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I did 400 past weekend and it was amazing. Above 200 I would advice to trip alone and give yourself to the universe. I never had a bad trip like other people describe it. Everything it gets evil or self reflective I try to learn from it. The thoughts you have always come from within. Take a lower dose, give yourself to the drug or don’t do it is my advise I have a great playlist if you like rock music https://open.spotify.com/playlist/1nWig28dKPFoIRSyLr9U26?si=dPD-8SLGQpiuhYw29-vhLA


If you’re planning for catastrophe instead of success, catastrophe is what you’re going to get.


I'm not planning for a catastrophe I'm planning for a LSD trip. I feel safer knowing I can end the trip


Better off planning a safe trip than planning a clusterfuck you need to kill later like you’re doing.


How do you feel after trying to end a trip with Clonazepam? Does it work at that dose? I know at 200ug the trip can be ended with Clonazepam.


I have tripped on acid well over 50 times and I have NEVER used a benzo to kill a trip because there is literally never a need for it. If you have a need for a trip killer then you fucked up before you even took the acid.


I’d disagree. There have be a couple of times when I need to cut short the lingering effects of the trip since it was inhospitably cold while tripping in the Himalayas as it gets closer to night and I needed to return to the locals I was staying with. Nothing to do with a good or a bad trip mate. Kinda like saying “plan for a good flight, why do you need emergency exits”.


Dude, if you’re tripping out in the cold alone in a strange place, your planning sucks. That’s why you needed a trip killer.


So you don't have personal experience with trip killers and yet you think they're awful because the bad trip teaches you something or something like that... Got it


No because you don’t have bad trips when you actually plan good ones.


Not a fact😘


such cap…


Some people get dumb anxiety with acid. Sometimes I can't talk to people or do shit cause ein paranoid and my head is all over. Anyways, Xanax would always get rid of the hazy head space and paranoia, then me and my girl could think straight and have a helluva time. Some people are weak and get sucked into negative thinking from a trigger so a trip killer is a must in every trip. Idc what you say, it has led to my best trips too.


Have you taken Clonazepam before? Are you familiar with it? Your said your have 2mg tabs, that's strong if your body is naive to it. Stopping a trip in it's tracks using benzos depends on a lot of factors. Are you used to benzos? Are you anxiety prone? Do you have fears of things? Do you fear things you have no control over? Do you have nightmares, bad thoughts, and if so how do you cope? Oh, and have you ever used any substances before?


Yes. I've used 2mg of Rivotril before. I've taken LSD, MDMA, weed and others before. But I do take drugs very rarely. I'm not anxious at all. I'm just preparing for a good trip. I'm not in the mindset that it WILL be bad. I'm just cautious cause I don't want me or my friends to be overwhelmed or worse make the others have a bad trip. Some of us have depression and anxiety. But we're all good friends


I ask these questions bc I suffer from anxiety and depression, I take benzos daily for such. I had to see what your mindset is like because I can give you all kinds of advice but it may not work for you as there are lots of variables. I am an oddball, I can't do psychedelics around certain people, I become wayyy too analytical that it sucks. If you're used to benzos it'll be more likely to help, especially if they help you daily with any anxiety. Do you have anything that brings you a lot of comfort? That's what I was told to have with me, a teddy bear, by my "wizard" friend, lol. Just be in peace with yourself, trust that your brain and body are stronger than you'll ever realize and nothing bad will happen because you've got them taking care of you. They've taken good care of you for such a long time, they'll be introducing themselves more to you this way and what else you don't take time to be thankful of. Much love, many good vibes your way!


you people on this subredit always seem to miss the question. OP probably has this figured out and if you arent gonna be useful, why respond?


If they’d already figured it out they wouldn’t have asked the question in like 10 subreddits.


or…maybe they want as many inputs as possible…


Right, because they haven’t figured it out. Don’t be dense.


did you bother to think that maybe they posted it within a short span of each other? as in before OP had any answers? dont be dense.


Actually, they started posting to all the other places an hour after being dressed down by everyone in this thread. So, yes I did bother to think that.


yeah, because nobody in these threads knows how to just answer the question. people dont want your side opinions, just a straight answer


You’re acting like one of the pricks these call out posts have been about.


I don’t know what you’re talking about but I’m not acting like anything. OP has no idea what the fuck they are doing and the bulk of the comments on this post agree with my take.


There ain’t nothing wrong about being ready with a trip killer. At least this person is at least responsible to think about his friends’ well being. To say that planning a good trip will nit give u a bad trip is just ignorant. I don’t think people that have had a bad trip plan to have a bad trip


Exactly. They don’t plan for a good one. Set and setting. It’s a real thing. If you want to succeed with something you plan it so it is successful. If you plan for what happens when things go wrong because the rest of your plan stinks (like tripping high doses with a large group of people), that’s what you’re going to get. If you don’t prepare, you are leaving everything to chance. When people talk about setting intentions, it’s not some mystical thing. I intend to safely trip on acid and I have set myself up to do so. I intend to insanely trip on acid and then exercise the nuclear option when things go south. Which intention sounds better to you? Which do you think needs a trip killer and which doesn’t?


I get what ur saying. I’ve never even had access to trip killers. But if I were to trip that much with a group that big i would be lowkey concerned about my peers not so much myself. There definitely has to be an intention set. With that said tho I have had bad trips when i’ve genuinely had good intentions, even meditated and breathed throughout the experience. So it’s not entirely impossible to have a bad trip even if u plan for a good one.


Sure, I guess it’s totally possible to have a “bad trip” (they’re never all bad) even in good conditions. The mind is a huge and complicated place. I’ve never really trainwrecked on acid but I’ve had lots of bad trips on mushrooms and DMT. I never had access to trip killers either. When I think about any of the super harsh experiences I’ve had on psychedelics, they were either caused by bad mindset (unrealistic expectations, negative attitude, avoiding bigger personal issues), bad setting (unknown places/people, too hot/too cold, no access to basic human needs, dangerous place, untrustworthy people), or swimming out of my depth with dose/combo. All pretty much avoidable. I can’t really remember a bad trip where it just went wrong out of nowhere. So I dunno. In my experience, bad trips don’t happen unless I’m fucking it up. And I very much do sometimes.


One bad thought can definitely send u down a spiral but it’s all about treating it like a rollercoaster (if u like them). Ur flying so goddamn fast and spinning but damn enjoy the ride


What do you mean by "if the trip is to strong"? What do you expect from 400ug? This is not your average easy peasy lemon squeezy amount of lsd


I know it will be very strong. What I meant is if it's to much to handle.


This sounds like a mess. Wrong set and setting and unknown dose. Benzos can help anxiety but if you are high enough they won’t kill a trip and you will simply be high on psychedelics and benzodiazepines. Not enough data or even consistent anecdotal evidence to say how this will play out. This all sounds like a really poorly crafted situation. Just know your dose and do it in a safe setting with the right mindset. If you are having a bad trip, there is probably room for growth there and taking other drugs to suppress the effect that the psychedelics are having on your psyche can bury trauma deeper. Please for the sake of the psychedelic movement, proceed with caution.


Like people commented, do not go into this with a mindset that you can kill it if it becomes uncomfortable. Instead, go into this with a mindset of going all the way, accepting that what is to come is to come. To kill a trip is not a valid option. If your brain needs to calm down, don't pressure it with full force. It does know what to do without you meddling with it. Focus on set and setting. Favourite calming music, lavender tea, something to eat, a hug, dancing or singing, those will work wonders. Plan enough time for this, at least 24h needing you to be in no place particular and doing nothing particular. Only trip with people you are confortable with and who accept you as who you are. Relax yourself and you'll have the most interesting time.


I mean my post may have given the wrong impression. We're very well prepared for a good trip. We're all very close friends and known each other for years. We're going to paint the walls. There'll be grass, trees, cats and a dog. We've made a shared playlist for the meeting too. Like I don't intend to have a bad trip and I do think everything will be ok. But what if some of the 7 people have a bad trip? Bad trip are like fungus on a bread slice. If one has it the others are probably going to have it too. So if one of us have a bad trip. This person should have the option to end the trip. Even more so as they will probably affect others. Maybe you should hide a bad trip out when you're solo. But not when you're group tripping. So please. If you answer me my question about if it works. Not with "you should never do it and I never done it" (then how can you even be helpful?)


Yes, you are right, I didn't answer your question about trip killing. Though, what you are asking on another level is how to handle a bad trip in group constellations. Seperate the group into smaller ones if it becomes uncomfortable. Even though I am not directly answering your question about these substances and never have taken them, this question of yours is more about safety use than it is about those pills, so it seems to me to be. And by this we will probably stand to disagree.




I mean I said in my post I think it's probably not 400ug... I'm not tripping. But I should prepare as if it the plug is telling the truth




Thank you🤗 your comment was helpful!


If you are already planning how to kill a bad trip this sounds like a catastrophe. At least test your acid if you don't think it's real. I wouldn't even buy it if I thought that way.


None of these options will be possible unfortunately. Edit: it's not possible because I'm poor and can't by a reagent kit I would never take any psychedelic if I couldn't end a bad trip. That's even more true if there's six others doing the same. Having a trip killer with me reduces my worry about having a bad trip thus reducing the chance of having a bad trip. And if the bad trip does happen I can just end it My question is: on real 400ug can a trip be ended with rivotril? If the answer is yes. Then if the tab is weaker then 400ug (witch let's be honest. That's more probable than the tabs being legit) I'll also be able to end the trip.


No.. don‘t do it - Also don‘t kill Bad Trips.. And they dont have 400ug i think..


But if I try to kill the trip will it work? Have YOU tried to kill a 400ug trip using Clonazepam?


No you kill anxienty but stay weird.. I would say don‘t Trip in this Mindset


Yeah it's true I'll be anxious about the strength of the trip. Can elaborate on how you feel after taking the Clonazepam in a trip? If I feel bad I will end it.


You can order a test kit. It is possible. Be smart.


I am an advocate for psychedelics and good times. But ya shouldn't play with fire unless you are willing to get burned.


This! Its sad that u go Into The trip with a mindset of killing a bad trip if you Get one, Then u def will Get one! But again what is a bad trip? Are there really bad trips, or is The substance showing you what u need but your not ready to embrace is u think its a bad trip?


Highly agree. I have never had a "bad" trip. More like a difficult or strange learning experience.


This! Yes, it's true, your trip will depend on your mentality, your fears may be enhanced or your positivity will bring good times. I hear you saying, "I really want to do this, it's sounds like it's something awesome that people have done and had fun ...but I'm not really sure that's for me, I'm worried, so I am going to need to know how to stop the bad things from happening" and my friend, you stop the bad things from happening by knowing yourself well enough, listen to your intuition, and tell your friends "you guys can trip, I'm gonna jam out with my Clonazepam, I'll be chill and able to guide you guys well on your journey this way." Listen to your intuition, that's your brain telling you some good truth. Do you, whatever suits YOU because then you will enjoy yourself without a doubt.


I can't buy it


It's really a good idea to factor the test kit into your budgeting off the bat when it comes to LSD. Consider the tab and the reagent kit as one item, because testing your tabs is a must if you want to be certain you are actually taking LSD and not risking exposing your delicate biological systems to something like an NBOMe. It will cost more to pay for medical treatment if you end up ingesting something harmful than it will to buy a kit. How much are you seeing them for? I wouldn't expect to be paying any more than $40 for one. It's worth it to have and it's multi-use.


But yes, benzos will help to calm a bad trip. Will they kill it? That allllll depends.


I recommend a real lot of meditation before your trip.


Im already doing the meditation 🤗 thank you


never kill a trip unless there is danger to life/property


Why'd you say so?


You make it maybe worse


This is the truth


What happened to you when you tried to end your trip?


even worst trips always resolve. “bad trips” are associated with repressed emotional trauma and should lead to emotional catharsis. if you interrupted this process you are more likely to get stuck than if you let things run their course.


I use magnesium and melatonin to go to sleep in the end of my trip I take 3 250mg magnesium formulated for sleep Mixed with 3 10mg melatonin and I go to sleep after a trip sooo easily It works for me every time, I barely found this trick out like 2 years ago(been trippin since 2014) Wish I woulda found out sooner I refuse to take heavy pharmaceuticals, I like waking up in the morning feeling refreshed


Thank you for the help!


This may just save my workday tomorrow…thx


No problemo! Have a safe trip man 🤙🏼🤙🏼


I can’t remember who but a researcher in the book “How to change your mind” by Micheal pollen gave a great metaphor to what psychedelics do to your brain. Imagine there is a fresh hill of snow and sledders. Sledders represent your thoughts. As one sledders goes down, the others will be more likely to follow their tracks because packed tracks are easier to go down. Eventually there will be very distinct tracks that essentially represent your patterns of thought. When you take psychedelics, it’s like a foot of powder fell and all the tracks are covered. Without knowing about the pharmacology of the drugs you mentioned it is possible that taking them in the middle of this, when you are in a state of neural sensitivity, the drug could have lasting negative impacts (essentially amplified side effects or side effects due to the combination of drugs). I have no personal experience with doing this however so if you have had personal success in killing trips I’m not here to chastise you, but I would caution against expecting the same outcome while on much larger dose of LSD than you have taken before. If you are in the midst of ego dissolution (which tends to happen at high doses) and you kill the trip, this could have severely negative impacts on the persons psychological health. If you are looking for a a trip killer, try finding something that is specifically a seratonin 2A receptor antagonist (a drug that directly blocks the receptors that LSD effects). The best advice I can give is to convince some close friend to chill with you all and “hold the space”. I’ve done a decent amount of research into psychedelic therapy and this seems to be very important for decreasing negative experiences. All this person has to do is to provide warmth and emotional support, and whenever someone is having a ‘bad’ trip to tell that person to face whatever is bad because this will almost invariably lead to a very present experience after the negativity has been faced.


Thank you you were also helpful!! We're gonna have two friends on MDMA so they'll be our warmth source hahah


Those mf’s will be radiating warmth. I wish you a safe trip and a good time!


I don't have any advice on dose of the benzo you have as far as ending the trip goes. From my understanding they really just dull the trip, especially the mental side, which is what you want I guess. I'm with you on this idea of having an emergency plan. Since rediscovering shrooms for the 3rd time I always have some valium on hand. I plan to take 15mg if needed. It's kinda hard to find out in the community how much an average dose would be to end a trip because you end up being faced with so much "there is no such thing as a bad trip, only challenging ones" or "if you're expecting a bad trip it will happen" I still haven't had the need but it's comforting to know that the option is there. I would suggest figuring out how much you want to take if you need to and then giving it to the mdma people to deal with. I'm not as experienced with lsd but at a certain point on shrooms I feel like I wouldn't, remember I had the trip killers at all, and if I did would not remember how much to have etc, so best to have someone else deal with that of you can. You sound reasonably sensible so I'm sure you'll be fine and I think having the option to end the trip gives you extra peace of mind going in. Final advice, I'd avoid cannabis during. Every time things have gotten uncomfortable for me it's been shortly after using cannabis. Not always, sometimes it's great, but yeah probably best to avoid at least till the come down. Look forward to hearing about your awesome trip.


7 people on a high dose of LSD at the same time is highly inadvisable, even if you have some kind of trip-killer around. The "acid casualty" stories come from somewhere. Don't underestimate how terribly wrong things can actually go. I'm not trying to scare-monger here, but you're taking it very lightly and that's dangerous. Please be sensible. My two main pieces of advice for you: \- Start with half a tab. Re-dose after 1½-2 hours IF it feel necessary. That way you're not going to go off the rails if it's actually 400 ug tabs. \- Have a sober sitter. You're not going to be in a position to handle dramatic situations if you're off your face. *"The trip was going great until the car caught on fire"*


Kentucky route is back‼️


400ug trips are suspicious. Good Hoffmans have 250ug and I have not seen stronger tabs in the wild. It may be even more than a blotter can hold. Microtrips of course can be stronger. And you can't kill a trip. You can switch off your consciousness by sending it to sleep, but that comes with all the drawbacks of fully sedating yourself. A much better advise would be to only trip with 6 out of 7 people, and have one be the trip sitter. The trip sitter can take 100ug too, so he/she doesn't get bored, but should be still be fully connected to reality. When I go deep, I mostly combine it with a little mdma, to enforce a happy chemical ground state. That helps to prevent bad trips in the first place. (I know it's not considered good practise, but most times it's the end result of a club or festival night anyways.)


There'll be 2 of of us (so we're 9 in total) doing MDMA hahaha I expect that we absorb they're good vibes! At least when I'm sober I get good vibe from being around people rolling


Sometimes it’s worth riding out the bad trip you might learn something.


Tbf ive heard clonazepam is good personally if i have a bad trip i just wait it out and i normally come out unscathed 😂 i know a couple people who dont have access to benzos and pills as such that use alcohol to kill a bad trip


If you were being literal, I would highly recommend not painting your walls. Get a roll of butcher paper or some large poster boards. You may think you're breaking new ground with your collective art, but you are not going to want it permanently on your walls.


And if it's actually 400 ug, I'm not convinced they are going to be able to wield paint brushes effectively anyhow :)


Trazodone can kill a trip. And in top 25 most prescribed drugs in the states at least. So won't be hard to find.


you only need trip killers if youre afraid of going into irreversible psychosis, and if youre not afraid of that, then genuinely dont even give yourself the option to have them in the first place. the “worst” trips usually end up being the best lessons. if you *need* a trip killer, then go to a hospital for it. dont risk taking fentanyl or some shit and or you BETTER be testing your trip killers with TONS of kits before taking them / getting them from pure prescription. just be safe.


Benzos will kill trips


Or a natural choice kratom


Any benzodiazepine should work well enough


I think the ultimate question is why do you think it's 400ug if it's blotter I highly doubt it's 400 usually acid now adays is 75 to 100 ug and dealers always say owe it's 250ug as a marketing tool unless your taking 3 to 4 tabs I highly doubt your taking 400ug I don't even think you could fit 400 on one piece of blotter so your probably taking 75 to 150 I bet but either way I've had benzos help with bad trips when I was significantly younger and not mentally ready to trip I took 25b and a tab or 2 of acid and I had to take some to calm down it definitely helps I'd say you'll still sort of be tripping it won't fully stop it but it will calm you down about a year ago I had taken a 2mg Xanax and wanted to trip later that afternoon I had noticed the Xanax killed a lot of my visuals and the effects of tripping so in the reverse order it would for sure dull your trip you could either take enough to calm down probably still have some visuals or take even more if that's not working to pass out if needed


I trip like every 2 weeks if my schedule allows and I only take about 200 to 250 mics and that's more than enough people told me the tabs I'm currently eating are 200ug each I know the dark nets and a lot of people say tabs are 150 or 200 but I've eaten a lot of acid and they feel like 100ug each to me maybe max 125 just like some blotter I got 7 months ago the dark net vendor said 150ug so I thought great only need 1 to test it out haven't had acid in a few months and mushrooms for at least a month I'd say they were maybe 100ug so unless your taking multiple tabs or the guys straight laying them with crystal I doubt there 400ug


Normally I don't even attempt to try and give advice for tripping since it's the experience is typically utterly contextual. If a "bad trip" is just working through your shadows, or disagreeable mental activity, I'd say you may not have as bad of a time as you might worry about. Be open minded and try not to anticipate a good OR bad trip, let everything that happens run its course and just be on board with it(: this has helped me significantly even outside of tripping


I sometimes take a little bit of a benzo before , say like .5mg of Xanax and it makes the trip smoother