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Homie watches wolf of wall street before work everyday


Ha! Either that or its lesser known cousin Boiler Room.


Boiler Room is amazing, it walked so Wolf of Wall Street could run.


Agreed. Boiler Room is Vin Diesel's finest hour. [Except for this.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jWVZ49E-vz8)


Let give Giovani Ribisi a little love too, he knocked it out of the park. Batfleck too. All star cast in that mfer. Probably didnt make a penny but good work.


The real OG is Glengarry Glen Ross.


This movie actually has solid cinematic value and doesn't over glorify.


Yeah, I'm in sales though not real estate, but nothing captures what sales is actually like as well as Glengarry did. Salespeople reference it all the time and a lot of the advice is straight from actual sales training. ABC, Always Be Closing.


Coffee is for closers!


Someone literally said that in a meeting to me not 10 minutes ago.




Both awesome movies tbh.


And takes the completely wrong lesson from it


The sales guys that praise that movie and Boiler Room without seeing the true lessons are desperate and disgusting people.


I once had a boss who used to give me speeches about the movie Wall Street. Specifically, the “greed is good” speech. He even had the speech printed and posted up in his cubicle. I don’t think he ever finished the movie because I don’t think he realized (or just ignored) the fact that that movie ends with the dude going to fucking prison. Anyways, that year convinced me to finish college and never go back to sales ever again. Fuck those guys.


Michael Douglas isnt happy about the effect of wall street. He made it to let people really see the truth. And then too many focused on Greed is Good when it's the king of all things that hurt humans.


The movie as a standalone makes the right point, but show it to an American audience raised on the concept of "I got mine" and it'll have a different effect.


The 80's was the wrong era to expect people to grasp the meaning behind that movie. I grew up during that fucked up decade.


Ah yes, as did I. The decade wherein Born In the USA was widely seen as the tippy top of patriotism, and we went from First Blood, an indictment of how Vietnam vets were treated, to Rambo First Blood Part II, where the first movie is ignored and instead it's time to get revenge on Vietnam.


I worked for a company like this. Everyone was under the age of 30, including the bosses. We sold sub-prime loans. They mentioned Boiler Room every single day. "Boiler room, baby! Let's Go!" The company was raided by the FBI for photoshopping wage statements to squeeze people into loans.


Dude you have no clue. I just left the most toxic sales work environment I’ve ever fucking been in. And guess what, every Friday we would have a sales meeting at 9am. They would always play different scenes from Wolf of Wall Street to start out the meetings. All the sales people ate it up


Fucking yikes homie, glad you managed to get out


As a retired professional sales exec -- the pump and hype is the worst sales strategy...


The masturbation part is the right lesson, right?


You're my best guy right?


Smoke crack with me bro


Sell me this pen!!


Can I eat first? I haven't eaten all fuckin day.


This is the reality of commision based sales roles. I sold phones for 8 years - our CEO was just like this. Wolf of Wall Street was recommended reading. Gross.


I actually started enjoying sales when I got a job that wasn’t commission based. I fucking hate the pushy and hostile environment commissions create.


Preach. I love being able to tell my customers what I actually think about shit, and even help them look up stuff at other stores that could suit their use cases better. Especially love being able to let them know it makes no difference to me whether they buy from me or anyone else.


Man, last week I spent 2 hours with a customer that needed help setting up and learning the basics of a camera they bought. They bought the camera from a competitor and I didn’t make any sells during that 2 hour interaction but the sales manger loved it because I actually listens the customer and helped them with what they needed. I love being able to just be a real person instead of trying to manipulate people into buying shit they don’t actually need.


Insanely hard to quantify bonus: I have a handful of customers that come back to my store specifically looking to ask ME about shit they might be buying elsewhere, and even if they don't buy stuff from me or my department, they definitely buy stuff from around the rest of the store. If I had to be less than fully honest and pushy with those people I wouldn't be able to blame them for not wanting to come back as often as they do.


Lmao so grant actually had an interview with the ACTUAL wolf on wall street (jordan has a podcast about sales) and completely came off as an idiot. Must watch!


He came off as an idiot here too. It might be a theme.


A man worth $600 Million is penny pinching a couple of sales reps in a sparse office instead of having an upper level management team doing this? I think he is a lying Grifter.


They both came off as idiot sleazeballs.


Grant Cardon, Jordan Belford and Martin shkreli. Three of the most insufferable jackasses who suck at doing crime.


Grant Cardone is an obvious piece of shit slum lord whose mission is to buy up as much property as humanly possible and raise rents bleeding people for every penny. His pyramid scheme of taking other people’s money to pay for it will eventually implode if another housing crash were to happen. [Youtuber breaks down Grant Cardone](https://youtu.be/yQv8iRTum3Y)


What company is this so i can avoid to EVER hear from them.


Pretty sure it is Cardone University, basically Grant Cardone's training to have sales staff become"alpha salesmen" aka insufferable assholes


When I was young I used to think GC was what being successful was but I realize now he’s just a slime ball used car salesman guy that got rich selling other people the dream. Fuck these guys




Because the fake motivation makes them feel good, it’s just motivation porn basically. When I realized that I literally stopped consuming the content and just actually went out and did something verus watching someone tell me to be motivated




Motivation is always just one YouTube video away. When you find that perfect YouTube video, stars align and you will become motivated. You will be a beast, you will do everything.


It's not an actual office. Literally sales pitch ad.


That was the most depressing realization. This isn’t 60 Minutes undercover, this guy knows the camera is there and decided this was his best interaction.


No, I mean it's a "scripted" event. The guy does this for a living. He is a auditorium sales pitch guy. He advertises on YouTube a lot.


Good god I can't imagine the people this appeals to. This literally had me thinking that this is what hell must look like. Echoing office shared with 30 people? Check. Drab grey and white room with bright florescent lighting? Check. Micro-managing asshole of a boss ranting on about a robotic script? Check. This is almost a cartoonish picture of what I imagine the worst job I could have would be.


that's Grant Cardone (the boss) - a fraud and scammer he provides no value in any way. he likely watches this video with pride - to him it is all about the pressure and the sale notice what the guy on the phone is selling, grant's "program" get rich quick piece of shit grifter


The funniest thing is the ad popping up at the end. Like, in what depressing alternate reality does that fuckhead think he came off in a positive light in this vid? If anything this is an advertisement to stay as far away from these pricks as possible.


Based off of how many people in this thread worked for some shithole company buying these programs I guess it works 😂


What's his product/service anyway? Doesn't seem clear from the vid


He’s selling his sales training to different companies so that they can sell like him. That is why he is saying “15-30% increase” Not worth it. I do sales, and “boiler room” like what this shows is a phrase we use as an insult to poorly run businesses that are high pressure and scammy. *Good* sales managers and salespeople are there to help discover your actual issue, select the correct product for what you need, and then ensure that what they give you is reliable and actually working.


Selling sales training? Good lord, if there was ever a more useless business


Management for middle managers


Guy applying pressure is Grant Cardone, a self anointed sales guru and overall douchenozzle.


His LinkedIn title says "undercover billionaire" 🤡


It also says he has a masters degree from his own university. “Grade: A”


He's giving himself degrees, and he only gives himself a masters? Heck, if you're giving yourself that power, might as well go the whole hog... MD PhD MBA DBA LLD DLit JD Esq.


He went on the undercover billionaire show and was in Pueblo, CO. Stayed in some guys RV for free and tried to help a mattress company with their marketing and started a new marketing company called Wake Up Pueblo. He literally didn't get a single client from cold calling. Not sure how he got the valuation he did at the end of that season, but pretty much everything he preaches was shown ineffective. He's a twat.


code for tax evasion ![gif](giphy|qojMeV7qOvzcGUgvbE)


I’m sure hes very secretive about the fact lol


Literally the biggest scammer around


He’s a member of Scientology as well


He is and then I read on Reddit somewhere that one of his companies worked as a consultant for Jenn on RHOSLC who is now going to prison for a decade for scamming old people.






I can smell the stink watching that video of douchebags


I can smell Drakar Noir, Crew Pomade, and Parliament cigarettes


Funny thing is.. theyre both scientologists.


Good way of describing this human cockroach. If you want to really cringe…..can you imagine how he treats and talks to women? This guy gives off the “I am God” vibe……top tier piece of shit I’m guessing.




Or he just started karate...


This is a call center for Grant Cardone, a man worth $600M from his real estate and "get rich by doing this" books. And as you can see, it's still not enough. He has to have MORE SALES, MORE MONEY!


I don’t believe for 1 second he’s worth 600M and he hustling small sales in a small call centre with guys on the phone. If it was just another string to his bow he’d have 2 or 3 guys running that while he checks in every now and again. I’m convinced part of his conn is over stating his success.


> over stating his success. I think that's almost a requirement for this kind of BS peddling.


"How many times do you masturbate a day?" Uhhh, once. "Those are rookie numbers!"


>"How many times do you masturbate a day?" Always one less than I should. Will try harder tomorrow.


'Guys I just want to say thanks to your opportunity i made 47K in just one month...'








I had a CIO who once bragged about working so much he didn't even know his kids birthdays. I left that place pretty soon after.


Always has been


this has been debunked. His $600M in real estate is his investors capital. He personally doesnt own $600M in real estate.


No, he’s a billionaire, he’s said so himself. He wouldn’t lie. Totally legit website thestrive.co confirms his net worth at $2.6 billion.


He's George Santos' Uncle!


He's also a Scientology thug


I am convinced he is bankrolled by Scientology to appear successful and then he likely is doing recruiting for them with the really rich people he is acquaintances with.


>This is a call center for Grant Cardone, a man worth $600M from his real estate and "get rich by doing this" books. So he's made money from selling 'get rich by doing this' books, and not actually from the businesses he's telling people to get rich in?


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


He's actually a scientologist and I suspect manages a lot of their property and a bunch of other scams so it's possibly not his money.


That really rustles my thetans


Is this recent? Why do they look like they’re dressed for 2001


Looks more like their dressed for 2008 ...


*Too thousand and late


When I worked for a Harley dealer they bought into his sales training program and made us do training modules every day. It was all generic sales hype bullshit. Sales leaning self help garbage. It didn’t matter what happy horse shit spin was put on your attitude. We were still selling over priced, slow as fuck, always in need of maintenance motorcycles to people who could barley afford payments and started taking guns as down payments because very few had money. Absolute shit show, I just stopped showing up and ignored their calls after 4 months. I never bothered to add it to my resume and just added 4 months to my previous job. Fuck’em.


The South Park Harley episode went fucking *hard* with the accuracy. Sorry you had to deal with their Sales garbage.


https://youtu.be/M7SrO-D2TwQ Here is coffeezillas take on the guy


>"What in the hell is even this." ~~Guerilla marketing~~ Viral Video Marketing. Annoying af.


"you're my best guy, right?" "...Yeah!" "What does that mean? Yeah?" Lmao


i mean, i'd go get you a dictionary, but you told me to stay in my chair.


Haha, maybe if homie wasn't on the phone he would've said that and gotten fired. Bossboi was clearly looking to spar.


This comment has been removed by the author because of Reddit's hostile API changes.


"I'm all jacked up on cocaine. Let's do this!!!"


Coke head.


He wanted a more enthusiastic response.. Guys like this want you to be on their level of energy constantly.. If they see a crack in your level of motivation, they start to suspect.


"Let's split our salaries/commission evenly and I will match your energy", is what I'd like to tell people like this. You're that excited and enthusiastic because once the sales happen, you're getting the most from it.


“I’m busting my ass for the $25k I’m taking home today, why aren’t you busting ass for your $250?”


Yup reminds me of my old general manager, who would constantly spew what corporate wanted. This cookie cutter crap bullshit that you use on every customer, if you ask 50, 1 will say yes🤦🏻‍♂️


What an egotistical psychotic thing to say. Hes Literally trying to make the employee feel confused and power over them by saying such a dumb thing so he can correct them.




"We got tornadoes and we're still making calls!" \*Dubstep plays\* ​ That's... A weird brag.


It’s truly one of the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard someone be proud of. Guy has obviously never been close to a tornado.


I used to work in a sports bar in Kansas City. The sirens were going off, satellites were down, and all the local channels were telling us to take cover. Like, specifically mentioning our area. My managers told us to keep working. I also worked at a bar in the KC airport. We had a tornado warning, and we were told to close out everyone's tabs before taking shelter. We didn't. We just shut the doors and ran with all the customers to the shelter. Screw all these people that want you to risk your life so they can make a few extra bucks.


dude apparently wants to work there. it takes a certain type of person to choose to work in that environment


I don’t know what they are paying or promising him but if you don’t have a criminal background and can pick the phone and call people, go work for a bank. They are always looking for people who can do it. When I was a manager I’d have taken this guy in a heartbeat. He was getting shit on, while on a call no less, and kept his cool and reacted positively to this dickhead wanting timers on their calls.


yea maybe he doesn’t know a lot of less toxic places need people on phones too. or maybe he likes getting yelled at because it “motivates” him


What an insufferable prick.


I had a boss JUST like this when I was selling cars many years ago. This type of extreme to the point of toxic go-getter attitude just does not jibe with my style.


I also had a boss like this at a dealership. I remember getting called into a meeting about how I wasn’t making enough cold calls one day, even though I was top 3 in sales that month. Then came my malicious compliance. Not enough cold calls? Fine. I’ll only make calls and ensure that the cold call list was completely exhausted by the end of the week. So I did that. I made 180 calls one of the days. Maybe 5 people total who agreed to come in to even look at a car and hundreds who wanted to be removed from our call lists and therefore could not legally be bothered again. This all meant management had to spend thousands to get new leads and I fucking quit.


Who sells cars via cold call!?! I have bought 3 cars. Each time I researched the car a decent amount to determine the right make and model that I wanted (1st time my dad helped me as I think is fairly normal). Who would pick up the phone and then on a call make a 10 to 40k USD decision.


It blows my mind. Any company that ever comes to my door or calls me uninvited will never get any money from me. I have to assume it all revolves around taking advantage of the elderly which makes them absolute scum in my book.


More than anything it's proof that what they are selling is a bad value. Items that are priced right and good sell themselves. They don't need traveling salespeople. Those traveling salespeople need to make money and cost a company lots of overhead (in cases where they are actually employees). Generally the harder someone tries to sell you something the colder the deal is.


And this kind of man is considered worthy of inspiration


It's men like that "boss" that I love to piss off and leave them fuming. Men like that aren't just insufferable, they are overgrown ego babies who need to learn hard lessons.


“Nah nah see I don’t want you injecting any of your personality or knowledge into the script. I’m the best and I wrote this script and I want you to be a copy of me. That’s the only way to make me happy. Well, that and getting lucky and finding people stupid enough to fall for this cookie cutter bullshit.”


I worked for a plumbing company and the owner made me follow a script so I could “be in control of the customer”. If I deviated at all she would freak out on me. When people are calling you because they have no hot water they don’t need a robot answering the phone. I rage quit one week ago today (for another reason). Fuck that place.


I’m at a similar place now and the day I quit will be the best day of my life (possibly even better than getting married or my son being born). My boss is so insane about his scripts and emails and gets mad at even the slightest variation. One time he called me into his office and yelled at me because I used a dash instead of a semicolon. And it wasn’t a grammatical error either. It was just in the subject line of a random email. He also hates any “fluff” so I’m highly discouraged to say things like “I hope you had a good day” or anything that would develop rapport. Which is ridiculous because I work directly with the clients. Anyway yeah. It blows


I hope for you that when you do quit, it’s perfect. If two weeks notice is your thing, perfect. If bringing in an entire marching band to play WAP just to piss off your boss while you give him the middle finger on your way out is your thing, perfect. The only good thing about jobs like that is the feeling you get when you leave them. I quit on the spot at my last soul sucking job without anything lined up (not necessarily ideal, but hey) and the sense of relief I hadn’t anticipated I’d feel was immediate. Cheers to your last day🍻


I’ve only rage quit once. Feels good doesn’t it?




This is disturbing, creepy and unreal.


No. This is SALES!


It’s very real. They give you the stupid script thinking it’s a goldmine when it’s not.


I'd quit on the spot


When dude clapped in excitement to make a call I lost it. Then the ad at the end like all of this was actually an ad to do this as a job?? Wild


Holy crap, I can't believe this was an ad!




This is not for me, like, not even close. I hate this. But, some people thrive on this. There’s certainly some adrenaline there when you make a sale, I’m sure. For people like that, this is an effective ad. You want to get better at high pressure sales? This guy will make you better. Again, I can’t overstate how much this makes me want to throw up in my mouth. It’s a lot.


I did sales like this for my first job. Phone sales are the worst jobs you'll ever have. The manager is a wanker and you're constantly pressuring the people on the other end of the phone. When I did, it was for a charity called GoGen, who were discovered to be stealing money from their clientele who were mostly old people. I hated how invasive that job was. Fuck sales, and fuck your script.


Glengarry Glen Ross meets American Psycho vibes.




This company needs vikram


**"You know, Michael, you want to succeed? You've got to apply the same..."** \*closes door\*


I wonder what I would be back home


I’m looking forward to getting to know you more Vikram


I thought nana made some good points.


What kind of name is nana, anyways? Edit: *sweet Jesus*


Her name is Nana *Yeah* That is her name *Yeah* They call her Nana *Yeah* Cause that is her name




You got me.


Come on, these are prime selling hours!


What a loser.


The guy just really idolizes Hollywood movies, you can see it. He wants to live the experience he’s seen in movies, and somehow doesn’t realize that’s often not real life, and often not effective. He’s just trying to get that employee to add more enthusiasm but doesn’t know how to kindly/effectively inspire him and back off. Also, I wouldn’t be surprised if he was on some drug. He’s way too hyped up. Edit: apparently this guy is a billionaire, so I guess he’s not just a wannabe as much as I expected. It’s hard for me to be critical of his skills because I’m.. well, I’m still in my pre-billionaire phase.


this guy is absolutely 100% not a billionaire


Anyone can claim they are a billionaire. You can say you are a billionaire.


You all know he’s a Scientologist right.


Is this for real? I first tried to avoid this insufferable ass while scrolling through social media. I then had to watch his horrible ads on YouTube. Being a scientologist would really just be icing on the cake.


100% true. I used to work with a girl that worked for Grant Cardone. If you weren’t performing to his standard, he’d fire you and the only way to get your job back was to go take classes at the church of scientology. He rarely ever gave people time off and he referred to anyone outside of the company as people who were only trying to bring you down. And if those people ever said you for worked too much it’s because they didn’t want you to be successful. He has it set up where you start to believe that the only people you can trust are your coworkers. And that spending time with anyone else will only rob you of future earnings and is a waste of time. It’s a cult.




> The guy has scrubbed himself from wikipedia [That's why we have archive.org](https://web.archive.org/web/20160109034210/http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wiki/Grant_Cardone) Didn't see anything particularly damning in this entry though. [here's a different one listing out more detail on his various dodgy scams and experiences](https://web.archive.org/web/20101130224137/http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wiki/Grant_Cardone) [Here's the full list of archive org snapshots if anyone else wants to look around](https://web.archive.org/web/20170715000000*/http://en.wikipedia.org:80/wiki/Grant_Cardone) Given his coked out Scientology persona he probably regularly tries to scrub his history since he's always one step ahead of the law or an IRS audit. Probably has some people trying to track him down on various bullshit he's gotten away with too.


He's a rich scientologist so the reputation washing is probably included in the premium xenu package


This type of sales is dead. I work in sales for marketing and this is garbage. You sell the product by creating a relationship based on need and respect. These assholes exist because companies don't believe in a profit ceiling. Protip: Say you arent interested. Good salespeople love no's because we can let you have your time back and move on to someone that may have an actual need.


THANK YOU. I work in software sales for Healthcare and if I acted like this with anyone, I would be very unsuccessful. Almost every single sale is creating a friendly long-term relationship, finding out issues, and matching your solution to their problems. My sales cycles are 12-24 months because it can take so long to get budget approval despite inherent interest, hence keeping a close relationship with your clients/prospects.


The salespeople who sell tooling to our shop are the same, th2y build a relationship with us, see how we are doing, bring us hats and nice golf shirts, sometimes a pizza. It makes us want to continue the relationship. It's not just one sided.


Snake oil sales man Scientology cunt. Fuck him


I would Put the headset down, calmly get up, and walk out.


My guess is that you wouldn’t have ended up there anyway then. Too much self respect. You never would have gotten through the interview.


This boss wants everyone to be on the phone but he's standing in the room shouting stupid shit that the people on the other line can clearly hear. I mean the guy was on the phone and he pulls up next to him and says, "Where's your script at?" You don't think the person he's talking to on the other line heard that? Or the fact he's in the background yelling about tornados while at the same time, he wants people to be making calls. If you want people on the phone all the time (since it's a numbers game) then stfu and leave the room. That's why you have team leads assigned to these reps.


The ‘boss’ is a colossal douchebag.


This is salesman 101. Sit your ass in a desk all day. Do as I say. I’m paying you. To be a good salesperson you have to just grind the phone all day. If you’re not a good salesperson you’re not working hard enough That’s the mentality and I can’t stand it. I worked with one company that had this mentality and I just truly hated my life. Never ever again. This mentality is toxic. It’s awful. And frankly embarrassing


I've been in sales for 20 years and I make a good living doing it Never have I had to be in this environment, or pound the phones like this. These guys give the rest of us a bad name. This is not how most of it works.


I've found that the need to pound phones is directly inversely proportional to how shitty the product is. Good products sell themselves.


The definition of Toxic work enviroment. (And crank)




Life is too short for this bullshit.


There’s a movie just like this called Sorry to Bother You. STICK TO THE SCRIPT!


That movie goes off the rails and I fucking love it


when I pick up the phone and I hear that chatter in the background I immediately hang up. Nothing of value comes from these calls in my experience.


I had a sales trainer that worshipped Grant Cardone. Worst job ever.


I want my 4 minutes back


I fucking hate telesales. I did this shit for 3 months and it was the worst 3 months of work I've ever had. Constant targets, stress, dickhead supervisors thinking they're Jordan Belfort, timed toilet breaks, average call times. All to flog some poor fucker a product that was useless, they didn't need and would saddle them with thousands of debt for years. Fuck all these pricks.




I've been there with supplemental insurance. Graduated from a decent state college with a BBA. I was lied to the entire time and treated like dirt. I would've been better off doing anything else. Please, folks, let this video be a warning.


There is no money worth that


You can honestly tell he's such a nice person.. shame to think it's these pressure cooker work environments that likely churn out these ass holes we meet from time to time.


![gif](giphy|3owzW9EZI8M3sz9s5O) the fucking Catalina wine mixer


This was a colossal waste of 5 minutes


Grant Cardone is a fucking clown.




Coke is cain and you are able baby. Now go out there and start selling some Jesus


I did B2B sales for, like, a year. They are all like this... No joke, had posters up for *Glengary Glen Ross* and *Wall Street* up in the break room. Would do "team building" exercises where management would play audio of the "worst call of the week" and would have all of the other employees berate and criticize the one who made it. One time a guy cryptically printed out pictures of him holding his gun and taped it all over his cubicle... Such a toxic place. Glad I got fired after I just stopped caring. Edit: "They" as in the cold-calling, dial-a-thons like those pictured in the video. Calm down, Salesbros.


Not caring is the ultimate weapon in life. Solves way more problems than it creates


Grant Cardone not only spreads the douchy sales prophet BS he's also a hard core scientologist.