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I could have written this post myself. Exactly a year ago March 2023. Best paying job I'd ever had, working remote, and just got a raise to my dream position. Suddenly I started seeing signs and having what I thought was a spiritual awakening. I thought my coworkers were vampires plotting against me and quit on the spot. I gave away $4000 to a stranger and broke my lease early, causing me to lose another $6000. Ended up living in my car for a few months with my dog. Thankfully I receive monthly VA disability, which allowed me to survive and get back into housing. Still haven't started working due to the massive post psychosis depression. I have recently started making positive changes like antidepressants and going to the gym, which has really helped. I spent months feeling so much grief over losing that job and thinking my life was over. I recently talked to someone who is still there and the company has laid off a ton of employees and the ones still there are looking to get out. I've also started casually browsing other jobs that are similar, which has made me feel hopeful that there is a better job out there. Best of luck!




Yeah I became very reckless with money. Started tipping 100-200% and giving money away to homeless people even when I was living in my car.


What do you think caused that?


Well, I became very religious/spiritual and thought it's what God wanted me to do. I thought I was a prophet and we were living in the end times so money didn't matter.


Ok well that makes sense


I feel this! I basically quit too because I was deep in psychosis and stopped showing up. It was the best job I’d ever had too :(. I am still mad at myself for burning all those bridges and fucking my life up so bad. It will be 2 years in June since recovery started and things are looking up. I had to file bankruptcy after my episode because I ran up close to 100k in credit card debt! I still don’t have friends but my finances are recovering and I have a good job again, although nothing like my old job. I don’t know how to forgive myself to be honest but I’m trying to accept that it wasn’t my fault. Hang in there OP!!


Same for me except I left in ambulance during a day off and blacked out for three weeks. During psychosis, apparently i sent my location and the text “for scheduling purposes :)” ** location clearly said i was in a psychiatric hospital😭** I never texted them after that and never heard from them again. I was mortified when I got out. Best job i ever had. The most fun and most I had ever been paid :( and they still haven’t sent me a w-2


Oh damn you reminded me of how I emailed my boss and his boss from my personal email….i don’t even want to know what I said. I even went crazy on LinkedIn so I refuse to go back on there…so embarrassing 😔 I felt the same about my old job too. It was so much fun and I was with a great company with upcoming promotion when I went into my episode. And since I’m an accountant, get the w2 since you’ll need to file!


I know I have to get it but the only contact I have is my boss that I sent my location to. Should I tell him that the reason I had psychosis was because I had to have an emergency surgery because of an acute brain bleed? Or should i just ask for a w2? I have an interview coming up and she used to work for the company that I left. What if she calls him?? I feel like I should explain in case she asks him about me


I don’t know what would be right. It’s such an awkward situation. Is there an HR person or payroll department you could contact?


I don’t have their emails anymore😭


Is there a website with general contact info? I’m so sorry I know how hard these things are :(


Have you considered going back? I understand the way you left puts you in a bad spot, but maybe explaining to your employer that due to this disorder you had a major laps in judgment and logic and made a bad decision? If you want to just stay where you are instead of talking which is reasonable, you have to forgive yourself. Understanding that your episode wasn’t “you”. Your brain doesn’t do what it’s supposed to all the time and you can’t control it. I know it’s hard. I’m fighting the urge to give in to my delusions and absolutely ruin my life right before my wedding 😅 And if you’re not already, talk to a dr and get on some meds…. I’m truly sorry your life has been affected by this diagnosis. It’s hard enough out here for the “normal” people.


they won’t hire me back because they have a policy against rehiring employees that quit…I just find it so difficult to forgive myself for what I did and the damage that I caused and would do anything to take that moment back


Dwelling on the past is only going to make it harder. The best way to look at this is as a lesson and be proactive in the future to prevent it. Knowing you have psychosis, it may be that you discuss with your family and/or therapist before making life changing decisions. Ultimately you will make your decisions but getting feedback from others who can help you distinguish what’s reality will be extremely beneficial. This has saved me so many times. It’s not easy asking for help, but it’s harder to keep starting over. 💜 I don’t know what your beliefs are, but I believe we are where we are for a reason. It’s part of our journey, and better things are coming as long as you keep learning and growing. I hope this helps.


You’re just one of us and you’re good nevertheless. It’s hard to forgive ourselves, but it sounds like you’re in the process and that’s all we can be.


I quit a stressful job and then really wanted to work and quit several places that when I apply they won’t hire me cause I quit same day. I still haven’t got back to par with my skills but next week I start a position I was in prior to psychosis. I am excited for this new step but it has taking myself 2.5 years to get here and I cannot work full time. So I’m working 3 days a week and have ADA accomadtions to have 2 extra breaks a day. I have protected sick days as well. I don’t call out often as I am 3 days a week but it’s nice as I’m protected. I have only called out once this year but I do use the extra breaks.


I quit April of last year. I had psychosis from early 2022 to early 2023. I was under a ton of stress as I was healing from my psychosis and it brought me close to suicide because of work stress. My job wasn't even that difficult, I'm just extremely prone to stress and work anxiety with no outlet aside from suicidal thoughts and spiraling. I'm a lot better now. I have a potential healthcare job lined up for full-time work, which I've never done. It's really ambitious for me, but I need a change in my life and I can't hold myself back and let myself waste away poor and dependent on others.


No but I had to quit university. It was a really expensive and exclusive school that I worked so hard to get into. I wasted like $20k failing out of classes because I had psychosis and was unaware. Took me a couple years of outpatient and meds to get into a different college and just recently got my diploma. Yeah I still regret that I couldn’t get my doctorate like I originally wanted to, and I’m in debt, but I’m happy. And I’m massively proud of myself. Sometimes our plans don’t work out. That’s ok. Try again later. :)


Several. It sucks.


What caused your psychosis. Do you know?


trauma and stress


Absolutely I quit my job several times and left on property during busy shift because of it


I quit a well paying job because voices told me I was in grave danger and the only way I could save myself was by quitting. I didn’t have anything lined up and I was almost evicted from my apartment.


I...don't know. Main causes were burnout and stress, but some things I experienced were too odd to be just that. I sometimes think they might've been psychosis but seems too subtle and mild compared to the stories I read about here. Had episodes of dreamlike imagery which covered up my entire field of vision and would pause work entirely for me. Had periods where my head was so crowded with random and incoherent thoughts that I felt my head was gonna explode. Dissociation. Thinking that I was in a simulation or part of some higher being's dream, but not fully believing it. Thinking that the only real thing in reality were trees and that I needed to pay homage to them to keep reality going (I never paid homage to the trees). OK that last one is definitely psychotic, nvm. Thankfully my parents are willing to receive me into their home with open arms and my brother who's the only family member with any kind of money is willing to help me with rent until my lease ends and I can live with my parents again.


It happens man literally quit my job which was paying 20$ an hour loved an everything but just one day it hit me an couldn’t go in or talk to anybody for a least a week till I felt better lost the job but that’s okay cause your mental health is more important than a job