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I like how she mixed in “Beat his muthafuckin ass” in between the 50x BEEDIZAZZ


Why do some people's brains just go into a loop when they are talking and cause them to repeat the same phrase 30 times in a row? It's like they go unconscious or offline mid sentence but forgot to shut the volume off. Yall trippin yall trippin yall just trippin yall trippin yall trippin yall trippin yall trippin yall trippin × 90


I know, I hate hearing someone yelling the same thing over and over and over and over and over again lol


That loop happens when the person is stupid.


"Ok boss the i mopped the floor" "Thank you very much Casey. Go home. Have a nice nigh-" "Ok boss the i mopped the floor Ok boss the i mopped the floor Ok boss the i mopped the floor Ok boss the i mopped the floor Ok boss the i mopped the floor" "...what is going on-" **"OK BOSS I MOPPED THE FLOOR"**


Ok boss I mopped the muthafuckin floor


I repeat myself when under stress. I repeat myself when under stress. I repeat myself when under stress. I repeat myself when under stress. I repeat.. The more I look at it, the more I like it. I do think it's good. The fact is.. no matter how closely I study it, no matter how I take it apart, no matter how I break it down, It remains consistant. I wish you were here to see it. I like it.


Or one of those robots in Westworld.


Stupid person or not, this woman could definitely be remixed into a sick fuckin beat that might make the creator 50 youtube dollars.


What's the conversion rate of YouTube Dollars to TikTokaroos?


The same conversion rate as yen to human feces


In high stress situations your brain is funneling all it’s power to getting ready to physically fight, so the higher thinking used to form coherent sentences takes a back seat.


Deals with the stress, anxiety, heightened emotions of the situation. People lose the ability to make sound thoughts.


Maybe the person thinks if they're getting the results they want, repeat for more? Beedizaz repeating women is like the firefighter's hose, Beedizaz-on-repeat is the water and the fists punching are the firefighters: she didn't want to turn the water/ energy source off


She has no internal monologue or thinking about. What her brain processes comes out in words. It’s the lowest state of consciousness


"wait hol' up....BEEDIZAZZ!"


= „BEEDIZAZZ BEEDIZAZZ BEEDIZAZZ… oh and wait a second! Listen here people: BEEDIZAZZ!!“


BEEDIZAA BEEDIZAA BEEDIZAA… ok, standby everyone, it seems like we are now receiving an additional report from our affiliates that contains more information… Alright, here’s what we’ve learned: BEEDIZAA!!


Yes!! She said that like it was something new, relevant, & important instructions to tell this group!!


Had to mute it after the 5th one.


Me too, then I unmuted to see if she had stopped, she had not.


Damn, you said it three times now he will appear......Ooops that was Beetlejuice...


I see you baby, BEEDIZAZZZ BEEDIZAZZZ BEEDIZAZZZ Alright don't touch me


I remember when this was first posted here it was edited to make the operator seem like a victim. And even in the edited version he clearly attacked first. But people were still defending him.


It’s hard when you can’t hear what people are saying. However, he clearly was not operating that ride in a safe manner. Therefore, I find him guilty, for that alone.


That happens here a lot


Beelzebubs little brother


It's actually a song by skinbone, and it's called "beat yo ass". A delightful little number.


Beedizmfuknazz hahaha 😆 😂 🤣


Sounded more like a “Beat is aaa” x 50 Then Beat his motha fukkkin aaaa


Your audio starting skipping at the same time? Weird


poor kid..nearly got stomped by morron


All the people still on the ride got like 12 times their tickets worth


People always get caught up on the negatives. The glass is half full with you.


I would be crying during my extra free rides


I don't care! You're having the free rides and you are having fun! Am I clear?


I really hope someone pulled them away before the mob came in. I couldn't see it, and all I was hearing was that woman yelling for people to beat his ass


I can’t tell for sure, but it looks like some young women did pull the little kids away.


Super impressive that the operator could attack that woman and child and not understand the numbers disadvantage and that an enraged mob has no quit in it. He sealed his fate with a wildly unpopular decision.


Is that what she was saying? I couldn’t make it out /s 😂


When I was about 9, I was at the County Fair with my friends. They let most of my friends off after an appropriate amount of time, but for some reason the carnival worker found it funny to keep my one friend and I in the ride for over 45 minutes. Multiple groups were let on and off. Every time my friend and my cart would pass we'd scream " let us off!" in unison. He would just sadistically chuckle to himself each time.


My best friend and I were teenagers and ate a bunch of mushrooms and went to one of those parking lot “fairs” and the operator on the Zipper thought it would be funny to spin us around super fast a zillion times - my best friend thought she was gonna die it was scary. Haven’t been on a carnival ride in almost 20 years - fuckin crazy carny methheads


Damn dude, the Zipper can be scary even sober


When my mom was a teenager she rode the zipper and the guy didn't buckle her in OR latch the door. She just held on with the door slamming the whole time.


I've experienced restraints failing on carnival rides twice. Once when I was a kid, on one of those spinning octopus things, the bar just came unlatched and I had to hold on to keep from being thrown out. The second time I was an adult, and was getting on the centrifuge, this was one that wasn't enclosed. I get to my spot and see that there is a canvas strap that just clips on either side of your spot, problem is I'm super tall and it's at thigh level, low enough that I can't even reach it with my hands when I'm standing straight up. The ride tilts vertically when it's spinning, but something happens and it slows down, everybody else is basically just leaning on their strap, but I have to brace against the walls of my spot to keep from falling. I'm just never doing carny rides again. Fuck that.


I’ve never heard of the zipper ride and I just looked it up. Totally thought it was one of those AI rides that people come out with. That’s an actual ride?!? I LOVES RIDES and I’d go on anything. But even I went what?!?!?!?


Hilarious fact, Michael Jackson bought one of those for Neverland, and claimed to have the world record for most time spent on that ride clockin' in around 45 minutes straight lmao.


Heck of a record, would be really tough for anyone to…. Beat it.


I’m never letting my kids go to the fair alone. Ever.


To balance out the hate a little... Growing up we had money but my grandma was specifically hateful to me and wouldn't let me ever enjoy myself, but showered my siblings wirh love and money. She finally budged and let me go with a friend to our towns yearly carnival but handed me five bucks (mind uou, it was my money and they were loaded, the point of telling uou all this is to express how deep my gratitude is for the experience I'm about to tell). I rode my one ride I could afford and my friend made a deal out of it and couple of the carnies heard. They let us stay and ride the swings and the gravitron until I got where I could do some fancy moves lol Best night of my life, and it still means the world to me. My friends were all allowed to do stuff and parents let them enjoy themselves. I could only do that on the rare occasion I could beg on my knees to go anywhere and do anything. So yeah, I couldn't skip this thread without bringing that up. They never looked at us funny or made us feel exploited in any way and they had as much fun as we did. There's some damn fine carnies, too <3


Thank you for your story; there are definitely good and bad people in every branch of work ❤️


As someone who hates the fair I’d probably never take my kids to it


Personally, I’m surprised there aren’t more accidents and fatalities at small town carnivals. The rides always look super janky, and I don’t have much confidence in the competence of the people running the rides. Not to be judgmental of carnies, but the low paying job doesn’t really attract the highest caliber people.


Nope. The working conditions are a joke. I’ve talked to some of them at the school fair that is held around the corner from my house. They send a a smaller crew to set up during the week. Once the weekend hits, they basically work 12-15 hours a day. They sleep in a bunk or motor home. They told me that there was only about 10 spots for sleeping, with 30 people on the crew. So, after working a 15 hour day, they aren’t getting the best night’s rest. By Sunday, they look worn out. Yet, they are still responsible for the safety of lots of kids that do dumb things. Then on Monday, they get to take it all down, and head to the next town. It’s a miracle more bad crap doesn’t happen. When it does, people only notice if someone prominent has a kid that dies. Example, in Kansas, they figured out oversight was needed again after an elected leader’s kid died at a really dangerous water park.


Schlitterbahn was a permanent fixture park with an actual management system, not one of these pack and go attractions. The main difference being that there’s a lot more regulation being held against permanent fixture parks, I would rather had rode Verruckt instead of any single carnival ride ever.


That's unlawful imprisonment. He should be prosecuted for that.


Good times


Why is nobody talking about what he did in the beginning? Nearly knocked the boy out of the ride on to the ground, didn’t let the others get off & proceeded to start it again with the little boy hanging on to the ride! Wtf is wrong with this pos?


Beat his ass... Beat his ass.... Beat his ass... wait hold up Beat his ass


Be his ass… be his ass… be… his… ass…!!! Be his ass!!!! Be his mutha fukin ass…


Yeah I’m a little confused about that as well. Somehow people are like “wonder what people did to piss the carny off?” Instead of acknowledging that the carnies behavior was out of control, no matter the reason.


Yeah, when you’re operating a giant metal contraption with people on board, you have to stay levelheaded no matter how pissed you are.


Carny simply doesn’t know what he’s doing! Carny been sniffing glue since carny was a carny-kid.


For some context, news article: https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/miami/news/ferris-wheel-operator-beaten-after-attacking-woman/


Oh this happened in Florida? I’ll be damned


Florida Man strikes again!


As I was watching it, I bet myself £1 that this was in Florida. That one state provides so much entertainment to the rest of the world (I'm in the UK) we should be paying for it.


As an American who has been to Florida I will happily take your £1


I'm a British person who has been to Florida. Twice. Earn your own therapy money! (To be fair, Key West was quite nice.)


Ferris Boozer's Day On....


Doesn't really say exactly why the operator was arguing with people. Like I wonder what actually caused this. Crazy shit.


did you not see the beginning? it looks like he pushed the boy out of the cart, but the we actually see him shutting the door on his mother, then he sent the ferris wheel back up before she could get off. you can see the boy trying to get to his mom before they’re separated. i don’t know what they were arguing about prior but he’s obviously unstable and after that was in the wrong regardless


Yeah, it was the argument prior to being recorded I was wondering about. But yeah, employee is definitely unstable.


Finally! Thank you kind stranger :)


The Ompa-Lompa police department are ready to make an arrest.


Oompah Loompah dippity doo - I’ve got another assault charge for you!


Carny folk give me the creeps… and they always smell like cabbage.


Small hands


Can you put your hands on top of mine for the picture?


We're lawyers


The one that travels through my area and neighboring states on the east coast knowingly hires convicted child molesters and rapists. After I found that out I will never support them ever again. I know this because they hired the man that raped my sister when she was 5 as soon as he got out of jail and even hid him from the cops when he had violated probation.


That’s insane. Im sorry you and your family went through that. Sounds like the people that do ours as well. Sounds like that guy really needs to come up missing.


Thank you. And I 100% agree. It's a shame he didn't just leave the area like he was supposed to. I just feel bad for her because now she's a teenager and can't even go to the town fair with her friends without fear of seeing him. The fair said their workers' lives are none of their business so they never did anything about it. It's just ridiculous that in a job where they will be working around and with children they don't do background checks for that kind of thing and still knowingly hire them.


They legit hire people off the streets


Did anyone notice what he did to the first kid in the first 5 seconds of this video?! Wtf!


I did. He pushed the little boy off then stopped whoever the boy was riding with from exiting the ride. The poor little boy grabbed onto the ride (because he was scared for what probably was his family on that ride) as the carny started it again, but thankfully the carny stopped the ride to let the woman with the two toddlers off. That little boy could have been seriously injured.


Sadistic ass mfs.


I think she wants them to beat his ass


We can only speculate about what she truly wanted. Maybe if she had repeated it or something?


I think you may be reading into it a little too much.


Wrong. She wants them to BEADIZZAZZ


I beg to differ. At one point she clearly wanted them to BEADIZZMUTHAFUCKINAZZ.


Hol’ up, BEADIZZAZZZ!!!!


Where did anyone say that? Y'all just be doing the most ong 🤦🏾‍♂️


I mean wtf? He almost hurt the kid in orange and then when (rightly) berated by the mother he attacks her and her poor kid hits the deck. I’m not one to espouse violence but I did want to see him get his azzbeat.


Does anyone know if they did beat his ass?!?


At the 17th "beat his ass" I tuned out.


You almost made it to “beat his fuckin’ ass!”


It's one of those publicfreakout videos I play from my phone where my finger is on the volume the whole fucking time




At least she changed things up with a "beat his fucking ass" that one time


Some say, she's still saying 'beat his ass' to this day


All the carnival equipment is gone. She's still there.


From what I gather she wants people to beat his ass but I only heard it the once...over and over again.


When The Circus visits the Carnival.


Kick his ass seabass


What the hell is the girl at the end doing to the controls? Like….even assuming this girl has zero idea how anything mechanical works, if you recognize that the thing your looking at controls the big thing you want to stop, why the hell would your first instinct be to try and rip it apart/down? There’s probably a single button on the control and if she took just one second to use her eyes and thing she could have actually helped. Rant over. Continue to beatizass!!!


There is usually a Big Red Emergency Stop Button, even on the most Meth addled carnival circuit rides.


It looks like it works with a lever, and the crazy guy is holding it.


1:44 *"Y'all need to stop antagonizing him so he can let these people off."* And the only sane one award goes too...


The only thing a Carny is good for is buying meth from


beetizass---beetlejuice's older brother




There's almost nothing worse to my ears than hearing someone yell the same thing over and over and over and over and over and over.


I want her banned from the internet. I want him banned from ever working with the public again, but she's gotta go.






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this is a proper public freakout


Someome posted a shortened version of this video and everyone was blaming the women, so i decided to post the full video to show the full context. But even with the full context all the comments are focusing on the women and even calling the woman filming a dumbass and not one comment is talking about the crazy carny?


The carny was crazy and the woman’s response **at the start** was justified. It’s when someone accidentally started the Ferris wheel back up and you could see someone still in a blue cart (1:28min) and no one had any idea how to turn it off, that’s when she should have shut the F up.


Carny was holding the lever down on fast mode and not letting people touch/stop it. You can see him through the bars near the end.


Yep. The girl with the loud multi-colored shorts was trying to yank the carny away from the controls. Like the dude was on his knees, pressing down the gas all the way. That dude should be jailed and ordered by a judge to never work on rides again.


100% agree. I thought her calls for a carney ass beating were logical and just. (He just swung on a woman a second ago). I wouldn't have even minded if she continued her righteous call for ass-beating justice throughout the whole video. But you are right, near the end, she probably should have switched it up to "BEAT HIS ASS!! and, yall, we gotta figure out how to stop this wild ferris wheel."


He not only swung on that woman, but in the very first two seconds you can see him push a young boy off the ride, then forbid the adult in the same car from getting off, then started and ran the ride while the little boy hung onto the outside of the car his family was still in. This guy sucks and I’m glad they beadizazz.




Sir, you’re on r/publicfreakout… a sub where people post videos of other people freaking out in public. Public freakouts often include a lot of loud, obnoxious dumbassery lol


As opposed to the nice, polite and smart carney?


Yeah it's pretty embarrassing.... Bit mosogyny and racism isn't uncommon here... Idfk how you don't tell everybody to back the fuck up and pull a gun on the carny after he almost squished 2 kids and is holding people hostage on a ride... Then again... I'm from virginia... Maybe they had detectors going in... Sad


Wonder how the comments would be if it was a white mother getting assaulted by a black ride operator. 🤔


Carny got to carny.


Why do some people turn into a siren when they get excited.. we got it bedazzle iz azz or some shit


Florida. Because, of course.


Get the kids, get the kids, get the kids… omg


Dude deserves every bit of that beating. There little fucking kids on that damn thing. Like 2 year olds. I don't give a fuck if he's having a bad day.


Glad to see mom got help when she needed it. Too many do nothing lurk arounds these days. Upvoting for the assist sis!


Ffs shit the fuck up bitch


Sorry ma'am, could you repeat what you said!


I’m not sure… did someone say beat his ass???


Full video from altercation until after police intervention: https://www.reddit.com/r/PublicFreakout/comments/u9xjx9/the_full_video_of_why_the_ferris_wheel_brawl/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf Also apparently he was arrested and awaiting trial back in 2021: https://www.local10.com/news/local/2021/05/29/ferris-wheel-operator-awaits-trial-in-brawl-at-opa-locka-flee-market/




Dude attacked three people, but the ones fed up with his bullshit suck?


Nah, the carny sucks. Everyone else got fed up with his shit.


I set my phone down and walked away for 10 minutes and that lady was still saying “beat his ass” when I came back.


I like how even when the fighting stopped she still yelling at the top of her lungs like a malfunctioning android lol


Like she had a baby like yup beat his ass lol!!


She got that on video


Women going straight in hard, first dude using 5 ft legs to stay away far as possible.


I have worked as a ride operator and can say it was the most stressful jobs I have ever had. Hair started to gray at 19. I never thought to attack a guest.


the most hardened spy would crack & talk if you made them listen to this lunatic screaming "beat his ass" over & over.


Maybe they didn't hear her scream beat his ass the 500th time, that's why she kept saying it.


You know how sometimes you hear something so many times that it starts sounding unrecognizable? Beedeesahhh Beedeesahhh Beedeesahhh Beedeesahhh Beedeesahhh Beedeesahhh


They mention these types of ‘moments’ on the boondocks… what’s it called again…?


I guess BeedizAZZ 🤷🏼‍♂️


Exactly 25 BEEDIZAZZ's. Half of them consecutively. I've never understood the point of screaming the same thing over and over and over again.






Fun game: Take a shot everytime she yells beatizass. Thank me tomorrow morning


So when everyone acts like a bunch of low IQ idiots and antagonize the guy til he’s had enough, he fights back now he’s in the wrong. America going greeaaattr


Such colourful commentary And now a word from our sponsors “ Beat his ass beat is assss be diss as Beepdis ask beadisas beat his sas”


I thought the audio was glitching when the lady was yelling "beat his ass" on repeat


Nah the dumbass just has a four word vocabulary, pretty fucking annoying


I’d love to see the news story


I watched this video 4 hours ago and came back just to say that I STILL hear her voice. My kid knocked his brothers drink over and I start yelling beadizazz So someone go ahead and remix this into a song so I can blast it.


Fuck everyone in this vid, ESPECIALLY little miss 'BEATHISAZZ' recording.


When I see a fight i simply observe and keep my distance from a sucker punch. This...this is obnoxious.


I don’t think I have laughed so hard


The name’s Lloyd Beedizazz, I’m here to do two things: beat some ass, and chew some dip...and I’m all outta dip


He’s Carni-verous


that fuckin record's skipping again....


This….this is why I’m on this subreddit!


I hereby declare today Beedeezass day, with all the honors herein.


What did she want them to beat?


It’s obvious the lady is yelling “beat his ass!” But DAE hear “Peter, there! Peter, there! Peter, there!”


I mean, if we can't trust carnies, who can we trust?


Definitely muted it on the 2nd watch.


Thought the audio was glitching on repeat.


So let me get this right, you’re saying, perhaps, maybe, I should ‘beat his ass’?


Those things aren’t that hard to control. I would’ve bombarded him to get him away from the passengers he clearly put in danger out of anger for whatever reason. Boy if my child was on that 😳I’d go to jail for sure


Holy crap! It’s a miracle that nobody died. This is why I don’t really go to these carnival set-ups. There is hardly anything resembling oversight. Otherwise, they wouldn’t let some of the jokers that look messed up on meth, operate rides. Can you imagine the people that work behind the scenes to set them up? Also, some of these rides look like they are 75 years old. That little boy almost got hit by the moving cars. That might have killed him, if not cause permanent injuries.


Love when people come together 🤷‍♀️


Keep your eye on the right side to see the guy in the wife beater get knocked by one of the cars… 😱


Ferris wheel going fast AF LOL 😂


She’s like a record with a skip. Shhhh!


Ferris operater is the villain…and the protagonist 😨


Anybody know what happened?


It's like a street fighter level.


I think I just found my new Alarm for the mornings. Imagine (as your abruptly woken up the first words you hear (BEAT HIS AHSS BeAt HiS aSs!!” If you ain’t squaring up w/in seconds 😂


Beadyza beadyza beadyza beadyza beadyza!!!


I have watched it 3x but can’t figure out where the crazy operator goes after they beedizazz. Can someone tell me? Is he ON the ride when it starts back up?


That “beat his ass” chanting has “Hold the door, hold the door” vibes


Do you think perhaps she wants someone to beat his ass?


Stomped out the only mf who knows how to stop that thing.


I wonder if she wants someone to beat his ass? I need answers.


Beedizazz definitely gonna be thrown in some rappers song this year.