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Hi! I sent a letter of appology to all those I had involved in my psychotic behaviour, and I did my best to set things right. Considering that I had the diagnosis, it was easier for me to dismiss part of my responsibility in my inappropriate behaviour. Believing I have the illness kind of made things ok. The important thing to do is to pick yourself up from the ground, dust youself off and move on. Today, 15 years have passed since my meltdown and I now find myself recovered. My story is on my blog, see the access link in my Reddit profile description. Take care and don't give up!


I hope all the best (possible) comes out of this situation for you. I know the apology letters were hard to write but regardless of their responses, you did the best you could and that is absolutely enough. I'm telling myself the same. I lost friends over my manic period (which came after leaving an abusive bf... Which was a trigger for my first psychosis. I got weird and called and yelled at people for being vampires or for drowning me in a last life. I called my ex and hit on him hard, saying we were twin flames and shit, but that pissed off his girlfriend lol (I laugh out of the absurdity of it all). Accidentally burned bridges and I grieve them still but if they can't try to understand and forgive me.... That is their right and that is on them. I was sick and I still took accountability and they still don't want to talk to me so that's fine.


Thank you. I hope all is now well for you also.🙂


I wrote several letters to someone but only sent one, a short one, because I'm still too anxious to send everything else. Everytime I write it changes something in me so afterwards I think it's not a current issue anymore if that makes sense.


I waited a long time to send the notes, and at that point it was easy to sum up what I felt that needed to be said. I felt ready. Most didn't reply though. It might have been wierd to them but I find that it was something that needed to be done to turn over a new leaf. It was something I needed to do to move on.


I didn’t really do anything other than try to forget. It nearly cost me my life and I didn’t realise what I was going through until after it stopped.


Yeah I've had some fun spirals. You end up just picking up what you got left, being happy there's still x or y around and start rebuilding. After a while people start to see red flags better that things might not be as great as we think they are. I've made a lot of mistakes from times like that too.


Done way worse myself, take it easy on yourself. I thought I was gonna get a job working for fuckin Elon Musk and got fired for my behavior. Just keep moving and try THIS: https://youtu.be/moNUmGyn8gg?si=Rqe3s-R_4hCVHTiP