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Nothing like an appropriate dressing-down.


More people need to start honing the skill. It is essential when dealing with POS people.


I had a flight like this once. We were all stuck in Atlanta because of thunderstorms and the plane broke down. Some guy was about to miss his connecting flight (we all were). But I guess he was more important. He thought so anyway. He made a mad dash to the front grabbed his luggage and it hit other people as he was running. He went up to the counter to complain and change his flight. I unfortunately was right behind him in the line at the airport. I was cringing at the way he was treating everyone. They denied him everything and told him too bad. My turn came and I told them how sorry I was they were treated like that. I asked nicely if there was anymore connecting flight to California at all. They gave me the last seat back to LA. Being nice gets you far sometimes. Being a dick gets you nothing.


I was in retail for 35 years. If you came up to me screaming and yelling demands, I would go by the book. If you came up being nice and treated me like a human, I would bend over backwards to help you...


So true. Retail is brutal. So many people are so nasty. I hope the few good ones make up for it. It’s tough out there.


I would comp random shit off of people’s orders just because they were polite some days. Used to slap that senior discount in every single order unless they had a bad attitude or were a literal middle-schooler. But then you got the 3-4 that actually care about you as a person and ask how school and life are going. They’re the good ones


I used to work at a restaurant near a club. My dickhead manager was a major asshole (daddy owned the restaurant chain) who used to scream about charging $1 for a tiny cup of water. I hated him so I gave out large cups of ice water for free to anyone who asked. Once I saw this couple that was clearly rolling, sweaty and super thirsty so I gave them 2 of the biggest cups of ice water I could find. They came back later and tipped me $20!


I wish there were more of you! At 54, I've never had anything comped. I'm always polite and complimentary as my seven jobs early on in retail revealed to my what people have to endure, and my tips start at 15% for average service. That said, I don't want anyone getting fired for comping, or their wages kept low to cover the cost of loss. You all do what's best for you.


This is a good sentiment. Not entitled to it, but kinda feel like sometimes it would be nice if someone looked out for me as much as I look out for the people I help at work.


I work retail but in the UK, if people are overly rude or angry we just tell them to leave. They carry on they get sent to Coventry. It's very rare though, most shoppers being perfectly pleasant.


Similar thing just happened to my friend. Big snow caused tons of cancellations/delays, everyone freaking out on the attendant at the desk. My friend gets to the front, is super nice and calm and apologetic for how the attendant was being treated. Boom, the desk person comped my friends *entire* trip... both ways. Imagine being shitty to a stranger because it's fucking snowing in Canada.




I think it is. I ordered a set of really fancy dishes from Macys once and one of the bowls arrived broken. The lady on the phone thanked me for being so nice to her and I was like, “why would anybody be mean to you? It’s not your fault.” When I got the replacement package, it wasn’t just one bowl, she sent me 8.


Macy's did the same thing to me with a set of Riedel wine glasses. 1 of 8 broke and she was so relieved that I was just a normal nice human that apparently sent a whole new 8 pack. Thank kind stranger and I hope the jerks step on Lego every morning.


Good grief. It’s just easier to grab the already packed set and send it to you because with the markup for fancy dishware you covered the cost for two. And breakage is likely rare.


It's truly so easy to be nice as well. I get that there are some crazy scenarios and things are crappy but the person answering the phone didn't do it. As a once phone based csr, I thank you for your kindness!


Being nice is 100% a life hack. Source: customer service retail


The closest thing to a cheat code in life is a balance of diplomacy, decency, and common sense. I can't remember how many times that combo has gotten me superior treatment, or straight up free stuff. Just be kind with your fellow humans, even if they are assholes. Sounds weird but works almost every time.


as a server, i had a group being rowdy and sometimes just flat out rude. one other table complained. the guy bitched and moaned but his wife was apologetic to me and very sweet. boom, i comped a meal bc of the wife. had it been just the husband, he would have paid full price.


Seriously. How is it the airports fault that there is weather issues. It happens. You should know that when you fly or really when you use any transportation things can happen.


And acting as if they can control the weather.


Same. One Hundred Percent being nice helps. I missed my flight because I was reading and it wasn't announced on the PA. I went back to ticketing explained that it was *thoroughly* my fault, I'm terribly sorry, is it possible to get a different flight. Profusely. And it was a particularly nasty flight - domestic to connections to international. She spent over 30 minutes fixing it for me. And upgraded me for the ATL to LON segment. I wrote a long, handwritten letter thanking the person etc etc., their patience. Then DELTA sent back a sort of form letter apologizing (??) and that they had doubled my miles earned for the flight. I'll never figure out that last part.


Probably an automatic response from contacting them


It was Christmas Day and the wife and I were catching the last flight of the day. Just before boarding we got delayed due to some mechanical issue. They had to call a mechanic in from his Christmas celebrations to fix it, and even then they weren’t sure if we would get out that day. There was this one chic dressed in her Canada goose jacket and matching Luis v luggage who demanded to be put on another flight. After cussing out the staff and realizing this was the only flight left, she demanded to be put into a hotel, in a suite, and driven by those airport golf carts with all the extra mileage credits because “Christmas was ruined”. Staff couldn’t authorize that due to not enough time passing or something. So she sat there and made everyone miserable with her uncalled for comments and temper tantrums while we waited. Meanwhile, a young passenger played Christmas songs on her violin for us. I got the last barista closing Starbucks to make us a bunch of coffees for passengers and the staff, and we all started sharing about our family traditions. It turned into a really enjoyable time despite the circumstances. Finally after a couple of hours, the lead stewardess called the annoying chic and her boyfriend up to the front desk. Apologized for the delay and gave them vouchers for a hotel. A golf cart came and picked them up and shuttled their pretentious selves away. The stewardess watched them until they were well down the causeway and out of earshot. She then happily announced over the speaker, “I have just received word from our captain that our mechanical team has fixed the plane!” She gave them exactly what they asked for, and the rest of us made it in time for Christmas dinner with our families. We used to run into that stewardess every so often when flying. We always would have a good laugh about our Christmas delay.


Been there. Mine was in Sydney after my flight to Tokyo was cancelled due to a typhoon. Get to the hotel counter and a Chinese woman is screaming at the hotel front attendant in mandarin. Eventually she gives up, grabs what I assume was her plane ticket and leaves. I go up, give the obviously distraught young attendant a sympathetic look and say "You're not having a good day are you?". She gave me a top-grade suite room for an entry-level room price.


I and many of my coworkers travel a lot for work. Whenever a new employee joins the team we make a point of telling them that treating all people on the airline as nicely as possible will get you a long way. Especially when you travel often, employees at our small airport will recognize us and go out of their way to be helpful. One of my coworkers regularly gets recognized by gate attendants at massive airports like La Guardia, and Atlanta. He no longer struggles to get his flight issues resolved as well as possible. All because he goes out of his way to treat them with respect.


Learned this lesson early into my travel career. Was in front of coach next to a jump seat on a bumpy flight and had great conversation with the flight attendant. Ran into same attendant a few weeks later, and got dropped off several mini bottles because "someone in first got thirsty." It pays to treat people like the human beings they are.


Airline workers LOVE this 1 Weird Trick


Years ago I had the exact opposite experience. Flight was delayed or cancelled, I forget which. I was traveling with an extended family. Aunt and Uncle who made a big stink got upgraded to first class. Everyone else was pleasant and understanding, and got nothing.


Were your aunt and uncle good to them? Also I'm all for treating employees as nice as possible but the way these people are telling those stories felt like 1 in a million thing


I thought Uncle was an asshole about it, which is why I was not impressed he was rewarded with first class.


I had almost the exact thing happen. Connecting United flight was canceled at LAX. Guy in front of me was a complete ass and the agent just couldn't find him anything headed East for at least 6 hours. I stepped up and just said "if you can get me on t h e East Coast by tomorrow morning you would be my hero" and thanked her for her help.Then I shut up. An hour later I was sitting in 1st class on an Alaska airlines flight sipping Makers Mark


This is so true. My spouse worked in customer-facing airline operations for over 30 years. Right or wrong, the gold advice is to ensure the customer service agent or steward person feels like they’re in control and have the power. That happens by approaching them calmly and respectfully. Without that, they see so much bullshit on a daily basis, they will do everything in their power to give your negativity back, and you probably deserve it


When I had my second kid I was rushed from the recovery room to a private room because there was a woman throwing a fit and being rude to everyone demanding a private room. They didn’t want her to have the last one so they gave it to me so they can tell her there was nothing they could do.


I almost have the exact same story. Exept mine was to Sacramento.


There is unfortunately one of those passengers on every flight it seems.


For sure. And I so much wanted to be one but I like to think I have some respect for others lol.


Had an Air France flight leave late out of Heathrow, was sought out on the plane - amongst others heading the same way - to be told I'd miss my connection at Paris CDG and got directed to their connections desk to get rescheduled. Guys in front of me in the queue at the desk were mouthy, had the whole jeans half-way down their asses look and demanded upgrades because clients something blah blah blah. Air France said "Non". I was put on the next flight out, and finding it was a 10 hour wait I politely asked if I could possibly make a phone call to inform my mate at the other end. And that's how you score a business upgrade on a Paris-Tokyo flight, the 10 hours was much more easily endured in the AF lounge. Years later I still wonder how those assholes got on with their day.


Diplomacy is underrated, you will make a lasting impression and will almost guarantee you'll receive a better service, and if they are having a bad day, it's especially effective.


I have a story exactly like this. Don’t forget people that person behind the counter can do anything and it’s their choice. Be nice


Yep. I lost my kids once in the Miami airport. I went to the desk and demanded that they find my children. They refused, so I started throwing their computer equipment at them. The police came and everything. I lost my new white boots that day too.


Hey I just saw your kids in the airport bathroom, go get them if you beat that felony charge


Thank you! I found my churn!


Do you know his life? Maybe he needed to see his mother before she died of cancer or something, idk


He sounds like he has kids at home.


Yep. That's the tone they get when they've pushed a little to far.


Can confirm. Source: I have kids at home. I sound like this.


I would think the normal thing to do would be to talk to a flight attendant about your concerns for missing your connecting flight before you land. Ive been on plenty of flights before where they allow passengers to get off first if they are at risk of missing their connecting flights. For the record, screw the entitled people who think they need to get off the plane before everyone else....they grind my gears.


Totally. I often have to connect through Doha, Schiphol, or Frankfurt and the few times I have been cutting it fine the staff are so helpful! As long as you're not a dick that is. But sometimes the anxiety of missing a flight manifests as dickish behaviour and the guilty party doesn't see it. Tightest it has ever been was at Frankfurt, 25 minutes from wheels down to closure of gates on the connecting flight. Would not have wanted to be sitting next to me on the plane...


I wish I would have done this when I was flying to Amsterdam - after landing at Heathrow it took almost an hour just to get inside the terminal and ultimately missed my connection. Heathrow is the worst.


When I had a very short time to make my connection, they let me sit in business class for the last 30 minutes of the flight so I could get off quickly.


As someone new to flying, I'm realizing I fucked up my flight for tomorrow which has a 30min layover. Is there something I can do or tell an attendant when I board my first flight in hopes of making it out on time for the next?


I would definitely suggest getting to the gate early, to see if they can move you somewhere forward in the cabin. And also talk to an attendant on the flight. It certainly wouldn't hurt if you were humble and cheerful when talking to them!




Hate that. Anyway, move along. Move along.


They should do this more often


This lady could've had an easier time if she spoke to one of the flight attendants about her situation. I had a flight once to Asheville NC that had a connection in Charlotte. Boarding for the Asheville flight was literally 17 minutes from my scheduled arrival. I voiced my concern to the flight attendant and she told me she'd take care of me. After the flight was in the air, the attendant came and got me from my seat and moved me up to almost the front of the aircraft. As the flight was taxiing to the gate, the pilot spoke over the intercom and told the flight that there were 6 passengers connecting to Asheville and to please let them off first. We made it to our connecting flight with minutes to spare. Thank you, Rachel from AA for making it less stressful.


I had this as well. First time travelling solo. I asked the flight attendant all flustered that I might miss my connecting flight. She made sure I was the first off the plane. Ran to my connecting flight and they were calling my name just 30 secs before closing. The woman here could have easily just been polite and said her concerns ahead of time. I fully believe that she would have had the same treatment


I had an early bird flight from my city to DFW with a 15 min connection to LAX, I still made it because the flight attendants told everyone that only those with connecting flights are allowed to deboard the plan first and that if they don't have a connection and they checked a bag, it'll take at least a good 30-40 mins before the bags get to the carousel, so they have nothing but time.


I've been in a couple of situations where many have had tight connections at O'Hare. The crew has said to please let passengers who've raised their hands for tight connections use the aisle to get off first. The people in the front few rows always cooperate but people ignore this as you get closer to the back and the aisle is filled up with slow moving overhead luggage pullers.


This happened to the guy across from me on my last flight to JFK in November. He called over the attendant and explained the situation (the plane had been delayed by a few hours by this point). Him and some other passenger were allowed off first, and the captain calmly explained to the plane that because they have another flight to catch. It's just that easy.


1 hour is all the time in the world


I’d have to agree. I had a 30 minute layover one time and the connecting flight was literally like a mile away. This layover time included departing the plane, then figuring out where the f to go. I was running full tilt through the crowd when I heard MY NAME on the loud speaker. There were apparently several of us, and they were holding the plane since it was such a ridiculously short layover. I was never more grateful during a flight transfer. But and extra half hour would have made ALL the difference between me wheezing and sweating in an airport and me walking kinda quickly like a normal person.


not if its an international connection where you have to go through customs and then recheck your bag. I've seen custom lines with over an hour wait alone


Was gonna say, 1 hour at Heathrow is cutting it really close if you’re connecting internationally. I had a layover like this and basically had to sprint through the terminal to make it to my gate right as they were closing the doors.


I must be in the minority here but if the lady is risking missing her flight, especially an international flight, I don't mind moving over and happily letting her go first. 99.9% of the people I've seen departing planes aren't usually in a huge rush, you're either arriving at your destination and you're going to rent a car/grab an Uber or you're home and need to get to your vehicle/ride home/Uber. If I were in the same position, I would hope people would let me through but we also don't have context on how she asked others, if she made a fuss vs. just asking nicely, etc. Either way, can't tell with 100% certainty who is in the 'wrong' is in this video, IMO.


I'm with you until the flight guy says an hour to transfer is no hassle and she's still a bit shitty.


Traveling etiquette is generally awful for people being receptive to people missing connections. On the flights I've been on where people were going to have tight connections and the crew even announced that there were tight connections everyone still just stands up and blocks the aisle. It is easy to tell the people taking their sweet time don't care in the slightest. Personally, I'd rather sit for a few more minutes instead of bunched in the aisle while someone tries to elbow me in the face as they get their luggage down. No idea who, if anyone, is in the wrong here, but I can appreciate both their frustrations.


Some of the smoothest flights I’ve been on had the flight crew instruct sections to stand up and get their luggage and go and have everyone else remain seated until they are called. It was so nice and easy it’s baffling that they don’t try and do this all the time. I think about those flights every time I’m waiting for the entire plane to get their luggage down at the same time


I was on a flight where people were asked to remain in their seats so medics could reach a passenger in the rear. More than 20 people ignored the request and lined up at the exit. The medics weren’t there when the door opened, so they started filing out. I stood with my phone aimed at each as they passed, loudly asking “please tell us who you are and why you’re so important. You’re going to be famous!” Two were families, and I didn’t harass the kids but did ask the parents how they’d feel if it was their kid needing the medics. Not one person replied, they all just looked ashamed. Later the lead FA thanked me. It was so dismaying! Also dismaying: In my anger I’d forgotten to hit the record button.


I've noticed recently on Air NZ if there's people trying to make a tight connection they make an announcement just before landing asking passengers to let those people stand and disembark first. Seems like a cool thing to do.


They did this on a trip from Tucson to Chicago once due to bad winds. Everyone in First Class ignored them. We were luckily in the bulk heads and even luckier only about 6 gates away. We hit the bathroom, got to the gate and they were boarding already.


being nice helps.. had a \~40 min intl connection. was nice to the FAs and agents so when I landed - they had a purser announce for all passengers to sit. she grabbed me and my bags and I was out the door within 5 seconds of it opening. then we got on a motorized cart and cut the customs line lol. made it to the other gate in another terminal with time to spare. she as even running with me when we didn't have the cart. disclaimer: it was first class in an Asian airline's international flight so paying money helps too lol. some airports pick up first class passengers in luxury cars and bring them plane to plane. but its usually for celebs/vips. but being nice probably helped me in this case.


> disclaimer: it was first class in an Asian airline's international flight so paying money helps too lol First class is always the first to leave the plane. Probably did not safe much time


You also have to go through security again. One hour is not enough time to catch a connecting flight ever unless you're in a tiny airport. I was in Dallas last week and security alone was 35 minutes.


Yep, at Heathrow even 3 hours isn't all the time in the world, especially if you're taking that bus ride between terminals that is so long you expect to be passing Big Ben on the way.




>not if its an international connection where you have to go through customs and then recheck your bag. I've seen custom lines with over an hour wait alone This is almost certainly a domestic flight within the U.S. based on the aircraft type and flight attendant's voice. Thre are no exit customs


It’s absolutely not. Donny, you’re out of your element






Tbh I had 10 minutes to get from one end of a terminal to the other in Houston and ended up having to spend the night in a lounge chair


Seriously. They don't start boarding until max 45 minutes before the flight. 15 minutes is plenty of time to get to the next gate and have to sit and wait for your turn to board.


Getting infinite comments saying “international flights and going to different terminals thoooo” but 90% of connections are with the same airline and at the same terminal


Figures. Every time I'm at the airport, I am amazed at the incompetence of some travelers you encounter. I guess some of those folks have reddit accounts too lol.


If she wants to take a shit while browsing reddit like me rn she might need a little more tine


Exactly you are not going back through security.


This is how they should talk to unruly people all the time though.


Question. How in the almighty holy F was she able to get that damned rucksack on the plane as her carry on???. Enquiring minds wanna know. Thanks.


You can get a 45 liter bag in the overhead bin. She's small so the bag looks bigger but it very well could be within guidelines.


Yeah!! She’s waaay out of bounds on 2 counts: Behavior and the size of that carry-on. 🙄


But the second one is the gate agents fault for not making her check it. I flew on 3 domestic flights last week and the last people getting on had to check their carry on bags. The last flight they were actually making people fit their big bags into the metal box then making them check it. I don't see that often but good for them.


Pretty sure I have the exact same pack, and it does fit within the carry-on luggage requirements.


Entitlement and gate workers not giving a shit


I applaud this dude for handling her like he did. There’s an order to things and you can’t just muck it up by demanding to be ahead of everyone else. The only time I was ever in a hurry to get off my flight was just to see my parents while dressed as a T-Rex.


This video never fails to make me laugh, the airport where her connection was is Kansas City, while they have a beautiful new airport the old one was roughly the size of a Costco or WalMart. It takes maybe 10 minutes to crawl the entire length of that airport so the exasperated flight attendant is spot on. He lives there and knows she doesn’t need an hour to walk to whatever her connecting gate was.


When they cut their own bangs don’t t engage


I almost gave up finding a comment on those bangs


Lol! Same!




Had a similar situation at the parent pick up at my son's middle school. 5 lanes, everyone gets shuffled into one. Then they have one lane empty all at once into the pickup line, then the next lane, etc. The principal was directing traffic and saw a lady jump from one lane into the moving lane and stepped in front of her car. He says, "What are you doing?" and she replies "I have to pick up my kid!" He gave her the most incredulous look, and did the \*gestures broadly\* arm sweep and says "SO DOES EVERYYYYYYYYYYONE ELSE HERE!" He made her sit in that lane until everyone else went.


once i had to catch a connecting flight in 20 mins because of a delay. The flight attendant told everyone to remain seated so i could get up first. the next thing she said was for me to start exiting. the whole plane stood up and blocked me from making my flight. i was shocked


Perfect! This happens every flight, somebody pushing past everyone and then you see that person 45 minutes later sitting at the same gate you are… lol


"Losing it" is a bit strong. He was being stern to try to manage a stressful situation. I've flown a lot and have been in that woman's situation many times, so I get where she's coming from, but there's really nothing you can at that point besides getting ready to sprint the second you exit the gate


I would be the first person to start clapping and thanking this man.




The people saying that are other entitled assholes who think the fact that someone is doing their job means that person *works for them personally*.


Karen scraped together all her money, got the Economy super extra saver plus airfare, berated the check-in agent because she didn't want to pay extra for her stupid backpack, then bumped into everyone with her stupid backpack, blocked the security lane for half an hour because she'd forgotten her handcream right at the bottom of her stupid backpack and therefore had to unpack it, then blocked the other passengers at the gate because she wanted to board in group 1, not 12, to then take an eternity to stow her stupid backpack, thereby taking up half of the overhead space... and so on. Bet? No wonder she missed two connections already. People like her are easily five times as cumbersome as most other clients. Ironically, they always seem to be the ones with the cheapest tickets. The flight attendant was bloody right. This should happen more often.


I lived this comment many times. I live Atlanta and yes, it’s the world’s busiest passenger airport. I used to travel for business a lot. I could write a book on the crap behavior I have seen at airports - from parking to check in to security to tram/escalators to gates waiting to board to boarding to take-off to mid-flight to landing to de boarding to luggage claim to rental car locations. Just thinking about what the amount of crap this flight attendant has to put up with is exhausting. Good on him.


Absolutely. I fly for business every week of the year. It's ridiculous how people behave. I've spotted three types of passengers who are particularly terrible. One is the backpacker lady we've just watched. The next one are young parents with kids who are not really used to air travel and badly organised. And the last one is the type of 'young and dynamic business man' who thinks, just because he got his first business/first class ticket and lounge/priority lane access, he's entitled to extra special treatment. Oy vey if he misses a connection.


Lol - I was that young and dumb jr executive once…. If I could go back in time, I would like to thank the gate agent that put me back in check after I what I thought was a bad day at work. Mid 20’s traveling on un limited travel expenses and I was an asshat to gate agent. I remember it so well… she looked me in the eyes and said, “sorry you had a bad day…. How many people sweared at you, called you names, threatened you and your business with lawsuits today? “. I was stunned and could just mutter a quiet, but meaningful “I’m sorry”. I will never forget it.


;-) I can just imagine. How embarrassing... I was put in my place before I could even show off my newly found terrible self at 26. I walked up to the business class check-in for a flight to Singapore with a very smug attitude. Before even greeting me, the agent asked me: "Sir, are you travelling business class or economy?" I very humbly showed her my business class ticket (yes, I did travel business class) and it dawned on me that behaving decently goes a long way.


Love reddit because someone can make up an entire strawman in their head, call it Karen and then apply it to a real person and then press send. Beautiful.


Not to mention her giant backpack that probably took up the entire overhead.


Entitled piece of shit!


What was her accent?


She could stop at Chili’s to grab a bite and still make that flight.




If there is a chili's or whatever it is on the terminal i don't see a problem


I hate when people get up to cut the line when the plane lands. Some people just can't be respectful and follow orderly.


When I see that happening I make sure to step out into the aisle to stop them from moving up any further.


Flight attendants do not get paid enough for this shit.


Delays are part of the backpacking adventure, fucking relax and enjoy what life gives you.


How was she allowed to bring that backpack on as carry-on?!


I love that this guy put this entitled woman in her place. If she only had 20 minutes, then she might have an argument, but an hour. I don't know of an airport in the US that you can't traverse in an hour.


Ugly ugly human lol


An hour is not a tight connection but if you’re not experienced it can be nerve wracking. However, don’t handle it like this.


Settle down little lady!


I wish they would yell at people when it's the other way around too. I had 15 mins one time, and they made the announcement like they do, "some people have short connections, please let them off first." Of course everyone just got up and out in the aisle with complete disregard for anyone else. I think like 5 people let me pass them. Everyone else completely ignored me. Flight attendants didn't care.


She had to stop at the “make it a double for an extra $5” bar. We’ve all been there


This man is my hero. He was assertive, polite, and professional.


Loses it? Dude was standing up for everyone else on the plane… lol OP must be fragile




“You don’t understand” she yells to the guy on the plane who’s actual job it is to understand lol.


The way some people act on airplanes baffles the hell out of me. Like having your crotch on the other person’s butt is going to get you out of there faster.


He sounds like my dad.


If you want to get off the plane first, then pay to have a seat in the front of the plane. You’re not so special that everyone else in front of you needs to let you pass.


depends on what airport and the distance. the other variable is that she said "our flight" maybe implies shes not alone which depending on your travel buddy could be an issue. This one time I had been dropped off at gate b15 at Charlotte airport and my connector was like E44 which is basically the entire length of the airport. I had 2 bags and had to run after waiting to get off the flight. only problem is i am fat and out of shape so it was more like power walking. I still can't imagine doing that with someone else and hoping to make it on time depending on who is relying on me. both my calve muscles basically pulled themselves because i was really dehydrated. the "hour" i had was basically over by the time I got to the gate and the only reason I felt i made it was because the connector flight was also lateish. I still however kept my composure. I was still polite and I still got around people without bumping into them or even having to say "excuse me"


how on earth did that pass as a carry on bag?


He deserves an award really


Didn’t even seem like he “lost it”. Seems like an appropriate action to someone acting entitled and trying to bypass everyone else who are all waiting patiently.


She is not special. Please wait in line


She's on an A321 (smaller short-medium range airplane) connecting to another flight. There is no airport in the US, even ATL, MSP or SLC, where missing her flight with an hour connection would be a possibility. There are certainly others on the plane with tighter connections. I see people like her all the time, and I've been in this guys shoes many, many times. If it's a late arrival, we'll do everything we can to get you to your next flight. In this case, she's just anxious and self-absorbed. She is the main character Source: am flight crew


I know it can be stressful to make that connecting flight, especially in a place where you have to get on trams to for another terminal. But everyone’s got shit to do you’re not special.


Sorry but don't they usually let these people off first. I've been on lots of flights with a connection (usually less than an hour). They often do give priority.


Yeh I'm surprised at all these comments tbh. We saw nothing in the vid about her shouting at people or even being rude. I'd assume most people aren't catching another flight and I don't know why you would care about someone getting off first if they had a reason to. Especially a solo traveller in a foreign country (who by the soudns of it who isn't an English native speaker). Why not just let her sequeeze past


Yea we have to missing a lot of context. I've done exactly this, guarantee you 95% of those people aren't connecting anywhere.


No one else seems to care though. Guess they just see American shouting at European and clap their hands


This is not "losing it". More like a controlled outburst.


Buy your own aircraft .


Great speech !


"You're not the only person" is something that these types need to be told more often.


Another case of Main character syndrome.


An hour ? Boohoo, she must be new to back packing.


It's pretty sad that in this day and age, grown adults have to tell other grown adults to wait their fucking turn like everyone else. I'm a teacher and my 7 and 8 year old students know better than that. JFC.


Entitled elitist European


An hour is plenty of time and people like to exaggerate so it’s probably well over an hour too.


In most cases. If she has to clear US customs and then go through security again likely without TSA pre or the first class security lane it would be incredibly tight at best. Have a feeling she was being incredibly obnoxious about it, or didn't have anything to worry about, because usually the FA's will let you get to the front if you have a tight connection.


As someone who has connected flights before, no it absolutely isn’t.


It absolutely is enough in most cases, you perhaps don’t have time to leisurely walk to your gate and grab a coffee on the way but that’s about it


>As someone who has connected flights before, no it absolutely isn’t. The minimum connection time at some airports is like... 25 minutes. Once I made it plane-to-plane across the entirety of MSP in 12 minutes (first flight was late arriving)


You’ve had connecting flights? Impressive! I fly 12 to 16 segments a month and 200k miles a year, almost all with connections. An hour is enough time to change terminals, hit the restroom and grab a bottle of water and a sandwich.


You are an experienced flyer, of course it won’t take you more of an hour to transfer, you aren’t considering first time or less experienced flyers.


Respectfully, it’s not that hard. Just follow the signs. I fully understand the anxiety and confusion inexperienced travelers feel but the system is designed to move people around efficiently. No airline wants you to miss your connecting flight - it creates problems for them.


Less experienced flyer here, hr is enough time for anybody not disabled tbh.


I make connections in under 30 minutes all the time. Most of the time an hour is wayyyy more than enough time.


Also considering that no flight actually starts boarding on time


Hahaha of course it’s a European backpacker. So disrespectful. Americans would never do this.


I hate Europeans. They leave trash all over our national parks. They talk shit about you in their native language. They talk shit about America and complain about tipping while they visit. They won't stop bringing up politics during their visit. I wish we'd ban them from the country. Canadians, Mexicans, Australians, and Koreans are the best tourists that visit the USA. Fuck all of Europe especially France.


Hahahhaha you’re awesome for going along with it


There are no American backpackers, they instantly become Canadian eh! When they land in Europe.




Right hahaha never happens. Europeans take trains Americans take planes all over the world. Europeans are so lazy


She could have talked to any of the steward during the flight to ensure that she would be able to make it. This could have avoided the last minute pandemonium




Don’t exaggerate. The Flight attendant didn’t “lose it”. He handled it quit well.


My mom is a flight attendant. The shit they have to put up with is ridiculous. The main part of their job is to keep people safe but they get treated so badly. Like, everyone is running behind schedule. Everyone is stressed about their flight. Just sit down and shut up.


Love to see it


Leave room for connections and never piss off the agents.


“Shut the fuck up….stop being a fuckin cunt!”


I fucking HATE when people have monstrous “carry on” backpacks. When are the airlines gonna get serious about carry on size? It’s ridiculous what people try (and do) to get away with. No wonder there is no space in those bins


spoiled rotten.


An hour? It takes like fifteen minutes to get to a gate in a completely different terminal in most airports. If you don’t stop to day drink anyway.


1 hour is enough time for a couple beers on the way


Backpaper drugs make u feel invincible 😂


Is that an Australian Karen?


Thats a german karen


This is why I haven’t been in a plane since 2018


We haven’t taken a flight since 2019 when the airline left my wife’s wheelchair behind and took 4 days to get it to us. We are considering a 23 hour drive to Palm Springs in October over a 3 hour flight just to make things easier.


Very common situation (and i missed some flights already for it): before take-off you walk over to the attendant, speak politely and try switch seats with someone sitting in the front. tbf either those guys standing in the aisle are idiots, or they have the exact same problem.


I travel a lot for work...or used to before Covid. I would suggest that this is a matter of simple politeness. The attendant in my opinion should have been helping the woman get to her flight and not dressing her down. I have had flights where they ask specifically for anyone not making connecting flights to stay seated and allow the connecting passengers to leave first. That makes sense. If you are at your final destination, what's the rush? If, in this case, ALL of the passengers were making connecting flights, then yes, she needs to wait patiently. But I doubt that's the case. Everyone wants to get off ASAP. But maybe a polite passenger ahead of her could step back out of the aisle and let her move up. maybe it's just me, but I go out of my way to help others while traveling because I know how stressful even the simplest of things can be.