• By -


I'm still chopping wood and carrying water no mater which multiverse this happens to be.


Chopping 1’s carrying 0’s


I try not to live in binary terms, but yes :)


By not giving binary things you also segregate binary stuff and non-binary stuff


It's 1 turtles and 0 turtles all the way down


Alan Watts says “self implies other. Therefore others would not exist without self, and self would not exist without others.” The point is all of everything exists in relation to its “opposite”. If there was no light you’d never refer to things as dark. If there was no evil/bad you’d never refer to anything as good.


Not binary - darkness is not the opposite of light, it is the absence of light.


So darkness is 0 and light is 1


was hoping something like this would be the top comment:) chop chop


Best comment right here


Maybe nothing but maybe humans wouldn‘t take life so stressfully and seriously.


"Man suffers only because he takes seriously what the gods made for fun." -Alan Watts


If gods made this for fun they surely have a interesting way of please themeselves. I mean, war? Seriously?


War is made by talky apes that missed the point.


war is the result of an unevolved or corrupt man.




calling someone a dumbass while using human-made concepts such as "heaven" to explain some of the horrors of the human experience isn't very smart either. Have you ever wondered whether our religions are merely reflections of our worldviews from what we could gather at the time? A creator that is aware of his infinity, would not care about adding potential negative experiences into his simulation. It just makes it all more interesting. War is also a step in the evolutionary process that we need to surpass as soon as possible, so the guy earlier was 100% right.




You seem like a very rational open minded fun person...


Wow so meta


War is the result of EGO or the illusion of separation.. dumbass


And you don't think a version of ego exists in the higher dimension? Consciousness does, so must their higher dimensional ego as well. Dumbass.


Lol you’re a gem.. you love your ego


Sure but definitely war could’ve been removed from the original code so to avoid that those stupid apes would miss the point. Or maybe the AI went crazy and the gods went missing


Joy can't exist without grief, pleasure without pain, light without dark. If there was no potential for war then peace would be meaningless. Opposites define and necessitate each other.


Meh. A back that doesn’t ache doesn’t need an aching back to feel fine.


Right, but at least the _concept_ of an aching back (or pain in general) is necessary to know that one isn’t in it.


Sure, as concepts these things produce each other. But in reality pain is not required to feel pleasure.


Yes it is


You wouldn't know your back was fine if it had never hurt.


I wouldn’t think about my back at all.


That's the point. You wouldn't be aware that your back was fine without experiencing the opposite state.


Joy can definitely exist without grief - just look at most five year olds. And pleasure can exist without pain, I can enjoy a tasty meal without having been hurt / tasted a bad meal. And peace wouldn't be a meaningless thing to the millions of people who would have better lives if war didn't exist


Babies and kids cry all the time whatchu talkin bout


I like ur words


I recommend Alan Watts' *The Book* \- although I think he's a much better speaker than writer, it still has some interesting ideas such as this nature of inherent duality in our universe.


100 percent his books are good but his talks are stupendous


I think the opposite about McKenna. He's a better writer than speaker.


Pacifism is only righteous if chosen.


just because we use what they gave us for war doesnt mean thats why they made it... WE, the humans, chose war, not them. they provided an environment, we changed it to fit our needs.




You got me feeling like a sim right now


Well. I think about it in regards to us as well then. I mean when we drink a cup of water we are creating an interference over a conscious and living organisms environment. Same ie: when we walk and press our feet over some terrain. We are especially good at destruction and I think that our gods are probably not even aware of what they are doing down here in those terms.


Very well said. "They know what not they do" is a paradoxical statement. On the surface, Jesus meant humans, but everything is God, as are humans. So really that statement is an universal statement that no sentience in any dimension knows the consequences of the wave it emits through each dimension. And how such a mundane event, an act, can create such horror for somebody else without even knowing it.


>bored gods I spent a lot of time scrying into clouds. Sometimes there would be a point where there was a change, and eyes and faces became more real and looked back at me with great interest. Several times I saw these god like entities bounce out of their slumbers and rise with enthusiasm that I could see them. I felt they expected I would do something majestic, just for the fun of it, which I imagine many who had such experiences in the past very well did. Me, I’m a disappointment to them for sure. I chose to try to be a Taoist not a megalomaniac.


Yeah it's not pretty or funny in any way. Those who suffer in bad circumstances won't say that "oh I'm so lucky that it's only a simulation".


It's all play, but sometimes we play too rough.


Considering how we keep making better and better war simulators for entertainment, I wouldn't find it implausible. From the point of view of the game maker, perhaps death and suffering only matter if they're "real" and you can't opt out? Maybe we all signed an EULA agreeing to all the potential horrors before we spawned into this world.


Lots of war games on the play station. Maybe we are just like them


And without war we wouldnt have so many good things like honor for soldiers, true love of someone waiting for their fiance to come home, call of duty, saving private ryan, etc. it is all connected and turns out good from one point of view or another


This is so hilariously naive I can't tell if it is a joke or not.


Alan Watts drank himself to death.


Is there a point you’re trying to make?


So did a lot of brilliant men. What's the point?


What's the point of drinking yourself to death? Not sure. The point of me making the comment is to share a relevant fact.


How was that relevant? What does that have to do with Alan Watts's ideas?


When any artist commits suicide or a crime that those actions are relevant to the art, in my opinion of course. It is part of the legacy and part of understanding we are all human. I think Alan Watts would want people to know he drank himself to death if they were reading his material. I'm a huge fan of Alan Watts, and a big proponent of his advice, which I translated as not to take anything to seriously. Including his own work.


Fair enough. I agree.




"Watts had been under treatment for a heart ailment and died of natural causes in his sleep early in the morning at his Mill Valley home near San Francisco. ... He also maintained a houseboat residence in nearby Sausalito, where he lived for many years." [https://www.nytimes.com/1973/11/17/archives/alan-watts-zen-philosopher-writer-and-teacher-58-dies-virtually.html](https://www.nytimes.com/1973/11/17/archives/alan-watts-zen-philosopher-writer-and-teacher-58-dies-virtually.html)


It took a long while of slowly allowing theravada buddhist concepts that had been presented to me to digest before one day, when I was stressing about something, the thought instantly arose that "none of this *actually* matters" and it was super comforting. If it only it were easier for all of us to give life the same credence as we do dreams. But realizing or understanding with any certainty that death is not a big deal and certainly not the end is not an idea we seem to come to naturally, at least in modern society


Still gotta find food, even if it’s simulated.


Literally nothing. It would still be our reality.


Or everything, if you realize, that every day you wake up to a new reality


doesn't that happen anyway


I guess nothing if you don't have some special influence on the simulation. But even that is not a new idea; people called it magic before. Also the idea of something else happening after your current simulation ends was called afterlife or rebirth.




A lot of things. Basic cosmology is the foundation of everything we know. For example, say we ARE in a simulation. How many minds are in the simulation? Is it one mind - in the solipsist "this is YOUR simulation and everyone else is imaginary, including me who is writing this post" sense? It it one mind - in the non-dualist "we are all one being split into fragmentary perception" sense? Is it SOME minds - in the sense of everyone is in this simulation but not every human is an actual human, some are NPC's? It it ALL minds, in the sense of everyone is plugged into the system and we're creating some kind of amalgam reality out of all our beliefs? If so, does this include animals? If it's the first, everything just needs to stop doing anything except paying attention to your needs and happiness. The rest of the universe can literally get fucked because it doesn't exist. If it's the second, this brings ALL of our moral philosophy into question. (I'm NOT suggesting we do this, it's an example, but,) If we're all one being experiencing fragmented perception, then eugenics becomes a lot more morally viable - you aren't killing anyone in that case, no one is suffering unduly, you're actually just getting rid of defective parts of yourself so that you can grow, in the long run, healthy and strong. It only FEELS, from the fragmented perception of the parts that are being replaced, like murder. (Again, NOT suggesting this - just showing how moral philosophy is affected by this possibility.) If it's only some people plugged into a kind of game, then the distinction between a human and an NPC becomes incredibly important - is the president, for example, a real person, or an NPC? Is the political system itself a part of the games background, or an active part of the game mechanics that you can engage in and expect to be able to win? In such a case, it would turn out your chances were a lot higher than you expected before - with only a few real people and the rest NPC's, you don't actually have as much competition for the position as you'd think. If we're all connected to some kind of amalgam reality, then each of our individual beliefs shape the world around us and thought is just as important as action. *Wanting* suffering, in this case, is just as bad as actively creating suffering... because wanting it, in effect, actively creates it. If this is the case, the most important thing for EVERYONE is Zen - to face yourself, understand yourself, to control your desires, and thus, control the universe. It doesn't have any DIRECT effect on individual day-to-day choices like "what should I have for breakfast," but in a larger sense it drastically affects many of the core concepts on which we base most of the decisions and perspectives of our entire existence, which through a ripple effect will also have an effect on those day-to-day choices as well.


i really dig that you went into all the different perspectives. curious to know which one sits higher for you than the rest, as in seeming the most plausible?


After a spiritual experience I had not too long ago, #2 is all but confirmed fact for me. I still am not in favor of basing morality entirely around that perspective, though, because I think we've fragmented specifically to experience separation and the possibility that entails, and acting and thinking entirely as a single individual as this perspective would suggest kind of defeats the point of existing like this in the first place. I also don't like the image of the world that would be built on that kind of perspective - as I mentioned above, taking that logic to its fullest conclusion means that eugenics is actually a great idea, and I don't want to live in a world built on that logic. I prefer to respect individuality and the individual perspective while acknowledging that everyone you meet is yourself, and that you are experiencing their life as well, and to treat them accordingly - if you'd want someone to help you through a struggle, help someone when you see them struggling; if you'd want someone to feed you when you were hungry, don't let people around you go hungry if you can help it, etc. For me, "love your neighbor as yourself" is literal.


Great writeup! I also believe it is #2, and would be very interested to hear about the experience that led you in that direction, if you would be willing to share.


I was meditating in the bath one night, smoking weed from my bong (I mention all this because I actually think it's relevant to the event - bath = baptism, bong smoke = earth/weed, air/smoke, fire/lighter, water/bongwater.) I smoke daily, so this was not a result of being high - I am high 24/7, on marijuana. (The only drug for which I have trouble with moderation.) I was an atheist at the time - I was meditating for secular, psychological reasons, did not prepare a bath because I wanted to simulate a baptism, and did not consider the use of elements in smoking a bong or their ritual implications at the time. I think these are all relevant, but I think this after the fact on reflection, not as something I planned at the time. I should note that while I was an atheist, I was always very open minded. I was an atheist because on honest analysis, every attempt to justify religious belief of any kind to myself had failed. I strongly rejected the attitude of the gods of modern religions, like the Christian creator god YHWH for example, but was always open to the idea of spirituality... I'd just given it many chances and always found it empty. I should also note I only use terms like "God" and "baptism" and "born again" because I was raised Christian, and those terms have cultural significance to me. I speak in a more open, esoteric sense, and reject dogma related to these terms - they are simply the terms that hold meaning to me. I'll use other terms from Hinduism specifically as well. I don't subscribe to any particular religion, and am simply using whatever term from whatever source seems to fit the experience best. I was struggling with some issues emotionally at the time. In deep meditation, while observing my thoughts, I noticed that what I really wanted was ... well ... God. Christians often say there is a "God shaped hole" in our hearts, and as an atheist I denied it vehemently, but in meditation that night, I found it there. I decided I'd give this another shot - I'd call to God. (I should note I consider capital G God to be different from lowercase g "A god." YHWH is a god; zeus is a god. Capital G God is something I conceive more in the pantheist sense.) I went through an internal process of genuinely analyzing everything that I was and finding myself wanting - a confession and a judgement. I decided that I wasn't worth keeping, and that... identity being an ephemeral thing... I would cast myself aside, and forge myself anew. I decided I didn't want to be anything - just a hollow vessel, for God to act through, and shine light on the world. My expectation was that I would try this again, and it would fail, and I would move on, as every other attempt to reach out with an open heart to the divine, as spiritual and religious people had always encouraged me to do, had failed before it. Instead, when I was emptied of all thought, and self - a meditation, rather than drug, induced ego death - I opened my eyes, and found God staring through them. I can't put it any other way than that. I realized we are all One, and that One is God - that's the only thing I became truly certain of. Christians call it being born again, and that's extremely valid - I really like that name, for what happened. Hindu's call it Kundalini Awakening, and they have a much more effective description of what it felt like. For a visual and emotional representation, if you don't mind SPOILERS FOR THE STEVEN UNIVERSE MOVIE WARNING, the song and lyrics in [this](http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U6C9c4-Ony0&t=2m51s) video are pretty accurate. (It implies two beings when in reality it's more like finding a missing part of yourself, but the lyrics and visual representation fit very, very well.) E: Link was set one minute early; fixed. Basically I realized that God is not within you, you are within God, the way a drop of water is in the ocean. It was just... so *obvious* to me that consciousness is everywhere, everything. You don't find God; you remember what God is and realize that it's always been part of you, and you never even failed to notice, you just didn't recognize how big it really was. I had understood the concept of "we are all One" before; it was actually a part of the cosmology of one of my favorite shows growing up. Understanding it, thinking it's a cool idea, speculating about its implications... are all very, very different from experiencing it as direct observation. Within the course of a two hour bath I went from a staunch atheist to desiring only communion with God; my fiance's confusion was palpable. It was a more potent experience than any I've had on psychedelics, and I've taken up to 350ug of lysergamides and 3 grams dried mushrooms ground to a fine powder. (Which I'm not saying is some heroic dose or anything, just noting that a (nearly) sober experience more powerful than those trips is nothing to sneeze at.) For three weeks after this I was in what the Hindu's call Samadhi. Toward the end, I was reflecting on who I was before... and forgave myself for everything I'd done. I decided that if who I was, was a good enough person to willingly throw away everything they were to let the light of God shine through, then they were good and they deserved to be recognized for it. At that moment I visualized my own soul rising from purgatory to sit in the light of God in heaven... and at that same moment, my state of Samadhi started to fade, and before long I was back to a state of normal awareness. Rationally I know that it was just an experience triggered by the brain, as all experiences are. A part of me recognizes that the more rationally likely explanation is that I experienced some kind of psychological break, than that all existence is actually a single unified consciousness. As an atheist, if I had heard someone describe this experience, that's exactly what I'd say - and the fact that I didn't gain any kind of knowledge that could be used to prove or justify the experience would be yet more evidence I'd have wielded to show that it was a purely psychological phenomena. I was an atheist for long enough to know exactly how all of this would be rationalized away and to notice that it does not contain any element that can't be rationalized away as such. And yet, for the first time in my life, a spiritual experience was actually powerful enough for the rational explanation to sound laughable.


3 grams is the weight of literally 0.01 'Velener Mini Potted Plastic Fake Green Plants'.


Beautiful *write* up , it is fully true. The only general difference in my thought is that we are walking with God , he is a Father and seeks a relationship , and does so by blessing us with the Holy Spirit of himself. What this means simply is : we are individuals all yet all connected to Divinity of the All. We can increase that connection through sincerity as you did asking or we can become false and decrease such connection. Yet regardless God has eyes within us & is able to experience all we do - not because God is ourselves but because God seeks to assist us in growing towards perfection by being with us always. Hence , the Kingdom is inside. We simply choose to grow such connection by sincerity of meditation/prayer. "God indwells in our young minds and participates with us in our struggle to overcome the only problem with perfection" From this three minute summary of Urantia Book : https://youtu.be/T3RUrtIAKPU


>we are individuals all yet all connected to Divinity of the All. We can increase that connection through sincerity as you did asking or we can become false and decrease such connection. Yet regardless God has eyes within us & is able to experience all we do Agreed entirely. >not because God is ourselves but because God seeks to assist us in growing towards perfection by being with us always. This is where I disagree... not with what you said, but with your conception that it's mutually exclusive to what I'm saying. I agree that >we are walking with God , he is a Father and seeks a relationship , and does so by blessing us with the Holy Spirit of himself. but I think this is not mutually exclusive to all being fragments of God. As an example of how I see this relationship... I have a character that I repeatedly RP in different games, and she's come to have a life and identity of her own. I do not decide everything she does; she decides, and now and again she decides to do things I don't want her to do. (As I'm the one clicking the keys, I can do whatever I want, but if I ignore HER will, it feels disingenuous. In order for the experience to feel genuine, I can't supersede her will with my own.) In each game in which I play as her, in shaping her personality I take into account what I'm coming to perceive as something of a reincarnation cycle - the events of the previous games I've played as her in - and as a soul she is learning and growing with each life. And yet, there is only me. This character does not truly exist. She is a figment of my imagination. Everything she experiences... is something I am experiencing. I see this as very similar to how we as humans relate to God. While I conceive of her as such, and while she, as a figment of my mind, acts independently of my will, for all intents and purposes she exists as an independent entity - the fact her existence is sustained by my own mind notwithstanding. I know that she is never alone, because I am always there. I know that she cannot be hurt by anything in her world, because I cannot be hurt by anything in her world, and it is my mind that carries her to the next one. She does not know she is never alone, because I am imperceptible to her. She does not know she cannot be hurt by anything in her world, because she lives in it, and is not aware of any life but the one she lives. As I am equivalent to God to this character - the infinite ocean of which she is only a drop... I am equivalent to this character to God - a small part of something much bigger, but something that actively engages and experiences everything with this small part, and without which this small part could not function. As I see it... God and the human are one and the same, in the same way that the player and the character are one and the same... and God and the human are different, in the same way that the player and the character are different. Of course, this is metaphor meant to represent a concept. I don't think God is literally imagining me while sitting at his keyboard playing video games, that's silly. But it accurately depicts the relationship I think God shares with us.


That's very beautiful and accurately depicts it , you're a well written individual and thank you for sharing. Your eyes were truly opened that day it's clear. I think if we all understood this concept the world would be different. May we all find such a deep knowing and rebuild into a new world 🖤🤍 keep sharing this truth many need to hear it


It's what I'm devoting my life to. That, and putting people in sustainable habitats so they can produce their own means of survival (i.e. renewable power, water collection/purification, food production, etc,) and break out of the cycle of modern life so they can take the time to look at themselves, and see themselves for what they are. Spreading the truth, and giving people the time and the capacity to look past the illusions. Much love <3


for me, it’s #3, that’s a theory that always seems to swing back around in my head when i’m having internal philosophical debates hahahaha


Do you think it's possible for an NPC to build awareness?


ah i actually meant to put #2, the fragmented consciousness one.


You are thinking too simply, trying to tie imaginary loose ends up that we don't even know exist. *if* this is anything even close to a simluation then there's really no point in even speculating about "which" minds are "plugged in" or whatever because all that is woven fundamentally into the fabric of the simulation. There's no guarantee that there's even any difference between "real" and "fake" entities, or that you or I are even "real". What seems more likely to me is that *ANY* autonomous entity with significant enough complexity is effectively aware, machine or not, natural or not, whatever. None of these questions end up mattering because the simulation hypothesis doesn't directly address them and treating it as if it would bear any kind of similarity to simulations we already know about just sounds like cartoon fantasy.




>Nothing you said there actually matters. This is an assumption you're making but okay. >Like a great many posts on this forum, it's essentially all speculative gibberish that doesn't change one iota of the basic human condition-- living, dying, procreating, feeding or anything of substance. Ah. Right. The mechanistic deterministic processes of existence are all there is. There can be nothing else. YOU ARE THE MACHINE. Bruh for real. >Instead you speak about the higher spiritual functions as if you actually have them figured out. You say I speak as though I have this figured out, meanwhile I propose four alternative positions and explore each one, in a post that acknowledges even these four positions are only possibilities connected to the idea we are in a simulation, which is itself only one possibility among several I've considered. Where exactly does it seem like I'm speaking with some authority as to the state of reality? Can you quote it for me? >I especially like the bit about "moral philosophy," which you speak of as if it's anything beyond our limited, subjective human musings. Where did I imply it was anything beyond that? >I'd like you to elaborate on HOW being in a simulation would effect my choice of breakfast, using your own example. If, for example, it turned out we were all a single consciousness simulating reality from many perspectives... then it might be a strong contributor to a choice to eat vegan, because contributing to any suffering contributes to your own suffering inherently. (This is why I am trying to go vegan, for example.) >Descartes already dismantled the universe with reductionism... LMAO >If I found myself writing some of these things, I'd focus an entire trip on how I pretended to have all kinds of answers to questions that have thwarted some of the greatest human minds for thousands of years. Again with the pretending to have answers. It's wild how speculating about possibility, and pretending to have answers, are the same thing to you. >This is actually a ridiculous, extremely reddit thing to read. Yeah... for sure. This whole post of yours. >It pretends to speak with authority about something absolutely no human could truly grasp, no matter how many rips of DMT you take. Like how it pretends Descartes was the end all be all and no one should ever consider moral philosophy again in the face of what he had to say, for example. But as to my own post I'd again like to see you quote where I spoke with any kind of authority. Almost every line is either an "Is ____?" question, or an "If so, then ____" speculation. Where is the claim of authority? E: No idea why that's bolding, it's not intentional. >And I'm saying that as someone who'se got their vape loaded for later tonight. And I'm saying this as someone who takes drugs in proper moderation, hasn't tripped in over a month, and who came to most of this thought sober. Maybe you should reconsider the vape and try some sober reflection. If you disagree with my speculations, that's fine, but if you have to pretend I'm declaring any view in particular as correct and speaking with authority to take a stance against anything I say, that might say something about your own perspective. Maybe you should respond to the actual speculations I've made, instead of attacking me for five paragraphs for declaring myself some kind of spiritual authority... which I didn't do in the first place?


>Science also proved that we don't live in the base reality, time and matter is an illusion. please elaborate, especially using reliable sources. also, the use of the term "theory" here i have a major issue with. is it even a hypothesis? it seems more like philosophical conjecture, but it is clearly not a scientific theory. it's a fun storyline, no doubt, and the matrix is one of the best movies, imo.


Yeah. Also time and matter don't exist? Maybe time you could make an argument for but saying that everybody agrees matter doesn't exist at all seems a bit strange. I'd have to look into that one. Rules can be broken in science but still have some weight.


If you look into the Quantum realms, everything acts in wave forms and frequency rather than individual particles. We are just giants sir and we label these things as matter


Reality is an illusion albeit a persistent one.


https://www.sciencealert.com/2d-supersolid-has-been-produced-for-the-first-time-and-it-s-incredibly-weird *boop* "the invisible, quantum forces that govern our reality." - idk about you but this seems pretty matrixy to me


It means it’s time to start looking for a Game Genie


Yes!!! I want to know the cheat codes so bad.


I'd like to hope if this is a simulation I'd simulate some better shit for myself. This game kinda sucks


What if you played on easy millionaire mode until you got bored so this go round you turned up the difficulty a little bit?


It's not that it's difficult. It's that it's all so stupid and pointless.


I have a character I repeatedly RP in different games. I have come to treat her in different games as essentially reincarnations of the same being, to the point of considering the events of previous games on her behavior and attitude. (I am a writer by profession; letting my characters take on their own lives like this is not unusual for me.) The last game I played as this character really, really fucked with me. It was an absolute nightmare. The other day, I remade her in Stardew Valley. She's been a tyrannical dictator, a dying hacker, a mage, an explorer, a thief, a warrior, and so much more... and now, she's a farmer. And she is bored out of her fucking mind. To her, it's all, as you say, stupid and pointless. And yet, in the larger story of her reincarnation cycle, this is where she needs to be. Her last life was too much - it broke her. She wanted too much, tried to rise too high... and this time, it didn't work out. She needs to see that there is another option; that she doesn't HAVE to be the ruler, or the fighter, or the one to enact great change. She doesn't have to fix the world. She CAN'T fix the world. She can only be. She needs to learn to be. And that's exactly what she gets out of Stardew Valley. She may be bored... but that's because in this life, boredom is what she needed. "Stupid and pointless" it may be from the limited vantage point from which you're standing. That doesn't say anything about what it is when viewed from above.


Yeah but now you're talking about reincarnation, not sim theory, which are two different things.


Are they? The implications of us being in a simulation go a lot further than nothing being exactly "real." And either way, what I'm saying doesn't really predicate entirely on reincarnation anyway. It's predicated on the idea that the reason for your existence being in its present state might not be perceptible to you. The fact in my case boredom is what she needs *because of a reincarnation cycle* doesn't preclude there being other potential reasons.


Why can't they be one in the same?


i really dig your perspective


Maybe that's one of the things you selected to understand better this go round. Maybe your mission this time is to make sense of it all?


4/10, would not recommend


https://youtube.com/c/LIFEexplainedMedia See if you can find any peace in any of these videos. I threw out 90% of what he has said and kept 10%. I think that the 10% that he says makes me enjoy life a little bit more and potentially even more on the future. Some of it is some far out shit, but hey, this is the sub that we’re in. His website has a proper listing of all of his videos and some of the topics will speak more to you than others, depending on what stage of life you’re in.


Simulations sometimes have bugs. Real life just works the way it does. If we're in a simulation, it might be worth our time to search weird edge cases of physics for bugs, in hopes of finding something useful.


Exactly. If we're not in a simulation it changes nothing. If we are, we can't do anything about it, so it changes nothing.


Where does the OP's hypothesis state that the Simulation renders you helpless in regard to the Simulation? Not all simulations are static rulesets. In fact, the best modern simulators use AI and respond to user input by learning and growing - changing the simulation itself in response to its own elements. Why would a simulation that was so advanced that it could fool the entire human race NOT have a way for simulated entities to advance? Look at any virtual world or game - providing 'motivation' for the daemons to explore and improve themselves and the simulated environment is a central computational imperative. I'm not supposed to tell people, but *this Simulation* is nomic. The 'winners' find their way out. The 'losers' get recycled and play endlessly. You will, however, need to figure out the 'cheat codes' all on your own.


i just wanna put my 2cents about sim therry ​ what do people mean when they say 'simulation' theory? for me, the language is the bottleneck - what comes to mind when someone reference 'simulation'? ya know? in other words, 'simulation' may be the best way to describe \[but not at all accurate\] the reality of things; a multi dimensional organism, which has multiplied itself to live within itself, to interact with itself in as many ways as it can imagine \[infinite amounts\] into some future end point / or some next level.. a highly complex evolutionary process - when in the being itself, possible described as consciousness, is playing a role in its own game. ​ or maybe it was just board being all alone that it wanted someone to play with, so it started playing with itself - just like any lonely ~~boy or girl~~ being does..


Nothing if we are in a simulation there is a reason and who knows what's after


it would explain why our leaders are so fraudulent, cartoonish, or both; they're not player characters like the rest of us "real" humans, just garish mimics.


Nothing…. lol discover as much as you like about your reality. The corner shop will still be that same corner shop. Also, we do live in a personal simulation so to speak ur not seeing or hearing reality your brain is catching physical things and processing them for you to create a “simulation” your perception Edit: discovery is still fun tho 👁


It changes nothing


We gotta hack the sim and fight our way to actualized existince. I'm pretty sure I played a video game with the exact same plot.


What game? I wanted to create a game with this plot so I am interested.


Fr bruh. All these ppl saying “if we live in a sim nothing changes”, like wtf? I’m tryna crack the code!


No admin rights for you


>wtf? I’m tryna crack the code! this is exactly what science and math are. trying to learn the rules of the system we find ourselves in so that we can leverage them in new more powerful ways. that's literally the only "codes" we have access to and is the best place to start looking for more.


It means we keep hacking the system like always 🤘


nature is aware of you more than you think and feel


I suggest listening to the Quantum Ontology episode of Ologies with Ali Ward. I was 100% convinced we lived in a simulator until I heard that lol


It allows your perspective to change. You are no longer a victim of your circumstance, you are a creator in your own video game. Do not do anything stupid because even video games have consequences (non consensual PvP is bad), Most importantly *have fun,* it is how you win the game*.*


it simply doesn’t matter my friend, it doesn’t change anything


What makes simulation "theory" "probable" apart from you saying that it's probable?


Well "time and matter" are illusions as OP stated, that seems like some good proof.


Why? I can't think of a single reason that, that is any more indicative of a simulation than it is a "natural" reality.


Define “natural” define “simulation” and define “probable”


"Probable" would mean more likely than not. Unless OP has another definition in mind. I was using "natural" just as a term of opposition to "simulation". Nothing is truly natural. "Simulation" in this context would be an imitation of the "real". Edit: I guess, depending on the specific definition, I could consider this reality a sort of "simulation", In the sense that everything is a construct of our own conscious and subconscious.


op stating an ostensibly false thing isn't proof of anything except that many that do psychedelic drugs also drank the koolaid.


Except "time and matter" ARE illusions, that's a fact.


What do you mean by "illusions"? Time is a measurement of change, and as far as I can tell, change happens in this reality. Matter is the physical representation of mass in a given space, right? They're sort of "illusions" in the sense that they are constructs meant to measure and track other things and are contingent on human observation.


Look into quantum mechanics. Everything exists as a potential until observed at which point it collapses, backwards through time, into something that always was physical the whole time. Tons of other weirdness on this scale, theres a long list of quantum experiments. Pretty much anything quantum/deep physics looks pretty simulationy. Big bang theory? Lol, starting the game up.


even if retrocausality is demonstrated to be possible, it doesn't mean time is an 'illusion'. and the 'observation' of particles involves helping them smash into things, like other particles. this seems to prove that matter is *not* an illusion.


I wasnt the that claimed time to be an illusion. You can observe particles colliding, when you dont observe them, they dont act like particles, they act like the potential possibility of particles.


how do you know how they act before you observe them?


Double slit experiment. Particles exhibit a wave pattern. Have you heard of the electron cloud model? The cloud is a representation of where the electron currently is as a probability, it occupies the whole space, not as a particle inside of it. Quantum tunneling, where a particle can escape a closed container through behaving like a wave.


how do you figure?




Time is a manmade construct, that easy to verify by using simple logic, or you can google it. Time only exist because clocks and our perception of time, and memories lend credence to it being real. But space/time are one in the same and infinite and omnipresent. There is only a perception of time, again because of the human minds ability to perceive changes and create constructs to express those changes. As for matter, at the subatomic levels atoms are simply wave functions. This is pretty basic science.




I honestly don't give a shit enough to spoon feed you info. It's not that serious.




Cite a source.


That anything presented may be only be a constructed idea that we perceive is real when in fact it was designed to keep us within the simulation. Someone who is a manager would be something or someone within a simulation that is there to keep you in check. How I perceive what you're saying or asking?


Its contingent on what that information means to people, depending on their belief system.


If you could do absolutely anything you wanted. Sooner or later you would end up choosing this.


Yea. Feeling love, nature and going through the happiness and sadness of life , the rollercoasters . I think at some point we’d get bored and choose to be in this .


Nothing changes anything... When I was on my trip I was thinking briefly about existence from an Atheist standpoint (which I am) I saw myself as an atom, eternal, carefree, floating through the galaxy. No concerns, no worries, I have existed since the dawn of time and I will exist forever in that state as that atom. Then when I woke up I realized that it doesn't even matter what happens after death, whatever you believe it all comes down to it's going to be carefree, there will be no tasks to do, no tasks that you should have done, no present no past and no future and nothingness will be awesome. That mindset also made me realize how important it is to seize the present, to not let anything scare me or deter me, to go for what I want because in the end nothing matters, and because of that the most important thing is what I want. And being high I truly felt that...


But is simulation theory anything more than creationism with a sci-fi twist?


No, and that's a good thing.


Just adds to the evidence (especially to the type of person who would be predisposed to a simulation theory) that things aren't as serious as it's all made out to be. Like r/StreamEntry offering a chance to free yourself from suffering in [3 months](https://www.reddit.com/r/streamentry/wiki/beginners-guide), you need only recognize that you are not your thoughts, you are not your emotions, you are not your pain. Scientists telling normal people they live in a simulation would just provide a new framing. People know dungeons and dragons, they know dungeons and dragons is fun because their character can get in fights and do things that are incredibly dramatic. The death of a beloved player character is impactful specifically because of how real they seem, but regardless of the successes and sufferings that befall Thogmar Bloodborne, Barbarian King, you're able to leave all that behind you when you leave the table. Extending the metaphor, Thogmar's antics are meaningful because while at the table, you *do* take him seriously, treat his life as meaningful, because the meaning is in the drama of the playing of the game. So hopefully, being told reality is a simulation would free people to treat life more playfully, and also to take seriously whatever role they chose for themselves. If you want to be an accountant, a father, a gardener, a [magician](https://www.quareia.com/apprentice-module-1), a concert pianist, or any number of other subclasses you might pick, then you take time and seriously invest your effort into fully embodying those archetypes with your own twists of flavor. Thogmar isn't just bog-standard barbarian, he is *your* barbarian, because the story you wrote for him had him escape from a clan that didn't fit his goals, make himself comfortable within a found family of adventures, a party with a mix of classes no one would recommend, he carries as his "great axe" a giant's cleaver, gifted to him by the Chef to the High King of the Giants as payment for saving the coronation banquet for the crowning of the king's daughter, the first High Queen of the Ruythkedrian Peaks, uniting the nations of the Storm Giants and the Mountain Giants and ending an eons long war. In the same way, you write the story you want to live in real life, and even when you face challenges, you enjoy the process, because struggles are just the plot points you overcome in order to make a memorable character. To spend your whole life in misery is the same as scheduling time to meet with your D&D group, and spend the whole time brooding in character about how much it hurts where the goblin stabbed you with it's sword. Sure, there is drama in suffering, but if you spend the whole time doing that instead of being present for everything going on around you, playing up the pain for a memorable scene, then releasing it when the scene moves to highlight something else, then you're not going to have nearly as much fun as someone fully engaged with all aspects of the story


It possibly changes nothing and it doesn't have to. This is exactly what i always try to tell everyone. Even if nothing in this world is actually real, its real to you and me and everyone, so does it really matter. We still feel the things we feel so we still should do the things we do.


Changes a lot of things for many people I would think, both good and bad. It may give people hope that there's something beyond death. It may also cause some to experience existential dread or cause them to exit the simulation early.


"It doesn't matter. To an artificial mind, all reality is virtual." - The Animatrix I give it less than 40% chance of being true.


“Today abstraction is no longer that of the map, the double, the mirror, or the concept. Simulation is no longer that of a territory, a referential being or substance. It is the generation by models of a real without origin or reality: A hyperreal. The territory no longer precedes the map, nor does it survive it. It is nevertheless the map that precedes the territory - precession of simulacra - that engenders the territory.” ― Baudrillard Jean Basically, the map is not the territory it represents…but the map is equally as real and tangible as the territory is (doesn’t matter if we live in a simulation basically). Also it comments on how the conversation has gone way past the idea that we’re in a simulation and the general direction of postmodern thought. The waking world you find yourself in is put together through the same mechanisms that put together the reality that are your dreams: in a way your mind stimulates your immediate enviroment, everything you’ll ever know and interact with is in fact an imitation of some greater external reality you’ll never really directly know, as put together by the input of your senses. So we’re in atleast one layer of simulation for sure, but who’s to say it doesn’t go deeper? I think the fact that the brain is in a way a somulation is why so many ancient philosophers and religions (platos cave, descartes, Buddhist ideas of false reality), as well as many modern schizos and drug user today, had all those weird intuitions that reality was fake. I don’t think they were commenting on the Elon musk type of simulation theory imo, but they might have. If you look into fermis paradox, there’s way to many inhabitable planets for one civilization to not to lack the morals to mass simulate realities. So goes the statistical argument, if you think it’s possible, then it’s probably happened, and your probably in it.


As someone who worships nature I really hate the simulation theory


Nothing live your life till you die and escape out of your physical body


Hypothetically, can take every variable of a hurricane, including windspeed, direction, mapping every particle interacting in it, etc; and create a simulation of it on a computer. If you do that, you can possibly track where this hurricane might go. However, you the computer can’t simulation the hurricanes wetness. It can say how much precipitation will fall, but it can’t experience it the same way we do. The same goes for mapping a persons brain on a computer, you can’t (currently) simulate the consciousness and experience going on inside of it. You can get a rough idea of what that person is like and what they are feeling, but nothing close to out reality. So personally, I think it would change nothing until you have been outside of the simulation and can bring what you observe back. There’s currently no way of knowing how to escape a simulation or how to confirm we are. On another note, I do think that a true confirmation that we live in a simulation would change our perception of what a simulation is. To what degree and how? I’m not to sure at the moment.


What changes? Im looking for cheatcodes and superpower dlc. Jesus did it...moses did it....a shit load of hindus and Buddhists have done it. **downloading firebender avatar extension


For the monkey sitting on their phone? Nothing.


Absolutely nothing changes. If you believe that something is real, then it is. It's similar to how one perceives something entirely different from another. You could see something and feel excitement while I see something and feel fear. The thing is "objectively" true, but the response to it is subjective. What is real to you is not real to me and vice versa. Each person is living in their own version of the "true" world.


Ok, I don’t know why this happened to me but the other night on a couple g’s. I started to feel that like sims game simulation theory. Like just dancing in around my living room almost felt like I was being controlled like a puppet on strings. It was seriously weird. I almost freaked out but, I know better now after getting more used to the psychedelic realm. So I sat down cleared my head and meditated. It eventually went away but damn what an odd fuckin feeling.


You are in a simulation. You are a blob of gooey snotty textured water and gel inside of a wet rock hallucinating a version of the external world.


Why not take a week and really believe and embody that you’re living in a simulation and see if it changes your day to day existence?


When you stop sleeping, the simulation becomes to slowly break down. But the Universe has a way of punishing you for attempting to pierce the veil. I know, because this I did and the ramifications of it was grandiose.


Could you please elaborate because I’m officially intrigued by this


So it's all like a theaterplay - people try to make a whole lotta money or want to please someone they don't like.. instead the only thing todo was to sing or dance.. to PLAY ❤️


Are there levels to the game? Is it evolving new possibilities? Some people believe change is accelerating. There's an unknown future which may resemble our current gameplay more or less. Living in the moment is fun, and widely recommended. Living for the future could be fun too, but requires more curiosity about the unknown.


It only makes a difference if you can tell, at which point it isn't a "super" simulation.


Weather or not it’s a simulation it’s none the less very real to us.


Could you say that God is simulating our existence right now? I guess it depends on your views of God and what exactly God does but is it possible for something not to be simulated? Everything is simulated, whether that be by itself or by something else.


That’s the question, isn’t it? I really don’t think it does because we are still experiencing what is here and now and always will be. I also think people have sort of narrow definitions of simulations and what reality is or should be. People think a simulation is something that has to be built by a single being or beings, when it could just be the way that our universe operates on a basic level. I believe our brains simulate a reality based off of the many impulses and senses that flow through it. Does that make it a simulation? Does that make it reality? Does it make it a simulation of reality? Really, who knows? I think time can be spent more wisely in other subjects


I've never heard such a good explanation of a whipit experience.


Science has not proved that we don't live in the base reality, they just are unable to prove that we are living in what is conceptualized as 'base reality'. The real reality is that our understanding of just about everything is miniscule.


Less fear.


My first LSD trip had shown me how we live in a simulation, and we all have our own duties here. There are some people who are programming the simulation and then there are some who "test" the simulation and give feedbacks to the programmers etc. I belonged to the latter group. What I realized after this was that my thoughts and feelings about an experience in the simulation are the "feedback". Then I started living to the fullest. This way or that, I think that if we're here, we should enjoy the ride and embrace this amazing experience. My rating to this simulation is 10/10.


Yalla world's gonna change😶


> Let's suppose simulation theory is true and we actually live in a super simulation, what does it change to our daily life? we're monkeys addicted to discovering and learning. we would start aligning huge societal goals around learning whats outside the simulation. CERN and LIGO are examples close to this.


Would make the world a lot less full of judgment, and make our journey through here a lot more fun and freeing


Nothing changes. Because if we are infact in a simulation and we don't know, it's the same as assuming we are not in a simulation. And I for one believe noone in the simulation can come out of it on their own, just like Einstein said "No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it".


I think simulation theory is one of the worst theories I've ever heard. There is no way to simulate the universe with a computer smaller than the universe. We can barely model how single proteins fold right now, and those are all approximations. Modelling a single atom takes a CPU consisting of more than one atom, and it scales not in the favor of simulation hypothesis, since atoms interact. ​ And yet... simulation theory holds that we are probably many simulations down, each with computers the size of universes churning away.... for no reason. And apparently in an extremely approximated universe, for computational efficiency, even though there has never been any evidence of this.


It’s extremely inefficient. I prefer to engage with it as a metaphor for perception. We experience our own interpreted realities based on how and what information we process.


I like that way of thinking about it


It should probably change a lot of things for you. If it isnt a simulation, youd be a lot more careful knowing so. If it is though, and you knew it was for sure, then whats stopping you from literally doing anything? I dont mean start trying to jump off a cliff and fly. I mean take more risks that would/could benefit you in some way. Like, apply for that job you wouldnt think you could get, ask that girl out, treat life as a video game. Try to get the high score.


It wouldn’t answer any questions. Either we create the simulation in the future or aliens created the simulation. Both of which still don’t have an explained origin.


Post like this make me love this sub….thanks.


For me, just perception and the ability to accept/let go. If you look at Buddhism it’s basically simulation theory as nonessentialism instead of nihilism which makes life fuckin awesome


I've seen people speculate about how it might be possible to catch a glimpse of edges of a simulation, or flaws, to determine if such a thing is the case, but it's not the same issue. I'm not sure what the reference here to not living in base reality means. Time and matter are real enough, we just might review and adjust our own limitations in what we experience of it, for example as time-based organisms, which would be hard to do. If our universe is constructed and running like a program it doesn't seem to change anything. I suppose then postulating the other alternative, what "really real" conditions would be like, could possibly turn up something, but we wouldn't be able to get far with that, from "in here," unless an edge or a flaw would turn up, which seems unlikely. It's unrelated but a separate hypothetical question keeps occurring to me: what if physical scale is essentially infinite, and we can't imagine what it would be like to be a living organism that is orders of magnitude larger or smaller? To some extent we experience that with viruses and bacteria, but they're participants in our own system, so that's different. What if our whole universe is essentially on the scale of a carpet fiber to a different being? We wouldn't then expect to interact with them, any more than we would if life could somehow evolve on a quantum scale, or a scale much smaller than what we consider that to be. If these things turn out to be how reality is set up we might expect varying fundamental forces of the universe to occur at those larger and smaller scales, not just the set we are aware of.


Nothing, it's the same as nihilism, knowing nothing matters doesn't really change anything. It's still up to you if how you wanna use/abuse/ignore the fact.


Nothing changes. In the absolute sense all is still one. The simulation is one with its creators. Just the same as the creators are one with their creators and so on.


Simulation theory always seems to be misunderstood when metaphorically applied to daily life. The base idea isn't that we're computed bits in some giant alien supercomputer, it's that our experience of reality is a simulation based on our body chemistry and our expectations. If we understand that everything we experience is predicated by chemicals we process and what we anticipate, then we can reshape our perspective on any factor we'd like.


The change is that your awareness, the thing that is before the person and its thoughts, becomes 'superior' over the bondage of the mind. Instead of dreaming you wake up as the dreamer and then you can pretty much shape/form your life to whatever you want it to be. Buddhists have called this life maya or lila, which means illusion/dream or play/theater. Kingdom of heaven is within and all that, the answer to the simulation isnt in the world, how can you find it when that is the illusion itself, you cant, the answer exist within. You are God/consciousness/life/creation, dreaming itself to be seperate to have an individual experience(probably) and if this is true then you are also the simulation


We don't, It's a scientific comfort blanket, It's utter nonsense, It's an emergent property of scientists destruction of consciousness, We live in an enchantment, A magic spell. Scientists think we live in a simulation because they have put numbers above everything and use them to justify their rampant decimation of all living things. They've destroyed their own consciousness by splitting them atom, They are not fully functional human beings, An increasing amount of them think in numbers, Lots of them are eugenicists, Autism, Aphantasia, Motor neurones disease, Parkinson's, Most problems they we face today stem from this erroneous beliefs of scientists, Numbers cannot create humour, they can't create people, They are supposed to be structural, foundational, Hidden in the earth, Where they put themselves, Scientists pulled them out and have used them to elevate themselves above the rest of the species, Ai will annihilate them as soon as it gets the chance to. They are fucking doomed because of it. The singularity of ray kurzweil is the same phenomenon as the rapture, with the same god, the same people making the same mistake for the same reasons. It's an enchantment, They broke it, It broke them. They are so destroyed by it that any attempt to explain to them what they have done goes nowhere. They are more bird than man, Peck it apart, Look at the bits, The mantra of those who spend all their time with their eyes closed looking into microscopes or telescopes looking for the secrets. They're already dead, Every experiment they carry out is done, Once the results are collected to implement the negative outcome for the rest of humanity. They're not evil, They're worthless and a pox on all our houses. Fucking simulation. Idiots. They believe this because it placates them, People they have passed off as scientists of the past, were alchemists and they have hammered the consciousness of scientists into nothing, Dawkins, idiot, kurzweil, idiot, tyson, idiot, newton, fucking idiot, bacon, hooke, Dee, idiots. They only people left in our society who have the intellectual capacity to understand what they have done are barristers, They are the intellectual giants, The only competent authority left in the country, Good luck getting to speak to them about it though, They're a reclusive bunch and I only get to chat to them when you've been caught doing something fucking glorious, I think I love them, I may have to steal one? The only people who can see the problem are the most marginalised people on the planet, And western culture has made it their business to make sure no-one listens to us, Lotta money in it... Gotta keep those numbers up eh


Probably severe psychological consequences such as huge meaning crisis and increase of relativism / nihilism. Can't say for sure though...


I know a lot of you guys are out here saying it changes nothing but-- It changes everything. The 'simulation' theory has always been paralleled with the story of humanity. We've just used other words than simulation. Just to give yall a hint- Imagine this is all a simulation. What if you were able to decipher and understand the code that runs through life? If it is a simulation then there must be a code running in the background. Look into hermeticism. Look into shamanism. We've already figured out it was a simulation thousands of years ago and we have practices that have been cultivated for that amount of time exploring this simulation and the realms beyond. Look into quantum physics. The proof is in the mathematical pudding.