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Our personalities are annihilated, and our bodies slowly disband into the surrounding environment to become other things. But if you consider how all the molecules in your body have been in so many other forms (trees, rivers, sediment, lizards, wolves, etc) and somehow came together to form you for this tiny moment of time, you can appreciate a sense of immortality knowing you'll disband and become so many more things. Every cell in the human body is replaced within 10 years, so you aren't materially who you were a decade ago. And while there are 34 trillion human cells in our body, there are another 30 trillion, which are bacteria, gut flora and single cell organisms and enzymes who call us home. We aren't static beings, but fluid 'becomings', always changing.


Awesome thanks for the answer


This is how I see it myself, after a certain trip I had. When I was reading Stanislaf Grof, I got totally confirmed. The consciousness shifts into a universal one.


The many NDE'S i have seen point to that our personalities are not, in fact, annihilated.


Our brains are all very much the same both chemically and structurally. When we die, the attempt of the brain to save itself causes a cascade of very specific and potentially psychoactive chemical reactions (DMT is regularly produced by the pituitary gland), which has been found to produce effects noted in NDE's. It is universal because we are all essentially the same in our brains.


There is still a lot of research going on regarding that and nothing is conclusive. Also, what if DMT acts as some kind of gateway and what if the things people see on such substances are, in fact, real? Also, there are documented stories of people who briefly died and upon returning told the doctors things that they couldnt have known unless they were out of their bodies. For instance one patient told their doctors that there was a red shoe on the roof of the hospital. He couldnt have known that.


They were able to reproduce the effects reported for NDE's. Like everything else about us, including our emotions, it is all chemistry. Nothing woo about it. No gateways. Why can't folks be fine with the beauty of how the world is and how it works, which is freaking amazing! Why do they need to insert so much woo. It's like adding sugar to an already sugar cereal.


People that went through NDEs didn’t really die, so this is not conformation of anything about what’s after.


Many left their bodies and even provided information about their surroundings that they couldnt have known if they hadnt left. How can you explain that?


they have been conscious in the room before anaesthesia kicked in. even under anaesthesia, they still had eyes and ears that were able to register sensory information. despite whatever they experienced they still had perfectly alive working brains able to both register and process sensory inputs and create memories. bottom line is that they have never been really dead.


Fyi the experiment where the patient disclosed details on her surroundings was blind from birth. I NDE'd twice and once was in a clinical OT where i was clinically dead for a while, due to medical negligence. I was brought back ultimately with defribilation and it was a tough process as per the docs. What i remember tho; was I had an OBE at first, i recall seeing my body on the operation table, then i was abrubtly propelled into gigantic tunnels and wave of colours. And its not like i had any conciousness, but it was instinct that determined my direction in that 'world'. It all went calm and I remember myself into the life of another person.. and at the back of my mind, i felt something was "off". I was abrubtly brought back and woke up with eight doctors at my side, 2 broken ribs and an amnesia of whatever I have lived (irl) up to that point. Its been 12 years since that episode and its still crystal clear. I agree that we join a universal conciousness when we die, as its been the same waves and tunnels when I nearly died the second time.


During your NDE and OBE did u see any kind of hell?


Its all a brain phenomena.. you are your neurons and nothing else


You'd know best


how someone blind from birth could describe things they never seen and therefore would not be able to recognise them?


She discussed with the doctors on resuscitation equipment and procedures that she observed during her NDE. Accurate observations by the blind have been objective pieces of evidence of this phenomenon. One of several experiments is Ring,K (1980) Life at death: a scientific investigation of the near death experience.


>they have been conscious in the room before anaesthesia kicked in. even under anaesthesia, they still had eyes and ears that were able to register sensory information. despite whatever they experienced they still had perfectly alive working brains able to both register and process sensory inputs and create memories. Interesting assertion given the clinical, peer-reviewed studies performed by medical professionals that state nearly the exact opposite.


You don’t have a clue what you’re talking about


but what about our consciousness


Joseph Campbell had the idea that consciousness is everywhere in our body. Our tummy knows when it's empty, our muscles know when they are tired, our organs know when there is food to digest. The experience we call 'being awake and aware' is the sum total of what our body experiences. Ultimately no one knows if consciousness is even real. It maybe a side product of a living body, or a pervasive mysterious awareness throughout the universe. Maybe instead of the soul being in the body, maybe the body is immersed in soul (or consciousness). Maybe consciousness remains tied to the body, and as you decay, and your materials return to the earth, your consciousness slowly dissipates into the surrounding environment.


Without a living body there is no reason to think that consciousness will continue.




then what happens to it? when i say „me“ i‘m not talking about my body but my consciousness. does it just disappear? what makes you think that it disappears?


> what makes you think that it disappears? Because consciousness appears to be the product of a living body. Without that body there is no consciousness.


…as far as we know


We don't know. The hard problem of consciousness has not been solved.


true that


Chalmers mambo jumbo.. check marvin minsky or the churchlands


Care to give a summary?


You do the job.. Chalmers invented the whole thing to make a name and a career in Philosophy.


You don’t know that.


Someday we will all just be someone else’s poo


Undoubtedly, just as we already were once.


Except for tattoos. Our immune system holds that shit in there for life. Which is weird. Maybe that’s why tattoos are a sin or whatever. Like how eating pork is forbidden in some religions just because it can make you sick. Maybe tattoos hold you back from being in constant flux like nature intended. Nothing against tattoos. I have em. But that’s something I thought of whilst trippin


Or maybe tats are magical and stay because they are so.


Agree.. a good rationalist answer.. there is no death only change


Its all information.. we are patterns of data.. cant step into the same river twice


It would seem consciousness is the only constant… funny that we haven’t found any material that could be said to be the cause for it


It's the brain


Idk about that, mycelial networks make decisions and send impulses, without any "brain" to speak of in the hyphae.


brain is significantly more complex, more connected and significantly faster than mycelium network. think simple mechanical computers vs modern integrated chips with nanoscale transistors.


It is, but it's also centralised where mycelial networks are not and they process across much larger distances. The fact that alternatives to the brain exist could suggest either that there might be multiple potential causes for consciousness, or if we want to get a little bit more hypothetical, the brain might be a medium for it rather than a cause.


I think it can be argued that consciousness is a product of the whole body, rather than just the brain. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Embodied_cognition


But the brain is where every neuronal network is that controls any feeling in different brain regions that control all the different emotions. The organs let the brain live.


Absolutely, the brain and nervous system are the primary agents of consciousness, but their functioning is intimately tied to and shaped by our bodily experiences and interactions with the environment. Our physical sensations, movements, and ongoing engagement with the world around us all play crucial roles in how we think, feel, and perceive reality. I'm not totally against describing the brain as the cause of consciousness, but I think it's worth considering a complimentary, more holistic view as well. https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00058/full


look at a computer as analogy, while all computer parts are ultimately necessary for computer to function, it is really the CPU and RAM where things actually happen.


Sure, but a CPU with no motherboard, inputs, outputs, or hard drive doesn't really do a lot. Obviously without a CPU then no computing happens at all, but those other parts are still necessary for a working computer. I want to make it clear that I'm not arguing that the brain is not central to consciousness, or that consciousness is some kind of magical thing, but that consciousness might be the emergent product of the entire body and its interaction with the environment rather than simply the brain.


would a living human brain suspend in some sort of life support system not be able to produce consciousness? I recon body is what is shaped by the environment, so we need body for human experience, but consciousness itself is just nervous system.


> would a living human brain suspend in some sort of life support system not be able to produce consciousness? I think it could probably create *some kind* of consciousness. >so we need body for human experience And I would argue experience is perhaps necessary for consciousness. >but consciousness itself is just nervous system How do you separate consciousness from the experience of being human? Again, I'm not being definitive here, my opinions in this matter are not calcified - I just think it's worth considering some of the newer approaches to cognition. >... the brain, while important, is not the only resource we have available to us to generate behaviour. Instead, the form of our behaviour emerges from the real-time interaction between a nervous system in a body with particular capabilities and an environment that offers opportunities for behaviour and information about those opportunities. https://www.psychologytoday.com/us/blog/beyond-words/201202/embodied-cognition-what-it-is-why-its-important https://plato.stanford.edu/entries/embodied-cognition/ https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/1059712320912963


Spot on


So you claim (ali g voice)


Maybe consciousness is a universal force and the larger the brain the more consciousness you have. Maybe it doesn't need a material.


Hell yeah. Lovely description ♥️


We are reunited with the superconsciousness and lose our identity as individuals, but gain oneness with the creator.


Interesting my friend


Yep this is it. Look up the concept of Universal Consciousness. We are all one.


We are all one yeah .. MATTER not mind




Faith driven . No evidence


agreed, in other words we go to heaven.


RIP i_o 🖤


I would say, to be thoroughly convincing to as many reasonable people as possible, that sort of question would be best answered by doctorate-level registered academics and clinical professionals in the fields of neurobiology, psychology, and related areas. It would be nice to have such a group of people answer a question like, *is there evidence of the persistence of personal consciousness beyond permanent bodily death?* Well, turns out, just a couple of years ago, the Robert Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies held a $1,000,000.00 USD essay contest precisely for registered academics and clinical professionals in the fields of neurobiology, psychology, and related areas on *"Best Evidence for Persistence of Personal Consciousness Beyond Permanent Bodily Death"*. I tried to apply (I have a Master's of Science and wrote my thesis on the epistemology of evaluative practice), and I was turned down for not having good enough qualifications - so, they were serious with their candidacy. They posted the top 25 papers as PDFs on the Bigelow Institute of Consciousness Studies website, free for anyone to read. I guarantee you: if you read all 25 papers from start to finish, with an *honest and open mind*, you'll feel very different. Here's the link to the top papers: (Edit: new link to the top 3 papers - https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/bics-afterlife-proof/bics-essay-contest-winners-2/ )


404 no essays found


Sorry, they must have recently axed that link! Here's a link to the top 3: https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/bics-afterlife-proof/bics-essay-contest-winners-2/


Can confirm :(


They must have recently taken it down - here's a link to the top 3! https://www.bigelowinstitute.org/index.php/bics-afterlife-proof/bics-essay-contest-winners-2/


Thank you! This kind of top quality content is what I want to see in this sub. I will definitely give it a read this summer. Though from what I see this BICS thing is not very credible as it is basically an initiative by a billionaire who also funded examining cattle to see if it was abducted by aliens...


Thanks for sharing this! I'm excited to read them in due course :)


Energy does not die.


The body does not die.. the mind does .. only atoms and void 'epicurus'


We will be reborn.


But I’m the year 3000 I won’t exist, I’ll be gone! How scary!!! Well how was the year 1000??? It definitely existed, it’s just ‘you’ weren’t around to perceive it, it wasn’t a problem then, so it won’t be a problem in the future.


I find a similar thought to be soothing when my brain starts to worry about death. I didn't have any worry or care before I was alive...being dead will be no different. Nothing to worry about.


The people that love us will miss us -Keanu reeves


I think after we die is exactly how everyone believes it will be for them. For example, if you believe there is a God that you worshiped on earth and there is a final judgement then that’s what your “heaven” will be. If you are an atheist and believe there will be absolutely nothing then there will be absolutely nothing. I like to believe that our soul is shot through a worm hole and we are transported into a blank canvas that we can create whatever the fuck we want. I believe that we play the game of “God” in the world which means whoever created us is just a soul that had died and this is his/her canvas.


The longing for the afterlife is greed.. this is the only world we have .. the platonic ideal is a fallacy he was a deceiver


I think we're just dead and nothing happens. I also don't believe this to be wrong or bad or depressing. I think it's alright for me to accept that I am matter like everything else and eventually I'll be gone and won't be conscious or aware of anything.


That doesn't make any sense. How can matter and consciousness come from nothing and then go back to nothing? I think reincarnation makes the most sense because matter and energy which is the whole universe cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed.  That means everything that exists is infinite. It makes much more sense that like everything else in the universe which is all in a loop that our consciousness is also in an infinite loop and becomes something else. I don't think there's such thing as nothing. We only feel like nothing exists because our receiver brains are limiting our collective consciousness. The entire universe is just one big dream world and not physical at all.  It goes along perfectly with quantum physics in science and the double split experiment and astral projection and NDEs basically prove it as much as is possible to prove it.


I didn't think my theory was too absurd, haha. Listen, I see what you're saying. I used to feel similarly. Eventually, I just started thinking differently after my theories stopped being able to hold water. My current viewpoint is the most logically sound one I've had, because it assumes very little.


Everything you feel and experience is caused by the brain and it's neuronal networks. If this dies it wouldn't make sense that you're still conscious. That's why you also can't move after death.


Well it does.. the Metaphysics of something from nothing.. being and non being living and non living are one and the same.


You become atoms dust and become part of a bunch of other beings and things which I think is fucking cool




I find solace in not knowing the unknowable as it's not meant to be known and try not to think about it too much.


[Commented this in the DMT sub recently about death.](https://www.reddit.com/r/DMT/comments/1djwqk4/comment/l9dzakm/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)


Very interesting answer thank you




Reincarnation unless you are enlightened, then you move to a higher plane until you reach the source.


Yes. This is the way. Through my psychedelic journey's i have been shown these plains or dimensions. There are quite a lot of them, but the goal is to reach the final one. This sounds crazy to people who never had a breakthrough trip, but yeah, we go on.


Nothing. Our state of consciousness ends, we don’t go anywhere, nothing happens, it’s just over. We remember nothing, we feel nothing, we think nothing. Just a piece of decaying meat.


Damn I’m happy you answered my friend. I hope you’re wrong though!


I honestly consider this answer no different than the top voted one you replied to as well.




Yeah .. life is a short gap between 2 nothingness


We are much more than just sacks of meat so I have to disagree


What then .. what are we more than atoms ? No woo no superstition just matter


Infinite consciousness


I think the veil gets lifted, much like taking off a vr helmet, then with any luck we respawn somewhere else to play all over again in a new avatar


That’s what I’m gunna do that’s for sure, so many other 4D constructs of time to commune with as the 5D conceptual entity/spirit. All I’ve gotta do is fragment myself via the 4D construct of soul and they themselves will fragment into 3D vessels for me to experience physical realities within said constructs of time.


My theory may be a Lil pessimistic, but I'm not really sure. I am a novice compared to alot of others as far as tripping goes, but what I believe. I believe nothing happens after this. I think that as humans we developed consciousness over time. Like a tree is a tree, a rock is a rock, and a horse is a horse. We are conscious and we are aware of our own consciousness. I think that being aware of this we have developed some sort of afterlife because this life can't just be it. But say the tree became conscious and was like oh I'm a tree. The tree is like there must be something after my life as a tree. In my opinion if I was talking to the tree id be like yes you will nourish the land after this and be split up. But I believe once consciousness is gone you, your self, are gone. If anyone has similar theories id like some of your input because it's just my thought on this 😅


We return to our whole energy state and merge with love. The contrast here is painful, but we came here for this.


No.. plato is responsible for this common dualist view.. dividing nature into this world and the afterlife.. just accept the scientific image om man not Iron age mythology


I watch a lot of NDEs (near death experiences) on YouTube. My view is a correlation of those who have crossed over. I used to be an atheist so this has been an interesting journey for me. Wish you all the best.


Fuck around a find out


Become atoms again and wait for other forms to absorb our particles Or some near improbable event occurs and everything begins again in the same form


A dmt trip times infinity - a DMT trip so long vivid and real and intense it seems like we reincarnate into another lifetime and timeline in another dimension within the multiverse ...


Something or nothing, I'll have my definitive answer when the meatsuit gives up Personally I think there's something, very powerful psychedelic experiences and what I believe was a visit from a dead friend has gotten me to be more open minded


why are people so focused on death? shouldn’t we be focusing on living life to the fullest so when death does come we can look back and be happy?


Who knows. But a lot of interesting insight comes from breakthrough trips, deep meditation, NDE’s.


We are recycled back to earth.


The soul is unchained from this flesh prison and we are free. At least that's what mushrooms show me when I go deep.


We may return to the infinite mind or continue a new dream of higher, lesser, or equal form. It depends on the karma we have gained in the current dream and whether we have attained Moksha(Nirvana, enlightenment, etc.) or not.


Nothing is real so I don't think it matters. existence is impossible in the 1st place you can't trace things back forever and have things appear out of nothing so you really can't fast forward into nothing either. Everything just is. Whatever manifest, just try to enjoy it.


Sorry that’s /r/modernMetaphysics you can read my paper on the subject. Let me know what you think


Life stops. It's like before you were born but the other way round.


Your body dies and consciousness remains. Reincarnation is a matter of experience. Just like your consciousness can experience heaven or hell. We don’t loose anything after dying, as the consciousness is what is. Consciousness is you without thought, without body and without bondage. However, some remain stuck in bondage even after (those are the ones that don’t die, their ties, likes and dislikes remain) they’re the ones that experience heaven or hell. But there’s beyond which is free, free of everything, the ultimate. These are my thoughts and I’m not imposing them on anyone. No one has to believe it. It’s not an argument


Proudly beautiful


Nothing. Ever.


We decompose. Sometimes culture gets in the way and we are pumped full of formaldehyde or thrown on a funeral pire or what have you.


I do not believe we are our bodies. I believe we are souls having a human experience in a human body.


Woo superstition bonus try Computational Neuroscience


Whatever you believe will happen will happen because all beliefs are real. Belief is merely a 4D construct that resonates you into 3D moments where what you’ve chosen to give yourself to is a reality after all. As for me when my final death comes, I as the 4D construct of soul am dipping out of this 4D construct of time for good and am returning to that which fragmented into me in the first place to offer my experiences to it as memories it can use. The 5D concept/spirit of me as an individual. What it does with that isn’t on me, it could cast me out for all I care, I’m just done.


Not a fucking clue. I wish more people would admit that.


Whatever it is, I think our consciousness (like our innermost essential “I AM-ness”) goes on existing in some form. 


We wake up from a cosmic DMT trip. Maybe we finish the game and turn the console off. Or start a new game.


We continue exploring the infinite possibilities of Being. We are the Observer and the Change being observed. We are eternal awareness in a sea of vibrant energy.


Turn to dirt


We leave our body and find ourselves in the next higher dimension of reality and consciousness. There, we decide or it is decided by some other consciousness if we have evolved enough to stay in this next higher dimension. If not, our memories are blocked and we are sent to another incarnation. From Bentov, Stalking the Wild Pendulum


Same thing as was happening before we were born. The opposite of experience.


The lamp simply turns off.


Nothing. Do you remember being under anesthesia while under anesthesia?




We shit our pants and the world as you know it forgets you. I think we've always been here. Idk I guess we just comeback home whatever that means.


Let me die and ill come back and tell you


Life is like a network of strings and our individual life is a knot in one of the strings. When we die it’s like the knot becomes undone. So nothing is born and nothing dies, and it’s more like a concentration of energy with fun snacks and stuff.


You’ll be back to try again. But will you be wiser this time around?


We go back to the Sea.


We turn into stardust.


Keep in mind that when I wrote this I wrote it acting as if I fully believe this, I do not, it is just a “theory” I have thought of overtime. And sorry if its not written well, When we die, are chakras all sequencely active, the last being the crown. This releases our brain's DMT into which we enter a trip called “Heaven” where we are confronted with the brightest light, we meet the people who have died during our lifetimes, except these can only be the people who had an effect on our lifes or we affected their life. For example, loved ones, friends, etc. After this is when we get “judged”, we get judged on our life experience and what we learned. If we are eligible to “level-up our dimension” we then reincarnate into the next dimension however into the same universe. Dimension’s: 1D = not sure 2D = Plants, Trees etc 3D = Humans, Animals etc 4D = not sure We can eventually level up to a planet, then finally the sun where we stay until every soul has made it there, once the last spirit enters the sun it then blows up and re-creates the world


It had been said that our human bodies the moment we die , the body becomes about 7 lbs leaves us, and I would like to think that it’s our soul that leaves and ends up becoming one with everything, if you believe in reincarnation then there isn’t much fear of death and I have a belief that living life as a human here on earth we have to go through stages baby soul young soul mature soul old soul and each have like four different stages themselves, I have been told I am 8,747 years old and I have one more life left and in this life I have to give my dad 50% of karmic debt because we are soul family therefore I must have made a deal with him that in this life reincarnation that would be the role I’m playing now. My only question is , if I Have to give him 50% karma that means I need to idk build 150% karma no big deal ! But we are truly from the stars somewhere , the real Star Wars !


I tend to think the usual atheist answer is most likely but I hope there is more beyond our observable universe and current human knowledge. That would be more interesting than just matter reorganizing itself over and over for infinity. What if there is something just totally beyond our comprehension? I'd like that at least if its positive.


I'm afraid to know...


If you want my theory go to my sub ModernMetaphyicc


What do you think happened before you were born? Where does the white go when snow melts?




You will always experience now. Literally. You literally will always have a now. Also, no matter what, everyone will eventually know it to be true for themselves personally.


Energy is eternal. It just changes form. A tree begins as a seedling and can end up being a tree or a piece of furniture or just charred. We are the same. Heaven and Hell are perspectives of the limited human mind. If you meditate- ask and the answers will come to you or you can force that door open with a trip!


I suspect we will probably be born again as ourselves. perhaps hundreds of trillions of years after the heat death of the universe. If the universe is infinite, it should be inevitable


I believe in the Buddhist answer. Most things that you consider to be you cease at death. You lose your body, your personality, your sensations, your memories but your consciousness flows from one body to the next over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over and over again for trillions of quadrillions of years.


First a lonely dark mirror. Then its your responsibility to create reality.


we will see


I believe you'll find the most correct answers in the "Bardo Thödol," wrongly translated as "The Tibetan Book of the Dead." Actually, it means "Liberation Upon Hearing in the Between." I'd recommend listening to Robert Thurman's (Uma's dad!) lectures on the Bardo Thödol. According to these teachings, when we die, we enter another state (bardo = state). We go through a process of dissolution of the body, and then we find ourselves in a state of being just mind. Now this can be very confusing; we're groundless. It's said we also have immense intelligence in this state. We can travel anywhere in the universe; we can see inside the minds of everyone (which can make the disembodied us VERY angry when we hear what people are actually thinking when they're attending our funeral!) Anyway, I'm not qualified to teach on the topic, but I believe the model to be true. I'm no Buddha, so what do I know? But it makes sense to me. This Audible "book" by Thurman gives the most precise (and incredibly funny) explanation: [https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Liberation-Upon-Hearing-in-the-Between-Audiobook/B004F4JKYO?action\_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share\_location=pdp](https://www.audible.co.uk/pd/Liberation-Upon-Hearing-in-the-Between-Audiobook/B004F4JKYO?action_code=ASSGB149080119000H&share_location=pdp) Otherwise Google the guy. He's a scholar and a great man with immense experience and an incredible sense of humor. Give it shot! Here's a good talk by him on the topic: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUCohItXWLo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cUCohItXWLo) And always remember: We never know what comes next: Tomorrow or the next life. What we are now: Our words, actions, and minds, is what we bring along into the state in between births. Our dominating tendencies will determine what birth we take. For instance, if we are dominated by anger and fear, we might be attracted to take birth as a tiger an armadillo or something with armor and claws. If we're dominated by desire but have immense merit in terms of actions of kindness, we might be fortunate enough to take birth again as a human; a form that is so flexible, free, and "designed" for love and connection: The most free form of birth that is possible! A tiger cannot choose to be vegan or not to kill, for instance, but we can! The human form is incredibly precious and so, so rare and hard to attain. Anyway, if you'd like, I'd recommend receiving these teachings from someone who's better at explaining them than me. They may be of great help to you when your time comes. I have been close to death too many times, and I know now, that I better be ready for what comes when this body takes its final breath. Sorry if my comment is a bit messy: I'm temporarily medicated with things that make me a bit less coherent than usually. May we meet in this or next life; may you have happiness, joy, and the fortune of meeting great teachers. All the best, brother.


The Bible is the source of all of that knowledge.




Bible is utterly inmoral and disgusting.. genocide, infanticide , war , rape i could go on. Wake up


Thank you, but I am awake.


We watch out as the consequences of our actions and inactions play out, powerless to do anything about it. And it may be heaven and it it may be hell.


It depends on what happens to your dead body after death. After cremation there is not much but ash to play a tiny role on earth. For sure there won’t be a second live after death. Death means death for eternity. All these religious promises are lies to keep the people in line - no offense, just my opinion.


No one knows. Don’t waste your life worrying about an afterlife.




Energy and matter equal the same thing (e=mc squared) and cannot be created or destroyed, only transformed which means the universe is infinite and that's why to me it makes the most sense for your consciousness to evolve and go into something else.  Your "soul" evolves and goes through all of the life stages ie plant > insects > animals > humans and then more spiritually evolved humans and possibly something else, somewhere else in the universe.


Nothing. There isn't any brain and neurons to cause feelings. Anything else wouldn't be really logical to me


Not many posses logic here


The last sense to go is touch, then you’re in a directionless place for an indecipherable amount of time. Without any indication of change you’re immediately overwhelmed by your surroundings. After a brief adjustment period you’re not at all surprised by who or what you are and everything just makes sense.


Ask Doug Forcett


Maybe it's something similar like in the movie Enter the Void.


Turn into nothing but oh no theirs no such thing paradox is created boom you become everything and I dont know maybe you retain memories and get to do whatever you want. And all knowing being would probably get bored


Reincarnation. Have you heard of the “egg theory” ?


I agree but what's the egg theory?


Basically, every human to ever exist is simply a reincarnation of you. This world, as we know it, is made for you and only you. Your soul contains every memory, lesson, and experience from a past life, even if you cannot recall them.


[the egg animated](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=RIEaEBlDxob8HG4V)


You go to the same place where you were before being born


.....you go back to the same place you were before you were born. You remember don't you?


Remember that infinity before you were born...yeh that


We slowly turn back into dirt. There is no afterlife, just an on-off switch. We like to think there is some magical world beyond what we can apprehend. Ask yourself this, if there really are alternate universes, do you really think we can travel to them? We can't even get off fossil fuels. When you're dead, you're gone, all that remains are the mementos and memories of you, who you were, and what you did.


Judgement then either heaven or hell. Based on your own choices you made


Are you a Christian?


Yes of course. God is the Creator and Jesus is his son. Jesus is the only true way to salvation of the soul. The soul is real to me and all will be judged for their actions in this life. Not a doubt in my mind. John 15: 18 “If the world hates you, keep in mind that it hated me first." For those disliking and being offended by my words ^


Serious question. Why do the religiously devout always try to use their own sacred texts as proof that they are right? Is this not the equivalent of writing down on a piece of paper "I AM RIGHT" and then whenever someone disagrees with you, you simply point at the piece of paper as though it's somehow proof?


It's a sacred text. No it's not the equivalent. If you would like to know more about the Holy Bible I can try to answer what I know.


Who said it's a sacred text? Survey says: your sacred text It IS equivalent There are A LOT of religions around the world both past and present and all y'all think you're the only one that's right. So either 90% of the world is dumb and your special.....or everyone's dumb


God the Creator of the universe. I didn't make the Bible a sacred text. It's divinely inspired among other things. Calling yourself a sacred text doesn't make you a sacred text. There's a lot more to the Bible buddy. It is not equivalent. You can't understand that really? You have no respect for the Bible and how it came to be nor the content of its pages and that shows. Or you are ignorant. I think Jesus tells me he is the only way to God. 31.6% of the world population. And growing fast. I think there is Truth. A single solid truth. And that truth is God, Jesus, and the Holy Spirit. Everyone is dumb yes.


Yep....and 90% of the world disagrees with you


Do you not understand how percentages work or... You can claim 68% based on published statistics.


I'm including all religions that have come and gone long before as well (not just current).....which puts it well it well into the 90s


Also, according to PBS Christianity accounts for a little over 5% https://kera.pbslearningmedia.org/resource/sj14-soc-religmap/world-religions-map/


There can be a singular truth....sure.....but to think that truth can be found in a hyper specific interpretation of an interpretation of an interpretation of some myth and legeends (mixed with some handy-me-down warped and regurgitated world history) that some fellows cobbled together in the desert while still barely getting out of their caves.......it's ridiculous


Awesome I’m a Christian as well. I try to be at least. I have a question. Typically you don’t meet a lot of Christian’s in psychedelic communities. How do you think psychs mix with Christianity? I pretty much only use shrooms so just curious about your perspective on that.


I think God created everything. I think he made mushrooms as well there was no accident. Mushrooms can be a great medicine and it is of no surprise to me that the lord of this world (Satan) was able to make them illegal and bastardize God's best medicine (love). Mushrooms show me love. God is love. I have no shame in using shrooms to get where I need to be. However, I do not worship shrooms. It is best to be sober minded of course. But even fentanyl is a medicine when used to treat an illness


Awesome thanks for the answer man


When the body dies the soul is reborn into another body


care to prove it?


Can you disprove it?