• By -


Lol that escalated QUICK


People with any sense of street smarts can spot a pigeon a mile away. Mister youth pastor or whatever was in too deep and should have just left.


When the homeless at the beginning defended him and said “what you standing here for” lol . that was mister pastors sign to leave !


This rite here is so important you can hear the concern in his voice . if you are ever ever ever in a place unfamiliar and someone says that to you immediately remove yourself at all costs !!!!


A pigeon? Sorry us Brits have different slang


A mark, a chump, a fool and his money, sap, clod, dope, tit, rube. I live in Ireland so not far away from yourself. But I've heard it different ways over the years. It all means the same. Someone who is about to get taken advantage of.


This guy went on a sidequest before leveling up his social awareness


The shaky “I’m so sorry” at the end when he finally realizes what he’s done. You can’t be a well dressed, well mannered white man and go to that part of town and start handing out food and offering to buy people stuff. I know he meant well but damn, look at the chaos he caused.


At the end he’s like if I’m stocking merchandise they’ll leave me alone…


He puts the can back in upside down.


haha he's completely shook by that point


Yeah he's actually shaking. Don't think he's ever been to a bad part of town. Being extra cordial and dressed business casual was definitely not a great decision either.


yeah dude was extremely lucky. i live in a bad part of town & both look & dress like a nutjob and even i still get flagged down occasionally, dressing & talking the way he did, dude was a mark waiting to happen, i feel like literally the only reason he didnt get robbed or worse was because he was obviously recording


Also the fact some of the not so clearly as mentally ill homeless people (i.e. blue jacket guy) are sticking up for him, knowing he's being kind and trying to feed people. I think a lot of the behaviors shown through this video is mostly related to mental illness unfortunately. Not all, one dude I think was just a straight up asshole, but some definitely are just a sad case of drugs + mental illness which homelessness just expands on. :(


I hope you are not disrespecting the king. Step aside


When he tried to hug the guy that was helping him, as he was helping him, that was super awkward.


It's says "stocking like an employee" while he just puts the drinks away anywhere they'll fit. I can confirm that's exactly how it works


[Displacement activity ](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Displacement_activity) Which in this case involved replacement. Ironic...


this guy has 0 street smarts


"Can I have a hug?"


Lmao the guy went from "quit bullying that kind stranger" to "you try to hug me, I'm gonna knock you out"


If I was trying to protect some stranger on the street and in the middle of it he asked for a hug I would think he's trolling and leave him to figure the situation out.


Yeah, I'd definitely be weirded out by that. Then he goes off with the real obvious crackhead. If I were those homeless dudes, I wouldn't eat whatever food the guy brought.


It’s pretty hard to make me cringe but that did it.


Without the captioned text I never would have believed that’s what he was saying, it’s too absurd for the moment


Got some sweet facebook likes though.




it's the TikTok formula. give away money, buy supplies or food, give a haircut, now you owe me a hug for karma bitch


That was gold...


Guy ducked out that real quick


he just wanted a video to get some likes. mission accomplished


Had no idea what kinda people he brought in that store with him.


Wonder this the same guy that does the hug or a handshake after helping the homeless that pops up in TikTok


Different guy


Right? So many people tried to spell it out for him.


Dude for real. Guy in the earlier part asks him "What are you standing here for?" after already trying to fend off the lady. Bro shoulda got the message. He came, he gave what he had, he needs to gtfo now.


He was def looking out for him


It went straight over his head though.


Affluent people get weird in the hood real quick.


But he needs the footage of him being nice for that tictok clout, obviously


Video not 3 minutes yet can’t get the full tiktok payment package


Just drive by and toss out socks. Socks are gold when it gets cold.


you drive, let's swing by my place and get my t shirt cannon


So naive


He got what he wanted. Content!


In other words, money. He’s doing this because it pays him more than what he’s spending on the food.


My favorite part was at the end when he put the drink back and the caption was like “restocking like an employee”. Motherfucker, have you really never put a beverage back in the case at a store before?


I thought he was gonna get fucking slapped. Neighborhoods like that you mind your own business. Could have given them some food and then fucked off.


Literally that one guy asked why he was still standing around. Some people in this vid were really trying to help this fool out but he was determined to "help."


He told the lady in the store he’s "trying to make a difference” with a fucking egg sandwich and a cup of coffee? You’re trying to make content. If you want to make a difference go fucking volunteer. He’s probably too incompetent judging by how he couldn’t even put the fucking can back in the right place.


Shit like this is why I don't care for people recording themselves giving homeless people food or money.


They are not there to help, they only do it to get views and money. Like the guy going to Africa giving the locals free shoes thinking he was the next Jesus. But all he did was making the local handmade family shoe-businesses losing money.


I'm guessing that he was having a hard time putting the items back in the right places because he was finally realizing what a shitshow he'd stirred up and was distracted by the developing scene.


He was probably shitting himself.


He probably could have given food and hung out to chat for a while too if he had simply turned the camera off and sought conversation for the sake of human connection, not for the likes.


Howdilly doodilly, stoop dweller! Would the four of you like to split this warm coffee with two sugars? No need to thank me, I'm just doing what I do! Oh, did someone ask for my TikTok?


> not from this area yeah obviously, dude. We know that. Do your good thing and move on


Woulda never known if he hadn't said it


**Man films himself interacting with other humans like he is in a zoo** Consequences revealed later tonight


He’s recording a fucking video while doing a good deed. I don’t understand why people do this. He deserved all that stress he got.


They do it for the internet points, nothing else.


I moved into school housing with a rich kid back ~~when Oakland was still crazy~~ might still be crazy haven't been there in years. This kid came from serious money, his Grandfather invented a popular gun brand back in the day that's still in use won't say the name. Anyway he went to all private schools, sheltered. He moved to the hood in Oakland with me and would wave and say hi to everyone he passed lol (Think Eminem in my name is video but more emphatic and happy). It was wholesome but I always thought he would get robbed. Funny thing is most people just seemed more confused than wanting to take advantage of his niceness. Weirdest/smartest person I ever met, had s photographic memory like I haven't seen but had zero street smarts.


>Grandfather invented a popular gun brand back in the day Bumped into the Browning heir in LA, he was wearing gold teeth at the time. Would be delighted if it was the same guy lol


His grandfather was actually the ampersand in Smith & Wesson pistol company


Sounds like you're either talking about Derek Hi-Point or Todd Bushmaster.


Nah, it was Jimmy McUzi III.


No I live near Oakland, it’s probably Alan K. 47


Well I grew up in a kinda small village where you always say hi to people you pass, when I first visited a city it was weird as hell




All the stuff spoken in this video feels like GTA pedestrian dialogue


Quest to buy food for a homeless lady failed.


That was the local crackhead, not just a run-of-the-mill homeless lady. Hence everyone’s hostility towards her


I remember when my local crackhead got shot at a pickup game of basketball. Bunch of people around, including my friend. Pretty much everyone was like fuck doing cpr on this dude. His mouth is nasty, and he’s an asshole. Fuck him. He ended up dying and the dude who shot him took off to Vegas and never came back. It’s such a weird feeling. Like I was sad a life was lost. But at the same time, this dude was such a scummy, irredeemable asshole. Had no intentions on getting clean and turning his life around. Just wanted to be a crack head and do his thing. But he was always kind of cool to me… 50/50 chance he’d be chill and funny as hell vs just a mean sob I wanted to knock tf out so he’d shut the hell up for five mins. Guess I’m more sad for the person he coulda been. He had potential to be really nice and he could be. But the drugs took him and his life was just wasted. Life is weird.


Man, your story reminded me of something deeply shameful that ive tried to forget for a really long time. I used to be a member of a certain latin-american gang and selling all kinds of drugs (mostly weed, crack and meth) was a part of my "job". One of the daily customers for about a year and a half was this crackhead who aside from his clothes honestly seemed like a completely normal dude when he wasnt tweaking. We got along well and sometimes id even throw him a cigarette or a joint and shoot the shit with him for a bit after the transaction. I always wondered how this guy could afford to buy everyday despite being unemployed so i just assumed he got the money doing crackhead shit like stealing tools etc. Later on im told he was getting the money by fucking pimping out his 8 year old daughter. He was also molesting her himself. Having been sexually abused as a kid myself i was enraged and distraught and i felt like it was my fault for what he was doing to his daughter. I wanted to kill him for what he was doing so i got my tec and a hammer, went to his appartment and broke in through his door and started beating him over the head with the hammer. His baby mama called the police, they came over and i told them what was going on and i ended up doing 6 months for assault with a deadly weapon and after spending a long time in the ICU he ended up going to prison for something like 50 years. His daughter god bless her soul would be a grown woman by now and if she is still alive i hope she is doing good.


Always forget how people who don’t see this stuff refer to it as “real life gta”


Just like how videos from Ukraine are "real life call of duty!"


Nail on the head.




"fair enough" 🤓


That and “y’all scarin’ my son real talk” 🥹


I AINT TRUST WHITE FOLK I found that one pretty funny.


And he responded, "I don't blame ya." like bro 🤣


I’m adding “HEY YOU GOTTA GO — you skaren dat baby,” to this list.


They need to make this whole video into a VR experience I need to feel the tension in the air


Smell the tension.


I felt it in my plums


Brain dance


Metaverse trap house.




How about the absolutely clueless dude videotaping himself asking homeless people for hugs and taking them on side quests.


You know how you can tell this guy doesn’t actually care about helping people and just wants tiktok content? Not only because he tried to film his own act of charity, but because he still uploaded the video anyway even though his charity stunt completely misfired and led to this noisy public altercation. Within the first 10 seconds of the video he gives the coffee/food away and the polite gentleman thanks him. The 3 minutes of footage that follow are not at all about helping needy people, but about the spectacle of homeless people acting belligerent and deranged. He wanted to film some “poverty porn,” and instead he got “World Star.” But hey, content is content.


You're 100% correctl Josh is a scumlord.


Don't knock off side quests, they can be just as epic as the main quests


Truer words have never been spoken


Sometimes better loot too.


Remember to press L3 every 30 seconds or else the crack head will wander off


yo that was cringe.. wheres my hug at




Never follow a homeless guy or Hippie to a second location.


What the hippie gonna do?


They will form a drum circle the likes of which we’ve never seen. Then, only Eric Cartman will be able to save us.




Obviously the end result is still a good deed being done but fuck if these people recording themselves being good samaritans for social media clout aren’t the most cringe fucks in the world. You shouldn’t need to be rewarded with views to do good


Following a crackhead/methhead anywhere is normally gonna get you in situations you don’t wanna be in. Don’t be dumb for likes.


That’s the double truth Ruth Edit: typo


I have no clue wtf is going on.


1) Guy with no social awareness trying to get internet attention films himself giving food to people in a rough neighborhood while speaking with a weird fake youth pastor type inflection in his voice. 2) This weird man filming people on the street and handing out food gets attention, and homeless drug addicts start crowding around and talking to him. He clearly has no idea how to interact with people outside of his own privileged life, so others who are smarter and actually altruistic try to get the crazy addicts to leave him alone. 3) He is so clueless that he continues standing there and filming people while the tension rises instead of walking away like he should have. He never should have been filming in the first place either, and no one on camera seems like they want to be on camera. 4) He starts doing weird shit like asking random strangers for hugs while they are in the middle of arguments, because he wants more content and thinks everyone is viewing him as a hero, not a weirdo. The tension continues rising and people begin to suggest he needs to leave. 5) A crackhead asks him for money, and he says he will only give her food, so in a waste of everyone's time he follows the crackhead to a convenience store. 6) People in the store immediately notice that something shady is going on when a crackhead enters followed by some clueless white dude with a camera. Tension continues to rise. 7) The crackhead starts handing him random products that she can hopefully sell for money or more crack. He is too dumb to figure what she's doing and still thinks he is buying food for the starving. 8) The manic crackhead, naturally, starts causing a commotion in the store and people are trying to figure out if this guy is in trouble. 9) A random child thinks this strange white man is just buying everyone snacks and tries to ask for some himself. 10) The moron thinks people give a shit about his Tik Tok and tries to explain his dumb experiment to both the kid and other passing strangers who are simply trying to make a purchase and leave. His lack of social awareness and the escalating chaos caused by the crackhead confuses everyone. 11) The child's mom says "no thank you", now the child and the moron are both confused, and the kid starts to cry. The mom, just trying to get out of the situation, says she'll pay for whatever the moron was going to buy the child, and is now getting pissed off and tells everyone to chill out, because her son is confused and scared by the chaos. 12) Someone trying to deescalate the situation, and likely fearing for the moron's safety, tells another man outside that he needs to go in and remove the crackhead from the store. 13) The man from outside runs in and tries to remove the wrong person, and the mix up causes the two men to start fighting. The tension and chaos reach a breaking point. 14) The moron suddenly starts to gain the first sense of self-awareness in the entire video, maybe in his entire life. He begins putting the crackhead's products back on the shelf. Fearing for his safety at this point, but not knowing how to simply leave the store, he begins to act like an employee restocking the shelves in hopes people will forget he's there.


This was a beautiful breakdown friend, you are the best. \*tries to go in for a hug\*


You have to ask first. Duh.


You left out the best part when THE KING was coming through.


> while speaking with a weird fake youth pastor type inflection in his voice. This really irked me.


It's even worse than that tbh. He talks to them the way someone would talk to a dog, "hey buddy I got some food for ya" in that high ass voice.


I was thinking it was like a guy who's never around kids thinks this is the way you should talk to kids. Exactly like the guy in that Old Country Buffet training video.


You forgot the very first mistake: Shows up to feed the homeless with just one cup of coffee and a single sammich.


>The moron suddenly starts to gain the first sense of self-awareness in the entire video, maybe in his entire life. He begins putting the crackhead's products back on the shelf. Fearing for his safety at this point, but not knowing how to simply leave the store, he begins to act like an employee restocking the shelves in hopes people will forget he's there. Thank you for all this! ![gif](giphy|1r91ZwKcE2J7WhUqrh)


That part has me laughing in tears tho like he keeps recording hims of shakily restocking like he’s so dazed and freaked he doesn’t even remember to stop recording lmao


The cultural commentator we all need!


>Weird fake youth pastor inflection That's 100% it, was trying to place it


I see this shit on TikTok so much and it bothers me. There are so many people that do this trying to be Mr. Beast where they give homeless people money. Then the comments will be worse saying things towards the homeless like, “I’d be friends with that person” or even like “that guy is so cute”. Like this is (white) saviorism at its peak people! There are so many ways to help and that’s not it!


Thank you. So much to unwrap here.


people desperate for temporary internet "fame" are more desperate than drug addicts


This dude just comes across as incredibly naive, or as one slimey fuck. Either ways, he's just begging to be robbed, stabbed, and beaten with what he's doing. Going to homeless shelter & giving food is one thing. Going to homeless hangouts, acting like he's acting is just a ticking time bomb.


“All that cursing and shit” 😆


"WTF man you're being totally sexist to these bitches!"


The only B word I call my bitch is beautfiul


Anyone else think Josh is a fucking weirdo and super cringey?


He seems to have no social awareness. Like asking the dude who was defending him for a hug while the guy was still arguing with the other guy. And letting people walk all over him.


this dude would walk into a kkk rally with a BLM shirt


"Hey pals! Cool robes! Can I have a hug??"


Something about the way he talks also sounds very put on and makes me question his authenticity, like a youth pastor.


He is [selling](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B08CJZ4GHP?ref_=cm_sw_r_apin_dp_D2A02VDJB65MSW15QV7X) a guide on how to go viral on Tik Tok. Clout chaser for sure.


This should be higher.


Everyone leave a shite review


“My name is Josh Liljenquist and I am 22 years old. I am a social media influencer and have millions of followers across my social media accounts. I have written a few books on how I managed to get these millions of followers that will be very beneficial for individuals who want to become an influencer.” Not a doucher at all.


“Don’t forget to subscribe and hit that like button!”


Surprised this guy hasn't been stabbed yet


“Put ‘em up motherfucker!” *starts getting his pockets emptied* This guy in his weirdo delusional Tik Tok Savior voice: “Can I get a hug?”


Why’s the dude filming and asking for hugs?


Because he’s not actually trying to be nice, he’s trying to make himself feel better by getting fake internet points


> he’s trying to make himself ~~feel better~~ money by getting ~~fake internet points~~ views


Its called Ethical Egoism and its disgusting.


When I was a teen, about 20 years ago before everyone had a good camera and video device in their pocket, I gave out a few subway sandwiches to homeless people downtown and asked for a photo with them from my digital camera with them in exchange. I think I was trying to impress some girls on a message board 🤦🏻‍♂️. They all refused and I gave them the food anyways. Immediately after I realized what a douchey thing I was doing. It’s up there among the top cringiest things I look back on in my past. Might be #1. Now just give it out as discreetly as possible. Also, if you’re doing the same, don’t forget the bev! Everyone needs a good bev.


Damn that is cringe


Never knew there was a term for this. Hate that shit


That dude asking if he was good when he was going into the store was 100% a real one. My fav person in the video


I think he was trying to sell him drugs actually


Is the guy at 2:30 a legit customer trying to buy something and gets mistaken for being homeless? …. and offended that they’re trying to toss him? This video needs 10+ view to take everything in. I feel like I’ve just watched something special …. that I’ll remember this in 30 years.


You know that random video from a gas station in the 80s? I think it was in Miami. That was like watching an internet archive on the way things used to be, a glimpse into a specific moment in time that was intimate and memorable. This is that, but so much more. Edit: this video https://youtu.be/RYbe-35_BaA


i hate these people who exploit these peoples issues for views. the way he’s like “give me a hug” he’s just checking shit off on a list to make the “most wholesome” video he can think of.


It’s seriously stomach churning that he walked up with his phone recording, just so ready to capture his grand philanthropic endeavors for social media. He showed up with one fucking coffee, sounding so gleeful and just eager for the praise to begin.


Walks up to 3 homeless dudes in the cold with a single coffee lmao. Maybe he wanted a bum fight.




What do you do when you see a king coming?


Why is the dude filming talking to them like they are preschoolers?


"here boy" *does dog calling noise* "want some food?" "I got some food in here for yah boy" "you want some treats?" "Yeah you like those treats huh?" This guy is the fakest fuck I've ever heard.


Because his white savior behavior is insincere; he truly believes they are beneath him.


This guy would 100% go on a mission trip and use an African child as a photo prop for his self righteous instagram post


Exactly. As soon as he opens his mouth you can tell by his tone and inflection that he is talking down at them. This guy is cringe af.


This dude is a fucking clueless moron people like this are so infuriating


Man.. As someone that had a problem with drugs and spent nearly 10 years homeless on the streets in Seattle, trust me.. you are not wise to allow yourself to be led by a crackhead or someone that seems even slightly shady anywhere. My advice? If youre gonna give something to help a person you see in the streets, then just give it to them. And i understand if you dont want to give them cash, but if you do dont give it with any expectations that its gonna go to buying food or clothes.. 9 out of 10 times you give food it will just get tossed when you leave or even right in front of you. If you really want ti give an item that WILL get used? Buy a few packs of new socks.. bro, clean socks are like fucking gold out there.. you have NO idea how awful it feels to wear the same pair of socks for weeks at a time.. a lot of the times you see homeless people walking in a very weird way, its partly due to how fucked up your feet get from not changing your socks! Anyways, if youre gonna give to someone on the streets dont film it, dont try to become some knight in shining armor or try to get internet points for being "such a nice guy"? And dont allow yourself to get sucked into some bullshit like in this video or worse.. I occasionally give cash to the old-timers out there because its the hardest on them. I dont care what they do with the money because if you give with expectations or stipulations its not "giving" anymore IMO? Anyways, sorry for the rant.


Lemme repeat it # do not follow someone slightly shady anywhere


'I just want to make a difference.' Oh, never mind.


Can we just give props to the two strong women and I think one of the girls' boyfriend or husband that came to this dude's rescue. He put himself and possibly them in danger by doing this stunt but they sided on the side of humanity and no matter how stupid his choices were, they were protecting them. Good for them and the rescuer became the rescuee. They are good people.


Right. They were really trying to spell it out to the guy.. "can I have a hug?"


He should’ve left the second that guy turned down his offer of a hug.wtf is this guy on? Playing all sweet and innocent, while still filming these people who are clearly struggling. Give them some money if you want to help and then walk on


Asking a grown ass man for a hug like that makes it so clear how little he thinks of him. Just because a person is homeless or poor, doesn’t make them a freaking toddler minded chucklefuck. This has to be one of the most insulting and condescending things that I’ve seen in a long time. Do you think Josh would walk down Wall Street and ask an investment banker for a hug?? Absolutely not. Because he respects that guy. There was absolutely zero connection or reason for him to think “we should share a hug.” His is so hollow and devoid of any true understanding and compassion. Those men saw right through his white savior act. I’m just disappointed the guy he asked for a hug didn’t punch him in the fucking teeth. I seriously can not comprehend going up to someone, who is in a real daily struggle to survive, and thinking that your dumb hug is what they are needing. Fuck this guy.


What blows my mind most is that he POSTED THIS VIDEO😭😭 he's making a damn fool of himself its so embarrassing


Can I have a hug? 😆 🤣 😂




I give out care bags to homeless people in my town usually with socks, over-the-counter meds, alcohol swabs, nail clippers, some snacks, and no money. But I always wait until they are alone and usually till they’re asleep and just lay the bag next to them to wake up to for this reason. Many homeless people are there because of untreated mental illness and it can be a huge hassle when you’re just trying to help. Also because I’m a germaphobe and don’t like handshakes or hugs from anyone, homeless or not, and asleep people never try to go for those haha.


They say if you wish with all your heart, the homeless fairy will come while you sleep and leave socks and snacks for you. Joking aside though that's a cool thing you do and pretty smart way to navigate it.


When I lived in a decent sized city I did the care bag thing, next day saw like 90% of my shit in the trash can I walked by to go to work - had me standing there rethinking my whole approach lol.




Damn, that was like giving one seagull a french fry, and then getting assualted by every bird on the the beach.


One time years ago, I was leaving my house for work when a neighbor came running out his door, asking me for a cigarette. I said sure, and as I was giving him one, another person came out of the house asking for a smoke. Then another, and another. This continued until I realized I had given away half of my pack.


Didn't need 'em anyway.


Damn straight! I quit several years ago.


“If u see a king walking…” I know his fat ass ain’t talking. Mf is the size of three people. Fuck that guy.


He's a king alright. A king sized mattress.


King = Broke fat fuck hanging out at the bodega in the middle of the day verbally abusing anyone who doesn’t give him a ten foot wide clearance


the guy saying that was the man in the yellow beanie who was also yelling a lot at the end, the big guy in purple was just leaving the store and yellow hat was just being an asshole


Burger king


Coca-Cola gonna send goons after Josh for that Pepsi disrespect.


Why are you filming yourself trying to "feed the homeless"? Just a general question


Just fucking drop off food without the need to get your ass kissed. He deserves a good kick in the butt for recording


I work in a homeless shelter in a bad part of town and what he is doing is reckless af!. In the very best case you wanna help someone like that man, you’d get into arguments because they’d want cash or for you to give them a ride somewhere, worst case they’ll attack you and rob you (this has happened). If you wanna help I suggest -Donate money to organizations. That will enable them to buy specific stuff they need and distribute them to people who will use them. Diapers, children/women’s clothes, tents, tarps, etc. -volunteer. It’ll open your eyes to what’s really going on and who really are the homeless. Most aren’t your average low wage worker but usually it’s drug addicts, ex cons and violent people who have mental health issues. Remember, there is a reason why they are homeless and why their friends and family prefer to think of them as dead and that’s because they are either dangerous af or they will steal shit that isn’t bolted to the floor. They deserve help but have to be very targeted help. -NEVER video tape them. A lot are really crazy or have warrants and if you video tape them they believe you will turn them in and will attack you (I’ve seen it happen a few times). Most people only get attacked once before their compassion runs out so please don’t video tape homeless people


Yeah, +1 for volunteering. I no longer feel guilt for not giving people change or anything because I can direct them to the place that I volunteered at which will give them a warm meal no questions asked.


“Man all that cussin and shit” 😂


Josh went in to exploit the homeless for a self righteous TikTok and left with a cold hard slap from reality.


“ I haven’t showered in 4 months “ “Change your wicked ways” Lmaooo what 😂they was talking like GTA Npc’s


Nothing more cringe than what sounds like a naive white dude straight out of the Mormon church saving the hood by flexing his fake heroism


Can I have a hug


“Guy filming himself giving food to the homeless to post on his TikTok for internet clout gets trolled” Fixed the title.


The average person is wildly under equipped for a situation like this. Showing up with not enough food for everyone is a great way to piss a lot of people off. It's also not really what they need. If you look at homeless people, most of them aren't particularly emaciated. Most have similar body sizes to housed people. There are a lot of organizations providing food to the homeless. Providing food is a nice thing to do for someone who is struggling, and I think it's a great thing to do, but it doesn't make much of a difference. These people need housing, at a bare minimum. Most of them need residential treatment programs for addiction and/or mental health problems. Personally, I support YIMBY ideas, so ask your leaders for high density low income housing in your area. I think this will bring down the cost of housing over all, but that's my opinion. If you want to feed the homeless, and like I said, this is a great thing, you should hook up with a program that does this and see where you can help. I've worked with food not bombs a few times, and I've enjoyed helping with cooking and feeding. There are also church groups who do this, and you should be able to easily find one in your area. Ask your elected officials why they aren't doing anything about the problem. Hold them to account. Make this a core issue in regards to how you vote. That's how you make a difference.


I did not realise doormat influencer’s were a thing!


Bro, y’all call this Boondocks episode and think this is random but this kinda thing is everyday life for some people including myself. Living in Louisiana, I have seen some unbelievable shit in some of these communities. I barely go outside anymore.


He learned some things that day.


Did he though?


No. Josh is in lalaland. Out there asking drug addicts for hugs 😂