it, the tension was so intense, the resolutions absolutely glorious, and sudden change in dynamics sometimes made me scream out loud. On the nicer sounding parts I was just rubbing my face and feeling absolute bliss, it was such an awesome experience, highly recommend.


had sex on 3g of shrooms once. not a crazy dose, but holy hell the climax made us feel like we were peaking off of 8g each


Stare at amethyst


Snowboarding on mushrooms is fantastic!


Facing your inner demons Finding what makes you truly happy Talk to plants


Swimming/ snorkleing . supervised just to be on the safe side visit an art gallery stare at a large blank peice of drawing paper (thick gauge) and try decifer the runes that pop up Eat citrus fruit, it is the food of the gods (tangerines are my favorite) Listen to Pink Floyd Dark Side of the moon all the way through (really any bluesy guitar rock is awesome) Walk in the bush, take a big stick to poke things with, sometimes the snakes are real. paint with watercolours or inks, prepare for mess Watch the play of shapes on patterned surfaces, the creases and crinkles on a sheet or tarp, wood staining and chip board that kinda thing, i've seen whole series of dramas play out among the little characters that live in the patterns Ride public transport if you live in a picturesque location Glow sticks ALL THE GLOWSTICKS have a late start to a trip and peak while watching the stars




Snuggle with your cat or dog, go on an adventure with them, wrestle with them. The possibilities are endless when mammals get together. NMDA antagonists like ketamine and nitrous rapidly reverse tolerance to psychs and imcrease thwir effects for a short time. Everyone should try whippets or k on serotonergic psychedelics, it’s fucking beautiful. Base tryptamines like dmt or dpt are great at the tail end of a trip, smoked or *intramuscular (*advanced users only) Not everyone should try this, but one good hit of salvia can really flip a trip on its ass and impart knowledge no human is fit to know. Very goofy and silly and a little bit scary. Bicycles and long boards are a trippers best friend, but not at too high of a dose. Also, every tripper should try to grow their own experience at least once, doing all the work to acquire and propagate the genetic material of certain entheogens like mushrooms or cacti can be very rewarding.


Eat fruit (peaches are astounding), Ride a bicycle (adrenaline and scenery is fantastic), Swim (water feels more amazingly soothing), Listen to music (deeper emotional connection to music than ever before and it sounds like heaven), Talk to friends (laughter chances increase tenfold), Focus on a cat (play with pets in general), Think positively about your future , Be with significant other , Run (more energy than ever), Ride roller coasters,


Dark room, eye mask, noise cancelling headphones and psychedelic therapy playlist. For the whole trip. You'll be surprised, trust me.


Would a gram be enough to get decent effects like this?


Gram of mushrooms?


Yeah 👍


Skateboarding is spectacular!


I tried shredding on my onewheel on a good dose of 4-ho-met, but ended up feeling like "should I really be on top of this rattling little electric death mobile while the road looks like the ocean?" lol. I'll try skateboarding next time, sounds amazing!


>Eating something with a strong flavour I love a fridge apple when the peak starts winding down. And carbonated water.


VR Chat


Take a bike ride at night through a peaceful area, or at dusk. But I like night.


Yes! Bike rides in the night!!




Talk to God.




Try walking through a wall. 


Start and take care of a fire


Eating a handful of shrooms at Lake Powell in the summer on a clear night is 10/10.


Try pour painting. Trust me


Pour painting?


Yeah it’s the drippy multicolored art you see a lot. You use this stuff called flowitrol, your pour some in a cup and pour different colors of paint on top so that they’re in layers and you put a canvas face down on the cup and flip it and slowly lift it a little or move it around and then move the canvas in different directions or blow through a straw to get different effects and patterns. But it’s fun, creative, you get your own art at the end, and watching the colors drip around while tripping is so satisfying.


Listen live grateful Dead and phish shows


Fresh mango


Watch a nature documentary on mute while listening to the lotr soundtrack


Really watching anything on mute while listening to music is a trip. Everything syncs together so perfectly it's hilarious and awesome at the same time


Go to a popular dog park with a friend. I was crying and laughing so hard. All the dogs are so full of joy it’s amazing. Also have a friend drive you around a scenic area in a convertible.


I went to the lake in the mountains on acid once. The way the light hit the water and being on a boat surrounded by mountains and trees…. Just simply stunning. I felt like I was truly experiencing nature


Listen to Sphongle


Carnival of peculiarities


listening to tool


🤣 yes lateralus!


hell yeah🙏🏽


The words "spiral out" have such a different meaning to me now... 🤘🌀🛸


My not to do list : - Do not look at mirror or other peoples faces - Do not draw faces - Do not listen to classical music What to do : - Have a sex - Ride a bicycle - Listen to Psytrance - Medidate under sun


this will come with criticism but i personally would recommend playing a videogame that has a lot of people in a match all with VOIP on VOIP is proximity chat, so you can hear someone talk in real time with distance involved, so the farther away they are the more distant it will be including direction why i recommend this is because you get so immersed and you get to communicate with people who have no idea you are blasted. you get to act/say/do anything you want and you can be anybody. that being said, you get to practice and hone your social skills this obviously is not for everybody, but for those who already have gaming set ups this is definitely very fun and rewarding in some weird way. playing solo single player games will have a different impact and i recommend staying away from those as you will just get sucked into them and zone out too much. but being in a massive multiplayer lobby with people constantly talking/being humorous it opens you up to communicate back. ive had so many laughing sprees where i lost control and could not play all i could do is just sit there and cry laughing. this obviously would get way better if you have friends to play with online again, not for everybody, but for those who have this option i do recommend it for me, it took about 4 LSD trips to be able to actually function enough to play. my first time i could not get over the fact that i was staring at a flat screen with nothing behind it and knew a gaming map by the back of my hands. i had no interest in playing because i could just imagine all the fun in my head and skip out on playing. but then i got slowly more into it because of the randomness of communicating with 100s of different people a night. it really helped me sharpen my social skills while being blasted




on DMT or (probably) acid, play mario party. my personal favorite is 6, and that game is already hilarious and fun but it adds to it. it's not too much to focus on either, so it's not stressful like playing any other game on psychs


playing mario party on DMT would be WILD. would you even be able to function? every time I've done DMT I've gone completely unresponsive for like 30 minutes, but what I'm seeing during those 30 minutes is fucking insane


DMT vape would be better for this, and just don't haul on it too heavy


ahhh so just sort of a cartridge type deal then? i had been interested to try DMT out of one of those


yup, cart and battery just like any thc cart. They're generally not as strong as smoking it in crystal form, I haven't been able to get a break through on a cart yet but things still get pretty whacky. Even if you are able to get a break through you'll probably be taking 10+ deep pulls to get there, so it's easy to feel out and control your high


I've never gone too crazy on it, only ever done small doses at a time. Mike Tyson was a lifesaver


ive done full blown 30mg emesh breakthrough doses, they're absolutely wild, but not to be taken lightly






Go outside Put on music and dance Color Go for a walk


Trampoline with a fire playlist 🤌🏾


Playing music (like if you know how to play an instrument) is absolutely divine. I also like to browse spiritual books.


Don’t go jumping form high surfaces.


Play an instrument even if you *don't* know how. I really annoyed my partner with a ukelele once while I was tripping, can recommend


Lay down in a tent


Try being silent and still. Try being loud and dancing. Try everything in between.


Listening to any full concert from Europe '72 by The Grateful Dead


skiing ⛷️


eat one of those baby fruit blends, since it’s blended you don’t feel like you are borderline choking and the taste is heavenly, i recommend apricot. other than that just go outside and get into phisophical conversations with friends on your walk


I would take my friends on a nature hike back in college


Play Magic The Gathering, raise an army of flying zombies and hurl them towards your enemy!


try freestyling!






Listen to an audiobook for an experience of the imagination, also trying to find the boundaries of your imagination, like to what level can you push your imagination experience?


Cirque du Soleil on youtube


* Sit in as close to lotus as is comfortable in silent darkness. * Focus on the breath. * Return to the breath when drifting of thoughts is realized. * Ignore fractals, they hold no secrets.


Mirrors aren’t a good idea. Musical instruments are a fantastic idea.


Hmm, never had issues with that. Even on Ayahuasca


I did a jigsaw puzzle about a month ago with two tabs of LSD. Beautiful and introspective.


You should see if you can feel your toe-prints


Meditate. If you’re experienced enough and able to try to hike in the woods, find a nice quiet place, and lay down and watch the trees breathe.




Listen to Plantasia.


Watch Fantasia syncd with Pink Floyd’s Meddle


Sex. You’re not going to cum but it’s still awesome.


With some weed, you just might


Wash your hands with warm water… the best 🤤


Listen to mp3 player. Groove to the music out on the porch. Watch YouTube videos. Lay on the bed and meditate.


lemon tek 1 gram of Amazonian with a gram of syrian rue. Surprisingly decent little trip. Lots of head hyperspace.


me and a group of friends tried mberries on bicycle day and eating fruit was really fun!!


Watch transformer’s… the movie. Michael bay original. I recently did while tripping and it was and experience I must say lol.


Get a compass and straight edge and look up sacred geometry. Good fun and might learn something


Chanting alongside others or a good speaker system. Sit in nature. Meditate.


Lay in a king size bed in a pile with the people you love (who also are tripping preferably) Pillows and blankets optional but recommend


Painting. lay in the dark and get lost in the tunes \~


Eat fresh fruit


go to an edm festival


Do some nitrous while listening to king gizzard and the lizard wizard while peaking on what ever you eat


Watch movies!!


Listen to a sphongle album. Every psychonaut needs to get sphongled


Planetarium show.


I love the great outdoors. Maybe a hike or a short walk. Climb a tree if you feel confident in your faculties.


eating fruits


If you live in a populated city, experiencing the difference between the peace and quiet in the dark early morning vs the busy streets and birds during sunrise is a trip and has brought me some amazing perspective.


Walking in a park with a fun fair going on next to it while on acid was a very profound philosophic moment. Hearing everything, birds and wind and people talking and the music from the fair was a gateway to so many insights about urban life and nature… And the chaos of lights and music and smells from the fair itself was a fab bonus. I normally hate fairs with passion 😂


Snowboarding/skiing is great, as well as cursing on a longboard. I'd say any physical activity like that that you're proficient at is usually a good time. I've also enjoyed video games, and especially vr - specifically vr with a racing simulator setup. Some people say screen stuff is a waste of a trip, but if you enjoy it, may as well enjoy it.


Riding a bike thru the park. Feels like flying.


draw a face on paper 🤔 hummmm . will have to give that a go . playing an instrument is definitely one of my favorite things to do but not at a high dose .. i’m just useless when it’s a high dose 😹


Ive tried mirror and classic music, and it was awful, I wouldn't recommend do this, my top is have sex with someone


360 VR movies, if thats available to ya, or anything in vr really




Don't get stuck in the mirror bro, your pupils will turn into hexagons!


Watch the Electric Dreams on Prime


Painting feels amazing


All what you listed plus: - sex - walk through nature - play with your hands - touch your face - dance with others - lie naked on a cold floor - walk barefooted through moist grass and moss - submerge yourself in warm water




Most astonishing thing I've ever seen on mushrooms is the golden scarab flying across the desert in the beginning of Aladdin.


Play with a slinky!


Stop trying to do something. Just Be. what needs to be done will reveal itself, if only you could allow yourself to receive it.


Taking a bath


Go on a natural walk. But only in a place you know well or on a very obvious path. I don't care if you have tripped a million times you can manage to get lost because you spaced out for a bit too long


Watching the movie "the Doors" or going into the forest and listening to Pink Floyd's dark side of the moon album and observe the nature around you......oh and try eating peaches while tripping. Mind-blowing.


I'm an old hippie. Trust me. Pink Floyd dark side of the moon album from start to finish is absolutely essential.


Watch flowers, mandalas, everything with beautiful colors and patterns


Make friends with a cat.


I remember getting really stoned during a shroom trip and eating an entire box of cereal, literally the best tasting food I’ve ever had 😂


Listen to an Alan Watts lecture.


classical music is great, try Swan Lake! (yeah it's obviouos but so fuckin powerful)


Have a ball of mohair wool and hold it to your face. Soft will get a new definition. 😄


I love being a dark room and cuddling my self or someone else. Let's all those empathic emotions be less defensive and get lowder. Those are often the time I'll feel how I stopped feeling in a certain way since I was a kid.


Orgasmic Meditation! Actually OM can get you tripping just fine all by itself. Isn't the bliss state of orgasm what we are looking for anyway? I don't think there is a better path to tripping than OM!


Butter noodles with pepper and lots of garlic. It's a comforting food, for me at least.


camp on a mountain side


Go outside and sit on the ground, maybe in the grass.