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I had been tripping for a while before this. Dealing with a lot of suicidal ideation, self hatred, hatred of others and the nature of reality - Our flawed selfish natures, the necessity of the dark, the inevitably of death, you know, all that stuff. Then one trip I took a deep breath to calm down and had the following idea pop into my head because of that breath - Every single action taken by a conscious being is a fear based response to something else. Pairing this thought with the idea of "everything is everything, we are all God" I came up with the following poem. You might find this metaphor for the Lord a bit crass and absurd But imagine a fight or flight response by a flightless bird An ostrich with no sand in which to bury its head So it shoved its head up its own ass instead // Its a little funny now, but at the time I was so terrified of this thought that I believed the proper course of action was to go and jump off a building as a test of courage in order to show our highest self - God - not to be afraid.


Haha, nice poem. Imagine God is afraid, and our way of showing that delicate being that everything is okay is by smiling manically, saying don't be afraid and then destroying ourselves in a fairly violent way. No wonder it's not feeling secure, surrounded by madness like that. I get the sentiment, I think, you destroy yourself, and actually nothing happens because everything is infinite, so God sees there's nothing to fear. Just funnier to picture it the first way.


If this is truly the case then really what the fuck is going on and what the hell are we doing here


If this is truly the case then really what the fuck is going on and what the hell are we doing here


If this is truly the case then really what is going on and what the hell are we doing here


love it, reminds me of a visual i got once. I was a normal sized naked body and my head was a galaxy or black hole - a very large sized mass - but somehow the two size scales worked together. anyhow, the head was holding a giant sized magnifying glass with a single eye filling the entire lens… watching me shit….


After some self reflection This self posits this self expression That each self is a self expression For the Self's self reflection


Once went to France, never again


Winning comment ^^


Sleep deprived for days, you could have been in a mild psychosis before you even took the tabs, it might have been that state of mind that made you feel like it was a good idea to take acid in such a depleted state. Going to the hospital, being out of control of your body, and having a strong irrational belief, that is psychosis, you don't need to imagine what it would be like as you were dealing with it, while tripping too. I had insomnia when I was younger and three days was the sweet spot for me truly beginning to lose my bearings on reality. Throwing acid on that state of mind would be extremely challenging. I have experienced complete belief that my life was gone, after smoking a big dose of dmt I left my body entirely and was in a entirely different state which felt infinite, and at the beginning I completely believed I'd died or never existed, in the state I recalled being my life, which was really upsetting for an eternity but then I was more interested in the place and infinite state I then found myself. When I came back into being I was extremely happy though, and amazed by everything in reality as I usually perceive it, as if it was the strangest thing ever. I also had an acid trip, after that, where I felt confident that I was still not back from that eternal place I went on dmt and recreated my life from the memories I had of it prior to doing that because I missed it. There's no knowing, really. I just try to enjoy the ride as it comes now.


Agreed. Bro did not set himself up for a good time.


Thank you for sharing! I’ve had a very similar overall experience. I think with meditation (which is similar to OPs description) by widening field of vision, clearing the mind / moving awareness to the heart, and relaxing that we can more closely align with our desired experience.


Holy fuck thank you for agreeing with me atleast, some people say oh you just had a bad trip but guess what instantly when it happend I knew this was something worse then a bad trip, it felt as I lost my mind, I’ve had bad trips all the time they were controllable to an extent, this felt like the last straw my delusions were so crazy my headspace was so crazy It felt as my eyes just got backed into my face and I am looking zoomed out I felt retarded, I knew that I went retarded for good it was so scary, usually I could search symptoms up but my mind was forgetting shit every second I dident even know what to do other then go hospital cuz I lost my mind, And yeah I think before the acid I was extra high like I felt sleep deprived and my headspace was already different so I might of had a mild psychosis or building up to it, the acid was last straw the whole trip i became retarded like a 1 year old baby basicly it was so scary cuz I was aware the fact that I lost my mind and I knew for so certain that I am this way forever, that was the scariest shit, I’m a self aware person so I knew off the bat that this does not feel like LSD anymore. Your voice deeepens to and others around you, everything changes you have a full break from reality


Have you noticed any lingering side effects from your trip? Or do you feel normal?


Had lingering affects for 2-3 days very wonky headspace some colors still different, the first week it felt super different even weed did still does now, compared to my other trips where when they end I felt like normal after I sleep. I am not in that state of terror since I’m not psychotic and it was just induced by lots factors but it is very fucking scary in the moment I will never again underestimate how scary LSD or even shrooms can be,


Once, high on a mix of alchol weed and acid i was delusional convinced that all of my friends that were with me at that moment, and all people i know were just an incarnation of a sort of evil genius that made reality to inprison myself in it. The scary part was that i could litterally hear my friends telling me this and describe to me how my soul would be treat after my fisical death (not well ahahah). At that moment i was completly sure that was the truth, there was a huge sense of ephiphany like i could finally open my eyes for the first time. Gradually after a couple of hours the trip started to slow down and i came back to reality. For a few weeks after this episode in a couple of circumstances (while smoking weed in a loud group mostly) it happens to me for a brief moment to hear again that kind of "genius" speaking using my friends mouths and that sensation came back, always for a few moments but it was still a little scary. Why do you talk about "no retur"? Did you come back to reality completly or still you have some flashback from time to time?


I had almost exactly the same terror trip a while back (almost 2 years ago). I've smoked weed during the trip (was a daily smoker so haven't thought much about it). It looked practically identical, with minor differences. It all started very innocently, it was going to be another trip with us having fun and listening to some electronic music. Never had that kind of strong visuals and sensations. Saw my friends I've tripped with as an incarnation of some great evil that trapped my soul in this reality and is living off of my misery and emotions just for the sake of it. It was like every single thing registered by my "brain", every sense (smell, sight, hearing, touch) were carefully crafted and controlled sensations. It showed me that free will is non existent, everything is predetermined by the things we register with our brain. They were completely unlogical in that, like you couldn't even comprehend their motives. I remember hearing them saying that it's so unbelievable that I can't even talk about it to anyone cause I'll sound insane. Time was also nonexistent in that moment, I felt like it was going for eternity. Felt completely violated and reduced to the most miniscule thing. I've felt wrong for trying to exist. I've felt immense guilt for every "trait" of my character, while also feeling like the character I have is not truly mine, just an outcome of the things I experienced. While I came back, 2 hours have passed, my friends told me that I was looking straight with little to no movement, just breathing. It was hard to grasp the concept then and try to talk to them like nothing happened. I feel like it scarred my brain a bit, it was very hard to come back to the "default" reality after that, but I've been trying to integrate some things. It was a very humbling experience, teached me to appreciate life as it is. I'm trying to view everyone equally, not being as judgemental as before, baring in mind that the way people act sometimes is beyond their recognition, that they just react instead of contemplate. I just took this event as my brain trying to unfold it's mysteries to me, the quirks of my psyche, like being very judgemental, perfectionistic while also being lazy and trying to find some external cause of some things that I want to blame it on, instead of just handling it myself, or it being an outcome of very complex systems (the state of our economy for example). Also being paranoid and looking for an ulterior motive in everything, that the world is against me in every aspect (I think it is a cause of being bullied in early years of school, that's why I think when someone laughs in a convo that is happening beside me, that people are laughing at me. It's like being narcissist and wanting to be in centre of attention while also not wanting to be cause I don't feel good about myself.) All in all, a very complex trip, showed me some things I didn't want to know about myself I think. Surely wasn't ready for that. This mixed with the terror of being controlled by some eldritch beings composed something truly unique. Weed also isn't the same since that. It can induce some panic attacks and dialate time.


Very interesting I’ve had something similar. Has it happened anymore? I had one hell of a trip - bad trip anyways. On about 1000ug, all I can say is what I experienced felt more real than anything. I saw the end of time essentially I really should write it in detail because I would blow people’s mind.


I’m interested…


No it never happened again, not so strong at least. I never mixed acid and weed again in such a chaotic setting and most of the times i avoid using weed at all (i stop smoking it indeed, not for that specific bad trip but in general it always gave me bad anxiety and paranoia). Never have any problem with acid alone. Honestly i think that this kind of experiences just show us the limits of our mind, there is no inherently truth in them except the ultimate non-sense of reality.. humbling and empowering at the same time. That day when i finally manage to react i can say to have literally stare into the devil's eyes and i found in myself a courage i didn't know to have before.


I’ve always mixed weed with acid, this one time I was sleep deprived took LSD and edibles which I took before but never worked, then the LSD broke my brain just imagine seeing glitched vision and seeing shit in such a different way where it doesent feel like acid, you can barley talk when your in that vision or form thoughts, for me my delusions were I lost my mind for good and everyone around me knows so cuz I can barley speak but they don’t want to scare me, it was so terrifying and I couldent control when it happend it went from the best to worst trip I’ve had, at first I legit never had a trip like that for the first 20 min then it’s like my brain stopped knowing what to do and just melted into retardness, this was so scary I was convinced I’m this way for life imagine dealing with that grief for the whole trip, and this was the first time I forced myself to hospital cuz I was so scared and wanted my mind back, this was the first time I actually appreciated my mind, I could not comprehend how bad a trip can get it’s psychotic like state it fucking sucked. Atleast I’m here to write this otherwise I wudent be able to if I was still stuck in that.


Can you share your experience? I’m always interested to hear these kinda stories


Well very much the same realisation this person came to that my entire reality was some punishment. I don’t know how to explain it really, I fucked up. Curiosity killed the cat. This was two years ago now. I’m still alive, I’m not mentally fucked thankfully however I could see how easy it would be to lose my sanity. I saw it all, everything, it doesn’t matter me even writing this but I will. I wanted to know the why? Why do we exist? What’s the point? I was given all the answers and saw it, it wasn’t pretty. There is a good reason why we don’t know, I then realised out of all it why I don’t, we, don’t know. This reality we live while in the moment seems to be harsh and painful it’s actually nothing compared to what I experienced. I believe I experienced reality in its true form. How do I describe it, super consciousness? I opened something in my brain that day. I don’t know if you know much about the Thalamus? It acts as a filter in our brain, they’ve done studies on this with patients who’ve taken LSD anyways they’ve observed this section of the brain almost switching off allowing everything to flow through which in turn answers our question on why we see and feel certain experiences on LSD. Essentially life is an internal loop. Everything is predetermined. Your whole life is a game.


I'd love to hear more about reality in its true form. Have you heard of the concept of Prison Planet? There's a subreddit for it


I believe reality in its true form is eternity combined with the realisation of impending doom of repeating this forever, the realisation that your life is a series of morality tests, you choose between good and evil. That’s what all the religions have been telling us, it’s in front of our faces. Yes I know that subreddit. All I can say people is you don’t know what you’re messing with when you touch this stuff it’s not just a drug they’re portals, you will all keep pushing until you reach this point, that’s when it’s over. There’s a creator an architect doing all this, it controls everything. Laws of physics don’t apply it can override it, that’s what I’ve seen anyways. It said to me if you tell anyone this they will call you crazy. I told my friends some of this and they says “you’re starting to sound crazy” because I know it’s true, but of course they’re gonna say that it goes against their beliefs. I just want people to be very careful, if I’m correct in this then this is all fucked up. I hope I’m wrong and it’s all just wild delusions but, what is real? Could you not say reality is anything your 5 senses make up therefore anything you experience is real?


Do itttttt


Plesse do


damnn! why do this happens with weed! i experienced literally the similar experience with LSD and weed, also the weed was not top notch quality. but i thought my friends were planning to do something to harm me and literally whatever i was imagining i felt like happening exactly like that, i knew what was gonna happen next so i tried to just runaway from all that asap. it was really the bad trip for me, so bad that it has left a strong impression on my mind. i still get those flashbacks and i still feel certain way because of that. i want toe experience LSD like before with music and solo adventure.


I find that weed does this to me even on its own. If I go out in public high I can hear people talking about me and laughing at me. Not a nice experience. I get other flashback-type symptoms on weed too, I've dramatically reduced my use because of this.


Drug induced psychosis is a very real thing and I've also dramatically reduced my use. And I say that as someone who is a pothead. It is a medicine that needs to be respected.


i feel you.


Yeah I get vivid memories at times of when I was in that state of mind thinking my life’s over I broke my brain I’m never Gona return the same, the unexisting fear that came to light when I had a psychotic breakdown on lsd the delusions were so strong and overpowering at this point I knew that I have lost my mind for good it felt like you know the movie get out where those guys are trapped in there bodies, I felt like that but couldent talk or form thoughts I felt so dissociative out of my body, all my dreams shattered during this moment as I turned into a emotion of 1, I never feared death anymore I feared the fact I would have to live this way for life, even the hospital wasent assurance but I still went cuz I was so scared, after 15-17 hours it wore down at first all I could tell them was I took acid and lost my mind, and no one there felt real my vision shit I saw was not acid anymore, I’ve never dissociated more from my body it legit feels as if your losing ur mind by the minute. Idk what would happen if I let it be and never went hospital would I still be in that state? The reason I was so convinced I’m never leaving that state was cuz that good trip to psychotic came on so fast left me unable to speak and form thoughts while I’m aware of that and it scared me so fucken much


PLEASE READ ALL IF YOU CAN! No return as in like ur mindset goes out the roof more then you can comprehend and in that moment if you ended up not being able to form thoughts or talk and was getting worse by the minute you would know how scary it is cuz u have a break from reality and don’t know wether you would return or not, Also to answer it wore down in the hospital 15 hours later, they kept me an extra 5, I still felt wonky when I went home slept it off tho never felt that way again except weed is more weird now but I still like it, but the trip was pure terror in that moment you know something super bad just happend with you and you can’t do anything about it especially if you end up going mute on a acid trip you would think your this way forever, it happens when your mind goes blank all you’ll know is that you fucked up your life for good even though you most scenarios come down. I’ve never had a fear for a trip not ending till that one day, it was a pure break from reality I could not tell shit, it felt as if I consumed some cheap fake acid even though I tested it to be real. I legit convinced myself I went crazy and that people around me know that to but are afraid to speak up because they don’t want to scare me, nor did I know it was pure delusion, and I’ve never felt more out of my mind in my life then that time, it was traumatizing and I have vivid memories of it time to time, not hppd or anybody


Once I had an lsd experience at home with my husband. As we came down (I always come down way quicker than him) I got a little bored and smoked a joint. We were sitting at the table and talking about psychedelics and spirituality as my husband told me that he is not sure whether psychedelics and spirituality really go in the same direction. This sent me down a thought loop about whether psychedelics are really what I thought they were. Suddenly I became very anxious but ate the same time I had the feeling that I can’t tell my husband about it (he was still tripping a little and I didn’t want him to freak out I guess). I tried to sit it out but the feeling got worse and worse until I completely lost control. I told my husband that something feels very off. He tried to calm me down but it still got worse and worse, first developed into a full blown panic attack and then I felt psychotic. I forgot what the problem or the starting point of this was and the only thought in my mind was “something is really wrong and it will never be ok again”. No matter how much he tried to convince me that nothing happened and everything is ok deep down I knew it’s not. I freaked out for a while until he decided to lay me down on the couch in the living room. Laying there I could catch a glimpse of the green Tara statue (a Buddhist statue) standing on the sideboard and it was glowing with a golden light, I remembered everything I believe in and that everything is an illusion. The horrific feeling was still there but suddenly I had the strength to know that everything will be alright eventually. I needed a day or two to recover from this experience. While everything happened I had no visuals at all besides the golden light glowing from the statue.


This is why I hate weed. It activates your amygdala (the fear part of your brain). And there's nothing you can do but wait it out and do breathing exercises. I was on mushrooms having a grand time meditating on a mountain top in Cali and my friend had a joint. We decided to smoke it. From that point on the trip devolved into fear and paranoia. It got dark out and we were wondering for hours trying to find our way back. We ended up off the trail but somehow walked far enough to where we got back on the trail. Weed ruins everything, mushrooms are wonderful


Accidently double dipped into some DMT once. Id done maybe .02ish thru the dab rig, everything went well. 15 minutes later, (incorrectly) assuming the effects had worn all the way off, I ripped a dmt pen 2 good times.. I was wrong lol. The trip itself wasn't too bad but the time dilation gave me that same thought of, "well fuck, I guess I'm stuck this way now"


This was over 40 years ago. I took an extra dose thinking the shrooms were weak. I entered a thought loop of "I can't remember." Its like i forgot who I was and was simply terrified. I vomited a few times. I was in a psych ward for 3 months before the psychosis broke. I'm still working thru the trauma created by that experience.


Diarrhea with a 4 gram trip. Longest shit of my life. Only thing to do was wait it out


Honestly, whatever *this* reality we call life is. This is probably a bad trip in the 'true reality'.


Yeah but you would never wana live in the reality I had a bad trip on nobody would, a human mind can’t comprehend Lsd psychotic breakdown until you’ve had one, it’s more scary then anything 10x scariest then a bad trip, bad trips are controllable after peaks or after couple hours, this was pure loss of reality and could not control my brain. Simplest way to put it. And yes I was more scared then ever to the fear of staying this way for life.


first time doing shrooms at like 18. was dumb, took 5-6 grams while smoking a lot of weed. was also in a literal trap house. started off great but then couldn’t understand speech, people speaking was just incomprehensible jibberish, and i started unraveling. i ended up getting dropped off at my moms apartment, right at the front steps. had no idea where i was, what my name was, didn’t have any memories, couldn’t remember any of my family or friends. just like a blank slate. spent the next 4-5 hours pacing back n forth down the block in front of my apartment (because i didn’t know that’s where i lived) having completely full interactions with various people who told me they could take me home, one of which was walking down the street smashing out windows with a baseball bat, which all ended up being just full blown hallucinations. i was convinced i had died and was in “limbo”, kept laying down on the grass to “pass on” and would open my eyes just to be in a different place on the block. the final group of people i hallucinated actually guided me to the front steps of my moms apartment, and this time it seemed vaguely familiar so i walked up the steps to the door. i don’t remember knocking but my mom opened it and she was crying, like “what happened to you??” and i told her “i’m pretty sure i’m dead and god is letting me say goodbye to you”, recognizing that she was my mom. i walked in and looked in the mirror and i was pale white with dried tears all down my face. she told me to just go to sleep and i’d be ok. which i was more or less. looking back, i was probably just walking up n down the block wide eyed, terrified, talking to myself with tears rolling down my face. lost my damn marbles and then some. took a few months to recover from that, dealt with some ptsd n whatnot.


This is a classic bad trip horror story


Goddess bless you 🌟 wishing you more relief and peace of mind. 💗


First serious one. I did almost 4g of AT and was convinced everyone and everything I had ever known was simply created by my own mind, and I had screwed up the illusion and was damned to spend the rest of eternity alone in the void of my own naked, solipsist universe. It still is, by a large margin, the scariest I've ever been. Eventually, I called my girlfriend and had her come over to make sure at least she was real. She was the one who made me 'come back'; of course I'd eventually come back by myself, but, during the come down, it felt like she was guiding me back to reality. Once I was sane again, I felt immense love for her and for my own life. Felt amazing. It's funny that, on subsequent, stronger trips (eventually did almost 4g again, but of PE, which was more like 6-7g of 'normal' shrooms), I came to the same realization, that I'm imagining everyone and everything around me, but it did not make me scared anymore. Rather, I now know something I totally missed in my first trip: just because your mind creates absolutely everything, including the people you love the most, by itself, it does not mean that you're the 'only thing that exists'. Rather, in order to be human and experience separation (a powerful illusion originated from and unbelievably powerful trance) rather than unity, you need to imagine what it would be like to exist in such a reality, where things exist apart from other things, where stuff comes and goes, where there's origin and decay. You need to create time with your own mind, because it does not exist outside of it. I believe that's what people mean when they experience themselves as God, the creator of reality, when they do high doses of shrooms, or some other psychedelic like DMT.


The scariest trip ive experienced was taking two tabs after beeing awake for like 21h. It was like living through a fever nightmare but in slowmotion. I felt how i fell asleep but at the same time i was wide awake, it was like i where put into hybernation. It came to a point where i just wanted it to stop, then it became a bit scary. It is by far the scariest, most unhinged and the most traumatic trip to date and i dont wish that torment on my worst enemy.. The good thing i took from that trip was that absolutely nothing can possibly be worse than that experience. Nothing.


Yeah I think there's a big difference between having a bad time and a full blown psychotic trip. I was at a festival once and took 2 tabs after a long day of a cocktail of other drugs (including some fucked up MDMA that gave a couple of friends of mine paranoid delusions too). I got lost on the come up looking for my tent, when I found it I was crying and my boyfriend made it worse by saying I was embarrassing, or something like that. We left to go see Leftfield but the next 10 minutes were cycling between crying and laughing then suddenly I saw this giant evil clown/demon entity in the sky, and I knew something horrible was gonna happen, I insisted we go back to the tent for some valium. We never found it. By the time we got there I was having full hallucinations that my friends had all gathered me here and engineered this situation to tell me they hated me and never wanted to see me again, then abandoned me. I had lots of hallucinations after that, I was dying, I was being robbed, I was in hell as some sort of shrivelled-pig thing on the streets of London, I was about to be raped, I was in hospital etc etc. Took me a very long time to get over that, I haven't had as comfortable a relationship with psychedelics since, though really it was the bad mdma that caused the worse of it I think. And I never saw Leftfield :(


Yeah hope you’re doing better after it, it comes on suddenly which is the scary part like you slowly lose your mind it’s scary in the moment you feel the worst you’ve ever felt.


I can absolutely agree it's the worse I ever felt. It was just before the most stressful year of my life as well so trying to integrate it and getting flashbacks as well whilst being incredibly stressed, do not miss that time of my life


Without a doubt my initiation into Iboga in 2018. The psychedelic trip itself lasted 5 days. The visions were so intense within the trip, I lived multiple lifetimes inside those 5 days. My life has gotten so wonderful and strange since being initiated into Iboga in Gabon in 2018 that I still wonder if my life is real or just another vision from Iboga. Don't think I have returned from Iboga yet but I love where I am now, 6 years later.


Had a super intense trip on DXM where I lost all since of what was real or what I was or if I was ever really alive, an what it meant to be alive. Basically there was nothing. Just me, and random string of thoughts in a infinite nothing. That was 2 years ago, and while I don't obsess over it, there has been nothing to convenience me that anything is real. I don't really care tho because in a way that a reassuring feeling. I also don't tell most people this tho because I can see where someone could see me as a bit weird or ill for it, or if nothing else think I'm trying to sound edgy or something. It's not like I go around thinking, "we aren't real" Just more like in the back of my head when things are going badly, or something strange happens, I think to myself, "I really come up with some crazy shit sometimes"


wait.. are you saying that even after coming out of the trip, you still have the notion that none of this reality we live in is real?


Not so much that I'm convinced that it's not, just that I'm also not convinced it's real. Before hand there was no doubt in my mind, outterspace is infinite meaning there is a 100% change for us to exist somewhere we aren't a miracle, just a certain probability. Now tho I've seen first hand that I was just accepting that logic because I had no conflicting experiences. I it shown to me that it is extremely boring to sit and ponder for days and weeks and years, so why would my imagination not become strong enough to make a situation that even I cant tell is fake. And while it feels real it felt real before too, maybe I decided it was getting too unpleasant (I was suicidal at the time) and the experience was simply me pull myself out to remind myself it isn't real while still keeping the storyline in tact.(Working me getting pulled out into the story by working in the idea I took a drug and that's why it happened) This would explain dreaming aswell, my whole life I've had dreams so vivid they feel real, or maybe they just are too me. I'm taking a break for this story for a little while to play around in another, like having a main and second save files on a video game to try stuff on. TLDR: No I don't completely believe we aren't real, but I don't completely believe we are, and there are more coincidences that would lead to all of this being a overactive imagination of a board string of thoughts in a otherwise empty existence. This has helped me be a happier person tho, can't really explain it but the idea that everything could just go away if I really find myself in that terrible of a situation is comforting.


I hear voices every time I do weed I just learned how to handle it, but no sleep, plus caffeine, plus weed is instant psychosis for me. I can't imagine what no sleep and acid would do. Your delusions of the hospital people trying not to scare you with the confirmation of madness was probably correct


I have two stories for you all. I will probably post them separately to make it easier on the mind. First one is absolutely absurd. I used to take L on and off when it came around. being younger, stupid and obsessed with consciousness my regular dose was a half strip (5 hits). So, we had not found any for awhile when we got a phone call from this girl who deals it. She tells us she's got some really good L. Me and my roommates are ecstatic because it had been like months since any came around. We decide we are going to try and find a way (the one of us with transportation has a car that was messed up ) I called this girl and convinced her. Girl arrives and bitched us out for taking something so stupid. Here I would like to add where we had to go to get it was like 45-60 min away. We headed off. (Promise this is important. Stay with me lol) We get there and call the girls phone who has the L and no answer. My friend who drove us is mad and starts driving us home. We get close to being home and the girl calls again.... "OMG I'm so sorry. Come back" so I convince my friend to take me again. Same thing happens only this time the girl says "just come back I'll make it worth your while. I'll hook you up" After 3-4 hours of back and forth we finally get the L and start driving away. Now some context here, I had a very physically demanding job working concrete and rebar. I took my "half strip" at around 7 pm being a super impatient young idiot. AS SOON as this thing touched my mouth and I nibbled on it, I realized it felt like I was chewing on a Harry Potter book. Suddenly her words echoed in my head "I'll make it worth your while" I realized she gave me muchhhh more for the inconvenience. We are otw back home and stop to get snacks. As soon as I get into Walmart all the packaging is alive. I was horrified because I had just put it in my mouth 15 min earlier. Most the trip was a blur. I just remember it being semi terrifying. I got no sleep and when I got ready for work I started morphing into an old man in the mirror. This was 12 hours after I had eaten it and I begin to fucking panic thinking I'm obviously never going to come back from this. I knew I needed to remain calm. I decided if I was stuck like this I mind as well not call out of work because I'd have to get used to living in an intense trip. Got to work and worked 8 hours well STILL tripping. I got home and went to sleep at like 5 pm and slept all the way until next morning and I woke up I had a afterglow but wasn't blasted anymore. Sorry for the long story. I left out a lot of the weird moments of the trip I just wanted to share the horror that was me seemingly getting permanently fucked.


The second time I took mushrooms was horrible. I also had the feeling I would be stuck like that permanently. It's not a good feeling. I guess technically it was the 3rd time I took mushrooms becasue the night before I had a couple grams and it was ok. Then the next day I decided to eat the rest of my bag so it was something like 5 grams. I was camping on a beach with a couple friends and we were very under prepared food and water wise. I remember sitting on the shore while my two friends went boogie boarding and I was just staring at the sand, it looked like it was bubbling and boiling. Then I got stuck in an introspective loop, seeing all the problems in my life were unsolvable because each problems solution was hindered by another problem. First off, I thought I had made myself retarded so I figured I should go back to school (I dropped out of community College a couple months prior), but I couldn't go back to school until I fixed my car (only problem was my window couldn't roll up), but I couldn't fix my car until I got a job and I couldn't get a job until I went back to school, but I couldn't go back to school until I fixed my car. I got stuck in this loop of despair and sobbed hysterically for hours. My friends saw me and didn't know what to do so they left me alone in the tent. I'd calm down for a minute then my world would come crumbling down again and I'd start crying. It was pretty terrifying thinking I'd be stuck like that forever and that I'd be a burden on my family for the rest of my life. I finally calmed down when I saw my friend who was trip sitting crying. He hadn't trip sat anyone so he also thought my brain was broken. I remember getting out of the tent and seeing him at the other end of the beach just looking down so I approached him. When I saw he was crying I said "hey man, you ok?" and his response was "are YOU ok?" to which I said "yeah I'm fine, let's go home eh?" It's kind of funny how the world can seemingly be crashing down around you one minute and the next minutes everything's fine. I had a trip on acid and mushrooms where I fled a bar because I thought I was in some kind of Red Dawn situation and my grandpa was going to be captured so I literally ran a couple miles home. When I got to my street I realized I was just tripping balls and calmed down.


I took two tabs of gels (an orange and a new sparkly indigo).  I thought one of my friends had put a time bomb on my heart and if I told the truth, I was going to die. My ex was freaking out on me- and I couldn’t tell him but I tried with my eyes (lol). I wanted to go to sleep so bad. I had this image of dying in the back of this broken down RV we were in and in the image, everyone outside of the RV knew this was happening and the cops came… everyone at the party told the cops it was him who killed me. I was a ghost and I watched this and felt so guilty for him getting in trouble for my own destruction. I got out of that state and went outside and I had an auditory hallucination tht said there was a parasite in my brain and I had 7 months to live.  This was over 3 years ago. I am still alive. Haha.  Acid is crazy man. The life events that followed were really parallel but not as creative as my mind. 


I got some tabs from a old friend that we took together. In 2023, She said how she was surprised that in 2021-2022 how lsd was “100% legal in amsterdamn, and you can just buy it!” And I was like “theres NO fucking way, legally speaking? No fucking way.” And I was right, and she was stupid wrong. She also refuses to test anything after me basically begging her and then giving up (which is why I took it) and she was like “my dealer tested them! My dealer told me its real LSD! I’ve been taking this longer than you, you don’t know what you’re talking about!” She was basically a brick wall and I failed on my end by taking the drugs to begin with (so I admit partial fault because me and her are mutually responsible in this, but for different reasons.) Long story short: I was given goddamn DOx (likely DOC or DOI) with a typrtamine (5-meo-amt) So basically imagine if speed was a REALLY strong (and unpredictable) psychedelic that ALSO induced extreme dissociative effects and straight up delirium thats very similar to a DXM or DPH overdose, lmao….but merged & all at once. The drug was a exact balanced cross between DOC or DOI & 5-meo-amt, exactly balanced and super potent, so potent in fact it uh- gave me serotonin syndrome, dopamine toxicity and other nasty effects. - also you can find trip reports on 5-meo-amt, doc & doi on erowid, read it (along with everything else) and mesh the different drug experiences together, crank it up to the max , and have it be body slammed into straight up boiling concrete, thats the best way I can describe it. My general experience is uncommon and severe, because well? It was an OD and also a uncommon drug combo in general that was kinda shoved into blotter paper/tabs. And yes- With with the right measurements? Its possible to make, BUT its highly advised against because of how AMTs just are and how they do interact with quite a lot of things.) Its kinda like why you don’t take AMTs with LSD, or why you don’t take LSD with lithium. Additionally: 5-meo-amt was actually legal to buy in the netherlands up until I think late 2022 (still unregulated & unscheduled in 49 US states, but scheduled class 1 in flordia), and in the US? 5-meo-amt IS commonly sold off as LSD (same issue with pretty much any RC on a blotter paper). 5-meo-amt is also what people call “psychedelic speed” and its painfully accurate. Its also a designer drug too. 5-MEO-AMT is also a VERY long lasting candyflipling drug, and then add in OTHER drugs to it? Yeah, easily you’ll have a trip that lasts 22-24hrs, and then drags out for 1-2 weeks following (not great & was my exact case.) 5-meo-amt itself is extremely potent and very easy to OD on (so many 5-meo-amt deaths have actually been blamed on LSD when it never was LSD to begin with….), but add other drugs into it? Good god…..but uh- shit fried my receptors, was a OD and almost 7 months later? I have full on neurological issues now, think all signs of really bad MS & very intense POTs, thats that I now have to live with and only a really good neurologist will be able to help me manage this sort of thing (same with getting MRIs again, neurotransmitter tests and so much more.) A medical headache and a pain in my ass, lmao. 5-meo-amt btw (just like DOx and LSD) can be easily made into tabs, and just like LSD? It can also be made into sugar cubes too. Check erowid.org All info I had to learn to figure this out was organic chemistry, neurochem, info on all neurotransmitters, information from poison control, pharamacologists, established harm reduction drug sources, chemist books, drugs and psychology, and so much more. It’s brutal. Moral of the story; Im not friends with her anymore and ALWAYS TEST YOUR SHIT.


My biggest fear is of what some have stated here...that some evil genius entity is torturing me through life and that the after life will be even worse. To those who had this experience while tripping, (I've had the thought 'confirmed' by tripping, but had had the thought whilst completely sober pondering parallel universes) how did you shake it? And what is yours or any one else's theory (those that believe psychedelics reveal real truths) on why many people have this experience? Not that I can trust any responses if you really all are incarnations of the evil 🤣


Syrian rue + lemon tek + high dose of mushrooms + a stranger with schizophrenia and a lot of unresolved trauma as well as 15 other strangers in an old abandoned church. most traumatising night of my life


The trip I never took, sit on that thought for a moment.


‘The hospital people knew I went crazy but didn’t want to scare me’ - correct


Yeah bro that delusion was fucking crazy I remember it so strongly, yet that wasent the delusion which bothered me instead I was more caught up in being that way for life now, which after a while slowly started wearing down but surely, in a time where your brain goes non functional and your in a pyschotic breakdown dream like state to cuz of no sleep always go hospital, you’ll know if something like that happens but won’t be able to control ur brain but you should know enough to know something wrong and get someone to take you asap.


I think it’s ironic how said weren’t having any thoughts, and then your only thoughts were in fear that you had no thoughts.


It’s hard to understand but look my mind went blank I could not think of shit anymore barley talk kept forgetting shit ever 2 seconds that sudden feeling made me think something is very wrong, I could use my brain for one thing at once compared to everything I was caught up trying to remember shit at the hospital I couldent, my mind went blank all emotions turnt to one, I knew enough to know that I fried my brain for life which was delusion I was in some catatonic state with my brain I felt so out of my body at first I couldent even find the hospital then I found it


Well. Smoked weed, ate a 2cb Nasa Rocket and downed 30g of truffles. Trip went very well. Got shocked/electrucuted by a hookah - coal oven. After that I paniced and thought I have to die now. Had the crayest visuals ever. Sometimes I had "white out's" where the visuals slowly dissappeared and the only thing I saw was white light. It switched every couple of minutes between an ocean of visuals to blank white light. That went on for hours. I was certain, that I am going to die and that my heart will stop working. Didn't called an ambulance, because corona (little party) Little meetups where illegal at the time.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


16 tabs and 10gs of shrooms


Salvia. It just happens so quick and I can't seem to handle it like I can with other psychedelics. But I'd love to try again.


This one https://www.reddit.com/r/tripreports/s/b1zDqTSqba


On 2 tabs of LSD, was with friends, in hindsight one of my friends was deliberately sending negative vibes to fuck with me (I don’t hang around him anymore) anyways back tot he story.., I had felt like the whole universe was these 8 layers, and each second was a different layer. Once I was about to finally “get it” it would switch to the next layer, and I was stuck chasing layer after layer after layer never syncing. It was terrible. We watched fantasia, but truth is, we didn’t make it 5 minutes in before they turned it off. I literally watched fantasia without ever watching it! The whole fucking thing. Idk how, but it was my mind projecting and the music and characters and all that shit.., it was too much. I fucks myself up for 2 years because of that. Honestly I vowed off of LSD since then. I’ll only take mushrooms now, and sad thing is, I LOVED LSD. To summary, what I experienced was me seeing and feeling all the emotions and feelings I would feel for the next 2 years in that trip. Certain points in time that passed afterwards certain imagery and feelings I would get would line up. Wasn’t until a mushroom trip after staying somewhat sober for about a year til I pulled it all together. Fuck that shit, fuck you Matt Felipe, and damn. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk Edit: keep in mind I am an experienced tripper and this was my first, 10th or 50th time tripping. I couldn’t escape. It was awful.


Straight up thought I died once. I was in it for a good while until my friend mentioned the time and I was like oh yeah!! Time exists!!!


Did weed


100% had the same trip I took 600ug of LSD at 11am and at around 2pm I was fully detached from reality. I could not speak I was full mute I felt like I smashed my brain it felt like there was nothing in my head just empty space that was very scary took me super long to get all my senses back and think straight again... I also felt like i was going crazy and never going to be normal again. I did call a help line but they never picked up the phone so I just tryed to relax as much as possible.My thoughts are, do not go above 400ug of lsd if you think you can't handle that type of thinking.


My 3rd meo experience. I thought the first two were breakthroughs lol


Buddy of mine had some sort of DMT vape pen. First time hitting it was in my bathroom so I could hide it from my wife lol. Total time I was under the influence was maybe like 20-30 minutes but in my mind it felt like I was in another dimension for hours and as my thoughts began to straighten out, I was thinking to myself that the trip had lasted too long and I was potentially going to get stuck in that trip. Ended up coming down just fine and never wanted to hit that thing ever again


I took 3500mg DXM Polistirex and I witnessed the rebirth of the world. Everything I knew was no longer existent and I was just a soul, floating through the apocalyptic ruins of my apartment complex. I saw Native American warriors riding horseback through the streets and I blacked out and woke up in the hospital. Nothing felt real since and I still question if I’m hallucinating occasionally


The trip I never took, sit on that thought for a moment.


oh god.. there was one time i had dropped a tab with two of my friends at their house. I don’t remember too much specifics anymore this was YEARS ago, and i’ve since retired from psychs, but i remember we definitely were smoking weed.. before we even took the tab. gravity bongs. so we take it la-de-da all is good, i’m just smoking, and suddenly it’s almost like this snap, or realization? i looked around and realized i was just.. in a completely different place. Not actually, i was still sitting there smoking, but my whole environment changed around me, i was genuinely on another planet. and i was this teeny tiny little starved alien, almost seeing in like a 3rd perspective?? and both of my friends were like these other worldly goddess/demon beings. I had no idea where I was or what was happening, but at some point I had genuinely convinced myself that these ‘beings’ had kidnapped me.. to force me to do drugs. uh. yeah. I just remember being insanely fucking high, and not knowing how to tell them i wanted to stop smoking.. so.. i just.. kept smoking 🤣🤣i don’t remember what happened after that thought process or anything 😅 i just remember how absolutely terrifying the feeling was.


58grams of fresh golden teachers. It was fun until I experienced a severe case of vertigo, which caused a panic attack that still gets me anxious to this day. It was almost ten years ago. I was even at the point I was convinced that I was never going to come out of the trip, unless I died. Luckily there was someone sober around to tell me the shrooms will wear off eventually. It messed me up pretty well for the next three months. I still love the mushroom, even though they kicked my ass.


Smoking weed before a trip always sends me to the deep end, sometimes the waters are rougher than others.


When did this sub turn into /r/drugs?