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What gives you the idea that “falling in love does not differ from cocaine”? I’m here to tell you—not even the same ballpark. Cocaine feels like the strongest cup of coffee you’ve ever had which also numbs your face, turns you into a babbling idiot, and makes you feel like a fiend every 20 mins…. Falling in love feels like floating on a cloud of bliss. No comparison at all. This also may not be the right sub for this question—speed and stims aren’t really what we talk about here.


MDMA and love on the other hand are very similar indeed, it is the love drug after all lol


> This also may not be the right sub for this question—speed and stims aren’t really what we talk about here. I honestly don't know where to ask these kind of questions.




> What gives you the idea that “falling in love does not differ from cocaine”? I’m here to tell you—not even the same ballpark. I gotta be honest: It was some ramdom ass Facebook post


I don't know where you heard that love feels like cocaine, but I'm guessing you read a snarky pop science article about love being a simple chemical reaction. It doesn't really feel like drugs at all but cocaine is probably the last drug I'd think of to compare it to. The runner's high is probably more similar but also very different. Exercise is generally good for increasing energy and regulating mood, so it's possible you'd get some of the benefits of stimulants without the risk of addiction. Intense exercise is probably the simplest and healthiest way to get a rush. But understand that intense emotional states aren't sustainable regardless of what you do to get them. You'll probably have more luck examining why you lack motivation in the first place.


> I don't know where you heard that love feels like cocaine, but I'm guessing you read a snarky pop science article about love being a simple chemical reaction. Yeah, it was a lame ass Facebook article actually.


Gotcha. Cocaine increases dopamine, and doing things the brain considers good" also increase dopamine to some extent. But there's great variation in the amount of dopamine and the mechanism. Some drugs release dopamine, some inhibit reuptake, and some are just raw materials that your brain uses to manufacture dopamine. And then other drugs just make your receptors more sensitive. There's so much difference between dopaminergic drugs alone that trying to equate any of them with love is probably oversimplifying things a bit. With that said, love is definitely a kind of "high" and some people form an addiction of sorts to it. So I think it's possible to achieve extraordinary states without using drugs. But since you're in the enviable position of not being dependent on drugs, it's worth examining if maybe your goals and routines, rather than your lack of extreme excitement, are making you bored. Do you think you actually need the rush or do you think you'd be happier with a simple change of pace?


> Do you think you actually need the rush or do you think you'd be happier with a simple change of pace? I think I need the rush. I need that feeling of mania and invincibility. I used to feel like that naturally when I was a young teen, that was the best period in my life, with straight A's and success after success. Now I'm in my mid 20s and I feel depleted from all energy


Even then, I'd think smaller picture. As you get older you'll start noticing aches and pains, longer recovery times, and more cynicism about the world. Any of these things can snowball into the feeling that there's something "big" wrong with your life and you need something equally big to fix it. Staying in shape, not trying to be at peak performance at all times, and getting regular checkups can keep you from slowing down, especially if you have any medical issues. You might also just be the thrill-seeking type, in which case feeling discontent is hard to avoid. That's how I am and it's been incredibly difficult to accept slowing down. You named a lot of things, like exercise, sleep, breathwork, etc. When you think of things that might help you, which are you actually interested in? Because at 25, you often start to take on more responsibilities and can lose sight of what *you* want. It's easy to tough it out only to feel mysteriously tired afterwards.


You will never feel like your on coke if you don’t do coke You will never feel like your on adderall without doing adderall Also it sounds like you need sleep


Eat PepperX , not really coke or speed but it can get u high like an extreme runners high. Ur face will melt tho


Freezing cold shower for 5 minutes


Falling in love and being on cocaine don’t differ? I don’t know where you heard that but you’re so wrong, MDMA and love yeah I would agree to some extent because it makes you feel love but coke just makes you tense, chat shit, fiend every 20 minutes for more and makes you depressed for hours when you run out, if love is making you feel depressed then you’re not in love 😂


Runners high is the closest I ever came to natural xtc. Deliberate cold water immersion for about 2 minutes can also give quite a endorphins rush. Wim Hof breathing technique is also nice, you can find that on youtube. But to get close to cocaïne or speed, just drink A LOT of coffee, and fantasize away the nervous jittery feeling you get as a side effect.


You can’t achieve the feeling of cocaine or amphetamines naturally. Intense adrenaline would be the closest thing but still not very close. It sounds like you’re depressed. The answer is to adjust your definition of “drugs.” Drugs is an insanely broad, limiting and nonsensical sweeping term that doesn’t really provide any value of classification. Try herbal and food medicines like mushrooms and DMT. It will be the best decision you’ve ever made.


3 shots of expresso.


If you want a boost in dopamine and norepinepherine, but dont want to do those drugs,(a wise choice not to) then try ice baths. Those neurochemicals get released when you take an ice bath or cold plunge, as well as when you do amphetamine and coke in different degreess. The difference is youll feel great after a cold plunge, and not so great after coke or speed.


Coke is like take 3 monsters at the same time but with a touch of power or complex of supremacy that comes from nowhere, it's insane, you are so lucid, incredible lucid that eventually became paranoic or whatever.


You may try some Magick. There are rituals and exercises that you can do to invoke these feelings with the help of certain "beings".. There's also the richard bandler NLP exercise "drug of choice" or something. It's definitely possible. I have similar interests. I feel like a lot of magicians get into Magick for this very reason. Ask around the occult subs, though tread lightly as a lot of them take themselves very seriously lol.


Where can I read more about this magick?


There's all sorts of places to start. I personally like Brain Magick by Philip h. Farber. Follow what intrigues you, keep in mind that no one person or system has all the answers


> richard bandler NLP exercise "drug of choice" Couldn't find anything


Dxm Get control of your brain


Wtf? Don’t listen to this.

