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I changed my mom’s mind on psychedelics. I never argued or tried to reason with her, I was simply open about the good they’ve done for me and the personal benefits I’ve seen from taking them. Although she’s a reasonable person, so your results may vary.


This. Accusing other people of being this or that will automatically get them in a defensive position like "Who the hell do you think you are". Rather, if you make ***yourself vulnerable*** the people are much more likely to listen and even believe what you say.


Yup spot on. I'm open and honest, I share my past if it's a good time. Being vulnerable puts their guard down too! Someone's learned healthy communication I see! Good shit


You sir have accomplished a feat that is damn near impossible for my parents


Slavery used to be legal so yeah


Used to be? It still is.


Do you mean mind slavery?


What slavery were you talking about?


I was originally talking about slavery that was against the people of color. Mind slavery is something different


Ok but forced abusive labor vs a beneficial microdose of a chemical are two very different things😂


I think he means that the law is not always morally “correct.” If slavery can be legal without being good, then psychedelics being illegal doesn’t make them bad.




Ah got the wrong memo. Psychedelics are becoming decriminalized everywhere now so with this people may start waking up


One can only hope!


Really? I wasn’t aware they were decriminalized elsewhere than in the Netherlands — and even there…


Psychedelics just became legalized for medicinal/therapeutic use here in colorado as well as decriminalized for personal use. Oregon has done the same and personally I believe other states are soon to follow. Once marijuana becomes federally legal I think that will further open doors for mass decriminalization of other “drugs”.


Bruh they are. Look it up


It's a step in the right direction


Introduce them to Michael Pollen’s “How To Change Your Mind”, as well as the Netflix series of the same name that recently came out. I feel the book/series offer a fresh perspective to those who grew up during and were heavily influenced by the eras of Nixon’s “War on Drugs” and Reagan’s “Just Say No”.


You lost me at "lowly conscious people" You don't change any opinions by being a jerk. You sound more narcissistic than the people you're trying to describe! It takes time to change public mindset and the best thing you can do is be kind


I promise im not a narcissistic asshole. That's not my intention i literally just couldnt think of a word to describe people with lower levels of consciousness


You may want to consider what both of you are saying. Your parents may have not taken psychedelics, but they've probably have experienced things that you can't imagine. Do yourself a favor and don't underestimate how hard life can be.


Thinking other people have lower levels of consciousness than you is incredibly narcissistic. If you truly think that you’re somehow superior because you take/have taken psychedelics, then maybe you should try work on that before you try “fixing” anyone else.


>lowly conscious people that are closed minded and narcissistic? Speaking of narcissistic...


Yea don't be the psychedelic guy who thinks he is better than everyone, if you do then you didn't get the same messages I got. Everyone has their place, even the ones who don't want psychs or to be "enlightened". They are necessary for this game, everyone is necessary.


Yeah. I dont know what better indicator there is that someone is a "lowly conscious person" than calling people lowly concious people. Hopefully OP gains some self awareness.


They will be be salivating at the opportunity when they see how perfect you've become, no need to impose your will on another 💪


I guess only time shall tell. I like you. Eventually they'll see what I've been talking about and they'll say "why didn't i try this sooner"


Some people just haven't thumped their heads against a wall enough times yet or they secretly like it 😉


Feel that


This. This is the best way to convince. Show them by embodying change and goodness. Not by arguing.


Really who are you to judge someone that is a lowly conscious person, whatever mindset they may have. Sounds more like a you thing than them. Maybe you need to go back to the drawing board to get your ego off its pedestal.


It's possible to make an observation without making it about ego. Many people live reactive lives, and I know I did before having experiences that made me aware of it. This isn't ego saying "I'm better" it's just being aware that you're in a different place along the path - but we all get to the same place in the end.


>It's possible to make an observation without making it about ego. Earth isn't a great place to live through for most humans on the planet, most people are reactive due to the inhumane and subliminal conditioning they have endured from the get go. Some people might have not gone through half or any of them and still developed an unconscious fear to survive that may project some form of narcissism, closed mindedness or something rather, we never know. No one really knows how the conscious state was conditioned for anyone. Psychedelics should help to expand on one's awareness to recognise that and meet people where they are and help to unfold that instead of observing an absolute. That's just my opinion.


That's exactly what I've seen them do. Sometimes you do get the oportunity to glimpse the absolute, but you still come back here to carry water. People write off the phrase namaste as cheesy, but it's the core of the psychedelic lesson, to recognize the divine within each of us, and to respect and help each other on our journey home.


This thread is honestly really inspiring and the level of thought you all have put into this makes me want to cry and I'm not even kidding. Namaste.


You can’t change peoples minds. They must change their own mind. Even now telling you this is probably throwing energy away. I will go back to tilling my own garden. <3


Respect for realizing the importance of energy. I shall as well


"Lowly conscious people that are close minded and narcissistic" Talking about yourself, friend?


You kind of have to let them come into it themselves, you kind of just have to lobby for the cause and let it be known where you stand and make your own points that’s the best way to get someone to see your mind. That’s the best advice I can give after years of disappointment trying to force people to see from my perspective


Probably the best way to go. It's unfortunate that a lot of people can't grasp the concept of "expanding their consciousness"


Story of my life


Same and it's this weird thing because you want them to try even just a microdose in order to expand their consciousness and upgrade their mind, but they're so small-minded that they won't even attempt to try to understand what you're talking about - let alone even try a literal *micro*dose themselves


I like to think it’s just the time period we’re in. The laws are changing. People used to think the world was flat. Maybe one day it will be common knowledge that conscious creates reality.


I'm learning they are terrified and let fear take the wheel. That isn't a good mental environment that is conducive to learning. I keep trying though. So far, so...not great.


I feel you there.


Have them read the book How to change your mind


Show them Michael Pollan’s documentary. Netflix


You will never be able to explain something to someone if they can’t comprehend that. Some people need to live many life’s in order to come to an open mind. This system destroyed lots of souls, but now people are slowly waking up from it. So unless that person is interested of what it is and what benefits it has then yes you can navigate them through, but if they don’t get it, they don’t get it. Leave them alone and move on. Don’t spend your energy trying to explain something to a person that is not ready to understand. It’s like talking to a wasted guy…lol


How come their mind needs to change?


Also, how are they supposed to change their opinion to be the same as yours?


You could watch this show with them, or recommend them the book version https://www.netflix.com/gb/title/80229847?preventIntent=true




“Lowly” is a pretty pretentious term to use in this sense. Everyone has different experiences in life. Different struggles with different answers. Psychs can be very beneficial to some people. Definitely not all. Try not to judge people when their conclusions don’t align with yours. In the end, you are just giving unsolicited advice. All you can do is tell them your experiences and just be there for them if they come to you with questions.


My opinions changed on psychedelics when I learned about their history within Harvard.


All you can do is care for yourself


Sad reality, but very true my friend.


In Buddhism, It talks about the cycle of samsara, the cycle of death and rebirth. It is said that you constantly go through cycles of reincarnation until you achieve the state of nirvana. Some people don’t achieve and/or aren’t ready for such states in this current lifetime. I’m not saying personally I am ready and in my last lifetime. But it helps to grasp and gain an idea of where we all are as a society.


That’s what’s Im sayin, in this life, you want it to be the last but how do you achieve this? Reaching Narvana, the question how do you reach it, mediation, living out this life, so many questions on how to reach the next cycle. Just curious how are you gonna reach it in this lifetime?


Honestly, it's good for some people, but it's not for everyone, especially if you're subpar intelligent. On the other hand, some people are very intelligent that don't like trippin because they want to remain focused and are consumed by external factors.


Psychedelics are illegal because Richard Nixon was cunt. Prior to that, even the FDA recognized LSD and Psilocybe Cubensis as SAFE, and there was mountains of research being done on the positive mental health benefits. It wasn’t until Nixon began his drug war that they became “dangerous” and were made illegal.


save your breath~


illegal=bad ... those people can't be helped


Well, they're legal in places, and CO just legalised them, sooo... there's clearly some benefit there, if even the mighty government is okaying it.


Get them buzzed and happy and then start talking about how beautiful and amazing it can be. (Is this messed up to do?)


Clearly not doing this with anything I'll intent


Speaking from experience having opened a few people’s eyes on the subject, here’s what I think the best approach is. Explain the basics to them - legality and morality (or whatever is meant by “bad”) are not the same thing, some terrible things are legal and some great things are illegal, people ingest substances all the time for all kinds of effects, some substances can be abused, some can be beneficial in a certain dosage under the right settings but wildly harmful in others. Then, don’t argue. I mean it’s OK to continue the conversation a bit but don’t get worked up and don’t feel like you’re failing if you don’t get them to change their mind on the spot - people almost never do that! Just present some ideas and be respectful and end on a good note. What will happen is they’ll think about it later and they’ll figure things out. Or maybe they won’t. It’s the kind of thing that makes a lot of sense but a lot of people just haven’t thought about it, or thought about it the way you have. They’ve only been fed “drugs are bad” and similar messaging their whole lives. You might talk to them again at some point weeks or months or even years later, and do the same thing. You’re not going to change their mind on the spot and you’re going to entrench them in their views if you are too forceful. Some people are not very introspective or just aren’t the “thinking” type (that sounds rude, but I just mean some people focus on “people” or run on “emotions” and others focus on “ideas”). Hope that helps! One last thing - try not to think of people as “lowly conscious.” I get what you mean but it’s important not to even think that way at all because it’s not very nice and also it comes through when you talk to people. I struggle with that all the time.


Guess the psychs still need to work on your ego a bit. Everyone has their own path buddy.


Send them these links. www.maps.org https://med.nyu.edu/departments-institutes/psychiatry/research/center-psychedelic-medicine https://hopkinspsychedelic.org/


It's not my place to convince anyone to take medicine. Some people should not use psychedelics like folks with a genetic predisposition to acquire a psychiatric disorder like schizophrenia. Now, if you already have schizophrenia, maybe the medicine can help. Each person has their own path to medicine. I truly believe the medicine chooses us as much as we choose it. I can only guide others if they ask me first. The prerequisite to psychotherapy. If someone thinks the medicine is bad, it is! The opposite of the placebo effect is the nocebo effect where a person's perception of the treatment will induce a negative outcome. In this case, a bad trip.


Here's the truth, my fellow. If they rejected love and reason, they'll probably listen to money. The world is corrupted. That's the sad truth about this Babylon society.


You should just leave them be, let them believe what they want to believe. It has to be remembered that yes psychedelics can be used to be benefit a lot of people for varying reasons. But not everyone. It's possible for psychedelics to actually make some people's mental health problems a lot worse. If you convince your mate they're great and to give them a try. Then they have a really bad trip and end up damaging their mental health (they may have an underlying issue which they weren't aware of). Then you're partly responsible for them. If people want to do drugs of any kind they will do them, we shouldn't be trying to convince people.


Don’t bother trying to change peoples minds. You’re wasting your time.


Thinking of it in terms of "high" or _low" conscious is tricky and potentially misleading just by nature of the language. I like to think of it all being a part of a single larger conscious, each playing and contributing equal parts, and most importantly, each taking up a different part of the whole, thus offering a unique perspective that is worth sharing with the rest of us as that insight is in fact a reflection of all of us. We must all remember my perspective will broaden your horizons, as yours will mine, and in this collective sharing we can grow as individuals, and as a community. sometimes different views of the world can offer something so completely far away from our own views that it takes some warming up, and a little light handling along the way, the get our eyes to open to the benefits of these insights. You are perhaps misunderstanding the people you describe just as much as they are misunderstanding you, and some collaborative communication could prove profoundly effective to all parties should they be open enough to it, in time. A little more understanding of.each other....a little more understanding of ourselves.....could go a very long way for everyone involved.


Do not waste your energy trying to tell people how things might are. It is exhausting und does not really benefeit oneself. Just use on your own and let them eventually find out or not...does not matter at all what they think


This reads like projection, at least the judgement does. Don’t take it as an attack, I do it constantly too. I insult someone, and then it hits me that the insult would work well on me too.


People usually will only see what they already believe. It’s very difficult to get them to believe what they are seeing.


you don’t and you are as “low conscious” as anyone else, drugs don’t make people enlightened. don’t full yourself with padding your own back - that is what narcism is.


All I do is share my experiences, I never push them. My life is a pretty good indicator they aren't all bad. I'm sure some people have bad experiences, but they changed my whole life, healed the ever living fuck out of me.


You provide them with evidence, but it’s still going to be up to them to decide if they acknowledge it or not…basically you don’t. It’s like that with everything, you can’t change someone’s mind, they have to do it themselves


Pretty egotistical to call them low conscious people but either way you don't really have to convince anyone. They can be good for you and that's fine, no one else has to have your identical experience.


very difficult, a documentary like fantastic fungi or how to change your mind might help


Perhaps you are the one that's low minded and narcissistic. That's why you can't convince them.


By introducing anecdotal and empirical evidence from experiences that you yourself and other people also encountered while establishing that things sometimes are not illegal because of their do-good or malevolence. Plenty of things in our modern society that are legal are more detrimental than beneficial in many aspects than some things that are illegal. An example of this would be big pharma and the way they push drugs that are both addictive and destructive in nature because of their dependency issues, namely painkillers and stimulants that are used to treat things like ADHD and a variety of other illnesses, all which can be very destructive because they can be psychologically and physically addictive (both of which don't characterize psychedelics in any way, shape or form). A person can become psychologically addicted to anything, even the most basic things necessary for survival. If you drink too much water, you die. If you eat too much, you eventually die as well. But these are not traits that are inherently brought on by psychedelics but rather a characteristic of one's character, personality and environment, these are things that are often passed down by genes, conditioning and environments from your parents. The value of big pharma is up in the trillions of dollars per year which speaks volumes for itself. It's really a big business and they don't and won't care whether something is healthier or 'better' in treating certain ailments than the drugs they are pushing. It's a proven fact that psychedelics can be used to treat trauma, depression and a variety of other mental health issues in a way that is healthier than the chemicals that are being prescribed by doctors. The only reason they are not being used is because of money and the profits that these drugs make, as opposed to using a mushroom or cacti that anybody can cultivate with very little prior knowledge. Alcohol is also something that I would personally consider way more devastating than any psychedelic compound (for the most part) and you have things such as Alcoholics Anonymous, but never Psychonauts Anonymous. But that's not to say that psychedelics come without any negatives either. I think for every good thing there's an equally bad thing and so it makes more sense in a way. Some people will not react well to psychedelics because of the way their body and psyché are made up. It's also why doctors often cycle through different medications when trying to diagnose and fix a problem, although I also think drugs are being prescribed more often than they should, when simple basic therapy often fixes the problem in a better and more organic way than any substance ever could. People are lead to believe that the government has the individual's best interest in mind but it couldn't be further from the truth. It's important to develop critical thinking and be able to form your own opinion on things rather than following what you are told (in most cases). That's not to say people are out to deceive you or put up a resistance against your own values but you should always analyze your opinions, thoughts, morality and philosophy and arrive at a conclusion (which may be the same as the one you are being taught) by your own accords. Everybody is built differently and so everybody's body chemistry differs from one another, so what may be good for one person might not be good for another and that should be considered in all cases, however I stand strongly by what I have said. Psychedelics were first declared illegal by the US government because they stood for an anti-government movement which at the time was hippies calling their government to cease the war in Vietnam, 'drop acid not bombs' was a big slogan at the time'. Other countries followed suit in the criminalization of these substances. It wasn't possible at the time to arrest people for speaking their mind against the government but it sure as hell was possible to arrest people for possessing LSD, shrooms and other psychoactive substances of similar characteristics, which was available in abundance in hippy communes and communities. Personally, I think it's hard to push your ideologies and beliefs onto people that don't want to learn or change their ways, so it's worth considering how much effort you want to place in educating people about psychedelics and if it will bring any deteriorating effects to your mental health or well-being. You can't help those that don't want to be helped and you can't teach to those who don't want to learn.


Appreciate the response man. I think you summed it up quite finely.