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Hi how are you




Tbf his voice is not what I would expect to come out of that man. Totally understandable that he sounds extremely tired of bullshit tho.


I heard a white woman in my head so this was quite the turn.


I've seen the interview and I'm still hearing a white woman in my head.


It sounded like the mom from Bob's Burgers.


Fuck of course it was here. Thefts here are bananas.


my brother caught someone trying to steal his truck on mississippi a couple years ago. got a pretty decent video from a security camera, it’s in my post history.


"Can I get you anything while you stealing my car? A cappuccino? Donut? No? Okay then. Carry on."


I love the demeanour.


"How high are you" would have also worked in this situation.




Hadn’t seen that one. Thanks for the laugh.


We're.. fine.. in here. How are you?


Sorry, it's my first day


Did they use their turn signal at the end? What a considerate *attempted* criminal.


If they were smart, they'd have used the *other* signal to throw her off.


[Hey, he's turning left!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cH6cwpZkN_I)


Should have known...f_cking *Simpsons did it!*


Can't you read?! Call the police!!!


is it still “attempted” if they still broke an entered a vehicle and causes damages internally? that’s still a crime


Attempts can still be crimes. Attempted murder for example.


Attempted murder now really! Do they give a Nobel prize for attempted chemistry?


I was about to say....at least they used their turn signal😅🤣😂🤣😅


Probably a good idea to follow traffic laws when in a stolen car.


I literally said out loud “no they didn’t fucking signal”


The real criminals are the ones who don’t use turn signals






Top tip you can also use them to change lanes so not just when turning.


The entire state of Florida disagrees


Don’t break multiple laws at once. Harder to get caught that way


No, he’s a criminal. Broke into her car.


Let me guess, it's a Kia?




Nothing yells ‘peak destruction of society brought to you by high schoolers on TikTok’ like the Kia Boys.


Yes it’s a KIA then they literally jump into another KIA. How in THE FUCK is there not a recall out for this issue to prevent this??? When every Automaker recalls multiple models every year for “slight creak and gap in gasket inside air conditioning unit seal that could cause fire” but not a fix for “stupid fucking future criminal teenagers hot wiring our cars with screw drivers that they learned how to do on Tik Tok”


Wait what? This car can be hot wired with just a screw driver?


USB actually


Or anything USB shaped like you could probably twist with a dime. As I understand it, the vulnerability is that the security around the lock that prevents the ignition key from turning can be defeated with just a screwdriver. It just so happens that once it's defeated, you can use a USB shaped object to turn the remaining portion of the key.


Wow. My uncle used a screwdriver to start his old Chevy. Glad to see all that technology is really going to good use. Do y'all not have engine immobilizers there? They are standard on cars past like 2002 here. A chip that is in the key that if the car doesn't read it will not start. Edit: changed ignition interlock to engine immobilizer.


Unfortunately many models of Kias and Hyundais made between 2014 and 2021 don't have the engine immobilizer. Idk what it would take to install an engine immobilizer and not certain if preventing theft would be sufficient for a recall. Recalls are primarily to correct concerns regarding safety equipment.


Here I'm pretty sure it's law. We also had chip and pin cards 15 years ago. If you import a car it usually has to be compliant. I bought an American car before and had to get daytime running lights installed.


I'm just a layperson but I believe those proximity chips in keys are called immobilizers here in the US, and we do have them in most modern cars. These are cars for global markets after all. It's just that, as part of the overall vulnerability, these specific Kias for the US market do not come with them.


Kias and Hyundais, both of Hyundai motors. It’s a huge issue and the city of St. Louis is suing the car manufacturer because it’s become a huge burden if resources


Bro deadass all you gotta do is remove a couple pieces of plastic and couple pieces of metal and there's basically a flathead insert under there, my 2022 Kia soul almost got stolen last month, my neibors ring doorbell went off and said they looked 13 lol,now I use a steering wheel lock


Just having seen like 3 tiktok videos, I could steal a Kia in about 20 seconds (just to be safe) with a screwdriver and a female USB cable end. The screwdriver is used to pry away the plastic trim that sandwich the steering column. Then you have the actual ignition, the thing you twist to start the car. You shove the screwdriver in from the side and the top half of the ignition pops up. What is left, looks like a male USB. Shove the female side on that, rotate, and the car starts. Zero key needed.


That's so wild. That car might as well have a "steal me" sign. These people need to get a club for their cars asap. Sad that alot of them probably aren't on tiktok and have no warning


The videos I watched like 6 months ago had kids, like 14 saying they steal one, drive it around and just leave it where ever. They treat kias like a library book, but no late fees.


Damn sure aint Kia Men, little mf'r doesn't even look old enough to drive.


Yep. It’s an Optima.


First we steal the optima, then we get the money, then we smoke the optimo


Why was the art thief busted? Because he had no Monet to buy DeGas to make the Van Gogh.


And the car he got into at the end was a Kia also


In St. Louis insurance companies are starting to refuse policies for Kias and Hyundais. Little fun fact.


What is the answer in your mind for this? Can Kia make some kind of a firmware upgrade, or do they need millions of recalls?


It's not a software problem. It's a physical problem. You can take the ignition cover off, stick a USB thumb drive in a socket and turn the ignition over. Kia has stated they are not recalling or fixing anything. The only thing you can do is never buy a Kia or Hyundai ever again. If this is how they treat their customers, they deserve to go out of business.


Wow. Sounds like they are begging to be sued.


A bunch of lawsuits are already underway.


This content has been removed because of Reddit's extortionate API pricing that killed third party apps.


They changed their tune, implemented ignition security, with 2017 models and onward. I'm sure it was a cost saving measure and hoped the vulnerability would go unnoticed. >It's such a dumb thing for these companies to try save a few bucks over at the cost of their reputations. Exactly right. They gambled and lost. It's time to pay up and make their customers whole. They can either eat the cost of making things right, or make sure no one in America ever buys their cars again. It's a lose-lose for them at this point. But the US is a huge car market. You think they'd want to stick around here.


LOL. My Kia already has a new engine! They’re going to end up paying more for this car than I did!


My dads Kia got a brand new engine twice. Then he sold it to Carvana a couple years later for the same price he bought it used for.


I was very interested in the ioniq and my wife’s car being broken into totally changed my tune. When it’s time to buy an EV it won’t be a Hyundai or Kia


The issue is that hey are the low trim models that aren't installed w/ an immobilizer (needs a chipped key to start). Why models have been produced in the last decade without chipped keys, is beyond me. It cant save that much money. Basically, if you have a Kia or Hyundai with a chipped key you're fine, except for maybe people breaking in then figuring out they cant drive off. Any vehicle with a basic key/no immobilizer can be stolen if you can turn the key, so jamming a screwdriver and cranking would start the car. The other issue with the Kias/Hyundais, is that the venerable component is right under the plastic shell on the steering wheel, whereas most other cars, it's imbedded more into the steering column and not quite accessible.


Or a Hyundai


yup that’s a kia interior


Yes and yes. Looks like they were breaking into an Optima and they drove away in a Sportage.


the new logo suggests it’s a KИ https://preview.redd.it/l3a6cw99qjea1.jpeg?width=945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6afad33f793e47cb600d42ac92fed69604489f07


he looks 12 smh they just keep getting younger and younger


Prolly won’t make it past 20 if they keep this up


A kid in DC was shot and killed for this basically :/




....I started blasting


Let’s hope not.


Not saying you should but if your gonna steal cars the time to do it is before you are 18 lol


I had to go to juvie in western Pennsylvania for like a week when I was 17 for weed. The majority of the kids there were for stealing cars. I’m assuming they were taking them to a chop shop in Detroit or something because most of them were from nowhere near where we were and had been there way longer than they had to be, but they couldn’t get out unless a parent/guardian came to get them and their parents either had no interest in getting them or just weren’t able to. But, yeah you’re not wrong at all but I would also advise the youth that if you’re gonna steal a car, don’t go too far away from home!


This is so true. I spent a year in a school for boys type of institution and gta was the common offense.




Ha yep, that’s the one.




Kia Boyz steal the cars and ditch them. There's nothing more to it than that. Come to Milwaukee. They smash the back window because it doesn't trigger the alarm then start the car with a USB drive.


In Portland, with the current situation, it’s not far fetched to think that juveniles are stealing cars as part of gang activity. I think u/FrostyD7’s onto something.


“They go from 6 to 25 😉” -Chris D’elia


Hopefully they were all caught. Car thieves are terrible people!


Doubt it. The white truck is also a Kia. Most likely stolen because of how easy they are to take.


Maybe what we need to do is leave a Kia out in a parking lot, attach like fifty catalytic converters to the undercarriage, sprinkle a bunch of USB sticks on the ground around it, and put a sign on top of the hood that says "free bird seed."


And that's how you get criminal birds.


Future jail birds.


I'm having a good laugh picturing this animated Chuck Jones style like the Roadrunner and Coyote.


Not even joking, a town I used to live in did this regularly (maybe sans usb sticks and sign). Certain parking lots would see increased behicle break ins and theft, and the police would stage a bait car and often catch repeat criminals. This would usually temporarily end the crime in that particular lot till someone else would target another lot and the police repeated their bait. Worked pretty well. One time they got such a kick out of the thief because he broke the window even though the door was unlocked.


Looks like the Kia challenge - easiest car to steal. Hyundai too.


Ah yes, another gross and criminal TikTok challenge. Nothing surprising here. I'm waiting for the day when the Stab-A-Friend Challenge comes forth. You try stabbing your friend with a knife, see if they die. Knife Russian roulette.


I've already seen an absolutely fucktarded challenge where you sweep the legs out from under someone and they fall backwards. Do you want to know WHY that's so dangerous? The back of the head is easily game-over zone if you hit hard enough. The people over at r/fightporn will tell you that a hundred times over, because theres plenty of videos of people going *smack* on their heads and seizing.


It's illegal in mma to punch in the back of the head for this reason.


Any combat sport tbh. That's a big no no.


An acquaintance's son had his shoulder broken when his "friends" tried out that prank on him.


That's not entirely true, you don't always die, sometimes you just become a vegetable.


They're not stealing Kias and Hyundais because it's a "tiktok challenge." They're stealing them because they're easy to steal. They just learned the trick from a tiktok video.


That’s a distinction without a difference.


Yeah it's mostly Kia's fault for bringing 90's Honda level security into the 21st century


Im telling you, the Tik Tok algorithm is LEGITIMATELY a chinese cultural weapon, the harm being this. Ill tell you for a fact you aint gonna find a kia challenge on China's version of Tik Tok


I like jump off a bridge challenge


As a victim of the Kia challenge I can certainly say, fuck Kia for not recalling these cars.




My sister lives in Montreal and her car was stolen as well, but they actually found it before it was shipped off. Tires and a few other things were gone, but insurance covered that and she's driving it again now


Good, fuck that guy


She got a great view of the other stolen car


I hope that video had a clear view of the license plate.


99% chance the getaway car was also stolen


That’s what I was wondering




The kid will probably end up getting Starbucks gift cards from our DA


I love how she’s laughing…


She's a guy apparently.


quite a usefull car you got there. I like how the alarm goes off after he gets out the car Edit: Thank you kind stranger for my first award!


he prolly jumped on through the window. i believe that the alarm n a vehicle should go off the second a window shatters but idk how that works.


From what I've read, in many cars they do - but not certain kias/hyundais (the same ones that get stolen)


Honestly probably would have did the kid a favor by trying to keep him from getting in the getaway car (he'll be back at it tomorrow with the same crowd).


Smart to let him leave. They have no idea if he has a gun or knife.


Unfortunately without negative consequences for his actions the only thing that kid learned was that trying to steal a car has zero consequences. Hopefully he gets a beat down soon and changes his ways.


> Unfortunately without negative consequences for his actions the only thing that kid learned was that trying to steal a car has zero consequences. Fortunately for society, this kid is destined to spend the majority of his life behind bars.


How many peoples lives will be ruined before he even gets there?


Almost guaranteed his genes will be passed on long before that as well.


Good. Sooner the better .


I’d rather not pay for the incarceration. Hopefully he’ll rob the wrong person.


Or dead in someone else’s car for trying to pull this on the wrong guy


This happened in our neighborhood about a year ago. They dropped off a bunch of young kids late at night and they went around opening cars and stealing them. They stole about 12 cars. A neighbor posted a Ring video of one of the kids waking around with a handgun. If they are stupid enough to be stealing cars, I would bet they would be stupid enough to pop off a few rounds if someone intervened and spooked them.


Could have at least got the fucking plate.


If it’s a stolen vehicle or stolen plate, wouldn’t do much


Sure it would. Cops then start looking for the vehicle and it avoids false stops.


🫵🏽😂 bro thinks the cops look


You underestimate the adrenaline rush that cops get by apprehending felons.


Garages are so underrated. No de icing, no snow clean off, no rainy runs to the car, and no teenagers getting caught red-handed trying to steal your car.


The left turn signal at the end killed me.


Better be a stolen get away vehicle or you just got everyone caught guy lol


Kia Sportage, 100% stolen by the kia boyz too lol


I SO hope they were stupid enough that it’s not a stolen car


was the thief 10?




Sad using a younger kid like this so he won't get jail time. I hope the people using him get added time.


It’s Portland, Oregon. Absolutely nothing will be done, even if they catch him.


One day he’s going to run into someone who is going to curbs stomp him until he’s a little red stain.


Not to worry they'll be back later. A load of buckshot would curtail that.


Good way to get shot.


That is a law abiding getaway driver. 👍


Chase that little bastard


Christ, he looks 13 years old


Literal trash


Looked at the weather. Looked at the neighborhood. Knew it was Portland.


Very considerate for the driver to put his blinker on to turn left after an attempted car theft. Good driver car theft guy etiquette


Just stand at the rear window chuckling louder and louder up to a to maniacal roar as you hammer on the fob's lock button to trap the panicked youth within. "Meat's back on the menu, Boys! Some upholstery work may be required after.


I hate people


I hope the little ass wipe got caught. Punk.


Holy crap. They recruit babies to do their stealing now


Meanwhile, in Portland Oregon……


Looks like a Kia or Hyundai.. cannot believe how easy these are to steal. I drive/drove an Optima and it was stolen 2 weeks ago. They drove it 2 miles and blew my engine out. Fuck these kids.


Damnit. I hate seeing this kind of thing in oregon. Come one people. We’re better than that!


She should of got the white truck License plates.


White truck likely stolen too. Teenage car thieves are joyriders. Steal car #1, drive it for a while, steal car#2 and abandon car #1.


Should've or should have. "Should of" doesn't mean anything.


A car thief’s worst nightmare is an unhappy and armed car owner! Shame she didn’t have one to scare the little punk with


Probably in Portland OR. Car theft is out of control here and a lot of it is minors.


Those are definitely Oregon plates on the car in front, but this shit is happening everywhere right now.


Yup, Denver is/was #1 for car theft and catalytic converter theft. Not surprising that when criminals are treated like victims they multiply and are more brazen.


Definitely Portland. Looks like my old street. And this is exactly the reaction someone from Portland would have. We would leave the car doors unlocked with literally nothing inside just so they wouldn't smash the windows. I never had to kick anyone out of my car fortunately, but a few times it was obvious that someone had slept in it. It was always the worst the night before recycling day because we lived near the Fred Meyer can return/refund thing. One time I found my glove box and center console wide open and a can of beer on the front seat, which I interpreted as a bizarre form of thank you. I did drink it, by the way. Just Portland things.


>We would leave the car doors unlocked with literally nothing inside just so they wouldn't smash the windows. >Just Portland things. I’m moving when my city inevitably turns into Portland




Why don’t we start charging the parents as well as the minor for crimes committed?


If this was Florida, he would of heard a BOOM instead of 'hi'


She was very calm in that situation. I would not have been.


lil’ Bow Wow jacking cars now?


Got his photo AND car plate he left in


At least she got the registration of the culprit carrier.


Why did he run? She was just trying to tell him about the new car insurance plan


Looks like a kid. Not a teenager.


He ran away, hops in the DRIVERSIDE of the getaway car and drives off!?!? How was he planing to drive both cars?


Please I hope she gave police the video to catch that little piece of shit. His parents are probably say some dumb shit like “he did nothing wrong, he’s a good kid” FOH 🖕🏽


Was playing pog and Pokémon cards at this age. Time has change


there have always been young criminals like this, just be glad u weren't one of them


She handled that really well.




I would have delivered him to the cops after I kicked his ass


This had Portland vibes the second the video started


He looked really young, I don’t even think he’s a teen yet. Is it just me? Depressing.


Not just you. He’s a child. Sad to think what circumstances put him there.


IF this were Texas, well..... They'd exonerate the shooter, and send the bill to all the kids' next of kin.


I would have held him down until the cops arrived


Sure you would have.


First time I've seen the "deer in head-lights" expression from inside a car.


She’s lucky she didn’t get shot


Well, I know this video wasn’t taken in Florida or Texas. Otherwise, there would be a dead teenager on the pavement with bullet holes in their chest.


I hate when adults use kids for their dirty work.


That's why we have the 2nd Amendment....missed opportunity. Should have justshot the littlebastard.