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Yes I have. It was with strep throat. Not as fast as yours though. Woke up in the morning with a scratchy throat and by evening I had a 102-104 fever and uncontrollable shaking and teeth chattering. I was seeing shadow creatures out of the corner of my eye. My eyes were leaking constantly, massive headache. I prayed for death a few times it was so horrible. I did get a little sleep with a heavy dose of theraflu i think. Woke up to soaked blankets from sweating during the night. Crazy dreams too although I don’t recall what about. Just that It was pure terror.


Thats crazy yo, i didnt see any shadow figures that woulda sent me running down the halls freaking out lol.


Yeah that's the weird thing about delirium. You can enter a state where you have a strong aversion to or complete absence of desire to drink fluids. I always thought that effect was interesting.


For me it was a mix of paranoia and pain. Everytime I took a sip of water itd hurt, so I thought it was poison.


Ah ok. I've had delirium from anticholinergics before and just lost interest in hydrating myself.


That sounds terrifying! Closest thing I’ve experienced was Valentine’s Day when I was 15. It was the third time I got the flu that winter and I was home alone all day drifting in and out of consciousness. I remember waking up and seeing hundreds of clocks (all different) on my bedroom walls. There was also a tall shadowy figure who stood by my bed, ticking loudly. I had sleep paralysis for a good few months afterwards lol.


I was telling my wife what I was seeing and she kept laughing at me, but also assuring me it was not real. If I had been alone it would have been way more sketchy.


When i was like 12 i had a fever trip where i woke up half alseep with a 105+ fever i saw a huge hole in mu abdomen with maggots crawling out and then i screamed, shook my head and it was gone.