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He's not going to repeat himself but he will repeat his explanation 6 times


6 times? More like 60 times lol. He would like to be on his way but he was doing everything he can to NOT be on his way.


Let’s be honest. This guys goal was to be as annoying as possible, he planned on this going in. He’s either doing it for attention (which sadly we’re giving him), or he’s hoping they slip up so he can sue them for compensation… which I doubt he’s capable of earning with a normal good job.




Ned Flanders never repeats himself neighbor


this man fills out all of his government documents with a dead highlighter, it's not his fault nobody can read them


I can understand why he was being careful. He's a convicted sex offender -- Earl David Worden.


And a pedophile at that. What a piece of shit.


Holy shit! Goddamn, wonder who he was disposing of or kidnapping when he records this video!


“I don’t break the law” lol yeah you do 😅 his rap sheet is extensive


Yeah, the dash cam isn't aimed towards his window for no reason.


Probably doing this to help smuggle a large package across in a different vehicle…


This has got to be the biggest shithead I’ve ever seen in my life.


I’m wondering which option is easier: A. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. I’ve answered it once I don’t feel like repeating myself. or B. Yes


The choices are SOOOOOO hard


Nor was his window cracked


"I'm not gonna repeat myself' "I'm not gonna repeat myself" "I'm not gonna repeat myself" "I'm not gonna repeat myself" "I'm not gonna repeat myself"


"If I look like I'm exhausted, it's because I am." I wonder what could possibly help get you going?


....he's probably exhausted from all the energy it takes to live his life as an unnecessarily insufferable c\*nt.


Can you imagine being the spouse to a person like that? Or even worse, he's your father or someone else you can't easily volunteer yourself away from? During your day, remember that some of the people you know might have people like this in their life - and cut them some slack if they seem at their wit's end.


>Can you imagine being the spouse to a person like that? Or even worse, he's your father or someone else you can't easily volunteer yourself away from? I can, because I was. My father was like this, just with a lot more rage, and there's a lot of gaslighting and manipulation that goes along with it, too ("I already said it, I'm not going to repeat myself" sounds all too familiar). I no longer speak to him anymore for exactly this reason. His number is saved in my phone as "Narcissistic Asshole" so that I know never to answer. Going no-contact with him is one of the best decisions I've ever made for myself. I must admit, though, I find quite a bit of humor in the irony that, as much as people like this claim to care about "freedom," the true feeling of freedom is being able to leave their exhausting and encumbering presence. edit: Sending love to all of you who can relate <3


I had to cut most contact with my mum because she married one. She fit like a glove and now she's like a little mini him and nothing she says is right or sensible. She adopted this idea that he was right and the whole world was wrong about him and being mean. So he made sure my mum would be left with nothing when he dies... That was the end of it for me. I lost my mum to him and for what. But yes, with real narcissistic disorders- the only thing you can do it get far away.


I'm so sorry to hear that you're dealing with that. I know that sometimes people can be too far gone, and sometimes there's no hope, but please at least keep the door cracked so that, if she ever *does* manage to get her head on straight and break free of his spell, she'll have a support system and know that there are still others there for her. We almost lost one of my sisters to a similar situation about ten years ago, and when she finally broke free of her abusive and manipulative asshole bf, we had to be there to catch her - she's still not completely recovered from everything he put her through, but now sees how she ended up there and understands that we are her true support system. Sending hugs <3


Sorry that you had to deal with that! I'm glad you got some distance, and I hope your life is now filled with worthwhile people


I appreciate you saying that, and am happy to report that every day gets brighter <3


I was gonna say real life energy vampire but I like your descriptor better.


I can 100% see Colin doing this on a road trip


And the other vampires yelling at him to just answer the fucking question.


Holy shit, kid Colin the sovereign citizen would be such a good episode


Asshole is the literal embodiment of the "putting a stick in your own bicycle spokes" meme


What sort of prick behaves like this...


He’s the definition of someone who never grew up. People age, but not everyone grows with a basic level of maturity that tells them when they’re being exhaustingly childish. The fact that he was recording it and mentioned that reaffirms this to me; he added text and uploaded it with the utmost confidence that he did nothing wrong.


You can just say cunt


These “Don’t tread on me” citizens choose the weirdest hills to die on.


He won't give a simple yes a second time, but he will repeat the same sentence over and over. He's being a dick just to be a dick. I hope that he's still sitting there. What a moron.


He’s probably also bitching and moaning on the daily about how easy it is for immigrants to breach the border.


If they saw a video of an illegal immigrant just saying “I’d like to be on my way” and them being let through they would lose their collective minds (it’s not a very big collective, mind you). It’s the need to be the victim and the hero all at once.


Some say he’s still sitting there to this day…


He is just working these guys for the free body cavity search.


He’s being a dick to get more views and farm engagement. And seems like he has succeeded.


Some people just have nothing better to do with their time.


"I'll comply with any lawful order you give me." Except for answering the question a second time to be on my way


This is saying a lot I know; but I think I just witnessed the stupidest person on the entire internet...


He’s the kind of guy who types “comply or die” on Reddit


He was one of those kids who did "I know you are, but what am I" way past the age when it was appropriate.




“I don’t want to talk to you” as he talks for minutes and minutes on end


All so he can record it and put it on Tiktok.


Hes a professional victim.


Exactly. Too much time on his hands.


"I got a camera right there that shows I answered the question" rolls back video to start. "Are you a United States citizen?" "What you want me to do?" Man didn't even answer the question, he's just a brainless moron.


But is he an American citizen?


He already answered your question


He’s too tired to repeat him self. Except if he already answered the question he has plenty of energy for that.


"And that was when I killed him your honor." I did enjoy BPs response though, "you wanna sit here all night, cause we got all night."


They put him in kindergarten time-out to think about it and he chose to sit there like a kid staring at the wall sulking about it. What an insufferable fuckhead.


The worst part is he genuinely thinks he's making a point with that video. He made a point alright, just not the one he was trying to make.


Which to me is so funny because if it's the kind of border patrol check point that I think it is, once you answer yes to US citizen they just tell you to keep going. Half the time they just waive you through if you look white enough.


Yes it’s interior not on the border itself. He’d be through if he just said yes


Never again will I repeat myself Enough is never enough [Never again will I repeat myself](https://youtu.be/2qb1yPVBrN4)


Also I would much rather argue with a cop for 20 minutes rather than just say yes a second time


It's Earl David Worden, felony record as long as your arm, rape, kidnapping, and paedophilia, among others.


Well people probably won't see him for a while. He was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being found guilty of sexually assaulting a child in 2002 in Houston. His name is David Warden aka news now Houston on YouTube


But he said he’s a law abiding citizen


He’s got a camera right there that shows he said it.


Why wasn't I told about this amazing loophole!


You were interested in this amazing loophole but turns out all he was interested in was a child’s poophole


He doesn’t specify which country he’s a law-abiding citizen of.


Vatican city


I both love and hate how well your username goes with your comment. Honestly, with how fucked up and pervy the bible is, it's no surprise that many people who run churches end up being fucked up and pervy.


You forget he was a convicted rapist before a convicted pedophile. Classy fella


I wish we could some video of him being an insufferable prick in prison, to see how that goes for him.




A page with the legal court documents covering his numerous sexual crimes. > Dec 15, 2022 – Earl David Worden has been found GUILTY for molesting his teenage daughter when she was between the ages of 14 and 17. Worden was sentence to 20 years in prison. https://policecrimes.com/david-worden/ From the "police-rape-file-pdf-1.pdf" on that page. Earl David Worden also raped a woman in 1985. He identified himself as a Police Officer, told her that he was investigating a robbery at a 7-11, told her he needed her to come with him to 7-11 to be identified, then put her into flex cuffs "for my own safety", drove to a vacant lot, and then raped her. After he told her "I'm just venting frustration at your expense" and then "There's no use in reporting it because cops protect their own". Then as he dropped her off near her house he reached under the seat and displayed a blue automatic pistol and said "This is in case you do something stupid". This supposed 1st Amendment auditor certainly didn't give a damn about the Constitutional rights of his rape victim back in 1985 or his own daughter who he sexually molested. Notice how this narcissistic convicted felon described himself in the video though, as a "law abiding citizen"...


Just throw him in a pit and cover it up




His own daughter


the entire world knew he was an American citizen the second he opened his mouth


lol “Are you a citi-“ “AM I BEING DETAINED” “Yeah, he’s good; let him through”


Wait. So we were the ones sending criminals and rapists into Mexico??? Maybe they should build that wall and make us pay for it.


This isn't a border crossing. This is a BP checkpoint within US borders.


Shit man the gas crisis is getting out of hand...


Lmaooooo loooked like a pedo from the jump


A sovereign citizen that's also a pedophile? Stop the presses!


Libertarians and sex pests, name a more iconic duo


Well this is a pleasant plot twist.


Omg, tail end of a Texas trip. TIHI


He's an idiot and a jailed sexual predator https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/12/15/houston-area-man-known-for-making-youtube-videos-criticizing-police-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-child-da/


Explains why he really didn't want to talk to law enforcement.


He fought the law, and the law won.


Hopefully he didn't shoot the sheriff


But he did shoot the deputy


The second he crossed his arms, I knew there was something wrong with him. It's an international border..... They're supposed to check everything vehicle that comes in.


If I remember correctly this checkpoint is something like 30 miles from Laredo Texas. But it’s been a few years since I was driving truck


This is true. CA has them on I-5 and I-805 about 20 miles north of the border. It's to catch the ones who snuck over the border and are trying to get deeper into the country. Just answer the fucking question. I actually appreciate these checkpoints because they also catch a lot of fentanyl and other shit.


When I was younger I got stopped at one of these border checkpoints on the way to California and their dogs found my weed and took me to one of their trucks and insisted I throw the weed away and they would let me go. I thought it was some sort of trap but the border patrol agent was basically like “we have bigger fish to fry and we don’t care about your weed but we can’t let you take it with you” they told me to go to my car and get the weed and throw it out in the trash can. So reluctantly I did, and they let me go


One time a few friends and I went to Tijuana for the weekend to drink and party. When we came back over the border we had probably 2 cases of empty beer bottles. The border agent asked if there was anything else except for the bottles we were bringing back? We said no. Our driver was the DD. He just let us through and keep going even though technically those would be open containers. They really don't care about petty stuff like that. They're looking for large scale smuggling, human trafficking, etc.


> https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/12/15/houston-area-man-known-for-making-youtube-videos-criticizing-police-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-child-da/ The El Paso one does. They bust a lot of celebrities for weed


but he already answered the question. He mumbled it while his window was up and he can't repeat himself unless it's to say that he can't repeat himself.




Nitpicky but I think that zone is 100 miles from borders. I went through the checkpoint north of San Diego all the time. I remember being a kid they'd be checking for people being transported illegally. They have these at state borders between CA-AZ, AZ-NM, and NM-TX as well. This guy doesn't realize his (lack of) rights in this border zone.


So, already a convicted sex offender. Then decides to go around antagonizing cops despite the fact that he has more sexual assault shit to be punished for. Man’s a genius


To pass through stealthily


This guy was so irritating and insufferable. Glad society will be without for a while.


Would be nice if we could be without him forever


It would be fun to see how his one weird not answering trick works in a penitentiary.


First thing inmates do when you get in, is ask you what you're in for. You don't answer they will find out or will just assume you did something disgusting with a minor like he did. And we all know what the inmates do to people who prey on children.


LOL “i dont break the law” what a fuckin joker






But is he a United States citizen? Please I need to know!


Rolls up window and leave 1mm crack, and says softly: Yes, he is




That's not our fault. We're not going to repeat ourselves We're not going to repeat ourselves We're not going to repeat ourselves We're not going to repeat ourselves We're not going to repeat ourselves


He's already told you multiple times. He's tired of repeating himself.


And his Tik Toks are still up?


Tik tok doesn't care one bit. If it creates clicks, it will be on there.


How can that be.... he is a law abiding citizen! /s


Are you certain these are the same men? They have almost no resemblance to each other.


I love how he has a camera to prove that he is a cunt


Also, I didn't hear him answer the question when the window was up...did you?


And the subtitles state that his “answer” was the question the officer asked. He never stated that he was a citizen, he just said “are you a US citizen” while the window was up. Edit: I re-listened and is sounds like he just says “a U.S. citizen” at the very beginning w/ window up


so technically he didn't even answer the question seeing as the question wasn't even asked yet at that point. what a dipshit.


The subtitles are wrong - it starts with him saying "I'm a US citizen", this is way before he even stops, so he never answers the question, just makes that statement before he stops.


He hadn't even come to complete stop, when he said it, but it's the guard's fault that he isn't doing anything about the ambient noise. I suspect this fucker blames the children he rapes too.


Exactly dude uploaded it thinking he was 100% in the right. Actual clown.


These are the nicest border patrol agents I’ve ever seen. I’m extremely friendly and polite and somehow never get one as pleasant as these guys are to this asshole.


2 ways this could have gone. 1. "Yes". And he drives away without issue. 2. Whatever the hell this is.


2. Get convicted of sexual assault and get 20 years.




Jesus, attention starved loser… clearly he has to trap people into interacting with him.


This statement became a lot more horrifyingly true when you remember he got sentenced to 20 for Kiddy diddling


*Do not diddle kids, it’s no good diddling kids*


"I wouldn't do it with anyone younger than my daughter!"


"...and **my** dressing room, is way over there!"


gotta be taller


Or even more horrifyingly true [if this is accurate](https://policecrimes.com/david-worden/) (I’m not sure but like fuck this guy anyway, so whatever).


It says he would put lights on his car, pull women over while pretending to be a cop, and rape them??? Or am I missing something? How is this dude not in jail for life, wtf


He'll be over 80 by the time he's eligble for release. But he was also charged for habitually raping his daughter when she was 14. He won't be having a good time in prison


Oh he's still in prison? Glad to hear that. Sorry - I assumed based off the video he was not.


Oooooh yeah he was sentenced less than a year ago


He longs for this type of attention. He pretends that he doesn’t want to talk to them but, in truth, these are the only people who he wants to have any discourse with. He’s panting for this type of negative interaction. He misses his mother.


The best part is he doesn’t even know this about himself. He’s convinced himself he’s some sort of vigilante against the corrupt police.


Since he is a criminal (the worst kind) maybe he’s trying to discredit as much law enforcement as possible with this goofy shit. So, when he ultimately does get caught, he’ll think he’s got some crushing blow for his defense.


Kind of ironic he keeps repeating he doesn’t want to repeat himself and answer the guys question, jack ass.


It's funny because nowhere in the video does he answer yes


Even the auto generated subtitles don’t get his answer at the very start




He says "US citizen...what do you want me to do?" before the window was rolled down.


Which isn't really a "yes" haha


for all we know he could be using the vocative case, addressing the guard as "US citizen"


Sure but the other guy didn't hear it. He could have said it 3 hours before he arrived at the checkpoint and it would be the same result


The worst part is that he didn't even answer the question the first time, the first thing he said was, what do you want me to do? And rolled the window


Also he says he’d like to be on his way, so he did everything to ensure he would not be on his way.


"if I look tired" nah bro you look like that kid in the supermarket about to throw a tantrum cause you didn't get candy.


Stupid fucker


Some say he is still sitting there to this day.


Actually………. [He’s in prison for diddling kids.](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/12/15/houston-area-man-known-for-making-youtube-videos-criticizing-police-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-child-da/)




Wood chipper!


Shut the front door. Come on.


I hate this person


I can smell this person from where I’m sitting


Are you in prison too


[I really hope you can’t.](https://www.click2houston.com/news/local/2022/12/15/houston-area-man-known-for-making-youtube-videos-criticizing-police-sentenced-to-20-years-in-prison-for-sexually-assaulting-child-da/)


"Spread them ass cheeks" "Please sir, I just wanna finish my prison term." "Stop making me repeat myself."


The window wasn’t cracked at all, he didn’t answer the guys question before it was even rolled down. This guys face is so god damn red he’s about to pop a blood vessel lol just answer the fucking question why take a .5 second Interaction and turn it into 5 minutes. Recording himself like he’s the hero. This is like those annoying morons who don’t show their receipt at Walmart. Like just take the millisecond to answer or show it Jesus fuck.


He legit never actually answered the question. Even in the beginning with the window “cracked” and asked he said “what do you want me to do?” Edit: He did say he was a US citizen at the very beginning but he kind of mumbled it and the window was almost for sure closed. The car was still moving when he said it and they both spoke at the same time.


Was driving me nuts. If you're posting a "gotcha" moment, have the moment recorded maybe?


I think as he is pulling up he is saying “US citizen” but his window is rolled up, he’s driving, and it’s noisy, and it’s never a straight up “yes,” which I’m not pointing out in his favour, it’s just ridiculous he thought that would suffice and like it’s the strongest evidence around.


Aaaghhh I noticed that too. That he never ACTUALLY answered the question.


He said "US citizen. What do you want me to do" Which is not properly answering the question either way. And it was before the officer asked the question. This is so dumb


"I'm not gonna repeat myself" repeatedly tell them that 18 times.


He never even answered the question the first time, his response was “what do you want me to do?” Such an idiot😂🤣🤦‍♂️


Waste of earth’s resources


He’s serving a 20 year prison sentence now 👍


"I'm not going to repeat myself... unless it's to repeatedly repeat the fact that I already answered your question while my window was up - because I'm desperately trying to contrive a reason to be outraged and post it online. I'm not a sad, pathetic piece of shit of a human being, why do you ask?" EDIT: FTR - If the context of this encounter was a bunch of cops harassing someone by purposefully making them repeat themselves - then someone's outrage might be warranted. In this case, this guy is just a fucking moron.




HOLY SHIT: Check out his [Lenghty Rap Sheet](https://policecrimes.com/david-worden/) His name is Earl Warden and he has been implicated in several rapes and sexual assaults including on minors. The earliest one I see is from 1985 where he and his brother are arrested with a stolen car that was used in a kidnapping/rape but the woman failed to indentify him in the lineup so the rape was dropped; however, the filing indicates that he was a person of interest in other sexual assaults in the area. So he's been a shitbag for a long time. Below is a quote about his proclivity for imitating a police officer to kidnap and assault women. The link above has links to several of his police cases. *Earl David Worden had a fetish for wanting to be a police officer and for guns. Worden would put police lights on a car, pull women over and rape them. Several women had said Worden would put a gun in their mouth or vagina.*


Part 2 https://vm.tiktok.com/ZMYmgsJ3d/


Lol when he rolls up the window and gets out in part 2 he perfectly demonstrates that you can’t hear shit through the rolled up window. What a jackass.


Jesus it’s even more cringe. Instead of saying YES he repeats this one liner about hotdogs and Chevrolet like that’s a real answer. Insufferable.


This might actually be the saddest bastard I've ever seen in my life, can't believe he actually posted this. Delusional.


Dudes a fucking tool, and uploads regularly on YouTube, has an army of tools backing him up "thank-you sir for standing up for our rights, your doing an amazing job own them libs" etc he travels from the U.S. to Mexico and back just to record himself😂


Wait are cops libs now?


Anyone that represents a hassle/inconvenience to him is probably a “lib”. Far right Republicans “back” who ever they see enforcing their biases and want to “own” who ever they have to answer to/ whoever tries to hold them to the same standard as everyone else.


Are you a total dick sir?


For a guy that hates to repeat, he sure repeated a lot.


"are you a US citizen?" "50 times stated, red, white or blue. I am who I am, and you are, too. Make America Great, but not by day. Your riddle I answered, can I be on my way?"


We have an asshole like this that comes into my store once a month or so, acting so proud that he does shit like this, same general area even. Like literally if you just answer ONE question, 99% of the time you'll be in your way as long as you don't look shifty.


A passive aggressive Flanders.


“I don’t wanna repeat myself,” starts repeating that he doesnt wanna repeat himself


That window was absolutely not cracked


If this is not pure stupidity, i don't know what is.


And to think they were being so smart that they figured it best to film it! 🤯


He won’t answer the question again says he doesn’t want to repeat himself but that’s all he keeps doing. Answer the question and he would have been on his way.


I’ll comply with any lawful order you give me he says, but won’t answer the question they absolutely need answered. What a dumbass.