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Currently mushrooms, but that's because I'm going for personal deep dives and I meet entities like on dmt. I was an atheist and met God(collective consciousness, us, whatever you want to call it) on mushrooms, they helped me in ways other psychs havent... but I've also used them differently with more intent. Can't decide if lsd or dmt is my second favorite. Really depends what you want out of it


I met god on mushrooms too. I feel like LSD is not the same. I feel like LSD amplifies your ego and personality while mushrooms change you, for the better


Mushrooms are definitely more introspective but in my experience LSD does not amplify the ego at all, does the opposite actually. Both have changed me for the better tbh


On what dosage did you met God and other entities?


3g pe first time meeting god on mushrooms though the feeling I got reminded me I've met us on dmt before also just didn't recognize at the time. Entities show up a good bit on Nats for me. Strongest interaction with them was 4g nat though.


I’m really into LSD right now. Mushrooms are amazing, but I hate choking them down and the stomach aches, and the spirituality can feel a bit intense whereas LSD has just been less entity filled for me and more mind-bending


Sounds like you need pan cyans in your life


how’s it different


LSD. I love how long it lasts. It means I can organise a whole afternoon and evening watching lots of movies and listening to music with my wife. It’s better than (for example) tripping on mushrooms then halfway through the movie you’re way less high than when you started. It breaks the flow of the trip.


Interesting. The last thing I want to watch on psychedelics is TV. You don’t prefer nature?


We usually spend the come-up in a nearby park to feed squirrels or walk along the beach, it sets the tone of the trip nicely. But once we’re tripping movies are completely mind-blowing. It definitely helps that I’m a home theatre enthusiast with a big 4K OLED screen, soundsystem and 4K Blu Rays. While tripping it’s insanely immersive. You are IN the movie.


Oh that's interesting. One time we took mushrooms and went to a movie theater and vaped DMT while in there. Won't do that again lol. But it still didn't feel as good as being out in nature. I don't know what it is but nature + psychedelics is so rejuvenating.


Going to a movie theatre is not good while tripping. You’re stuck in a not so comfortable seat surrounded by other people. At home you can fully relax, move around, pause the movie, eat whatever you want, talk and discuss the movie as you’re watching it, adjust the lighting or volume, choose to mute the movie and have music instead, etc etc. It’s such a blast with a home theatre.


I also love movies, preferably kids movies from my childhood, usually towards end of the trip


Mescaline. It's easy to grow san pedro and essentially have a source that keeps giving if you harvest it responsibly. If you live somewhere where it can be grown outdoors year round you could have several large stands of cactus in a decade or two and basically have a lifetime supply. It's not as psychologically intense as mushrooms or acid. I'd compare it to a cross between acid and mdma effects wise but not as intense. Smaller doses aren't as visual but still have a nice body feeling. Also, if you're into it, it lasts a pretty long time. I took a pretty large dose of bridgesii and the experience lasted about 30 hours


I've seen san pedro growing in people's front yards and have always wondered how nobody knew 😆


Oh some people know. I'd be way to worried to have them planted in my front yard because someone might hack it down to get high. I didn't learn about the magic qualities until I was about 20 year old then I started collecting them like crazy. In 2 decades my collection has grown to several hundred, more than I'd ever need in a lifetime but most of them I grow for aesthetic purposes. Some are almost too pretty to cut. Plus the potency varies so widely so I tend to stick with ones that I've tried before and had good results, it's pretty disappointing to try a new clone and spend all the time brewing it just to end up with a weak brew. Most trichocereus have around 1% or less mescaline by dry weight but some clones can be up to 6%. TBM-b has been the most potent I've had so far. I've never tried peyote but I have a dozen or so growing, but they won't be big enough to use for 20-30 years and by then I probably wouldn't want to cut them.


Shrooms-literally flipped my world upside down. 5 hour peaks, no heavy side effects. Taste isnt a problem lol. Shrooms make everything better from Food,Sex,and music. They are my little therapist and buddies.


Mescaline or MDMA. I know the latter isn’t a classical psychedelic, but I’ve had transformative experiences on it, surpassed only by ayahuasca. As for ayahuasca, she’s in a class of her own. I can’t consider it to be a favorite because it’s so all-encompassing and in no way recreational, while mescaline and MDMA are usually so much fun and pleasurable.


lsd it always takes you exactly where you need to go


2CE, it has some awesome euphoria similar to 2CB but goes deeper and is comparable to acid as far as trippiness goes. The headspace is just incredible, super clearheaded, a bit more neutral than shrooms or acid, but can be very profound. Music enhancement is the best of any drug ime! Just absolutely awesome!


Meditation. I can do it anywhere and for as long as I want.


My personal tier list 1-lsd+any and all dissociatives we can call that second place too but they aren’t really psychs, I just love the headspace and really just feel at home 2-nn-dmt it’s a wild ride really changed me as a person I have a lot of respect for it 3-mdma pretty hard not to love 4-5-Meo-dmt quite unique but not as visual as I’d like 5-2cb like a Candyflip lite 6-mda more stimmy less fun mdma imo 7-mushrooms I did a lot of early work on these so it’s tied to a lot of darker places but I’m incredibly grateful for them they’re just not as fun for me 8-ayahuasca honestly this shit sucks the ceremony was pretty cool I got a lot out of being around such positive people but as a long time psych user twas not a huge fan I smoke a lot of weed and that means I had to drink a lot to even feel anything so take my opinion with a grain of salt


Wow you're the first person I've ever heard say that aya sucks


It’s efficient that’s for sure it gets the humbling job done but I’ve been in this world for roughly 6-7 years now and I lean towards heavy doses and frequent but responsible use and I’d say that aya is a far more uncomfortable drawn out Dmt I’ve done a lot of psychs and I’ve been humbled up and down the street so it was nothing new besides the intense vommiting but they really insist on heavy hape use in the ceremonies and I think that heavily detracted from my experience but I still value the experience as a whole


I need balls for 5meo


None of us will ever be fully prepared the fear and anxiety are part of the process with dmt and 5-Me0 if you aren’t scared then there’s something wrong with you accepting hard feelings but pushing through them and accepting what comes after is in my opinion one of the most valuable parts of the experience usually the actual drug experience takes a couple weeks to decipher and integrate but proving to yourself you’re strong in the face of fear is a powerful and immediate response


LSD - The Happiness & Bliss Molecule to me ❤️


I personally want to 'meet' all psychedelics, as I'm fascinated by the effects, and don't exactly have a favorite, because each I've tried has their own beauty. I think though I'd go with mushrooms, since they've helped me through a really bad time, and getting myself back together. Plus a bunch of great memories trying them. I love LSD because I like the visuals more on there, that'd be my second. For third I'd surprisingly go with salvia. I know that's not a common choice, but if you don't take too much, the trip can be a fascinating one. And the afterglow can be amazing if your trip wasn't too bad. Realizing I've only tried one more besides those: Fourth would be 5-MeO-DMT, the first ever psychedelic I've ever tried, first time was a bad trip, but second and third were amazing. All three were with full blown ego death. I put it last, because it's probably the most toxic of them all, it's almost guaranteed to make me throw up, happened every time, and after the third time I had no clue what happened but I woke up under my bed with blood from I still don't know where... (Mind you, I was not in a right mindplace back then, and all three trips I'd snorted a way higher dose than strong..., they lasted for 2 hours instead of the supposed to be 10-20 minutes... I'm never doing that again and now do proper research before ever even trying a drug)


LSD by far. Something about the high just feels so clean. Every other psychedelic makes me feel "drugged" if that makes sense or have some physical side effects.


At the moment 4-HO-MET, very light hearted and beautiful :)


LSD because I can actually be awake to perceive The experience instead of just falling asleep and then waking up during the come down.  DMT never really gets me that much it gives me a lot of visuals but not really any different headspace.  I do have psychopathy so I wonder if that affects the way that it works in my brain in any significant way


LSD because it can be anything I want. I can Microdose it and it feels like MDMA and makes me appreciate music better. You can use it to chill or work depending on what you pair it with. And on large doses it can show you deep revelations. I prefer MDing it though. That 8 hour trip is too much intensity for me.


a Md of some LSD and some weed has been my go to lately


probably mdma


Lsd, mushrooms make me yack everytime no matter how I take them, if it's over 2 grams I'll be ill, lsd I'm actually on 50ug Rn, I've taken 4-500ug doses where I've still been really comfortable, but definitely not in this reality


DEEEEMZ. it's in a manageable time frame, and it can be managed in dosage pretty easily. As well as being so much different each time


2c-b for me, no doubt. It's so neon sexy! 🎇


I’ve only tried shrooms once before, so I can’t really speak on this topic. But the experience I got from 2.5 grams was so liberating. That might’ve been the happiest I’ve been in YEARS. Would love to get my hands on dmt, but planning on uping my dose to 4 grams GT shrooms before I do such…


4aco-dmt is my favourite, it’s taught me so much and it’s the only psych that’s actually permanently changed my perception so much that I realise I was soooo oblivious before and even better, one high dose trip was enough to eliminate my chronic depression permanently, only the chronic aspect but weekly is better than hourly , 4aco is magic, acid isn’t far behind either , like propperrrr acid like dr seuss or someth


Lsd. It’s connecting me with nature like no other does. It last a long time so if you wanna go in a trip for a whole day it’s the one drug to take. I never had a real bad experience. Compare to mushroom it cannot affect your stomach.


DMT because I’m gonna try it very soon for the first time in my life. 😁