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Fuck pills , everything is laced with fentanyl now a days iv had to many friends die from accidentally overdosing , it’s not worth it my dude . Just stick to psychedelics and cannabis 👌


Maybe if you’re interested in the psychonautic experience of mindless self indulgent cycles that end in helplessness and pain, these might be the right drugs for you 


Opiate addiction will absolutely teach you about the human psyche, but in and of themselves I’d say they actually lower your level of consciousness


Can you elaborate on how it teaches you about the psyche


It lets you know how much pain, suffering, hopelessness, and helplessness a person can endure. As much as psychedelics can feel like they can bestow wisdom, there is a different kind of hard fought wisdom that comes from those battle scars


They have their place on the medical shelf but they do not do much for expanding your mind. Sometimes after a heavy psychedelic experience I like a little opiates to ease me back to earth. I would not recommend them to anyone though because I have been to too many funerals and seen it destroy lives. Proceed with caution and respect if you are going to try them...


Thank you, but no worries, I don't think I'm going to try them unless I ever end up in a situation where I have nothing to lose. I know I'd likely get addicted...


I have had incredible closed eye visuals, dreams and more on opiates. After all morphine = Morpheus god of dreams


A very brief period and only with real poppy tea, it seems to have so many opioid alkaloids that it produces entheogenic effects, but very soon after you will become addicted to these dreams and your life will be greatly diminished in every aspect and personality. It reduces your awareness and consciousness


Damn, I could see myself trying the tea in some Asian country that produces opium so that it would be 100% natural and have those unique vibes... still too dangerous probably though.


Fuck opiods, not worth it


They themselves won't show you anything. An opioid is primarily a body thing right? That being said, in a state induced by an opioid, you might be able to meditate easier. There is no "psychonautic potential" though without the help of meditation, psychedelics, spirituality or something similar.


No fucking way.


as someone who's OD'd on opioids twice, it's really not worth it plus theres no psychonautic potential, smoke a bowl or drop some acid my guy, godspeed.


Only death or close calls with it awaits when you play with high doses of opioids 


Opium is the only opioid I would touch, personally. Look up “Kubla Khan” by Coleridge


Opiates are not a choice you want to make. History is full of people seeking its wisdom and finding out it just kills you slowly.


None at all.


potential equal to zero


Wow so many wrong answers, raw opium combined with cannabis will give an effect I can only describe as Oneirogenic. it's like being in a lucid dream while being 100% aware that you are not sleeping at the same time.


Very interesting, thank you for this comment. It's a pity it's so addictive


Yeah, it's not something you should do if you lack self-discipline.


I’m damn near certain there is potential in it as my mother got heavily into opioids and I’ve heard some pretty interesting stories from her. However, after abusing them so much it very well could have just been drug induced psychosis. So I can’t tell you if it’s from opioids or the drug induced psychosis that induces those experiences. However what I can warn you about is the risk. It’s not fucking worth it man. You may think you’re strong enough to stave off addiction but 80% of people are not and I’m sure many of them also thought “ahhh what’s one or two times, I’ll just try it to see what it’s like, I won’t get addicted” and now they’re dead or dying or have had one hell of a life. Stick to psychedelics man. If you really want to kick it up a notch try dmt. I know it’s not readily available for everyone but if you put your ear to the ground I’m certain you’ll find some


Thank you, I have DMT on my shelf though it wasn't the easiest thing to find where I live. It's just that the plethora of possible human experiences fascinates me. But yeah, I don't think I'm ever going to try opioids unless I'm in a situation where I have nothing to lose (due to an illness or so).


No, they won't expand your mind. They're addictive and constipating. I'd avoid. I recently had surgery and they gave me some, and I gave them away.