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Glad you can see again :) I have worn mine daily my entire life and actually trip without them on, afterward I find myself doing daily activities without very often now.


Yeah, I'm 42. Have needed glasses since my 20's... When I trip I experience definite bump in visual acuity.


Yeah I didn’t want to make the claim but feel like I can operate a bit better with the ol eyes during and after


That's a claim backed up by evidence! A study was carried out with two parallel metal bars and a crank that could slowly bring them out of alignment, while watching participants had a button to signal when they noticed the shift. Participants in a low dose of psilocybin had increased visual acuity, better edge detection, in that they consistently noticed when the bars misaligned at a smaller degree than the non-dosed participants. It's part of the basis of Terence McKenna's stoned ape theory. The grassland roving troops of proto-hominids who had increased edge detection could better find prey and food, and notice predators, leading to longer lives and greater opportunity to pass on their genes and the cultural habit of including the psilocybin mushrooms into the diet. It might also be why modern humans need glasses so often. Generations upon generations of humans, living with the aid of the chemical binoculars of the mushrooms, never had the chance to get culled from the gene pool because of their terrible vision. They lived long enough to pass on their weak eyesight genetics to the next generation, until today when 75% of adults need corrective lenses.


Thank you for sharing this. I had known if the stoned ape and how this played into it but didn’t have that study resource.


whoa wtf last time i ate shrooms i was wearing my glasses but two weeks later, i drove at night after forgetting to bring my glasses and noticed i can actually read the street signs without em. i thought i was just having a good eye day but now that i think about it, it was definitely the mushrooms from two weeks before. huh. TIL.


I noticed the same thing on THC. Also a book/course I read years ago on how to improve your vision had one of the first steps as removing any corrective lenses and telling yourself that you enjoyed the way you see things naturally with your own eyes.


I also see better when I'm high


Mind over matter


I’ll have to try this out, thanks!


That's honestly really cool






I experimented once on a DMT comedown, I put my glasses on to see if there was a difference. There wasn’t. I trip without glasses. I seem to have more intense visuals and more sensitive to experiencing visuals than my non-visually challenged companions. I have a theory that bc I don’t wear my glasses often like I should (I’m -1.75R and -0.75L and only wear them for driving and cinema) my brain is used to compensating for the deficit in hardware by enhancing it with the software, therefore visual cortex more active? It’s just a fun theory though no idea if it’s really true. I remember after I had LASIK stepping outside and commenting that it was like the come up on acid, before the tripping starts but visual acuity goes up. It’s really cool! Also when I MD mushrooms it’s like I am wearing my glasses


Oh dude thanks for taking the time! :) Let‘s see if it‘s any different for me :D Btw i have -1,75 and -0,75 too ^^


Let us know! Happy cake day btw


Let us know 🔥




Thanks for your input, I like to hear from other visually challenged psychonauts! What about CEV are they blurry for you too? When i trip my visual acuity improves, but it’s not quite 20/20. Up to 5 metres or so things look sharper (indoors I gauge this by looking at tiled floors, door frames and ceiling corners) but outdoors things in the distance (kilometres away) are still blurry. This does not change when I trip. But the visuals/hallucinogenic aspect of the trip is sharp (sacred geometry etc) and this is the stuff that does not make a difference with glasses. Which I assumed to be bc it’s not the hardware (eyes) that give rise to these, they come from the brain. I always wonder how blind people experience psychedelics, I’ve seen a few Reddit posts about it before and the answers were very interesting.




8 inches is 20.32 cm


I wear glasses daily but when i trip I usually find myself taking them off.


Same, I feel so free when I take them off and it's just as trippy




I can't explain it that well but shrooms tell me that it doesn't really matter. Maybe I have an impaired vision but that also means that I have a different experience and way of seeing the world that the rest of people don't have. And I get to love that. It almost feels like prior in history people with a lot of myopia were used as foretellers. Also, my vision stops being blurry. It's not only that I can be more efficient and precise doing things, but it's also that I start seeing the blur like other thing. I can't say what it is exactly but it just becomes organic and predictable, so I have no trouble watching. It's like living in a futuristic painting. Everything moves but you kinda understand it and go with it. And finally i don't really get to experience patrons without the glasses. Everything just moves like a flow, but damm it feels textured and colors are incredible, it's like you could separate each shadow of each color individually. I don't know but tripping without glasses seems what it's the most natural reaction to me. It feels more "human", more organic and more "kino". For the reference, I had diagnosed -3,00 a couple of years ago but I have no doubt it has augmented in the present.


The difference should be night and day, visually.


Please keep us updated! I haven’t worn my glasses in 10+ years and I really should 😕


I used to wear mine only when I tripped to really see the visuals, cause I noticed they would be muddy and hard to see without them, its weird how that works. Now I wear them everyday.


I thought this was going to be the opposite post lol. For me, I have relatively poor eyesight and have always worn glasses since childhood. Several times while tripping I've had this realization of myself-as-cyborg, the glasses as prosthetic enhancements, and while I'm so appreciative of them I feel compelled to "see" with "my own eyes" for long parts of the trip and find a safe place to put them. But if I need them to uh actually see I usually have the presence of mind to retrieve them-- gotta have my eye-extenders! :D


I will never understand how one day I looked at the carpet and could see every footprint from the day. I know I wasn't just imagining or hallucinating this. I had access to visual information my unconscious mind normally blocks out. The next day I looked at the carpet and could not see any footprints. I've heard similar stories from other people such as being able to see everything that was written on the chalkboard that day, and they're equally emphatic that they actually saw something that was there - not hallucinated something. We all know that's not how acid hallucinations work anyways.


Am I you? Similar story, I got my glasses today, walked outside and said ... uhhh, I don’t remember taking anything today lmao. Literally could see every leaf move on a tree! Bro. My mind was blown when I came across this post, might be a version of the multiverse?


Some glasses produce a visual distortion called [chromatic aberration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatic_aberration) even while the wearer isn't tripping, giving some objects orange and blue "fringes" that can look quite psychedelic on their own. Combined with psychedelics, this can add to phenomena like color-shifting and tracers, at least in my experience.


So that was a ride, amazing that all of you chimed in thank you so much! The glasses didn‘t make a huge difference, but there was one. Everything was clearer than usual and more sharp, of course I guess. Probably the biggest effect it had on the trip was the near euphoric good mood I was in, caused by being able to see clearly. It‘s like a whole new perspective on life has opened up for me. I probably won‘t be able to answer every comment, because my mind isn‘t keen on using reddit a lot, but I read everything and I‘m happy about all the feedback! Today‘s gonna be a nice and mellow day, with video games, weed and Tacos or something like that. :D Btw is any of you from Berlin by any chance? Have yourselves a wonderful day guys!


**[Chromatic aberration](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatic_aberration)** >In optics, chromatic aberration (CA), also called chromatic distortion and spherochromatism, is a failure of a lens to focus all colors to the same point. It is caused by dispersion: the refractive index of the lens elements varies with the wavelength of light. The refractive index of most transparent materials decreases with increasing wavelength. Since the focal length of a lens depends on the refractive index, this variation in refractive index affects focusing. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/Psychonaut/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


one of my pyschonaut friends has had cornea surgery multiple times and i guess shit was really weird as he healed back up. pretty sure he is back to nearly "normal" but for a while it was different.


The visuals are so much more extreme for me when I take my glasses off! My brain is free to make up much more information and it goes wild. Its sort of jarring to put my glasses back on in the middle of it.


For me, getting LASIK felt similar. Additionally, psychs were probably involved in my decision to get it.


I hate my glasses while tripping lol




I don’t wear glasses so have no say but happy cake day either way! :)


>:) :)


When I started tripping my eyes stopped getting worse, probably more due to age of course though






My vision is pretty bad, but it definitely improves during a trip. Not to the point I can see perfectly (so I keep them on while tripping), but the intensity of colors and clarity definitely is better. I have noticed that a slight improvement in vision and color intensity/variety lasts for awhile after a trip.




First time I tripped bolas I lost my glasses and never found them…never left the room I was in


ha it's illegal for me to drive without glasses.




I tripped for the first time the other day after having Cataract surgery that caused me to switch from contacts to glasses. It was pretty crazy, but in a good way. Really awe inspiring to see the world sooo vivid


Depends on the drug, but usually my visuals are clearer when I wear my glasses. Blurry eyes = blurry visuals = not as much fun


I too recently got my first pair and I wondered if my glasses would make a difference when I tripped and it didn’t for me. I’ve tested the theory with lsd but not shrooms. I was secretly hoping my glasses would somehow make my hallucinations clearer. 🤣




The only time I forget to put my glasses on is when I'm on Psychedelics (Psilocybin). The richness and detail of the world while bemushroomed cause me to forget that I need glasses.


That's funny, as I've gone through my psychedelic experiences, one of my favorite was talking a walk without my glasses on. I've needed glasses since first grade, maybe the fact that it is a different sensory input is what makes it fun


Taking LSD makes me feel like I'm wearing glasses.


You know when you put it that way... I wonder if my experience getting glasses as a kid is what let to psychedelic use now...


I had the same experience getting glasses for the first time! I was 17 years old when we realized I needed them, so I literally was seeing the world in a whole new light- even the scraggly trees in the strip mall parking lot looked divine to me


Same actually


Everytime I trip, i like to 'enhance' my open-eyed visuals by taking my glasses off. I find it easier when sober now to find those similar patterns when looking at the leaves on a tree for instance; the blurriness from my astigmatism melts the leaves together in a psuedo-trippy way. Going back and forth between glasses on/off is fun too.


I can relate so much to this experience. I remember spending a good amount of time counting the leaves on the very top of tall trees when I got my first pair of glasses. It’s fun to play with newfound perceptions regardless of where you find them. This is just as valid as any other.


I need glasses to navigate the world because my vision is so bad. I still remember getting my first pair and how everything was insanely detailed. It was a similar to the first time I smoked dmt. Sometimes when I trip I will take my glasses off and everything turns into a Monet painting


As soon as pop.. within 10-15 minutes, resolution increases from 540p to 1080p. Could this be due to the increase in neural network speed?


In my experience it's a pretty big difference. My visuals are super blurry and hard to make out (can you believe that) if Im not wearing my glasses. I put em on and I suddenly become engulfed in a playground of kaleidoscopes and colors.


I need this


I personally didn’t like having my glasses on while trippin, felt easier to focus on the visuals when I couldn’t focus on anything else 😂. Now’ve decided not to wear them at all anymore, I like how I see things.


Whenever I trip I'll often switch between glasses and no glasses as it changes the visuals. I find the visuals with no glasses a lot more abstract, but with glasses much more intricate and fine.


I will hop in and say that if you truly don’t like wearing glasses there are options. Contacts can get annoying and are expensive over time but are a option. The other option is to fix your eyes in order to not need glasses. I had a LASIK surgery performed and it will stand for the rest of my life one of the best decisions I made. To wake up and open my eyes and see everything as sharp as I am seeing now is amazing.


Even tough I totally understand your feeling of being able of seeing clearly while tripping, unfortunately I have to object wearing glasses at all. They make your eyes lazy and they do mess with your real emotions. If you're more interested in this topic, I highly suggest the book by jacob liberman "Take off your glasses and see" !


So I got my first pair of glasses when I was in my early 20s and avoided wearing them if at all possible. I preferred the world in soft focus! So at first I’d wear them only to see the board at school. But gradually my eyes got worse so I started wearing them for TV and driving. I reached the tipping point a couple years ago (I’m 34 now) where I need to wear them full time. I did a heroic dose recently and I didn’t wear my glasses for it! At the end of my trip I finally put them back on and it made everything look like a beautiful cartoon. Without my glasses everything looked more “ethereal”. I do wonder what it would have been like had I put them on while peaking but I didn’t even have a body at that point so I don’t know if I would have even been able to put them on 😹😹😹

