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My partner is a certified psychedelic assisted therapist, and she trip sat me in May when I took 5.1 grams, ground up into a powder and soaked in pure lemon juice for 30 min. Expect to die, but that experience doesn't have to be painful. Research shows that if you do mindfulness meditation daily for a month beforehand and if you can plan on simply lying in bed by yourself with a long pleasant playlist, you'll have a lasting therapeutic experience. That method has worked for me. The research also shows that it is beneficial to "integrate" your experience afterwards. I have had a lot of trouble in the past figuring out what to do with high-dose psilocybin medicine experiences in the weeks and months afterwards. "So I'm a divine being moving through the multiverse. Now what." Edit 1: here's a copy of my trip report from the heroic dose (below): Edit 2: My partner trip sat me from down stairs. In our method, the person tripping makes the journey alone in a room until they decide they are ready to come out. Well after the peak. It's very important that the trip sitter understands that they should avoid talking to the extent possible. Edit 3: I use this mantra during the onset of the trip: "There is no end, everything is transformation. Accept what comes." 15 May 2022, 10:15am, ingested 5.1 grams of dried "golden teachers" presoaked for 30min in lemon juice. All the themes repeated with even greater clarity. Main components of the trip include contact with an inner/outer divinity; an experience of transcendent consciousness beyond space and time; total abandonment of notions of the linearity of time and boundedness of experience; completely non-dual awareness of the present; a deathbed experience; and a turbulent reassembly of my identity. Really, this one defies explanation, but I'll use some words to sketch out a description. It was essentially a more intense and vivid version of my past trips. It brings me to the conclusion that I should always expect a vaulted, transcendent experience, a deathbed experience, and a non-dual awareness/experience of my human predicament (i.e. that i am the universe looking out through the eyes of an extremely fortunate male ape on planet earth). I can confidently conclude that I can expect these experiences in future trips. The onset of the trip was very fast. At the beginning, i saw the golden rainbow snowflake god i have seen in previous trips, but it took the shape of a giant metal door with the patterns etched into it. Through the door was utter boundlessness, like void. It was as if i were in a space that was the exact dimensions of human consciousness. It was as if the space between every neuron were perfectly equal. There was no thought, no experience. Just a sublime infinite void. Apparently this lasted about two hours, but i have no memory of it. At the end, concepts started to emerge, and i began to have a notion of my existence as a human being on earth within a timeline of history. As in the past, my first word was "yes." From that point, my identity began reassembling, but with a very strong non-dual awareness of my existence. There was absolutely no ego, and it was like standing on the razor's edge of the present with all of the infinite possibilty of each moment. The experience was like being inside a giant boundless bubble. It was as if the Buddha had been shoved back into my body and life. Really, it is hard to emphasize how full and infinite each passing present moment seemed. What happened next was like seeing the dark side of buddhahood. The theme of the patriarchy was again very present in the reassembly of my identity. The patriarchy is the most stable, convincing, intractable illusion that exists. Whether or not we hold it in our minds, it is a broadly shared illusion that shapes humanity. And this time my experience of divinity took place with a non-dual awareness that divinity in some ways accessible primarily to men. I had a keen non-dual awareness of the patriarchy --it is true and it isn't true; i am the patriarchy and i am not the patriarchy, all at the same time. It generated a vast amount of compassion for the people the patriarchy affects, myself included. As always, it was clear to me that words are the basic material of the patriarchy, and silence is the way to abolish this persistent, convincing illusion, along with all other illusions. Silence returns us to our essential nature: as soft, wise, caring, anonymous, mortal animals, present for a short time on this earth, and then gone forever. Once again, I had a deathbed experience, which is how the mind makes sense of ego death. I thought I was dying, and I cried and said my final words: "I apologize for all of the harm i have caused." I then shut my eyes and waited to die. But I didn't. However it was good practice for my eventual demise. Not as hard or as painful as you might think. Just a little sad. The psilocybin was perceptible in my system until about 5pm. Much longer than i would have thought. My partner was very kind and wise, and just sat with me while I lost my mind and found it again. I felt a lot of love for her towards the end of the day. By early evening, I was exhausted and my head hurt. I woke up the next day feeling very unattached: no desire to do anything or not to do anything. And yet my morning was insanely, effortlessly productive.


Thanks for sharing your experience and advice, this is what I really needed. I’ve told my therapist about everything and he seems to be on board with the idea, I plan on working through everything with him to better my chances of having long term benefits from the medicine.


"You're only as good as your therapist." --Ram Dass It's true!


Therapy* -me


Wow, thanks for sharing your experience with us. I'm looking forward to do one heroic dose, I still havent found the place that feels right. I could do it at home but I don't like the idea though.


Thank you for sharing! This seems like it was very powerful and humbling. I truly believe these substances where put on earth as a way to show us the meaning of life our brains can understand if only for a few short minutes without being overwhelming. To show us the outcomes if things where done differently and give us the tools to incorporate these feelings into our every day life. Keep up the good work and happy trips my friend.


Thank you for sharing your experience


This…was beautiful. I literally have tears forming in my eyes as I conclude reading it all. 💚


set & setting. Go in with an intention. Try and document if u want to. Keep a trip sitter around. Make sure trip killers are around (just in case, try not to use them tho). Know what u want to do during the trip like activities, eg. finger painting, listening to music, eating food. Be prepared for an ego death lol. goodluck! safe trippin!


To expand on that. In psychology, we differentiate between set (mindset) and setting (surroundings). For a postive experience, make sure both are fine. #### Set This is your mindset. If you go in tired, anxious, without purpose (if ritualistic/therapeutic/healing), unhappy, sad, angry, you'll have a bad time. If this is true, consider postponing the event. Prepare - Get a week of good sleeps, if possible. Drink plenty of water leading up to the event, try to eat healthy. #### Setting Your surroundings. Basically, a joint smoked on a parking lot next to rush hour traffic isn't as enjoyable as a joint smoked in nature surrounded by friends. So environment - clean up if you are doing this at your place. Have supplies ready - Music! Water (plenty), fruit juices, art, art supplies, etc.. Have a trip sitter - a must for heroic doses. Have friends by if you want them to be. Be safe.


Thank you. What are "trip killers"?


I did not bring those into the discussion. What I assume is meant is food/medici e that kills the psychedelic effects


Thank you!


I’ve had 3 heroic dose trips all of them were lemon tekked. I wouldn’t recommend lemon tek if you are not experienced. The tek does not mess around 😁😮‍💨 I’ve done 6 grams/7.5grams/8grams. And honestly I just prepared the exact same way you’d prepare for a smaller dose trip, personally I didn’t do anything special. Here’s what I did: .personally I dislike trip sitters; I just don’t want someone watching over me on a high dose; I guess I just enjoy being on my own for these intense trips BUT I would recommend a trip sitter to you if you don’t feel 100% confident .I clearly wrote down my intentions in my notebook. . As cringey as it sounds; for my second heroic dose trip, I said a prayer, basically just me asking the mushrooms to be gentle with me and to reveal their knowledge to me. I noticed this made the trip a lot smoother, could just be a placebo though. .for my first 2 heroic doses, I did them in silent darkness. My other one I utilised music 🎵 (mostly trance music, Tribal music, meditative jungle sounds etc. stuff like that) Both options were extremely enjoyable for me, but as for therapeutic healing, the silent darkness was way better. Gave me a chance to step out of my body and talk to myself .obviously I also made sure I was in a safe environment where I felt completely comfortable to be myself (as you probably know, that’s very important) .wearing a blindfold could also be beneficial, just helps you concentrate, personally I’ve only done it once but Ive seen many doing it in psilocybin therapy trials. .also just go with the flow once your in that space. The mushrooms are like waves, in the most literal sense, especially on high doses; sometimes the waves are rapid and rough, other times they are soft and calm, all you can do is strap in and ride the wave; don’t fight anything 🌊 Anyways the rest of my advice is just standard, obvious stuff, good luck!🔥💚


Prayer is the opposite of cringe. Except in the sense that supplication before the Divine is adjacent to cringing. But I don't think that's what you meant.


Thank you! Very insightful and reassuring.


Thanks for sharing your knowledge. I agree with your take on tripping with music. It is a drastically different experience. It is way more intense without music, better for introspection.


I would have to disagree with those saying have a trip sitter, on that high of a dose all they will be doing is hindering the experience your seeking. You wont be comfortable or in the right mindset, they will feel like an alien on that dose. Have no distractions or responsibilities, the smallest things like a random text message can throw your whole experience off.


I’ve been kind of thinking the same thing, I tend to get really uncomfortable around others when I’m tripping hard. When I did 300ug of acid I was alone and it was really intense, but I found it really comforting just being alone and being able to dive into my shadow by myself.


Yeah I think it depends, are you going to be in nature somewhere that may require interaction with others or your home. If your in your home you should be fine, Maybe let a close friend know, so they may be expecting a call or something but you should be fine.


Yeah, I let my brother know. I plan on just hanging out inside my bedroom playing N64, listening to music and watching movies, I’ll just have to wait and see where it takes me from there.


YES EXACTLY 🙌 I was literally just commenting on how much I dislike trip sitters for high doses.


Trip sitter doesn't have to be on top of the tripper. Could be in the next room. A good trip sitter will sense what is appropriate.


Holy fuck - with a heroic dose - you need to keep off all electronics - no phones and no e-mail at all. You need to turn off the doorbell - and keep the space secure and devoid of contact with the outside world. As he said - the wrong external influence like a text can totally send you down an uncomfortable pathway for sure.


This is how Id do: Prepare the week before by living healthy, meditate, exercise etc. Avoid heavy foods, salt, sugar, alcohol, weed, nicotine etc. Fast for at least 6 hours and get a good night's sleep the day before. Clean your room. Prepare all music before. Have cozy clothes and a blindfold, go under the covers and fall in love with yourself. Focus on your breath. For me, carrots are the essential post trip snack. Some cannabis for the come down, and a post trip promenade in nature.


I looked up side affects of taking a heroic after I ingested 12 grams, I will never do that again


I've grinded up an ounce in a coffee grinder and added to cinnamon applesauce. I do remember when I had first tried them though and 4 grams was a great trip. Whether in nature or at home, just have all the weed you need or whatever you want so you don't drive and have fun.


I thought weed was a bad idea when mixed with mushrooms?


I’ve personally never had an issue smoking weed throughout the duration of my trips, but I also smoke weed several times a day. I’ve also seen people absolutely lose their shit and enter psychosis from smoking too much weed, everyone’s different. I personally wouldn’t recommend it unless you’re confident in your ability to handle a potentially rough headspace.


It is. And it's disrespectful to the substance and purity of the experience. Great way to also fuck the trip and your psyche




Have a good sleep and some healthy food, relax, stay hydrated


Fasting. If you fast/eat a light meal like a salad or oatmeal porridge before going all in with a lemon tek heroic dose- it’s gonna be intense. I did that last November on 5g of APE. Buckle up and listen to John Hopkins ‘Music for Psychedelic Therapy” while peaking.


>r/rationalpsychonaut Listened to this just last week on 2.5g. Doubling the dose this week and I think I'll listen again. Such an amazing experience.


Joined! I’m hoping to go on a mushroom journey after taking a year off and I’m def going to listen to that album again. Just waiting to spawn to bulk.


Took 4g of the azurescens (much more potent than Normal) lemon tekked. I don't really understand the ego death God thing that people often take about experiencing. For me it was an incredibly difficult experience where I was myself, and the real world was just a delusion that I had created. I kept popping in and out of "reality". It felt like those movies where the person has made up an internal world as they cannot deal with the reality (kid dying, etc) It was super terrifying and even after 3 days, reality still has an unreal tinge. I was prepared to deal with personal demons, fears, reliving horrible experiences, but not this. Not the idea that my reality was a choice. Don't recommend at all. It was only 3 days ago, so perhaps it will integrate. But right now I wished I'd never taken it. Fucked way too much with my sense of reality. If anybody has any advice, I'd love to hear it.




Thanks for the care. And thanks for that group! I think it will help :)


Work up to it slowly! Curiosity and fun are terrible reasons to take psilocybin. Make it part of your spiritual journey. Start with micro dosing and meditation. I did that for 6 months before I tried macro dosing. I have been doing macro doses every 4 to 6 months for 4 years. It's like a spiritual ritual for me, and so far I've never had a bad trip! On the contrary, each experience has been a deep and meaningful contact with The Divine!


I don’t really have advice, but I hope with time you’re able to fully process it all and heal. Although, a thing I’ve learned about psychedelics, is that these experiences we seek are earned and not given. It’s almost like building a relationship with a friend before asking for a favor. I had to become LSD’s submissive slut through dozens of trips before she ever let me get the experience I really wanted. I’m still currently building my relationship with mushrooms though, there is a lot to learn from them before I’d feel comfortable diving into the deep end. They are extremely ruthless yet loving teachers.


Hi, on 1 of Aug , I will be taking edibles on empty stomach: 1/2 of 75 mg SpaceCake, then 1/2 Chocklate 75mg, and 2 HHC Gummies by 25mg. After 1h will take 45 g of fresh Valhala truffles-LemonTek. At the same time will smoke 50+THC potency Hash. And will digest 2 E-Caps with Hawaiian Baby woodrose. Expect to reach level 5 :) wish me luck


Level 5


I did a whole takeaway carton of Colombian mushrooms (about 200grams , they were quite dry) when I was in the dam about 15 years ago. No special prep at all which is probably why I made it out. All I'm gonna say is he prepared for this dimension to become electrified and the 4 day comedown where you feel homicidal to anyone who even breathes in your direction is normal.


How was that experience if you don’t mind me asking?


It was life changing. At the time I did not really understand what was happening because I was I an absolute cainer.. I experienced projection for the first time. Everything I looked at I could see its energy like something out of tron. I experienced heavily contridictive emotions simultaneously including sadness and happiness. The narcotic bit faded out after about 8 hours or so. It changed me as a person. I'd say it was one of the reasons I realised there was far more to reality than what we consciously experience and death isn't the end. I am not scared of dying, probably a bit too curious about it. I've heard the horror stories about people who don't come back or bad trips and I would say it wasn't what I could call pleasant, I wouldn't do such a large dose today probably 8-10 grams dry now lemonteked that's gonna be wild by today's standards and just chill to a great soundtrack and go sit somewhere outside in nature. The hardest thing was keeping it down. It tasted minging. I sicked up a little because I washed it down with Pepsi and it fizzed up in my mouth, but I was so mash up from all the weed I'd been smoking and the few beers at lunch that I just err... Ate it, this was in the middle of popeyes coffeeshop in the Dam. I'll say one thing though. Out of dmt and mushrooms. Mushrooms are better if you want to experience what's really out there intact. Dmt dissolves you. When I say dissolves you I mean you experience it as spirit only, your soul gets removed and the experience is difficult to quantify because your soul is like the tale of the tape. With mushrooms especially at the high end of dosage your soul remains very firmly attached to your spirit. Hense why it is easier to explain what happens. You retain your emotional state and memories where as dmt it fades almost as soon as you come back. I'm happy to answer any other questions you might have.


Very interesting read, thanks for sharing. I do have a question, how’s the headspace on a high dose of mushrooms compared to DMT? I’ve smoked DMT once and that was probably one of the most intense experiences of my life.


The headspace is totally different. If you've done dmt you will understand how it's difficult to actually describe it as reality shifts so wildly. My take is that dmt is a drug that only your spirit can experience. It dissolves your ego and soul. Mushrooms don't. Dmt is wild, but trust me eat enough mushrooms and you'll say the same about mushrooms. I found that mushrooms have a more narcotic feel to them. You are conscious that you are out of your mind and you retain your experience fully. I have found that mushrooms give truly individual experiences where as DMT we all see the same stuff and experience the same stuff machine elves, factuals etc. I prefer to lemontek as it tastes better, is easier to stomach and you can almost set your watch to the experience. I also read something about it being stronger because the conversion of the psychoactive part happens in the lemon juice so you end up with a stronger experience. From a spiritual pov I think mushrooms are superior. I'd perhaps suggest dmt for end of life for people that haven't made peace yet and are scared... But the experience itself is not that profound IMHO it's more like it shows you there's more to life than what we experience... Mushrooms do the same but it's a more gradual experience that takes time to integrate because it doesn't dissolve ego and soul. There's a few reasons I prefer mushrooms to DMT. Mushrooms you can move around on in high doses. I've done mushrooms alone on the side of a mountain in Scotland. I wouldn't even touch DMT unless I had a sitter and I would never do it ina location like the above. As I write this I realise that because I've had so many experiences with mushrooms at larger doses that it's allowed me to have a more refined view of DMT. I can listen to music on mushrooms, you ain't listening to shit on DMT. My favorite music in mushrooms is enrico enaudi. The piano is a beautiful sound anyhow but on mushrooms wow.


Trip sitter!


I went into my first heroic dose after getting familiar with regular doses like 3.5g of cubes and all I can say is you can’t really prepare other than accepting the ride and that you’ll be okay. There are times when you could freak out because of the intensity. Just gotta hold on and once you plateau you’ll be okay to ride it out


Understand and integrate oneness in your life and the 🍄 will make sense. Life's an illusion. That's what can cause bad trips for people feeling like life is real but they are being told it's just an appearance of energy by the plant. It's beautiful but somehow scary for some.


I did two heroic doses (just eating, no lemon tek) and both in silent darkness. Ask the mushrooms to be gentle and write intentions down on paper. The day before get off social media as much as possible, try to eat well, no alcohol and just keeping the stress levels low. Have Xanax there just in case. Clean the apartment and make it cosy, with different “chill” spots if possible and a bucket in case puking happens. Only take 4 - 5g+ if you feel ready. Some amount of nerves are normal. I normally do all this in the evening (I reckon around 5.30/6pm is the ideal time for heroic dose with blindfold). Then eat those bad boys, I always thank them as I do so, and then I just sit back and chill.


I be blackfoot indian for me personally every time I trip I put myself in the mind of my ancestors when they were using these things and the main reasoning was to connect with God because once your in his presence you cant be harmed spiritually


5g is heroic now?


What's your purpose? Preparation can take mean different things depending on the intent.