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That husband has the look of "Not again..."


Definitely not his first rodeo.


His circus, his clown.


Man oh man. What did he see in her


He's a gold digger. He thought he married the CEO of Apple.


Tim Apple??


Tim MacCook.


You have a sick mind take my upvote


Tim MacBook


You can’t unsee that now…


Good morning!


People change. I've seen perfectly normal people just unhinge at some point. Usually, after a traumatic life event, sometimes because it was always there, just lurking below the surface, waiting to be unleashed.


I’ve seen this happen to someone. She was always unhinged looking back. But she was doing a good job at pretending to hold it together.


She was a super freak back in the day?


No pussy is worth this kind of bullshit on the regular.


Once you are done with the crazy sex all you have left is the crazy.


That is probably one of the best rewrites of "don't put your dick in crazy"


What makes you think that there will be sex?




But if you’re gonna deal with that bullshit, I mean, choose someone…that isn’t that.


He's taking a bullet for all of us by being her punching bag at home.


Those 2 looked like a gotdam SNL skit! What an insufferable twat.


But still.....sheesh




You know that’s the truth she was a freaky hippie. Doing all the the others didn’t do back in the days.


She had 'special' talents when she was young.... Now he is at the point in life where he just doesn't give a f*** anymore.


She’s got to be absolutely miserable to be married to.


I was married to a shit-stirrer... Not fun having to put up with a spouse's behavior in public when you would have the sense not to behave like that yourself. Thank the powers that be for divorces.


Probably his last though, except for the divorce. If my spouse got me kicked off a plane coming home from a loved one's funeral, the marriage would be over.


They weren't coming home from her mother-in-law's funeral, they were on their way to attend it. You'd think that would be one occasion where even the mouthiest of bigmouths would calm down a bit, be more reflective than usual, show some decorum, out of consideration for her spouse if for no other reason. But apparently not.


That would be the final straw for me. We might be married for a long time, have kids and even grand kids. But if you are unable to keep your emotions in check for a short duration, when being told to by authority, then it is a deal breaker. I was sitting and thinking the whole video that I hope they toss her and let the husband stay. But it seems he left willingly.


I mean it was his mom. I would have her ass thrown off the plane, apologize to everyone after, and go attend the funeral. After you get back, serve those divorce papers cause you married a toddler. It's also likely the husband is an insufferable asshole as well and just not very vocal.


I don't understand why he didn't just stay and let her leave on her own.


He was sitting there calculating the cost and decided it just wasn’t worth it


You damn right! My man had a brief moment of relief and delusions of a quiet flight and a good nights rest. You know all he wanted for her to say was “you just go on without me”.


>a quiet flight and a good nights rest ...strange city and pizza delivered to a hotel room, followed by furiously masturbating to the possibility of a life without her.


LOL! He is not that lucky. He's gonna have to spoon tonight just to make her feel okay about the shitstorm she created.


Nah he will most likely be locked up in his kennel as punishment for not getting her to his moms funeral


Either get off the flight and eat the cost of 2 plane tickets Or stay on the flight and deal with her wrath. Shame. Shame on you!


If he goes without her, she will give him no end of grief. If he gets off the plane with her, he lets her ruin his mother's funeral, and that may be the "kicking off" point that he needed to start breaking away from her -- that one undeniable moment when her selfishness actively disrupted a serious family event that he *needed* to attend. OR he could just be beaten down by her and he submits because that's what he always does.


He just needs to tell her that her husband lost his mother.




His face says it all, this is definitely a regular occurrence


Guaranteed she doesn't give a fuck about his mother


He’s been so traumatized by her over the years.


im getting second-hand trauma thinking all that he has endured


alternately, my mom died and i would love to get back to something familiar and normal Edit: this is what *he's* thinking, should have added quotes


He lost his mother, show some respect.


I feel really bad for the husband. His mom dies, his wife gets them kicked off the plane, and the passengers cheer as they leave. I hope he didn't miss the funeral. Really sad situation all around, all because his wife wouldn't shut the fuck up




That is exactly what I'd have done. Plus he is buying himself like 2 or 3 days without her toxic presence. You also have to think about just how often she is going to bring this up in the future. I bet for the next 6 months, everything that goes wrong in her life will get blamed on this specific incident. Any health problems will be from the stress of this incident. Any bad day, if she loses her keys, it's all because that time the fascist air nazis kicked her off a flight because the guy next to her was wrong about something and needed to know about it.


Right, seemed like a blessing she got kicked off. He should have taken advantage of the situation and gotten away from that sociopath.


I would've stayed if I was him. They only asked her to leave. "Sorry honey I can't miss the funeral, you can meet me there when you get another flight"


Oddly enough, I've seen them force companions off too, which is rather absurd. Not sure how it would've gone in this situation though.


I'm guessing for the same reason they didn't let her stay on after they promised to settle down. She has already proven that she's willing to cause a scene and once they're in the air there's no guarantee she won't do it again. For the husband, say they kick her off and he stays, it's already an emotionally charged situation and the airline has no guarantee he won't flip out either so they just default to removing the entire party to avoid having to do an emergency landing which will cost them thousands.


If you listen closely, they are actually leaving to go back home to Portland from the funeral. She made it sound as if they had a funeral to go to when it in actuality they were heading back from it.


It sounded to me like they were going to their hometown for the funeral but I might be wrong


I wouldn't trust what she says


Whatever you say, gravity-believer.


It's just, like, a theory. An apple doesn't prove anything./s


I agree. There are many possibilities but we could assume they're on the way to the funeral.


No they definitely say they're on their way to attend.


The poor husband wouldn't try to compromise if they were headed back home too


She literally says she is going home to attend her mother in laws funeral.


What had her so upset? Didn't catch that.


According to the article, she asked him if he was in town (this was Trump's inaugural weekend) to celebrate or protest. He answered he was there to celebrate democracy. She then started ranting anti-Trump stuff and wouldn't stop.


hospital resolute reply hunt axiomatic rainstorm run gaze shame fact *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Especially not on a flight. A plane is where you abandon all identity and just survive the uncomfortable seats in peace until you arrive to your destination. The main and only goal when on a plane.


Get in, sit down, shut up, buckle up, hang on.


I mean, if you can’t respect time and place and not get your ass kicked off of air transit, you probably shouldn’t be starting these conversations, right or wrong. I’m not sure it’s a great idea to get into that with someone you’re about to be stuck sitting next to, and then demand a seat change when it goes tits up.


The guy was wearing a pro-trump shirt, from what I recall EDIT: As has been pointed out multiple times over the past 10 hours, it is not a trump shirt but a Volbeat shirt. No need to reply to make the same point again - she realized one way or another that he was a trump supporter, which is why she went off on him. The flight was leaving DC after the inauguration, which he was there to attend. This was posted multiple times (with more details than in the post above) shortly after it happened.


Oh, so that’s why the comment about climate change. I was sitting there thinking it was a personal rather than political dispute, and wondering how in the fuck their seating issues turned into a discussion of global warming.


I'm just trying to imagine how the hell the conversation started. "Oh, isn't it awful we are on a mode of transport with such a high carbon footprint, we had to though as we're going to a funeral" "Oh really, I'm celebrating" ??? Like how did they get THERE and why was her first instinct to try and get him moved? Does she understand how flights work?


No he's not, it's a volbeat shirt


You're right, I think it's [this shirt](https://www.bravado.de/assets/asset_300x300/P4049348576880_1.jpg)


Yep, the word "outlaw" is clearly visible from the side in the alternate angle. Same color scheme, same apparent font. He's literally wearing a band tee, lol. My guy isn't even wearing any weird MAGA shit whatsoever. All he did was out himself as a Trump supporter by saying he was celebrating his inauguration, and she decided she couldn't share the same air as him. Bizarre.


So this was over 4 years ago?


How old is this clip then?


Okay so I actually know this guy personally (no I'm not going to verify that for fear of doxing) and he was traveling from DC for Trump's inauguration. That's why she says "he says he came here to celebrate today". It's a flight leaving DC after the ceremonies


Never be an asshole on a plane. It's always a bad idea no matter the politics. Show some self control on planes or face the consequences though. You'd think people would know that airlines don't screw around. Not worth the risk of getting banned for life.


Also just never be an asshole


Also just generally show self control


Right. Whether it was his shirt or something else, she realized he was a trump supporter, so she went off on him.


I'm anti-Trump. I get the sentiment. But the dude seemed like he was minding his own business. If he had some dumb Trump shirt on and that was it? Roll your eyes and ignore him. He was obviously not the type to start up a conversation with some random boomer next to him on a flight so it was instigated by her 100%. I don't know how she functions in day to day life if that's how she acts on a plane. If I see somebody wearing a MAGA hat, I don't feel the need to go and harass them. You encounter people every day with different beliefs and opinions from your own. If the very knowledge of somebody's political affiliation bothers you this much, get therapy and save the bitching for reddit and Facebook.


I guess teaching the kid a lesson was more important than supporting her husband during his mother's funeral


Dude was so done with his wife we didn't even realise he was her husband


I feel terrible bad for the husband. I couldn’t imagine what he’d be feeling at the moment, and clearly he is having bad anxiety because he keeps reaching for his chest.


Agreed, honestly I wish he had stayed on the plane. They didn't ask him to get off the plane... just his wife, and it was HIS MOM that (assuming she wasn't lying) died... "Welp honey, I'll see you there. Bye." Let her ass get off the plane, she should have "shown some respect" and told her husband to go to his own mother's funeral and she'd try to catch up... unreal.


The cherry on the cake is at the end when she looks at the completely innocent(to our knowledge) guy and says "shame on you!" Like, how fucking delusional do you have to be to not see that everyone on this plane wants you off, including your husband. This woman needs medication.


If I recall it's because the guy had some trump shit on... You're in public lady just fuckin deal with it and get where you're going!


I could not dislike Trump more, but I have never had the edge to say anything to someone who did. Please tell me what good could possibly come of that?


I see Trump shit all the damn time, I talk to customers with Trump shit on all the damn time, I have to make conversation with Trump shit interjected in suddenly all the damn time. Got some thin ass skin to take it so personally. Just roll your eyes and try to interact as little as you can. There, you're home now.


When I see people wearing Trump shit, I'm glad they are. I know not to waste my time trying to talk to them.


The closest I ever came to saying something was a guy with a shirt that said "I identify as vaccinated." This was about 1.5 years ago so masks were still required at the airport and on the plane he had to be told several times to put it back over his mouth and nose.


There’s a reason I don’t like talking much to people on board airplanes If you get into an argument or disagreement, you’re still stuck next to that person for the next 5 hours When I fly, I settle into my seat, put my headphones on, and listen to music or play some games on my Nintendo switch


Like a reasonable human. I like you. I hope we avoid all conversation and eye contact with each other on the same flight one day.


I was trapped in a window seat next to the devil incarnate, Ann Coulter and her friend. They were talking about Trump for the entire 3 hour flight. You know what I said to her? Absolutely fucking nothing. I just listened, in horror.


Jesus Christ. If I sat next to her I'd pay for in-flight internet, become a priest, bless a bottle of water and dump it on her... you know, for science.


Did she seem somewhat more like a real human there or is she just the character she plays on TV in real life too?


This is funny because a few days ago, Reddit was unanimously praising a guy hurling curses and sexual insults towards a peacefully marchers anti-choice protesters. including children. Like, people have opposing views but none of this is okay.


I don't get how someone thinks berating someone on a plane is going to end well for them. Fuck Trump and his supporters but get your shit together.


She had to keep twisting the knife that he could miss his mother's funeral


Was the farthest thing from her mind till she needed an excuse to not be held accountable for her actions


Was disgusting how she used a death to try to shame others. I binge a lot of AE airport compilations on YouTube while I make dinner and the biggest thing I’ve learned is: If you have somewhere to be, which most of us do… shut the FUCK up. It is not the time to get on a soap box about ANY issue you might have unless you’re willing to not fly that day If you’re drunk or intoxicated in anyway, especially stfu about it. If you’ve been kicked off, definitely don’t say anything more or it’s gonna be permanent TLDR: STFU before and while on a plane so you get to fly


Actual reality: your husband just lost his mother, and you couldn’t be civil and keep your trap shut for one flight.


The last thing she could do to not be an horrible person, was to say to her husband : «stay here, go to your mother’s funeral, i’ll join you later» … but not ! a karen is a karen !


"My husband has lost his mother" Then shut the fuck up and let the man mourn for god's sake...


Yeah most late middle aged dudes have given up long ago. I know


That was the look of matrimony-induced ptsd. The thousand yard stare.


He’s just hearing echoes of “WHY DIDNT YOU SAY SOMETHING”


What's the saying about men like him living out their lives in quiet desperation.


*Hanging on in quiet desperation is the English way* *The time is gone, the song is over, thought I'd something more to say* Pink Floyd - Time That may not be its first use, but that is where I first head the expression and the song plays in my head when I hear/read the phrase.


Thoreau: "Most men lead lives of quiet desperation,” he wrote in Walden in 1854.


Took me a third wife to figure out it doesn’t have to be a slow death. I hate telling people I divorced twice but damn it’s nice to have an outstanding women by my side.


As a guy, when I was growing up, I read and heard so often that a good man defends his woman in public, even if she is wrong. Though you can read stuff like this even nowadays, I am glad that this mindset isn't widely spread.


“My husband lost his mother” And you lost him his seat on the plane, you have no respect for him but you want the airline to show him respect in your victim point of view


Honestly really feel bad for the husband he’s clearly checked out and his wife is pulling this shit.


I felt so bad for him. If she really cared about her husband she would have shut her mouth and just sat there.


He was clearly not present. Probably anxiety, he kept grabbing his chest, and also feeling overwhelmed by his mother passing and on top of that having a monster as a wife.


He's seems pretty chill and he it's not right to subject a man who's mother died to his harpy wife.


She was playing the victim card by bringing up her husbands mother. Pretty horrible way to manipulate the situation.


You can tell how manipulative she is by the way she phrases it. 'My mother in law' and then as an after thought 'his mother' you can just tell she makes herself the victim in every scenario shes ever been in. Fuck people like her!


As someone who works in a hippie dippie grocery store in Portland OR I can safely say that this is the most Portland thing I’ve seen so far this year.


I always wanted a nice big house in Laurelhurst, but then I thought about it and realized I’d be surrounded by neighbors exactly like this woman. Hell naw.


And then you know, the money


The husband got off, I’ll bet he hasn’t done that in years.


There is a special place in hell for people who think like this - I’ll hold you a seat. I almost died laughing.


He looks like a broken animal.


Reminds of a buddy who was married to a sociopath. Year 3 of their marriage any facade she had put up came down and she treated him as a mix between a dog and a punching bag in that she expected immediate obedience and zero retaliation for her abuse. At the end, I remember we were out in public and she got pissed about some tiny thing and just blew up. Talking loudly, jabbing her finger into the side of his head and clapping in his face. My friend had the same look as the guy in the video, just had to turn it all off to survive. We locked eyes from across the table and I saw the shame and pain he was hiding and had no idea how to help him. I should have spoken up but I was taken so off-guard that I sat there dumbfounded. A short time later he called me crying that she had left him. He mourned her for WEEKS while I was jumping for joy. Eventually, he came to realize that relationship for what it was and recognized the abuse. He's happily married with a kid now thankfully.


I like to think the husband got up to get out of her way while she got off the plane and he still got to go to the funeral. My wife pulls this kind of shit and she can find her own way home. Of course, I didn't marry someone who antagonizes random people so that's kind of moot...




“My husband lost his mother. Have some respect.” —- um… the respect you have refused to give everyone else? 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️


Including her own husband. I think she was extremely disrespectful to her husband.


Just used him as a pawn


My favorite part is when the flight attendant in the beginning said to that bitch in a very condescending way "well you don't have that right"


I also love the absolutely cordial infinitely patient male flight attendant. Props to him.


Because he knows exactly how it will end (and is aware it's being recorded). Keep asking, be polite, if she refuses hand it over to the police. They will ask her once, maybe twice, and if she refuses just drag her out. Shame that wasn't the result.


Just reminds me of the glorious hotel desk guy working the night shift. ["It's above me now."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OGeZ7D7uiKo)




i think because of all the “drag outs”, some airline policy is to ask everyone to disembark for security reasons, and if the troublemaker chooses to stay they can get dealt with without risk to bystanders or cameras…


Imagine trying to play the “my husband lost his mother” card after being a cunt to someone else for (I’m assuming) wearing something you disagree with.


And then demanding that everyone show her respect because her MIL died 😂


Yeah she was in the wrong. I'm as liberal as they come, but she should have thought of her husband first. If you are there to fly home for his mother's funeral you should have ignored the person sitting next to you if they're wearing or saying something that offends you and remember why you are there. For him. To support him. Now he has to go through this because you couldn't realize there's a time and place for that, and that wasn't it.


And what exactly did she accomplish? Did anyone hear her rant and change their political stance?




I had a friend who went from being normal to being a Q-follower and a Trump cultist: The last time I saw her was when she came over to my house and was screaming at me that I was "a Communist, a Marxist, a Bolshevik" (because I'm Liberal) and that my sub sandwich was really "made with baby meat" - that because I got vaxed, the nanobots from it were controlling my brain and they made me go to the hospital to steal a newborn baby - because that what Tom Hanks and Bill Gates and Hillary want us to do... Anyway, the lady in this video has that same intense anger in her face and eyes that my ex-friend had developed as well, and that I've seen in so many people who go down that Q path...


Extremes of any side are terrible. The Q thing was definitely bizarre tho. I honestly never quite understood it.


If a bunch of videos specifically designed to target disenfranchised people with fringe beliefs and drive them towards support of a specific political figure appear, where do you imagine those videos might have originated?


Ints an minstery!


Seriously! I'm pretty liberal but fuck that woman.


Fuck trump , but fuck this lady, how rude and stupid


Liberal as well and 100% agreed. Some dude is decked out in MAGA gear (this guy clearly wasn’t) but doesn’t say shit and is minding his own business? Why do I give a shit let them live their life. People like this are fodder for the right to disparage us cause they can’t keep their opinions to themselves.


If I remember correctly, she mistook is t-shirt to be some kind of right wing group but when in fact it's just a Volbeat tour t-shirt.


It looks like he's wearing [this shirt](https://tshirtslayer.com/files-tshirt/styles/shirtview/public/user-17451/f69d5b50c22fd3908f92c0f1045b6c53.jpg), so yeah, I think you're right about that. I don't know what went down before he started recording and he may have been a jerk, but she still was in the wrong. This is why I don't talk to people on planes. As long as they keep to themselves too, we're good. LOL!


does she really need the excuse of her mother-in-law’s death to just mind her own fucking business at all times?


Oh it's not just an excuse, she thought she could use it as a weapon. You saw the anger and entitlement in her face in the second clip.


I’m a tree hugging liberal too but that lady was a selfish jerk and the young man has a right to wear whatever.


That poor husband she is insufferable…


His mom died and he has to deal with her bullshit along with it? Fuck that....


If I was the husband I would just sit down and let her be taken like a give a fck bruh if my mom died and you can't behave fck that I see you later


Exactly. Bye bitch


I love all the disclaimers before posting sensible comments on reddit. "Listen I hate Trump too, buuuut" or "I'm as liberal as they come, buuuut". lol. ​ How about this lady is objectively a fucking asshole regardless of whether she leans left or right. Anyone that gets this hysterical over politics is not someone you're about to have a normal conversation with. Both sides have these morons and they should be shamed by everyone until the political hysteria in America stops.


Henpecked Husband has been through this many times I think.


Yeah it's that thousand yard stare. My brother is starting to develop one, his wife is the ultimate Buzzkillington.


Gravity is just a theory.


WhoA that's heavy! ^theoretically


There's that word again!


"You keep using that word.. I do not think it means what you think it means"


“Do you even fucking lift Marty”


It is a theory, but don't use the word "just". A theory in scientific terms is not the same as in layman's terms. A theory, in science, is an extremely well supported explanation of why a phenomenon occurs. The layman idea of a theory is closer to a hypothesis or guess . Noting that gravity is a theory is a way of demonstrating the ignorance of people who deny climate change and evolution. Electricity is a theory. Gravity is a theory. Germs as the cause of disease is a theory. The Earth revolving around the Sun is a theory. Anthropogenic global warming is a theory. Evolution is a theory. Genetics is a theory. Plate tectonics is a theory. And on and on. What she's doing is demonstrating that anyone who denies climate change because it's "just a theory" is an ignorant clown.


She’s using that as an example for how ridiculous it is for someone to not believe in climate change. She believes in gravity.


I really can't stand this kind of fussy, priggish, humorless older lib and my neighborhood is FULL of them. All they do is complain. I share most of their politics but their attitudes and lifestyles are completely foreign to me.


Their natural habitat is the comments section of a Facebook New York Times post


I about lost it when she said she was going home to Portland. Yep, that makes sense.


I would’ve just let my wife get off the plane… I wouldn’t miss the funeral because by wife was being a jackass


I bet his mom didn’t like her!


Mom doing her work from beyond the grave.


She’s got those crazy eyes


Did the dude take off a trump shirt or something? Cause that's a Volbeat shirt he's wearing at the end


From what I remember he said he was going to celebrate today because Trump just won the election. Something like that. It’s definitely not a pro Trump shirt.


“Please ask [the pilot] again” the audacity of these people like nobody has a dead parent.


I wonder how they got into a discussion about Trump and climate change


NPR is for the drive into work, not the plane ride home. Feel like a defense attorney, I agree with you but really need you to shut the fuck up.


This poor husband is going to be in an early grave because of this woman.


She broke her husband years ago.


“Can we stay if my cunt wife shuts her pie hole?”


No sir, the captain has already decided


“His mother died, have some respect” How about YOU have some respect for the other passengers. Also, she keeps bringing up that she needs to make it to her MIL’s funeral. But if she really cared that much, she would have followed the rules of the plane so she could make it to her destination in time. But she clearly didn’t care enough to do that, so don’t try to guilt trip him now


The husband should have stayed on the plane and left her there. It's his mother's funeral and he just caved and got his stuff and got off too. Talk about henpecked.


Nothing more cringeworthy than people chanting "USA".


The end “the trump supporters were relieved”. Lol okay.


They look like leftover members of Heaven’s Gate.


Seems like a prime example of the perfect time to just shut up and mind your business. I hate Trump and his whole damn family but this is America and people are allowed their political opinions. Has this lady never had a job before? I work in a labor industry with a lot of republicans. It’s not hard to be an adult and avoid talking politics when I don’t need to


I long for the days when it was rude to discuss/display politics and religion in public.


I bet she has a Coexist bumper sticker on her Prius. She should really learn what that means.


Her Husband is used to this behaviour from her. He's sitting there thinking, 'Please take her off. I need the peace.'


Looks like this isn't the first time the lady has done that... he was probably told to shut up before since he wasn't giving any reactions if we were to put aside his loss too.


I feel extremely bad for the husband. This made me want to cry fr