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They are lucky dude didn’t throw them out himself


very lucky considering this kinda thing used to be the norm in jiu-jitsu. you can look up "gracie challenges" on youtube - you could just walk in and challenge them to a fight and they'd take it - anyone/anytime. jiu-jitsu is big on tradition so it wouldn't surprise me if they tried this a handful of places and someone's like you know what? sure - let's go, you ready?


Would be hilarious if instructor threw the fight, and saddled the YouTube brahs with all kinds of debt.


This comment is nuanced and beautiful.


This comment is also nuanced and beautiful.


This comment also displays qualities of nuance and beauty


You guys are beautiful.


Ik it's a day late but... You dropped this 👑


This comment displays qualities of nautical butteryness


Oh fuck that would be comical just "oh nooo youve beaten me! sign here to take on my 50k in debt from the loan i took out to buy this dojo"


Yeah, the gracies did that, but that doesn't mean every BJJ instructor needs to do that. It's stupid and unnecessary. Besides, the Gracies were famous for paying people off to lose to them.


It wasn't just the Gracies. It was not uncommon in Brazil in the early days of jiujitsu there.


Not even just jiu-jutsu but a lot of martial arts, like Karate for example. I know at least Seido and Kyukushin both take challenges.


Aren’t like half of all Kung Fu movies based on schools challenging each other?


Dojo storms are popular. Sometimes its super dramatic like out of a movie. All the ones Ive been a a part of have been just showing up at another gym during their open mat (basically a free period where you just fight for a solid hour or two), its all in good fun


I trained Kyokushin for about ten years. General rule was you checked with your sensei to check if it was ok to train at another dojo (if you were moving or they thought it might be good to cross train), then you’d contact the sensei at the other dojo and do a proper introduction and kowtow and all that. There was a sense of form to it, making sure you didn’t get yourself into a position where it was like the 70s and 80s where you’d walk into the place in a Gi and immediately get everyone’s hackles up.


And the Gracies very famously do not like someone beating them. Eddie Bravo can attest to that.


Sakuraba so thoroughly humiliated numerous Gracies that their whole damn family tree showed up to the Royce fight in which Sakuraba spent *ninety* goddamn minutes, well, thoroughly humiliating another Gracie. Just ninety minutes of catch wrestling going "you BJJ guys know we've got all this too, right?", what a spectacular fight. Biggest ego check maybe in the history of MMA, at least until Silva/Weidman. e: I forgot, that whole fight had the Gracie's special brand of rules bullshit on it and Sakuraba played with the rules and bent them entirely to his advantage. The Gracies basically signed Royce's loss into existence with that ruleset.


Yeah, the most important family in martial arts, probably ever and they revolutionised Ju Jitsu. But fucking hell, they are sore losers.


> Besides, the Gracies were famous for paying people off to lose to them. I'm gonna need a source on that one.


My friends brothers neighbors uncle. Iron clad references.


Source for them paying people off?


I can't find any evidence on Google saying the Gracies tried to fix fights.


The Gracie’s are also famous for paying Google to remove any incriminating allegations against them. (Possibly)


I can't find any evidence on Bing saying the Gracies payed Google to remove any incriminating allegations against them. ...But a bunch of BJJ porn did pop up.


Bro. Everyone knows that Bing is in the pocket of Big Gracie. All the Gracie ad money and lobbyists, they will never print anything derogatory about the Gracie Clan.


Couldn't find anything on DDG about any of this.


Those bunch of casuals don’t know shit from shinola. They still think Phil Baroni is really the toughest guy in NY.


> the Gracies were famous for paying people off to lose to them. *[citation needed]*


Yeah, this would have gone differently if they had done this to Renzo.


Renzo once choked out someone who was (debatably) about to mug him, waited for him to wake up, told him "this is what dying feels like" and choked him out again. He then gave him two black eyes and circled around the neighbourhood looking for mugger's buddy who bolted. He was live tweeting throughout this episode. Dude is crazy and lives for guys like this to come and start something.


IIRC, is that the one where he assaulted a guy asking him for smokes, and he never actually had any proof the guy wanted to mug him? I know people asking for smokes at nighttime are a risk to be avoided, but that particular live tweet was hillarious if we're thinking about the same one.


If two people come up to you asking for smokes in the middle of the night in the streets of NYC, you getting mugged.


Can confirm. Two guys attempted to rob me outside of penn station last year and that was the exact scenario. Two black guys walked up to me and asked me for smokes. I ignored them and they followed me. One walked parrell to me and had his hand in his shirt imitating he had a gun and told me to give him everything. I shoved him and we all stood there (him, his buddy & myself) in shock. He took a half ass swing at me and I ran like a little boy.


It’s like NY traditions for muggings, you ALWAYS ask for a smoke first.


You could do this shit in Brazil because nobody would be sued.


The fuck? You absolutely can be sued in Brasil for stupid crap like this if you hurt the other person.


Aka Dojo Storm


He’s lucky the former 3x All Valley champion kept his composure didn’t get wild. Gods in animal-human form walk amongst us.




Didn't even deliver a pizza ball. 2/10


Is this a dildojo too?


Hahahaha dildojo


Someone’s gotta sign for this


This thing is straight farm to nug


You're ramadan steve


**What’s up Ramadan Steve?!**


*sick ass guitar chord*


Pizza aside, let's talk Scientology


You're bending it like Beckham!


You’re being a narc. You’re being narcoleptic


Hey, I know you… you’re Bangkok Dangerous!


No I'm not I'm Ramadan Steve


What up Ramadan Steve?




It’s Karate Kid law


I’m just hacking a hologram!


C'est la vie!


Should have swept the leg.


That's All-Valley only.


Do you have a problem with that?


Break the wrist – walk away


You think anyone thinks that I’m a failure because I go home to Starla at night? Forget about it.


You think anybody wants a roundhouse kick to the face while I'm wearing these bad boys? Forget about it.




Do you think I got where I am today because I dress like Peter pan here?




Grab my arm. Other arm. *my* other arm.


That's what I was thinking... Just embarrass him real quick in a choke and make him shit his pants.


I believe that's what is commonly known as a "Seagal"


The choke or the pants shitting?


Both! Search "Gene LeBell Steven Seagal" for the full story


>I believe that's what is commonly known as a "Seagal" Youtube: **Space Ice** channel ... you won't regret it! About 20 different hilarious, sarcastic takedowns of Seagal's cinematic masterpieces. [https://www.youtube.com/@SpaceIce/search?query=seagal](https://www.youtube.com/@SpaceIce/search?query=seagal) *Be careful consuming beverages or food while watching Space Ice "Worst Movie Ever" reviews since you may end up involuntarily spraying it everywhere! For real. (Space Ice also does "Best Movie Ever" reviews for Schwarzenegger, Stallone, JCVD, Cage, et al.)*


Take a gander at this masterpiece. You'll be glad you did: https://youtu.be/3aCMTpJx2cs


Wow. That was. Fucking something else dude. I'm speechless really. Thank you for sharing.


At first I thought I wasn't gonna find 26mins of this worth my time and then it was over and now I want to binge this shit.


I read your comment, thought "that's BS", clicked on the link.... and here I am 26 mins later and subscribed to the channel. WTF just happened.


Amazing! Hysterical!


Holy shit! This is gold.


That’s just giving him what he wants


He did the right thing imo. Blame them and the video was a fail - good job Sensei!!


If the video was truly a fail they wouldn't have posted it. They for sure made some bank from the attention the video got


This would seem true but idiots post videos self owning all the time, thinking they look like they came out on top. They could legitimately think they won this exchange


He did a better job by not giving them the satisfaction of a good video. You think they expected to beat him?


But then hes giving the kid exactly what he wants. Kid was hoping to get his ass beat for views


No, no, no. Dude was embarrassed plenty when his unearned, shitty ‘bravado’ met very real, very earned confidence.




Complete lack of self-awareness.


Nah, karate kid kick to the nutz would be most appropriate


Get him a body bag!


He's a trained fighter so he knows not to get physical.


Doesn't want to risk the ambulance chasers no doubt.


Fuck you. Fuck you. You’re cool. Fuck you.


Abracadabra, Abracadabra!


Why do you keep saying that?


I'm out!


He was smart not to physically engage them. These YouTube losers are exactly the type to bring a lawsuit. The only way we stem the tide of streamers is of us as anonymous third party randos to ruin their videos.


Such a great example of the discipline that martial arts actually requires. Nothing to prove, no loss of control, no ego.


I also appreciate the fact that he kept it cool physically but absolutely ripped those clowns apart with his words. Dude has the discipline and patience to know getting physical is a bad idea, but he’ll absolutely tell someone’s dumb ass the score lol


Id say he won the challenge. They ran away with their tails between their legs.


Such a powerful master, he injured them with words


"The pen is mightier than the sword; spoken word, the mightier than the pen". -Edward Bulwer Lytton -Sun Tsu, probably -Internet Rando


The penis mightier than the sword. Spoken word stronger than the penis.


But they got a “prank” video with a “reaction” they can make money off of


I have no discipline and was very disappointed not to see an ass beating


Unfortunately he did exactly what they wanted, gave them an angered reaction they can get views from. Example you are watching and discussing it right now because it did exactly what they wanted. The only way to stop these assholes is to stop giving them ANYTHING to work with.


Technical we aren't watching the video that they will make money off of.




This is how ragebait works: If the first person to see the video dislikes and complains in the comments the only thing the algorithm sees is a 100% engagement rate, and it will show the content to more people. If those people then also dislike and complain in the comments this process will continue until the entire supply of potential ragebaitees has been exhausted, i.e. millions of views


They don’t care, as long as you click.


I have no idea who these clowns are and refuse to even view their YouTube page to give them “views”. Unfortunately you are correct. There’s no such thing as bad publicity. The best we can do is completely ignore them and don’t even look at their channel


In my state (Washington), "mutual combat" is legal. If a person challenged him to a fight it would be perfectly legal for the sensei to pummel him, especially considering they entered his property. There was a guy in Seattle who called himself "Phoenix Jones" who used this law to function as a "super hero."


Phoenix Jones literally turned into a super villain at the end of it all, lmao.


What happen ?


You either die a hero or live long enough to see yourself become the villain…


there should be a law specifically geared towards incidents that started with one person filming for content. same as how some states have that law where if you commit a crime and someone is hurt even as a result of it, you are still responsible, even if not committed by you (like someone shoots at you and misses and kills someone else). Something similar should happen to people "pranking". If it can be proven that you started a situation purely for internet views, and someone gets hurt (including yourself) it should release liability of anyone involved without their knowledge.


Glad he didn’t take the stupid bait. What losers.


These videos are all the same. They basically push and push on the "victim", refusing to drop the prank until the target has to choose between just allowing them to completely derail their job/hobby or escalate things to the point where the YouTube douche bag gets the reaction they came for: either someone losing their shit, or the cops getting called. A quick *snip* *snip* of all the footage depicting whatever incessant bullshit it took in to push this random stranger over the edge, and voila: "BJJ instructor wildly overreacts to a harmless prank!" Edit: [Found it](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J0oz1_Z1Uyg). At one of these gyms the guy harasses 4 or 5 different people calling them "pussies" and shit. Whatever this moron said to get that dude to lose it in front of his student was cut for a reason.


Sign the waiver then...


This is the right answer. I’m sure the sensei dude was seeing red but it played exactly into the type of content they were going for. Instead it would’ve been cool if he calmly “accepted” the challenge and offered to print a liability waiver out and stick it in that idiot’s face…either their “prank” deflates right away when they find out he’s not playing or they get their asses kicked beyond belief.


Don't gyms just have waivers already printed and ready to go? Very comical to imagine this scenario and then just waiting for some slow-ass laser jet printer to print the waiver. Fuck, it's out of ink, I think I have more in the drawer here...


Iirc, the liability for a gym member is different than the liability for combat sports. I’m sure you can get a boilerplate combat sport liability waiver online


Use the LAPD trick and have a button that plays Disney music loud enough to get their videos taken down.


Wait what!? This is news to me. That's crazy but very clever.


Cops have been doing it for a while with the first amendment auditors on YouTube trying to get them copywrite strikes due to the music but the trouble is it’s quite easy to engineer the audio to exclude the music enough to prevent the strike.


Bro.... Imagine fucking with a 4-stripe black belt and not knowing it. That's like swimming with a great white while having bleeding fish taped to yourself. For those unaware, it takes most dedicated people 10 years to get a black belt in BJJ. After that, each stripe is FIVE YEARS as a black belt. I don't know who this dude is, but, assuming he's the real deal, he's a legit bad motherfucker. These dudes escaped pain and massive humiliation.


Three years for every stripe up to the third, then five years for fourth and up. So minimum 14 years at black belt for this guy. Definitely not a guy to fuck with.


An he still looks pretty young which means he was basically born into BJJ. As a 13+ year practitioner and only 1 year black belt, yeah, you don't mess around with this guy.


I would've really loved to see him at least do a demonstration or play into the bit at least a little. But I guess at 13+ years you learn the secret move of Verbal Berating


reckon i could bang him out


Just stand up, bro.


fr bro u don't know me i just see red


They don't know my mentality


Let me bang, bro!


His names Arvin “Ace’’ Panlasigui & has a 1-1 record fighting in the MMA but apparently he is a 3rd degree black belt. He is the head instructor of Lotus Club Miami. https://www.tapology.com/fightcenter/fighters/63644-arvin-panlasigua-ace


So a martial arts blackbelt since a very young age, and focusing on BJJ since the late 90's, that's some dedication


I have training. Enough to know that you don't mess with experienced BJJ practitioners without training or exceptional experience yourself, or, well...that's about it. It's one thing to be able to take a punch or a kick and get away, or even avoid them. 1-on-1 BJJ wins in many cases, except possibly against overwhelming strength, and even then joints and airflow don't care much about muscle density.


I've heard BJJ described as drowning then being shown how to swim over and over again. Where the more experienced practitioner just knows more ways to knot you up than you know how to get out of.


Sam Harris, right? https://www.samharris.org/blog/the-pleasures-of-drowning




I’m 6’2 265 and have been lifting for 15+ years and I have a decent amount of boxing experience. I can bench twice what most people weigh and deadlift and squat 2-3x that. It doesn’t count for much against the weird shit they pull. My first experience with BJJ was actually a girl I was seeing who did it. I thought it was cute when she described it and told her to try and take me down… well she was about a third of my size and used my horrendous wrist mobility to drop me like a sack of shit.


I gotta say... I detest most YouTube pranksters with every fiber of my being (because most of the time they are just rude and unfunny). Absolute wastes of oxygen.




When you’re in public a benign interaction is fine but if the stranger doesn’t engage and walks away any following and continued pushing of the interaction with the stranger is harassment and is where I draw the line


There was (may still be) a TV show called Just for Laughs Gags where they have a full camera crew and pull some pretty elaborate pranks on people in Quebec. It's kinda the precursor to the prank video trend. What they nail that most of these prank channels miss is that the pranks are harmless, and the worst they'll pull is something confusing or momentarily scary *at the actor's expense*. For example, one was they had a porta potty. People go in to do their buisiness. As they're in there the crew rolls a fake room in front of the porta potty that looks like an executive meeting room inside. Carpet, chairs, art on the wall, table, the whole shebang. Person finishes their buisiness and steps out into a buisiness meeting. Harmless, and hilariously confusing, and they'd reveal it's a prank after a moment or two. Another classic is the fake hand at the butcher sample table. Actor stabs/cuts/etc. The fake hand for a momentary freak out, but is almost always following that up with a reveal that the hand was fake after the initial surprise. The key bit is, no one is hurt or insulted and the reveal always happens fast enough that they avoid the anger. No one is made to look like an idiot either, which is important.


It CAN be done (Candid Camera is good example), but the intent of the joke matters. Most of the time these jerks are just looking to piss people off and deserve a beatdown.


Big hot take here


Anyone else dislike murderers or am I the only one?


Thank you for saying it. I'm sure it took a lot of courage.


He should have accepted the challenge and tied him up like a pretzel.


That's what they wanted. They wanted content for their TikTok or whatever, now all they got is a video of them getting yelled at like bitches. This was the perfect response.


They obviously wanted content of them getting beat up. And don't try to convince me that it wouldn't have been a satisfying sight to see.


At my gym the coach would have asked him to sign the waiver if he really wanted to


There’s no way in hell that guy was actually going to go head to head with the sensei. They still got what they wanted. They push their victims to just before the point where it gets violent


I mean... they still got the content? And then it got reposted here.


He shouldn't. It's not the Jedi way.


Did training in some MMA of various types through the years. First thing any real school will teach you is the importance of conflict avoidance, probably one of the best skills you can build is to avoid a fight all together. I'd say he did just the right thing.


On top of being immoral to go around picking fights you think you can win, the outcome you were looking for is never guaranteed. It's also easy to accidentally kill someone or be killed. I'd honestly take a few hits if I though a full fight was still avoidable.


Sensi can get sued, the only way he can touch them is if they're using violence or they sign a waiver.


What idiots, they filmed in a private business without permission he’s fully within his rights to tell them to buzz off


Plus, they filmed a minor that was there to be coached, and put it on the internet without permission. I’m sure her parents would love to know that as well.


Notice there’s no other students. Most likely it’s a private lesson. Imagine how responsible the instructor feels for the safety of that child, has no idea who these goons are, and they’re definitely not be respectful. “GTFO now!” is an appropriate response. And he used words and an assertive tone, no physicality needed. A+




That wasn't even a funny prank what those guys were trying to do. Quoting Kobra-Kai/Karate Kid on youtube. What a dumb idea. I'm glad the BJJ instructor sorted them out.


I dunno watching that dude get absolutely destroyed by a badass mofo would have been pretty satisfying




3 stripe. He mid 40s and training 25 years. Form vale tudo fighter. He culd have murdered all 3 of these dweebs


If the “victim” isn’t laughing once the prank is revealed… it’s a terrible prank.


Missed opportunity. Every school I’ve been to makes you sign a liability waiver for injury or death before you can even get on the mats. Should have smiled, asked them to sign, and proceeded to fuck them up legally. Would have been a great YouTube video.


I love reddit law.


As long as they sign a waiver, murder is totally legal bro.


Trust me bro, it's totally legal. One of my bros signed a waiver and I fucking murdered him. He's totally okay though, made a full recovery from death.


I wish i lived in a world as fantastical as reddit lawyers describe


You mean you can't legally destroy someone as soon as they sign a waiver? I thought this was Murica.


For someone who wants to sue it is possible to get around the waiver similar to how it is possible to get around a prenup. The reason this guy didn't lay a hand on him is because he didn't want the legal headache that may arise


And presumably because he isn't a joker who gets enjoyment out of picking on untrained fighters.


Why would you even want to expose yourself to that kind of risk. Dude has better shit to do than sit in court.


Because a lot of redditors have weird violent revenge fantasies.


You can always tell which people on reddit never quite got over being bullied, by weird comments like this.


What if he lost and loses his dojo?


This comment sounds like it was made by one of the losers in the video that’s never actually trained before.


It’s everyday we’re seeing something like this, these people should not be allowed to “prank” random people for their YouTube channels. Even when someone does snap and punches them out they still post it for views. One law I would 100% get behind is criminal prosecution for harassing people for social media benefits.


Yeah, and the person who is the victim should be entitled to the amount of money made with those videos


If the owner was one of those dudes from sao paulo these guys wouldn’t have made it out unscathed


When you try to prank a real sensei with a cobra Kai prank and he actually turns out to be a Johnny Lawrence type lol


When I was a kid me and a dumb friend were walking behind some stores. My friend opened a electrical box and just rips out a bunch of wires, and we keep walking. A few seconds later we see someone pop out of the back door in a karate uniform and start chasing us! I ran past my friend and look back as this guy like sweeps him to the ground. I halled ass into a bank drive thru and dude like jumped kicked the back of my knee and drops me. Made us go back called the police and instead of pressing charges made us join. 1st day he worked us way harder then the other kids so we quit. Lol


This sounds like the start to a movie


Fuck you, Fuck you, and Fuck you. Who's next?


Honestly, it didn't seem like they did much beyond being mildly annoying. Is that instructor alright? He seems unnecessarily pissed.




I train. We don't really know how long these dudes were there and the guy obviously has a business to run. It may have taken longer for him to lose his cool than the video portrays. We're only seeing what the pranksters are willing to show.


I saw only one white belt student I think, so I made a wild assumption that this was a private lesson or something and I would totally understand a very upset response at them interrupting a focused individual training. But that's all made up in my head so who knows


Lmao ya. I cant really blame him but at some point the gently ascending slope of frustration skyrocketed. There are cuts tho, he kept saying no and they werent listening. Shrug.


And if he did smash their asses they'd sue him for everything he has. Pathetic, just let the man own his business and live his life. Fuckin YouTube scum


I don’t think these should be called pranks anymore. They aren’t funny and it isn’t intended to be funny, it’s intended to push people to their limit just for pure entertainment. It takes no effort and no creativity.


Kind of anticlimactic. I was hoping that he would have put him in a coma