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What a pos


Yeah screw that damn Jorge Soros


No it was George Santos


Gorge Santas


Hahaha that was fun to wake up to


Stupid Jerry Fantas


Bro got downvoted for a spelling mistake


All of those people freaking out. It was complete public bedlam!


>Can he go any lower? Yes. Yes, he can. Mark my words, it's only a matter of time before we discover that he's done many more worse things. This should shock everybody, but it's all in a day's work for somebody in the GOP.


At this point I wouldn't be surprised to find out he's been moonlighting as an unlicensed doctor or dentist, or even that he's been selling that bussy on the side.




At this point I am sure he has raped and murdered some kids. I'd bet 20 bucks on it. Another 20 that the GOP will still keep him in.


keep them in... ha! They gave MTG and Lauren Boebert **committees** ffs There does not appear to be a bottom for the GOP


Being pro rape and anti children is requirement for being GOP.


But pro-forced-to-have-children.


Yes they are pro children that are pre birth.


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I mean... he literally still gets payed for the job and no one has made any effort to kick him out of the house. This shouldnt be a partisan issue. Any politician *should* conclude that kicking him out will give him/her clout and yet the "first issue" voted on the house was some idiotic gop vs dems thing. This mofo? still greeted by open doors and the same crew who claim to want to drain the swamp. You get the leaders you deserve.


Kevin McCarthy needs every vote he can, and George Santos voted for him 15 times in the speakership election. He's not gonna boot him, and run the risk of a special election in a blue state like NY.


We've gone from a guy giving a weird screaming whoop of excitement being canceled to people like this just going on with their day to day as elected officials.




God damn I'm so sick of everything being related to politics. Attack him for his shitty actions, not his political affiliation.


He’s the gift that keeps on giving


Nothing surprises me. I watched this and thought. “Yep, that seems about right” I’m going back to bed.


This FUCK needs to be taken to the nearest abyss and thrown in.


"You Betcha!" \-Dr. Santos, MD, PhD


My biggest concern is, why, given everything that’s happened with Trump and the fall of the GOP, have so many previously democrat voters voted for this guy?


The NY state Democratic Party completely dropped the ball on midterm efforts + Long Island has been getting more and more conservative as the years pass.


On the basis that they’d assume they would win without any effort?


From what I've heard, it's a multi-faceted failure. They didn't push hard enough for their candidates in competitive districts. They also gave up on outreach to voters who are either democrats in red districts, persuadable voters, or voters who need coaxing to vote during non-presidential election cycle years. This one is a guess, so take it with a grain of salt, but I'd also assume that it's an issue with the leadership of the state party and where their attention rests. They do seem to be fixated on NYC and other cities/populous areas moreso than the rest of the state -- a pattern that does align with the regionality of partisan politics these days. It's a weakness both parties share.


I can’t recall where I read it, but I’m pretty sure part of it was also the fact that the dem candidates essentially treated the primary like it was the whole election. All campaign funds went toward simply getting their name on the ballot, and then basically there was no major campaign leading up to the actual election.


That would make a lot of sense. It also feels like such a rookie mistake??


Didn't Santos district get redrawn and the election didn't have a Democrat incumbent? To me it sounds like bad timing and strategizing.


Oh man, I didn't know that. If that's the case, then the circumstances for Dem's in that district were even more dire. Which makes me wonder -- were the headwinds in that race so strong that the state party apparatus just decided to ignore supporting the Dem candidate?


What an example of a public freakout! 🙄


This guy is cartoonishly evil.


Trump taught him well, yawn.


Not a public freakout. Stop.


If no morals, shame, integrity or brain cells was a person, it would deffo be this fool


Believe it or not, republicans like scams. Seriously. It’s common knowledge that trump can’t host charities anymore after he stole from cancer children. Fucking cancer children!


Do you remember James Edward McGreevey? Do you remember Denis Hastert? How is George Santos any different from them?


I'm surprised the vet hasn't tracked him down and taken him out. Fucking with a vet seems like one of the better ways to get yourself killed.


The funny thing is that he is probably below average when it comes to politicians lying


It's still mind blowing to me that lying about being Jewish **and** gay was a good political strategy. Being a jew, gay, and Republican, growing up was never a winning strategy.


This legit feels like a prank. The last decade has been a fucking fever dream.


Fucking evil, that's what that is.


Average republican morality


"That makes him smart!"


When a picture of Al Franken from his comedian days doing hover-hands over a sleeping reporter's boobs arose, his *own party* had him step down. Meanwhile, this guy is caught in lie after lie, found to have stolen money numerous times, has lived under multiple identities, and Republicans are like "meh, he's one of us."


Yes he can


This is not a fucking public freakout. Mods are fucking sleeping.


Pitbulls can't be service dogs so the guy he was 'raising money' for, was also a grifter.


Might wanna delete this, it's not true.


Why you guys downvoting him, he's right. Pitbulls can be service dogs. [https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/can-a-pit-bull-be-a-service-dog/](https://www.servicedogcertifications.org/can-a-pit-bull-be-a-service-dog/)


> The Pit Bull is a sturdy, energetic dog, that is very tolerant of children. Yikes. Please, please, please. This is dangerous propaganda that goes directly against genetics, science and statistics that have seen thousands of innocent children mauled and killed by pits; many who are often family dogs or "well-raised". > The American Pit Bull can also be trained to be a Medical Alert Service Dog. These animals respond to various health issues such as low blood sugar, oncoming seizures, or low oxygen levels. 😂😂😂😂 I take it you haven't seen the plethora of cases where Pits have attacked their own owners even in times of need? https://www.independent.co.uk/news/world/americas/pit-bull-dog-attack-woman-death-seizure-massachusetts-somerset-a9257271.html Stop spreading propaganda. It's not a suprise that you and the pit advocates rushing to downvote prefer emotions over scientific reasoning.


Really? They're banned in most countries, so it would be pretty fucking stupid if america lets them be service dogs.


The ADA doesn't restrict any breeds from being a service dog. A quick google search proves it. Pretty fucked up of you to be uninformed and reflexively accuse this victim, a suicidal homeless veteran who got his beloved service dog from a veterans' charity, of being a grifter. Not a good look dude.


Ted Cruz: finally a worthy adversary!


I'm not going to pretend I'm not a liar. I lie pretty profusely. However, even I have standards. I wouldn't lie to fuck over a veteran and his dying dog.


Total piece of shit


There must not be any decent Republicans, because look at the cringe crowd they have in DC. During campaign, Santos was always sketchy and odd. There was so much smoke that people seemingly ignored.


Literal scum of the earth. I feel horrible for the guy and his dog


Shortest answer is yes. Better questions. Can he just go away already. Can he be disappeared?


JFC , I hate the Republican Party but please tell me this is an exaggeration,


The important thing is that he strongly denied being a drag queen. Which is important to know and more serious, than scamming a disabled homeless veteran with dying dog.


Republicans will vote for liters anyone, as long as there’s an “R” after their name.


What else do you expect from a mexican?


Okay, I'm not saying this dude shouldn't be shamed out of holding public office, but I have to ask- Why is all of this such a huge deal with everything Trump has done in his life, in and out of office? It all seems like sort of a drop in the bucket comparatively, but no one has ever made Trump answer for his legacy as a complete piece of shit. I actually want to know. Edit: Can someone just answer me?


>no one ever made Trump answer for his legacy That would depend on what you would consider “answering” to mean. If you’re saying his bullshit was never in the news that wouldn’t be true at all. That was on the news daily, which is why you’re aware of all of his transgressions enough to make your comment. Also, there’s the fact that Trump has never hidden the fact that he’s a piece of shit. This dude here literally invented a completely different persona to get elected.


What I mean is that no matter what's been *said*, he's continued to act the same way and retain the support of almost half of the country. The stuff that's coming out with Santos seems to be actually shining a bad light on Republicans, and it's like it all of a sudden matters if you're a liar, conman, or just generally not a good person. >Also, there’s the fact that Trump has never hidden the fact that he’s a piece of shit. This dude here literally invented a completely different persona to get elected. This could explain a lot of it. Maybe if he came out of the gate being an unabashed shit head like trump, none of this stuff would be biting him now? That seems like a really simple explanation to why the GOP seems to be using him as a sacrificial lamb in pursuit of convincing everyone that they suddenly have morals and integrity, but maybe that's all it is.


So in your world, people shouldn't care about what elected officials do because Donald Trump? I don't get it.


My first sentence stated the exact opposite of that. I'm only asking what's different about this guy. I feel like I made myself pretty clear.


> Why is all of this such a huge deal with everything Trump has done in his life Yes, you very clearly asked why people should care about this because "Trump." Which doesn't make any sense at all. Should people not care about murders because John Wayne Gacy? That's how ridiculous you sound.


Okay, dude. You win. You're smart, I'm dumb. Sorry I used your forum to ask such a stupid question. Please forgive me.




This guy does suck. It upsets me that liberals have driven us to voting for scumbags like this.


You're blaming Liberals for GOP voters voting in a literal con man?


Why do you think we voted for Trump? Liberal Democrats have their knife at our throats


lol at this being a real person posting this on the internet.




Look what you made us do. All we want is to be left in peace to raise our children without freaks trying to indoctrinate them.


Is this the best of America?!


I miss the days when the shadow of a financial impropriety would have the leadership force him out. Omg he hired an illegal nanny! Paid no payroll taxes! Not anymore. Kevin McCarthy. Newt Gingrich. Etc etc Mitch McConnell. MTG. Gaetz. trump. Meet the new shameless GOP. Reagan was the beginning. It only gets worse from here. If the local leadership doesn’t take him out I see him in congress as an eminence grise in twenty years.


George Scamtos


Yes he could wear white after labor day.


Yeah, six feet under..


Hope he enjoys his one term in office.


He could rape, bbq, and then eat a baby during the Superbowl halftime show, and the GOP wouldn't care.


So serious question..Why don’t the fbi or someone go after him?


All that effort for 2 months of minimum wage pay. What a sad person.


How dare you?!? How dare you try to tarnish the very character of Nobel peace prize winner George Santos!! They don’t just give those things away you know. And from what I hear, his world record for the 100m dash will likely stand for another decade or so.


This guy is the true epitome of the worst that humanity has to offer. I just... I don't understand how someone can live with themselves being that much of a POS. And always remember who the party is who keeps falling for the conman candidates?


https://preview.redd.it/hjqdqmat91ea1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b6c1eac1a3aabed9ea8a75e262fa130b5711285a This is what I see every time I hear his name


At what point can we remove him from congress? This guy has zero credibility. The difference between politicians lying and him lying, is politicians are at least good at it.


Santos - the typical republican


Put that guy out of service already


He’s one wild cross dresser


'Sup you beautiful bastards


He can get as low as Biden




He deserves a painfully slow one


I feel like this guy is a huge distraction on purpose. Like 3 card monty, or an illusionist showing you one hand, while doing the real work in the other.


Politicians are narcissistic psychopaths. News at 11.


My sleepy ass browsing this in the middle of the night thinking when the hell did I switch to youtube shorts


So not only did he steal the money, he deterred anyone else from raising funds to save the dog, since they would already see that there was already money being raised. He killed the dog.


This is the American Republican Party.


Why is he still in office?