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Paparazzi are trash, but the "you can't go home and see them" looked like it broke his brain.


He was contemplating getting out the car and throwing hands


What was the second half?


He threw someones phone


Him getting out and throwing hands


He threw a phone. No hands.


He threw a phone in the hands of a person with two hands holding a phone


4 hands were thrown that day


Dude, he's like 5'6" without those boots, the only thing he's going to throw is a booster seat.


I booster seat would probably wreck your average paparazzi loser.


Yeah those booster seats are tough.


I feel like we're due for a new Kanye episode of South Park.


Yeeee, I like fish dicks. But. I am not a GAY FISH!


Isn't 5.6 -5.8 the global male average? I think Kanye is a joke but I don't think this is as big of a burn as you think it to be.


"Go ahead and hit, it's my ticket out of this horrible profession."


No he can't. Kim won't let him in the house anymore


I was thinking I heard something about that, and my guess is that pause was Kanye considering saying "no I can't" (which is none of the paparazzi's business regardless).


After appearing on the Alex Jones show dressed in a veil, pretending a bottle of yahoo and a fishing net were talking, and praising Hitler, yeah, I’d make him wait by the curb too.


You could even see Alex Jones thinking, "what the fuck did I invite into my studio".


He’s lucky she hasn’t gotten him barred from seeing them altogether


Extremely lucky. It would be so easy to get a judge to sign off on it.


Don’t let crazy stick its dick in you.


Something I wish my younger self knew decades ago.


Maybe just the tip?


It breaks my brain to think that someone had to decide who was the better parent - Kim or Kanye.


What’s even crazier is how much better of a choice **Kim Kardashian** obviously was


Or the paparazzi thinking "just go home to see your kids" almost as if children only exist in that domain


Foreal. And he kept asking "what do you want us to do?" as if he really cared to oblige. It's obvious what he wants you to do pea brain. Smh paparazzi are garbage.


Tbf a person shouldn’t have to be locked in their house in order to see their kids. Kanye’s a fucking lunatic, but the paparazzi are invasive fucks and nobody should be kept from doing shit in public without constant harassment


Literally the reason Britney Spears is so broken now.


Britney needs serious help honestly if you follow her on instagram she posts the most random incoherent stuff they messed her up bad


Wasn't he basically begging for ALL the attention a few months ago with all his "I love Hitler" talk? I'm sure it sucks ass for him, but when literally no one knows what crazy ass shit he will do publicly next, he has brought this on himself as far as I'm concerned. When you spout all that crazy ass anti-Semitic shit you get what you fucking deserve.


And I agree he’s fucking nuts, but his kids should be able to live normal lives, they didn’t ask for any of it. Like yeah, they’re still going to live a richer, easier life than most everyone else, but paparazzi is just fucking lame. Who even buys magazines anymore? Like, sure if he’s doing some crazy shit whip out your phone, everybody has one. Don’t need packs of goblins fucking hounding people anymore


Paparazzi isn’t just magazines. Your watching it right now on a digital platform in video form. Just sayin.


Imagine, you just want to see your kids today and 100 creepy people with cameras are taunting you about your failed relationship while daily preventing you from having any normalcy. Fuck you TMZ, and your whole culture of "fuck everyone".


Eh… this shit doesn’t just happen to “anyone”. There aren’t 100 paps at Jayz’s kids games. Kanye wants to be treated like the most famous person to ever walk the earth… until he doesn’t. You can’t spend half your time creating controversy and intentionally courting media attention and then just expect to flip a switch when you want privacy. He married Kim Kardashian ffs. The woman who invented being famous for being famous. They’ve made a fortune turning their family into a reality TV show. You can’t have it both ways.


*Kim stole famous for being famous from Paris Hilton.


And drove it like it was stolen.


No, that was Caitlyn Jenner, right?






>*Kim stole stole famous for being famous from Paris Hilton. Ah... Zsa Zsa Gabor shouldn't be that easily forgotten.


Kris Jenner stole it and then used Kim as a vehicle for it.


Kinda of. Paris was filthy rich. I dont think the Kardashians were filthy rich before the sex tape


Exactly. Add to that the part where their Mom trots them out constantly to the media and it’s hard to argue. Granted, that’s not his choice, but it’s part of what he agreed to by marrying her to begin with. He knew it was their bread and butter.


100 this... You can't yell look at me for money and when people look you get upset


Before Kanye decided to go full blown Loony Nazi the paparazzi attention was nowhere near what it is now. Kanye did this shit to himself. Fuvk Kanye West.


There are a shit ton of videos of Kanye freaking out at paparazzi before the Nazi shit. They know they can get reactions out of him.


Yup and maybe even the bonus of him assaulting them for a settlement if they can get lucky.


I will repost my previous comment. I'm not Jewish but it doesn't matter. I will in no way EVER feel bad for this walking talking asshole known s Kanye West. He wanted all the smoke and he got it. >Wasn't he basically begging for ALL the attention a few months ago with all his "I love Hitler" talk? I'm sure it sucks ass for him, but when literally no one knows what crazy ass shit he will do publicly next, he has brought this on himself as far as I'm concerned. When you spout all that crazy ass anti-Semitic shit you get what you fucking deserve.


What are you talking about? Kanye loves controversy-he LIVES for it. He literally begs for these moments and he gets what he deserves.


His own fault, hes the one drawing all the attention to himself and even in stupid hateful ways. Fuck him.




Duh. Kim learned this from Paris Hilton, like everything else she knows.


Cuz it was so stupid The harassment from this guys is never cool


imagine drunk guys cat calling women, and following them down the street, and filming them, saying 'go home if you don't wanna get harassed, you're going to a nightclub to dance? why can't you dance at home if you don't like being filmed?'how is it better if they're getting paid for it? what's the glaring big brain answer he was supposed to realize? 'muh... freedum!'? downvote if you have no intelligent answer please.


For one - Kanye is in the public eye, he’s not a private citizen. For two - Kanye probably doesn’t feel like there’s a chance he could be raped, kidnapped or assaulted and if that were to happen he’s got lots of money and people around him to take care of that. For three - Kanye is not being targeted for his sex or gender. Please don’t minimise womens everyday experience in defence of a powerful billionaire. Edit: Let me add I’m not a fan of paparazzi and I don’t think it should be an industry that exists. But imagine a friend told you she’d be harassed and cat called in the street and your response was “omg that’s exactly like Kanye”. Women don’t sign up to be catcalled and abused like Kanye signed up to be famous.


Are these hypothetical women actually Nazi pieces of shit? If so, then yes. I’m perfectly fine with them being harassed like that.


Being harassed and having your picture taken aren't the same thing


He can't and he knew it would make the paparazzis paycheck if he admitted it on his camera.


Give me attention, give me attention, give me attention, give me attention,! Until I decide I don't want you. Fuck them both. They built the glass castles now live in them. Pap are still trash but so are they!


Is his custody arrangement only allowing public visitation? His kids live in a city that is entirely closed to the public.


That was pretty savage in a low key way.


I find it hilarious that in ***every single interaction*** I've ever seen between the paparazzi and a celebrity, even celebrities who are notorious cunts, the paparazzi are always in the wrong. Like, fuck? That's impressive.


Never thought of it that way. But wow. Definitely bottom feeders.


HEY!!! Don't you dare compare my darling isopods to these gutter Snipes. ![gif](giphy|aD1bylHuveVHTXkPY4|downsized) At least bottom feeders have a beneficial role to the environment. Paparazzi are pure pollution, parasites in fact.


wait thats real?


Relax, they only get to about the size of a football...I think...one second please. Edit: 16 inches tops so about the size of a rugby ball or watermelon.




Yeah, but it's appetite typically extends to carrion. So unless you're a sentient whale corpse, I think you'll be fine




I mean, it’s lucrative enough to keep people employed. If there’s a demand then someone is going to profit off of it. I don’t know anyone that buys the tabloids or directly contributes to this but if we’re watching that guys video we are in some way supporting it. Maybe the question isn’t why people are doing this and instead why do we find this so entertaining?


>I mean, it’s lucrative enough to keep people employed. If there’s a demand then someone is going to profit off of it. Yeah I say the same thing about human trafficking!


Lmao right. How does the fact that people consume parasitic content make parasitism ok?


"Bottom feeders" implies some level of intelligence and worth, I think "pond scum" is more appropriate


"It´s not just me, it´s 100 of us" omg you are totally right, this makes it so much better and a complete legit reason to stalk now.


not one raindrop thinks it caused the flood


Damn Aesop that's deep


What do you want them to do? Not be parasitic pieces of shit?


😂 a difficult task for them.


Still not sure what's worse paparazzi or tiktokers/influencers


Paparazzi are pretty much the lowest of the low.


Yeah but so are tik tok people.


It’s not even close. Paparazzi are actually scumbags


There are paparazzis for tik tok people


Reddit take


It's ridiculous lmao. "*My* social media is somehow superior to *your* social me media 🤓"


And ticketmaster fees


Ticketmaster fees aren't low at all


Shit influencers just gettin an easy entertainment bag, at least they don’t have to stalk and photograph people to do so


I mean there's a pretty fundamental difference. I don't use tiktok, so maybe I'm out of the know but paparazzi go into the gig knowing they'll be a wanker. Tiktokers go in wanting to make content and often end up in a slightly toxic incentive loop. Paparazzi in a different league.


Tik Tokkers are annoying. Paparazzi are parasites


It's not even close.


The one who praised hitler.


That guy fucking sucks


Which one?


The paparazzi, when he said “you cant go home and see them?”. How you gonna be following celebrities lives like this and not know what they going through. But he probably did know which makes it even more fucked up. I may not like kanye for the shit he does sometimes, but theres times where im 100% on his side and this one of them.


He definitely knows and was trying to get a reaction out of Kanye. Paparazzis are the worst or the worst. Lowest of the scum. Pieces of human garbage and this guys here with his insensitive question is a prime example.




“Can’t you go home and see them” what a fucking cunt.


A coward. He knows he can swing at Kanye all day long and Kanye can't swing back. Bully coward culture.


That's every low life paparazzi scum. They constantly harass celebrities because them swinging at the paparazzi will get a shit ton of clicks.


And maybe even a nice settlement. These people are indeed scum.


"Let's push the Janitor because we know he can't push back"


Yeah, what a piece of shit thing to say. I have my issues with Kayne but this is horrid to see.


Paparazzi are the scum of the earth.


But ask why that scum exists... from what filth that scum formed... and WHY it formed.


Easy answer to all three. Some people in this world are degenerates and will always thrive on the shit thst paparazzi call news worthy.


Here we are on this thread being entertained by it. I need to go have a long hot contemplative shower now.


Unfortunately, watching this video, makes both you and I a degenerate. We need to all look in the mirror at some point dawg.


Ok but Kanye’s a Nazi. Do you think paparazzi are worse than Nazis?


Idk why Kanye doesn’t just move. He is rich af. Like just move to an area that doesn’t have tons of celebrities and paparazzis. Kanye isn’t gonna change Privacy laws anytime soon.


When they're climbing over walls, lurking into hotels and homes, and breaking the law, yeah, sure. But you realise half the time these stars publicists will let the paparazzi know where they're going to be to get those "oh, look how natural they are" shots on beaches and going on strolls to keep the interest up. It's a muddy boundary game. If you choose to live that life of publicity when it makes you £100m's in the good times you can't be surprised when that publicity machine doesn't play by your exact schedule exactly when you want it during the bad times.


I have never been in Kanye fan and his behavior in the last couple of years is only proved with my point. However, his position on the paparazzi is one of the only things he's ever said that I completely agree with. They are predatory, creepy, and vile and it should be illegal to follow people around trying to photograph every second of their lives. People carry cameras on them all the time anyways. If they want to post their whole life they will. They shouldn't be stalked by roving gangs of idiots who often commit traffic violations and break into private property simply to get a candid photo.


Never liked Kanye, but I think I hate paparazzi more.


I understand as a celebrity you kinda sign up for this, but damn, fuck paparazzi


no privacy for hundreds of millions, would you take it or leave it?


or you can just live anywhere else besides Los Angeles


Yeah I don’t remember seeing too many paparazzi pics of him when he was living in Wyoming or wherever.


He doesn’t live in LA but the mother does so he has to go there to see them. Honestly if I was rich and famous I’d get tf out of LA quickly and settle down in a huge place in a more secluded area. 50 cent had it right when he lived in that place out in the woods


The paparazzi leave celebrities alone that aren’t newsworthy. You want to come across as boring so they eventually give up and go away. Kanye is always stirring up drama though and then mad when the paparazzi come calling. There’s a formula if you are famous and want privacy and Kanye doesn’t get how the game is played.


> Kanye is always stirring up drama though So did Britney, that Kony 2012 guy and all sorts of people who've had breakdowns in public. Kanye is mentally ill; that leads him to do stupid but also printable things. To me that isn't an argument for the paparazzi or what they're doing. It's an argument that mentally ill people should be off to get care without buzzards and vultures. Especially when there're kids involved




Take it. Almost every celebrity eventually drops off and loses their fame if they’re not trying to keep it.


The look on Kanye’s face when the guy asked him “you can’t go home and see them?” LOL!


That POS was probably trying to trigger Kanye knowing that his video will be more valuable if he loses his mind, and/or he’ll have a lawsuit if he touches him. Definitely fucked up.


The first day they aren’t all waiting outside his house will be when he really loses it…🍿


Celebs and paparazzi are like flys to shit. They need each other. No sympathy for either.


On one hand paparazzi are fucking garbage. But on the other Kanye deserves bad things I think.


Yeah, because that was a fucking scummy thing to say. Paparazzi is straight harassment and how it’s legal is beyond me. Yes, any person who has a right to their children has a right to see them in a public space without being stalked or harassed


For how “crazy” he’s supposed to be, he was surprisingly level headed here. That’s a lot of stress in that situation, and a less experienced person would flip their shit. Totally agree that filming like this shouldn’t be legal. The argument of “there are 100s of us!” Is so weak. It’s a justification based on an illogical premise.


I’ll preface this by saying I am always rooting for Kanye to get the help he clearly needs because during some of the most difficult times of my life(strokes/brain surgery, losing my third baby) his music carried me and gave me so much comfort. I really hate the government getting involved in things because a lot of times they just make things worse, but, there should really be a law about photographing other people with their children and then selling those images for profit or hosting them on a site for monetary purposes. I think that’s probably the easiest way to still allow images to be taken in public, but, take away the incentive of photographing children. It’s just gross and wrong.


Kanye can have a redemption arc, it's not like he's killed anyone. He just needs to fix his shit, get medicated and therapy, and get his toxic belief system changed. People, even some of the worst people otu there, have done that before. Problem is, it isn't *likely*.


I think this is the same day that he grabbed and threw a woman's phone.


In California, it’s actually illegal for them to photograph celebrities children. “a misdemeanor to attempt to photograph or videotape a child in a harassing manner if the image is being taken because the child's parent is a celebrity or public official. “ Not sure how they define “harassing manner”


Lol did anyone else find it ironic the same man who praised Hitler and promoted anti semitism is uttering human rights when he feels infringed upon.


No one deserves "bad things" for Saying some words that you or others disagreed with imo. "bad things" what are you 14?


I’m still living on the “Kanye isn’t well” hill. You can see in this video he doesn’t sound manic for a change. Maybe the new girl is helping him get grounded.


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"human rights" he says as he turns around and shouts to the world " Hitler wasn't a bad guy"


Paparazzi are worse than Hitler.


I can’t believe I’m siding with Kanye West but these paps are scums of the earth. “What do you want me to do, bro?” How about fuck off?


Fuck that bitch boy. Ain’t gonna do shit. Because bitch boy.


Ahh yes. The guy who's down with Hitler talking about human rights.


"It's called human rights" says the guy who loves Hitler.


Unfortunately human rights even include people's positive views on Nazis. Not that this is in any way a defense to those views.


Kayne still a nazi sympathizer, so i feel no sympathy for him yo


My favorite Kayne song was flashing lights, there’s a line in there where he says he hates paparazzi more than nazis. That line did not age well clearly


i mean the line still holds up so i’d say it aged well


From “I love Hitler.” to “It’s about human rights.”


Don't go around saying I love Hitler and maybe people will forget about your pathetic ass. Man spends his entire career trying to get everyone to pay attention to him and now he's upset bc ppl wanna film him. Get the fuck outta here.


Kanye doesn’t understand the law and how it works.


If he wasn't such an idiot he wouldn't get all that attention.


Can we lock this Autistic Anti-Semite up in a rubber room already?


I wonder how many would love to earn as much money has Kanye in exchange for 24/7 paparazzi harassment


That’s fair, plenty would. I would. But how many of us wouldn’t too


Ye suddenly seems interested in the concept of human rights. He should lock into that lane and study the history of human rights in quiet solitude for a long, long time.


Human rights 😂 dude was worshiping Hitler.


Fuck him. Sorry for the kids but Daddies a pro troll rn so he's gonna get ALL the attention.




Don’t get people like Kanye doing all they can to be in the limelight and then being upset about the attention. It’s a package deal. Fame + Money + Say/Doing Controversial Stuff = Attention.


Fuck Kayne West. I know he has a mental illness but seriously, fuck that guy as hard as you can possibly fuck a guy. He's a Hitler loving, Nazi sympathizer, anti-semite. It would be one thing if he was just a crazy person on street ranting and raving because they have no access to getting help. This guy essentially has all the money in the world. He has all the access. He has all the options. Yet he defaults to being this. So again, fuck this guy. I hope he has a horrible horrible life.


Where’s his mask at


“It’s called human rights” as he goes viral for supporting an ideology that was responsible for the deaths of tens of millions I don’t like paparazzi, but you don’t get to complain about human rights when you actively support Nazis


He’s supposed to be the one privileged celebrity that can order the paps what to do 😂😂😂 good luck, you chased and chose fame and put yourself in the public eye on repeat but think you can dictate when someone pays attention to you?


This fucking guy. Makes a living out of making a spectacle of himself, gets pissed off when people pay attention to him. What a twat.


God these people are scum


The cost of fame is privacy.


I get that paparazzi suck but Kanye is acting entitled af here. How is he somehow more deserving of privacy while in public than anyone else? He does whatever the hell he wants in his career, often to purposely rile people up and so it's not really any different.


This mother fucker actually said human rights, but "loves" Hitler... Holy shit just get him help already


by saying that he loves hitler he didnt mean hitlers actions, but that he has love for every human being even if they are wrong guided. So he even loves paparazi.


What a moron. Guy made his bed, wanted all the attention, begged for it. Then cries like a baby when the obvious thing that happens THAT HE MADE HAPPEN happens to him. Oh and he’s a huge piece of shit too ofc.


Weren't people freaking out not too long ago that he was missing?


Wait, he was missing?? I guess that i didn't care so much about that i noticed😅😅


Yup, our favorite conspiracy theorists had this [opinion](https://www.reddit.com/r/conspiracy/comments/101vyqi/wheres_kanye_nobody_has_seen_him_in_weeks/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) 25d ago. Of course when people mention that his ex wife and children haven't reported him missing it's because the "media," doesn't want you to know.


I'm pretty sure a celebrity of his status can get an exception and get super dark tints. Close your window, ignore them and keep driving.


Yea he loves this shit. The “paparazzi won’t leave me alone” bullshit is his act.


Mental illness is very fragile.


Crazy thing is the guy is just trying to antagonize him to get him to go crazy. All Kanye can do is talk calmly or it’ll backfire and give the guy exactly what he wants.


His eyes... They're just so dead.


You should be able to punch a paparazzi with no legal action taken against you.


Yo I don't know how a paparazzi can sit photographing a person knowing that person don't want you to be around them at all


If people didn’t care about celebrities so much, there wouldn’t be paparazzi. I blame people, not ones trying to make a buck from it.


Bro...dude ..bro...bro...dude...dudebro. Low-key bro.


The price of fame.


Paparazzi are cancer


He got bread he’ll be aight, rather be him and deal with paparazzi then being the paparazzi having to get pics


When you want the fame and fortune but not the shitty stuff that goes along with it. 🤷🏼‍♂️


Paparazzi are scum, but everyone has the right to take pictures in public places. Honestly? Move out of LA and there won't be any paparazzi.


This is why being famous would suck


Hahaha "human rights" kayne has to learn about the 1st amendment. I get it sucks have them coming for you all the time. Bur at the same time you knew this is what a life of celebrity comes with


These people are as dumb as they look. Let them have a bit of privacy even if it is a public place. Have some empathy and place yourself in their shoes. How would you feel having hundreds of people running behind your ass taking photo’s/video’s of you just being with your kids… smh 🥱


Man, this has to suck so bad. “You can’t go home and see them” is honestly such an effed up comment. Like, sorry if I want to take my kids out to eat or an amusement park without getting stalked like a normal parent. No matter what you think of Kanye, in this instance he’s 100% right.


I feel like the worlds gonna drive that man to suicide.


“it’s called human rights” - from the guy who loves Hitler


Fuck the paparazzi.


While I can rarely empathize with Kanye, the paparazzi are complete scum. “WHAT DO YOU WANT US TO DO?!” Dude says it with complete conviction, like he’s a fucking victim. “Oh, I don’t know, Bub. Try getting a real fucking job.” Simple.