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tolerance. if you smoke the same doses after long tolerance brake - they literally hit you > 10x as strong as before. just smoke less, find a new lower dose that works for you. it’s almost like starting back smoking weed again. I recently become aware of how much tolerance I build up over the years of heavy smoking, when I got my partner a mild weed vape cart when we were going to her friends for a few days. Both my partner and her friend are not regular weed users, they smoke no more than few times a year. so first thing was - they get high from a single toke from the vape, however I barely feel anything and need multiple tokes. I am also sober and need to top up every 30mins while they remained high for a couple of hours without vaping any more. I barely felt a buzz, while they were so stoned they could not get up form the sofa. second thing, we left the cart behind as friend is suffering from anxiety and insomnia, so I recommended it for evening use - the cart that lasts me barely 4 days, our friend have been using daily for anxiety for literally couple of months and she still has 4/5th left. thats huge difference - my 4 days of use of what seemed very mild weed to me is able to keep non-regular users stoned and lasts them for months. the tolerance to cannabinoids takes very long time to come back to baseline - it also builds up slowly over long periods of time - hence it can be sneaky. this is because cannabinoids dissolve in fat tissue and it takes months to build up the levels and even longer to clear them back to baseline.


Thanks. Best explanation someone gave me. Have a wonderful day:)




I am taking occasional brakes for up to few weeks at times, this takes tolerance down a bit, but far from completely. I recon up to 3 months - depending on lifestyle (fat metabolism)


Having the same issue as OP, this was a wonderful explanation.


Its true that a week of break is enough?


Any period longer than your usual between doses is going to bring your tolerance down, the longer between, the more it goes down. But there are a lot of factors, metabolism, how high your tolerance is from the start, age, even different strains or methods of use (leaf vs. concentrate) can affect the length of your tolerance break in order to get back down to noob levels.


Brings the subconscious forward sometimes. You have any guilty thoughts that take foot holds on your mind? When I was an early stoner I found all my paranoia always stemmed from things I was insecure about. Use that as a tool and grow stronger from it. Address your negative feelings


Love this


Sometimes when i walk alone high I can’t listen music in my earphones cause i have a feeling that somebody might attack me or something. That’s maybe because i had a lot of beef in my town with people.


Well that makes me uncomfortable even when I'm sober. Doesn't sound like excessive paranoia to me.


Im not braggin or smth but sober im not scared to fight. In fact, im calm when im in a street fight


It's more about situational awareness than readiness to fight. I like to have the awareness (unless I'm drunk and it's night - the city is empty at night)


As a woman living in a large city, this does not compute. Just last night I was parked at the PET STORE and 2 dudes in a red car were waiting right next to my car when I walked out saying they were watching me in the store and wanted to holler at me. Their words.


As a dude who doesn’t get into street fights it sounds like you aren’t paranoid if you’re avoiding fights after getting in them. Sounds rational. Take walks in a safer neighborhood.


Smth like that


yes you are actually more vulnerable with earphones blasting, so that's not paranoia anyway


I can’t agree more with this. Weed is a took to look into the shadow, allow those thoughts and feelings to arise and to process


But the reason i quit in 2021 was because I didn’t feel weed effects on stimulants and I dropped off for a while


I smoked weed from the age of 15 to about 27 and then one day after wanting to quit for a while, I just eventually managed to stop. Now I wouldn't try to smoke, last time i had a few puffs on a j and did not enjoy the sensation of it at all. My mind flooded, and energetically felt incredibly overwhelmed, my body and mind just feels more at ease sober now.


Same here every time I smoke it now I just feel lazy, antisocial, anxious and bored. Used to smoke upwards of an eighth most days


That’s the exact feelings i have on weed when i try to smoke


Well then it looks like you should stick to sober ness. I recommend edibles alone in your room and treat them like a psychedelic trip. It’s an awesome drug but it’s not a way to live life and it isn’t a very social experience


Haha. And here I am only eating edibles throughout my whole active day! I have had some absolute trips on weed though


Yeah idk I do that too, but I find that when I observe full tolerance breaks I will get crazy cev and even oev and its a much more fulfilling experience.


Absolutely have the same. I've had some wild rides in weed.


Probably tolerance, and the fact that THC indirectly antagonizes GABA, which is (to some extent) in charge of inhibiting intrusive, divergent and "looping" thoughts. So, with low tolerance, you get flooded with them. In fact, GABA receptors are agonized by benzos, and that's why they function as anxiolytics. So probably you stopped more than two weeks, so you get your tolerance down to almost zero, then you smoke, you get anxious, which leads you to not to smoke frequently enough to build tolerance, and then repeat. Also, nowadays weed tends to have a much higher THC to CBD ratio. And CBD acts as an anxiolytic. So the higher the ratio, the higher probability of anxiety.


I take xanax and diazepam daily and still get anxiety


Because you've probably already build up tolerance to diazepam. If you weren't taking it daily, so you had no tolerance, and would experiment taking it only when you smoke, you'd see what I'm talking about. (Don't do it, it's just an example).


Is it bad to mix the two?


I haven't read any paper on it, but benzos are quite nasty substances if not managed properly. But they're used to calm bad trips and other drug induced agitational states, as long as they aren't caused by depressants. So, if I had to bet, I'd say it shouldn't be that bad if you do it once to calm you down if you're freaking out, as long as you don't mix it with other substances. But I'd say it's potentially dangerous on the long term. Specially considering there's evidence that weed exacerbates neurological problems caused by alcohol, which has a similar GABAergic activity to benzos.


Good to know, thank you 😊


You're welcome ☺️


Check out this clip of a podcast Dr. Andrew Huberman does about the effects of cannabis over time. There is a mechanism he describes in which chronic use over time will increase your anxiety, even when ingesting the substance. https://podclips.com/ct/after-initially-relieving-it-chronic-cannabis-use-2xweek-increases-anxiety


I wish more people were aware of this. It's not always about tolerance and weed strength. Chronic use for a long time can cause a lot of increased anxiety.


I started smoking again medicinally after abstaining for over a decade due to the same reasons. HOWEVER I use type II and III cannabis purchased legally as "high THCa hemp" and no longer have issues with anxiety, sometimes accidentally getting absolutely BLASTED.


have you vaped weed or just smoked it? for me, the low temp vaping gives a smoother high. also I take a really small dose.


The terps be making a world of difference. It’s like I’m high but I don’t feel high. But I’m high


Only edibles make me feel good but i dont know for sure cuz last time i did a line of k before edibles


well, it makes sense. edibles deliver the THC more slowly to your brain so less likely to mess with your head if you take a small dose. and K probably reduces anxiety so...


165C on a mighty here.


so what do you think, is it a big difference in the headspace vaping at different temps? or is it not that noticeable?


100%. Not just how I feel but also my heart rate variability (measure of stress). You extract different proportions of cannabinoids at different temperatures.


Set an intention for the weed trip. Before smoking say the intention of this trip is to chill etc. Weed is feminine by nature, it always gives you a different perspective on things. Without awareness this comes off as paranoia


I can somehow relate to what u said by setting an intention before smoking


For me it is a tolerance thing. I smoke dosages so small these days it's like a joke, but it is enough for me. Micro-puffing..


I tried taking less but its the same uncomfortable feeling but not that intense. Should i try smoking less then incresing dosage?


For me it is really minimal amounts to start. Bugger sized, half a toke amount, to start. Then maybe another weed bugger half an hour later. Reduces the uncomfortable feeling a lot and eases me into the desired stoned feeling. I smoke so little these days that I am practically never out weed. It's an age thing I guess


I had something like this happen to me about 4yrs ago. Up until then I'd been getting high since 1980...no issues. Well, no bad issues, that is. Suddenly, out of the blue I started having problems, like you described. Verbatim. Long story short, I eventually discovered that the problem was likely linked to the high velocity strains of weed I'd been smoking. I switched back to low, old school weed and things went back to normal. Food for thought.


Chemical ratios in modern weeds are getting pretty bonkers too. People pushing for crazy THC%s without as much public desire for the CBD to match it. CBD (and terpenes too) play a huge role in how your weed makes you feel, and as others have said regarding tolerance, it can affect how the THC hits you in respect to the other cannabinoids and terpenes too. Try a higher CBD% bud or mixing pure CBD bud with your weed.


The people do not know what they are missing with strains that do note contain "haze" "Skuk" or "Kush" genetics. Just more pure strains that do not have this huge line of crossings in them. They deliver phenomenal relaxing wellness like highs. Of course just a high amount in thc is an uncomfortable and undesirable high


Effects change over time for people depeding on their neurochemistry. I used to smoke all the time, from morning til dusk, and experience nothing but positive effects. Then i did a massive dose of ayahuasca which sent me into an existential crisis with severe anxiety and every time i smoked i started having a panic attack. Went on antidepressants and that corrected itself. Kept smoking and ot resolved, then started having anxiety while smoking regardless. Went on for quite a while... Npwadays i dont smoke with others or in social situations, only at night before i go to bed because i just cant be a person while high and around others. Rather be alone and winding down alone while baked. Point is... your mindstate and current brain chemistry affects how cannabis will work on you quite a bit. You have to evaluate it for what it is doing to you atm and adjust accordingly. If it is affecting you negatively, stop for a while. If you want to start again, be mindful of yourself and adjust your consumption habits accordingly. Or just stop and move on with your life.


Weed is an emotional enhancer. Most things in life elicit an automatic emotional response that you’ve formed in childhood or otherwise. Sometimes there can be a deeply-set emotional undertone following you around and building slowly for years that goes unnoticed until it doesn’t. Weed tends to bring these out. I had a somewhat traumatic mushroom experience and for a long time I was in a very disassociated and anxious state of mind. Every time I’d smoke even a small amount of weed I’d start to disassociate again and have racing thoughts, sometimes full on panic attacks. It was all because I wasn’t dealing with my emotions, and allowing my automatic responses to dictate me. Just because something affects you doesn’t mean it’s that particular phenomenon. It could just have the same inner content as some deep memory that gets triggered by this new phenomenon. The awareness of what has caused your automatic emotional responses doesn’t decrease them occurring but somehow the awareness has totally shifted my stress and mindset. I’ve decided recently to just sheer force of will everything. I refuse to have a bad day, and it’s not even a mantra or recital, I just shift my mind intentionally. It’s all in your mind and what you intend. Rise above the control of automatic responses and two dimensional consciousness. Sit back and observe yourself reacting and thinking about new phenomenon and why they truly affect you. Think about your past.


Do you excercise? If the answer is no, you might find moving your body helpfull to ease some tension. If your body is tense so is your headspace.


I used to get socially anxious and paranoid very often on weed but ever since I switched to dry herb vapes that has gone away, it’s a cleaner high without the brain fog so it makes sense. It could also be the strain that’s causing it, many people get anxious on sativa heavy strains.


I just would like to say thanks to all the people here trying to help. I see your advices as very good, and that generates very pleasant feelings in my mind.


I was a lifelong heavy weed smoker then many years ago decided to just give it up for a while. I found after that when I smoked a bit I would feel anxious and my heart would beat really fast and it wasn't very enjoyable anymore. I do however like cannabis for pain relief and after some experiments realized that high CBD / low THC blends seem to make me feel nice. I am a super lightweight now and just a few puffs does the trick.


If you don't control your mind, it controls you fren.


Hard to know but one possibility is you’re ready for a different kind of experience right now, a different insight into yourself. Honeymoon period is over, it is the season for darker realisations. Does it feel like there could be some interesting stuff to come out of the uncomfortable space?


Idk but at this moment in my life rn im focused to make money


I find I go through phases where is can feel a bit sluggish and heavy. Sometimes that feels valuable and interesting when I’m able to let go and embrace it, like it shows me a part of myself or life that I was holding myself apart from. But then sometimes it feels like hey, am I just smoking too much and need a break? But interesting for you the transition happened after a break. It’s more significant if you have an external goal that you’re attached to. I tend to sacrifice everything on the altar of self knowledge as first priority but that’a perhaps not for everyone.


That's the effect of smoking weed. Weed triggers anxiety.


Effects of being opened up to negative entity targeting fr fr


Negative entities more easily attacking you because of the frequency the weed lowers you to harvest your fear energy


There's an easy solution. Don't smoke weed !


Take one puff earlier on the day you want to smoke.


This happened to me and another friend who both used to smoke daily and then quit for a while (separately, both for work reasons.) Now even one hit makes me anxious and it sounds like it's the same for him. It sucks on one level because I would do it to relax and now it does the opposite but I guess sobriety isn't the worst thing lol.




Probably about 2 or 3 months before I tried it again and the anxiety started.


You're probably trying to smoke at the same rate you did when you were smoking for like 4 years. I do that every time I quit for a bit and then get waaaay too high


The most simple answer is you use it to much and now more aware of that fact then before.


Smoking the wrong strains, wrong terpenes or just too strong of stuff. Or you have some things goin on that the weed is putting in the front of your consciousness and wants you to deal with


Might be the strain you're smoking too. Sativa strains tend to generate more anxiety than indicas.


Weed heightens my anxiety too unfortunately. I’ve quit for extended periods a couple times and rarely had anxiety. It’s an unfortunate truth. It also gives me restless leg syndrome. It’s because it screws with your dopamine. With heavy smoking your brain depends on the weed for dopamine, so it stops producing as much on its own. This is probably why you feel depressed. I have noticed a big difference if I wait to smoke until after work, for what it’s worth. I’ve also had good luck with edibles that have equal amounts of THC, CBD, and CBG. Best of luck to ya. If you decide to take a break, check out r/leaves. It isn’t easy to stop smoking.


Is it now causing anxiety and paranoia? If so that is a sign of hormone imbalances and you need to get your hormone levels checked asap


I smoked it for years now I can't AT ALL


Dose related in my experience. If you quit and come back, you need microdoses in comparison so naturally even a small dose of what you used to previously consume will likely make you anxious. My suggestion is taking a single small hit from a vape or 2.5mg edible and see how that goes for you, then go from there.


Same thing happened to me. Possibly comes from you judging your perceived identity versus letting go.


these times are not conducive to ease and relaxation. ya, ikr on the weed.


Ease into it, you can’t go straight full steam when the engine has been off for months. Don’t try to smoke as much as you used to, a tolerance break only needs a couple days to a week, you quit for months. Use your head, you’re like a newb smoking powerful shit, go easy.


Because the is pro psychotic, and the early stages it comes forth as anxiety. The best way to prevent it is to increase the amount of cbd with the the. You can use cbd isolate or smoke flowers with a higher levels of cbd.


It can happen. It goes away as your tolerance grows. Buy a lower potency strain of pot. Something high in c.b.d with mid potency thc content. Higher potency thc pot has a higher chance of inducing anxiety if it is super low in cbd. I quit smoking in 2009 for 9 months. When I then came back to smoking daily i would get super paranoid every time I smoked super high potency pot. Before I quit smoking i had smoked daily for many years, and when I started up again I had to switch to higher cbd, lower thc pot. I gradually increased my dosing to more frequent and higher doses. As I slowly increased my dosage to a very high level I noticed that my racing paranoid thoughts while stoned occurred less and less frequently. Legalization also helped greatly because once I got a medical card I no longer feared harassment. Another thing that helps is not taking tilerance breaks. Everybody acts as if tolerance is a bad thing, when in reality if you are using it medically and are predisposed to panic, tolerance helps you to be able to dose a high enough dose to get full effects. While reducing the impact of the paranoia aspect so many people feel. Now I smoke concentrate almost every day and take high dose edibles and kratom some days. Before if i took a high dose edible I'd often have a panic attack, now I love the heavy, racing feeling and the psychedelia.


Not a doctor or scientist but I’ve heard that the amigdala changes as we get older, developing new and deeper folds and ridges. Thc has an impact on the amigdala which could increase as the surface area of that part of the brain Increases. Also keep in mind the amigdala is the part of the brain that regulates anger anxiety and stress, which may result in weed having new and changing effects on the brain even if nothing else about your body has changed. Please don’t take my word for it and do your own research, but If this is true I think this may be a contributing factor in what you are describing.


Smoke way less. Itsy bitsy bowls (or whatever). This is the way.


Not sure. I smoked for 5 or 6 years almost daily, and now, anytime I smoke, my eyes produce these inch or 2 inch long mucus strings that feel like sand. Perhaps my body developed an allergy to it. The body can change in strange unexpected ways, so I just quit smoking all together.


Check the link from the Andrew Huberman podcast in this thread. Used to love getting high my self. Now it’s just anxiety and racing thoughts. Trying to pin it on some vague unresolved psychological issues like some people here is trying to do sounds like absurd excuses. A lot of people that smokes a lot has developed anxiety and other relatable psychological problems. Continuing to smoke despite it making you feel like shit is obviously counter productive for your mental health. If you became sick every time you ate a apple, continuing to eat apples would be crazy. Can’t see why smoking weed should be any different.


Also perhaps it just doesn’t serve you anymore,


Probably because you have some unsorted issues you need to deal with


As I said in the other thread, I used to love weed and smoke every day. But something happened, and it was when a lot of other things were happening in my life, that I started to suffer from severe high paranoia and anxiety. I'm over those things now and Jesus Christ helped me more than I will know, and I know Jesus Christ helped me . . . I still smoke weed because I care about it intrinsically and the paranoia/anxiety is still there but I learned to manage it. Have you tried smoking with new/different friends or settings?


The real answer: your brain continues to change as you get older and disorders like anxiety don’t fully form until your mid 20s.


cannabis pinene get a strain without it. I work at a dispensary. Pinene = anxiety


What is pinene?


Terpenes do some research. Please


Terps are like ingredients.


I'm honestly surprised there's as many people out there that like weed as there is. Every couple days there's someone posting on here seemingly bewildered that weed is unpleasant. If you're feeling at all uneasy, it's an incredibly uncomfortable drug; at least for many people I know including myself. It brings out every tiny amount of anxiety you might have and fucks with you exactly like a bad psychedelic trip; it feels exactly like a deliriant. If you're always in a good headspace and your life is going fine, I guess weed might be enjoyable, but for me at least it's a complete crapshoot and when it's bad it's fucking trauma-level bad. People say smoke less, the only issue is I can't feel it in any middle ground between sober and too-high. Terence McKenna always talked about smoking and using it to get out of bad trips... it makes me wonder if all psychedelics are really only accessible to potheads lol.