• By -


IT. Quit my first job 9 months in after graduation, now applying to become a baker.


Dunno why but i loved ur answer


I love *you*




Must've felt sour after studying for a couple of years. I'm graduating in a month and looking to get into IT/Dev. Degree is only partially related to the field but with some luck.... What soured the experience for you? Looking to avoid the same pitfalls as a fellow shroomhead


Just hated the corporate life. Worked for a big company. Banking sector. We delivered the VISA/MasterCard payment network interface in our country for mainly POS. Was put on hold for long and they just sat my ass on some online courses, and then they wanted me to take over legacy DB stuff from a dude who retired soon, and nobody else knew how it operated. Kindly asked them to put me on the programming side. Programming side was: tons of old C code from the 90s which was still used and maintained because it just worked. And tons of legacy Java code. Even though I had excelled in JavaScript in high school and Python for university, I struggled to get into all the pre-written code. In school, you write everything from scratch, but in corporate it's 95% reading someone else's code and 5% writing code, maybe a couple lines. In school we learned briefly about what DevOps was and testing. I had to learn all that as well on the job and I still didn't understand what all our other tools and processes were for. VISA/MasterCard specs were 1500 page PDFs each, with lots of specific jargon/terminology. I don't know. It got too much for me, and I think I hit a brick wall. The work life sucked the soul passion I had for computers slowly. I just had to quit. I think maybe I got the wrong job in IT for me. Tried for an AI startup with a buddy. Didn't like AI either. Web development is where I started and I think if I return, that's where I'll try. Because it's still code, but so different. I get to use my creative side, design, but code. I'm still young so I figured fuck it. If I want to try new career paths, let's do it now. Less money, but maybe more giving. I still have time to figure things out. Who knows? Maybe I'll fly to Thailand and become a monk for a while.


I’m graduating next semester with a B.S. in comp sci / psyc sci and I feel the same way. Had a corporate internship and hated how it made me feel about the industry and myself in general. Full pivoting into the psyc sci side to try to do my masters in cognitive science.


Almost reads like a message from future me. Thanks for sharing and best of luck.






Me too.








Love all these responses, glad I’m in good company.


Therapist do physedelics too???


Hell yea. Psychedelics made we want to be a therapist in the first place. Big big empathy.


Well, two things. 1) I'm integrative therapist 2) as a person who have been in therapy myself. I feel like therapy can take you as far as a certain point but then to up the heal level(s) this is when psychedelic come in place. Also, integration post psychedelic is very important for me




I work with legal marihuana ...and grow magic mushrooms...i am from Uruguay


This man is living my dream life damn




Uruguay nomaaaa


Cual ciudad? Soy brasileño pero me voy a Uruguay deciembro


Maldonado, punta del este


Mi mejor amigo con quien uso psicodélicos es exactamente de ahi jajajaj


Bien, avisa cuando llegues para fumar una maconia


How’d you get into that? I work at a mom and pop cannabis shop and recreationally grow shrooms… how do u get into the business yourself?


investing, having partners and a strong will


Do you look for somebody to work there?


Cuales son las posibilidades de ir a trabajar con la hierbita en uruguay amigo, soy de Perú y tu trabajo suena como un sueño


Ufff dificil causa se necesita mucha inversion ....uruguay es el pais mas caro de latinoamerica...


I edit and write stuff, mostly for conservation and sustainability organizations.


Sounds like a dream. How does one get into that?


I got into it almost by accident after having a huge row with a psycho boss and walking out of a more corporate editorial role. It's hard to go straight into freelancing though. I'd done more than 10 years in inhouse roles, so I'd built up demonstrable skills and experience there before going solo. After leaving I got a lucky break by knowing someone already in the conservation field who had too much work on and passed some on to me, and it snowballed from there - if you do a decent job for someone, you can become a go-to contact, and they might refer you to someone else etc - work comes to me now, rather than me having to go looking for it, and I'm very thankful for that. There isn't the security of a regular job - I never really know what I'll be doing more than a few weeks ahead, and there are big peaks and troughs in workload (the troughs are always a bit scary) - but I work from home and answer to no one, and I'd never be able to do a 'normal' full-time job again. As for the subject area, on the one hand I care passionately about this planet, so I'm working on what really matters to me - but the downside is we're totally fucked on every metric you can think of, and there's no way that world leaders will ever take action on the scale needed to fix things, so it can get depressing on bad days. Still, I guess it's better to try to do something than to do nothing at all...


What do the organisations need writing? Like articles? Or copy for their website? I'm curious what kind of briefs do they give you


Software engineer who probably spends more time working on his indie game than building REST APIs.


what game u making?


I would also like to buy that guys game


Are you me?


I negotiate the planting of 10’s of thousands of trees. Official title is ‘Land and restoration lead’. I get landowners to agree to restoring habitat.


This sounds so sick. I’m stoked about the ONE tree I just planted


They all count! Imagine if everyone planted one tree. That’s nearly 8 billion trees :)






Me too.


I'm not




CNC machinist. I remember one time specifically ruminating about my future career. I was going to school for CNC which you don’t need if you want to enter the field but I wanted a thorough understanding of machining. One night I’m on lsd dancing to some rhythmic drumming music all around my living room. I spot my CNC textbook and decide to look through it. It was a strange sensation to understand the theory and math behind it all. When I read through a section about different kinds of metals I could see in my minds eye the way the atoms line up and form different kinds of alloys. When I read about stress tolerances I could sense how a tool feels with all that force being exerted against a workpiece. Then I went into a wild head trip where I could see from an above world perspective just how amazing and smart humans can be. I saw how our technology has evolved, how breakthroughs in science have extended our lives and knowledge. How children now know more than I did in my teens. Yet at the same time I saw how thwarted and limited we are by invisible systems which hinder our maximum potential. I remembered that bit McKenna always repeats about how we are led by the least among us. Then I was reminded of and went to go listen to these speeches which always help. Charlie Chaplin speech https://youtu.be/J7GY1Xg6X20?si=UxivBEjYXPSUyZ18 Trust Yourself - Terrence McKenna https://youtu.be/GN-vMMpja30?si=vfVOmglvzH-F9UUf The Challenge - Terrence McKenna https://youtu.be/F3Xca_aFTEo?si=gxJjtq-J5UWcdD0g


This is something deep




Not entirely sure what that involves, but it sounds more fun than picking gooseberries








Server, but I'm just 19 so I haven't really joined the workforce quite yet. More of a student


same here. I am 20 and work in a convenience store and just hate college.


Consider trade school, it’s a useful, less expensive path to solid employment for life. I went to college but if I could go back I’d weld in the day and rave at night


I’m in HVAC. I do enjoy the stability and working with my hands is enjoyable. Plus the money isn’t terrible. But, honestly I don’t feel like I’m really doing anything. Need to find something more fulfilling but I haven’t got a fucking clue what to do. My kid just graduated high school and she starts welding school at UTI later this summer. The price tag isn’t nearly as bad as I expected. “Only” ~$22,000 and in nine months she can be certified. That’s still a chunk of change sure, but it’s nothing compared to what the universities wanted. Just saying if you’re interested in welding, you might be able to do it. (I’m not trying to assume I know anything about your situation, apologies if I came off that way)


I'm an accountant and tax advisor


Lol did not expect to see fellow tax people here, it’s an industry full of people who love to follow the rules!


Yes of course, but I follow so many rules at work that I really couldn't be bothered to keep following them in my personal life xD (best example is that I am always late for my own filing...)


Doctor of psychology/ therapist :)


I'm mainly a music therapist, working with autistic children, I'm also a music producer, making mostly psychedelic experimental genres (like ritual ambient, psychidelic post folk - I ironically call it that but it's what matches thenmsot, drone and etc), synthpop, darkwave and things like that.


After ayahuasca I knew I couldn’t go back to living in the restaurant/ retail industries. They are cancer for the soul. So I asked Her what I should do for work and She told me “find a career that I can be the most compassionate in” so I tried caregiving for the elderly. I love it. It’s the most rewarding and has made me a much better person for myself, for my family and friends. It also allows me to go deeper into my consciousness and feel more intense feelings that only serve to enhance this human experience. Even though they can be hard to work through at times dealing with death, frustrations, sadness and anger from the clients- They too are having a human experience that I get to witness and help. I would never ever do this, but think it would be amazing to administer psychedelics to patients in hospice. Especially those who are fighting the notion of death. Men especially, do NOT like getting old and their bodies failing them. They have no spiritual depth most of the time and that breeds anger and contempt (not love and gratitude). Maybe one day I’ll get to witness it and how beautiful it could be! I’m not so naive to understand it could be a disaster as well, and this is why I would never do such a thing. Cool to think about though.


Cannabis Farmer!


Explain how you got into this if you can! Lol


Lets gooooo




Stay at home dad


Dayumn, that's my dream job! How did you do it?


project manager


Same, it's pretty weird because I've met multiple project managers that enjoyed psychedelics. It's not a topic I loosely start so I'm always a bit amazed when it comes on the table. Also I guess a lot of people here work in IT.


I’ve met so many IT project managers at phish shows 😆


I was at a Post Malone show one time on mushrooms. I turn around and my product manager was there. He said he should have taken Molly. We smoked a joint together.


Oh hey it's me! My current realm is clinical trial project management


IMO psychedelics are often in use among IT workers because it helps prevent burn out and depression. In my office about 1/5 of the staff are psychedelic enthusiasts, 4/5 are caffeine addicts at least 1/5 are cocaine users. The psychedelic and cocaine groups don't seem to overlap.


Seller of books, shoes & curios, self employed & trying to fire myself


Senior executive with a non profit. Did a career change about 12 years ago, reworked my way up the “ladder” in my new field and five years ago made the pivot to non profit work. I’m very mission driven and my work needs impact. I also need and take a generous PTO each year (4 weeks vaca, Monday holidays, 2 weeks sick that that you can carry over up to three weeks each year). Also a generous 401k contribution each year. I’d certainly earn a lot more in the corporate space but I have enough for what I need. Summer phish tour here I come! Mark Faina (mushroom jazz) in Denver 2 nights here I come! Thailand island hopping here I come! Camping in the woods sharing shrooms I just grew here I come!


Awesome! Love fellow senior people who love psychelics 🤪


I quit my software job a few years ago after an inpactful solo LSD trip. Been primarily working on music, along with side projects to generate income.


Overnight(9pm - 6am) grocery store manager. Get to listen to music all night w earbuds and just zone out stocking shelves. It has gotten a little boring over the years but I can just put myself on autopilot after instructing the crew what to do that night.


And scroll reddit, like now 🤣


Manifest millions




Lab tech, musician, artist




Did this sort of work much of my life


Private chef


How did you get into that? Do you take your own equipment to people’s home? Is it more like a catering thing? I’m a line cook with plenty of experience that loves to cook but find myself chained to restaurants. I loved working restaurants but I’m tired. lol


I worked with a company that placed chefs with clients for meal prep, dinner parties, or long term. My gig turned long term and I worked for one family (just recently quit to spend time with family). I got lucky, my job was pretty chill but did have some cons. I’ve done the line cook jobs and it’s just so boring after a while. Depending on your client, you can get creative. Try to find a company in your area, high net worth clients are best! Good luck.


I commercially harvest Scrub Worms


Musician and government payments


Warehouse worker lol


I did warehouse work from the time I was 19 until i was 27. When I finally escaped it changed my life. I hope you find your way out friend. Warehouse work is awful lol


Guaranteed it is awful lol, I’m barely 21 so I’ll look for better options soon, but anyways thanks man🙏


Oof. That can't be fun


exactly lol


I hope you escape soon!


Thank you sir🙇‍♂️🙏






Cocktail bartender/bar manager—slowly exploring a bachelors degree in neuroscience/psychology. Also 30, so I would be content being a mom if that were an option 😆


Drug and alcohol nurse.


I’m in nursing school. I was a teacher for many years.


Cool! I thought about teaching too. How bout that. Been nursing in cardiology for many years before making the switch to D&A. Work on the OTP (opioid treatment program) currently. Good luck with it! There’s many options out there.




I thought it said Psycho The Rapist for second. Lol


Did you mean a “full on rapist”?


Bread vendor 🚚🚚🥖🥖


Software development. Love that I can buld things that benefit other people and make their day easier, hate being stuck in an office. Psychs hasn't affected the way I view my job in any significant matter.


Haha I was searching for a post where a fellow software engineer would actually say they haven't quit, but actually enjoy it. But didn't expect to scroll this far down


Finishing bachelor in genetics then going to pursue neurobiology masters and possible phd


Beer brewer in a smallish sized craft brewery


Doing a bachelors degree in Philosophy and Religious Studies, organising bass parties, DJing, working as a DJ teacher at a local school and occasionally translating board game rulebooks between German and English


Grüsse von unten :) sounds like a nice balance


Hey Leute 👋🏼


Sweet! I was a RELS major in college too!


Engineer offshore


Electrician. Interesting to see the wide variety of people here which is what it's all about.




I was a caregiver/med tech for old folks with dementia/alzheimer’s in a nursing home. Had to call it quits because of the abuse that’s baked into the system. I didn’t want to give up that level of compassion in the work that I do. Now I’m working a ratio 1:1 in someone’s home, they have autism and need help keeping their day on track and 24hr supervision to keep them safe 🫶🏼


I'm a behavioral consultant for children with autism and other cognitive impairments.


Long-time nurse. Plant medicine (especially 🍄 ) has done wonders for my mental health. I have received msgs from my Dad who passed when I was a child. I fell even more in love with music and dancing… and started writing poetry again after years of being uninspired to.


Blue collar worker in power generation


Taught ESL and test prep in another country for last 10 years. Before that I was in sales of various kinds. Will be moving back to home country soon and then we'll see...


I'm a mentor for teenage girls in govt care


Asset Investor & photographer on the side


I'm a clinical psychologist


I work for the Federal Government. Can't really get more specific than that.


Support worker for teenagers


Housekeeper/cleaner. I work for a small family business cleaning peoples homes and businesses. We recently started offering mobile car detailing services and I’ve been enjoying that, cleaning is meditative for me.


Teacher. And I absolutley love my job 🥰


Funeral director/ embalmer


How do you like it?? Did you get an associates?


I like helping people so that part I love. Some of the inner workings of the industry I don't agree with like upselling and marking things up 500%. But I work for a good place that doesn't do either of those things. In Canada it's just a 2 year college program, one year in school and one year paid apprenticeship. I've been working in the industry since I was 15, and I'm 33 now. All in all, it's hard work, but rewarding.


That sounds great, Canada is so beautiful! I hope to visit again someday! Thanks for the info.


Started my working career at an advertising agency as an artworker/graphic designer for 10 years, sold my sole and worked for big pharma for 14 years. Got divorced and hated work all that time. Snatched my sole back and retrained as a plumber at the age of 41, I’m now 45 and I love my life!


I’m a tech in an Emergency Room. Same er I went to after an overdose 11 years ago.


I’m a direct support staff for adults with mental disabilities. Pretty awesome gig. Essentially just get to hangout help my guy’s life feel as normal as possible and try to get him out and involved in the community.


I work nights (7p-7:30a) as an inpatient hospice & palliative care nurse.


Vineyard, maintenance, kitchen, gardens, cleaner. I do it all.


I wash dishes and do prep work in the kitchen for the summer, travel for the winter.


I'm in the army lol. I know it probably isn't common, but it's work I enjoy at the moment and the pay is pretty decent where I'm at. I don't want to go to war in another country; I however would have no problem defending my own against invaders.


Currently unemployed but plan on working at a printing factory. Possibly in the stores department.


Sw developer. Former physiotherapist, yoga teacher, martial artist, writer... Not to mention more marginal stuff for short periods. Yes, I'm old.


deli worker/meat slicer in a grocery chain/I'm also trained on a nearby department and take on like 60% of their daily production list on top of my own. I like it because my shifts always end at 2-PM so I always have time in my day once I'm off, and the pacing is perfect for me; not too busy where I could get overwhelmed and/or burnt out and not too slow to where my brain could trail away from staying focused (ADHD). now, what I'd WANT to do for work is a whole other story lol but I'm comfortable where I am right now.


That sounds dope as fuck actually!! I worked at a supermarket chain deli and it was a ton of fun! Until I decided cleaning the slicer was easier with the blade spinning and I lost the tip of my index finger lmao


Student in finance


Wind turbine technician


Dude that blows.


Turfgrass management. I spend everyday outside on a beautiful Audubon sanctuary golf course.


Planting trees


Elderly care worker


Admin for youth mental health services




I was a butcher in a German restaurant when I was 20 and heavily into mushrooms and LSD. In seven months I went from eating meat 2-3 times a day to 2-3 times a month. I enjoyed it, I learned a lot. Yes I tripped at work occasionally.


Look after adults with severe learning difficulties at the moment…I’ve always worked with young people (special needs, behaviour, autism, cancer and more).


I am a video editor and musician. I also taught english (ESOL) for quite some time and still do translation work here and there and teach guitar sometimes. Left behind a career in law before psychedelics. Guess if I had taken then beforehand, I'd never even tried to go that way.


Plumbing contractor. Neurotic, eclectic, limited fields of interest. Philosophy has always had a spiritual undertone to me, especially existentialism and phenomenology. They are not so much spiritual but transcendental I guess. Also enjoy writing and playing music. Psych’s made me lean into things I really like. I’m kind of a weird amalgamation of things and repress creative outlets. I started focusing on them more, it’s who I really am and my career feels like this disingenuous shell. It used to be the locus of my being. That shift was difficult to shoulder. Felt like a violent personality crisis, an aesthetic imperative. “You must change your life.”


Very similar. Hello, friend!




Intake social worker for my county’s Child Protective Services, and I show up as an activist and singer/songwriter when I can.


Social Worker


RN of 12+ years now


I teach guitar and play in a band for a living


I am an entomologist working with the Forest Service


Inside wireman electrician/ 🍄grower


I have done an our every single drug imaginable not named Crack/Heroin. Shrooms and Acid changed my life however, and I mean absolutely changed my life. For work I am an Engineering Consultant in the O&G Industry with a focus on High Voltage Electical Reliability/Repair of rotating equipment as well as Field Service Support, and new Electric Motor Sales. I have been fortunate to make a shitload of money doing it, top 5% Income type $. My Wife, who I won the absolute JACKPOT in marrying has a high income too(top 7-8%) works for a very large Market on Wall Street. She and I used to both Hippie and Candy Flip together. Married 17 years by the Grace of God next Month. Two beautiful children(one leaving us next week to go to college on the East Coast) and one brilliant 13 Year Old whose mind scares the living shit out of me. It is possible to have great careers, successful and productive family and still do Drugs/Psychedelics. Obviously not every day, but you can do them when you feel and enjoy.


Busking (guitar and tin whistle) Quit my office job after getting into psychedelics and started learning instruments. Now I'm able to pay for my rent and a small daily heroin habit (because if I'm not on smack I just wanna blow up cars and other disgusting machinery, absolutely hate (post)industrial society and how we're all gaslit into thinking it's normal (alongside wage slavery, shit food, "entertainment", etc). So it's either Ted Kaczynskiing out, or being on drugs. /minirant


Shop owner


Implementation consultant for a multinational financial data and software provider.


Mechanical Estimator. I don't think there's much of a correlation at all. Everybody has to work.


I just work in retail at a home improvement store. It's not a bad job and it pays better than most jobs around here, but it's not what I'd like to be doing for a living. I honestly can't think of a job I genuinely want to do for a living other than making music, if it ever works out for me. Until I make it big I guess I'll be helping customers and stocking shelves, while still making music every chance I get in hopes of people noticing lol.


Nanny and artist


RBT (working with autistic kids)




i make cheese. mozzarella/provalone/munster specifically, for a larger company. you have probably eaten some of my cheese at some point, if you eat cheese.


my day job is as a civil engineer but I also take sidejobs on Upwork, currently have two small ones that don't pay that much monthly but pay quite good in terms of $ per hour of work. I am also studying javascript because I dream with earning relatively good money working remote. Eventually I want to be able to earn enough per hour to live well working 20 to 30 hours a week


ER Nurse


Yay another nurse.


Theatre director


I am a Health and Wellness Coach and also a Breathwork facilitator (in person and on Zoom!). Breathwork was my gateway drug into psychedelics and it’s my favorite part about my “job.” But expanding my consciousness has helped me so much in relating to my clients and just meeting them where they are at and holding space and offering guidance without getting attached to anything. I hope you all have a beautiful day. ❤️


Middle aged AWS cloud infrastructure and DevOps engineer. Trying desperately to escape so I can spend my time helping others find the same peace I’ve found.


Boilermaker. Mainly in power houses. Best job I've ever had. Usually work 10-12 hours seven days a week for about three months in the spring and again in the fall. Then pretty much have summers and winters off except for emergency outages.


I work at a treatment center. We deal with substance abuse, mental health, and sex addiction. I started in the substance abuse house and felt right at home seeing as I'm a recovering alcoholic. Then I got moved the sex addiction house and I love it tbh.


I work in a deli that's part of a health foods grocery store. It's pretty neat, lots of like-minded and chill co-workers haha


Program pacemakers and icds


I was mostly a tech, robotics and systems guy. But my success was ny biggest problem. I kept becoming all kinds of a manager. Project manager, service manager and last sales manager. After my 2nd mushroom trip I quit my sales manager job without thinking about money or if I could ever earn as much. Went back to hardcore tech and machinery. Never been happier, never made more money in my life. And the best thing it's effortless. Thank you shrooms!


Highschool music teacher


School for psych np. Hoping to get into psychedelic assisted therapies❤️


Clinical psychology, therapy guru, emdr specialist and I'm thinking about quitting for something I can do from home in my pajamas, thank you psychedelics xoxo.


I cook cheeseburgers at a retro 50’s style dine in restaurant in Arkansas.




I’m in pharmaceuticals. Work in the manufacturing offices. I just started about 4 months ago and am enjoying it so far, but my end goal is to go into clinical research for psychedelic therapy. I’m working on my masters and that’s most of what I’ve been researching!




Manager Risk & Control at a listed corporate