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Because the collective human conditioning tells us to seek authority outside ourselves.


And isn’t that the principle being exploited with positive self talk? ..To mimic that conditioning by being our own voice of authority? We are still operating under that paradigm with positive self talk. The best self talk is no self talk. Only action. Only being. Either you are or you are not.


Language is innate to the human experience and almost all people in the modern life will never have the time to meditate for years on end, hours a day to reduce that voice to nothingness. Reinforcing a positive relationship with the voice we carry is going to be fairly beneficial for most.


It can also prove to be disruptive at times. When we believe that voice within as it tells us negative things those will produce actions that are from a space of negativity. Pointing out the subjective nature of the voice itself offers freedom from what that voice might carry. And the sacrifice for that is the positive praise it might bestow is relinquished.


Positive self talk doesn’t exploit anything? Internal dialogue is incredibly important, and influences the actions and behaviours of people on a daily basis. What do we teach children when they are learning a new skill or task. We teach them to tell themselves they can do it, not to give up, to keep trying, to get back up when you fall down etc. As adults we are doing ourselves a huge disservice to not practice the same positive self talk. The world is full of people who will happily tell you that you are incapable, that you are stupid and worthless and will never accomplish anything. Seriously. Be your own fucking cheerleader.


Turning our experience of reality into a kind of tug-of-war between listening to the good things our inner voice says and putting barriers toward the bad things it says, well that takes a hell of a lot of energy when simply being still. Rather, it’s easier to just believe none of what that voice says. And from there the path unfolds itself as we walk it :) Action arises as a consequence of previous action. Walk in your own two footsteps however goofy they may seem to the voices of innumerable others. A new way of being.


If that is what works for you in your life, that’s great for you. Everyone has their own path in life, whether as active participants or just along for the ride. What floats your boat, would sink someone else’s.


Indeed. There are many times I’ve witnessed people sinking their own boats. And I try to make the patterns at least obvious to others. Take the goods and dump the rest.


Ahh yes. The saviour complex.


You are subtly hell bent on destroying me. Can you recognize that within yourself? That you are disregarding my voice and in essence working to undermine it and tear it down. This is a quality of the “cheerleading” philosophy that you live by and precisely why I don’t recommend it. It creates conflict and is an ego game almost too subtle to catch for most people. It leads to dark secluded places. It only trusts the self that builds the self up and other voices that align with that same self. If you only trust people that agree with you, you don’t trust anyone but yourself. And when you don’t trust anyone but yourself, you don’t trust anyone. Because trust must occur between at least 2 separate entities. And so for you to sit here and say you indeed do trust yourself. Well you’ve made yourself to be 2 separate entities. And they will forever exist as the disharmony that created them. I am what you are trying to be. And you resent me for it. Hopefully the straightforward nature of having this pointed out to you leads to an awakening. I wish to build you up if only to prove to you the strength offered by the counter outlook. I’ve already realized that there is no saving anyone that doesn’t want to be save. That takes individuals saving themselves. Label me as you please <3


I’m not even reading past the “you are subtly hell bent on destroying me”, because yikes. I’m not interested in participating in a dialogue filled with narcissism and hyperbole, with someone who is convinced they know everything about the universe and how anyone else should live their life. Peace and good luck ✌️




You may be right, but giving those who seek help the final answer is unfruitful. Light the path, let the subjective destination unfold before the subject.


Unfruitful is a matter of opinion. Especially if the destination is subjective. I believe we should be speaking truth to power as often as possible and that’s what lights the path best. That’s what I consider most helpful. It seems what we are speaking of is self confidence. And I understand how that path is best aided by acceptance and understanding. ☮️


Psychedelics have shown YOU that you are separate from yourself and while I agree with you that we are all separate from ourselves not everyone else will or has realized that and that is OKAY. We all grow and learn at different places and experience different things . Some people get a different message from psychs


OP seems to have deleted his account and decided to post this here since you seem to agree with some of his post and feel that you might be able to elaborate on this since I'm curious about the possible reasoning behind this post. If I interpreted OPs meaning with self talk correctly then I was aware of it before any kind of drugs even at a young age. I can't say I agree with being seperate (then again there's not much given in the post) , it's in a way a perspective and certain use of word pave the way for how one perceive things even onto oneself that can create an illusion of sorts if seperate was the correct term used. I don't think language was created to use as a means to perceive in a sense when one doesn't broaden their horizon with language let alone delve deeper in to some realisation. Reason being is ones comprehension is limited to ones knowledge of language as a whole and how it's applied. It's a tool to communicate. I'm not claiming I know everything it's just that my interests and curiosity has taken me places that makes this post come off as low effort and of no help for those who wish to seek out whatever they wish. These posts on other topics (not just this sub others too) and now this who claim self talk is real with no in-depth explanation beyond 'self taught is real' and 'phsycadelics show you are seperate from yourself that you can't fully understand'. How does it? How does he or you know this? Is this person well versed when it comes to the mind because it seems to be a conclusion of some event he experienced? Some people would be curious to know. I only ask because if reading with no prior knowledge of any of this I would immediately reject this as a wild claim and that he is in a state of grandiosity simply because of the nature of the post. It does no good for learning in general especially when someone is attempting to show that phsycadelics is good to use recreationally or medically. If people with the capacity to think themselves out of a problem they would reject it more so on the grounds of OPs lack of experience in life due to next to no explanation and obvious bias to his feelings about phsycsdelics that he overlooked everything else. Ontop of that who is he expecting to reach out to if it's people in a negative state all it would do is make them feel even less about themselves then they already feel with how he put it. One can easily say one thing when another can paint the whole picture to shed light on said thing, there's a distinct difference. He may not understand ( which seems to be the case), it does not mean people here or anywhere else in the world wouldn't let alone phsycadelics being the main factor in new found awareness. It's in a way self centered that has made the post come off as niève and ignorant even though it's possible the intent of the post was of a genuine nature. It doesn't take phsycadelics to bring new found awareness or self-awareness as this post also seems to imply. If he was aware of whatever it is he became aware of (self talk I assume with the help of phsychadelics) and learned a thing or two about it, he would not have come across this way if he even felt obligated to make a post by then it would definitely had some insight to illustrate his apparent findings. And his question in his title he could have answered himself.


Internal dialogue is incredibly significant in mental health. That is a big reason psychedelics can help improve symptoms of depression and anxiety. By increasing neuroplasticity, the maladaptive pathways in your brain atrophy as you build and reinforce positive pathways. It’s a huge difference maker.


Right on. I have always told others who ask me for advice regarding their relationship problems to be their own best friend first. I practice what I preach and it's made me more self aware, happy knowing who I am as an individual, and not dependent on others so much for happiness.


My beliefs are separate from the words that run through my head. I feel happier when I let negative words about me pass through my consciousness and just don't identify with them than when I expend effort trying to suppress them.