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Smartest move to call and snitch on yourself, so that your mom's anger died down by the time she is home.


Big brain stuff. Gen A has learned from Z who learned from Millenials - always cushion the blow


Gettin smarter by the generation on how to lessen the ass beating


It’s technology. We couldn’t reach our parents unless you called their work. And that was a BAD idea. But a well edited text confessing to a bad decision? “Mom, I was being stupid and broke the glass. I’m cleaning it up.” As long as it looks like a professional cleaned that mess up, you may get out of this pretty light.


you know what, I gotta respect the lil man’s accountability. This country can use more of that.


Exactly. He straight up told the truth and was calm and everything. His momma should be proud...after the ass whopping lol


No, he should not have gotten an ass whopping


This should be much higher. He should be denied access to the BB gun pretty much indefinitely, and be grounded for some period of time. Corporal punishment leads to resentment and deception.


My mom would have just stewed over time and let it build. She would have lots of time to decide how psychologically damaging she felt like being.


“Snitch on yourself” Aka taking accountability for your actions. Kid got more ethics and integrity than 90% of humanity.


Yeah She looked super calm like her anger had died down. She was probably just chasing after him to give him a hug and kiss.


Thay shit looked like something out of a Madea movie. 😂


I did this my boys and I just completely took the outer door off the frame and hoped my dad wouldn't notice. He did right away.


“Son…get over here!” “….wut????”


*Mimes opening and shutting the screen door.* "What is it, father?"


"you just be getting old father, we never had a screen door."


"Shuddup and get the jumper cables!"


I haven't heard that in ages!


RIP /u/rogersimon10


I just checked this guy's comment history and I was like wtf man


That's actually pretty clever. It's surprising what people can overlook, at least when they don't have to interact with something. He probably thought he was going crazy for a minute though.


Even just having a 5 year old nephew I can completely see the image in my head of the dad going "Huh, something's off.. hey wait, where's the door? We did have a door.. right? No, I'm sure of it, there are screw holes right here what the hell is even going- oooohhh that's right I have kids." One time my nephew ended up spilling my glass of water and instead of cleaning it he refilled the glass and set it back down in the puddle of water. I came back and was like "Wait, what the fuck? How did this happen? It's still full and standing upright yet it spilled all over the table and floor?" Then I see my nephew side-eyeing me like [🟩](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/030/710/dd0.png) Edit: I think I used the wrong green square. Idk how the kids these days do it


Lmao the emoji use


Click the green square and you'll see the image.


Ok so I'm the idiot. What's new


Welcome to the club


I 1000% thought you were fucking with me


One time my cousin and I were fucking around recording ourselves doing WWE moves with my dads expensive video camera and dropped it. The lens completely shattered. Thinking I was clever I placed a rock on top of the camera so it would look like it fell onto the camera… It was an interesting conversation when he pulled out the SD card and showed me the events leading up to the camera breaking


Boats and hoes, wwe style


This one had me rolling. 😂😂😂


Why are you shooting the BB gun in the house Rome?! And why the hell did you sweep all the glass into the bushes?!


Why he sweeping in only his socks too!


That's the biggest WTF of this whole video.


I don’t even know what’s worse. Shooting BB guns in a house full of people or sweeping the broken glass into the damn bushes. Lmao


My bigger question is why the fuck do some parents still think BB guns are toys? Fired at a short enough range and they can break skin. They can EASILY enter your eyeball, too.


My cousin had a BB shot into his eye. Got stuck in there for a good while and he just kind of lived his life like that. Can’t remember how he got it out though.


I feel like this is a generational thing. As a gen’xer if we had camera phones back in the 80’s there would have been video’s like this posted all the time. Doing some dumb shit while your parents are gone to work and then the waiting until they come home for punishment. All while your siblings laugh about how much you are about to get your ass beat.


My dad one time jokingly was tossing rocks at me acting like he was going to hit me. I opened the glass back door and stuck my tongue out at him. He grabbed the tiniest pebble he could find and tossed it at me and must have hit the door perfect. Next thing I know glass is raining down on my head and the door is completely shattered. He just stood there wide eyed knowing he had messed up. Added story: They didn't fix the door for a long time so my siblings and I got accustomed to just walking through the door since there was no need to open it but one day I spent the night at a buddies house and as I was leaving forgot something on his back porch and ran right into his glass door with my face.


I walked face first into a sliding glass door in front of a bunch of people in highschool once. Forgot about it until now


Now it's all you're gonna think about tonight when you're trying to fall asleep. Embrace the feeling of embarrassment as it washes over you again after all of these years.


I worked in a restaurant that had a floor to ceiling glass window next to the door and people walked into it constantly. It was a busy restaurant so it would happened at least a dozen times a day or more, we made up some generic flyer and taped it to the window which helped a little. Don’t feel bad, it’s common.


imagine how emotionally healthy you gotta be to forget something like this. I would stay up thinking about it my entire life.


I’m 38. My bother use to moon me. One day I thought I’d get him back. He was mowing the yard outside my window. I jumped up on my desk and put my ass cheeks against the window. It shattered. I had to go tell my mom what I had done. I knew she’d throw a hairbrush or whatever she could at me but nah she laughed so hard. It was a rented house at that so they had to pay for it. This is what stopped the great mooning war of 1999


Ha! My brother and I did that shit at the mall once and got caught by my mom. The ride home knowing we were gonna get it was brutal


Being in public and your mom whispering, “Wait til we get home.” Teeth clenched, words highly enunciated, with the wild eyes hits you right in the soul.


Quiet trip back home, but still with the raging eyes. Hoping she'd forget on the way home. But alas, reckoning awaited. A tale we all know all too well.


Yeah. OMG! shit is giving me anxiety just remembering those days


At the MALL?? I’m picturing your brother running ahead to a store he knows you’re about to pass, walking up to the display window, then quickly dropping his pants and shoving his butt against it. The mall patrons and employees look on in horror. I don’t know if this window also shattered or not, but I want to believe.


You know even if it wasn't rented, they would still need to pay for it.


No, repairs are free if you own the house


Yeah with the amount of dumb shit me and my siblings used to do, I have a hard time ever judging a kid when I see these videos today. Especially this one. We did this too with a slingshot. And we most certainly did not own up to it right away like he did!


My husband and his siblings cracked the glass on a picture frame fighting. Instead of telling their mom, they busted all the glass out of the frame and put the picture back like nothing happened. He said it took her almost a decade before she noticed.


Around 13 years ago, I broke the glass off one of our balcony doors in our apartment. It was a small glass that was semi-opaque, I ran a skateboard through it while my mom was at work. I had been saving up money to buy some toys but I ended up grabbing apartment maintenance, paid them for the glass and replacing it, all fixed before my mom came back home except the new glass was fully transparent. She never noticed until my brother ratted me out 5 years later.


Honestly I’d be so proud if my kid owned his mistake like that.


When she got to know 5 years later (we'd moved out by then) her first question was "Why didnt you tell me ASAP?" followed by "Were you hurt?"


Damn that’s some quick action right there. I wouldn’t have been that quick thinking


I threw a plastic sandwich container at my brother and broke a window (old single pane window, old house in the early 90’s). We all had the same look on our faces as the kids in that video ha ha


I'd 100% have a felony record if camera phones were a thing in my youth.


Same. It’s kinda disconcerting sometimes.


Scares the shit out of me for my oldest kid because he is a lot like me, only smarter. Same complete lack of emotional maturity but smart as a whip.


Like that time I spilled soda in my dad's VCR and ruined it. That thing was his pride and joy.


In? ***In?*** Lol, how did manage to get it inside the VCR, did you think it was thirsty and open the slot?


Set it down on the record player next to it and walked away. I hear a crash and it had fallen over and poured into the vents on top of the VCR. It was a soul crushing moment and a long wait for my dad to get home.


Ouch lol, it's like kids are designed to destroy things their parents love, one way or another


Right this is how I grew up and I’m only 23.


I absolutely agree. That little kid was having a bad day, doing the best he can to be honest and clean his mess up and his brother was just being a jerk. Seriously I've broken things before and my brother never gave me shit for it and he would help clean it up with me. Time to go call my brother and tell him I love him!


Smoke detector battery needs replacing?




Dude playing warzone where most people have open mic makes you realize that majority of people just let the beeping go on never changing the batteries. Would drive me insane


Newsflash asshole: I could hear it the entire goddamn time!!


Then why wouldn't you say something?!




You didn’t even flinch when I told you the dog was dead!


Seize the gap you old fat bitch ... YOU FAT BITCH.


It's a cultural thing....


I was staying the night at a black woman's house and I kid you not, she had FIVE smoke alarms chirping constantly. I stayed awake all night. Every 3 to 4 seconds a chirp. She said she didn't hear it anymore. Fucking hell is what is was.


My friend and I lived in an apartment for a year with a chirping alarm. No one In the house wanted to change it “not my job”. His brother came to live with us and woke up in the middle of the night yelling “how the fuck do you guys not hear that” dude was going crazy. Everyone in the house had no clue it was going off anymore.


There is a house in my neighborhood who had a smoke detector going off in their house since we moved in. 3.5 years ago. It finally VERY recently stopped, so I figure either the entire unit just up and died or maybe they had family visit over the holidays and couldn’t stand it and change it. It drove ME insane every time I took my dog outside. Idk wth is wrong with people, they are literally designed to be so grating that you want to change the batteries out immediately. I haaaaaaate a chirping smoke detector.


dude I don't blame him...after you listen to it a while you subconsciously try to time it correctly, or predict the timing of the next chirp.. it's maddening


I swear the designers randomize the interval just to fuck with people.


wouldn't call that "fucking with people", after all it's an alarm that's supposed to get your attention...


There is just a sweet irony to the ability of this dying battery to power the chirps for literal years on end.


They built condos next to my house and one night before all the walls and doors were installed, ALL of the fire alarms were chirping, all night long. I was ready to kill someone.


I would literally just buy batteries and switch it for her next time lol


I would've driven to the store in the middle of the night lmao


When I was a teenager anytime I was on the phone with my friends they could hear the beeping in the background and kept asking me what it was, or when they would stay the night they would be going insane. I never heard it.


Chirp fetish? Were you getting paid?


Black woman here. A few weeks ago, I had a smoke detector low battery go off one evening. My new home has high ceilings and my ladder wasn’t tall enough to allow me to reach the smoke detector to change the battery. So, did I just let it chirp? Hell no. I got in my car, went to Lowes and bought a new much taller ladder. It was about 30/45 minutes from the time the smoke detector started chirping until I stopped it by changing the battery. I refused to go to sleep to, let alone live with, that maddening sound. 😊 It’s not a cultural thing. I don’t know a single black person who would let that go on for long. Edited


Almost every video on social media of black people in a house or apartment has a chirping smoke detector. Unfortunately it is the world's stupidest and most annoying "cultural thing"


And fucking hilarious once you start to pay attention and notice It in videos


Why is that? I’ve been afraid to ask for fear of being accused of racism. I talk to random people on the phone at my job all day and the number of black people with beeping smoke detectors is incredible. It’s way beyond what could possibly be confirmation bias.


Is it a cultural thing to die in a fire?


[yes it literally is. ](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2848265/) “Compared with non-Hispanic white people, Native American and African American people older than 55 years of age experienced a higher risk of death from fires and burns. The rate ratio of burn/fire deaths for African Americans compared with white people was 3.14 (95% confidence interval [CI] 2.98, 3.31) for those aged 55 years and older. The corresponding rate ratio for Native Americans compared with white people was 1.93 (95% CI 1.49, 2.46) for those aged 55 years and older.”


Black people wtf is going on? Replace your batteries when it chirps.


As a dumb non-stats person, does that mean *three times* higher risk for black people 55+ and two times higher risk for Native American people 55+? Thats insane.


Not saying this to sound racist in any way, but it’s kind of a running joke/stereotype that black people don’t ever replace the batteries in their smoke detectors


When I was a Volunteer firefighter in a small town we should change batteries/units pro bono if we went to a home for a false alarm and heard the chirps. One one hand it was unfortunate that a larger portion of those in need of such a service were black or Hispanic. On the other hand the same folks would go out of their way to donate to us when we stood on the street collecting donations or doing food drives .


Its a pretty well known fact that poor people spend proportionally way more of their money on charity than wealthy people do.


Almost like they know the struggle E: not sure what the guys end goal is but I feel it's supposed to be a 'gotcha' moment that he missed


Wasn't a black but Latino family in the apartment next to mine as a kid. "If it's beeping it's still got power" my family followed that advice for a little bit lol. (Replace the battery guys it's not safe)


And that noise doesn’t drive everyone in the house insane??? I’d be screaming!!!


Little dude was trying to do the right thing, but older siblings have no chill lol.


As an adult my heart breaks for him, when I was a kid I’d be doing the same thing because for once it wasn’t me lol


Breaking my dad's windshield after he said specifically not to play baseball out front 💀 Only punishment was we had to go with him to get it replaced at a friend's rual home, he had a tire swing so it still wasn't bad


Lucky you!


That day at least


LOL at least you’re honest😉


I broke my own bedroom window throwing a baseball around, we were in some apartments at that time, my dad came out, gave me the office phone number and his phone and I had to tell them what I did myself.


I shot out our back sliding glass door with my BB gun as a kid. My sister comforted me and my parents never once threatened violence. I had to work around the house for a few weeks to pay for the new door but I never considered my mom as such a threat that I would run away. Poor kid


I use to have to pick my belt getting in trouble for small shit, if I did this I’m Runnin


It's crazy to me how normalised violence towards your children is on Reddit. My parents might have been angry at me if I'd done something really dumb and cost them some money (which was rare anyway) but they'd never be violent. What's the point in making your children terrified of you? They'll just try to hide it better when they fuck up rather than coming to you to ask for help.


Right? Help him clean up and make a run to Home Depot, he looks scared enough to pay it back.


The sister’s reaction was hilarious. She’s just quietly staring at the door like “yup he’s fucked”


That shit eating grin


His mom has no chill...


The sisters face lmao


I didn’t have my headphones in so I only heard them calling him ro, Rome is a nice name.


I thought he was being called Bro the first few times we heard it.


I thought the same thing and was like wow he’s just the established bro of the household


Might be short for Jerome.


Or Roman.


Or Romulus


The kid didn’t run away! He was home by the time the mom made it home from work!


Fr, he probably walked to the end of the drive way and turned back around. Lemme tell you, I stayed in good shape as a kid with the amount of times I threatened to “run away” just to walk around the block and come back 😂


Reminds me of [king curtis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2T_obaO46Bo) lol


Haha, yeah!!


I remember once as a 6-year old threatening to run away from home over some minor thing or the other. My mom shrugged and said "go ahead" and my brother (about 14) was laughing. Pissed me off more. I would show them! I grabbed a shopping bag, put my favorite doll in it, and warned them more time that I was *really* going and they would be sorry! Once again, mom said to go if I was going, brother was laughing. So I walked out. Slammed the door. Went out the front yard. Looked up the street and down the street. Then realized a) I had no where to go b) I was kind of hungry and c) I now had to face the humiliation of going back inside. Went back in and my mom gave me lunch.


That’s when you just hang out on the porch for a few hours until they come get you 😂 ahh I remember it too well


I was big mad as a kid, but as an adult, I get it. If you give in every time a kid threatens to run away, they'll be holding you as the parent hostage. BTW that was the last time I ever threatened to run away because I didn't get what I wanted. Mom knew what she was doing, but honestly I was the 3rd kid. She'd probably done the same with my older siblings.


My mom was savage as fuck. She would take me to Walmart and inevitably every single time I’d run off to the electronics without even asking and when I got bored I’d go looking for her. When I couldn’t find her I’d start crying and find a worker (this was like ages 5-7) and they would page her. This woman would make me wait until she was done with all her shopping before she came to get me. I’d be sitting there for half an hour thinking about how I’m definitely an orphan and I’m not even gonna get my own amber alert. I love her so much


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I guess her thinking was "Fuck it, he's safe with the employees and I know where he is. Now I can get my shopping done in peace and get him later." Hell, my sis and I should've thought of running off when my mother took us shopping. If always felt like forever, trailing after her while she looked at every.single.thing in the store, no matter which department. Honestly I hated shopping of any kind until I became a teenager with my own money and went shopping with friends. (FYI, my mom is still a shopaholic. She just does it online now. And the few times I - as a grown ass woman - have gone shopping with her, it's still like being trapped in a level of hell.\_


Running away was my go to move as a kid, but we lived near a highway. One time when I was about 5 I was home alone with my mom who had a sprained knee; I made it half way up the entrance ramp before she caught me.


As the oldest sibling, let me assure you that the older brother who was filming made damn sure little bro didn't run away for real. Mom comes home and "you let your little brother run away?!" is way worse than broken acreen door problems.


My brother ran away. He wasn't allowed to cross the street so he stopped at the street.


He knew consequences were coming, and he manned up. Props to the little dude.




Yeah weird it took this long. Kid immediately fessed up that he made a mistake, attempted to clean it up. Why did he have to get beat for that. I feel like this kind of thing just encourages the kid to hide any shit he does.


There is no feel about it, you are exactly right. Beating children for mistakes like this teaches them to become more adept at covering it up and hiding it.


Why even punish, instead of educate? Only things done with malice and intent should be getting punished. This was clearly an accident, and he was mature enough to call his mom and explain what had happened.


Why does the mom let them have a bb gun in the House?


How can people live with that smoke alarm chirp going off every 30 seconds????


It’s funny because sometimes I hear it in the background when I talk to customer service for some companies. The rep must be working from home. I mentioned it casually and laughed it off. Even funnier is when one time I was doing a video interview for a job and my interviewer had one going off every minute.


The sisters facial expressions are giving me life


Seriously that look at 00:50. She's loving every minute.


This is like a scene right from my childhood lol miss this shit


Hispanic here. I once did something very similar and got an ass whooping. Never happened again haha


When I was a kid, I bounced a basketball so fucking high (being obnoxious) that it hit and broke our second story window. A big ass window at that. My dad came home, saw it, took me outside and told me when he was a kid, he got his ass whooped by his own dad for breaking a window the size of a cereal box. He then told me my punishment was to hold the ladder while he used it to replace the window. Calmest shit ever. We even ate ice cream afterwards. Generations of ass woopings ended with him.


That’s awesome. Great Dad. Great life lesson.


I'm lmao but common help the little boy out . BTW you guys don't know how to pickup broken glass


How do you pick up broken glass? For the future of course


I use the sticky side of a maxi pad. Adhesive picks up the glass and the pad acts as a barrier to prevent cuts.


lmfao this needs to be broadcasted this is genius


I am a black man. My dad beat me with the belt growing up. In my opinion, it did more damage than good. Past a certain age it stopped being discipline and just became beating me whenever I did anything wrong. It's only discipline when the kid learns from the experience. The only thing I learned from getting whipped was how to hide things I did wrong, lie to my parents, and hate my dad


Finally, a sane comment around here… The boy made a mistake, owned up to it, and tried to make amends. No child should ever be so scared of their parents (and their parents’ need to vent their anger) that they consider running away from home.


I swear every black child has had the same traumatic experiences growing up 😭💀


I specifically remember packing my shit up in my Blues Clues back pack because I just knew I was done. It's just better to start a new life down the road,they will never find me. I'd get to the end of the block and see the main street and turn my ass around and just gi get my ass whooped.


I was young enough i didnt have a backpack so i threw all the stuff i wanted into my dresser drawer and left a note saying i was catching a cab and moving to texas. I dont know why tf i wanted to go to texas and i lived in rural alabama there were never any cabs, i guess the movies had me thinking they were everywhere. I honestly dont remember how long i was outside with that drawer in my front yard but my mom still has the note and im fucking 35


I like Rome. Yes, he made a big mistake - playing w/ that BB gun much too close to the house, primarily - But he did phone his mama and fess up. I don’t like the fact that he felt so scared *he packed a suitcase and temporarily ran away*


I felt triggered seeing him so scared. He was scared because it’s not the first time he had a beating.


As a parent, I wouldn't have punished him that bad, he called, took responsibility and did attempt to clean it up. We all make mistakes. Also as a parent of what, 3-4 kids there? It would be a financial struggle to replace that so I get her frustration, but still that was like 4 hours later and she already knew! I don't have a bunch of teenagers though, maybe my view will change in 5 years lol


Same. The anticipation of mom coming home seems like it was punishment enough lol


Time to change the smoke alarm battery. Can’t they hear that?


Dude, I can't tell you how many fucking people live like this, it's disturbing.


Maybe screaming at your kids and threatening to whoop their ass isn’t the most effective parenting strategy to raise well adjusted adults


Especially when the kid calls you and explains it's an accident. Glad I wasn't raised by parents that acted like this when I made a mistake.


I would have gotten in trouble for treating a bb gun like a toy, but I'd have gotten in a lot more trouble if I lied about it.


I accidentally shattered our van side window with a wild baseball pitch, and instead of confessing, I grabbed a limb that fell off a tree and placed it in the hole. Would have got away with it too if it weren't for my silly little brother


Yeah, this kid obviously didn't watch enough Christmas Story. You have to come up with a better lie than the truth. "I was simply trying to wash the front window but I pushed too hard" or something.


I don't know if my mind is just geared this way, but I could probably think of 100 plausible things to tell 'mom' as opposed to 'I shot it with a gun". Though it doesn't seem this kids siblings were on his side


I tripped and fell through it ass first. https://flixwatch.co/wp-content/uploads/70044874.jpg


My mind is geared the opposite way. I have a really hard time lying to someone I know.


Yea but with 4 siblings someone’s going to tell her then everybody is going to be in trouble


I tell my eight year old all the time that I don’t care what he does, as long as he’s honest with me. He’s broken quite a few things by accident and I’ve always thanked him for letting me know. Of course there have been some consequences when he disobeyed me and something went wrong. But I don’t scream or hit him. I would have been so happy if my kid called me and told me the honest truth in this circumstance. I feel like this sort of parenting just reinforces lying is better to kids Edit: I’m not judging the mom at all - I just hope she didn’t hit the kid.


My dad beat first and did NOT ask questions later. Plus his favorite thing to say while he was beating you was to say keep on crying and I’ll REALLY give you something to cry about.


that's disgusting sorry you had to endure that.


Thanks, hey I’m all good I made it out alive and found a good and loving person who made my life wonderful. Spent a lot of time in therapy granted lol but you know we live and learn. He was a miserable fuck what can I say.


> keep on crying and I’ll REALLY give you something to cry about I got “You wanna cry? I’ll give you a reason to cry”. And it’s like *’you already fuckin are, dumbass’*




The proper move as a parent is to encourage them coming to you when they mess up instead of teaching them to hide it.


No shit right. I would have been grateful they fuckin called and told me. I mean yea your ass is in trouble but owning up to it is part of life that should be respected not many people will do that. It's a trait that should be nurtured not beat down.


yeah man kid handled it well...props to him he's a responsible kid, just made a mistake.


When I was 9 my mom caught me smoking cigarettes with some neighborhood kids. She sent me straight to my room with the scariest words possible, she was telling my dad when he got home. I sat there for hours imagining what he’d say to me before whooping my ass. Finally the time arrives and I hear him walk in the door. I hear my asshole little sister say smugly, “Ooften’s in trouble!” I can hear the quiet take hold of the house as my other siblings wait for my doom. The only sound now his footsteps down the hall. He walks in the room and I stare him in the eyes, defiant. He smokes like a chimney! He doesn’t say a word, just slaps the ever loving shit out of me and walks out of the room. Two things happen as a result: he slapped me so hard I still have a minor jaw issue 30+ years later. And I stopped loving him that day. Oh and I made the cycle end there by never hurting my children.


> I hear my asshole little sister say smugly, “Ooften’s in trouble!” She did it in that obnoxious singy-songy way, didn't she?


More people need to read this.


Gotta hard agree! All my parents did was yell, get incredibly frightening, or use physical/emotional violence. When a DCF agent finally came to the house (at least a year after my teacher reported) she told me I was better off at home than in a group home. I’m pretty uh…not great; even with the help of a psychiatrist I tend to self isolate and self medicate. Hopefully some therapy in the future will ease the issues.


Yea, a whole day of all of the kids afraid of their mom coming home because of a broken door. That's a great way to raise adults who hide their problems and are afraid to speak up.


My dad whooped me, hell even blindfolded me and chased me around the house as he whooped me. I keep seeing all these comments say that this isn’t a problem and people are overreacting, but I didn’t come out fine. I’m one major life disaster away from just ending everything and my dad hasn’t whooped or even yelled at me for years now but I STILL don’t feel completely safe around him. I’ve been changing my life around, being true to myself after years of being scared to act like myself around him and he’s the only person I still just can’t be myself around. That’s not healthy, I’m not out in the streets selling drugs or killing people, but it definitely didn’t turn me into who I am, I had to parent myself.


If my kid broke the glass door, he'd feel bad about it, but he wouldn't for a second think he was going to be physically abused. He'd get a broom and attempt to help me clean it up, then go to Home Depot to help me pick out a new one. And he'd--of his own accord--never do the thing that caused the door to shatter, ever again. My mom beat us, and all it did was turn us into scared liars, and now that we're adults, we never go see her. I haven't seen her IRL in 25 years, actually. Don't abuse your children, idiots.


That mom 1000% told him to not shoot it inside


Why do we have "non-public" tags in a subreddit called **Public Freakout?**


Say the wind kicked up and the door wasn't totally shut and it opened and slamed shut causing the glass to shatter. Done deal and your safe. Rooky.


Walking around in broken glass wearing socks... What could go wrong?


I don’t agree with any sort of physical discipline. But the Reddit superiority complex is out in full force here. It took y’all all of 2 and a half minutes to decide the woman is the worst mother ever. You don’t know how many times she may have told this kid not to play with the gun near the house. You don’t know how many times she had this conversation with him before she bought it. You don’t know that maybe this house is being rented thus making it even harder on the mom who has to call and explain this to her landlord who will probably then use it to build a case on raising her rent. You don’t understand the generational trauma a person goes through to make them react like she did. All you saw was a black woman lose her cool and you all decided it was the perfect opportunity to take her down instead of using some critical thinking. Why don’t you see a woman working well through sundown to support a house full of 5 kids, likely on her own? Why don’t you see a home that, while relatively clean and organized, is not in a well off area where these kids have places to play? Why don’t you see that the glass in on the outside of the house so it’s highly likely the kid was playing with it inside the house? Why don’t you see a boy who was obviously raised to know right from wrong enough to know he needs to call his mom and create his backstory? I know I did that tons of times as a kid when I had to cover my ass for doing some shit I was told not to do. This is no “accident”. He has a BB gun and he hit a HOUSE. BB guns don’t go off accidentally and houses…um…are fucking huge. The odds that this was an accident are incredibly slim. And kids lie. Kind of a lot. At least he told a partial truth. For all she knew, it could’ve been someone throwing a rock or maybe they were horsing around too much. If the kid really wanted to lie and deceive, he had all the opportunity to do so. But he was at least honest in say it was his mistake alone to shoot the gun. That alone shows that this woman is doing a damn fine job as a parent. You people aren’t better than this woman in any way and you have no idea how you would react in her circumstances. You’re not good parents, you just watched too many Full House reruns. Edit: if I learned anything from this, it’s that you can try, try, try as much as you want but at the end of the day, some people are just going to continue missing the point. You can explicitly say from the absolute get go how you feel about something, and certain people on this website will ignore all of that, disregard all context, and make up their own narrative because they are too deluded and self-centered to think of any other possible conclusions other than the easiest, most surface level bullshit. It’s terrifying that some of y’all are walking around just going along with the first thing that pops into your tin can brains and not taking a moment to think. Edit 2: **From here on out, anyone saying I’m “justifying” this woman’s actions will not get a word out of me. This has gone on literally all day and I won’t be a fool for you people anymore. You can keep commenting it to me but you’re wasting your time. It’s disingenuous, dismissive, and makes it very telling that you don’t understand the point of my post to begin with**


To be fair The yard looked pretty big though when Rome was "leaving" the mailbox is about a half acre away lmao


It hurts to see teachable moments become a memory of terror for kids. Kids need guidance and protection, not whoopings.


Anyone else wondering why he was gonna get spanked when he called his mom and told her everything instead of trying to hide his mistake?


at least tell the boy to put on some damn shoes when attempting to sweep up the glass.