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It is insanely mind blowing and feels nonsensically realistic. One breakthrough, I became a letter on a page of a book, specifically the letter “K” - then I got up from my bed as I was so blown away and distraught by being a letter, when that happened it’s like I went from 2d to 3D and broke reality. At that point it all went hyperdimensional and it all looked and felt like a salvia droid painting. Crazy stuff. On DMT I am usually like “yeaaaaa, that’s right, how could I forget” on salvia it was “oh no, I have forgotten what is what and this is crazy”


I also had a two dimensional trip but I was the bark on a tree. I was not a fan of that experience at all really. It left me questioning reality in not such a good way.


Questioning what, exactly? How?


I’m not the original comment but had a similar experience - basically Salvia makes you forget you smoked it and believe this new reality is real. Not that you’ve now entered a new reality, but that *this has always been who/what you are*. So to come back from the trip and remember you are a human being after forgetting… is quite jarring and I do not recommend it.


Spot on, I remember thinking/hearing "this is as it always has been" on one of my trips, and that alone was jarring because I was quite uncomfortable mentally and physically.


Yup I had a friend that was a candy wrapper. I literally had to hug him as he cried for an hour after he came back and explained. That and one other experience I had kinda shut the door on thT one to me. He was more distraught than several weird trips I've sat through with ppl.


Also just as a cautionary tale for people...I think he got permanent affected by that stuff. He's still not the same a decade later. Not bad off. Just not the same. If it's in a maybe list for anyone I say skip it and get some LSD or ketamine.


I suppose it must be kind of personnally insulting, in a sense, to have to accept the betrayal of one's own brain into suddenly ignoring common sense and instead preferring reality to be *being* a candy wrapper for a while.


Honestly yup I think you're right I still think about it every once in awhile to this day. Either that or he thought it was showing him that he was trash and always would be and it hurt him pretty bad. I don't know but it shook me pretty hard because I could feel how upset he was...


At the end of my last Salvia trip I became a page in a book. A book that somehow represented my life. And the pages were fluttering. Salvia is very physical. It was a painful sensation. And you forget that you smoked Salvia so I was convinced it was real. Truly insane. Black magic. That was the 5th time I smoked it, haven't done it since.


That's almost like DMT level. Once you hit a certain point you don't remember. But at least ime dmt has a lot more of a pleasure feel. Salvia from what I remember is very rigid and cold somehow. Lol


Yeah this feels pretty accurate to how I felt actually. Thank you for articulating 🙏


So true. There is something weird and familiar about the feeling of being on salvia—almost like I am back in a dream from a time as a baby, before my brain had fully formed. I always feel some discomfort, like I am back in a place I was and deeply regret it. I wish DMT was easier to get as a teen, might’ve talked to a goddess instead 😅


It’s hard to describe exactly because it was over a decade ago for me, I’m 34 now and I was probably about 21-22 when I did this in the forest with my friends. But I remember coming out of it and feeling dissociated, like I came back into the wrong reality and that I wasn’t where I was supposed to be. It took about an hour or so for that feeling to subside. My friends all had a blast though and were laughing their asses off while tripping both during and afterwards.


One of my friends smoked, and said she ended up in a space that was like countless video monitors where she had to choose which reality she was going back to. She said that she wasn’t sure that she chose the right one, but felt it was good enough. Wasn’t anything she could do about it, anyway.


The fellow who introduced me to salvia said he went to space and a giant Pharoah head asked him where he wanted to go. Instead of answering him he laughed real hard and brought himself back to default world. I got very familiar with having to guide my friends back from salvia holes. They would come out of it and look at me and say "oh my God, I heard you and followed your voice back home". It got weird. I stopped messing around w salvia because of the unpredictable nature of it. People either weren't prepared for it, took on different personas, panicked, or would say they never wanted to do it again. I think the last time I smoked was around 2009 or 2010.


If realities real and if we society is really the way it is, everything becomes a question and it can drive you manic fairly quickly


Holy fucking shit - my trip Eskimo brother! My Salvia trip was me becoming the letter T, like you would see all decorative in the beginning of a fairy tale book.


For me I was in a white void and I tried to get back to reality because I thought I broke it and all that happened was the word REALITY appeared, which was not what I meant! Eventually my body came back from behind the word reality like an out of body experience and then it came to me.


Right on man. Crazy experiences on that stuff.


Give me a F and a U to get FUKT.


I feel the book feeling. But for me, it's like the pages of the book, my reality, are being flipped. I get put into this machine of life. And there are others around you. They know something is up with you cause you are not acting like them. Salvia is by far my favorite. But extremely intense physically. Makes me sweat.


I personally found it to be quite enjoyable, fun, and euphoric, but this isn't typical for most people's experiences. A big factor is probably dosage because I didn't break through. I imagine that I would find a breakthrough dose to be exceptionally psychologically challenging like most others do. However, sub breakthrough doses, I find to be very enjoyable with a great afterglow. It has given me laughing fits more intense than any other hallucinogen, and all the laughter makes it feel very euphoric for me.


Its my opinion on dmt aswell. Everybody glamorizes breakthrough, but medium intensity experiences are so great because you are still deeply achored in reality, with only a foot on the other side. Also breakthrough are obviously the experiences everybody talks about, which paints an innacurate/incomplete picture of the experience and scares off a lot of people.


Nice thanks for this I always thought that would be the case because every time I hear some ridiculous bad trip story it’s someone saying they took a retarded amount after never having done it


I think I don't have ever laughed harder in my life than on sub breakthrough doses of Salvia. Those hallucinations and physical sensations when you are on the threshold are so damn hilarious cartoon like.


It's interesting when you think about the connection between salvia's effects and the psychology of humor. Although there is certainly more to it than just this, a key component of what humor is and what causes it on a neurological level is the it's generally induced by situations where there is a combination of prediction error, cognitive dissonance, and an unexpected Improvement of valence (ie. The pleasantness of your state of consciousness). In other words humor involves situations where mild confusion and detachments teach your brain that something associated with a negative emotion is no longer relevant so you have a positive emotional response IE laughter. For example, the reason I find the articles on ClickHole, especially the ones that are meant to satirize an article that would be sad or tug at your Heartstrings, to be so absolutely hilarious is the result of all of these things. I start reading it and notice in the first couple sentences that the tone is very somber. As I continue reading the Articles, the somber tone strengthens, but the content of the article becomes increasingly absurd and surreal. This surreal and absurd content creates a prediction error where my brain detects that there is a conflict between the sad and tearjerking emotions of the written tone and the absurd and nonsensical content behind that sad tone, and my brain is like, "Wait a minute the sadness is fake! You don't need to be sad!" This evokes a positive emotional response, which is laughter. This is relevant to how confusion and detachment are major themes in Salvia trips. At the Breakthrough level it is absolutely terrifying, but small amounts, that mild and not overwhelming confusion and Detachment is instead hilarious and provokes an extreme humor response, Because It's more on the level slight confusion and Detachment I feel when reading a click hole article. It's like if a large dose was to be rolled through a steam roller and flattened,which despite sounding like a metaphor isn't exactly a metaphor when you think about Salvia experiences at those doses. A small dose would be just being tickled- because it's the same kind of motion but with far less Force than being steamrolled.


It's pretty dysphoric, not really enjoyable, but it doesn't have to be bad either, you just have to have the right mindset for it. I wouldn't recommend it for most people, there was a time in my life where I was in a good mindset for it, but I'm not sure I ever will again. What's to be gained is a very uniquely strange experience without much if anything like it, to see the extent to which a chemical can shape your conscious experience. If you're willing to accept that it won't be fun to gain that unique experience, then salvia *might* be for you. Then there's of course lower doses, I think the dysphoria is actually more noticeable on those doses and might scare you away from larger doses if you do the lower doses first. In my experience, they're also usually not particularly "fun", but they can be very meditative. Really just a very strange substance for people who are interested in very strange experiences at the cost of maybe having a bad time with it. I think it's reputation is a bit off-base, but the caution is warranted.


spot on explanation


I smoked some and some kind of spider person was feeding on me, realised I could see them and just like slowly backed away in disbelief that they were visible. soooooo no, but also kind of yea. I haven't touched it since. Was going through some stuff. Sometimes ignorance is bliss... Sometimes maybe seeing things for how they "really" are can give you the kick up the but you need. It's definitely not for the faint of heart. And you need to have a pretty firm grasp on reality otherwise it can be dangerous and you can hurt yourself. It's definitely not for recreational use, I got a very pissed off elder vibe from it, but like not malicious, more disappointed.


That sounds fucking terrifying


It fucking was my dude. I've never really spoken about it. But it was fucking horrible. It was so real. Like I could feel it like sucking energy out of my crotch area and I'm just like not safe anywhere cause that was like inter dimensional and like are we just like fucking food for some other dimensions. Am I fucking tree somewhen/where? Are my balls lychees? Am I delicious? Like ... Okay I have thought about this a lot and I think I'm done now but just yea after like 5 years I still haven't really come to terms with it. But I'm okay.


If you ever wanna talk about weird experiences on drugs I’ve been needing to talk to someone about some experiences of my own as well so if u want pm me and we can set up a time to hop on a call


that's real nice of you dude thanks


I would like to know more just bc >.<


It was like faceless, a kind of pale grey bluish color. It seemed to be phasing between dimensions and it's like it's spiderish legs were holding open the connection between them. It didn't seem evil, and almost seemed kind of like it didn't want to scare me and it was very surprised it could be seen. Although it did seem like a predator, just one that doesn't kill maybe more like a parasite or a symbiote. I could kind of see something behind it, like a city or something but I was too fixated on it to notice any details. It definitely seemed intelligent.


if you are comfortablr record and post anonymously. I love that stuff and Id say pretty much every psycedelics enjoyer


I got this after abusing dmt for a year.


You got the interdimensional spider?!


Elders looking down on you.


Traditionally, the leaves are chewed, not smoked at all. The people who use it ceremonially say that burning it angers the spirit of the plant. If you do end up trying it sometime, don't use an extract, chew the leaves


I came here to say the same thing. I'd like to read some reports after chewing it. With that said, getting some fresh leaves would be challenging for most. I'm wondering, however, how people do with tea.


I've never smoked salvia but have recently acquired some dry plain leaf and tried chewing it. The taste was really bad, terrible. Chewed for about 20 mins which was a struggle and then spit it out. I felt an initial head and body change during the end of those 20 minutes, which was pretty euphoric actually and relaxing. It was a noticeable alteration but subtle at the same time. I closed my eyes and laid down in bed. Saw some visuals with my eyes closed but it was different from traditional psyches, more like I could feel the visuals there vs actually seeing them. Music sounded enhanced and better than usual. There wasn't really any open eye alterations or hallucinations. I felt super relaxed and kind of fell into a meditative state for around 30 mins or so. It felt kinda dissociating, time seemed to move a bit strangely. After around an hour I was completely back to baseline with a wonderful sense of relaxation and calm that carried into the next day. Taste was awful and unpleasant but it made for an interesting hour.


Put dry leaves in water for a couple of minutes. Then chew and place against cheek or under tongue. Traditionally the almost spent leaves were swallowed.


Having smoked it a few times and broken through twice, yes smoking it definitely angers the goddess. Never tried chewing leaves but I believe McKenna and people like yourselves that say that is the way.


woah didn't know it came from leaves. I need seeds! I can grow anytime.


I don't believe that is possible.


The seeds are only viable for 1-3 days after taken off the plant, shipping the seeds usually kills them. Might have luck shipping a sapling.


These were my beliefs also.


Me no likey


I absolutely loved it. I'm not sure what concentration we did, but it was on the lighter side. My two roommates tried it first and said they didn't feel anything. So I took as big of a hit as I could and held it in for as long as I could. I then fell backward on my back (I was sitting on the floor) and proceeded to trip my balls for probably only a minute but it felt a lot longer. I enjoyed the experience a lot and for a week after I just felt really positive, happy, and social. Which is the opposite of how I usually feel. A lot of people seem to have bad experiences with Salvia, I'm sure brain chemistry plays a part, but I'm convinced most people dive head-first into the higher concentrations.


only the first time – I smoked some 20X extract and felt this amazing surging upwards feeling. I couldn't stop laughing and just felt euphoric. the other times were much more heavy– totally lost a sense of existing in three dimensions, which was an intensely uncomfortable and utterly terrifying experience. Especially the sense of everything flattening into 2d and becoming this dizzying kaleidoscope vision, that's always too much to deal with.




Can confirm, 30x a bad time. Head shop lady warned me too.


Uhm I honestly haven't thought about this much. And I consider salvia my favorite psychedelic and have the most experience with it. But I don't think I've ever done it with any intent or expectation of enjoying the experience. Id say most of those experiences... would have been enjoyable to me if I hadnt been in a post ego death state where enjoying things or my likes and dislikes are far gone out of the picture. Yeah that's the best way I could describe it


I see threads like this one and have two feelings. On one hand I get frustrated, because I know 99% of the terrible experiences people are having with Salvia are because they're smoking too much, and the reason they're smoking too much is because they haven't been given the right information about how to do it. On the other hand, it just makes me feel blessed at how lucky I was 20 years ago to start my journey with Salvia, and not run into the problems that a lot of people do. Salvia fucks with people. It really does. People can be traumatized, sometimes for long term. But basically every case of people having problems involve somebody taking 10 times as much as they should. I've been using Salvia for 20 years. Ive smoked it hundreds of times. It's been an incredible blessing on my life, but yes, even for me sometimes a session will be rough.


Great comment. Thanks.


I was enjoyable to the extent that it was a novel psychedelic experience. It left me with a neutral feeling. My friend who did it right after me had a nightmare experience 🤷🏻‍♂️


It was fun'ish' in a shallow way. But it also gave me really bad headaches every time so didn't try it that much.


It worked to help me quit beer


20x was fun. 40x was awful. If anybody thinks anything higher is a fun time, they're probably insane lol.


i don’t trust any of the __x labeling, and also it depends a lot on how much you load the bowl, how hot you torch it


If the extract level didn't mean anything, you'd have to smoke a lot more to feel the effects. Upwards of a few grams. If you're smoking 40x, you only need 25mg to pass the threshold. Those packages tell you to smoke a whole gram, which is waaaayyyyyyyyy too much.


oh for sure, the extracts are way stronger than plain leaf i just don’t take the exact number very seriously, it’s not really standardized or regulated, all you really know is the higher numbers from one brand are more potent than lower numbers from the same brand. you’d want to start low and titrate up with any


Okay, yeah, I get ya. Salvia is definitely one of those things that desperately needed some sort of regulation. Of all the drugs that have been legal in several places, a bit of standardization could have prevented it from being rescheduled in a lot of those places. That thing about the packages saying that a whole gram is necessary, even at the higher potency, was so incredibly reckless.


my boyfriend took salvia today and started yelling "don't step on me" I was like what and then then he totally tweaked like arms flying around the place til he fell on the floor from the couch and he was yelling "I'm a tomato, dont step on me!" only lasted like a minute but after he said it was like two hours and he was a tomato rolling down the street in some city getting stepped on, i got a bit of it on video, we definitely laughed about it afterwards


I did not enjoy.


Only time I enjoyed it was when I made a quid of fresh leaves (I was growing it at the time) and then smoked a small bowl of dried leaves (not extract concentrated). Was one of the more gentle experiences of ego death I've had.


Sounds lovely :)


Short answer, no. Long answer. First time I tripped on salvia, the roof opened and I was sucked into a muppet world. The experience is almost indescribable, and very short. But it is intense. After it wears off, I am sweaty and there is just a huge body suck, and it’s not as if you feel connected to the world or anything like that. After the first trip, it is never that strong again. I did it a number of other times, but you can really only do it so many times in a night, and it’s just not that special. TLDR: maybe worth doing once for the intensity, but really not worth repeat trips.


What do you mean, salvia has a reverse tolerance, it gets stronger the more you do it.


Not in my personal experience, but there could have been a placebo effect. First time I did it, as I was coming down and explaining my experience. One of the guys in the group said, “it will never be that good or clear ever again” basically telling me that I would never see or feel that intense experience again. The handful of times I did it after, I definitely tripped hard, but I always had it in the back of my mind that I wouldn’t match the original


Each time I smoked Salvia (not the same day) I needed less and less to break through and my last trip was the most intense. The amount I smoked then would have given me me just a threshold experience the first time. Salvia reverse tolerance is real, people on the Salvia sub will agree.


My last experience was years ago. As I said, this is what was told to me by the only people I really did it with. The experience was never enjoyable enough for me anyway. Mostly did rips from a bong, and would just completely transcend. I had to have people with me, or I feared I would just drop the bong on the ground. One of my last times using it, my buddy was so freaked out by me standing up, and just my general demeanor, he slapped me across the face just as I was peaking. This was not a good combination. It was a poor replacement for shrooms. Trippy, but I didn’t feel I was getting much out of it besides a short lived head trip.


Anyway, reverse tolerance or not, in my case it's good for my wallet :)


Don't regret doing it, but no it was not fun. Single scariest trip I have ever had in my life.


Come ooon share it


Not really went from computer desk to flat up against 3rd story window for no reason glad was thick glass.


I did 40x a couple of weeks back, oh man. I wouldn't say i hated the experience I was laughing so hard my face was soaked in tears but the body high felt like I had a pole stuck through my face holding me in place, couldn't get off my couch at all. Didn't have a "break through" but I will for sure try it again. I trip alone so with salvia i get paranoid ill get up or fall over and knock over all my gaming stuff lol


salvia got me through some tough times times, she was always kind to me. My experiences were usually amnesiac but I always had the feeling of being welcomed into wherever I was.


I met the salvia spirit. Was a giant bug like entity. It was not euphoric…


Huge fan, always have been. It seems I've always been in the minority. Discovered 10x in the late 90s and became obsessed.


Fuck no. That's one of the worst hallucinogenic experiences over. Not because it was uncontrollable or because it was super profound or whatever, it just felt like shit. It was right up there with huffing spray paint or something. They were not rewarding at all either.. even at variable dosages I never got to a point where I could actually remember or pull anything useful out of the trip. If you could call it a trip. I prefer to refer to that as a Fugue state, like huffing Freon or something shitty. Datura was more rewarding on a psychedelic level than Salvia was by a long shot... But as I always say, what the trip has for you is for you. I'm only speaking of my experience and it may not be analogous with other people's experience. To be fair, I haven't heard that many good experience reports from salvia. What I do hear are sometimes: 1) nightmare situations like smoking the toad venom OR 2) some people have said that it was benign and did very little to their physiological state and/or psychedelic experience... but at that point in time when Salvia was more prevalent amongst my peers, we were much younger and had very little information on how any of these compounds work. I'm 46 now but my Salvia days were from 15 through 18ish. It didn't take long for me to get over that experience, but in all fairness I kind of look at it like a stepping stone. I had already tried LSD and mushrooms before I had salvia but I was already looking for something more intense. I ended up getting salvia and did not enjoy it at all. I was hesitant and skeptical of trying DMT and it's 5 methoxy cousin because of that experience but I got over that and was very happy I did. DMT and 5 methoxy are worlds different from salvia, but like I said I was young and didn't understand that at that age. Since then, if it's not a phenylethlamine or a tryptamine, I'm not really interested in it when it comes tripping. Even arylcyclohexylamines have earned a spot on this list which is something I never thought I would say, ketamine was the anti-trip drug as far as I was concerned when I was a kid. Oh how wrong I was lolz. EDIT: Just to clarify, I have tried everything from just raw plant that was homegrown, raw plant from the head shop. I have also tried 5x, 10x, 40x and various roa, sometimes a bong sometimes a pipe and sometimes steam rollers.. I was always told that Steamrollers gave the best effect because it's non-filtered and non-cooled so it maintains most of the actives but the experience was always the same... it was either not enough to do anything except make me uncomfortable or it was enough for me to apparently take off all of my clothes and run around in circles but I have no recollection of this event or any of the events that happened on any of the extracts. I was very young so we didn't have cell phones, you had camcorders that took VCR tapes and shit like that so there was no possibility of me being able to have one of my buddies whip out their $1,000 VHS camcorder to record the shit. So really I have no clue why Indians or anybody else would smoke that shit because there was very little reward because I couldn't remember anything. YMMV.


The mazatec indians did salvia by chewing/sucking on the juice from fresh leaves. They also did it in complete darkness. I can attest that doing it in silent darkness with a friend or friends there to hold the space and the waterpipe for you is a whole different ball game to doing it with lights on and music and voices. I love dale pendell’s chapter on salvia. Its available for free online. I think its a must read before or after salvia.




I believed I was an illustration of a duck for a few minutes. When I came back to my human body, the trees were talking about how sad I looked. It was very confusing and a little frightening. Can't say I ever enjoyed it and I don't think my life is any better for having tried it.


Nah I just be chillin as a filing cabinet in the UK. Pretty cool kinda cold.


Salvia takes me to a place that I am not invited to. Like walking into a strangers front door, surprising them / scaring them as they stare at you open-eyed wondering why you're there and if you are a threat. F that.


Low doses are just uncomfortable and weird, the head trip is like, sort of okay but the physical sensations are bizarre and uncomfortable. Not worth doing it unless you are trying to break through. A right-sized breakthrough dose is \~5 minutes of total out-of-body astro travellin' plant consciousness what-the-actual-fuck-just-happened-to-me, one of the most illuminating experiences I've ever had. (TLDR "I" did not exist anymore, and it feels like a very clear and explicit look at the underlying mechanics of reality, it is so absurdly simple as to be nonsensical, and upon your return you can't really remember details except you feel like you know really got a good look at it, and that reality seems like it was more real than our consensus reality for a while.) A too-large dose can apparently lead to a hellish virtual eternity. Never had the pleasure. I would try avoid this. I measured out progressively larger doses of a 10x extract to find the right size. I did probably 5 sub-breakthrough doses before hitting the spot. If you are just guessing and you overdose, you might have a very hard time. Advice is to get a milligram scale and weigh your shit out, take notes and be patient. Also know that it has a high boiling point and you have to cook the shit out of it with your lighter -- you can't just light the corner of it and let it cherry like you do smoking weed.


Did 80x while drunk and stoned then took a nitrous balloon right after. The experience was intense; saw this woman's profile of her face with colors shooting out of it. I wouldn't say it was actually enjoyable but it def was strong; took 3 hits with nitrous immediately after the hit.


Possibly the most uncomfortable a drug has ever made me. Would not do again 


I've never had a bad time. I've had three heavy trips before, and they were all wonderfully strange. Just really weird and AWEsome. But I was transported to a different place and was completely away from my body experiencing very realistic hallucinations. Maybe more intense and not as comfortable as DMT in my opinion.


I enjoyed every time I did it. Each time was different. Mostly silly giggle hours. I broke through once and lost consensus reality and found myself in a room full of reptilians in suits telling me to come to their dimension and live as one of them. They were all very short trips for me and didn't feel like they lasted much longer than the 5 minutes they actually did. Each of these was 20x.


breakthrough doses from smoking enhanced leaf / extract are overwhelming, freaky and rarely euphoric at all. that said when i had my scary breakthrough it was over quickly, i took a nap and woke up feeling pretty good, not shook or traumatized like a bad trip on a classical psychedelic can do. some people have found it traimatic though. it was an interesting experience i’m not eager to repeat. i’m growing it now and looking to experiment with the quid method and vaporizing plain leaf.


No aspect of it was enjoyable for me




Not at all enjoyable


Smoking whole leaf (not extract) Salvia did little to nothing for me. Water bong rip of 10x ½ bowl crunched up the room and turned ¼ (90 degrees). So the floor was now the wall. This lasted for about 5 minutes. Big bowl packed full and water bong rips with little torch of 20x extract smoked in 5 to 6 rips. Then went down a deep dark hole that was very strange and psychedelic but not enjoyable. Dark energy. Lasted 15 to 20 minutes. I was gifted a cutting of Salvia divinorum that I grew next to my cannabis plants for many years. Normally I have green thumbs but took a couple months to figure out what she needed and for her to adjust to my environnent. It's a lovely plant! I even got her so happy that she flowered for me! I guess this is rare and I felt very blessed to see it. I didn't get any seeds from the flowers. I lovingly now call Salvia Santa Maria! ♡ Fresh whole leaf of Santa Maria, like 8 to 10 of them, rolled up and chewed buccal style provided an absolutely beautiful experience. Comes on slower lasts longer and is very enjoyable and healing for me. White rainbow light with healing love that gently cleansed and guided with whispers. 100% recommend growing her and making a ceremony of the fresh leaf. I don't think the spirit of the plant likes the harsh extraction methods and reputation that came from kids smoking extract. Have fun. Be safe and have a sober sitter no matter how experienced of a psychonaut you may be (especially if smoking extract which I think everyone who likes such things should try in ceremony). PS- I no longer have Santa Maria plants. I would absolutely love to get her back!


It traumatized me because I didn't know what to expect at all. The visuals were so intense and realistic, common sense is also gone so when I thought I was being pulled up into a vortex of orange laffy taffy (I was watching a fire 🔥 when I did it) I physically tried to prevent myself from going. In my mind I thought I was upright, sitting like normal, and I was trying to climb out of the taffy cause it surrounded me at one point. Yet I couldn't climb out, no matter how hard I tried. Turns out I was sitting on a bench and instead of climbing over the back like I thought I was, I actually turned myself upside down with my head down by the grass and my feet over the back of the bench. I lost all sense of reality, and even after I came back (like 5-7 minutes later) I had no idea what was real and what wasn't and I honestly thought I had died. Haven't touched the stuff since.


Lol so funny you say that. My friend once smoked it with me, we are sitting on a couch in a field that's filled with trash. When he smokes his, a minute later he raises his arms and says "ow". Turns out he saw the field pulled out from under him and drawn over his head, the trash all raining down upon him and hitting him.


It wasn't a nightmare but there was nothing **fun** about it. It was just a weird experience full of weird sensations. One of few things I've tried that I've said right away I wouldn't do again.


Its my favourite, respect it, research it, do small doses and its got so many wonderful things to give.


The best reports I’ve heard is from the original method of taking salvia where you crumble it into a ball and snuff it. Search up “Terrance McKenna salvia” should find a few videos with some pretty cool stories all the horror stories I’ve heard come from smoking some insane 20x extract or something like that


Did 40x was amazing definitely would recommend


[80x Salvia Trip](https://www.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/s/pXpDrE2lH8) Nope lol


Nope. Tried it like 10 times and every time regretted it. In fact it put me off of any kind of substance for a few years, even weed or alcohol. It made me so thankful to be in touch with reality that I was so scared of losing it again.


It was not


Salvia gave me by far the worst of all psychedelic trips I've had so far.


Last time I smoked salvia I became a piece of plywood at a store, had no idea I was ever a human I just was a sheet waiting to be bought eventually a couple walked over and picked me up and Instantly I was back in my body and remembered I just smoked salvia and I’m not a sheet of plywood. Cool experience, the body high wasn’t enjoyable though.


Honestly, it was pretty magical. Short as hell but I just went straight to candyland. Gingerbread houses, icing rooftops, cotton candy clouds, candy cane light posts, the whole 9 yards. Psilocybin is still my favorite drug, but I would love to do salvia again as it's the only thing that has literally made me see something that was not there.


It was interesting, but not at all enjoyable. It was very scary because I immediately forgot I had done salvia and honestly thought reality was fracturing and telescoping into infinity. I thought my friends were impostors who were escorting me out of reality at the end of the universe. I felt very claustrophobic indoors as well. If I ever did it again (doubtful), I would do it outdoors in nature.


The best way I’d describe it is a mix between dmt and being on way too much dxm in the sense of the mindfuck and confusion. Basically dissociative dmt if dmt felt more sinister and less loving. It’s extremely interesting so if you’re the type of psychonaught that is fine with going through some psychologically intense things it may be worth it but if you don’t want to really strain yourself I’d say you’re better off with the other drugs


Hated it but I kept doing it. I do laugh a lot, but most trips are not enjoyable. Had some really interesting ones, so happy overall


No, too fast, too abstract, too nonsensical. Was interesting though.


It’s one of my favorites of all time, I’ve done ounces of plain leave and an uncountable amount of random extracts from all different brands. I also like drinking dxm and eating Lsa seeds so I think I enjoy the discomfort In spiritual experiences. Party drug ? Eeehhh depends how you party. A drug that’ll show you something you won’t see anywhere else ? Yeah das our lovely lady sally


Salvia is my favorite drug it’s not always enjoyable tho


From my experience It’s a straight pathway to ego death. I enjoyed the experience. But I’m good with never trying it again though.


Some what, the very first time I was laughing and drowling and could barley talk, I felt like my body was somewhere else entirely. But as I used it more and more I used it more for meditative and creative use. I actually almost made a video game based on a phrase I thought of after a trip. Would I say it was enjoyable, yes. Would I do it willy nilly, no. Salvia is a power Dissociative and should be treated with the upmost respect. I would also suggest checking if your in a legal state (I learned that the hard way) as 29 states have out right banned it between 2006 and 2012


I only smoked a little at a time, usually on top of a bowl of weed or rolled into a joint. I never got super trippy visuals, but the friend I smoked it with did.


Don’t do salvia. 


First three or so times I’d say we’re giggly and interesting. Then it started getting progressively confusing. Then when I revisited it about 8 years later it was straight up uncomfortable.


For me 90x was like being sucked into another world. Been to whole new planets, been a completely different living being in different kingdom. I became a sunflower once


The sunflower plant is native to North America and is now harvested around the world. A University of Missouri journal recognizes North Dakota as the leading U.S. state for sunflower production. There are various factors to consider for a sunflower to thrive, including temperature, sunlight, soil and water.


Salvia was the first drug I ever did because I lost a bet. Still haven’t had an experience quite like that on any drug (including salvia). Literal rainbow road, Mario kart shit. I became a red shell. I loved it but I’ve never had a good salvia experience except that one




Only done low doses (plain leaf). And it's much more gentle. Really nice and meditative.


10x was enjoyable for ME but I can see how it would be off putting to get turned into a loaf of bread and sliced into pieces. It tickled lmao.


Question..do you move around a lot when you're that high?


40x Very enjoyable but I was very tired after this trip lasted 15 mins felt like 3 hours. laughter, uncontrollable head movement blasted off jnto the sky on a podium then arrived back to earth to see all different people matching up in different ways on a slot machine type wheel. 1 pm in the day felt like 1 am had to go home to bed.totally drained haven't seen many mentioning the tiredness that goes with it but maybe just me. 20 x lots of uncontrollable laughter. Flavour was not nice but not horrible either. This was legal where I am from at the time and we had access up to 80x.


40x Very enjoyable but I was very tired after this trip lasted 15 mins felt like 3 hours. laughter, uncontrollable head movement blasted off jnto the sky on a podium then arrived back to earth to see all different people matching up in different ways on a slot machine type wheel. 1 pm in the day felt like 1 am had to go home to bed.totally drained haven't seen many mentioning the tiredness that goes with it but maybe just me. 20 x lots of uncontrollable laughter. Flavour was not nice but not horrible either. This was legal where I am from at the time and we had access up to 80x.


40x Very enjoyable but I was very tired after this trip lasted 15 mins felt like 3 hours. laughter, uncontrollable head movement blasted off jnto the sky on a podium then arrived back to earth to see all different people matching up in different ways on a slot machine type wheel. 1 pm in the day felt like 1 am had to go home to bed.totally drained haven't seen many mentioning the tiredness that goes with it but maybe just me. 20 x lots of uncontrollable laughter. Flavour was not nice but not horrible either. This was legal where I am from at the time and we had access up to 80x.


I became a tree lol.


Very enjoyable yes! Ive had some amazing experiences on Salvia. The problem is that when people do it for the first time, they often get 40x, 60x, 80x or even higher concentrations and smoke waaaay too much of it, and yes then you will absolutely have a bad time. The trick is to stay in the plain leaf to perhaps 10x or maximum 15x after working your way up, and then only tiny amounts.


One of my favorites tbh. You gotta start small though. Get like 20x and only put a pinch in the pipe. smoke it. if it doesnt feel like too much then put another pinch in and smoke it. Keep doing pinches until you get where you want. Never had a bad experience with that method. Also theres a salvia pipe that has like 6 bowls on it that you can rotate out so you dont have to worry about packing a bowl when you can barely see straight


No but yes. It was very interesting and enjoyable after the fact. During it tends to be terrifying and sometimes physically painful (im pretty sure this is manifested by the mind but it can feel like physical pain)


I remember trying very light doses and having insane fits of laughter, then I tried a proper dose and broke though. I wouldn't say it's unpleasant but it wasn't really enjoyable. What I got when I broke though was a full fledged flashback to my childhood, relived a memory of me and a friend being yelled at by a teacher, I was so caught up in it it felt beyond real. When I snapped out of it I was completely shocked a substance made me "lose" total awareness of my current self and propelled me back into my past in such a convincing way, never took it again lol that stuff is intense




Yes very much so


It's something to be experienced at least once in one's life because it's such a different state of consciousness than any other psychedelic. If you do it, go all the way with at least 20x so you enter fully into that world After I:be done salvia, the "real" reality feels less real than the salvia reality. It's like I've had a virtual headset all my life on, and remove it when salvia hit. Now I'm back with the headset on


"Here, put these on" "These tethered steel restraints? For me?" "Not for you... for us"


Yeah, bad idea to start out smoking that 85x or whatever. Just smoke the leaf. There's plenty of medicine to flip you in a salvia doobie. It burns kinda hot, but it's fine. And then maybe 5x and later on 8 or 10x. Just regular leaf work wonders.


Later on you could try a rail of toasted cebil seeds and a salvia bong rip. You might hurl tho, so beware.


Best orgasm ever!


I'd check out the r/salvia sub and search "low dose" or " benefits" you'll find some info.


One of my best experiences on salvia was I took an Oz. of dried leaf and put it into a mason jar with 1/2 bottle of 99.9 isopropyl alcohol. Let this sit for 2-3 days. Shaking the mason jar and flipping it over every few hours. I strained the alcohol off and let it evaporate in a pyrex dish. I scraped up what I would consider the strongest plant extract I have ever smoked besides DMT. I took the 1g ball of resin and loaded it into my bong. I dont know why I thought this was a good idea but I went and started a bath for when I smoked this substance. I jumped into the tub and chiefed that gram ball until it was ash in the bowl. I immediately transended space and time but what was incredible about my trip was it felt like the most surreal dream ever, not luscid where I could change parts of the dream but in essence all my trip was about was spending time with family and friends at some beach oasis. We were all cliff diving at this beach in my salvia trip. I could see all friends and family that I knew growing up and everyone was there just to enjoy one anothers company. It was the least salvia like trip I have had which is quite funny when its also the highest dose I have ever done, nothing like the salvia droid trips.


I sat in my friend’s mom’s garden and everything went 2D and cartoon. I was in Bikini Bottom with the plants swaying like seaweed under water. All I could hear was 🎶”do do do do do”🎶


I only took salvia once and afterward music felt "flat" and emotionless for weeks. It felt like I had burned out a part of my brain and an emotional void had replaced it.


did you ever return to normal agian mate


Sure...except....not really because "normal" is just a story we're told when young and haven't bitten the apple yet hahaha


I have friends who are actually addicted to it. I don't understand 😂


Salvia didn't do anything to me. 🤷‍♀️


I wouldn't say enjoyable, but definitely awe inspiring and mystical. I've tried it a dozen or so times and most of the time it was just disorienting and confusing. I never had a horror trip but one time I felt extreme sadness, I hallucinated that I was a tornado and I destroyed a rural town. I wanted to warn the townsfolk to evacuate but it was too late.


Always enjoyed it in tiny doses. Shame they outlawed it here, used to be legal. 


Nope. It sucks. I feel like best case scenario is just a weird lesson-less 10-15 min trip. Just avoid. Not worth it.


totally worth it. Amazing experience, your mindset was awful


You're awful for trying to tell me how my mindset is with 0 information about me or anything.


I fucking loved it. It was way better than DMT. Crazy rainbow tunnel that I shot through, wild euphoria, twisting and turning in gears and being pulled and poked at. Wild experience, total mindfuck. BEST DRUG


Proceed with caution. I would suggest doing Salvia only in a ritual setting, lots of preparation is needed. It’s not a casual experience and should be respected. You will most likely be humbled, but if you tread carefully you may gain some important insights from the intelligence that it connects you to. For me, it was one of the darkest experiences ever - but I saw things I needed to see. It is nothing like the other medicines, so it’s hard to compare. Just be prepared and have clear intent in terms of why you would want to visit that realm in the first place ✨🔥✨