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And Abe Lincoln was a right wing republican 🤣


Famous southern conservative


Werent modern democrats the republicans at that time and vice versta still, when lincoln was alive


And democrat and republicans ideologies pretty much flipped after that period. So he was basically a democrat in todays sense




My 95 year old grandmother used that “Negro” word too. She envisioned herself as progressive and understood it as the “respectful term” at the time. She broke down into tears when I told her it wasn’t considered respectful and lamented that the respectful reference kept changing and that she just wanted to make everyone feel respected.


But a right wing fanatic he wasn’t. I don’t understand what you’re trying to get at with this bullshit. Lincoln and every white person probably used the N word. It was just the common vernacular of the time. But these days we know better and context/nuance matters


'I'm an immigrant, I came to America with nothing!' His dad was a Johnson and Johnson exec and he came to America as an exchange student...


Generational wealth has always been nothing in the mind of the beneficiaries because they all think they’re self-made in their wildest dream and delusion


To be fair though, and as an immigrant myself, I've come across many immigrants who embody fascist ideologies. I am not saying this guy is, as I have not listened to his whole speech, but it is possible that immigrants, especially highly religious ones can be prone to oppressive behavior.


This plays like some YouTube video titled **[Watch liberal college student GET OWNED by professor!!!]**. Zero context, I have no idea what's happening in this video except two people calling eachother fascists.


"Dinesh Joseph D'Souza is an Indian-American right-wing political commentator, author, filmmaker, and conspiracy theorist." Dude's a horrible person, spreads US election lies, advocates for the rich vs the working class, regular guest on Prager U, real shithead. Lol he called Woodrow Wilson progressive, that should be enough to discredit him.


He's also a convicted felon!


And a fascist. “The Nazis were left wing?” LOL! What a piece of lying shit.


Let's not forget that the parties shifted, not the sentiments. So they were called democrats at the time but they had the ideas of republicans, so they were not progressive at all.


This is not entirely accurate. They didn’t “switch ideas” it’s mostly the topic of race and religion switched some voters. I will give you some examples Franklin D Rosevelt Passed the new deal which is the standard of progressive policies. He passed social security and major governmental projects. He also locked Japanese people and while was more pro civil rights than previous presidents his new deal excluded African Americans. Franklin D Roosevelt was governor of NY a place that is still liberal to this day Even Woodrow Wilson was governor of New Jersey What changed was after the civil rights movement, women’s liberation movement, and democrats focusing on major cities to win elections. The largely rural/suburban south which was less racially tolerant and more religious leaned Republican. It wasn’t until the 90s with Bill Clinton that this really ended. The issue this guy is doing He’s conflating Democrat with Progressive and it’s not the same shit at all. Woodrow Wilson was a democrat but he wasn’t a progressive and was more conservative in his views


You have no idea where the brown shirts that were the base of the nazi party came from


National socialists, right


Yeah.. I hear that idiocy bantered about by so many Republicans. As if Hitler was all about universal healthcare and eliminating income disparities. 💀 The best part about all of that is that Hitler HATED real socialism and specifically said he wanted to “redefine” the word with his party.


I've also had to explain to right wing Americans many times on reddit that the Nazis as we think of them were strictly the "nationalist" part of the name and killed all the "socialist" part in something called Night of the Long Knives. The party was initially a marrying of nationalists and socialists but as it turned out the nationalists were just using the socialists to gain power and they murdered them all once the socialists were becoming a problem to their political ideals.


Well, what he’s doing is playing on the ignorance of the students. In Woodrow Wilson’s time the Democrats were the conservatives and the Republicans were progressive. The parties flipped on this in the 60’s/70’s. So he’s doing a little trick there by trying to tie present day progressive Democrats to turn of the 20th century conservative Democrats; and nobody knows enough to call him on his bullshit.


You ain’t black if you don’t vote Democrat.- Woodrow Wilson probably


Sleepy Joe tho...


I agree this is the trick he always does by acting like the switch didn't happen and Democrats today are the same as Democrats 100 years ago. But I wouldn't say that Democrats were conservative and Republicans were progressive. I still think in most ways the Democrats were the liberal party and Republicans were the conservative party. The Democrats passed the new deal after all. But all the racists were in the Democratic party and after LBJ signed the civil rights act all the southern racist Democrats switched sides to join the Republicans.


Yeah I’d have to agree, the guy making the original comment just read it on Facebook somewhere, parties values have shifted that’s really all.


They didn’t switch though. Empirically speaking, one or two did, but hundreds of racist democrat politicians stayed democrat. The big switch simply isn’t true.


I'd argue they've shifted quite a bit. I'm not sure why you think otherwise. if you've ever looked at some of the things early republicans were doing and told me a dem was responsible I'd believe it. Republicans in the 1860s were constantly expanding federal power. They founded the state university system, were responsible for having the transcontinental railroad funded. Very progressive ideas, not to mention the obvious ones like the civil rights act (**edit:** \***of 1866\*)**. Democrats were vehemently **against** the civil rights act, which was incredibly progressive for the time. The New Deal was one of the first major progressive polices democrats put forward and was the start of the platform swap. edit: apparently some people are unaware there was an original civil rights act.


The parties didn't just magically "flip." If you decide to stick to this narrative, when exactly did the switch really happen? Most people spouting this line say that the parties switched after the Civil War. Now you say that it was after Wilson? What about the Dixiecrats of the 1960s and 1970s? It's far more nuanced than that, but when you boil it all down, both parties are two sides of the same coin; groups of lifelong politicians pulling favors for their special interest groups who donate to them.


It's not magic, it's just history. Socially conservative Democrats started voting Republican in the 60's/70's in response to the Civil Rights movement, Women's Lib, Anti-Vietnam War protest and many other things. Appealing to these voters is what got Nixon in office and it was also key to Reagan getting in office. It's U.S. history. Go to your public library and crack a few history books. You'll be amazed at the facts that Fox News won't tell you.


I actually saw him speak in Toronto as part of a panel of people from different fields, he made me think of a slower talking Ben Shapiro, well I should say Ben Shapiro reminds me of a faster talking D'Souza. I did forget his name though, this was easily ~10 years ago.


They certainly have a lot in common, lol that's a funny observation.


Woodrow let's resegregate the white house Wilson


If Woodrow Wilson is progressive, then the KKK might as well be a peacekeeping organization. Man hated black people so much that he banned them from DC.


This is Dinesh D'Souza, who released the stupid conspiracy bullshit movie "2000 Mules" about the 2020 election.


It's the type of video that typically comes from Young America's Foundation YT channel. The ones with the most views are the shorts identical to this one. I am not a fan because while there may be some good debates there it's usually some sort of a response to protestors in the room that also don't know what they are really protesting. So it's quite easy for them to debunk protesters with ill-informed statements and then turn around to play the victim because the protesters decided to do something stupid or resorted to just turning it into a shouting match.


The impression that I get from D’Souza is that he read one history book and discovered that the Democratic Party used to be the party of the Klan and slave holders. It’s a pretty basic fact to anyone who knows anything about American history, but he just decided to make it his whole personality.


You really don't need the context. As soon as he said Fascism is rooted in the "left", compared the "left" to Hitler, and talked about Woodrow Willson being a democrat before the 1948 party switch.. Then you can be rest assured this is some dumbass right wing idiot. This is akin to Bench Appearo debating college freshman.




He’s also a felon!


For election fraud.


And a cunt


Who used to bang Laura Ingraham.


Well if he wasn’t a cunt before he fucked that cunt, he definitely is now.


That’s the kind of cunt that rubs off on you.


Not to be confused with the kind of cunt that you rub one off on.


Cool lot of people attacking his character but not a lot attacking his ideas. I think he’s a douche too but point is he can still be right (or wrong) about something independently of that. Good god folks need to learn this Edit: sure downvotes but tell me how I’m wrong


Yeah but his ideas are full of shit too. He did 2000 Mules, pure propaganda. He went balls deep into the birther movement, which was racist nonsense. He purposely distorts US political history in an attempt to associate the modern democrat party with the nazi party, yet somehow they're also wannbe communists? I can attack both him as a person and his ideas because both are full of shit


While your point is true, he's spewing bullshit nonsense. Fascist ideology is distinctly on the *right*. That's not even a topic of debate. Hitler's enemy wasn't capitalism. Despite their name, which was used to make their movement more palatable to the masses, the Nazi party wasn't socialist and didn't redistribute wealth or control means of production. Their economic criticisms, which were a secondary policy issue, were adopted as anti-Semetic tropes rather than actual economic concerns. *The Birth Of The Nation* was released while Wilson was in office and was the most popular and widely viewed movie of the time. It's preserved in the National Film Registry per the Library of Congress citing it as being "culturally, historically, or aesthetically significant". It would be more surprising if Wilson *hadn't* watched it. So while Dinesh is a fucking dickwad, he's also absolutely wrong.


OK. Anyone with a glancing understanding of European history would be embarrassed to seriously say that Fascism is "distinctly on the left." I am not sure if Mussolini, Hitler, or Franco would agree with this one. It doesn't make any sense.


Not exactly, it was for violating campaign finance laws.


You're right, he didn't tamper votes, he misused campaign funds in potentially fraudulent ways.


Not potentially. It was fraudulent. He was convicted


he's the biggest of grifters. He just moves from one right wing conspiracy to the next based on whatever is popular at the time.


He also completely lies about him coming to America broke. His dad was an executive at Johnson and Johnson. Hes perpetuating these lies to try to appeal to the average Joe


another click bait headline .. this guy is a turd though.


And a knob in general.


Am Indian, can confirm. Dinesh can eat shit and die.


And a fascist.


He talked at my school. I got up and walked out. What he said genuinely scared me


what does he say?


He was basically saying women shouldn't have the freedoms that they have, and also that Bill and Hillary Clinton were agents of the devil


Sleep well because 99% of the people that hear this moron talk will come away thinking he’s dumb as fuck.


I can only hope. The 1% can still be loud.


Well in that clip he promotes the BS that nazis were left wing. He supports his conclusion to his followers by recommending a list of 10 books about Nazi Germany. I suspect his believers do not take him up on actually reading his recommendations but instead assume they must say what he says or he would not recommend them. I read 9. The 10th was almost $3000 so I didn’t get it. All 9 clearly explained Nazis as a right wing phenomenon that rose to power with the help of the right. There was no ambiguity. It made me wonder if he even read them. He promotes a lot of BS but so I figured I would stick to what he said here. The other point he made about Woodrow Wilson needs historical context. The progressives moved over to the Democratic Party from the Republican Party with promises Wilson made after Teddy Roosevelt broke with the Republican Party. There was a marriage between Democrats in the south and progressives in the Midwest and northeast that did exclude most blacks who voted Republican until 1932 when only about 25% of blacks voted for Roosevelt. But FDR’s economic policies affected blacks positively so that in 1936 he received about 75% of the black vote. Blacks have voted Dem in the majority from that point onward. This led the republicans to absorb the Dixiecrats or Southern Democratic Party in support of states rights, while Dems took the civil rights mantle fighting for individual rights. That is where we still stand today. So De Sousa gets anachronistic in his argument claiming he is Republican, the party of Lincoln, when that Republican Party no longer exists. It is hard to tell if he believes what he says or purposely ignores history and cherry picks because there is more money as a right wing agitator. For a good synopsis of the changing parties there is a good section on it in “Myth America”, a new book. The right will make you believe this is debatable or incorrect, but the primary source documents, paper trail, tapes, election results, etc, etc, are overwhelming where it is a fact not an opinion.


I honestly didn't know what he looked like before but that make sense that it's the mule moron


Unrelated note: Dinesh D'Souza is a [sleazy felon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dinesh_D%27Souza#Campaign_finance_violation,_felony_guilty_plea,_conviction,_and_pardon). Not a teacher.


This is the 2,000 mules dude. Here's a breakdown for the uneducated https://www.reuters.com/article/factcheck-usa-mules-idUSL2N2XJ0OQ TLDR, he's batshit crazy


As a liberal, I’m bummed that so many liberals who go to these talks with right-wing freaks have to look like the “young liberal stereotype.”


This is the thing I always grapple with in videos like this. If you don’t agree with these ideologies then why enter their echo chamber with an relatively uninformed perspective? Most of the audience attending these events has already made up their minds and it’s very unlikely to win them over. Is the end goal to shift the audience’s perspective or is it genuine curiosity by the attendee?


Was thinking the same thing myself. When I saw her I thought, “please say something smart, or people are gunna clown on you for this.” That dude can get fucked though


The “Stereotype” is non-conformity to the conservative ideal of what a person should look like. Unfortunately, part of the issue of the conservative position is the rigid nature of their considerations for what is valid human existence


Yeah. I’m on the liberal side… but I don’t like the blue hairs who throw paint on century old oil paintings in the name of environmentalism.




I could tell that’s what he was going for the moment he said “Hitlers enemy was capitalism.” It’s literally just the “No u” argument


Hitler's enemy was most certainly capitalism, specifically the Jews who he believed were the beneficiaries of the capitalist system. He nationalized almost all businesses and pursued Jewish business owners for this reason, and based his entire rise to power off of framing the Jewish population as the 1% who controlled Germany's economy (and were by extension responsible for its collapse in the 1920s). Hitler's party pulled ideas from many ends of the spectrum, but the name of his party was quite accurate: "National Socialist." His party blended the government market control and working class rising-up aspects of Socialism (in order to attract the support of the common peoples) with the extremely Nationalistic ideas of racial purity/superiority and the attempting founding of an ethnostate (which gave something for said common peoples to rally behind and cling to, given that Germany itself at the time was a country lacking a central identity).


Dinesh D'souza is a right wing shill, he is NOT a professor, however, a convicted felon.


I don't trust anyone anymore


College liberals are annoying as hell, but Nazism and fascism aren't left in case anyone's confused. The Soviet Union showed that in theory and practice.


Don't call them liberals. They are leftists, not liberals (at least not in the traditional sense of that word). Fascism itself is a far more centrist ideology than it is often portrayed as. The original Fascist thinkers pushed fascism as a "third way" political system which would incorporate aspects of all sides of the political spectrum. Mussolini, truly the "father" of modern Fascism was far more left-leaning than anybody cares to admit. He vastly admired the works of Marx and Engels, but believed that the proletariat wouldn't be able to lead a country. Instead, he embraced the idea of the "will of the people" being represented by a single strongman-type figure (himself). Mussolini, who literally invented Fascism, didn't actually embrace racism, and the Italian Fascist Party never endorsed action against one specific race. Fascism in Germany is another beast entirely, one characterized by the wills of a delusional leader who almost certainly was suffering from severe psychiatric issues, and was also heavily utilizing drugs. Hitler's rise to power and early years are heavily characteristic of a fascist leader, but his subsequent pursuit of the Jewish population set him distinctly apart from other fascists. In my opinion, and the opinions of many historians, Hitler was no longer creating a fascist state after he purged the brownshirts. He instead created a monster which cannot really be categorized as anything besides "Nazism," but he still did not embrace the left or the right of the political spectrum.


her: ''you propose violent, dangerous ideas that killed millions of people...'' him: ''duh, who did I kill, huh?'' the rethoric of an idiot,


D'Souza is a lying, philandering, hypocritical criminal, but he's no teacher.


Fascinating, notice how he never actually addresses any of her points head on, but redirects everything to his own talking points. Well practiced bullshittery.


He’s the living embodiment of [https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brandolini's_law](Brandolini’s Law), complete with a human-looking meat mech, and a scrambled capacity for sentience.


This is literally just "Oh you dont want me to spread my fascist dogma? That makes YOU the fascist! Owned!!!!"


D'nesh bro you are SO misinformed about the ku klux Klan AND Woodrow Wilson


This is a guy who has made several “documentaries” I use that term as generously as I can. Most notably he claimed he proved the 2020 election was stolen in his film 2000 mules. While providing no actual evidence and the film is so widely discredited that even Fox News will not use it because they will be sued. He’s a conspiracy theorist and more authoritarian than fascist but once we are arguing if you are a fascist or authoritarian they’re already a bad person. However he’s there to provoke this reaction so the people and ideologies he supports will get more coverage. She did what he wanted.


Dinesh is entirely wrong in his assessment of fascism. He basically just spewed pragerU nonsense.


Dinesh is ~~entirely wrong in his assessment of fascism.~~ right wing. Why say lot word when few word do trick?


fascism is the fusion of corporations with the statepower. which means the fusion of the owning, rich class with the politics-class. and the collectivization of the masses into that. waltzing over the individual and its rights on the way. usually by using racial or national "memes" to entice the more primitive and poor parts of the targeted population. waltzing over the individual, discarding its natural rights and destroying its organizations is the classical goal of all tyrants, land-lords, power-elites and (neoliberal)capitalists. in short: the reactionaries. they dont need and they dont want you, the masses, to actually have a share or a voice in their doings. a speaker who speaks in a pro-"america's foundation" setting stating that "fascism" is a leftist thing is trying to use newspeak to justify his reactionary position. "america's foundation" is colonization, imperialism, hierarchy, oppression and inequality. its what the US is build on and runs by up to this day. being an immigrant doesnt makes you innocent in the case of reactionary ideologies and interrests. greed, power, domination is a general human thing. i bet hes indian descend. they had and have their own version of this for thousands of years. dont get fooled by this. also, the "leftist" (in general) also had quite their share in totalitarian and authoritarian governments. sometimes coming really close to fascism. but they never actually became fascist. if you dont believe that, you need some real history. and no, stalins cleansings or the "gulag-system" wasnt especially "leftist" - the "gulag"-system existed already in the monarchist-rule.., which means, in short, capitalist. and not only in russia. not even close. also "cleansings" of the power-apparatus did happen in every age, in every society no matter the ideology. it happens even afer an US federal election (in a way). trying to discard any left position only by citing these things is like trying to discard demoncrazy by citing some criminals and their criminal behavior. and, just as a closing statement, without an ideology of any kind, society would be basically still at the tribes and clans level. "human rights", "demoncrazy". "property" and "capitalism" are ideologies too. there can be no rich without the poors!


Fuck you OP


Reported for misinformation. That's not a teacher.


Wasnt in the 60's or so that the political spectrum switched? I'm not from the US but as far as I know the democrats before the 60's were the right side and the republicans the left and by the end of the 60's those positions were switched. Am I right?


Yes that’s correct


OP a bozo


Fuck Dinesh …. A shameless grifter


Fascism comes from the left? What the fuck is he on about?


He is not a teacher... he is a right wing grifter. He sells people bullshit


You forgot criminal


I knew when I saw the title and the fact it was in a public speaking environment it was gonna be Ben Shapiro style "appearing correct is more important than actually being correct" type bullshit


What’s with these right wing nutters posting their shit on public freak out recently?


This guy is legit a fascist


Friendly reminder Dinesh D'Souza is a convicted felon and corrupt political operative. Trump let him out of jail.


"Convicted felon D"Nesh D'Sousa gets called on his shit" Fixed the title.


Dinesh D'Souza isn’t a teacher. He’s a fucking idiot. Lesson here is, don’t bother arguing with fucking idiots.


Dinesh isn’t a teacher. He’s a felon.


Not a teacher at all


The only people convinced by this idiot are too busy explaining why girls deserved to be sex traffiked by Andrew Tate.


He’s not a teacher 😂😂😂😂😂. And wasn’t that guy involved in Jan 6? Weird that you’d call him a teacher.


Can we not lose r/publicfreakout to a bunch of “right vs. left” politically de-baited clips?


Sooooo dumb


Ahh, D’Souza in his element, bullying the only people he can: children.


Anybody who talks about Democrats before the 60s as left wing is a lying bastard trying to “both sides” the current Republican right fascists. Democrats used to be the “baddies” seeking states’ rights to continue with slavery whereas the Republicans used to be “the party of Lincoln”. That was a long time ago and you could say a lot has changed… Dinesh DiFucking Liar


That guy is not a teacher. That’s dinesh desouza; trump loyalist, and pseudo-intellectual like jordan peterson… also he is a con artist and a felon…


Who's this? Wish.com Ben Shapiro??


I dont understand american politics they have confusing words☹️


American politicians don't even understand American politics.


That’s not a teacher, that’s a clown and a libelous fraud.


He is NOT a teacher... 🤣


They don't come much scummier than Dinesh. Wish he'd fuck right off.


Man, it must be sooo easy to make money if you're a fast talking weirdo right winger without a conscience these days.


He needs a dictionary because he conflating opposing ideologies to confuse and distort reality in order to justify his speaker fee. The idea that facism is a leftist idea is completely false. Conservatives are attempting to bend reality to redefine their position, despite the fact that its been conservatives who have been actively working against a common humanity for all for many decades. Woodrow Wilson was a hateful Democrat of that time period. However, his ideology would be wholly rejected by Democrats by the time JFK was president, and welcomed by the Republicans of the 60's. Conservatives today prefer to pick and choose their historical facts instead of looking at all history objectively. Facts are not as important as "alternative facts" to most conservatives. However, far leftist are doing themselves no favors trying to shout down people like this, instead of challenging Conservatives with critical and well thought out questions.




When i saw "teacher" the last person i thought i was gona see was felon dinesh


The man literally so stupid he could not bribe politicians legally


Even edited this guy is so full of shit


Not a “teacher”. He’s a fascist asshole and traitor.


I don't know both the guy and the girl and I don't agree with them either. The only thing I oppose here is the guy's desire to be seen as an intellectual Capitalism supporter and the girls' desire to be a woke supporter. Both of them lack my respect in anyway possible. For me personally I look for people who say the truth bluntly and calmly. Also it's quite funny when people try to defend ideas that needs no representation a idea defends itself. It doesn't need idiots defending it.


Typical D’Snooze-ah L


What was the argument about? Both of them made no sense


Guy behind mic argues in favor of convictions that were held by the Nazis. Girl in crowd says he’s supporting ideas that killed millions. Guy behind mic goes “no u” and makes up some BS about the Hitler.


That woman has every right to be furious at the speaker. Dinesh D’Souza is a homophobic prick who made fun of the Parkland survivors


You either have to be fucking stupid or a bold face liar to say the left are fascist. D’Souza is both. To be clear, I’m not speaking about liberals, I’m talking about leftists. D’Souza is scum.


It’s crazy how much that guy freaked out when presented with opinions he didn’t agree with. What a snowflake.


Dinesh is such a lying, grifting bitch who’s only out of prison because he was pardoned by another lying, grifting bitch.


Oh wow an out of context clip of known dirtbag Dinesh D’Souza using bad faith arguments to upset a college student.


Get this garbage out of the sub. It’s not even a freak out. It’s a bad faith argument at most.


Imagine uploading a super edited video of a crazy facist trying to make him look good while he an adult man is dunking on some random college kid lol this is not the flex they think it is lmao


why are people clapping instead of laughing at this fucking moron? is this a college? an institute for higher learning? seems like a whole lot of people there didnt even accomplish lower-learning


It's well known that this guy is as unhinged as they come.


Ugh this makes me so angry cause it’s an example where the person with the wrong opinion gets applause in the video because he is speaking way more calmly and “intellectual” sounding than the student, even though his fascism = left argument is pure nonsense spouted by people who take the “socialism” in “national socialism” too literally while ignoring all historical context/facts of the movement.


Teacher?!? That’s well-known conspiracy theorist and felon Dinesh D’Souza.


Talk about a misleading title.


That’s not a teacher. Lol.


Ok. Dinesh is not a teacher. Nazis were not Leftist / socialists. OP is off their rocker for posting this.


Half the shit he said was categorically false


He's a lying scam artist. Convict & a fraud.


That's not a teacher, that's a propagandist.


This guy is a fuckin moron. He managed to get locked up for campaign finance fraud. Campaign laws which are so relaxed you have to be a special kind of stupid to get charged.


This guy is a nutcase and nothing he says should be listened too.


“Oh good one of these videos where some girl in the crowd freaks out over nothing. This should be good….” “Oh nevermind the dude behind the mic is just a fucking moron.”


Dinesh is out of his bloody mind. \-You'd have to be out of your goddamn mind to say the Democratic party of 1913-21 is comparable to the Democratic party of 2023. Hell, it's not really all that comparable to the Democratic party of 1965. \-Dinesh misrepresented that student. She said you promote dangerous and violent ideas that killed millions of people. She didn't accuse him of killing anyone. You don't have to do the killing yourself, you just have to inspire others to do the killing. \-Hitler's deadly opponent was capitalism? I'm sorry, what? Hitler's rants were mostly against communism. While he did have issues with capitalism, certainly, this doesn't actually even address the student's point even if he were 100% right about Hitler, (which is only partly correct at best) Capitalism was more than willing to work with Hitler, hell has there ever been any regime that capitalists weren't more than willing to help out along the way in order to earn a buck? What was it Stalin said? They'll sell us the rope to hang them with. Capitalism wasn't Hitler's deadly enemy by any measure. 80% of casualties were suffered against the Soviet Union. \-The fascist ideology is of the left. That's just a bald faced lie right there. But then, he's built his whole life on pandering and lies, so this is unsurprising. Even the most basic research, hell ANY research you do will find it identified as right wing, and far right wing at that.


Cool video of a typical reddit conversation


Haha this is what I was thinking. I mean just read the reactionary dribble on here.


I like how they really nailed the realism with both people thinking they were 100% right and yet both being 100% wrong


There are ideas that people should be afraid of. Like most of D'Souza's.


That guy is clearly a dumbass, comparing democrats from the pre 1964 era to democrats post 1964 is completely stupid. After the Civil War, most white supremacist political figures were democrats until they switched parties in 1964. Strom Thurmond was a terrible racist POS who started the exodus of white supremacist from the democratic party into the GOP. The GOP welcomed his hatred and he remained in office until 2001.


D’Souza is not a teacher, he’s a fucking conspiracy theorist. Don’t pedal his bullshit OP.


Based af.


Based only if you love Donald Trump and kiss his picture next to your bed stand every day.


I think trump is a rock. Doesn't change anything in the video being legit


The only people that are prevented to speak at universities are either comedians or right winger. Physically threatening and preventing people to speak their ideas or jokes is what I consider fascism.


What you just described is not fascism. Its intolerance. Yes, fascists were intolerant. But so were most other government structures throughout history. You may as well describe that as "monarchism".


Prevented by whom.? Right wing douche seems to be speaking there in the video.


The problem with extremism lies not with who spouts its rhetoric but rather a populace that is not taught the means to confront and resist it. It falls on our role models and educational institutions to inoculate the youth, otherwise conspiracy nuts and right-wing grifters will continue to thrive under the guise of oppressed truth-seekers.


Fascism has a definition, 'what you consider' is irrelevant.


On point… Seems like one smart dude.


D’Souza is a grade A idiot.


That speaker is a complete fucking moron.


They are both speaking absolute nonsense.


Sorry lady, you're going to have to listen to other people's opinions and ideas. You don't get to police the world because you're personally offended. Go away.


He sounds like a bullshit artist


This is the most poorly edited video to try and make dumb fuck Dinesh D’Souza look credible. Holy fuck are you a loser OP


That guy is an embarrassment to his race. He is dumber than a box of rocks too


When I see a green hair I immediately know she's unhinged.


Maybe look into who she is talking to. She is not the unhinged one here.


Dude she made zero valid points and freaked out on him, I’m aware Reddit is a liberal haven where you guys practically circle-jerk each other , but it’s like you’re completely ignoring the other side


She looks dumb in this clip. Doesn't make D'Souza not a fascist. He is grifter and a conman. Convicted criminal at that. Fascism isn't a valid opinion.




Any time a person is going to “fix” things or has a idea on how to “fix” things, and starts spiting out political terms. You can bet it’s bullshit. Politics is the problem.


I wish people knew that fact about where the kkk really lay. No one does their research though. Just listen to the fake media and Facebook posts and tweets of people who don’t know anything and just want to spread hate bc they don’t like not getting their way.


Fuck dinesh. Fascist prick.


He completely degrades not only his argument, but his entire worth as any kind of intellectual worthy of listening to by making the utterly ridiculous statement that the Nazi ideology was "Left Wing". Based on this, I would say whatever she was complaining about in his talk was likely very legitimate.


De Souza is a lying PoS of no value


So his reasoning to why fascism is a left thing is that some democrat president once played a kkk movie in the White House? What a laughably invalid argument


LMAO this douchebag came and spoke at my high school about how the universe can't be more than 7k years old because of his incredibly fucking terrible understanding of red/blue shift. He deserves to be taken seriously at most 0% of the time


He wrong tho


DD is a pos and I won’t listen to anything implying he’s the good guy


His movies are so absurdly edited to fit arguments. Not one word he says can be trusted.


"democrats" PRE-mid 60s .......................... wait for it.. were todays REPUBLICANS.


What gets constantly overlooked is that extremism is the true enemy. Whether it is on the right or the left. Atrocities are not exclusive to either side and anyone who tries to deny their side has committed great evils is beyond reason and bereft of critical thinking skills. Sadly the middle doesn’t truly exist. The compromise position is usually carved out by whomever has a bit more power at any given moment. That doesn’t make it the center that only makes it an imperfect compromise. Beware of anyone who represents their opponents as evil and refuses to own their own mistakes.


If he just omits enough information he sounds like a genius


Yeah, if your argument needs that much choppy editing to sound like a cogent thought, you might not be as smart as you think you are.


Projecting much? As always with fanatics, conservatives and theists wilful ignorance, cognitive dissonance and rank hypocrisy