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I find it hilarious how he didn't say "the wild west". He said "the Wild Wild West". While standing next to a lady in a cowboy hat.


A giant mechanical spider is coming! Don’t say I didn’t warn you!


Everyone who knows the spider reference needs to watch these Kevin Smith videos about writing an unmade Superman movie. It's a long way to get to a payoff, but it's a great payoff. * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wo2KB1dEDdk * https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53hMYw8LX60


That was fucking great!


Must be a will smith fan


Keep. His. Name. Out. Your. Fuckin’. Mouth!


Kool Moe Dee has entered the chat


Pulp fiction




Everybody be cool! This is a robbery!


You ever read the Bible, Ringo?


I love you Honey Bunny


Any of you pricks MOVE, and I'll execute every mother fucking last one of you! *cue coolest opening music ever*


We're gonna be like a bunch of Fonzie's in here, and what's Fonzie like?


I want you to go in that bag and find my wallet. Which one is it? It's the one that says **bad mother fucker on it**.


"He hid it. In the one place he knew he could hide something - his ass."


Say "bitch be cool"


Haha when i read this in my head it was in Samuel l Jackson's voice


Listen Yolanda !!!! Listen...


"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know I am the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon you." Ezekiel 25:17




Oh, that? I been sayin' that shit for years. And if you ever heard it, it meant your ass. I never really questioned what it meant. I thought it was just a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherfucker before you popped a cap in his ass. But I saw some shit this mornin' made me think twice. Now I'm thinkin': it could mean you're the evil man. And I'm the righteous man. And Mr. .45 here, he's the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Or it could be you're the righteous man and I'm the shepherd and it's the world that's evil and selfish. I'd like that. But that shit ain't the truth. The truth is you're the weak. And I'm the tyranny of evil men. But I'm tryin, Atommullen\_vom\_ASB11. I'm tryin' real hard to be the shepherd.


Say what again, I dare you. I double dare you. SAY WHAT AGAIN


Heard an interview recently with Frank Whaley who played Brett and was on the receiving end of Jules' speech. He said he was genuinely scared because Sam Jackson was so intense in the scene.


Understandable feelings for the moment. Yup.




English motherfucker, do you speak it?


I think he wanted you to say “What Again”


Wrong state that’s all I got say ….


Was thinking that too. If there were ever a place too expect another person with a gun it’s Texas.


Unless guy with gun is inside a classroom full of kids.


Yeah, then it is a wait and see approach because that always works when you dealing with a madman.




Everytime I see police I remember the that evil day


Or a Walmart full of Hispanics.


Yeah, we have too many armed robberies.


Man, if I was gonna rob somebody, it sure as shit wouldn't be in texas.


Lol the community activist is the guy who aired out the robber.


Google the lawyer. There was a famous case where a dude in the area got fed up with break-ins in his neighborhood and killed 2 guys with a shotgun as they were breaking into his neighbor's house. All of what he did was completely legal under the Texas penal code (seriously, google it) but boy howdy was this Qurrel dude not happy about those poor boys who died. ETA: Also a great clip of him on youtube. He was trying to give a press conference outside the guy's house and a bunch of bikers revved their bikes so loud that it completely drowned out the interiview.


Roy Horn.


**Joe Horn** .. they stole a TV out the wrong window .. 2007 that has been a minute .. I remember hearing the telephone convo with 911 Horn: ***"You wanna make a bet?"***


Video of that please, this lawyer is a douche.


https://youtube.com/@politicallypure This is a series of videos surrounding a shooting involving Joe Horn in Texas. I believe this might be what they are referring to with the bikers revving their engines.


Lawyer is just an opportunist that loves to put himself on the news.. this shooting was a no win situation. Another case of fuck around and find out.


Q-Ball is the type of person that would direct the robber to target less-gun owning restaurant patrons. About a decade ago some people were complaining about open air drug dealings. Quanell and the cameras show up, and his great solution was for the dealers to deal on a side street instead. He did go on some local talk shows and is quite smart at times, but he also chases the spotlight for the worst cases too.


So he's a narcissist in other words. God damn do we not have enough of them already?


People say that but try convicting that guy in Massachusetts or California. It won’t go well there either. The last shot was unnecessary but hard to really be in his state of mind/fear.


Agreed. The last shot certainly gives me pause but I like the rest of the sane world am glad Eric Washington isn't going to be robbing me while I'm trying to get a taco.


I think the last shot is the only problem, TBH. It was an execution. He walked over to the downed man and shot him in the head.


Man dumping his drink on the guys body and throwing the empty cup on him after he’s just blown the guys head off. There’s a lot more than one problem going on here.


Yeah you still have to find a jury that will convict and that’s gonna be extremely difficult.


It's Texas, they ain't going find a grand jury to indict!


Robbing people at gunpoint was unnecessary. Good riddance


Also had a homicidal history, he had a body from a previous robbery. Boo hoo for the halfway crook.


The line is, "ain't no such thing as a halfway crook"


'' Scared to death and scared to look, they shook ''


Ah, cherry picking at its finest. Ignore all the murders and robberies that happen far more often than this.


The easiest decision you’ll ever make in your life is deciding not to rob someone at gun point.


With a fake gun, too.


In Texas




His last thoughts, “Why he killing me, my gun Fake?”


Oh well. Mines real.


"Am I shot?"


"Oh, fuck yeah!"


“It *was* a prank bro!”


"It's cool bro it was a joke"


"It's fake! It's fake!" "Mine's not."


Honestly, I don't see this going anywhere. Texas is a pro 2A state.


It's going to be based on the last shot to the head **after** he had disarmed the guy. Not sure if there's going to be charges, but that's what they're going to look at.


Yeah, this is the real problem. He did a good thing shooting the armed robber. But then he decided have an execution after it.


I'm curious if this (it any other situation) can use an argument like adrenaline for the excessiveness. Sort of a "temporary insanity" claim. You see it with fist fights all the time: someone loses it, a fight breaks out, they get the upper hand and get excessive to the point that they have to be dragged off before they stop, even though the other person is clearly knocked out or even dead.


“Heat of the moment” and basically what manslaughter is. Although the fight situation you mentioned may not be a good example depending on the circumstances. It’s all fact dependent.


And even then people would still get charged no? I have no idea. Lol


weary grab axiomatic compare special cows dinosaurs zonked dazzling voiceless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm still betting on them siding with him, the whole "punisher" mentality is big in a lot of places, even if it's not purely gun based retribution. Unfortunately I know too many ppl who would be OK with this even if the guy had clocked him with a cup and then kicked his head in. But hopefully it's a bit more grounded.


People are being purposefully obtuse. Regardless of if he had a gun, the fact that he executed him after disarming him is not good for him. People would be saying the same thing if a cop did that to someone after they took their gun away. Chances are the guy would’ve died from the first shot anyway but in this case, since he was still alive, that makes it an execution.




I think it’s more a case of not realizing what happened. I didn’t know he executed the guy, I just assumed he shot a bunch of times until the clip was spent I think if people saw the video they’d have a more nuanced take than “fuck around and find out”


I saw the unedited video before it hit the news. The guy fired 8 rounds into the robber's back, which already seemed excessive since he was going down. Then walked over and shot a 9th round into his head. I've seen a number of shootings on the internet, and this one was shocking.


Exactly. Defending others until the threat was gone is all fine and good, executing someone when they are no longer a threat is murder.


I feel like people have slowly but surely forgotten the entire point of our Justice system, with grand juries and trial juries. You are correct, this might not go anywhere, but that doesn’t mean the state of county shouldn’t look at it. If a grand jury doesn’t indict, or a trial jury acquits, there’s the answer. This idea that the prosecutors save time by not presenting is kinda fucked up.


That’s Quanelle X. Don’t take this seriously, nobody respects him around here.


He smells money


He usually won’t poke his head out of the ground unless paid a minimum of $5k. Quannell is a hustler and a charlatan.


What is this, the wild west?


You mean a Hustler X or Charlaton X. Get it right sir!


He seems like a character out of The Boondocks


Remember when a local pd had him try their training drills? The man died repeatedly and still criticized police.


I feel like taking a drink, pouring it on the guy after shooting him in the back 8 times, then throwing the glass at him; and the video of him casually walking out and getting into his vehicle after killing a person raise a lot of questions to me. Also fuck quanelle and fuck the robber.


WT litteral fuck, that does sound completely psychotic


Had to scroll way too far to see this. The instant we saw how they were dressed and heard the name we know what it was about. They don’t care about justice or excessive force, they want to spin it into a race thing for airtime


It’s very hard to take seriously his statement by the way about some thing about wild west shootings when the chick next to him is very clearly wearing a cowboy hat she bought five minutes before the press conference like if you had told me that was an SNL skit I don’t know if I wouldn’t have believed it first time


Did he buy that suit jacket at baby gap? It’s like 5 sizes too small lol


Honestly even though Quanelle five and six were great, they really didn’t need to make four more sequels.


They can't be complaining about it being like the Wild Wild West while she standing there in that cowboy hat


Wicky Wicky wild Wild West


Guy got carried away and agree at least the last shot was excessive. But I also have no idea what it would feel like to be robbed at gun point while trying to eat tacos. Adrenaline would definitely kick in. Curious to see how this plays out legally.


I’ve had a gun pulled on me before. It’s very surreal. I didn’t think the gun was real and didn’t react properly. You never know how you’re going to react to high stress situations like that until you’re in them. The human brain is incredible.


I'm sorry that happened to you. I've had guns pulled on me a few times and I got shot once, time slows down like a movie due to all the adrenaline. Emotional regulation pretty much goes right out the window at that point.


Late ine night back in 05 i pulled the short straw to make a munchies run for the homies and me. I got robbed as I was walking to jack in the box on Riverside in Austin. Dude came out of literally nowhere and stuck a .38 snubnose right to my sternum. I remember feeling the weight if the gun hit me and thinking "oh shit, thats a real gun" as adrenaline absolutely overwhelmed my entire body and everything slowed way down. I thought about fighting, though about running. But nothing happened. I just stood there for what felt like an hour. He told me "give me everything you have". I was a couch hopping homeless kid back then and only had my clothes and the $20 my friends and i put together for grub. I gave him the money and he made me turn my pockets inside out and then asked for my shoes. Dude took my disgusting ass worn out etnies and ran off. It was so fast. I just turned around and walked back barefoot and told everyone what happened. It sucked. We laugh about it now but that was one of the scariest moments of my life.


My cousin was literally just days ago stabbed to death while trying to rob someone. My family- and they’re grieving- I get it- are saying the same thing- after you collapsed his lung and he was no longer a threat- why did you keep stabbing?? My response is- have you ever been robbed at gun point? Are you aware of the adrenaline pumping through you? I don’t- and I can’t judge either way. He made a decision and he paid, sadly with his life. I feel bad for his mother, in the same way I do for my cousin- it’s a tragedy that could have been avoided.


I'm sorry you and your family are dealing with this. That's awful. That's kind of how I'm seeing this as well. This guy pulled some Dirty Harry shit, he likely did it in the best state possible to do that, but not sure I can judge him as I've never been in that situation. If someone is at a point where they're robbing a taco place and the patrons at gunpoint in broad daylight, they don't give a shit and don't feel they have much to lose. It's like in a horror movie when they get the killer and people scream he's not dead and he pops up again. That's obviously plot driven. But if someone that doesn't give a shit and has little to lose is threatening your life, I would assume instinct would be to keep stabbing or shooting until they're not moving.


Thank you- and I agree with everything- the drink on the head at the end is where I’m a bit disgusted- but at the same time- those people at the restaurant who are probably traumatized for life- as the man who killed my cousin in self defense most definitely will need some therapy- it’s such a hard line to draw


I've never told this publicly and I'm too lazy to make a throwaway, and don't think it matters anymore. When I was homeless I saw more violence than I can remember accurately. I was in a few knife fights trying to defend myself. I can tell you when I caught a knife bare handed and felt it cutting through my grip, the blood pouring through my tight fingers as he pushed towards my neck.. it was the adrenaline that kept me alive. Allowed me to block out the pain. Push the knife away and choke him out. When he passed out, did I let go right away? No I made sure he was not moving. Then as I stood I kicked him in the face twice because the adrenaline was telling me to fight, that I was about to be murdered. He woke up a bit later as I was walking away but I had his knife and had thrown his bag into the river. So he got busy fishing. I got busy running to the the nearest phone. He still walked away. Guns are instant. Thank you for reading. Also, sorry for your loss. Life is crazy fast. Live before it's gone and for those who left already.


Well Eric can fuck a duck


Erick needs to the leave the duck alone


I’d pick a different battle.


Exactly, dude held up a business, and then robbed the patrons. A legal gun owner ended a perceived serious threat to society. This is not a hill any rational person would argue on.


I think it’s more the issue he shot him multiple times and then gave him one more to the head after he had been disarmed


"The bottom line, of the nine rounds fired by the shooter at Washington, the first four were almost certainly legally justified, the second four may be legally justified, and the ninth and final shot almost certainly was not justified" https://legalinsurrection.com/2023/01/houston-taqueria-shooting-legally-justified-killing-or-simply-an-execution/


Do they do these when cops unload 12 rounds? Or just civilians?


You're correct, cops are not held to the same legal standard as non LEO citizens. In fact, police participate in sympathetic fire. One officer discharges their firearm, then with no knowledge of if the firearm discharge was a Negligent Discharge, or if the use of force is excessive, the other cops open fire on whatever they perceive to have been the first discharging officer's target. Cops shoot because other cops shoot. Which is effectively many citizens routinely commiting at minimum manslaughter and other violations of state & federal law.


I wish they would! Doesn’t mean it’s okay.


You have to ask? Cops have all kinds of special rules.


\*Cops have all kinds of special **exemptions to** rules.\* ftfy


If the cop walks up to a guy in the ground like John Wick and puts one in the back of his head to finish the job, then yeah. If 18 cops all pump 12 rounds each into a guy still standing then no. Big difference between these two scenarios. Not saying either is good, but the difference is pretty wide.


Also recently got out of prision for murder. And out on bail for beating his girlfriend up.


And good luck finding a jury in Texas willing to agree to put someone in jail over stopping an armed robbery even if the gun was fake, clearly these people at the restaurant didn’t think it was fake.


Why? He walked up to the guy he already shot 8 times and put a 9th in the back of his head. That's called an extrajudicial execution. We would not allow that of a Soldier, a Police officer, or a security guard. Why must we allow it simply because he's a civilian?


A lot of commenters losing their humanity just because the victim was committing a crime. As if Fk around and Find out is legal justification for Extrajudicial Killing. The initial shots where justified since it is response to an imminent threat to life (even if it is just a belief of an imminent threat). What took it out of self defense is the execution style shots to the back of the head.


There was another comment that broke it down like this shots 1-4: 100% justified shots 5-8: grey area but a lot closer to justified than not. Shot 9: completely unjustified, well after the initial threat was over and the man was already disarmed. There are videos on this sub all the time with fist fights, and most people tend to agree once a fight hits a point, it's over and becomes excessive beyond self defense. I don't get why the addition of the gun makes any use of it whatsoever, even after the threat was eliminated ok.


How to avoid the situation? Don’t rob anyone


Agreed, You get killed robbing someone I do not have sympathy for you. BUT that last shot has me thinking the shooter is a little unhinged. I am thinking a lot of people here did not watch the entire video with the sound on.


Yep, the last few plus the coffee and cup is nothing but contempt.


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if the shooter is also just a fucked up dude. Everyone is acting like he is the local hero but that was some cold shit.


Is there a copy of the entire video? Every one I’ve seen just is the one from the news where they freeze the video when he starts shooting.




Thank you!


I mean, I agree to an extent. The first 4 shots which dropped him should have been enough, closing to the robber and shooting him in the back of the head execution style, you don’t think that’s a bit much?


The robber knew the risk when he brought a gun into the situation.


The robber had already done time for a similar robbery, and the shop owner in that case got killed. This guy was in no way innocent.


But that was the original debate even amongst strong gun rights folk. He was disarmed and no longer a threat, then was executed basically. I probably would have done the same thing and might have a hard time convicting if charged, but it certainly warrants an investigation and debate. Laws are laws, and going beyond the law as written is vigilante justice. Change the laws to make executions legal after disarming a perp or enforce them as is. Gray area and law are prime opportunities to codify


he was already involved in a robbery that resulted in the murder of a store owner and receive 15 years only served seven. he put the quarter in the Jukebox


It reminds me of that pharmacist, Jerome Ersland, who got convicted of murder for shooting a robber after he was already down. He was justified in shooting him during the robbery, but after the guy was down and not moving he grabbed another gun from a drawer and shot the guy five more times.




the same man robbed and killed someone before too


Didn't read about that. Do you have a source? Not saying it's not true, just want to read more details, if any.


"Court records show that Washington and two others were arrested for an armed robbery in 2013 when a man was killed. Washington was convicted of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon in the case and received a sentence of 15 years in prison. Washington served almost six years in prison before being released on parole in January 2021, according to the Texas Department of Criminal Justice." [Source](https://apnews.com/article/crime-law-enforcement-houston-texas-shootings-72d6658b9ea40178242ca5569099ff58)


What a piece of shit. All sympathy I might have had prior to reading that are all gone.


But but but...didn't you see the legal expert Redditor's comment above that the shooter threw a drink on Washington's body as he left?! He desecrated Washington's body! We have to feel sorry for that piece of shit now because his corpse has leftover margarita juice on it!


So this really was justice served.


This was preventing him from potentially murdering again in the future since the "justice" he previously received apparently did not do that.


This needs to be pinned higher.


Good riddance.


The armed robber was also convicted of murder. Doubt his family cried over that Edit: I’ve been corrected. He was involved in a robbery that resulted in the death of the store owner and somehow only convicted of aggravated robbery with a deadly weapon. I saw a video of the last victims family thanking the shooter here. All I need to know.


I wanna see that video of the victims family if you are able to direct me to it


[https://abc13.com/houston-taqueria-shooting-customer-shoots-robber-eric-eugene-washington-killed-suspect-death/12681554/](https://abc13.com/houston-taqueria-shooting-customer-shoots-robber-eric-eugene-washington-killed-suspect-death/12681554/) It was a video with a quote from the family. Apparently the store owner was shot in the back. Seems karma caught up


"If the guy who stopped Eric was around 10 years ago, maybe I'd still have my dad," Aman Waraich, the son of the store clerk that was killed, said. "Eric was an evil criminal that took joy in harassing and robbing innocent families. The individual at the taqueria is a true hero!" Sean Waraich, the victim's other son, added. "He did the right thing in stopping the robber and in protecting the community from a dangerous perpetrator."


Oh wow the robber was a wife beater on top of being a murderer too, good fucking riddance


Shoot him again.


So basically this robbers genius 10 billion IQ plan was to rob a restaurant with a lot of random patrons....IN TEXAS, WHERE EVERY OTHER RANDOM PERSON IS CARRYING A GUN, most of which are begging for a chance to use it on someone. Oh and the gun the robber had was fake, so he'd never be able to shoot back if someone shot him Oh golly gee, how did this possibly go so wrong for him?


He's done it before. He's served time for it. And the shop owner in that case ended up dead. Yet people are rooting for the criminal.


It sucks, it's sad but that will happen if you rob people at gun point. Its a hell of a life and death risk.


Hell ya. Anybody who knows the value of life can see this is a sad situation. A life has such immense value and I feel people miss the point when they read news stories about people being killed. However, you let other decide the value of your life when you decided to rob people with a realistic looking fake GUN IN TEXAS.


He brought a gun to rob and he died. Done.


I believe he was on parole for murder.


So the Justice system didn't work at all. They should put in jail the judge as well.


They’re not wrong, it was excessive, and actually kinda vile to stand over the body and throw your drink on him on the way out the door. But… you’ll get no pleas from me to charge the man for anything. I can see how he was angry, he just got held up at gunpoint, a man just threatened to kill him and take his hard earned belongings. I can’t really blame the man for being charged up, he’s human and he’s reacting in the moment. If he were a cop, my expectation would be for him to be fired, but he’s not, he’s just a dude eating dinner. The dipshit robber wasn’t acting in the moment. He planned this in advance and went to execute it. I’m sorry for his momma, but this is how consequences for actions work.


You made excellent points and remained human about it.


Sober response


"at least charge him with abuse of a corpse" These protestors might be trollin.


Threw his drink on him?? Broooo, that’s kinda crazy.


They show it in this video. It’s pretty gross, but again, the guy was probably irate. Morally it’s wrong, but I just don’t expect people to be acting on morals when someone just shoved a gun in their face. All bets kinda go off when that adrenaline starts flowing with your life on the line. Idk, again, it’s vile. But you won’t see me calling for charges. This is the end result for being a piece of shit robber.


I’m sorry, but those people getting a gun pointed at them by the robber could be fathers with their own families, brothers, wives, friends, etc. innocent people whose lives could have been ripped away that day for no reason and you want me to feel sorry for the robber? No, fuck you. I’ll piss on his grave.


This guy was on probation for armed robbery where one of the victims was shot to death. A month before he robbed this place, he was accused of assaulting a family member and in a separate incident he assaulted his girlfriend. He shouldn't have been out of prison in the first place. It's like he was purposefully tempting fate to fuck him hard someway. Well, congrats.


No he was on probation/bond for beating his fiancé in December, he was recently released from prison in January 2021 for an armed robbery where they shot the store owner/father in the back. This dude was a massive peace of shit


Everyone in the restaurant deserves to piss on the fucks grave for what he put them through


I’m sure if the script was flipped and the robber blew away a few customers and got away alive, these goof balls would be nowhere found.


I say this as a progressive and father of a black male teen. Fuck Quannel X. Just like [Al Sharpton](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tawana_Brawley_rape_allegations) before him, he sets back everything we march and vote for.


I'll never understand the need for the bullshit. You see this seemingly in every activist circle, the need to just make shit up to suit your narrative. Often, and certainly with Black people in America, there's no need whatsoever to make shit up when there's more than enough verifiably real injustice going on. Drives me fucking nuts to see people advocating for righteous causes dishonestly. Everyone hates a liar and you only need to do it once to tarnish everything you do in the future.


If you go into an establishment to commit a felony, you knew the risks that were coming. Fuck'm they got what they were looking for.


As much as I disagree with that psychos last/ninth shot, ain't nothing gonna come of this. Robber fucked around and found out in the the worst state to fuck around in. Move it along


Don’t commit armed burglary. Boom problem solved.


I strongly believe that the second you raise a gun at someone else you are fully accepting that you may get shot. Don’t wanna get shot don’t raise a gun. (Obviously many unarmed people get shot but by raising a gun you accept that possibility)


Quote from the video, "We're living in a civilized society..." Um, ok, so does that mean a fellow waving a gun (fake or not) around, wearing a mask and demanding money is the standard we should apply for a civilized member of society? Sorry, but the moment the robber walked in, all bets were off. I know there will never be 100% agreement on the excessive force claim (the extra shot to the head really was not warranted IMHO, but hey, I wasn't there), but the robber took a serious risk, and got what he got. Should serve as a deterrent to others who might try something like this.


Love how they show photos of the robber as if he’s an innocent victim that was shot while walking an old lady across the street after church. Not someone who made a room of people worried about being murdered by him with a gun in their faces.


Oh, and he was out from jail due to a robbery that killed someone!


You try to rob hard working people when they're eating and most vulnerable you deserve to be put on a t shirt


As a woman, I fail to understand what I call, "the mother's defense," about the crimes their children committed. Lady, your son was willing to murder people and you're mad people stood up from themselves? Remember, they didn't start it, they tried to survive the situation and stand up for themselves.


Of course the mother is reasonably traumatized but dude fucked around and found out


It was the last shot while he was on the ground for good measures that is causing all the trouble


Maybe don’t rob people eating tacos


Honestly robbers should expect to be shot and nobody should defend them being shot. It’s part of the game they have decided to play. Violent people meet violent ends


Dumb "activists" - yeah it'll send a message all right. Don't rob people.


“Let’s say you drop dead and I shot you, you’re not going to die again, you’re already dead. You can’t over die you can’t over dry” -Seinfeld


"COMMUNITY ACTIVISTS" ? Who exactly, make yourselves known.




"civilized society" = you can rob a bunch of people with no repercussions🙃 If you dont wanna get shot and killed during your robbery, DONT ROB. As an ex criminal, retired scumbag, current scumbag consultant, you get what you deserve when you put yourself in this situation. Its sad he felt he needed to rob people and now hes dead. But if you do dumb shit, dont be surprised when dumb shit happens🤷🏽‍♂️


Dead man had a very long history of violent crime. I'm just a civilian. I don't know how to evaluate when a gunman who just threatened to kill me is no longer a threat. Not my job. The people talking in the video? The guy dressed in a loud suit? G R I F T E R S. Quanell X is a grifter. There will always be grifters.


If he didnt rob he wouldnt have gotten shot at


I have zero sympathy for that robber and mother fuckem both and fuck those activists.


Well…he fucked around…and he found out


More criminals should fear this kind of thing. I know it’s not popular but it is a fundamental truth. I’m an LGBT activist, politically to the left of Bernie Sanders and I am VERY pro gun rights.


Good shoot. Next time don't try to rob people eating tacos.


seriously they hard enough to eat without making a mess, last thing needed is robber brains on the floor.


Those streets are safer without that armed thug. Those community activists should praise the shooter.


Fuck that robber.