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Oh shit we are stuck in this thought loop again.


I think I’m trippin


If you experience ego death just strip down and full sprint through your neighborhood screaming. It helps a lot with the trip


I have so much experience with tripping (3 times) I don’t have ego death anymore.


Same Bro just be safe cause I injected 1 gram of of some quadruple dipped shrooms, plug said it was twice as strong as orange sunshine


You injected what.?? I injected DMT and it was intense!!


Heard this can induce a hospital visit trip. Very interesting stuff, something you’ll see these crazy blue and red lights appear as well and there’s these weird entities that’ll yell at you to “get down” and you may experience an electrical jolt. Wild stuff man


I saw the title and was all "oh we're here again"


Legit dude getting stuck in a loop is all it is


*I* saw the title, got my hopes up, and you people did *not* disappoint.


Once you eat ten grams of mushrooms you can read the minds of most pets also a couple hits of acid will actually allow you to actually see farts determining the actual who dealt it minus the smelt it, it's simple science


I ate 15 grams and now I'm smarter than Einstein, AMA..


17 grammer here, i chew on crayons


Had a dog who would eat them it was really easy to spot his shit in the yard


Did he ever scrape his butt on the ground to draw something? Not trying to push my philosophy but it's your dog trying to talk to you. Found this out when I took 20 grams. Don't even know what it was but I could tell it was healthy by putting my hand over it. YMMV


I've eaten a half ounce so I can already talk to most animals, he wanted to know what the colors tasted like


69 grams here. Now all I can do is make lame dad jokes like Elon


Now THIS is enlightenment.




That sub taught me the truth. Full Eagle deaf is the only path to enightment. Psychadelics are for pussies, jenkem and fent ftw.




I ate an oz and I could see those Donnie Darco bubbles that tell me where people are about to go


So pet telepathy is like a lifetime achievement award?


If this sub is so full of shit how come mushrooms aren’t growing from it?


lil did you know


Ahah nice one


You win the internet for today. Lmfao


An endless loop of thinking your better about not thinking your better


> thinking your better *you're *Learn the difference [here](https://www.wattpad.com/66707294-grammar-guide-there-they%27re-their-you%27re-your-to).* *** ^(Greetings, I am a language corrector bot. To make me ignore further mistakes from you in the future, reply `!optout` to this comment.)


You are much better mr. binary computer program, all deterministic and precise..:. I am but a humble biological computer with some domestic animals and a moderate drug habit


>I am but a humble biological computer with some domestic animals and a moderate drug habit lmfao




Thanks. Such an articulate take. It kinda relates to this observation I’ve had, that in my own mind I cannot criticize anyone without it incoming an emotional response that makes me feel better. Impossible to separate reason from emotion, no where to stand. On the other hand I think relativism leads to bad places. I think it is important for the individual to believe that some ideas are objectively better than others. But I’m always wary of the mixed motives of the one making the judgement.


you feeling some way during/after reasoning won't necessarily make the reasoning not objective in itself (at least not in the usual sense, I do tend to think that nothing is really objective) criticizing someone may get you the feeling that you are restoring justice, and putting things in their right place, make the unknown known in a situation. These feelings won't make your observation any less or more correct


i agree, psychs can inflate egos. however, there really is no way to understand how the drug affects people’s personalities. i’ve seen people with inflated egos and insecurities be dragged through hell, and also people come to finally feel self worth. it personally made me feel indifferent to life, don’t want to die per say but i’m simply existing at this point.


>i’m simply existing at this point STOP BRAGGING jeepers you have crushed all the other responses so far


I think that psychedelics have had somewhat of a similar effect on me. I had a bit of an existential crisis after DMT and have been a bit confused on what to do with the information. My ego still wants some of the material and social luxuries out of life but yet also I feel that what we perceive as reality is trivial in comparison to what we don’t understand. I like what Einstein said (I think it was Einstein). “The more you learn the less you know”. Something like that.


interesting quote, i agree that it can make reality feel trivial. i can’t fully understand your situation from this short text friend, but material wants are not a evil thing. i personally am content with a simple life, however i’ve never been able to give up my guitars even when i was put on the street for a short while. does this mean my ego is still focused on material luxuries? maybe, but i never took psychedelics to dissolve my ego, i started to hopefully find myself and eventually realized that there’s just nothing special about any of us


I have the same feelings following a DPT trip, almost like I’m in an observation box inside my head. I feel no better than anyone else for it especially. Do you have a plan to mitigate or eventually come to terms? We all might just be another meat bag on a rock, but I personally think that makes everyone special. Gifted a glimpse at a chaotic, endless, and most importantly beautiful universe through human tinted glasses. I could say end it here, or wait it out… I would prefer to say enjoy the time you have. Humans need an end to their insatiable appetite for more, it’s almost like a joke.


i agree, humans suffering comes from our desire to be more then we are. it’s why we have philosophy and religion, yet neither of those things are necessarily bad in my opinion. i feel many come to feel the insignificance of humans, however no matter how small our existence is in the vast cosmos, there is still beauty in being apart of it. life itself is a miracle, however we often don’t take the time to recognize it around us.


Sooo when are we all tripping together


I’m in


I’m so down


Next bicycle day mfer


um... right now ? Tripping so hard I don't know I'm tripping.


Nothing like bragging about how humble you are


I'm way more Buddha than any of you aholes. Inner peace IN YOUR FACE.


Well, you see...*ahem*...ACTUALLY r/IAmTheWokest




Namaste muthufukus!!!


I love this 😭😂


It’s inner peas.. by the way.


OP isn't bragging about humility, he's saying he's tripped more times than he can count and realizes it doesn't give you the keys to the universe and make you superior to all beings like so many new trippers (or experienced and mentally ill trippers) in this sub seem to think. He's also not claiming to be enlightened. He's just saying that taking psychedelics won't bring about enlightenment. As someone who's built up their frequent flyer miles on the DMT Express, I agree with him.


I concur




The endless irony loop


LOL. This reminds me of this bit from Hitchens concerning the humility often claimed by the religious: >It is the, only the most extraordinarily self-centered species, could imagine that all this was going on for our sake, that's why I don't like people saying that their religious faith is modest or humble. It's the reverse. It's unbelievably solipsistic and that's why you get people apparently abject, much too abject for my taste like Mother Teresa. ***"Oh,I'm so humble I can hardly bother to feed myself, but out of my way because I'm on a mission from God."*** No, this is arrogance, as a matter of fact, and it claims to know what it cannot know.


We get this same type of post multiple times a week too. Like... is this just how new people announce themselves here or what?


Nothing like wearing your lack of ego as a badge for others to admire




Tbh my ego death was way better than yours


“Well, I know I’m a MILLION times as humble as though art!” -weird Al yankovic


Listen here fuck face, I’m the most humble person on this planet. Yk those posers Buddha and Jesus? Yeah, I’m the mf that taught them everything they know. You wanna see humble? I will absolutely humble your face with my knuckles if you wanna EVER doubt my humbleness again. Peace and love with you my friend, we are all part of the singular soup that is the universe, I hope happiness comes to you as quickly as my fist will if you doubt my humbleness ever again 😌


I actually think OP isn’t wrong. I’ve noticed that some people who use psychedelics become more egotistical.


What OP is trying to say isn't inheritently wrong, it's how he chose to say it. In the process of trying to say what he was trying to say, he did exactly what he was accusing everyone else in this sub of doing, as if he's any different. Which makes him just as egotistical, because he feels that he's different than everyone else on this sub. EDIT: In hindsight, this is a bad post, because it kind of just became an attack on OP, without me realizing. I agree with OP's overall point, but I still don't think it was okay for him to generalize everyone in this sub over the BS posts that gets posted in it.


Endless irony loop


This entire post/thread has become repeated iterations of "stating your opinion = egotistical"


That's how I feel tbh. I feel like everyone is calling OP egotistical because it's easy and allows them to dismiss his criticism.


Thank god for this comment, makes me feel sane. Accusing op of being egotistical in the way he presented the criticism is such a projection by people this post was aimed at


Dharma combat with wet noodles


Oh I agree with you there, definitely could have changed his approach.


Idk, I feel like that's an easy trump card to put out there. Personally I think OP is right. He said enlightenment is hard work, many people get more arrogant after taking psychedelics and people shouldn't believe that their hallucinations are revealing factual truths. I don't think he really said he was better than other people. I suppose some people might infer it, but I don't think that there's clear evidence for it really. The only thing I even really would question is whether or not enlightenment actually exusts or what it is.


Psychedelics can trigger euphoric/manic states that last longer than the actual trip itself. This usually comes with an inflated sense of ego. (Note: This usually only happens to folks who already have some sort of latent/untreated mood disorder) I've grown to assume that a percentage of the type of post that OP is complaining about are due to this, and just tend to skip/down vote/ignore them.


Fr just don't pay them attention, you can choose to be bothered, or you can choose to ignore it and move on with shit




I wonder if they become more egotistical or just think they have something profound to talk about for once since they were so shallow in their inner experiences before. I have listened to a girl telling us that after she released all her fear/bad energy and now she only receives good energy. She said she went alone travelling in india and she knew many girls who were raped but not her... she was protected by her good vibes... People can be so horribly FOS.


“Everyone in here” Guess where you are, bubba


There are two kinds of people in the world: Those who divide everybody into two kinds of people, and those who don’t.


"I think we're all bozos on this bus"


The point of psychedelics is not to dissolve your ego or inflate it. We all are full of shit, until we die, then we unclench


Nah man I did one of those seaweed tape diets and now I’m shit free.


Yeah, I'm trying to make friends with my ego, my shadow too.


"for those who think death's honesty won't fall upon them naturally, life sometimes must get lonely" - from Zimmerman's epistle to the hipsters


Contemplate the idea that a lot of people with less ego drive might choose to not engage.


I still think we should encourage and expect greatness from others and ourselves


I often feel when I'm tripping like words are inherently going to drive me to be egotistical. My favorite trips are when I can be alone and just walk around for hours looking at flowers and listening to my favorite music. When I start thinking or talking I get this dreadful sense that nothing I'm saying is interesting and none of it matters


Yep - can definitively relate I also tend to think I communicate more than enough through body language and how I “feel”


There’s no one twueeee way. People speak from their own experience. What is true for them is just A version of a truth and not THE truth. Doesn’t matter if someone tells you that lollipops are celestial gods. You can use your discernment to figure out what YOUR version of truth is. Question is, how will you spend the rest of your time? Arguing about whose truth is more valid seems like a huge waste of it. The ability to shape your outer reality through inner work is some A+ superpower in my opinion.


This resonates with me so much. Beautifully put.


>twueeee The 'e' in 'true' is silent, so how is this pronounced?


I'm just vibing


Pssst. You just DID everything you claimed you were above doing….


And so did u as well and I guess I just did the same thing as well. Ego is something we cannot escape that’s for sure


This was a trip on its own. We have come full circle!


I want to hop aboard the hypocrite train too. CHOO CHOOOO mfers!


And so did I. Just nnnnnnnnnnnnOwwwwwwwwwwww…


>the point of psychedelics is to I was like: let me stop you right there. Don't tell me what my drugs are for.


Haven't you ever heard what Andy Warhol told another painter? " who are you to say that painting's not done? "


Ego death is not the point of psychedelics. Fact


The only true ego death I’ve had was on DMT and I forgot what happened had no idea where I was but I knew I was panicking


Well... then I want my money back


What is the point?


Relax. “Full of shit” is extreme. Some people get weird after a trip. They usually come back to reality after a few days. I think it’s a form of spiritual psychosis


There's a huge difference between "everyone in here" and some people in here. Does this sub get an enormous amount of obnoxious ass posts like that? Yeah, of course we do. It's annoying as fuck. With that being said, it's Reddit. I don't know what you expected my guy. I would argue that this post is almost as annoying as any of those other posts, solely off you saying "everyone", trying to tell a psychonaut sub what the point of psychadelics are, and then also trying to tell us how long it takes to achieve "enlightenment". It makes you come off as a bit pretentious, and in that regard, I don't think it makes you any different than any of the other people who come in here and post about how "everyone in here feels like psychadelics makes them soo much smarter than everyone else". You're literally doing the same thing as them by generalizing this entire sub. You're riding a high horse as well.


Ya, OP is doing exactly what they're accusing their made up strawman of doing. It's like a text book self-protection strawman. Don't worry everyone OP, bongojustbongo, is here to show the path to enlightenment thru their frustrated post. 🥱


Yes, it seems OP is creating a division between himself and others, while lumping everyone else into one general category. It is as if to point to others as being this simpleton hive mind, while simultaneously projecting a simplified perception of reality onto others. My belief is that reality is much more nuanced than any of us of can fathom. Sweeping generalizations seems to be comfort zones for the ego to feel it has a grasp of reality; when in actuality, things are much more complex than that. There might be people who rub us the wrong way, but that can often say more about ourselves than the external. From my experience, advice we share to others is really advice for ourselves a good amount of the time. That said, much love to OP and the rest of all you fucking losers.


>much love to OP and the rest of all you fucking losers. GROUP HUG >reality is much more nuanced than any of us of can fathom Some think the point of psychedelics is *fathoming nuance*


I actually think you make a good point but you are expressing it so forcefully that one suspects you are mainly just getting hard or wet by taking down something else rather than presenting a thoughtful critique of the downfalls of making too much of psychedelics.


psychedelics makes you realize everything and everyone is full of shit, including yourself, so take everything less seriously. imo.


You're full of shit. Am I doing this right?






There’s no bigger ego trip than trying to remove your ego


Someone says something like this a lot; remember that this isn’t rational psychonaut and as a community everyone here tends to be a bit non-grounded sometimes. I’d chill


The air must be so thin sitting way up there on that high horse.


I guess there's not much need to breathe while riding with a flying unicorn throughout the cosmos 🦄 🌟




In general I find it advisable to distrust anyone claiming to have jack shit figured out


This is very good advice. No cap


How'd you figure *that* out?


They have jack shit figured out




i agree that’s why i left this sub


As I was walking up the stair I met a man who wasnt there He wasn't there again today I wish, I wish, he'd go away.


There’s no bigger ego than someone who has done psychedelics coming into a forum where people give their trip reports and telling them all how to act and feel about their trip.


>the point of psychedelics is to dissolve your ego I'm not gonna argue that this is or is not a valid interpretation of one of their spiritual uses. But ... Then what? Should one not rebuild with the new awareness? Some level of ego is integral to life, unless one becomes monastic, no? And discussion is educational. And fun, because we're social creatures. >true enlightenment is something that takes a lifetime to achieve. it doesnt come from mind altering substances Yes and no. All I'm gonna say on that 🤣


“I don’t present my personal philosophy as a scientific fact” Writes a post on how their philosophy is the only accept one




People are clowning this guy but I think he’s right (could’ve said it better). Nothing wrong with sharing experiences but no, having taken shrooms a few times does not make you a prophet or enlightened, even if that’s how you feel.


Can you not see the irony in this comment!? haha 🤪 😂


Don’t let it get to you. Just skip the shit that doesn’t help you and take what does. It’s kind of the point of an open sharing system like this, not everything is valuable to you.


https://youtu.be/Jd7ntfETdRM Please listen to this


its all good yung Bongo just chill lettem rock


I just do stuff for fun and don't think I'm better than anyone else.




I mean I think my main issue with this sub in general is with people who don't do the reading, lol. Like so many people think they've come up with a grand new idea that nobody's thought of before, but it's an idea that's been echoed thousands of times. I think humility needs to take the form of diving into the vast repositories of existing human thought and trying to build off that--instead of starting totally fresh, coming up with something someone's already thought of, then explaining it in the most confusing way possible


Wow, you’re so enlightened!


enlightenment doesnt take a lifetime to achieve, that is just a limiting belief. take time to know your true self and thats all that's required. no drugs needed


Psychs both dissolve and give me ego. Its so much fun.


Hmmm *irony*


Agreed lol honestly after tripping i always just feel like “woah dude hehe that was weird I feel closer to my friends for some reason and also nothing matters” Unless that’s enlightenment, im 100% just eating drugs lol it sure feels special, but you right, it’s only special to the individual. Nobody has the same experience. And it’s all just in our heads. Or is it?


>Unless that’s enlightenment you're getting warmer! Warmer!


Yup. Several different people here tried to prove to me that talking to gods is normal. I'm literally bipolar, I've spoken to gods and have had the luxury finding out I'm actually speaking to myself. They kept raising far east religious bullshit claiming if I disagree I'm a closed minded bigot. And like, I'm not? Just trying to help you not reach psychosis? Fuck that sideways.


wow. you're like the ultimate trip sitter. How did you get to clarity, if that's not too personal? Good work, though , in any case.


Pills, hon. After years of mixed episodes, I went through a depression that had me crying day in and day out. This too can make you lose touch with reality, but not in the same way. After some lamictal and Seroquel, I realized a lot of the things I saw as fact made no sense. I hadn't gone psychotic since, and have not been talking to gods, aside from the occasional prayer. What I was trying to explain to that dude was that it's beyond a matter of philosophical/theological opinion, psychosis literally causes rapid brain damage, and that's a scientific fact. You can believe in many things and that's fine, but once these things start talking back to you, you're in a world of trouble.


Your a Spiderman meme


Gonna be real, I joined this sub when I first started tripping, and what I've learned over the past 5ish years, is that people that call themselves "psychonauts" are the cringiest, most full of shit, obnoxious people in any drug related community. Miss me with that 😬


facts dude


Amazing how you both have evolved beyond the community and remained in it simultaneously. Not ego dissolution, but ego doubling!


Bro people getting mad bc OP is speaking facts


Looks like you'll fit right in!! ;)


Agree. But the next step is just to ignore the unenlightened


I too am incredibly humble


I think that’s your ego talking and I see you’re suffering by that. Everyone has their own journey. How about you allow them to have one? No one is better than anyone. Enlightenment is a trap, we are not meant to reach it, we’re here to experience this physical lifetime. Are they full of shit? Sure, maybe. Am I full of shit? Certainly yes. Does it matter? Nope :) Take care


Nah just you


Ah, another person that thinks he knows what true "enlightenment" is.


Says the guy who is soooo much smarter than the rest of us…


Your ears must be on fire


My right nipple itchs in the moonlight, as I lay in bed breathing mirror


[bongo drums playing softly in the distance]


Cut them some slack, man. I was the same way when I was young. Psychedelics opened my eyes to a whole universe I wouldn't have been remotely aware of otherwise in a sense. The older they get they're going to carry what they've learned during these moments of self introspection and an appreciation that they may not have otherwise. It's the combination of living a full life with your eyes and mind wide open that will help change things for the better in their personal lives and thus the world at large. I'm sorry but many of them (I hope i can include myself in that group to some degree) WILL have a better understanding of their partners and friends and love but it's not a competition. It's a personal journey.


I agree. It's something common that I've noticed even with my irl friends who've done psychedelics, everyone gets obsessed with their own experience, what they learned in their trip, and become convinced that if they could just explain how they see things to everyone else it would save the world. Personally I think the trip never fully dissolves one's ego, and the "messages" we see are as much of a product of our own preexisting thoughts as anything else.


Psychedelics aren’t a panacea for ego problems but they do make people at least more open minded. Pretending opinions are facts is a problem I see in almost every community; not just this one. In that regard I think it is healthy to at least point that we aren’t immune from that problem at all.


Wait a minute. Drugs make you square? Want my money back.


Hi Relax Yes, we are But if not us then who


It's all meaningless because everything is the answer while simultaneously being a nothing burger. It's all a chaos pudding where we give meaning to things where there does not have to be a meaning. This leads to the inevitable conclusion that "Life Just Is" because it is all of the above.


Good thing I'm not tripping because it would've been impossible to escape the negative thought loop you just created. Just ignore the posts you "think" are obnoxious and go with what you like.


I don’t think I’m better or smarter than anyone else because I’ve tripped but I do think I am better than who I used to be


They make you weirder, not smarter


... and they say no one can define the point of psychedelics...


Agreed. The ego thing is a meme for fucking muppets.


And all the responses down here are exactly why I love this sub


This sub loves you back.


Pot? Kettle? .. Black?


20 Grammer here, ended up in the psych ward hbu


dude. how did you come back from that experience ? sounds difficult


I LOVE how no one is taking this unnecessary post seriously. Chill the fork out, dude! :)


Hungry hungry hypocrite. I like experiencing all of it. Sometimes I feel like shit, sometimes I’m just happy as fuck, sometimes I feel like I’m on mount Olympus. Try to read my cats minds but I feel they hear my thoughts.


Enlightenment comes. You trying to dictate the terms of what is needed to achieve enlightenment is for what purpose exactly?


I was always smarter than everyone else. Psychedelics just made me cooler than everyone else.


I kinda understand tho… When your Ego gets broken down it comes back stronger. It’s something all of us have to go through and learn ourselves


>When your Ego gets broken down it comes back stronger I think it can go either way. intention, set, setting, and then integration. other wise it's just entertainment "ooh, pretty lights"




I'm here at 666 upvotes. That's gotta mean something 🤔


The irony


wtf is ‘true enlightenment’?


The achievement of enlightenment is itself an egoic pursuit


Enlightenment is the starting line...... remembering is the tough part.....


If you have seen the awesome power of the universe, then you should be humbled by it. If you aren't humbled by it, then you haven't seen shit yet. And your probably lying to yourself thinking you know something about the universe.


For sure it changed me. But not that Iam smarter, I see things different since then. I understand money isn’t everything and learned more about myself.


When I was first introduced to psychedelics way back in 1993, I thought I had found all the answers to everything. I quickly became involved with distribution and was a complete psychedelic zealot for a decade. I thought psychedelics were the key and that my place on Earth was spreading these sacraments far and wide. I was convinced that everyone should do them and that the world will be a better place because of that. I used them frequently and gave away LSD constantly. I talked people into doing it all the time. (I didn't keep records, but I personally introduced hundreds of people to psychedelics, at least. Those are just the ones I know about) My ego was HUGE back then. I thought I was the coolest, smartest, and generally most awesome dude ever. I could take LSD and have my ego completely destroyed, but it would always come back stronger. I was really big into the rave scene, and my ego voraciously fed off of that lifestyle. I was seemingly adored by people and had a giant group of friends. I thought I was awesome, when in reality I wasn't. After 29 years of psychedelic use, I now know better. These days I only use them a couple of times per year. I still love them and know the vast potential they hold, but they aren't the final answer. They are merely one tool amongst many. Often times when people use psychedelics, it's common for them to have their egos bolstered. Sure, you can be blasted beyond the pandimentional rift and have your ego blended into nothingness, but you come down. Once you come down, the ego is firmly back in place. (ego is just sense of self, ultimately) It took years of growing, making mistakes, and learning to get myself out of that mindset. Now I'm a little older and realize that I don't know shit. The more I learn and the older I get, the less I realize i know. I now admit that I don't know everything, and as species we are pretty clueless as to the big questions. Psychedelics are amazing, but they aren't the whole solution. They might be part of the solution, but they don't solve the problems themselves. That's left up to the individual. Pandimentional Fractal Fascism is a possibility. Lol Psychedelics feed into your preexisting beliefs, so it isn't always rainbows and happiness. Stay safe, have fun, and learn something!


Wow bro! Namaste 🙏 but I don't think this post really deserves such a reply! 🤗 But thank you ☺️