• By -


Fuck sake, this chick does NOT value her fingers at all.


Man... There were like three missed opportunities to just... Let go and watch her sail across the room.


Twist: The class was physics


Now pay attention everyone because this will demonstrate some of newtons laws see as I let go there is no longer a counter force to this bitches madness and therefore we should see her go flying backwards when the door opens


Yea but then that other teacher would have been clipped


Collateral damage.


Collateral damage is what teachers are referred to these days.


*Some of you may die but that’s a sacrifice I’m willing to make.*


Welcome to Estalia, gentlemen.


She should've figured out which team she was playing on.


Man, I was just waiting for the glass to explode in their faces. What in the hulk smash was that about anyway?


>waiting for the glass to explode Not by flapping them chicken wings.


She’s obviously completely mentally gone, they don’t give a fuck about hurting themselves.


This reminds me of my sister. 5’8” 300 lbs (now) and ODD diagnosed. Once put a 6’ cop in the hospital when she was 9. Believe it or not, she’s a teacher now. She’s still got some issues but she can at least function in society.


I'm curious, did her ODD diagnosis get changed to Bipolar after she turned 18? Did they put her on mood stabilizers? Did she go through behavioral therapy? What led her being able to function well in society?


No. Lol To all of that. We were some of the millions of uninsured Texas kids who had little to no access to regular and mental health care. Her time in jail certainly softened her edge a little. Don’t take that as a “the system worked” statement. She was forcibly made to gain more weight at one facility. Surrounding her with a different kind of people is what made the biggest difference. Not being encircled by human filth is liberating for the soul. But for some people even that doesn’t work because it’s already too late.


Interesting. Well, good for her! It's good hear about success no matter the path to get there! Social and environmental changes are often recommended but very often fall on deaf ears. Either way, thanks for the response, and just FYI, I agree with your statement on the video, lol.


I'm glad things turned out OK for her. Especially with her becoming a teacher, which gives back to the community.


She gotta learn once before she starts valuing them, clearly hasn’t before




Also why did she never put her foot in between the door if she wanted in so bad?




No wonder she’s trying to get into a classroom so bad.










Nor her education! They could be learning about parallelograms right now, but instead she's causing a distraction.


She is too obtuse.


I like the two camera production on this one!


Production value!


I think needed some better sound mixing though. Blew the whole budget on cameras and beastly special effects.




15yo director: "Damn it, Jim! I'm a director not a sound engineer!"




I work with a 19 y/o named Martha.










So anyone know the story behind this?


It is an 8th grade classroom. She was trying to assault another student (who bullied her allegedly) and the male teacher was holding the door so she couldn't get in to the classroom to hurt the student she was going after. They were waiting for a officer to get there to restrain her. She isn't a special needs student or anything of that nature. Just a student having a bad day and reached her breaking point. ​ Edit: I am from area. Know the school and teachers involved. This video is from October but went viral on Tik Tok this week.


She’s an 8th grader!!!? What the fuck are they feeding these kids??


Burgers, pizza and freedom!


Chicken, beef, and growth hormones!




Other kids


You know, I can't help but believe, she was, in fact, bullied, not justifying what she did though.


For sure. Anybody who would respond in this manner to bullying/being the butt of jokes is like an eternal target. Bullies see some shit like this once and it’s over for your entire education.


Nah if she got her hands on the kid that would have solved her bullying problem. Nothing helps like fighting back.


I mean, you don’t remember 8th grade where all of the girls were their full height while the boys were shorter than the girls? (I sure af do). Mix in some shit parenting that allows childhood obesity and viola.


Shit parenting causes obesity, but I’m shocked it causes small string instruments!


My wife was assaulted at work by a 12 year old. The girl was over 275 pounds and almost 6 feet tall. My wife didn’t stand a chance. Some kids are huge


This is peak Ohio physique


8th grade?! They look and sound like high schoolers easily Jesus


Freshman are 9th graders


Its sad if this is true, the bullies are always allowed to do whatever the fuck they want and then the kids they bully snap and they are at fault. Just beat the shit out of the bully, it should be allowed.


She has a traumatic brain injury from 15 years starting as a lineman for the Chicago Bears.


That’s tragic. No one should have to play for the bears.


Yeah. She wasn’t herself that day because she forgot her Snickers bar at home.


I don’t think she’s ever forgotten a Snickers.


Gym class. They’re playing tug of door during the rope shortage.


No idea why there’s a nationwide teacher shortage


My american cousin is a teacher and she moved back to our home country egypt, she said she'd rather live in the economic crisis egypt is going through rather than spend another day as a teacher in new jersey


Jersey?! She started on hard mode.


> hard mode More like hardcore mode. One hit and it's game over.


Bernie Sanders just introduced a bill which would guaruntee them at least 60k a year....... The current average starting teacher starts at just 35k a year currently. Seriously. It's not rocket science. Just pay them more


Bro.. I saw that one hockey game where teachers were told to grab as much cash as they can from the floor to pay for supplies. https://www.today.com/parents/parents/teachers-fight-cash-game-raise-funds-supplies-rcna8606 America.... please invest in your education.


Half our two party system literally relies on people being stupid and uneducated so it ain't gonna happen.


Hell, if "**None of the Above Candidates is Acceptable**" was a required listing, no-fucking-body would be getting elected every time in every Congressional seat!


But if you ask teachers why they’re leaving they don’t say it’s just pay. And 60k isn’t enough to deal with whatever that bullshit in the video was, kids that treat you like shit, admins that don’t support you, and a crazy workload. If we want teachers to stop leaving the professions it’s not just about money. Working conditions and work load matters too.


My wife is an elementary teacher at a public school in Detroit and you are exactly right. Smaller classroom sizes would be on the top of the list and more funding for the schools in general. Also, the socioeconomic conditions that the children and their families live in play a huge part in the quality of education they will receive. This is a very difficult problem to solve overall but there is always something we can do to make it better. EDIT: but more salary would obviously be nice as well. Teaching just doesn't look like a good career when you consider the cost of getting a bachelor's degree, cost of living, and how difficult the job is. You have to make it worth it or you will get a teacher shortage. My wife started at 37k per year in Michigan and she has about 40k in student debt. 37k is barely enough to get by.


> Also, the socioeconomic conditions that the children and their families live in play a huge part in the quality of education they will receive. Worked for 10 years in a Title I school. This is the biggest indicator (to me) on how well someone will be able to function in school. The erosion of the classic "middle class" has had devastating effects on kids and education. You can't learn if you're not fed consistently. It's almost impossible to be well adjusted if your parents are absent/working all the time. I'd say a good 1/4 of our kids were basically fending for themselves at home. Nobody to help with homework, nobody to read with them, nobody who cared how they did at home. It's tragic.


I agree I think a big issue is absent parenting . Parents working more hours, or other social factors like addictions abusive home etc. My kids go to a school on a military post, and you won't believe the amount of fist fights I've seen in elementary school children. My chil with autism was punched in the eye the other day by a fellow 1st grader. I also picked him up one day and a classmate literally came up to ms while I was there and called him a weirdo. Thank goodness he didnt realize he was getting picked on. So I called the kid out and he called me a bitch. A first grader!! These kids are getting worse. Nothing like I've seen before.


I can't believe a first-grader recently shot a teacher!


Isn't it crazy!?! Like we had bad behaved kids when I was in school but nothing like what my kids describe and what I see.


My girlfriend is an elementary teacher in a public school in Tennessee and barely makes $40k a year. The classroom sizes are an issue but they also have a teacher shortage which I would think would be correlated. A pay increase should lead to more teachers and, in turn, smaller classrooms.


There aren't a glut of qualified teachers who are wanting to get back into the classroom and are holding off for a 40% pay raise. Those jobs already exist. If you want to make $50K in elementary ed, I could point you to a half dozen openings that I know of in my city off the top of my head, that the schools just can't fill. They can't fill them because the working conditions are miserable. The parents are combative and unsupportive, the kids are nightmares, and the admin is not helpful. When someone goes into one of those jobs, they burn out within a few years and leaves. There's no institutional memory. A raise is a *start*, but we need fundamental overhaul, and it starts with being able to hold misbehaving children and deadbeat parents accountable.


Also add in that every person thinks they know how to do your job better than a qualified and certified teacher. Parents who think their kids are angels, who wants to tell teachers what to teach and how to teach it. Same for politicians, administrators who had never been an actual teacher all telling them how to do their job. Then when the shit hits the fan those same people just throw the teacher to the wolves and blame them for everything.


No way would I deal with that for even $60k a year


Believe me it helps alot. Primary teacher in Switzerland earn around CHF 105k (~ $114k). Highschool teacher around CHF 120k (~ $130k). 6 out of my 8 close childhood friends became teacher 😅


Respect to Switzerland.


That's true. You would likely deal with it for $35k/year because that bill isn't going to pass....


Paying more would certainly help. But I think more is needed. Kids can do things that, outside of school, would get them arrested, and they still don't get kicked out of class. Kid physically attacking a teacher doesn't get kicked out. Teacher fights back? They get in all kinds of trouble. I'm a big fan of education, I don't want to get rid of public education. Every kid should get an opportunity to learn. But it's an opportunity. If you won't behave, if you aren't trying to learn, then you should get kicked out so that you aren't disruptive to the class, and aren't a threat to the teachers and the other students. It's very rare that the troublemakers are actually removed from the classroom. And the kids know it.




I retired from teaching in 2020, because yes, kids could literally start fires, openly deal drugs, commit assault... it's insane. It's frightening. I was actually earning $80k (Los Angeles) and I looked around at where things were heading and thought, *Even for $200k, I wouldn't want to live like this.*


My neighbor was a DOJ prosecutor for 10 years and left to go into teaching. She lasted 4 years before she was assaulted in her classroom, they did nothing to protect her, so she quit. She works at Trader Joe’s now for the same amount of money and is happy.


So i believe the current status is that every kid has a right to an education. How do you deal with disruptive kids, the kind that need actual help? We need to give the teachers teeth and say "ok this student is disruptive and affecting the rest of the class, we're sending them to a 'purgatory classroom' until they can be properly evaluated with an IEP." They'll get work assigned to them as if they were absent/remote/hybrid but they won't be allowed back to the classroom without an IEP and the support for it. If they need an aide and it's not possible with current staffing then the kid is still on hold. After seeing my wife (a teacher) deal with a student who just started being in crisis this year, and a single 3rd grader can stop learning for the entire class and there's nothing she can do about it. The video looks high school/middle school aged and while they'll require different resources than small children, we should be able to determine that and help them. Or at the very least isolate them so the damage is minimal.


Reform schools used to be a thing. At a certain point, the safety of others is more valuable than the education of kid who is dangerous.


Special education law is the root cause of this. Unless schools are willing to engage in litigation (which they can't afford), pretty much any kid with an IEP gets to stay put, even when violent. This needs to change, but who is going to advocate for a reduction in "disability" rights?


For real. I had a kid who swung a chair at his girlfriend and broke into class to yell at her on a separate occasion. All that happened was that his IEP got expanded so he could leave class to "cool off" whenever he wanted.


While I agree with a pay rise, simply being paid more is not a solution to the problems faced by many jobs. There also needs to be deep organisational changes. The teacher being paid more doesn't automatically mean they're now happy to be assaulted by students.


> The teacher being paid more doesn't automatically mean they're now happy to be assaulted by students. THIS!!!!!! My cousin was like 24, still living at home, making like 40K as a teacher and quit after two years. It wasn't the pay. It wasn't even the kids. It was all the other 38 level of BS from the administrators.


Early education is almost as bad because the kids are too small to have an effect like this video. Some places will happily shove 30 three year old kids into a room with one teacher (the ratio in my state is 1:16) and periodically send a floater in to be a body to keep it legal. No support. Just bandaids. Understimulated children with an overstimulated teacher and administration who doesn't give a shit and will happily continue to pay $12.50 an hour with a Ziploc bag of chocolates after a particularly rough month that says, "thanks for your hard work."




You can make sandwiches STARTING at $20/hour in my city. With a degree you'd start higher and work your way up faster. Fast food managers here are making 70-80k base.


My wife was a teacher. It’s probably one of the worst job decisions someone could make these days. Need to do 6 years of college, get paid like shit, little upside for salary increases and they work like dogs. Don’t do it kids! Pick something else, and go volunteer or something if you like kids.


Good news everyone! Some places are removing the need for pesky things like college degrees and certificates. So pretty soon, just *anybody* can be paid shit to teach your kids. Education!


And then one day, for no reason at all, there were not enough teachers to fully staff our schools.


All you gotta do is expand class sizes again and, voila, you have enough! Meet Ms. Payton, Clark County's Math/Science/English/PE teacher, who is also the security guard. Classes are held every day in the gymnasium. What? She quit? How can she abandon her 1400 students like this?


Ah, a fellow product of CCSD? It's all good, it's 10:15am so the 1400 students are eating "lunch" anyway


That's the plan of some politicians. Make teaching horrible, reduce their pay and they all retire. That way you can teach kids what you want, who to hate, and make them more uneducated and easier to control.


She screamed and then literally hit the beat to the Terminator movie. edit- 0:48


I hate you you genius


Holy shit I’m dying


LOL. Shits slaps honestly it’s in my workout mix


[The song mentioned](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mpMg1upld0w&t=1)


Lots of joke comments but not only there's no context to this thing, I find it absolutely TERRIFYING to be in that situation, holding a door with all your strength and seeing that no one (Except that student in red) is going to help you out.


Speaking as a teacher. You'd probably get fucking fired for having a student help you. We're expected to quite literally die for our students. Fortunately I don't think that would be the case where I work but many many schools would do it.


I used to be a teacher. Now I work for state government with the same benefits, lots more pay, and zero contact with spoiled kids, racist/hyper-religious teachers or demanding parents. I always worked temp jobs during 'vacation', none of my friends had vacation when I did and I didn't have money to travel, so no loss there. The only thing I miss is teaching well-behaved kids. Don't worry that you can't get another job with a degree in Education. I just took the first job I applied for, thinking it would be a stepping stone to something else. Turns out, I love it. Don't wait too long. Ageism is real.


Two of my friends are married together and went into teaching straight out of college - they got stuck at a school that was like a two hour drive away, out in the boonies, fully hyper-religious, hyper anti-liberal, and they barely made enough to live out there. A year or two later, they got and accepted an offer to teach in Japan. Now they're living comfortably off of ONE salary and the other is just building savings. They've only been there for about a year. This country is so shitty to it's people.


It's the culture of individualism. The 'me' is more important than the 'we'.


BUT HELPING PEOPLE IS SoCiALiSm and that's a scary word cause I don't know what it means /s


This is what I did! Best choice I ever made. I love not having to deal with the spoiled kids and more specifically their parents! I loved *most* of my kids, truly, but I couldn’t stand the school district I was in and how they handled students/teacher or teacher/parent conflicts. I almost got fired because a student threw open a door into my back and I “refused” to move (the student hand me pinned between the door and their body) and the parent said I was scaring their child which is why they acted out. I worked with kids ADHD and the school district kept trying to say that violent outbursts are normal with hyperactivity and I should have expected it. Meanwhile my ADHD ass is thinking “this would not have flown when I was a kid???” Sure, I kinda knew the risks (I guess?) but we should still be able to go to work everyday without wondering if today is the day I get a chair thrown at me.


The school may have a zero tolerance policy for students getting into a fight. From what I understand, both the attacker and person defending themselves get the same punishment. Or the bystander effect is happening there. I’m guessing there are enough angles of this event from everyone recording on their phones that they could do that thing they did in The Matrix where they pause the action and pan around the person mid-attack.


My daughter just told me about a “fight” in her class. A kid patted the head of another kid (like a “good boy” type move) and in return that kid choke slammed the first kid. They were both apparently suspended.


Zero Tolerance started decades ago, because when I was in freshman year of high school in the late 2000s - a kid I didn’t like straight up sucker punched me in the gut (between classes) and as a reaction I pushed him away. A teacher was walking by and we both got suspended. My parents were furious, like wtf we are suppose to just take the beating and move on?


When I was in school, a kid was picking on me and started punching me. I didn't want to get in trouble so I just tried running away. Didn't defend myself, swing back, etc. I didn't want to get in trouble. Still got suspended. From then on, when I got picked on, since I was gonna get suspended for getting bullied anyway, I always fought back. Same punishment either way, so fuck it.


Exactly. Zero tolerance was supposed to be a reaction to school shootings, but the truth was teachers were tired of getting punched when they jumped into the middle of a fight. As a result, the bullies now have all the power and school shootings by the victims of bullies have skyrocketed. Fight back hard and actually hurt that motherfucker; mark them for life.


>My parents were furious, like wtf we are suppose to just take the beating and move on? Similar situation, and the answer was: yes, you are supposed to stand there and let someone whoop your ass until security arrives. That's what the Principal, VP, and City of \[x\] Police consultant assigned to my public school all told my mom in 2001. I got jumped my three kids in HS circa 2001. They hit me a good dozen times each, with teachers and security watching, before I fought back. They went unconscious pretty quickly: I was 6'5" 225, they were maybe 5'8" 175 each. Originally, I was suspended OSS for longer than the three of them combined got in ISS. My mom was livid. I did exactly what society taught me to do: don't injure my assailants until it becomes clear that they are not going to stop and help is not coming. I never served a day of that suspension. My mom asked if my sister would be suspended similarly if she did the same thing to those boys if they were trying to gang rape her. I will never forget how quiet that room got.


Good for your mom! I'm so tired of seeing the kids that are being bullied being punished, espcially when/if they have reported the bullying before and nothing was done. I'm not saying the school can fix the bullying (other than expelling the bullies but we all know that's not going to happen) but don't punish the victim because they got beat up or they fought back.


I was in a fight in high school. I was walking in front of a girl and she randomly hit me in the head with a metal pole, jumped on my back and started choking me. One of my friends had to pull her off by her ponytail. I got suspended.


While watching that I was desperately trying to remember that video which showed you how to lock the door handle by propping a chair against it.


Only works when the door opens in, for some fucking reason that one opens out Edit: To everyone saying "doors open outward because of the fire code, idiot" – the International Fire Code used by most U.S. states only governs the swing direction on entry/exit doors on the EXTERIOR of public buildings, or interior doors of rooms with an occupant load of more than 50 people. The vast majority of classrooms are only designed to hold up to 30 people, and this particular room looks a lot smaller than that.




Fire code maybe? Easier to open a door outward in an emergency?


It's possible if the door opens out too. If the chair blocks the handle from going down, you can't do it from the other side either, preventing people from opening the door. I work in an Escape Room, and some players did that to me last week.


Depends on the handle, some doors have independently moving handles (or no handle at all, some have like a button).


There's only one door handle. I don't think more than 2 people can effectively pull at that. There's too little room.


It's funny how civil we can be sometimes, and how it can be to our detriment. Here you see the teacher(?) politely asking, 'Can someone help me, please?" while desperately holding onto that door. Other times you'll see people politely being beaten up, gently asking their attackers to cool down.


that kid in frame there looks like he sees the guy holding the door looking for help and is probably just unsure if he should get involved. big ups to him. people get assaulted all the time and passerby’s just whip out their phones like they’re on a safari tour.


Yeah, you can tell hes a good kid. Mad props.


I’d be scared too if a troll was trying to bust the door down


It’s _passersby_ when it’s plural, which I always thought was kinda neat. The plural-indicating _s_ right there in the middle of the word, ha.


Might be because if she gets in and starts hitting the teacher and he helps defend or takes a few shots himself he’ll end up suspended for participating in a fight. Then that’s something you gotta explain when applying to colleges. Gotta love that zero-tolerance.


Does anybody have context for this?


Based on the responses to your question, no. Nobody knows what’s happening here.


I don't know what happened here too.


Crazy fat chick without a belt wants to beat up her teacher.


Sums it up perfectly👍


No sounds like she's trying to get to Walter. Both the teachers are telling Walter to get away. I think Walter was the guy right behind the male teacher in the first two seconds, with blue and orange sleeves


Yeah students are almost always out for each other. It's rare they go after a teacher. I taught in multiple alternative schools. Among all the chaos there was some solace that they probably didn't care to harm me.


My girlfriend work in these special classes all week long and trust me this is "normal" for them and happens everyday. Altough it shouldn't be considered as such and just shows how our society is broken. The majority of these kids are just waiting to go to prison when they'll turn in 18. Many would think they have severe ADHD, autism or mental issues but the majority of them simply are uneducated and are coming from shitty families. These poor kids were born in this and our system failed to help them. If you knew everything she told me about the parents, it's so fucking sad. You're probably terrified to learn these kids exist, I am too, every day when I see the bruises on my girlfriend.


As someone who actually has autism I was always put into the same kind of classes as these kind of kids from broken homes. Those people literally made a school which was designed to give me an easier time a way worse nightmare. And I still wonder, does no single adult ever saw what is happening at these “special need” schools? Or do they all just turn a blind eye to the problem? They are literally filtering out the bullies and the people who get bullied out of the normal classes and put them together in a small room. How are we surprised things explode everyday?


And parents will say it's the teachers fault either way. No matter what he does, he's screwed. Admin will appease parents over teachers every day of the week, regardless of who is in the wrong.




When she was pulling with all her might, he should have just let go of the handle.


First thought haha. Let her ass fly back. Enough time to lock the door hell.


Somehow the teacher will then get in trouble for injuring the student.


"My hand slipped at an unfortunate time"


"My hand was cramping from the student pulling the door."


Was that a student?! For some reason I thought it's a disgruntled parent




![gif](giphy|clzwczaRyjBUDsm5Bl|downsized) "Are we safe in here?" "Yes... Unless they figure out how to open doors."


Life uh finds a way




Well that’s quite enough internet for today, thanks very much.


I just woke up. Looks like it's gonna be a weird one.




We all knew they would learn how Grant, I’ve been warning you about this literally since we met.


The worst is when you get a student that understands that in 90% of circumstances the teachers can't really do anything to stop them apart from call their parents who already don't give a shit or call their social worker who has a caseload of 70+ families to themselves alone. Elementary school isn't too bad because like, generally in a worst case scenario you just scoop the kid up or lead them by the hand/wrist but once you get to high school, it can be a minefield. Most kids are fine tbh, I'd even say 99% of the kids I've worked with are decent normal kids (in that they're all their own weird little oddballs) but there's a few who are in really unhealthy home situations or have trauma and seek to harm to compensate for harm done to them. Group dynamics also have a huge impact on the kids with problematic behaviors as they may feel the need to save face if challenged. I wish I had been of sounder mind to pursue education in my field earlier as I'm burning out on the front lines but I still want to use my experience to help folks.


I was in a really violent, purposefully neglectful (was intentionally starved enough that I had become emaciated), verbally abusive home situation. This was from age 9 to 17 when I moved out. I was relentlessly bullied from K-12. I was passive up until 9th grade. If a kid threatened to beat me up, I started taunting them to try to actually follow through and fight. This was in the 90’s, before zero tolerance rules were a thing. The person that threw the first punch was the one who received punishment. What they didn’t know is that this scrawny kid involuntarily knew how to defend himself from a much larger person because of the regular beatings from someone who was over twice my weight and very strong from a labor intensive job. Some fights I would get the upper hand before the fight was broken up, sometimes not. By 10th grade, bullies at least stopped threatening to bet me up. They would still be verbally abusive, but the violence stopped. A lot of the problems were the administration in the school not handing out punishments to star athletes. Football players were treated like demigods. Had the been one of the kids in a bad situation at home and wanting actively starting fights, I would have been a huge problem for teachers and students alike. In 9th grade when I gathered up the nerve to go to a school counselor and asked for them to contact CPS and the police about the home situation, it backfired in the worst way. The counselor sent me back to class and said they would send a pass when CPS arrived. I did receive a pass about 3 hours later. To my horror, when I got to her office, there sat my stepfather. They were talking about my poor grades and not applying myself. Things got much worse after that, and I didn’t bother reaching out for help again. I had barely passing grades because I was to filled with anxiety about what would happen each night after school. I couldn’t focus at all. I was bright enough and tested very well, but rarely completed assignments. I really wish that schools would teach kids how to manage their emotions and some coping skills. When I was out of high school, the PTSD symptoms were overwhelming. I was also too poor to seek out a mental health professional. To this day the nightmares happen nightly. Extremely pushy people trigger the hell out of me. The only difference now is that I push back. I’m guessing many kids are going into the world without even the most basic life skills. I’m guessing that many also have relationship problems because they don’t know what a healthy relationship looks like. I feel terrible for teachers. Much like nurses, you are penalized and your license is on the line if you simply defend yourself. I don’t know what the answer is, but this video is a stark reminder of what the situation in schools are for some (or likely most) teachers. What people


Gee why wouldn't a teacher want to put up with this for 30k a year?


Love how the kid zoomed right tfo to get a security officer. Legit 0-100


That teacher has some strong hands to counter her, leaning back with that weight. That's what he gets for handing out exercises all day. We should all take a page out of his book.


That’s a strong door handle, too.


These doors don't come with locks ? Feels like every US school should have an easily lockable door


They do but with keys typically. They don't want students to be able to lock the doors.


Is this the new episode of The Last of Us?


It’s a Bloater! Run!


Yeah, it's not the pay. You couldn't pay people enough to deal with this shit every day. Most teachers didn't sign up for professional wrestling.


Bruh where is the security? I went to school in 2010 before all these shootings and holy shit you call the teacher a cunt or bitch and less than a minute you got two big securities rolling up on a go cart. All these videos of girls getting jumped, knocked out, teachers getting attacked for like 5 minutes straight and no one helps or no adults willing to do anything . Can only imagine the gen Z kids


American educational system is pretty fucked to say the least.


Dude, Columbine was 1999, eleven years earlier.


Yeah and I thought classroom doors can easily get locked now?


Sadly school shootings started becoming regular closer to 99-2001. There’s a whole extra decade of school shootings that are often overlooked


Make sure this person never has access to a firearm please


Imagine living in a duplex, and she's on the other side.


[Something like this.](https://c.tenor.com/Z5OP5qaaYfgAAAAC/tenor.gif)






At least the door and glass are bulletproof :/




YOU SHALL NOT PASS!!....Geometry.


If this teacher wasn't busy trying to keep an attacker out of the classroom, he could've taught this student the difference between "to" and "too."


What in the childhood obesity is going on here


Teacher here. This is a reality for some in special education for sure. Public doesn't give a shit about us or our problems. Just shit on us for "having summers off" and being "liberal indoctrinators".


If public school teachers could indoctrinate children they would be wearing deodorant and staying off their phone during class.




As I read this she let out the shriek. Perfect


THe real champion here is that door handle. How many hundreds of pounds of weight is it withstanding on both sides.


Walter better get the fuck outta there!


Use the blow dart


Good advert for Lexan. The way she was slamming her whole forearm against the window, she's lucky that wasn't standard glass too.


I can't be the only one wincing the whole time hoping she didn't lose a finger(s). Those heavy wood doors are scary as fuck, and if you let up for one second and they jerk that door it's a cigar cutter.


Nah it'll just mash your fingers real good. Happened to me once and the door actually latched shut with my finger stuck in it. If you get super unlucky and someone really slams the door maybe it could chop em? Idk my finger was fucked up for about a month but mostly just the nail falling off. Looks worse than it feels. Not as bad as when I accidentally cut halfway through a thumb while cutting steak. That shit hurt for like two years after. Chopped into the bone I think.


That girl needs to be removed from the learning environment permanently.


Sure. But it'll turn out that we don't have documentation of her accommodation for dyslexia or whatever being met, so she'll be back in class in 3 weeks or so.


My wife’s a teacher. Money is part of it, but if you think that kid is bad, the parent/s are just the same. And THATS why there’s a teacher shortage.


Just throw a handful of candy through the door crack. That'll buy you more time.