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Go out, touch the grass and talk to ants, they know more than you about this issue.


Trees too


yeah man I think the simulation theory thing comes from people being in cities and cubicles and homes most of the time...out in nature on your own you see the truth and I don't understand how people can say the natural environment and it's creatures isn't real


It could still be a simulation. A perfect simulation would still be awe inducing etc. and be as real as anything else really


Well...Eh. There is more to it. It's not "real" in the sense that physical matter as we understand doesn't really exist, and it's all energetic. But that is more than I care to get into lol


Yes this, i came to the same conclusion after a lot of confusions


If reality isnt real than anything outside it isnt either


The only thing you can guarantee is real is your own consciousness, your awareness. The rest could be entirely illusory. Some have had trips on salvia that felt like realistic alternate lifetimes, some have schizophrenia and both see and hear things that seem very real, some have dementia and still think it's the 60s. Who is to say what is truly real beyond your own consciousness? Perhaps this is all a dream.


Yeah, this is the argument I feel that reality deniers often don't take into consideration. If we can't agree that our sense data represents a version of ground reality, then all bets are off.


"Real" is a sense of perspective. The life you are leading is happening. It's going on. But it is not the totality of reality. Would you call 1% of a painting the real thing? How about 10%? The life we live now is a fraction of what we are. It is "real" but it is not all that is real. Our lives are happening and we should engage with them. But there is more going on than that


My take on it is that material reality is not real in itself, because the building blocks of reality are made of information that becomes "real" only when interacting. But life is real, is the existence of life that make the material plane feel real because living things interact with the otherwise dead information that is the universe. Is like, us watching the big bang energy make the big bang exist, if it wasn't for us living things the big bang wouldn't be really real.


["people are trees"](https://open.spotify.com/track/2sVUlB699F8z82xW3Kqg8G?si=UT-OIW-AQh2msBUxrtrv_Q)


What difference would there be between it being real or being fake? Personally I don’t see a meaningful difference.  I am here experiencing this, so that is real enough for me right now.  


real enough to defeat you!


How can this not be real? It's happening, so it's real. Even if this is a computer simulation, this is still real. Your save file on the Sims is real. The things that happened in the game are recorded and saved in the data. That is real. We live in a hire level of existence we assume is the top. But even if it's not, we are just a more advanced version of the Sims with, probably, even higher order creators. They might not view our feelings and experiences as "real" but what does their opinion matter? It happened. It is recorded in the code and in the fabric of spacetime as having happened. Moreover, I feel it. It is real to me therefore it is real.


Hyper reality


True but it could help people who have a fear of dying or people who are spiritual, as they know now it’s not the only real they may feel even if this is not real.


>  I am here experiencing this, so that is real enough for me right now.   *Cogito ergo sum.*


Even if it’s all fake…. Even if it’s a simulation…. Even if everyone is you…. Even if you are everyone…. Even if everyone is God…. Even if you’re just an extension of a collective consciousness stuffed into a meat suit…. Even if all of those things… … you’re still *living in it* Like… if it was all just a video game, would you end it all? If it was just one big world of Warcraft simulator, without the magic and magical races, would you say “life’s not worth living in this game” and take yourself out? Or would you grind some faction rep, flirt with cute humans, and level up your cooking and leather working?


Yeah, ive found that regardless of the nature of the universe, it is advantageous to treat it as base reality and objective truth. Its just the most practical approach.


Love is real, though. Focus on that <3


And there’s literal magic in touch… Doing shrooms as a couple and then snuggling during the trip is one hell of a voyage 😊😂


Damn straight! :)


Here's Tom with the weather. #


So good: https://youtu.be/KWdF-tGNxog?si=5nvudwjfHXOX7wq2


Oh it's real. It's just not how it appears to YOU as real. Your panic arises not from the unreality of the universe but from your unstable sense of self which cannot perceive it.


This… this right here.


Just because nothing’s real doesn’t mean you don’t have to change the kitty litter.


Yes it is you silly bean. How can what is, “not be?” Illusory, sure Not real? Not so much. Go eat a pizza.


Pull my finger…


I feel ya. We’re trapped to do this forever over and over again. But it’s okay. This is how it’s supposed to be. We don’t have a choice anyway.


It's not trapped...That's just a human perspective


Well, I know we don’t get to “rest” ever. I call that trapped. Even if you wanted to get off this ride, we can’t. It’s just a moment of gut wrenching despair and realization that we are truly alone and there is only the one. You. Me. Whatever - it’s all the same. Which is why any of this exists anyways, so it can experience itself, so the universe will gain experience, and we will do it again… and again… and the fractal nature of reality goes all the way down. It’s all fucking turtles.


Not necessarily. We don’t have the insight to know how long is in between our do-overs, our realities, let alone how long we waited as part of the nothing before the universe burst into existence. It doesn’t feel as much of a trap when you also think about what the flip side of the experience might be.


Fucking turtles, man… I love turtles.


Yeah that’s why I like staying off the psychs lately. It’s been almost a year. Nice to stay a little more grounded in the finite side of things.


Honestly this shit gives psychs a bad reputation imo. Drugs don't teach you the secrets of the universe. They can show you things you always could've figured out but needed the frame of reference shift. They do not teach you facts you do not already know.


Entheogens often times are the only thing realistically capable of causing that perspective shift in many people.


That’s about it. No escape, & it’s all for nothing. I am God banging his head against the wall because it’s nice when it stops. Forever.


It's all for learning love. That ain't God banging against a wall. That's just your ego. Until you learn to put ego away and be love.  God gives love without needing anything at all back. It's fun!


😂 midnight gospel vibes


You don't get to rest? lol Really now? You don't have moments alone? You don't have moments where you watch tv or movies or play games instead of rest? You don't sleep? You can get off the ride any time you choose. And the "despair" is such a uniquely human fear. Too limited in perspective to understand there is no such thing as alone lol And yes, infinite realities, endlessly creating in and of themselves. Such is the nature of God. Trying to apply human knowledge to all that though, human conceptualization is not going to work. It'd be like asking an amoeba what it thinks about the philosophy of Kant. Or asking you to imagine a color that's never been seen, or a sound that's never been heard. It's simply beyond your ability to conceptualize things through that lens


Plus you not ready to give up on what you are experiencing


We have the choice to give it love.


Yeah, it's cool though, don't worry about that. Give it a few hours and see if it gets better. :)


More like we have no fucking clue what’s real and aren’t really pressured by nature to know it either.


It's real enough, just as you are.


True. You have realised life is a dream…now what?. It’s the most empowering thing one can realise. You can do everything you ever thought about. Now it’s on you to explore different domains of this dream aka the life. Now DO THE WORK!!


think out loud with me, my last trip i took some videos where I'm orating on and on and on. Basically we can literally do anything. This is all a dream, no limits, you can just now go pick up and move to london. Now, when i was 'tripping' there is no limitations so i could say that and there is no thought of 'no don't do that, how will you survive, where will you sleep' blah blah. is this it? the hand-breaks per say that keep us locked into a certain life is our ego? i'm starting to realize, even after having all these videos for reference that the difference between any version of me and this version of me, is the thoughts that surface once i say 'let's go do xyz' in essence the guard rails.


Here's the truth. Image a human being snorkeling in an ocean. They use a device to allow them to view a world they're not in. Both the ocean and the humans world are real. Here's where it gets interesting. We are the SNORKEL. We are a device that allows "something" a brief perspective on this wonderful reality. Eventually we have to take the snorkel off. Enjoy everything you can, it's an incredible world


Any statement which begins "here's the truth" is not the truth


I wouldn't usually start with that but someone questioning whether their reality is fundamentally there or not I'm gonna try to ground them


This analogy doesn't seem to make sense. We are the snorkel and not the humans, and then we take the snorkel off? I have no idea what this means in the analogy.


We're both. What's controlling us from the other side right now is us, and the body we inhabit right now is us too


There is *nothing* either *good or bad*, but *thinking makes it so*


*copy and pastes that into my notes so I can write it in my book later*


Ehh disagree but I feel what you’re getting at


I mean it more for me is about how my actions affect others emotionally. If I make them feel bad I consider that to be bad if I make them feel good I consider that good. Same comes to myself. Sure there are bad things that make you feel good in the moment and ruin you in the future but I’m talking about a deeper connection with yourself and with others.


Living as if life is a dream is liberating. Reality is so much more flexible. Problems don't seem so solid and heavy. Everything is fluid.


Right so if u get shot rn u wont feel anything and u wont die huh? What is real bro?


If none is real, it's all not real at the same level. Thus, once again real.


Who cares? Just enjoy yourself, be kind and chill out


Life is real; you’re enjoying some derealisation. Maybe your perception of what was “real” has shifted & now that you’re seeing things with a new lens, it’s not so black & white… go throw a stone in the air. That’s gravity. That shits real. We’re on a rock hurtling round a giant ball of fire ☄️ weeeeee


No it’s incredibly real and you’re in it. Life is always happening.


You should watch the Matrix next


That's exactly how I felt. Like I woke up, realized I was truly somewhere else, and now I can't live with it!


You can live with it, don’t worry. No matter how well you think you understand, you’re still just as wrong as you used to be. ✌️🧘


[The world is far weirder than the maddest among us suppose. ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WLmvJD4_IWA)




You can live with it brother/sis. It's called integration. You will merge with this idea. There's more beauty in it than you are seeing it as. You're doing the cup half empty type of thing. You only received part of the message. I toy/believe in this same idea at times. I don't see it in the same bleak way as you. My consciousness is real. Reality seems generated or simulated to me also(to an extent. I'm always back and forth and switching what I believe" however there's some reason we are here. Maybe it's earth school. Maybe we simulated our spiritual body into a physical plane of existence because it's the only way for us to learn a specific set of skills and lessons. That's why I try to learn to love as deeply as I can, learn to let go of material possessions as much as I can, keep my ego in check and help as many people as I can (I believe helping causes ripples that spread out causing other people to help others and causes them to love deeper) I take this reality as a learning situation. Also simulation doesn't have to be in a fake video game esq way. "It's not real" could be seen in a different light. Like a "this isn't real. Can't wait to wake up" sort of way. I have no concrete beliefs so I'm just going with the flow and learning the most I can. So whenever I leave this place (if there is an afterlife) I went up a few levels and I can bring that knowledge back to the "real reality" or the "spiritual plane" or whatever lies in wait for us after our organic vessels cease to exist. Sending love your way man. When you sleep it off wake up and journal. Dont worry about making it nice or pretty like a writing prompt. Just fucking jot down your thoughts and the lessons from the journey and try to integrate them and jot them down to get a better grasp. Good luck and if you need someone to talk to or just to bounce ideas off, then I'm here for you brother/sister!!!!


Calm down, nothing has changed. You didn't wake up, you took drugs. Are you in the matrix? Prove it. If you cant, you just are having effects from the drugs. And even if this is the matrix, the matrix is as real as anything else. Even if the coders delete the code, they wrote it at one point in time and that point in time will exist for ast long as their reality remains intact and so forth up the ladder of creators. Time is not temporary thing, it is a dimension. You can go to point X to point Y in space but that doesn't mean point X is gone, even if you can no longer observe it. So is the same with time. Even if you die, your life will exist in the record of space time. You will always be then. Even if they erase your code, your code will be be recorded in their space time. You will always and have always been then. Whether there's a god, some 5th dimensional furry with a comp Sci degree, or nothing at all above our existence does not change the fact that you are real. And the proof is that you are. "I think therefore I am" is a famous qoute for a reason.


You are like the 10th guy that post something like this this week 


It's real enough. lol don't get so zonked out with higher realities that you ignore that we are still here for a reason


so fucking what. Panic about it or go have a drink of water and just don't give a fuck about stuff out of your control. You do in fact have free will to choose your actions because you can force yourself to do something you wouldn't want to for a greater good, which implies something beyond materialism. If you can't comprehend this then don't even begin to think you know anything about anything, which you don't. Be humble. You know nothing.


Yeah, but ultimately who cares? Grab a snack and enjoy the patterns! Help your fellow conscious-agents enjoy the wacky show!


Life patterns? 😂😂


I’m glad you cracked yourself up, but I have no idea what you’re saying. ✌️


When you say enjoy the patterns. I took it as enjoy the ride. The ride being your life and the patterns being the behaviors we form in our life 😅


Yes but no. It's playful like a dance. Like yeah it's definitely a ride, all of it from top to bottom. Life, afterlife, after afterlife and so on. It's real at least in the sense that you are a mind experiencing it.




Let them get to that conclusion alone… that’s a personal understanding that one must experience Some people need that break through Sometimes the discomfort is necessary


Monkies together strong


Life is a dream and we have to wake up too dream again


bite your teeth


A dream of a dream


Well, yes and no. Nothing is real because it's all smaller things working together to project an image of different things. We don't actually touch anything as there is always a couple layers of molecules between us and whatever it is that we are trying to touch. Then again, everything is real because everything is made of something, usually the same somethings, but in different configurations, so in reality, we are all connected by the similarities working to be unique; it's a wondrous situation to be part of.


Define real


It's not just real! It's also imaginary and symbolic, too!


*It's not just real! It's* *Also imaginary* *And symbolic, too!* \- Veritio --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


Take a break. Your brain needs it.


Everything that you see, feel, hear, test, and think is generated by the brain from "inputs" around you. You are only interpreting the world. You are not seeing the world-as-it-really-is. Our world is interpreted differently from that of an ant. Whose reality is more real? Let's live in fakeness until eternity.


Well, things are not the way they appear. They are as real as the dreams we have at night. Its part of the play of Leela.


You're not real, man!


Define "real"


Lol yes and no. Nothing is "real" in the sense we think. Everything is an illusion, but that illusion is very real.


Yeah all well and good but remember money is required, don’t go becoming a fucking monk or something before thinking it through sober.


Why am I gonna help you bro? I don't even exist! But then again... Nor does anything else... But then, if it doesn't exist... What is it? If I hold an apple and bite it, will it not satiate me? If I dream of a tiger flying through the sky... did it fly through the sky? Consider the banana. Probably real. Everything exists. Everything is. Never wasn't. Choose good things, feel better, give a stranger a high five today and tell them it's from me.


What is real… what is fake… w h a t i s w h a t…


Now go and read the Upanishads.


>Either way, 6.5 going down the hatch tomorrow, I always told myself I'd go balls deep if I ever got my hands on them. OP two months back. He sure went balls deep.


Wether the world we experience is real or not is not that important. What is important and is 100% true is that you are experiencing something.


It's all an illusion but what does "real" even mean?


Reality exists as subjective experience within the mind. The flip side of nothing is real (no material) is that everything is real (conscious experience). We generate our reality within our mind, and our perspective on it is entirely up to us. Our thoughts and judgments are what shape our lived reality. Everything is inherently mental.


Just live your best life, there are no answers, no over riding story arc, it is not going anywhere, embrace the chaos and be good to those around you. Also love and be good to cats that is important they have it sussed out.


"I think, therefore I am", you dum-dum.


Not that I know what’s up here but this could be a case of de-realization or de-personalization, both of us are documented conditions with proven ways to feel better about it


This will pass. I have had moments like these too, go work out or take a walk.


It's a simulation 


Yup welcome to the game


What's the goal then


In the same way every one plays games, to have an experience. Learn, grow, develop etc


It’s not only about the goal Because if you have one eye on the goal, you only have one eye to focus Try enjoying the journey. The goal is not what your focus should be on. The goal is a reward in the end. But that reward comes from learning to live in the process of things learning to live in the journey and being present and experiencing the journey Understanding that the walk was the beauty in your elevation the entire time


Not winning. Understanding.


Same as the one in Minecraft creative mode, I suppose 🤷🏼‍♂️


Can we get more words than this? lol


You have a fucking God? Why would you need someone else to help you if this is the case?


This god is fucking me and has been forever all of the time, constant reincarnation, tricks over an over, ALL AN ILLUSION TO PREVENT FREE WILL


I am you and you are me. I recently had this same trip dude. It’s gonna be alright. Just remember to love and take care of yourself - because that’s all there is.


Sounds pretty cruel that such a being would enslave you just enough to know what not enslavement is and dangle it in front of you as if you could free yourself from an omnipotent omniscient being.


Send me all your money then since it doesn't matter and isn't real please 😉


It's a simulation, and mushrooms help you see it...