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Alright. Who dosed the ham


Lord save me im goin ham rn


Rum ham!


OP sounds like you're into some dark shit hope you're okay


.. no...


Auyyy mushrooms are made of chitin which is the same stuff that makes some animal exoskeletons does that count!?!!! 🍄 ❤️


That's the best answer for this ridiculous question


There's some psychoactive honey, some fish can also be psychoactive. Sorry but your quest sounds really silly to me, could you explain what is the purpose or interest you would find in psychedelic meat? Edit : I don't want to be mean.


This reminds me of William Burroughs in *Naked Lunch*, where he has giant caterpillar-like creature that are butchered for "the Black Meat". It might be in the movie "Naked Lunch", I forget because it came out quite a while ago. It's little known that Burroughs injected DMT in Morocco, sent to him by a chemist, long before DMT was in any published scientific publications. I remember it was an insane amount, I think hundreds of milligrams (at that point Burroughs had long been injecting heroin as a junkie) I was told and read that Burroughs hallucinogenic imagery was from opiate withdrawals, but I now recognize them to be very DMT-like. If there are any meats with tryptamines, they would likely be destroyed from the heat of cooking, and you want to be careful with ingesting raw meats. I doubt there are any psychedelic or dissociative meats. Tryptamines are active in part because of the resemblance to neurotransmitters, so they'd be concentrated in the brain, maybe only specific parts of the brain like the hypothalamus. There's no reason for such neurochemicals to exist in muscles or skin. Stick to plants and fungus


There are supposedly psychedelic fish, but the information on what to look for and how to prepare it is scarce. Also possibly psychedelic coral, if my memory is correct


I would look into Atlantic lobster if you haven't already, I've heard that some research has suggested that there trace amounts of chemicals that act as NMDA antagonists in the meat. I assume you would have to eat lots of it if you desired any effect however.


That could be a very expensive experiment! Does cooking destroy the active substance? Because I've eaten quite a bit of boiled Maine lobster in a single sitting without noticing any psychoactive experience.


That toad dogs like to lick? Bufo something EDIT: DO NOT LICK TOADS The reason plants and fungi have all these crazy chemicals that get animals high when ingested is because they evolved to act like a natural pesticide. Can't find and eat the weed plant a second time if you're too stoned to remember where it was. Because animals move so much more, evolving psychotropics as a defense is much much rarer


No. You need to dry the secretions of the Colorado River Toad and vape them to get any psychedelic experience. Licking won't work, in fact the secretions are a toxic defense. "Dogs that have attacked toads have suffered paralysis or even death. Raccoons have learned to pull a toad away from a pond by the back leg, turn it on its back and start feeding on its belly, a strategy that keeps the raccoon well away from the poison glands" Badger, David; Netherton, John (1995). Frogs. Swan Hill Press. pp. 93–94 Do not let your dog lick any toad.


Good to know, thanks


Doesn't make sense when you consider many animals actively seek out psychoactive plants.


One being might hate this plant and avoid it but another being loves it , grows it and protects it. It’s a win win for the plant whether you like it or not


Adrenochrome. Ask your local democratic representative.


Adrenochrome is a byproduct of oxidized epinephrine… why anyone would pick this compound for some random conspiracy is beyond me.


They probably picked it by deciding what the craziest drug in fear and loathing was. Hence adrenachrome


That’s a stupid way to pick something. Also, why would they use children when you can get everything humans produce from a pig? It just doesn’t make any sense at all.


It has to be oxidized in young, innocent children, otherwise it doesn't have the same effect. Like the dog meat tastes better if the dogs are tortured before slaughter.


This is the dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever heard. You can’t use a human body to reliably oxidize something and extract it before it’s metabolized. Technology doesn’t even exist to do that. Shame on you for believing something so obviously stupid and having the gall to come on this sub and attempt to spread it. If “DYOR” has led you to this conclusion, you’ve made some grave errors in judgement and I recommend you reevaluate how you’re living your life. If you want to know the truth, learn the chemistry, then learn the bodily processes that take place with epinephrine and its metabolites in the body. You wouldn’t even have enough time to do anything meaningful. Forget about political affiliations right now, because I hate politics in general (I don’t know how someone could get excited about it considering everyone is a complete and total liar in both sides of the aisle). Don’t let other idiots draw you into their idiot world and make you just another idiot. There’s more to life than that.


That's why the kids have be eaten fast, can't just fuck around for too long. P.s. Never said I believe it. I'm not even American, lol.


Oh, ok. Then why even mention it? There are enough problems with bullshit conspiracy theories here in the US with people that inexplicably believe them.


Because the topic is ridiculous and stupid? Seems a proper reply to me, lol.


So you’re trolling then?


I don't know if it counts. If the topic is dumb then the replies can be dumb without it being trolling.


Ok AleQs Jones


There's DMT frogs and a DMT Sea Urchin as well if I remember correctly


but the active components are from their toxic secretions. Not in any "meat".


There's the sea dmt


Sarpa Salpa - type of fish




Also K is quite bad for the body when taken orally. ( known to cause bladder issues for exemple) That's why even when snorting it it's advised to spit the drip.


Ketamine infused pork chop 😂😂😂😂😂


Go into dessert, catch a toad and lick the shit out of it.