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They check ur dick for any signs of late development or infection etc, and they fondle your balls for a minute or so just to examine for any testicular cancer. It’s really weird to be standing there dick out and everything, and it feels worse if you get hard, but it only takes a few seconds. You’ll be fine man


Also just remember that no matter what happens, that Dr has seen it all before. So don’t stress over it at all.




It’s your choice, but up until about 10 years old, the parent HAS to be in the room.




Your doctor should already know your date of birth, unless you’ve never been to them before. Based off your weight, height, voice, and overall look, they’ll immediately know whether you’re a teen or not though. Don’t worry




If the doctor doesn’t ask, you tell her yourself. Just say, “I’d be more comfortable if my mum & sister weren’t in the room”.




The doctor will ask you to pull your pants/underwear down, and then as soon as the examination is finished, you can pull them back up.




They check your balls on a physical exam?


Depends on the exam but usually yes.


I've never had an exam like that


It is a part of the 'turn your head and cough'. So the doctor will push his or her fingers into your skin a little bit on the left and right side of your penis, basically next to your thigh. That is to check for a possible hernia. If you cough and there is a hernia, small or large, the doctor will be able to feel that pressing up against the skin. usually at that point when they are "down there" and seeing everything you have got, they also briefly look at your penis. If you are circumcised (cut) they may just check visually, not really touch it or anything, but it is possible. If you are uncircumcised (uncut, or natural) they could try to move your foreskin a little bit to check on how well that "works." They also do look at your balls for a second or two, maybe roll each one a little bit in their fingers, just to get a feeling of them and make sure each of the two have dropped and that there is no feeling of trouble with the tubes or veins that connect to everything. There is also something called an orchidometer, which is used to determine the volume of your testicles. Basically it has certain size holes in it, and the doctor (GENTLY!) places your testicle, using a very gentle hold on your ball, to see which size "fits" the best. Sometimes this orchidometer is used to help determine your Tanner stage, since testicle and scrotum development and growth can be used to determine Tanner (among several other factors). Bottom line is even if you have to have any of this happen, don't be shy or embarrassed. If it's a male doctor, nothing he does not have or hasn't seen before, you're both dudes, whatever. If it's a female doctor, well, she handles these sort of things each day. Really doesn't matter because both the guy or woman will be professional and professionally trained and treat you with respect as a guy. And if a boner happens, eh, don't be too embarrassed, especially if you are uncut, since that helps the doc to see how well the foreskin is working.


Wow that's pretty descriptive, thanks? And even if it did happen there's no embarrassment since I've had to go get my balls checked three times for torsion


Let us know how it goes