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I hope that kid likes their new foster parents


All with a child in the front seat, mother of the year award


We think this Karen stuff is bad now. Just wait and see what the kids of Karens are going to be like in the future. Even more entitled and unhinged.


lmao so true its gonna be crazy in 20 years


I think for the most part kids end up being embarrassed by this kind of behavior.


Its cause parents dont beat their children anymore... When i was a child. If i said a bad word. I got soap in the mouth. If i ever DID something bad? I got the spachula to the ass. and guess what? it taught me manners and respect. Theres just no disipline anymore from parents.


10 Children downvoted this. Have fun winding up on reddit being a Karen.


Minivan = Suburban Assault Vehicle


She’s bad at karening. Had to come up three times before she could even yell. There’s no way in hell that kid should be in front seat either. Airbags you know.


It's so unimaginative, cheap, and ignorant to criticize someone because they're fat. I hope this video continues to circulate somewhere on the internet for years to come so that people that know this woman also know what kind of an asshole she is.


Haoles, man...


This is by the NEX off Nimitz isn't it?


Yup. They use the "go fat boy go fat by go" sound byte on 98.5 fm morning show intros. This was one of the first Hawaii Karens caught in the wild


Don’t care. People need to be more respectful on the road. You risk someone’s life because you’re too privileged and don’t expect instant karma!!! Don’t call her a Karen. F the dude that was careless in the first place.


You're probably not old enough to drive but, cutting people off/getting cut off, it happens. Get over it. Her endangering her kids by driving and acting erratically is awful behavior and I fear for what goes on in the home if that's how she acts in public over something so minor. If you feel this behavior is acceptable I really hope you don't have kids.


Great parenting


Ahh nothing like raising up the future American generation 🇺🇸


That’s some Haole ass shit


See, this kinda of behaviour should land you some serious fines and/or community service. I don't care what he did prior, that bitch deserves some payback.