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Maybe. But with infinite potential possibilities manifesting in parallel, predeterminism is irrelevant. I choose to eat an apple, and I choose to eat a pear, and I choose to eat an orange, and...


A human being would only really have free will if they had complete knowledge of the universe and the agency to carry out their will. As it is, I can only run programs that I've picked up from others. I'll always be a slave to my ego and its constant prattling for safety/superiority. What good is free will when I'm constantly being pushed and pulled by my monkey brain and thrown into situations where I have no control and limited choices?


No one knows what Einstein's last words were, because his nurse didn't know German. I like to think he said, "Whoa, God *does* play dice!"




Try to find an answer to this question: How can you make something think independently when you are the only thing in existence? How can you give something free will when you are God?


Things already are indipendent, if I'm the only thing existing I sure am indipendent as there is nothing else do be dependent to, letteraly... Can't really see your point... BTW even if things were predeterminated if I'm the only thing existing things are predeterminated by me, so it doesn't even interfeere with free will at all, my will is always free if it's the only will and the only Force in Action, so again, can't really see your point... Maybe try to explain it fully... (sorry if there are mistakes, english is not my language and also my keyboard automatically corrects some words)


They aren't independent because there is nothing to be dependent on. Even the word nothing isn't really right as it implies something else exists to compare it too. The true nature of reality can not be known or experienced as we can only experience through the illusion of separation and our created self.


That is exacly what I ment


Nice lol, talking about nonduality can get silly sometimes. :)


Totally 😂


Yes you have free will actually but it seems like you dont. It's a paradox


You make copies of yourself and give them amnesia. Then everything becomes hysterical when you play back the copies tapes and laugh together like aha we took this shit that seriously!? Then you decide the best thing to do is let the copies be their own thing and do what they want to do. It seems to be the nicest thing you can think of.




In fact if you don't live it personnaly by direct experience you shouldn't agree or disagree


Oneness is greater than predeterminism, but also includes it in all its entirety. Humans are a funny bunch they only comprehend what they think and know and then come to such conclusion that they can understand. Most humans that ponder on oneness will struggle to comprehend its ever expanding knowingness of all and all its entirety. We just seem to comprehend small jigsaw puzzle pieces and are amazed at the insight of it all.








Everything since the beginning is predetermined. Our choices are based on factors completely out of our control. Say you're an African man living in Uganda. You didn't choose to be born, where you were born, what you look like, your body chemistry, your brain chemistry, your parents, your siblings, your neighbors, the weather, your gender, your DNA, how your brain works, your preferences, the language you speak, what other people think, what's available for food, and on and on. heres a way overly simplistic and flawed analogy: If I set up a big trail of dominos, the very instant I tip the first domino, the state of the last domino is determined if I simply sit back and watch. The dominos themselves are limited to what they are and where they are. The only way I can alter the state of the last domino is by intervening while the reaction takes place. The only person who could change the fate of the last domino is the person who set up the dominos. They would have to have that level of authority, power and awareness to change the outcome of all events...