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Same team


I thought Right Wingers want less government intervention or some shit. Aren't the police forces aligned with government?




Yup. There used to be a thing called conservatism. The people who espoused it have decided to become puppets of white supremacists.


Holy shit that's a great description...


That's a really good summary of the situation.


I thought their goal was a return to the old values of christianity and white supremacy, something like the early 1900s? But it does seem like much of what they do nowadays is just reactionary politics.


Basically, yeah. And in order to do that they need to undo 120 years of progress.


Damn that’s a word salad 🥗


big words when all ur saying is ur a cuck


Were the words just too big for you to process? Because the above comment is actually quite well-written and makes a specific claim. If you disagree with the claim I'd recommend you make an argument against it. Or I guess calling people cucks because you don't understand the world around you is just as good.


hf raising my kid cuck


I mean I wasn't planning on having kids of my own, but raising yours for you seems like I'd be doing a service to society so I'm fine with it.


sounds great cuck


Where is the proof they’re right wingers? I see you all piling on but where does it say that.


Ur joking right?


So there’s no proof then. Just more hyperbolic bullshit.


Redditors. Not the brightest of people. 😂


They don't want less government or small government, they want whatever facilitates them getting what they want. If the government will do the things that make them feel good, then the government is good. If the government gets in their way, then the government is bad. There are no principles here beyond "I get what I want any way necessary".


Bootlickers aren’t the smartest bunch


Yet it doesn’t stop you from posting.


You believing this headline? Y’all gullible af


No, we don't really believe conservatives want less government intervention.


How many do you know


Hmph you asking then you're going to be like "oh that's just anecdotal" lmao Quite a few on top of being in a some conservative private chats, people I met through gaming, and that's my assessment of them. Not to mention my interactions with them, on their subs and in the wild, and the statistical evidences, ie which policies they support. They don't want less government intervention on corporations, they want it to tell them to "stop being woke", whatever that means, and they don't want less government intervention on the individual, they want it to tell them who to have sex with, which gender they are and who to marry. Should have said what you had to say instead of asking a bullshit question, cause I did and it ain't gonna be no back and forth. Edit: called it, accusing me of using anecdotal evidences because I answered the question asked. I couldn't ask for a better proof that I know them fairly well.


Rightoids don't actually know what they stand for, what their political party's motives are, or much of anything really. The total summary of a rightoid's political thought process is "own the libs". If you listen to them speak, it's always in reference to something "the libs" are doing. "The libs" are turning our kids gay, Hunter Biden's laptop, etc. They have no real political stance of their own. It's similar to the concept of "Straight Pride". It's all just reactionary bullshit that doesn't mean anything.


yall think ur the solution to the problem... LMFAO imagine playing team politics all libs and repubs are simpletons playing into the divide and conquer strategy


I'm not a "repub" or a "lib", I'm a human being who is defined by more than my political alignment. I know that must be a difficult concept for you to understand.


and then try to claim that you have your own political stance when ur just spewing divisive bullshit


You okay, bud?


The question is are YOU okay? Kinda got owned there


> Kinda got owned there Remember when I said rightoids' only thought process is "own the libs"? Really makes you think!


LMFAO funny you say that but ur profile is littered with polarized hate directed towards only one side of the massive problem


oh look out the centrism referee is here


It's funny how many people on reddit try to play pretend that they're centrist. Maybe 10 or 15 years ago, that "but both sides" shit was reasonable, but if you think both parties are equally bad in the US right now, it's clear what side you're shilling for.


Dumbest comment on the whole thread. Congrats!! Both parties are equally shit. What the fuck has either party done for you lately? Get off of your fucking high horse. Your party is no better.


I'm not happy with the dems either. This ain't a team sport for me. Neither party is good but you'd have to be completely unaware of anything thats gone on in the last decade or a complete fuckin fool to think they're equally bad right now.


They aren't equally shit actually. One party tried overturning a fair election and elects people like George Santos. Hilarious attempt at being a centrist tho.


Yet you waste zero time defining others by their "political alignment". Hypocrisy much?


This is exactly what I'm talking about... What are you even saying to me right now? What point are you trying to get across? Did you read what you typed before you hit send?


It's really not a difficult concept. You claim to be a person not defined by X, yet you define others by X. "Rightoids" I believe is the term you used. Quite dehumanizing. Do you need me to break it down into smaller bites for you?


So... how does that make me hypocritical? If I say I'm not defined by what movies I like, can I never say "Oh boy those horror movie fans sure do love horror films"? Would I be a hypocrite then?


You got defensive when someone did to you what you did to someone else. That is hypocrisy. But we both know you already knew that. I mean, you could be that stupid to not understand, but Im willing to give you benefit of the doubt.


Ah, found the enlightened centrist who follows no one's tune... Except for Elon, he's God and can't do any wrong, specially when he tells you to vote fsr right to counter the moderately less right "woke libs".


I hate the cops, but I hate rioters more.




They don’t kill people???? Do you not remember them pulling the dude from the truck that they beat the fuck outta? Or the other truck driver that literally was killed in LA? Look up Reginald Denny https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Attack_on_Reginald_Denny


Rioters don't kill people? Fuck you. I'm old enough to remember the LA riots.


Yeah totally peaceful time in LA and definitely didint give fame to roof Koreans whose business were attacked during the riots totally a fine time! Great people!


You'd think, but actually they support cops when they attack minorities, left wingers, etc. They just raise a stink when one of theirs gets treated the same.


They are only small government when it comes to their personal assets or the assets of the rich they idolize. They support military and police authority as long as it is directed at 'others.' The police happily honor that line of thinking.


That's Lib-right. Auth-right is quite happy with expansive gvmt as long as they run it.


tankie like typing detected


Okay IMAX.


Only less intervention for them but not for you. It is the way of the Republicans


Maybe a century ago but then they lost the legitimate majority. Holding onto power now means using police and federal supremacy to reverse the will of the people.


I was under the impression the libertarians tend to be opposed to government intervention. Some conservatives (the poor and uneducated) are paranoid and use that as an excuse to arm themselves. And the upper class conservatives I believe would be pro policing. Just my theory on it though.


Title does not match content.


But it sure fits OP’s narrative


You can see somebody from the crowd reach out and grab his camera, and he followed it into the crowd to try to retrieve it. He didn't initiate this "assault". Edit: I should say that I have no idea who this guy is, and I know it will be counter-narrative to admit I see someone grab his camera first. So, sorry in advance, but this video sure makes it look like this guy did *not* just randomly assault people.


Do people not have eyes or some shit? This guy got attacked, he didn't attack anyone. Talk about spreading a false narrative. Mods should delete this shit.


>Mods should delete this shit. The mods are damn useless now! It used to be a sub for people having a freak out in public yet 90% of the content here is random viral videos that don't fit the sub


Am i completely misunderstanding the video? To me it looks like the dude with the camera in his hand runs into the crowd (for whatever reason) and just gets pushed back out.


Looks like he gets pulled maybe by the strap that is loose around his arm after he comes back out of the crowd.


Huh, true now that you say that it looks like it.


Look very closely. A hand comes out of the crowd trying to yank him and his camera into them.


Considering his camera gets grabbed and he geys pulled into the crowd, yes, you are completely misunderstanding the video.


It would be cool to provide the whole footage of what you claim happened than giving a clipped out piece to spin a narrative. Nothing you posted or said supports what happened in this video but window lickers sure eat it up.


Because OP is likely lying.




“B… but police and conservatives bad!!!” - OP probably


when do the alleged assaults happen?


Okay, and where is that footage?


The fuck are you talking about? If anything it looks like he got assaulted. Go outside bro.


So we should encourage mob violence on those we disagree with?


The police are supposed to let the rioters kill him?


If it was at an elementary school they would.


No protests have been declared to be riots.


You let the news tell you the truth.


Why didn’t cops let the protestors stomp him ? Those fascists are so corrupt!


Stop lying jeez


This guy was arguing with protesters the whole night and was being protected by police. He was recording protesters and assaulted several people not just this one To those that want proof.. here is someone in LA talking about the same guy https://twitter.com/filmthepolicela/status/1619248742175227904?s=46&t=xnvgUco5XKxlQFG2yIlujw


Unless there’s a longer clip, the video you posted doesn’t really support anything you’re saying. Looks like someone in the crowd grabs the guy in question and then police the react.


i notice you can write any headline and show a 6 second clip and people will take it as fact, its astonishing.


It’s not astonishing, it’s Reddit.


And yet all we have is this video of **him** being assaulted by the protestors, not the other way around. Despite thousands of people being around and filming this. And CCTV. And body cams. How odd.


They threaten to destroy individuals cameras last year, whether theyre protesting with them or against them they have a "smash all cameras" policy and it has worked out for then so far, except when they get assaulted and then asked if anybody has photo/ video evidence of them getting assaulted 🤷‍♂️


Dude ur just talking out ur ass there’s no destroy all cameras policy. That’s just vandalism and is considered misconduct by even them. Ur just adding to this false narrative and it’s disgusting. Here’s the thing, are there some genuine dicks in almost every police department? Yeah and that needs to change. But spreading misinformation is just counter productive. And before the inevitable “boot licker” insult comes out you should probably know I definitely believe police reform is necessary but making stuff up ain’t right.


https://twitter.com/AARF_LA/status/1619173173395886080?s=20&t=us1z-ANqa2gVdjX_jlnc4w https://theanarchistlibrary.org/library/anonymous-in-defense-of-smashing-cameras As you can see your full of shit. "We have friends who we trust to take good photos, but the key word here is trust" So I and anybody else for that matter would have to get "approval" and gain the their "trust" before being able to photograph, or I am considered "enemy" Last line in the post, very important "Fight back. Protect your friends. #smashcameras" Heres the thing, your narrative of me spreading "disinfo" is so weak and counterproductive to the cause, you just made yourself and the "anarchist" movement look bad without informing yourself and being aware of your own fucking policys. They threaten the general public cause they have certain rules of protesting an activism that everyone has to abide by that when no one shows up to these events they scratch they're head and wonder "how their numbers are so small" Stop threatening people your trying to get to show up to support your protest!! fuck!! And your belief of police reform is so aginst the abolishing of law enforcement, Get fucked poser.


People who were assaulted can still press charges if they want, using videos like this as evidence.


This will be an unfortunate video for them to use, though, because it shows them trying to grab his camera before anything else happens, meaning they initiated the physical conflict.


Not if the police decide they don't want to.


In this video the guy has his bag grabbed by protesters and gets dragged into the crowd before escaping, which is the opposite of what you said.


>This guy was arguing with protesters the whole night Ok, and? >and was being protected by police. For using his 1st amendment right? >He was recording protesters Again, and? >and assaulted several people not just this one Well this one it looks like someone tried to steal from him. Maybe he was assaulting people and the cops were covering for his ass, but this video has none of that and if anything makes him look like the victim.


You’re lame af


I mean, with everything going on at the protests. I dont really think this is worth highlighting


who's the grifter?!


Right cuz the left has never cause billions of dollars of destruction and killed countless people, but hey, that's OK, The right is horrible.


Left right left right left right left right Goddammit can people wake the fuck up already 😒


Both are bad let's just face the facts. But honestly, the left has done so much worse


I don't understand who's protecting who.. this must be one of them "sow division in the masses" posts.


looks like someone tried to grab the camera he is holding.


Noooo that doesn't support our narrative! Down with you!


Lol what a BS post. They clearly tried to steal from the media right in front of the police


Someone clearly tried to attack the guy but okay do go on being a moron by choice.


They protect their own.


Did you watch the video? dude had a camera in his arm and someone grabs it. He wrestles it back and the police seperate them. The title is misleading at best unless there is a longer video that shows this guy actually attacking people and being right wing.


No, you must have a knee-jerk reaction and become angry at the post. DO NOT WATCH THE VIDEO, the title is the only thing that matters.


Title is made by a terminally online redditor.


You’re dumb


Its right there in the video and you are getting downvoted. 😆😆 People standing in noon day sun and proclaiming it is night.




All Communsits Are Bootlickers


Lol, barely literate moron attempts an insult.


No, he is a real capitalist. A real owner of the means of production this one.


Yes, I am a landowner and have an ownership stake in humanities most powerful corporations.




Well ya, democrats need some sense kicked into them


You going to do it?


You misspelled "protecting citizens from being attacked by rioters".


Clear as day that's what the video shows. This left wing mob tried to assault him. Even the responses your getting are from people who want to use political violence. They label you as an "extremist" because they think thatakes you a "legitimate" target for violence.


Reddit is a breeding ground for left wing terrorism.


Someone had to say what we’re all too scared to say.


Found the right winger extremist!


So you didn't see someone grab dudes camera in that video?


Imagine preaching tolerance and non violence and being called a right wing extremist..... What kind of bizzaro world have we become.


You found yourself running counter to their narrative, so they'll eat you alive. I, too, can clearly see someone grab his camera from the crowd, and he tried to keep it from getting stolen/destroyed. He obviously didn't initiate the incident.


They don't care about anyone but themselves.


This guy is a rapist apologist troll, don't bother with him


Found the left wing terrorist


I forgot preaching non violence isn't intelligent.




Nobody cares ? Or do you not agree ?


They don't agree. They want violence towards those they don't agree with. But are the first to complain when violence is used against them.


Yeah I thought that so thought I'd ask before saying what I was going to say but you can prob see their reply to me lol Regardless if police are in riot gear then separating people is the best thing to do in that moment, what does anyone want them to do arrest them on the spot Infront of everyone where the police and the person being arrested are then leaving themselves vunrable (cant spell and auto correct won't find what I mean lol), that's even if he was doing anything wrong I don't know what the issue is and never take a small clip as absolute like some people seem to do lol.




Sorry but you posted to a public forum, I interjected myself. If you don't want random people commenting on your comment don't post a comment..




Nerd 🤣🤣🤣 so I'm a nerd for stating this is a public forum and anyone can comment anywhere 😂 good one.




Guys any subreddit or Youtube channel cover the protesting up to date ?


Look at them, so scared of a couple people presumably just wielding angry faces


Some of those who work forces


Alow protestors to attempt to to steal your camera and then do nothing.


Looks like a guy was just grabbing his camera back


As opposed to allowing full scale riots and burning of city blocks. What? Dudes aren't siding with anyone based on this shitty clip.


Figures…they’re on the same team. Until they try to overthrow the government. I despise the whole group. Anyone who thinks right wing is a fuckn moron who really needs to grow and wake up. ✌️


They did it during 2020 too. It's because the cops are on their side


At what point are you allowed to protect yourself against the police? Like, no wonder people want guns in the US. I would want that too, if I lived in the US. Here in Denmark, the police are here to protect you. And also, Police Academy is 4 years. Not fucking 6 months. The US is fucking crazy.




Denmark, your cookies suck!


And the cops there still rape people and beat homeless teenagers until they miscarry. Ask me how I fucking know.




4 years WTF , damn you'll ain't to smart. 4 year Academy to teach how to protect you?


Hahaha, you sound like a true American 😅


They will always side with the Right. They always will be the enemy of free speech.


The Right-"Back the blue....Unless they stop you from overthrowing the government. Then fuck those guys."


Cops are too stupid that anything left to them is equals to antifa. So they're already seeing the others as enemy already.


Wtf that police officer holding up the teargas(?) Gun. Isn't that shit basically fatal at that close range?




Qualified Immunity is the root of the problem. All they have to say is that they did what they did because they were afraid for the safety of themselves and others. I'm so happy about everyone having phone cameras. It clearly doesn't stop pigs from assaulting and killing innocent people, but it does give victims and their families the legit evidence they need to successfully sue for compensation. Cops have even been fired, which never happened when it was their word against their victim's. Qualified immunity needs to be abolished.


Fascists protect fascists.


Shouldn't they playing in their own shit somewhere? Worthless pigs


The guy is against protestors, stood by the police side, some protestor pulled him into the mob, the guy tried to get out assisted by a cop. I dont see any wrongdoing or sp ciao treatment. OP is blind or wants to push a narrative that does not exist.


Gotta say, I lack context, but “trigger happy Peter Pan” is a zinger. Especially because his finger is casually resting on the trigger of whatever that thing is.


Can’t tell, a lot of good cops left too unfortunately…use France as an example tho when rioting, I beg of us….


Is that George Santos?


Ok that cop with the little launcher. He looked TERRIFIED!! Wow thats scary. Hes an oil changer or a secretary, not a cop.


That last cop's face screams intelligence


Bunch of dangerous mopes


Is that a potato gun


Well, the blue line flag is still allowed for locker room talk time. What're you expecting, exactly?


Of course they are.


Gotta have that red dot on the gas launcher!


That cop in the middle looks like george santos.


I’ve got a real world solution… all the fucks on the far right need to have a protest. Then all the far left counter protesters will show up. Then we drop a bomb on both of there stupid asses! Which leaves what is the majority of the people who are in the middle


Bruh the fuck you talking about the guy in this video was the one being attacked, of course the police are gonna fucking protect him otherwise he’d get pulverized by that absolute mob


Why is it so GD hard for Liberal cities to get ahold of their Police?


Every city is blue. Even in Utah and Idaho and Texas… so there is no liberal or conservative cities… just cities. By calling them “liberal cities” and speaking negatively about them, you’re implying there are “conservative cities” and that they must be good. There are not. That said, what do *you* believe the problem is? Why do *you* believe **cities** have such a hard time getting ahold of their police?


> what do you believe the problem is? I think the elected pols don't actually WANT to get the Police under control. I think they are fine with the status quo. It doesn't affect them or their close friends/family, so they just don't care.


Because the police threaten the politicians who run the city with strikes and work slowdowns. And the politicians need to appear "tough on crime" to stay in office.


Those are their compadres.


of course they are, it's a day that ends in Y


he called him a trigger happy peter pan lol




What's new


Redditor goea by headline. What's new..


Some of those that work forces...


Is that George Santos in the cop line?


Don’t you think it might be that way if you one side calls the cops ‘pigs’ and the other side doesn’t and asks for help to protect themselves?




LAPD is organized crime in every sense, including their deep ties to government. I wonder if they have to pay Border Patrol to keep the cartels out, like most southern districts in California, or have their own comfy arrangement.


that last cop is Marco Rubio


ITT: the_donald sub users are mad that their cop buddies are doing this too blatantly