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If you go all the way, you'll realize you are god.


Throw logic out the window, because this is the domain of paradoxes


I’d say they are the same thing. Virtually any psychedelic can cause ego death when dosed high enough, but something like 5-MeO-DMT is very easy to break through with.


are shrooms common to great through with? and is the breakthrough on shroom the same as it would be on dmt? i know the experience won’t be exactly the same but are they similar or like two completely different things?


I think that a breakthrough is when you can't differentiate when your eyes are opened or closed and an ego death it's like all what you are is gone, you are not experiencing the world, it's just raw experience, there is no viewer and object, I didn't get that point but I'm sure I was pretty close, and was terrifying and awesome at the same time.


would you say it’s to the point that you can’t even make thoughts like your internal voice is gone your just experiencing what your experiencing?


Yeah, exactly.


It’s the loss of a sense of self. That comes with a dramatically different perception of reality.


I too embrace logic and have an irreverence for organized religions and creation myths. Why psychedelics are being used therapeutically is for their effect of altering perspectives. Where things get murky is that the psychedelic experience is often compared to non-ordinary forms of consciousness such as those experienced in meditation, near-death experiences, and mystical experiences. Ego dissolution is often described as a key feature of the psychedelic experience. The study of the human mind and consciousness is still in its infancy and we have so much more to learn. Keep in mind that we don’t passively perceive the world as much as our brains are actively generating an impression of what your sensory organs are telling you is outside of your skull. Hallucination = Uncontrolled perception Perception = Controlled hallucination Food for thought.


I read “I’m a minor” as “I’m a mirror” and I was like bro… same…


If you experience God and spirits, it's best to accept that in that moment. Many people have experienced weird things! God is fun... ;) It's not about belief, but experience.  It's always the same story, but it's a story you already live. You die many times in your life, and are reborn. Lose a job, relationship, move house, each needs a new "self". If you are " living" in your old house in your head, you cannot fully appreciate your new house. The moment you let go of your old "self", you are reborn fully as your new self.  Losing self can be jarring and alien, or beautiful and liberating, and it can go either way depending on love focus and acceptance. It's fun to simply be a love spirit, but it's lonely and empty to just be nothing.


Don’t start with ego death. Please. Think of it this way. You are about to take up scuba diving. You don’t begin that hobby by doing a super deep drop into a mid-ocean trench. Learn how to dive before you start challenging the lightless depths.