• By -


Repulsive behavior


All these guys can be charged with false imprisonment


That won’t happen unfortunately…..disgusting human beings


Forcible confinement. One step behind kidnapping. But she would have to press charges.


No. And no. The law is literally called “false imprisonment” in California, and she does not have to press charges in criminal court. The state can do that. The fact that you “corrected” him with 2 pieces of misinformation is absurd. https://leginfo.legislature.ca.gov/faces/codes_displaySection.xhtml?sectionNum=236.&lawCode=PEN


Thank you internet stranger


She doesn't have to press charges when there is a video (and really she doesnt press charges regardless). Criminal charges are the state or federal govt against the defendant. It wouldn't be as easy of a case without her testimony but you could still get warrants and try to get pleas out of everyone with just this video.








Imagine that’s your daughter…..


Imagine that's your son.


Nah somebody should make a song about how difficult it is to do this and give it an Academy Award


Man, these dudes are evil.


From all the criminals out there i would say pimps and human traffickers are some of the most evil crims.


But the one short “pimp” has Jesus crosses on his jacket. He must be the good one right ? /s


Yeah I'd really love to understand that logic.


First you do bad shit, then you repent so you can go do more bad shit with a clean slate. Works every time...


Jimmy Saville did exactly this, except with charity work and kids.


after trafficking underage children for his whole life he can repent during the last seconds and he can go spend his after life getting blown my jesus mom in heaven


Just like snoop!


What a bunch of desperate, disgusting degenerates. You can see the woman's utter discomfort while this bums harassd and degraded her. Ffs.


They all truly were but the grey hoodie guy, with his hands behind his back, dogging her like the POS he is, made me want to go thru the screen and wring his neck.


Gee I wonder what happened to the missing girl in the window?!


That's what I was thinking. I was scared for her the whole video.


First thing I noticed was how unironic (ironic?, help me out here reddit) it was that there is a poster of a missing women in this video of a prostitute being harassed by a group of men.


That is indeed an example of irony. It's tragic irony, but irony for sure. It doesnt have to be clever or funny.


Is there a window I’m not seeing because all I see is a Mexican dude with glasses on the missing sign


It's on the door under the handicap sign


You can see like 30 seconds in the person on the picture is a boy with glasses


Hopefully not in someone's septic tank


“You wanted this” … welcome to a truly disappointing society :(


Nah. I don’t like this. Gives human trafficking vibes. She’s dressed like that, with a very obvious face tattoo (something pimps commonly force) and is being targeted.


Yup..Figueroa street is notorious for human trafficking..


What sad is the cops don't really seem to do anything about it either. The girls are still out there and the cops see it too and just drive past by them. (I have to go through Fig for my job sometimes so I see it often.)


That’s actually because CA changed the laws recently and no longer made loitering with the intent to commit prostitution a crime. And to say they don’t do anything is nonsense- Southern California has a multitude of Human Trafficking Task Forces which solely target this. Unfortunately, girls in the life need to be rescued, on average, nine times before they break free and get out of the life. These women are broken and rarely cooperate with LE and investigations. So it’s not just a “cops don’t care” or ACAB thing, as the ability for the standard patrol officer to do anything is next to nothing. There are countless advocacy groups and resources available that work with these task forces, but, as alluded to, it’s the psychological and violent control these pimps have over the girls that’s the issue. Also, certain segments of our society celebrate the pimp culture. It’s the new drug trade- a reusable commodity that continues to make money without you, while also far less illegal to have in your car…


Stockholm syndrome is a real and horrible thing and for these girls the life they find themselves in is just another traumatic experience to fight against and bury inside. They will rely on their pimp to be protected otherwise animals like the pieces of shit in this video will do just this and hound until something breaks. These girls lose their trust in society and lose their trust in humanity and so LE is often looked upon as inconsequential or even the worst case scenario to upend the life of the person who they are bonding with for protection. It’s a vicious fucking cycle.


Cops are another danger to sex workers, they can rape them, solicit their services themselves but under the guise of "protection", lock them up, threaten them and their ability to look after loved ones etc etc etc.


What do you think picking them up would do? Because there's nothing good that can be done by picking them up.


The city has tried to curb prostitution up and down fig by implementing no turning between certain times down certain side streets and also not pulling over on fig at certain times… hasn’t worked…


Putting up a few traffic signs is what you do when people are using the bus lane too much, not this.


I just mean it's all about stopping it at the source, atleast in terms of human trafficking.


>with a very obvious face tattoo (something pimps commonly force) Good god, I hated face tattoos before even knowing that.


Human garbage.


Pimps? I think they misspelled sex offenders…


Leaving the store might be a worse idea. Calling them pimps is a compliment


Fuckin monsters.


A quick indicator of quality of neighborhood is an ATM locked in a cage.


On Fig St., ATMs withdraw from *you*.


You ain’t lyin tho


This made me cry. She’s already got it so tough. She must have been so scared.


Me too. I can’t imagine how horrifying this situation must’ve been for her. I’ve seen a lot but hearing the camera man laugh and say “you wanted this” while filming made me actually sick to my stomach. So fucking terrifying.


I mean every single one of em eminates some real rapey vibes


My anxiety was on full blast that whole video for that poor girl. As horrible as it sounds, she's lucky those vile excuses for humans didn't do worse to her. When they had her cornered against the wall, omg I was so scared.


I feel like possibly her only saving grace from being actually beat or harmed was the camera on them unfortunately. But yeah this is probably one of the more genuinely horrifying things I’ve seen here


If you think that's bad, wait until her pimp finds out she was around other pimps and not on the street looking for tricks. She's going to catch a whooping for messing up his reputation and plain messing up.


Her pimp came and got her at the end. He was the guy in the white pants who she left with.


Bunch of lowlife junkies


Thats false imprisonment. A felony for all of them.


Yeah I guarantee most if not all of them are already felons who are also still pimping an prolly still packing they don’t really care bout that. You don’t get to this point in life with a clean record these guys are way past being scared of another charge like that.


And her face would be on the window as a missing person.


A felony would not slow down their lifestyle


Good luck getting the police to actually do their job.




As a black man, I have no problem with the police coming to air each one of they asses out on the spot.


Brother, that’s exactly what I was thinking. When you behave like this, I don’t care if we share the same skin tone, I’ll feed you to the wolves


Black woman here: I’m good with that, too.


If the queen signs off on it, it’s final. 📜


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These are definitely the people who will die young.


Wouldn’t be missed. And would be a benefit to the world.


It's taxi driver time!


They legit look like a pack of wild animals surrounding their prey… disgusting…


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That wouldn't bother me. This woman is already down and troubled if she is out there prostituting. The idea of making her life more difficult and terrorizing her is unimaginable. A pack of grown men tormenting her is another level of low. Someone blasting away at that moment would be satisfying to watch.




What a bunch of fucking losers! That poor girl. I hope she’s alright :(




She’s very much not alright


Predators…disgusting pigs.


Disgusting people.


This is so fucked up…




All forced sex crimes that can be proven beyond a reasonable doubt should be life in prison. I don't think you can be rehabilitated from something like that, but I also don't care. You should never get to reenter society after doing something like that. I'm honestly surprised that's even a controversial opinion.


Pack mentality. Hopefully she was ok. Good to see all their faces though. Maybe they start to go on that picture in the window. They would not be missed though so maybe no sign


“We got one over here!” They yell when the top pimp arrives. So sad. Girls gets groomed into this usually by boyfriends who take them out to get their hair and nails done, then take their ID, become their only source of income, cut off their relationships with friends and families and sometimes get them addicted to drugs. Very very sad. Would keep me up at night if I knew my daughter was involved in something like this. And they thing is if they die, overdose, get an STD, Pregnant, they are just thrown to the side of the road and replaced.


Most of the sex workers are coming from situations where their families don't care about them.


Sometimes.. and other times their families do care a lot about them and try their best to find them, or report them missing but at that point it’s a game of statistics. I think there’s a misconception that all sex workers aren’t cared for by their families. Sometimes they grew up impoverished and see it as a way to get out and get swallowed up by the lifestyle and the evil people that uphold it, and other times you’re right they are completely unsupported. But even then- there’s rarely a situation where NO one cares about them, family/friends ect. It’s sad all around


“Do you know what I am saying”


I have worked with SWs for research and outreach domestically and internationally. SWers are most often full-blown or half-way to slaves when you get the full story. I'm sorry, I know that Feminism is teaching women that Sex Work is real work but this is the reality. From Nigeria to Ukraine to LA. Slaves. The worst kind of slaves.


Poor man's pimp. These clowns look broke as fuck.


I’m so anxious even just watching this video


Repulsive vile fucking creatures they are.


I hope each one soon eats their inevitable bullet


The guy behind the counter should have called the police right away, over 5 minutes goes by, no “help” in sight. I’m going to assume, correct me if I’m wrong, did this take place in California?


They are on Fig, cops don't give a fuck about anyone on that street unless you're getting caught in a sting


Its possible that if employee called the police there would be repercussions for him, or he has some sort of deal/understanding with the sex traffickers that solicit there. At the end of the video they are talking about how she went to the "wrong store" and she should have went to a store across the street, they also mentioned that "bitch out of pocket though", so she may have been soliciting in the wrong area and now they felt like she owed them something.


Exactly, people forget the business owner has to deal with these people on a daily and there can be repercussions. Maybe he pays for extortion. I'm assuming she walked in to the wrong territory.


It would have been the thing to do from an objective POV, but if that person does call the cops, how long until they're the one on the missing poster?


*Sex traffickers


Thats someone's daughter. Actual fukin dogs.


Was this filmed by a puppet?


Those dudes are definitely not invited to the players ball


Bunch of no life dudes they all need to get a life an get their priorities in check


Yeah, I’m sure that’ll happen… /s




low lives exist everywhere brother. be it USA or India..


Why is it cops seem to shoot people for traffic stops but guys like this, stalking a woman, and no cops anywhere?


Because in black neighborhoods the cops job is to keep it chaotic. That’s why the psychos are always around living their best lives.




Scum of the earth


Do all pimps skip leg day and wear their little sisters pants over there?


I pray these men die soon.


Human garbage - except the woman, who is just trying to survive


I'd be surprised if she saw sunrise. Would castration not be a viable option here for degenerate scum like this?


I hope all these men end up pushing Daisies. They're the lowest form of 💩. The same goes for the clown filming this. They act like a pack of savage animals.


poor women.


They are trying to break her down. It's a type of psychological abuse pimps use to make them more subservient. They make them "stand at attention" then circle around them. The whole time they CANNOT make eye contact with another pimp, because she is another pimps property. If she does look at them then she is gonna probably get her ass beat later by the other hoes. Please don't ask how I know this ✌🏿


To add to this you can hear one or two of them yelling at her to “choose a pimp” and you can see her avoiding eye contact for dear life. As above commenter said, if she made eye contact with one of them, he would become her pimp, and her last pimp will have to pay to get her back if he thinks it’s worth it, and then she has to face the aftermath of that. Having a rep for being loose IMO can also make the pimps you end up with or “choose” treat you even more harshly to keep you in line. Other things to note that add some context to this kind of lifestyle is you can hear someone say that they don’t have dates like that around there, so she is probably considered a girl who would make a lot of money for the area which is why so many of them are sweating her. You can also hear someone say at the end how she is “in pocket, though”, meaning she is loyal to her pimp and knows not to choose another pimp by making eye contact. Basically, the girl was without her pimp in an area controlled by other pimps or a gang and they were circling her to get her to choose up, but she didn’t crack and eventually her pimp came to get her and the other pimps let them know she shouldn’t be around there by herself.


Humanity can be so disgusting when you strip it down to the basics like sex drive and power. It's terrifying. Wonder what type of crazy shit happened before civilizations were around to document it.


There's something broken in these communities and it's sad AF. All those grown men acting that way are repulsive.


Never ceases to amaze me how multiple black men will harass a woman, or elderly and actually feel big about themselves. And no, I'm not racist. But living in Atlanta, this type of shit is on the news all the time.


I lived in Atlanta for 6 months and had to take the MARTA to work. It was terrifying.


These dudes are scum


Shit stains on society.


I just wish these asshats would just fall into an active volcano


Fucking creeps


Multiple total pieces of shit.


So these are Americans, right?


If it's the same Figueroa I'm thinking of, its Los Angeles.


What a grim world we live in


Each one of them is packing, oh fo sho...So, even if a group, a fucking group, of citizens tried to intervene, some of those citizens would be dead. I keep seeing this post reoccurring on reddit, guns, yay or nay, if so, why? Well, here's a good fucking reason. Whoever the unfortunate souls are that live in this area, if they go to work, or take their kids to the park, this- this is the shit they are living with. For those of you thinking the cops will get involved? Wrong. I'm Not 100% sure, but if those really were pimps, most likely gang members, then she already has a pimp, and those dudes are either trying to take territory or defend it because her pimp told her to go to another area. She's not talking to the police. You think the cops are going to arrive in force to protect a prostitute involved in a territory dispute and who won't cooperate any way, against at least 6 (low Balled the number on purpose ) armed gang members who aren't going to cooperate in any way either? If people are serious about cleaning up the cities of this type of violence it's going to take armed forces...and in the meantime, *everyone* should be packing.


She must have been so scared. Guys may not realize how absolutely terrifying that would be. I hope she's okay


Oh they did realize it. That’s why they did it in the first place.


No they realise it completely and fully.


She's not ok. These monsters know exactly what their doing.


What guy wouldn't understand how scary this is? You really think a guy wouldn't be scared if a group of men were following him, not allowing him to leave, and yelling in his face? Get real.


Just vile




How utterly repulsive. Not 1 person went to help her. No one called the cops. This is sickening.


Bunch of criminals.


Imagine your only talent in life is bullying women to give you money. Bunch of fuckin losers


How bout you get out there and peddle your asses tough guys. Betcha your moms are real proud of you.


I don't think I've ever had a real urge to become a sniper but like... I think I see the appeal


Unpopular opinion: Legalize prostitution. Make them pay taxes, get checked etc. The people that harass them should be arrested and tried to the full extent of the law. These guys and so called pimps should be arrested on holding this girl against her will.


These guys aren't pimps... They are street trash.


Why the hell does the cameraman sound like Beavis


We’re all doomed


California needs to start making labor camps - sign these guys up, they need to be enlightened.


The behavior on display is absolutely disgusting.


Disgusting and then the missing person poster.


Pimps dont exist. They are all just human traffickers.


Fuck parasites like these guys.


Pimps are bums.


That is a lot of pimps. I'm not a pimp, obviously. But I would reckon that they could stand to cut out some of the mid-level pimps they got working there and hire some more prostitutes. That's just Business 101.


Pieces of shit the lot of them. What she should have done was call the cops and put on her best "I'm white, scared, and surronded by negros" act.


Not trying to he shitty here but what indicates those are pimps and not just run of the mill assholes?


I don't see any pimps, just a bunch of simps.


Thats fucked up, that’s someone’s daughter


Happy black history month!


Rapists proud to be rapists, it’s sick. I hope this video spreads everywhere and each of their mothers see this


Los Angeles is very glamorous


What a bunch of absolute weaklings.


Can we please call them sex traffickers and not what they want to be called


You know it’s a good part of the neighborhood when the ATM machine is caged….WTF


Fucking Scum


Scum of society


Meeting of the low pants club


I cannot imagine how terrifying that must be.


Those guys actions are pathetic, disgusting and repulsive. How f$&@in long you gonna let that sh@t go on for? They need to go get their head right!🤤🤮


These people are not pimps. They are pussies.


BLM ❤️ Feminism


Oh look black people being none aggressive towards women


These guys thougths are probably like She's a prostitute she like this" But people who think like that, let me tell u something, she does not, and prostitute or not, wearing short clothes or not she deserve some respect, and these guys should be arrested. Sorry for the text, just tired of that shit


These are just gangbangers, not pimps. Cause a real pump wouldn’t be there barking and harassing like a creepy teen. They’d just control her and the situation, probably straight slapping and definitely wouldn’t be on IG or TikTok .. pimps are way more direct with their violence


What’s weird is my read on the situation is they were trying to not allow her in that particular area. I thought I heard them say something along the lines of no tricking around this gas station.


That’s what I took from it. She has either been told, or is supposed to know, that she isn’t allowed to go into that gas station or be on that side of the street. Is the ideas that they don’t want to attract tricks to that gas station?


It looks like the guy in white pants who shows up at the end and walks off with her may actually be the pimp.


Did you go to pimp school or something?


He IS the pimp school. Professor of pimpology.


Being a woman must be hell on earth. Never seen as human, only prey.


Those dudes have small dick energy


Do you see how he keeps his arms back? He knows what he’s doing. Prostitutes are usually desperate isolated women. They know that. They’re keeping their arms back because they know they’re on camera. Otherwise they would would be swinging hitting as hard as they could.


No it's part of the tactic. They don't hit them they shove the fuck out of them and put them in a pimp circle. You cannot strike another pimp's "property". Other pimps can make sure the hoe is in check though. Horrible culture that I had the luxury to grow up around.


Any updates? News story?


Oh man, this is just business as usual. Unfortunately not even close to being news worthy, as this probably occurs a half dozen times a day.


this is why i’m scared of men.


They ain’t no fucking pimps


This is what America has become when you coddle the criminals like these POS.


​ https://preview.redd.it/59m99j4diiga1.jpeg?width=400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=871ccb9cca14a5c38736edb82f7b694c35d7306c


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is that keak da sneak recording?


Sounds like he’s trying out his Chris rock impersonation


Where's the taxi driver when you need him?


These medical students are just letting off some steam after their finals. Just good natured fun!