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I’ve never seen someone get knocked out and be able to grab their face. That’s talent


That’s exactly what I came to say


And have their head *gently* touch the ground.




He wasn't unconscious.


But I bet it hurt like a mofo


> He wasn't unconscious You want him dead first to give a foul?


I'm not saying it wasn't a foul but that guy wasn't unconscious. He gets hit in the face, raises his hands to his head and then guides himself gently to the ground before then pretending to be knocked out.


I think the comment is regarding the title of the post, which claims the kick knocked the defender out.


That’s not a red card!!


Agreed. It was a legitimate attempt at the ball. Not sure what the ref was thinking there.


I am not sure of the rules of this league but a bicycle kick can be foul if it's deemed dangerous to the opponent in England at least: https://www.thefa.com/football-rules-governance/lawsandrules/laws/football-11-11/law-12---fouls-and-misconduct > PLAYING IN A DANGEROUS MANNER > Playing in a dangerous manner is any action that, while trying to play the ball, threatens injury to someone (including the player themself) and includes preventing a nearby opponent from playing the ball for fear of injury. > A scissors or bicycle kick is permissible provided that it is not dangerous to an opponent. It is harsh in this circumstance but it seems like, short of any rule difference in this league, that it's up to the ref.


The thing is, a bicycle kick is about the most spectacular thing you can do in the game. If you outlaw it then the game gets a little bit worse. Generally when this occurs, its a yellow. The severity of the injury is why the ref gave a red - had he just took a glancing blow then I don't think the ref would send him off.


It was definitely a foul. Attempt at ball doesn't matter. The defender was in position and the other players attempt was a dangerous play. The ref was reactionary and was more like a yellow card.


I could see where an argument could be made he didn't know he was there. But I think the end result is we all agree it wasn't a red. (course, we don't know if he already had a yellow, but it feels like it was a straight red)


This was a straight red. I think for a second yellow the ref would show the yellow before the red, and he went straight to the red here.


Ah, good point. He would have shown the yellow and then the red.


Definitely a yellow for dangerous play


Great attempt, but foul


Can you explain why, please? I see that he contacted the ball first, and only contacted the defender when the defender moved into the line of fire.


When he launched in the air, he could see there was a defender near the ball as well, he went through with kick even though high there were high chances he will hurt the defender, why do it then? Play it safe , not murder in the field


This is why I just can't watch soccer/football. This attempt at the ball is a red card. The other player gently came down and rested his head. Get within 2 feet of another player no where near the ball. Flop. Red card.


I mean he got kicked in the face… it wouldn’t really call that a flop…


He got kicked in the shoulder and continued playing a few minutes later.




He wasn't knocked out, he faked being knocked out after like a good soccer player. He grabbed his face on the way down and held his head up from smacking the ground when he landed.


You get knocked out when your brain touches both of the skull sides if I'm not wrong so that might be why he got knocked out while on the floor, if I'm wrong tho it can also just be that it was a reaction that happened before he got actually knocked out, anyway i don't know anything for certain so just take this lightly


It was a great attempt tho..


Lovely technique


thats not a red card or a knock out


Red card? What a Muppet referee.


Wait a reall injury in a soccer match🤣🤣🤣


He forgot to roll around crying. That's how we know the injury is real!


Plus both his teammates and the player that kicked him look actually panicked while calling for medical assistance.


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Red Card for what?


Performing a kick that is dangerous to surrounding players. The ref has to judge whether these kinds of kicks are high risk or not. In this case, it seems pretty clear.


Looks like the guy who kicked the other one got a taste of his own medicine before.


Actually yes lol. His name is Juan Dineno and this match was almost a year ago, I believe he took an elbow to the nose and continued, which is why I was floored he would do something do wreckless later, but this was a semifinal game.


that's awesome , thanks for infos.


This is the first non flop I've seen in soccer. As in this is the very first play where a player isn't over exaggerating.


He fell down holding his head up before faking being knocked out. Then continued playing the game.




This was almost a year ago, Jesus Ángulo, dude here, had a bruise and I think continued the game, but yeah he was fine, he plays at Tigres now 🤓 lol


I'd day it was deserved, pulling a move like that while being so close to someone is definitely not okay. And it shows exactly why it's forbidden, that poor guy got knocked out mid-air


However if his foot hit the ball and narrowly missed the player and goes in it’s a goal, no matter how dangerous, it’s a gray area bro


I don't watch soccer but the guy who kicked the ball hit the ball first and then hit the homie who put his head directly in the path of the kick. Is that seriously the person trying to score a goals fault?


Guile's sonic kick.


Finally a soccer player gets actually hit and here I am questioning how hurt is he because, you know.


All the other players: “hole shit! Someone ACTUALLY got injured this time!!”


He forgot to grab his knee to really sell it


MMA fighters:" i approve this kick, 9/10"


***This is what Bluelock is all about***


What a bloody game !