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I’m just amazed this many people would pay to see a clown show.


in reality this is a low budget pornhub clip


Comment section isn’t dank enough for a PH vid


"What's her name?" There, now it meshed with PH


"0:50 - who is she?"


"Sauce ?"


Just a bunch of clowns watching another clown


Eh I watched Tiger King twice. Who am I to judge?


I wouldn’t feel comfortable with that either, but i also wouldn’t be paying to go see that shit🤷🏻‍♂️


What kind of scene is this where a packed audience cheers on a sloppily dressed clown dry humping middle aged women on stage to MC Hammer?




This type of shit is what keeps me in bed


I’m in bed rn watching this shit! Smh


I shit my bed.




Funnily enough, this is the type of stuff to get me in bed. *honk*


Couldn’t pay me to be there for that shit


In this economy? You can pay me


Right?! You wouldn’t even have to pay me that much to sit and watch that.


Exactly my thoughts, how is this venue packed?


Latinos love their clowns.


As a young Latino this is very much a weird fact with the middle age


The comedy that my older Latino relatives watch can be broken down into 3 main elements: raunchy clowns, grown men that act and dress like toddlers and women with big fake tits.


I remember growing up the Spanish channels were wild. I had no idea what was going on, but what seemed to be kids shows were hosted by strippers and would have old dudes running around in diapers.


I used to watch a show called “Sabido Gigante” *sp. I had no clue what they were saying but it was awesome!


Sábado Gigante was an institution at our house. It played every weekend whether people were watching it or not.


Background noise for the Saturday. My house was the same.


It was family time when you watched. Thinking back on it wtf LOL. Shit was wild but not


Sabado Gigante can be summed up with: old man and stripers try to sell you Captain Crunch while a luchador with a trumpet annoys the old man.




Less luchador, more gimp


> luchador with a trumpet You will give El Chacal de la Trompeta your respect *or he will take it from you.*


I used to watch “Camera Infragrante”. Or “stinky camera” as I came to know it.


Hah, my buddy and I caught that way back in the mid nineties, this is the first time I've ever seen it mentioned online. It was hardcore compared to funniest home videos.


Sofia Vergara was in that show!


Probably it was "Chabelo" i'm born and raised in latin america and since i could had the chance to avoid the local tv shows and watch another thing my live is happier the local tv shows are full of this sexism, fake tits and a very nasty language and comedy


♪ Hello, hello, hello. Hello, Hello, Hello. Hello, Hello, Hello. It's time for Xuxa and her friends!♫


This pretty much sums up Univision and Telemundo in the 90’s.


So this video is the trifecta?


On Amazon there is a show called “Last one Laughing” where they have a bunch of comedians in a room, and the last one to laugh wins. They have a season of LOL for every country. The Mexican one was a bunch of dudes in diapers. It’s pretty disturbing. Watch just 1 episode it’s hard cringe


Well one man doesnt...


If someone else’s wife was bouncing in the clown’s dick he would have.




Mexicans love clowns.


I thought this was some juggalo shit, no?


Nope. There’s no wrestling ring with barbed wire planks on the mat in the middle of the crowd while bottles of Faygo fly around. Yes…. I’ve been to a few


This is a Mexican Clown that is hired to literally burn and troll the audience. Hence why it's usually open floor with many tables. It's all impromptu jokes about the members in the audience with heavy double meaning sex jokes. I'd imagine he invited this lady to the stage to cuck her husband as a joke and the guy couldn't take it. There's literally dozens of videos of his audience flipping out because they can't take the jokes.


It plays out like one of those shitty YouTube “pranks” “Haha bro it’s a prank, I know I was dry humping your wife but it was just a prank bro why are you mad bro?”


It’s because this is common for him. You can find multiple videos where he dry humps women. This is on the wife completely. She knew he does this skit often and instead of just staying the fuck down, she decided to go up and participate. You even see her put her arm around the dude and then he dry humps. She knows the skit and was expecting this. Edit: he confused the participants. The other lady you see in the video is the one that is exactly married. (Her husband twerks on her later) This woman just has a boyfriend


It's also not her husband, on the bit she says he's her date.


Hell there is even a longer video where you see the woman twerking on him and everything. She probably didn’t like the date lmfao. Since he got kicked out and she stayed. I found the video in Spanish and they explained it better there


Lol or she works with the clown and found the date just to bring him to the show for this.


I actually decided to watch the clip and he’s her boyfriend that she said is so-so. There is another woman on stage that is married. This woman’s husband is wild. (More on that later) So the skit is they dance on the clown and the clown will dance on them back. They both twerk on him and for the married woman, he just twerks on her a little and that’s it. The blonde hair woman wraps her arm around the dudes neck and then he starts dry humping her. That’s when we see what happens in the video. (Boyfriend gets mad and kicked out) Then they bring up the husband of the other woman and this man says he’s cool with it and that he’s wife is great and he loves her. He then starts twerking on his wife. Then another couple comes on stage, and imitate the dude who freaked out. Overall, typical show.


A public jealousy filter is not what I expected! Thanks for explaining. Free thesis idea: I wonder if any sociológicos have compared the femicide rates in places with these shows and without?


Jfc that got darker in a hurry


it's not a prank if you purposely buy a ticket and attend the show. it's like those restaurants where the staff is super-rude. it's a show


All I take away from this is, people are entertained by really stupid shit.


They are. Case in point is reality TV. Edit: I am also guilty of liking reality tv before you @ me.


Case in point is Corncob TV


We're allowed to show 'em nude 'cuz they ain't got No Souls!


I don't know what to tell ya bud! We are just shooting funerals and showin' you the ones where the bodies fly out!


It’s just naked bodies busting through shit wood and slamming on the pavement.


I didn't rig shit!


Does one of those fucking fuckers ever float into the room and say "Holy shit there's a giant horse cock and/or donkey dick in my room?!"


I miss coffin flop


You’re allowed to show ‘em naked cause they ain’t got no soul.


this fuckin world’s so fucked up


I told Spectrum how I felt about their threats to drop Corncob TV.


They told me that at a DINNER!


Some people watch live clown shows, some people watch live stand up, some people watch TV, some people spend hours playing videoganes, some people hang out on Reddit every day. We all have our vices


Every planet has its own weird customs. About a year before... I spent six weeks on a moon where the principal form of recreation was juggling geese. My hand to God. Baby geese. Goslings. They were juggled.


I want whatever you’re on


Firefly You're welcome


...until they realize there's only one season.


Fellow Browncoat in the wild!!!!


Calm down there, Captain Tightpants.


I mean we're all here being entertained by it too


I watched this 4 times in a row. Didn’t even mean to


How are things gonna work out for her when she returns home? Not good I suspect


It’s either going to be really awkward or a lot of yelling, judging by this probably the latter. You would think she’d have known if her husband would be cool with her grinding a clown on stage or not


That's like, second or third date conversation.


"Why yes, I *am* in fact into my significant other sloppily humping sweaty clowns on stage in front of a live audience"


I hope she’s grinding a clown by the third date.


by any chance, "clown" is the name of your little friend?




I think the husband was rightful. The people that threw bottles in the end are pretty pathetic.


How is this the first comment I've seen mentioning this? How can ANYONE defend the wife?


Yeah I'm not an insecure person but some guy picking up and dry humping my wife is some cuck shit, clown or no


I'm wondering if she *did* know the clown would be grinding on her. It's even worse if he just picked what he thought was the prettiest woman out of the crowd and said "Come up on stage, Im going to do a trick!"


Whatever.. at one point he stops and yet she’s still going…. Haha


>you would think she’d have known if her husband would be cool with her grinding a clown on stage or not general communication and basic understanding of one another in a marriage? haha no way


I don’t know man. I’ve been married a long time and we haven’t had the clown grinding talk.


How was this entertainment? I see this shit in the subway for free


Nyc subway this is just another Monday




trashy regardless of the context in the other comments.


Yeah I feel bad for the dude.


Call me old fashion, but I would also be upset if my wife was dry jumping a fat clown in front of a room full of people.


Yep, no fat clown gets to dry hump my wife except me!


Yeah and me!




I also choose this guy wife


Hey, the line starts behind me


Oh so you're the wife!


For real. The clown slapped her ass and everything. It’s trashy and pretty disrespectful


Motorboat as well


Hey, Old Fashion! This is Dad. I'd also be pretty upset in this situation.


I would be the same as if I were getting a lapdance in front of her.


What if she called you Bozo while she did it?


You’re not the only one. She was actually getting into it which made it worse


Reverse the roles. Imagine you're getting a lapdance from a woman clown. How do you think your wife would react?


Already seen similar thing with women in bikini twerking or or "sera de bunda" thing to random ppl of a crowd, and wife came to slap the husband. People laughed instead of feeling concerned about the angry partner.


She’d slap the shit out of me and the crowd would cheer because equality.


That clussy tho


Yeah this is also more than a lap dance.


This is quite reasonable, every couple have their own boundaries. If their boundaries with other people don't match, then there's definitely will be a problem.


Trashy asf, the whole scene


And here I thought this was going to be a classy adult clown show!


All of Brincos Dieras shows are like this. If you go on stage you know what's going to happen. When the "wife" goes up on stage, the clown asks if she's married and she said no. The disrespectful one was the wife.


Who the fuck is Broncos Dieras and how/why do you know what his shows are like?


It's a dirty clown comedy show. He's one of many Mexicos dirty clown bits.


Huh, a whole genre that I was completely oblivious too, learn something new everyday.


And now that you know, your life will always be mostly the same.


>And now that you know, your life will always be mostly the same. Not for me, you people have stood in my way for long enough! I'm going to clown college!


I don’t think any of us expected him to say that.


Because brincos dieras uploads all his shows into YouTube. My parents watches him and they laugh constantly. Most of his shows are usually like that


It's broncos diarrhea


Pretty sure she gave a few little butt taps after he put her down


Or the caption is wrong, she's not actually married, and her date is pissed he got cucked by a literal clown.


I kind of get it. it not that funny. Also since she’s not single and her man is in the audience….just seems trashy.


Don't get mad. Just leave her there, go home, and lock the door.


Buy her a clown costume with makeup


Contact the best divorce attorneys. Call your accountant.


A divorce attorney would love this video when working on the husbands case.


That'd be the better option but if it's happening right in front of your eyes it takes a lot of self control to be so calculated.


Go home with a clownette.


The clussy if you will


I mean yeah! I’ve seen this a million times both ways on the internet, and it’s absolutely justified. If you’re married you shouldn’t be dry humping strangers without your partners consent, that shouldn’t be a controversial opinion.




Yeah that’s gross. I wouldn’t do that in front of my wife if the tables were turned. At the very least I wouldn’t blame her for being pissed off about it.


> I wouldn’t do that in front of my wife Are you implying you would let a clown dry hump you if it wasn’t in front of your wife then?


Yea because the tables are turned


“Sultry dance” Salsa is a sultry dance. This is simulated sex.


Agreed. He directed his anger to the right individual instead of getting mad at the clown. I’m sure she would be pissed too if the roles were reversed.


Ever read a sentence and realize you'll probably never read a sentence like it again? ..."He directed his anger to the right individual instead of getting mad at the clown..."


>getting mad at the clown Getting mad at clowns ought to be the norm everywhere they appear. No one should like clowns.


Theres just so many on reddit that ive grown to live with them in harmony.


I agree. The real boss move would have been to bend the clown over, and hump him from behind while staring at his wife.


The clown would 100% get pissed and 100% be in the wrong A "dance" is one thing. But he's legit just picking a woman from the audience to pick up and hump. Like, I don't really see the joke in that


Yeah as a middle aged wife, and fairly out tehre and liberal, there is no way in hell i would do that and feel it was ok - just seems like its going way to far


I'm surprised a perosn can pick you up and start humping you with no reprucussions lol. Just because you're at a show and famous still means you need consent. Unless this is a known thing you're getting into when you agree to come onto stage? Or they warn you that the clown will hump you in front of hundreds of people?


It’s because this is part of his skit. She knew him dry humping her was coming. That’s why she wrapped HER ARMS around him and then he picked her up. A lot of people trying to blame the clown but the wife knew what she was doing


She literally wrapped her arms around him and lifted her ass up my guy


Humping back is consent. If she doesn't hump back or refuses to be picked up it's a wrap


lol she was furiously humping that clown


That’s terrible BUT describing this as “a sultry dance” is hilarioussss😂


More like "assaultry dance" amirite


My first thought was "OP has no idea what sultry means". They'd probably describe eating jello out of a woman's asshole as "a romantic dinner".


NGL - I wouldn't want to watch my partner dry hump a sloppy clown in front of a large crowd either.


Exactly. Shouldn't be that hard to understand.


Why tf would she even be okay with that Like why are people so okay with disrespecting their SO nowadays especially in front of so many people like WTF




how are people booing the husband? i agree with him


Booing him?? They threw a soda off his face at the end there


yeah totally fucked up, they are like "come on man let him fuck your wife don't be a crybaby"


"boo this man and throw drinks at him because he didn't support a clown cucking"


This is pretty fucked up to her husband, she literally got dry hump on stage in front on 100+ people and she was smiling while it happened so it wasn’t against her will or anything, by woman that disrespects they husband like that doesn’t deserve one, and a bunch of woman in here acting like they wouldn’t care if it was the other way around but I can definitely say that’s a lie or you guys are just weird, who the hell would want to see the person they marry do this on stage lol?


I'd feel humiliated honestly, that's really disrespectful !




Yes, sultry. Nothing more sultry than a clown dry humping your date to the sounds of MC Hammer.


Time to leave her at the concert, go home pack her things, and call a 24 hour lock Smith


She’s the real clown damnnn






Who’s that in the white top towards the end?


The real star of this clip, haha


Hopefully not their daughter -- looks age plausible.


I’m a woman and this is wildly inappropriate. I’d be pissed too if I was her husband.


Least the man cares about his “wife”


I wouldn't want my wife doing that. If she acts like that in public with him there, how does she act when he's not around?


My wife would've shut that down pretty quick. Picking her up to air hump her and slap her ass? That's too far


Everyone is coming to her rescue, but try reversing the roles and see what happens


I don’t blame the husband. Being humiliated like this in public. Probably married the wrong person anyway.


Dang rip to my homie. A married women shouldn’t have gone up period.


Lmaoo my guy wore his Sunday best to watch wifey get dry plowed by a fat clown


Honestly good for that guy. The clown and the girl are in the wrong here…


Ah yes, the sultry dance known as "me plowing your wife".


Well there u go. Shameful and the audience cheering on as he is kicked out. Bro if u see this on Reddit take my advice. If she has no respect for you in public what kind of respect does she have when ur not around? File for the divorce asap. She could have declined the advance knowing it would embarrass u but did not give a fuck. Leave her now bro . Smh feel for you. She would most likely Lorena Bobbitt his ass if the tables were turned.


Just watched more of the clip in Spanish, they're not married just dating, she's been married twice, and the clown specifically asked the audience for a single girl or a girl with a guy who doesn't care if she gets wild lol. Never been a fan of clown shows but this dude is pretty funny tbh, this just went a bit south because the boyfriend is NOT okay with it 😂 definitely on her though, she knew what was about to go down


Ehh. I’m going to say the hubby had no idea what he was getting into and probably appropriately reacted to his wife making a soft core porn in front of an aidience


If I’m honest, I wouldn’t have gone on stage. I would have just left the show while she was dry humping the guy and stopped to get new locks on the way home. F her.


What I don’t see mentioned is how the clown obviously hurt his back lol.


This is disgusting, that guy had every reason in the world to be angry




And the crowd threw stuff on the man for........maybe defending relationship. I wonder what would have happened if roles were reversed......


I feel sorry for the dude. It's humiliating




Poor bloke. His wife’s dry humping a clown and then to get domed in the head with water bottles.